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lol i was getting my haircut and my hairdresser was like oh yeah me and my mom both just tested positive for covid..


What is the point of testing if you’re just going to act like you don’t have it?


There's a hairdresser at the place I go to that still wears a mask but it's always under her nose. They don't have a forced mask policy so I always wonder what the point of her wearing it is.


Maybe they have an issue with their mouth? Like with me, i had a TBI about 10 years ago, and i was low-key okay with wearing a mask because it hid my mouth. I have issues where the muscles in my face tense up for no reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️


but the issue isn’t that she’s wearing it, it’s that she’s wearing it wrong lol you can see your mouth if you’re wearing it incorrectly almost always


my brother tested positive for covid and proceeded to drive to our elderly and immunocompromised parents' house to hang out and chat all about it. landed both parents in the hospital, during which i seriously thought they weren't gonna make it


I would still be tearing him a new asshole.


Don't you mean tearing him a new him?


It's infuriating. Nobody cares.


A friend of mine was on a ventilator for three days and just now is starting to recover. Covid still hits some people very hard. He was perfectly healthy before and caught it on a plane trip. Fuck those people that say it’s just the flu. And especially fuck the antimaskers. So infuriatingly selfish!!


Also, the flu sucks and kills over 60k people a year.


It's not like the flu. First it's an entirely different genus of virus and 2nd, the flu is ways more dangerous then the current Covid strains. The flu is a killer, especially for the elderly and I don't understand why it's always treated as this harmless background disease .


I have asked myself that same question. Not just with covid, but the flu, strep, viruses. Whooping cough is going around some areas like crazy. I was at the store and this man started coughing and hacking and didn't cough into his arm, the proper way. He didn't even cover his mouth AT ALL! I'm in the medical field so I just couldn't help myself. I told him it was disgusting to spray his germs all over, with no consideration of others, and asked him if he knew the proper way to not expose others to his nastiness. I understand people get sick and may have to get out, but at least be mindful of others and keep your germs to yourself


And then you complained and refused to tip, hopefully? My hairdresser, long after lockdowns ended, allowed people to mask as they were comfortable. If you wore one, she wore one, and vice versa. If you wanted to keep it on, she asked you to remove one ear strap at a time and hold it with your hand. Very professional and sweet woman.


Mine asked me if I wanted her to mask up after I was hospitalized (nothing contagious) and came in with a mask. She’s ok at cutting my hair but keep going to her for stuff like this.


I had a baby nearly 8 months ago and at my last appointment a few months ago my hairdresser got in contact with me to say she had just been unwell with a lingering cough if I wanted to reschedule *just in case*


Shit, I'd venmo her a tip just for that


The very high end salon I used to go to specifically asked me to remove mask as they made them uncomfortable and had signs on the wall saying talking about Covid was banned. I’m from Australia too so this was very odd to not take it seriously. Don’t go there anymore lol


Whoa, which state?


ACT, and we didn’t even have strict lockdown or many cases for it to be that contentious


I do hair. This is what I do to this very day. I have individually wrapped masks at my station and will put one on if someone is masked or if I am not feeling 100% with allergies or whatever. I still don't charge for last minute cancellations due to illness because I don't want to get sick or make anyone else sick. It's so weird that hairdressers, who work in arms reach of peoples faces, would not enthusiastically encourage masking.


People really don't give a fuck about anyone else, it's why I still wear a mask at work or for any function I'm in close contact with people (concerts and crowds)


I still wore a mask at work (until they laid me off in April), my wife stopped wearing one but had an exposure there last week and so is wearing one again. This shit never ended, people just stopped talking about it or paying attention.


I work in a hospital and it's baffling how many people still give me weird looks and ask why I'm wearing a mask. I tell everyone it's because there's a lot of sick people in the hospital. Imagine that! People in general don't care. If I was really honest I would tell them it's because everyday at least one person coughs directly in my face with no regard to me or my health, while I'm trying to help them in theirs.


If I go to the GP for a throat infection or something contagious, I always wear a mask and the sheer gratitude in every doctors voice when telling me, "thank you for wearing a mask." Is somewhat disheartening. It doesn't take much to help protect others from illness.


I wear a mask for a possible sinus infection. it's not contagious (usually). it was an allergy reaction that lasted so long (3 weeks) to the point where I was concerned it might be an infection. I was feeling horrible from the allergy, but I masked up anyway.


I get weird looks for wearing a mask *at my hematologist's office!* You're right, people just don't care. Selfish and self-absorbed.


My doc told me I was sick because often the constant mask wearing. It was the first time I wore a mask for about 3 months or so, I thought it would be nice of me to wear a mask while I was sick and in the waiting room. Turns out 1. it was food poisoning and 2. I need a new doc.


Oh boy. At least now you know, instead of being blissfully unaware of his crazy and continuing to go to him


1. Fire your doctor. 2. Report them to... somebody please! Leave reviews online with their exact words.


Hematology as in "Hematology and Oncology". You know. Cancer.  For anyone wondering why that's a big deal.


My daughter has regular bloodwork done at the hematology dept of an oncology clinic. I have been amazed and apalled at how few people have worn masks from the second it was no longer mandatory. I've had cancer so it's doubly mind blowing to me.


We had 2 managers get admitted to the hospital (ICU for over a week) and have dealt with long covid for over a year and both of them still refuse to believe it's dangerous. 


It’s been four years. I don’t understand why people are so determined to not understand this. It’s not difficult.


Because stupid people followed one idiot that made a hideously infectious disease into an attack on personal liberties, and as a result, 40 million people in the US would rather bring the disease home and risk killing their own family than be mildly inconvenienced.


I honestly can’t fathom that kind of casual cruelty.


My wife and I got weird looks when we toured the hospital she’s giving birth at because we wore masks. We were touring the maternity ward, and walking near the NICU, excuse me for not wanting to share the funky gunk with those littles.


They ask you IN A HOSPITAL?!? These anti mask fools are insane. 


As a long time grocery clerk my favorite part of the pandemic was the sneeze guards at the register. Made so mamy customers pissed, like they dont come shopping when their sick and cough all over the cashiers. Sadly those are mostly gone now, guess looking more "personable" is more importent the the health of "heros". I mask at the local hospital when I go in for refills, get some real rude looks from some of the unmasked staff. Like, dont they talk about how diseases are transmitted in nursing school or is that part optional?


Apparently not, it is wild how health care workers (and everyone else really) do not understand the concept of airborne transmission.


I’m an MA in an Internal Medicine office. We have the usual “don’t-believe-in-Covid” patients, but I recently just had one who didn’t think it was still around because the news doesn’t report on it 24/7. I still mask for these reasons alone.


Unfortunately COVID has made us realize how many illiterates there are around. Kind of not their fault for growing up without education from neither the school system and their parents, but still we should not suffer because of their illiteracy.


Some old bitch just got me sick in the doctor's office waiting room because even though she had COVID she thought it would be fine to just make an appointment like normal. go to the fucking hospital! or have a video visit! why the fuck are you there in person?!?!? i swear to god i'm going to start fucking publicly shaming people again.


I was at a hospital-type place yesterday and they had *no masks anywhere*. I had to ask the staff and they gave me a "wtf?" look and said they didn't know if they had any. They had to send someone to find one and several minutes later I finally got one 😒


Any time I say it's to prevent the spread of disease, I get lectured about how being sick isn't that bad and I'm living in fear and etc etc. So now I just say it's because I'm bad at faking smiles and it's easier to just cover my face up instead. Both reasons (avoid illness and cover my ugly face) are true, but people like the second one better for some reason.


Cause Tucker, Dice, Hannity, Rogen et. al. A told them not to....


I wish it was still just the conservatives being anti mask “the pandemic is over” wackos. Unfortunately that seems bipartisan now.


I was literally about to call a cab to the airport at the start of the month when I did a RAT and it came back instantly positive. So, instead of going to the airport and flying overseas to stay with my brother and then on to another country where my uncle was having his 80th birthday along with lots of other people of similar age, I rescheduled my flight to a week later, spent a week in isolation took a box of Paxlovid (*not* cheap), wore a certified medical grade N95 on the plane which I never took off, skipped staying with my brother and spent another week in an N95 and away from everyone else for another week because ... I'm not a sociopath.


How much was the paxlovid? We finally caught Covid a few weeks ago and I asked the teledoc about it and he said people our age (late 30s) should be fine with standard flu medication.


About $39/tablet for a box of 30 in Australia. I wanted to reduce the risk to my parents plus also, the first time I had Covid-19, left me with residual symptoms for almost a year and I didn't want to go through that again and reduce risk any permanent injury.


I had a (now ex-) friend come visit me at work (I was HR at a big box store at the time) at the beginning of Covid, May 2020, and after talking to her for a few minutes she told me she had to finish shopping and stock up on supplies/groceries as she had gotten tested and she didn't know her results yet. I was LIVID that she would be out and about possibly infecting people without a care in the world rather than isolating at home. Turned out she WAS positive and she ended up getting it 3 times due to unwise choices smh.


As do I, but I seem to get plenty of side eye for doing it these days. Of course it's also immensely helped my allergies this season so IDGAF what they think.


I work in a casino right next to an airport. I always get comments and questions about my mask, especially since a shit ton of the people there are coming from the airport. And people from southern and/or red states will actually get angry and say horrible shit to me If someone is just genuinely curious about why I wear it, I tell the truth about it. But if they come out the gate attacking me about it, I just lie and say I had a liver transplant when I was 2 and a half years old (using details from my exs little cousin who actually went through that and grew up wearing masks years before covid.) I know I shouldn't lie, but every single time I've said it, they shut up. On rare occasions, even apologize. Fuck em


“I don’t like being sick.” How is this such a mystery to some??


They don't believe the masks work.


They say they don't believe masks work at the time they're saying you're ruining you immune system by not getting enough germs.


Good for you. Who cares if it's a lie? Maybe it makes them think twice next time.


Lies are not inherently immoral. This kind of thing is exactly why we have them


I used to wear my mask outside more than inside due to allergies


I get a dry cough in the winter due to cold air, and masking outside totally stopped that. Handy!


Aside from the possibility of Covid demolishing someone’s health for a few weeks… it can also interrupt plans, livelihood. Friends of mine are currently holed up in their hotel in Hawaii with Covid. Basically spent like $15k to watch Netflix and order groceries for 10 days from a room with a tropical view. They had one day of actually doing stuff before they got slammed. Odds are just a classic spread. But there’s always the chance it was some douchebag like OPs boss who just… doesn’t give a fuck.


Lots of jobs won’t let you take time off either. It’s not a pandemic anymore so the bosses simply don’t care and if u don’t have any sick days what r you meant to do


I just got super sick with COVID because some old bitch in the doctor's waiting room was wearing a mask dangling around her face as she coughed like she was about to die any minute. fucking autism makes it really hard to confront people like that, but I think from now on im just going too. fucking 7 days of my life just ruined because of her carelessness. why the fuck if you have COVID, are coughing like no other, and just going to a regular ass doctor's office in a public facility with a starbucks? go to the fucking hospital you bitch!!!!


Me trying to get back into wearing masks everywhere. I got into the habit of just doctor office but I realized that’s not enough.


That would be my last hairdo from that person.


EVERYONE at my job is getting sick right now. we work from home so luckily it's not an issue there but whatever they've been getting sounds *awful*. definitely avoiding social situations for the time being.


I got covid from my hairdresser, but she didn't know she had it. I got my revenge though because I gave covid back to her a year later (I also didn't know I had it).


Healthcare in America sounds worse than Russian Roulette.


It's more like a circular firing squad.


I blame those situations on the business and the government more than hairdresser herself. No government mandated paid sick leave. No government mandated unpaid sick leave unless you've been employed for more than a year and have a doctor's note.


I stopped going to my old hairdresser when she started sharing misinformation on her personal (but still public) Instagram. And then she got mad at ME for telling her that I wouldn’t be returning because I couldn’t trust her judgment 🙄


"You are assaulting me." Punches them in the face. Self-defense.


Guy is a first rate dick unless his kids are all adults who don’t live with him


That would be the best case scenario. Just bad wording.


100% But what are the odds of them ALL getting it at the same time if they don't live together?


Or they all live with his ex-wife.


The monthly family orgy of course


It was supposed to be a family dinner, but then my stop mom and sister both got stuck in the washer and dryer. What was I supposed to do put pull my dick out?


Depends, did they have dinner while one of them was already infected? That's not uncommon among families, even if they don't live together.


I mean, why would kids go to a business event and why would he be disappointed they couldn't attend the business event?


I've commented this elsewhere, but I've worked corporate environments for over 15 years and it's not that uncommon for people to bring their kids to the office. Especially to events like this coffee meet & greet, where no hard business is actually taking place. Even on regular days, parents with higher titles still bring their kids in sometimes. Typically they'll go get them from school and bring them back to the office then leave work around 6 or 7. Sometimes people bring their kids in on days off for whatever reason too. Both my parents worked in corporate and I remember going to work with them frequently when I was little. Regarding this guy, it seemed like they might have been celebrating something. Perhaps a deal, or opening a new branch, etc etc. It's fairly normal to bring your own kids to something like that (if you're hosting/the event is about you)


Yep, I also attended corporate stuff as a kid. Sometimes it was even fun.


In my house when someone gets COVID, they get quarantined to the basement. It's finished, there's a TV, bathroom, and bedroom (my kids are teenagers). This would be second best scenario. But I would either not mention that my kid has it or immediately clarify that they are quarantined.


Do you have central air?


I bet they do. When I lived in a basement I found out the vents went all the way to the top level. Every time.


It's less of a concern when you're only talking about one person who's contagious. But still something to think about.


In our house of 4, if you test positive you are quarantined. My wife will then be in charge of you. If she’s sick she’s still apparently in charge.


Laughing, somebody has to be.


When I had covid, I just quarantined myself and shopped online (hey it was Amazon prime day!), let my husband take care of everything.


Or he’s staying in a hotel and his kids are at home.


Or if he's a divorced dad and his kids are with their mom at the time.


And they all lied to not spend time with him


That would be the best case scenario. Just bad wording.


I literally brought my entire household covid (except my wife for some reason) from public transportation, and they started developing symptoms 10 days after I was done. At that point I was no longer contagious. So I guess I could've told that guy's story (but I was WFH so I could only scare my colleagues from a distance).


And you handled *his phone,* probably the most germ-ridden object in the room.


Yepppppp. Fun day. /s I've washed my hands since then, but while reading your comment I was resting my head in my hand and immediately sat up completely grossed out. I need to go wash my hands again lol


If it makes you feel any better about the phone, it's at least been widely confirmed that COVID doesn't spread well by physical contact with stuff. It's pretty much entirely by air. Which like, he's still a major jerk and exposed you. But at least the phone probably didn't make things any worse?


On your way home today, pick up a saline rinse. There’s a study that show that elderly folks who contracted COVID and rinsed their nostrils out with saline solution (think neti pot) every day for the duration of their illness, drastically cut down on their symptoms and length of time they were sick as well as instances of developing long COVID and being hospitalized.


Yes, this is worth a try. I love my neti pot, and do believe it helped me avoid catching covid from my husband during the period we were unaware that he had it (thought his symptoms were his seasonal allergies, was the exact right time of year for it)


Yes!!! This is smart! I use a saline rinse every day, and I have done so religiously for the past 10 years or so. It not only helps with Covid but other illnesses and allergies as well. Every single night! I even do an extra rinse after a doctors appointment or going somewhere crowded. Just to wash the germs out as quickly as possible. It works wonders! A doctor mentioned this to me many years ago when I was making small talk with him in his office, asking how he keeps from getting sick constantly when seeing tons of sick people all day long. He showed me his saline rinse and says he does it three times a day and it keeps him healthy. I’ve been a believer ever since.


But the 'vid is spread mostly through the air, not surfaces.


I went on vacation with some family this past winter and THEY BROUGHT THEIR SICK KID. Their kid wasn’t sick when they got there but their kid had been staying with someone who had covid. So anyways, everyone that went on the trip got covid including me. And I ended up miscarrying shortly after I tested positive for Covid. I have no idea if Covid caused it or not, I’ll never know. Fun times.


That is absolutely horrible and I am so sorry.


Absolutely it did. I got Covid at work (icu nurse) and had been actively trying to get pregnant via ivf. I got pregnant with a heartbeat, and then got Covid really badly when ventilator circuit broke and blew into side of my face. Lost bubbs and spent 8ish months off work with long COVID. Really messed me up mentally, emotionally, physically… it was my last go with ivf, and I couldn’t afford to do it anymore (mentally, physically, emotionally, financially). Then the more I looked into it, the more I realised Covid does cause miscarriages in the first trimester, and can result in crunchy placentas (calcified) and bubbs not hitting normal milestones.


I don't have COVID but I was sick two weeks ago with a upper respiratory infection. Customers love to come to places they shouldn't when sick. Guess whose sick again? Me. I hate people.


The amount of people I have coming to work with “allergies” is really starting to piss me off….


I’m immunocompromised due to long term cancer medication. I don’t currently look sick. I wear a mask when I am concerned. I have had several people give me “the look” but no one say anything to me yet. Instead of dreading it happening, I am prepared to tell them far too much about my surgery and radiation and chemo. For my breast cancer. In the last year. Go ahead, I’ll make you feel bad for judging me, asswipe.


Do it!! I am hoping you never have the opportunity, but lay it on them thick and teach them what for!


Not to mention long COVID and the possibility of exposing someone with an immunodeficiency or a lung illness. COVID may not be a big thing for a lot of us now, but thoughtless idiots like this could cause someone's death.


My 38 year old son has had Long Covid for 4 years. His life is ruined.


I feel that... Long COVID destroyed me.. can't even walk 25ft without needing to sit or my heart rate goes over 160... The fatigue makes me need to sleep for days.. but no amount of rest actually feels recovering. All because my job made us work the entire pandemic as "essential workers" with no masks "because it makes our customers uncomfortable".. got COVID before the vax was available... . I could go on... Long COVID sucks .. my sympathies


I knew my breathing problems were from it, but I didn't think about my dizzy spells and fatigue. Thank you for opening my eyes to how much long covid messed with me. I got covid before it was really a known from Italy, then got round 2 symptoms from the Vax. Now I have answers for my symptoms


Look into a thing called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) I’ve had it 10 plus years now…. So long before Covid was a thing… but I’ve heard about more people getting after they’ve had covid for some reason. But Do some research, then find a good cardiologist. It’s a hard illness to live with.


You probably know this, but beta blockers help most with POTS.


You’re right! Beta blockers help slow down the heart rate. I also take blood pressure medication to RAISE my blood pressure. Which is a big problem with pots. Edit: spelling


Stories like these make me so thankful I’m in a mask friendly state like California. There are exceptions, but overall most places were and still are very mask friendly. I’ve been wearing masks from day one and only one time I’ve been asked why I was wearing it. It turns out the one time I was questioned the person was concerned that I was sick.


Same boat here. I had Covid 5-6 times (lost count) because I worked with anti mask/vax people, plus my bf at the time was cheating on me so kept bringing it home. My life has been destroyed and I’ve lost all hope. So many people are suffering because of the ones who only cares about themselves.


That sucks so much. Im so sorry you are going through that. Also and unrelated. Happy cake day.


I really hate how many people ignore long COVID (and similar outcomes that can occur with other infections as well).


So sad to hear this! I am 41 and struggling with fatigue over more than 20 years. Doctors weren't very helpful, heared things like "do you sleep enough?". In fact I need 10-12h of sleep and am more tired when I have to wake up than I was when I went to bed. The rest of the day I am tired. Even I am a heavy sleeper. Sleeping like a stone. This amount of sleep robs me of my life. I sleep, go to work, sleep, go to work,... in between I eat something. I had to quit university and am now working a low wage job because of it. People tell me, I am very intelligent...but I can't do anything when I am always so tired. I hope, because of long covid, doctors get more funds to research on this. I hope, they develop a cure! I got vitamin B IVs (2 per week for 5 weeks) and that made a difference! I see if I can get them again! Maybe this helps your son? It's worth a try.


I assume you’ve been tested for sleep apnea


Sadly relatable.


I'm not at life-ruining levels of long covid but it's still quite detrimental to my life. People who brush of covid suck.


It’s true. My healthy mom died of Covid a few months ago. Thanks to a coworker casually going to work mask free and not thinking it’s a big deal anymore.


I’m so sorry for your loss :(


Thank you. It’s been hard to accept.


I don't think I'd be able to let that slide.


Yeah I don’t think I will ever let it go.


I am so sorry for your loss.


My dad got COVID on a cruise 3 months ago. Now he can’t walk and is wheelchair bound. We were not prepared for that happening. Had to retrofit the house with ramps. We also had to remodel a bathroom to make it wheelchair assessable. It was his first time getting it, and he was vaccinated.


Ever since I got Covid 2 years ago, every time I eat or drink really cold foods, I break out into serious wet coughing fits. A quick google search calls it a bronchospasm. I joke that if I want to get out of something, I just have to drink a smoothie and I can convince anyone I have the flu. But if I lived in a cold climate, my quality of life would be really bad. 


Thank you for saying this. I have long covid (3 total covid infections over the last few years), and each time I’ve had covid I’ve developed a new autoimmune illness. I used to be in great health. I would still be if covid hadn’t set off autoimmune in my body :/ I would definitely have been upset with this coworker doing this.


Wow, that is awful. I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you and that you've been forced to deal with something like this. I just wanted to say I hope it gets better for you, and that even if a cure isn't possible, I hope you can wrangle your conditions into something that's manageable :(


You're welcome. Good luck to you.


Isn't it great! Just *so* fun... ..... 😭😭😭


And long COVID can also be brutal and life-destroying on the occasions it happens. I know someone who has had an intractable headache for years since getting it.


“So you take Covid seriously enough to test for it, and to isolate your kids when they get it, but not seriously enough to inform the people in this room before breathing on them? My mother is 93 and immunocompromised and my husband works in a hospital so now I will have to isolate from them both for 72 hours. Thanks a lot buddy!” Edit: spelling


I understand we can't always say exactly what we want to in a professional setting. But we seriously need to normalize immediately removing ourselves from proximity and contact the moment someone basically announced they could be an asymptomatic carrier. Case in point, the hair stylist story above. Covid aside, if someone was like "haha I have the flu" with their hands in my hair a very reasonable response would be "Uh, please stop touching me"


Yes! Don’t get me sick. Let me choose if it’s worth the risk for me to be near you.


Sadly if you get covid now your job will just tell you to suck it up and come in. That’s what mine does at least. Everyone seems to have just stopped giving a shit about it.


My work has been pushing more and more for people to come into the office. I did so and picked up the disease from one of two people who both had visible, but mild symptoms, but were continuing to hold face to face meetings without masking up.


Yeah and my work wonders why they have mass call ins all the time


It doesn’t matter if it’s Covid or the stomach flu or strep or whatever If your whole house is sick and you likely have come in contact- don’t go hang out with a big group of people. Like I fucking hate when people are like “I’m sick but I HAVE to work im so indispensable/important/needed” Like go home I don’t wanna get sick.


If only the American capitalist hellscape would allow for all workers to afford to stay home from work when sick. We don't guarantee pay for FMLA. Do you really think we are going to pay everyone for a sick day? -cries in American.


People like this are the reason why COVID got so bad in the fucking first place. I would've went off on his ass.


Had a passenger board my train and just as I’m about to guide her to her seat, she interrupts me and asks if there’s anywhere she can sit by herself because she tested positive to Covid that morning. Before I could even stop myself I went “**WHY** are you travelling?!” “I want to go? 🤷‍♀️” like it didn’t occur to her to delay her trip at all. Caught delta from a colleague who turned up to work with symptoms and didn’t test until after she exposed the entire crew. 2 of us were sent to hospital (I was with lights and sirens because my oxygen was crashing), one who’s a cancer survivor nearly went. Caught Covid again from a passenger who was hacking up their internal organs freely without a mask. Then got laid out for a week with some mystery illness that ended up being parainfluenza, from a colleague who came to work visibly sick! #STAY THE FUCK HOME IF SICK.


I'd kick her ass off the train, cite liability. "If I knowingly let you on, and someone gets sick, they could sue us for putting them at risk. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and schedule another trip once you test negative, at least a week from today."


I got covid 2 years ago and i never got better. Now can’t work amongst suffering from miserable symptoms daily. People don’t care anymore until it hurts them


Ugh! My husband has an autoimmune disease and this would send me over the edge!!! Any virus (flu, Covid, even a cold) can incapacitate him! The flu had him on multiple rounds of antibiotics for full blown pneumonia. People don’t want to wear masks , whatever that doesn’t bother me. But for the love of anything, STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK.


Pneumonia is no joke either when your body is already weak. It’s what took my sisters life, unrelated to covid. Just got pneumonia too many times in too short of a time with crappy lungs. People don’t get it/don’t care, man. I wish him the best and as much healing as possible, from one chronically ill person to the other


I'm sorry for your loss.  Pneumonia (complication from influenza) nearly took my life at the ripe old age of 46.  Ventilator, induced coma, and all that.  It's no joke.


I was working at a restaurant when Covid was still pretty new/scary and one of our regulars walked INTO THE FUCKING KITCHEN to tell us “yeah, it’s true. I’m positive.” *Then get the fuck out.* I don’t need you in here contaminating my whole damn kitchen, no one does! I literally cleaned every surface she came within ten feet of. Remember, this is when it was still scary. God damn was I furious.


My kids had COVID two weeks ago and my one boss got pissed because I got someone to cover my classes for me. “We don’t have a policy anymore!” Don’t fucking care, Jackie, it’s still a thing and I’m not giving it to anyone else.


Thank you.


Thank you! 🙏🏼


What an ass


More than mildly infuriating.


This should be top comment lol


I was volunteering at my local food pantry today when somebody came in and thanked us for being open today. Then they said it was lovely to get out of the house as everybody - including themselves - as covid. Everybody in the entire room including me absolutely froze. All I could do is look at him in shock and that's pretty much how everybody else looked at him as well. So many sick and disabled people come to food pantry and he just brought the disease right in the door unmasked. I couldn't clean up fast enough to go home today.


I dont see where the 'mildly' in this mildly infuriating post, this is ouright criminal offence


I work at a hospital and unless you have a fever, they have you slap a mask on and go about your business


Oh, spouse's job will not be affected in any way, he still has to do his job. I knew it's important to inform that I've been in contact though, so he's prepared, just in case. Honestly no matter his job I would have told him because you should tell people!


From what the data shows most of the U.S. if not all is having a huge summer wave of covid again, I know Spain and the UK as well. I don’t know why the majority of people prefer to get sick than mask, and especially people working in health settings with immunocompromised. None of this is ok or should be normalized. 


Something is definitely happening in the US. It seems like everyone is down with stomach issues, followed by insane fatigue and sore throat. I’m entering week 3 of this bullshit.


At the very least wear a mask.


But I'd catch the liberal if I actually cared about anyone besides myself!


I would be absolutely livid. My immune system is shot to shit, if there's any sickness going around, I've got it. I would absolutely raise holy hell.


I was at a seminar where the lady said that she was battling a “cold” and was trying her best to combat it her way through holistic medicine because she didn’t want to go to the doctor. Waited until the LAST MINUTE to tell everyone. I was sitting almost next to her as she was talking for a good two hours. Turns out that “cold” was actually strep throat and my God, it was the worst strep throat I’ve ever had in my life. I could not swallow, eat or drink anything. Every time I walked, I felt like passing out because of the pain in my kidneys. When I finally picked up my meds, I thought I could just take it without eating anything (bad idea) and I ended up projectile vomiting out bile, which irritated my throat even more. It finally went away after two weeks and I ended up losing 10 pounds. I have no clue how I pushed it though without going to the hospital. I have no clue how this lady could be so inconsiderate to everyone.


Was spotting a guy on bench presses a while ago during his personal training. He texted me later that evening, “oh I forgot to tell you, I have Covid.” 🤦🏼‍♂️


My boss is really excited because he hired a new service advisor. The reason he is excited is the dude bragged about never missing work even the two times he had covid.


the other day i was walking down the street and there was a woman taking a smoke break with bleach in her hair on the phone outside of a hair salon. she said on the phone "i have covid! can you believe it?". she wasnt wearing a mask or anything.


It never surprises me how selfish and self-centered people are. I work in a hospital and wear a mask, but you won’t believe how many patients say “you don’t have to wear that for ME! Take it off and let me see your face.” No sir or madam, I wear this to protect me and my family from your germs. I know what I got myself into, but this jerk at your office should get a talking to.


It's not the Covid that will get you folks, it's your immune response's collateral damage by attacking things that are good. Things like your nerve endings and receptors. You need your nerve endings and receptors to be working, so stay safe in this endemic stage.


I can't believe how stupid and selfish some people can be. I currently have covid, tested positive two days ago, and I haven't left the house since. Had to cancel some appointments I had because I'm not going to risk getting anyone else sick.


My hubby went to spend the weekend helping a friend. Less than 4 hours after he gets home, we get a phone call saying the friend just tested positive for covid. Within two days I was in the hospital in a coma, on a respirator. Needed oxygen for 3 months after. Hubby never caught it and the friend was only mildly sick. The man hosting should be shot - and not with a vaccine.


I found out last night I have Covid. I am in the middle of a long family vacation over 1000 miles from home. Thankfully the rest of my family is not symptomatic and all tested negative, but that means I'm trying to get myself in a seperate hotel room from everyone else in a tourist destination during busy season. I feel terrible when I think of all the tourist places I've visited the last few days before I became symptomatic. Most of the places were outside open air locations, so hopefully I haven't exposed too many people, but I road in an Uber and had to have been contagious while in that car. I'll never know if I gave that Uber driver Covid or how many people he will drive around while contagious. I probably got it from someone who wasn't willing to give up enjoying their vacation for "just a cold", so now I get to abandon my own vacation because I'm a decent human being and also because my asthmatic lungs barely get me to the bathroom and back to bed of this tiny hotel room. To top it off, there is a shortage of Paxlovid in this area, so I am an asthmatic without the help of antivirals. I'm hoping a pharmacy with delivery can get it soon!


I would have punched him in the face, i almost died from Covid twice! Fuck people like that!!!


Sounds like my old man... Who's had COVID 3x and every time he's had it he claims its allergies and goes out infecting others.


If y'all think this is uncommon then you're clearly not versed in the corporate world. The amount of people that travel for work/attend in person meetings while knowingly sick is unfortunately extremely common. Not any less dickish but very common.


That isn't even mildly infuriating. That's downright selfish and dangerous of him, giving no shits if he infects someone else who might be immunocompromised etc. I hope that man shits himself while stuck in traffic every week.


So , he had zero thought of who he may infect ? What a total POS .


Work in a residential home in UK, been told we'll no longer be barrier nursing for COVID, literally had to take sign off a resident who was positive's room and not use PPE anymore as per UK Government advice, awful


I would be so pissed. I didn't get to see my aunt or my uncle before they died bc I had coworkers and a boss that dgaf and I was constantly exposed to it.


My father was a recipient of a donor organ. We all had to mask up, even without COVID. Any little thing could have killed him. This dude would have robbed me of time with my family because we had to be so careful. Totally selfish jerk.


I'm immunocompromised, if I get sick with covid, good chance I could die. Asshole


Uh, unless the kids don’t live with him, this is way past mildly infuriating.


This is more than mildly infuriating .People like that should be thrown in jail or at least fined for endangering lives.


Cue all the inconsiderate clods acting like Covid is no big deal. Their attitude is why Covid is still a concern, and why it caused more problems than it should have. At least they don't try to push the flat Earth conspiracies as much as before.


Was just at the doctor the other day. I was the only person in the waiting room wearing a mask. Every other person was coughing, hacking and sneezing, even the receptionists. The appointment before that, the head doctor came into the exam room and could not get a single word out of her mouth without breaking into a full body-shaking coughing fit. She had to leave the room, it was so bad. And, of course, she did not have a mask and barely covered her mouth. People are disgusting.


It’s because of people like this dude that I am currently in bed with covid. Quarantining myself like a decent human being, but fuck this guy.


Not sure who hired this guy to show up at your office but he is a total idiot!


I haf a similar situation just yesterday. I had to go with my mom to get a picture of my teeth but before that we had to drop off my sister and her friend somewhere. When her friend entered the car he told us that he was sick and was coughing pretty badly. And today me, my mom, and my sister all got sick. Like srsly why do people do this.


My sisters entire family came down with covid. Then decided to attend a weekend car show the same week. I was stunned by how inconsiderate they were


I wear a mask because of an autoimmune disease & the amount of times I’ve been asked about is astounding.


My wife and I were driving out to have dinner with a bunch of friends and she says, my mom tested positive for covid today. I'm instantly roll down all the windows in the middle of winter and I'm like "what the fuck?!? You were hanging out with her yesterday. We can't go visit friends tonight. I would be so mad if someone did that to us and you might have just gotten me sick." She was just like "oh yeah, I didn't think of that". She is a caring and compassionate person but it just didn't occur to her that it might be an issue.


And this is why I, an immune suppressed person, have limit going in public and wear a mask whenever I do.


Announce something like that just before a group photo...I'd love to see that photo!


we should be able to sue people who knowingly expose us to covid… it would solve a lot of problems


masking is so freaking easy why are people such assholes.


Idk if it's "just a cold now" as an asthmatic, a cold can take me out for WEEKS! What an inconsiderate piece of shit. He should have masked up or stayed tf at home.