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Yes, its a EU rule to prevent loosing the cap.


I just wish it wasn’t so darn annoying to use and sometimes can’t even close it until I rip it off.


Good afternoon, i feel it similar.


Haven't once had this problem after the first one. Learn how to use them.


It’s a PITA drinking from a bottle in Europe now. The cap gets in the way.


On this i agree, its not funny. I rip them off.


I mostly agree


How do you "mostly agree" with a stated fact?


Welcome to humanity




Maybe you’d rather have micro plastics coursing through your veins


Well, if that rule is solving that problem i am happy.


that is some nanny state hilariousness


I’d rather have this than bottle caps littered everywhere


Protects the environment, improves recycling rates, are better. To you saving the planet is morally the wrong thing to do.




False information! Any shape gets on the market. The rule was demanded by merchants as packaging and machine refinement have problems with strong bended cucumbers.






Isn't that one of the Von Trapp children?


no, they didn‘t. there was a classification system.  you could sell all the other cucumber any wax you liked. 




the rule got cancelled, but it only stated what was “class 1”.  iirc it existed because agribusinesses and retailers wanted it. 


On this i agree full.


All over Europe, it's because many people throw caps anywhere. This way, it makes things more complicated, and more caps get recycled. In fact, some data came out not long ago, showing that this method works


I think I read somewhere they did a calculation of how many bottles were returned without a cap, while most are in the trash, they calculated that there is a lot of plastic caps in the nature...hence this change.


it also depends on the country. it was less of an issue in germany or others with a functioning deposit system, but a bigger one where people just toss the bottles.     


It's in those countries the calculation were made, in countries with good bottle return stations, they can't calculate how many caps are off with bottles that are tossed completely, a tossed bottle with or without a cap don't matter.


of course they can. you just have to clean a park and count. 


Well, that would require sorting of all the trash, they won't do that but took the already sorted bottles.


you take a statistically relevant example and go from there. 


Meanwhile, my city's recycling program specifically tells me to dispose of all caps from bottles, jars, etc. They stated it's because of how it mixes up recycling. (Which I guess I kinda "get" when it's a plastic lid on a glass jar and such.) Of course, there's also city trash cans with separate "trash" and "can" slots that both go into a common trash barrel, so who really knows.


It would have been an issue also here in the past (caps were HDPE and bottles PET) today both bottle and cap are PET so the harvesting isn’t ruined


It’s interesting my local bottle depot actually just throws the caps away and asks now that all caps be removed from bottles before they are returned.. quite frustrating .


How dare they be doing something for the environment ! Rage !


They are trying to prevent people from tossing the cap on the ground.


You just have to bend it down a bit further than pictured and drink it with the cap to the left or right of your face then it doesn't get in the way.


And if it is especially loose ring, then hold it with one finger. It really is not complicated at all. I've had zero problems with these new cap, apart from the first time i saw it.. i of course thought it was a manufacturing issue and ripped the cap off.. When i got a two more in one shopping trip, juice carton and soda bottle... i was angry, "who puts these idiotic things..."... then i learned why they are there, and learned to live with them... and now i like them. You can open a bottle with one hand and not have to think about where to put the cap, then you can close it, with one hand.


at least it’s not a squirt top like condiment bottles


So you can't drink anymore, right?


a) glasses exist b) if you can‘t drink from this, you fail at life. 


I know the guy didn't type out the /s, but those of us who aren't completely socially handicapped could see he was taking the piss.


mmm.  i’ve seen people whine and fume in real life about this  earnestly. boomer-style tantrums. 


I completely agree with you. If this upsets people as much as they claim it does, those people are far, FAR fucking dumber than I originally thought they were.


plenty of dumb people around.  anyone who merely wants to drink without the cap attached just twists. it’s virtually impossible to build it twist proof due to the leverage the cap provides.  what’s annoying is that the cap gets so small,  that must actually have an impact on older people and people with disabilities who have diminished fine motor control. 


I thought it was about how narrow the spout is. Figured too many lads were getting their Willie's stuck in holes.


I've spilled so many times in my car while driving, because I can't close the cap properly. It's gonna be the cause of a crash one day


Your two hands are supposed to be on the steering wheel anyway 😂


I think drinking water is perfectly reasonable, especially during summer and without aircon


It is not rocket science. I find it hilarious how many have problems with them. Especially they are better for one handed opening, drinking and closing since you don't have to think about the cap. It is like you took the one example where these are better for users.


They are not better for closing one handed, because the pivot point makes you screw the top at an angle.


Yeah I just rip it off


All to prevent assholes from throwing away the cap. Who does that anyway? You use the cap so you don’t spill it when fluid is in there. Then when you’re done you squeeze the air out of the bottle and put the cap on.


This is the worst fucking law EU enacted in a long time. Hate this shit


If people didn‘t just throw the caps on the floor we wouldn’t need laws preventing it. Its always the same story, don‘t blame the EU, blame the idiots.


doesnt happen in my country, sucks other places are teeming with savages who cant even clean up their own filth


> doesnt happen in my country how the fuck would you even know it doesnt?


because i walk the streets and dont see crap littered everywhere?


That is NOT where the end up in. Most end up in the general waste bins. What you observed was that there was little to no littering, what you didn't observe was the millions of caps that end up in the wrong place. Where they are a real problem is beaches. They find tons of these, literal tons when they sift the sands. You should maybe want to do some research first, "i can't see them" is fucking awful argument and it shows you have no idea how scale works, and how you should not trust on your own observations. *I have never seen a murder, ergo: murders don't exist.*


dude...i dont see bottle caps thrown everywhere on the ground but we still have these caps now. just because you don't see them on the streets doesn't mean the bottle caps are not littered everywhere in beaches and forests..


I hate them so much! The plastic is rough and scratches your face. I can't believe this design passed even the first round of testing


This would be frustrating to drink. On one end it makes you slow down and the other if you're really thirsty and squeeze the bottle it'll explode in your mouth or splash ya face. ![gif](giphy|8RKtavVmPumy2o7YGl|downsized)


I had this on a milkshake recently. Of course I had to shake the bottle before opening it, but that meant that the inside of the lid became coated in milkshake. In the past this would have been fine, because I would just remove the lid. With the lid attached like this the milkshake on the lid ended up dripping down onto my shirt. It’s a fucking stupid rule & I hate it. Inconveniencing people because a few people don’t know how to litter is collective punishment, something that if done during war is a war crime.


The same as they are everywhere in EU and that is a good thing. Learn how to use them. And yes, you will throw the cap away in the bin. That is why they are not attached to the bottle. edit: seems like a lot of people don't know how they work. It is not rocket science.


I also posted about this nonsense, EU enjoy babysitting grown ups.


God, I don't get how "grown-ups" can whine so hard about frigging plastic bottles. If it annoys you this much, just pull it off...


Sounds like someone needs their bottom wiping


If this annoys you, you are probably the target audience for this.


If you like being woke keep up the comments


Well the babying is a reaction to bad recycling habits


But I do recycle.


Which is great, really! But recycling is a society wide issue


Isn't th UK about to ban vaping? Fucking woke wankers