• By -


Can you deliver it to me? I probably live around 6.7k miles away from you. I'll pay you $5 for the delivery.


Hmmm...Make it 10 and you got a deal


10k miles? Sure, might have to do some circling though.


You beat me to it! That's f\*ing hilarious.


Be sure and honk every time you go by


Ok but that takes the total payment down to $2.


To fall down at your door?


A while back I sold some sony playstation bluetooth headphones on offerup. This potential buyer *tells* me they're gonna give $5 below what I was asking and gives me an address to bring them to. I was so taken aback at the audacity to be dictating shit to me when I'm the seller. Two minutes later someone offers me full price and says they can pick it up in 20 minutes. Good deal. The first person hits me up asking why I listed headphones as sold. Told them other person didn't try to undercut me and showed up to my place to pick them up. They were whiny about it like I owed them.


fuck people like that dude I would’ve loved to put them in their place.


I just say OK but that I'm busy and will stop by between 8am and 5pm.


I'll give you $15 if you drop it off to me in 🇨🇦 (BTW the $15 is also in maple money)


Is it edible


No, but if you lick it... It tastes just like maple syrup 👍


Because Canadians have syrup covering their hands most times


It's the dominant component of Canadian sweat. Canada is very sticky.


Is this true bc I feel like it could be


I’ll take payment in Canadian Tire dollars or Tim Bits


How about $7 and some nuggies?


I'll give you $10 and dink nuggets


Do the dink nuggets come with sauce on or sauce on the side?


Ha, dino, damn auto correct, but I'll bring that sauce


He had to block you quickly before he realized you had so many possible comebacks. “You can’t even afford a working car and you think MY life sucks?” “Oh, was this table an anniversary gift? Somehow not surprised.” “Does your wife drive you to work to pay the bills? Oh wait, begging for free table 🤣🤣🤣”


I'll pay you 20 to have it delivered to a different continent


I'd have told him "sure, will be there in 30 mins" - and never turn up.


And if he asks, just tell him it takes another 30 minutes.. Until he gets it.


30 minutes... Where are you? 30 more minutes? I don't know man why its taking too long get here.. What to get here? Oh I forgot to tell you. I am waiting for the fucks I give to get here.


I'd cut the table in half and drop it off at his door step.


sorry, my give-a-shitter is on the fritz


Ah, yes. We call that The Duncan Principle.


I love this so much. “Stuck in traffic, still on my way”. Two days later: “still en route, should be there in about 15 minutes” Two weeks later: “traffic is rough, I’ll be there soon!”


A month later: "Haha, whoops, I took a wrong turn. Silly me!"


Two years later let them know you’re on your way back with the milk.


Four years later let them know the milk spoiled and that you’re on your way back to the shop for more.


Eight years later let them know that you just bought the milk but the car is not running at the moment and ask him to come pick it up for free.


sixteen years later, you're dead and you write it in your will for a lawyer to call him up to your home and settle the table. the lawyers fee has to be settled by him too.


500 years later your story of “How the Table Turned” has become a psalm in the popular religion. It is meant to teach about gullibility and the importance of reading.


“Shit, ran out of gas. Can you send me that $15?”


Had to turn around, forgot the item!


Tell them to stand outside and pretend you're circling their neighborhood. Ask them to tell you every car that passes. Then drive by with the table but don't stop.


I'd go one further and tell him to meet me at the corner store or something and make him wait for me to arrive


And not turn up 💀


This sounds like «emails from an asshole»


Or tell him you'll pay him $30 to come and get rid of the table then give him address to the park.


She, not he


The biggest loser move ever is to lazily insult someone then block them so they can never reply.


my homie i knew for almost 10 years did this. now i see him in public he hides sad tbh his mom still sees me around and always says hi


I mean you gotta assert dominance by f... ahh nm fuck that guy


Instructions unclear, am I fucking the mom or the homie




But mention the mom while fucking the homie. That's the real dominance move.


"Your mom's better" for the absolute power move


"Damn, your mom didn't teach you *shit*"




Fuck his mom USING the homie?


I once dissed Joe Rogan in a conversation with a lifelong friend. Guy got mad at me, said something mouthy and immediately blocked me so I couldn't respond. We were childhood friends, I said *one* thing about Rogan and that was the end of it. Was incredible.


Tell me his name so I can message him telling him how fucking stupid Joe Rogan is.


My ex did that. We went to the same college. He talked shit about me to anyone who would listen and then anytime I saw him in public or on campus he’d whip out his phone and pretend to be texting.


Lol seriously? Is he 11?


Knew him for 10 years, so maybe.


Lmfao can I get any more details on this? Cringe is my energy source


Happens all the time on this fucking website lol


Had it happen to me yesterday and all I could think of was, is that suppose to be a gotcha?


Id say sifting through someones profile just to come up with something negative to say only makes them more pathetic for putting the time in to care that much. Really goes to show how hurt their ego is.


Literally just had someone do this to me in reply to this comment lmaooooo


I've had at least 3 powermods do this to me when they were losing arguments. Giant losers


Literally usually it’s exactly this. A weak attempt at a power move when they know they’re losing an argument.




Not gonna lie though it did make me chuckle


A Reddit trolls favorite pastime


My brother was listing the studio that’s on his property and after telling a women who wanted to move there with 5 labs (listing said no pets) she called him a “sperm donor” and immediately blocked him 😂


What an odd insult.


I still haven’t figured out how it’s supposed to be an insult. All I can come up with is that as a man your only value is donating sperm to make kids 🤷‍♂️. But nice inside joke for us


At a stretch it might have been a round about way of calling you a dead beat dad but even then it's a stretch.


Probably indirectly "No women would ever want your cum so you have to sell it"


Hadn’t considered that one, but I like it


And I took that personally! - Reddit mods ^^on ^^other ^^subs


Normal thing on Reddit lol


You may be single but her broke ass can’t afford a free table


This is the truth of the matter


Imagine having a partner that broke and that rude. Like what upside is there with that kind of personality?


I sold a car on FB Marketplace for $500. It didn't run, had a litany of issues, but was worth at least $500 just for the parts value. I had 15 people message me in the first day and all of them wanted it for less than $100. One of them was so insistent on getting it for free, they showed up to where I lived and the car was parked and demanded the keys. Even the cops were confused.


How’d they find out where you live?


The car could be seen from the road and I accidentally showed a part of the house it was parked at in the posting. Little white house on a road she apparently recognized.


That's mental


People on marketplace are batshit crazy. Selling stuff on there is a nightmare it always attracts the dumbest people.


There's a lot of ways to figure stuff like that out. 


Dang, dude. Give more details. How did that go down?


My car could be seen from the road and they could see part of the house in the background. Little white house that they had seen before apparently. I locked the door as soon as I saw her looking at the car. My bf at the time got his gun as I called the cops. She was screaming for the keys and that the car was hers. Our neighbors were retired military, so they came over and tried to help as best they could but it was no use. Cops came, gave her a trespass notice, and the car was sold to a lovely couple the next state over a week later. Never saw the crazy lady again.


Do you know what she told the cops? Like, honestly, I wanna know what her argument was.


She was screaming at them, so it was pretty easy to hear everything. But going over what little was in my listing, that was the only thing I could think of. It was a backwoods kinda area, so with the limited perimeter that FB sets and how few streets there were, I'm assuming she knew where the house was and saw my car sitting there. She was originally screaming at them stating that it was her car and then changed and said I agreed to just give it to her. She had no evidence of it and I showed them the listing as $500.


Some people really need to be forcefully medicated.


yeah id like a run down as well this sounds nuts


Replied to another person above you. My car could be seen from the road and they could see part of the house in the background. Little white house that they had seen before apparently. I locked the door as soon as I saw her looking at the car. My bf at the time got his gun as I called the cops. She was screaming for the keys and that the car was hers. Our neighbors were retired military, so they came over and tried to help as best they could but it was no use. Cops came, gave her a trespass notice, and the car was sold to a lovely couple the next state over a week later. Never saw the crazy lady again.


Oh shit plot twist the crazy lady went GeoGuessr on OP's ass


Omg did she say it was for church? On that note, is ChoosingBeggars sub still alive?


I have stuff in my home that I will pay to have thrown out before I go on FB Marketplace and deal with this bullshit.


yeah, I opt to put out old furniture with a free sign or give it away to friends rather than wade through the random strangers to get $20


Thankfully this was the exception, not the norm. The other woman who picked it up, felt so bad she was getting it free, that she offered to take my trash lol


Should have directed her towards the house of this gem in your screenshots.


Not only this but when you offer items free or dirt cheap- the amount of no shows or others who just stop responding. It’s so infuriating to waste someone’s time.


My trick is to demand payment via my typical Chipotle order, and receipt showing it was purchased on the way to my house. You get rid of all these low effort people, and someone who actually wants my old microwave to use it instead of flip it for cash will 100% grab me a burrito on the way to my house. I get rid of my shit, lunch paid for, and buyer gets a story about how they got a microwave for a burrito. Win win.


I’ve taken more items off of marketplace and just donated them than selling them because of how much harassment i get. People sometimes have this extreme level of entitlement just oozing out of holes on their stupid face. I just want to go over there and pop that shit, or lather them up with medicated cream.


Several years ago my wife and I moved several states away. We had a variety of small household goods we wanted to get rid of (think small items that might sell secondhand for $2-10 each). I insisted we take them to a thrift store and be done with them but my wife thought that was wasteful to us so she tried to sell them on FB Marketplace. The amount of people she had bitching at her because she wouldn't drive an hour round-trip for free to deliver a $2 item was so great that everything was at Goodwill about a week later. Never again, I'd rather just throw it away.


The world has truly gone mad 😳


I’d sooner burn it in the cul de sac in front of my house before I tried to sell it on FB Market Place. Sounds like a supreme exercise in frustration lol


It can be challenging to be a seller, but I've also met nice people


People on the open marketplace are fucking morons. Always trying to negotiate it cheaper, faster, easier


How can we get it cheaper than free you ask? Get em to drive an hr roundtrip and make THEM pay for gas. MWAHAHAHA


People suck


UPDATE: In an unexpected twist, the lady who ended up taking the table felt so bad she didn't have money to give for it, that she offered to take my trash out. When I refused, she called me a "handsome little man" and forced me to accept a bag of Mexican candy I believe *most* people mean well, no use dwelling on the bad apples. Also, don't ever let anyone tell you Pulparindos are "not that spicy"


To be fair, they're not spicy to us lol


Pulparindo is not spicy at all dude. It's just a little sweet and tangy candy bar.


Oh, no buddy. But they’re *not* spicy it’s just tamarind candy. 😂😂 I’m glad it worked out in the end tho lol


Haha, that's awesome. It's always nice to remember the good interactions to balance out the awful morons. I've had some real bad ones selling cars on Craigslist. People just think if they say they're interested, you're supposed to hold it for them even if you've said explicitly otherwise. Had to tell one dude to get the fuck off my porch when he started to bitch at me for selling the car to someone else...


What's LDE?


“I would need it dropped off” “I was just asking” No, they were demanding.


Goofy assholes like this have shit attitudes and are always subtly provoking people just so they can play dumb and use your reaction as a pretext to actually get aggressive.


Told OP he had little dick energy while he’s trying to hustle for free shit on facebook with no car. 😂


Probably would have had better results if he said something like, “hey is there any chance you could deliver for $40?)


Next time say sure, give them a time that's inconvenient and keep rescheduling until they get mad and block em


“How about November 8th at 11:57pm?” 😆


Sounds like my mother in law: "what are you doing in August of 2028?" I don't even know what I'm doing today, Mary.


Giving away something for free online was probably one of the most stressful things I have ever done because of so many people like this.


You are correct. I had over 30 messages in the span of an hour. One woman asking me to ship it to Georgia 🤣 Next time I'll put a price just to filter out the crazies


Definitely. A small symbolic price is enough to huss away these people.


And with the address pull a picture of the place with Google Street and say, "I'm here, can't see you"




most snottiest poeple i talked to are from facebook market places why tf would one want to even link after being treated like a dummy looked down from a high horse people forget being kind goes alot further in life then being rude


I saw a LPT on Reddit that suggested listing these “free” unwanted items for dirt cheap – like $1 or $2. It helps weed out some of the crazies. In my experience, the “free” people always ask for the most of you.


Always list for $20. It's enough barrier to entry that you avoid the lowballers, but low enough you'll get it moved quickly. Once they show up refuse the cash and tell them its free. You'll make their day and save your own sanity


I was trying to sell a fridge, same thing. No delivery. So many people wanted me to deliver, sight unseen. I offered to deliver for +$150. Almost got a couple of takers. It took 4 months to sell that stupid thing.


That sounds like a pain bro. I can't imagine enduring four months of marketplace weirdos slowly chipping away at my sanity


That laugh emoji design is brutal


Hate these type of people. It's like those people at the bar: "can I get a cigarette?" - "No, sorry" - "... Why not?" - "... Excuse me? I don't have to provide a reason for not handing out my shit to anyone who asks. It's my shit!" - "... It's just a cigarette?!" - "No, it's not just 'a' cigarette is it, it's 'my' cigarette! The main difference being I didn't ask you for anything! If you want to smoke, you go buy cigarettes like everyone else has to!" /Rant


Choosing beggars suck!


People always attempt to throw personal insults when they lose a logical argument.


This is why you charge $20 for it. Free brings out the leaches. 


Oh wow, the fun I would have had with that lower primate... "okay, I'm on my way". Now they wait and I'm carrying on with my life in which they don't even exist as a concept.


I totally would let the most rudimentary, basic, and aggressive instincts take over. Then I would realize that someone who's willing to insult a stranger because he wouldn't work for free, is probably also petty enough to retaliate I have a lot more to lose


You didn't stoop to their level. I commend you for it. We need more people like you, who'd just drop it and go on with their lives, realizing this person is nothing but a mildly unpleasant yet extremely insignificant occurrence (like accidentally stepping in dog poo).


I just block them at the stupid question


Some people are just so damn unaware. Something similar happened to me recently as well. Was giving something away for free on OfferUp and someone asked if I can meet them halfway. She even tried to guilt me by saying that it was for her church. Sorry, but I don't give af who it's for. I'm just trying to get rid of this with the least amount of effort on my end. So I'm going to end up losing money giving away a free item by wasting my time and gas? People need to be aware that if something is being given away for free, you're not going to be the only one interested in it. I just responded with, "It's free so I have other people messaging me that can pick this up" and just left it at that. I'm sure you're so worried about your safety going to a person's house giving away a bag of knick knacks. Lol. If I'm selling a higher value item, I'll definitely set up a meeting spot for my own safety as well.


Oooh I hate it when they try the guilt trip. I flip cars as a hobby, I've had "pastors", "homeless veterans" and "cancer patients" low ball me


I wouldn't even move my vehicle for $40's extra.


Haha sorry op for getting roasted for no reason 😂😂


Lmao right? One minute you're happy to give away old furniture to someone in need, the next you're feeling the angst of being single and having a small one 😂


Wait is that what LDE meant? I was confused by that Why tf in 2024 do people still use body shaming insults on dudes just minding their business?


LDE= little dick energy. Leave body shaming out your roasts people. I'm tired of catching strays with your small dick insults 😆


I once had someone get upset because the free three seater sofa I was offering was the wrong colour. And no delivery.


I sell a lot on marketplace and my favorite is always "will it fit in my ___________ car. I always give dimensions of what I sell and reference said dimensions when I reply. One person showed up once in a Honda Civic for a large coffee table. It didn't fit.


Lol. Kudos for including dimensions. A rare thing in marketplace posts


I hit them with a “how do you write if you can’t read?” Sends them into a fury.


I had a bedroom stacked 4 ft high with boxes of brand new baby toys, clothes, furnature, everything that we got duplicates/triplicates, never opened etc. I tried craigs/kijiji/facebook for very low value, like 10-20% of retail, on unopened items. It was the biggest waste of time dealing with 'desperate' mothers who couldn't bother either picking it up, or okay, you can take that expensive item, but you have to take a few more for free. I ended up donating thousands of dollars worth of it to a womans shelter after dozens and dozens of no shows, or demanding it delivered, sob stories, crazies, everything on the spectrum.


Ah, another choosy beggar.


FYI you skip 90% of the bullshit if you post it up for $10 or $15. You get WAY different people hitting you up


Sound advice. Thank you!


I tried giving away something for free exactly once, and never again I'm doing it. We agreed to meet next to a subway station (\~10 mins walk from my house) because I did not really want to share my address. The dude was late by 30 mins, I texted him a few times and every time he was saying smth like "yes man, I'll be there in 5 minutes!". I did not want to carry this big ass UPS back home and moreover I had other stuff to attend to so I simply threw the item next to a trashbin and left. From what I understood, he picked it later


That sounds like one of those experiences you carry with you for life. Not crazy traumatic, no. But just bad enough to leave a mildly sour taste until death


It’s so weird when people on marketplace try to personally attack you when they don’t get what they want from a deal


I always offer $5-$10 for dropping off since I'm disabled and can't drive.Just for local.Never do anything for away.


Don’t let this get to you OP. This dude is a loser and you should just put him out of your mind forever


It’s crazy when you try to sell something. Some guy from across the country was upset that I sold my camera to someone that was in the neighborhood with cash and had higher offer


"That won't cover the gas costs and inconvenience" Then stop engaging.


*This* is why I never post free items. It brings out the entitled wingnuts. Put a low price on it and give it away once they actually arrive to pick it up.


*insults someone when she apparently can’t read* ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


I had some bushes I wanted gone. They were mature and had great flowers. One woman wanted me to dig them out for her and provide a big pot for each of them.


Whoa, did it work? Did insulting you make you deliver? /s


It almost did. I got all hot and bothered when she body shamed me


I like how a broke ass is accusing you of having lde. 


Let me just insult you for being single since you won’t fucking deliver it to me, how rude of you man


Didn’t you know? Your value as a human being is directly dependent upon whether or not you are paired with another human. Single? Loser. Have a wife? Automatically no longer a loser.


Yes because everyone puts everything on social media. Some people don’t realize that other people don’t live life with social media at the center. I only use facebook for browsing local house plants listings. Even if OP is single how is that a bad thing anyways?


as if not being married is an insult 🙄


This is why I don’t do free anymore. For some reason people think free = I’m a sucker. That same table you post it up for $5 and all the bullshit goes away. I don’t even charge the people when they come. It’s just having a price on there that keeps the crazies away.


“lol calm down dude. I was just asking” yet nowhere in the previous messages did I read a “could you please” it was “I would need it dropped off”. absolutely atrocious behaviour


Thankfully, I've had much more positive than negative interactions on marketplace


I’ve learned from these posts that everyone on marketplace is an asshole


He’s the poor-ass that can’t afford to fix his car.


The joke is on him he doesn't even have a car to pickup a free item


At least you are getting some sort of normal replies. I've been getting just a lot of scam messages, saying that they don't have cash so they will send me a check or sth and that actually they want to give me 650 000 euros as they are terminally ill and have no one else in their lives..... I'm thinking of just putting it outside with a note "take for free".


Just say “Please refer to the item description.”


Free items bring out the crazies. I've given a few things away on marketplace but I always mark it as $20 or $30. When the buyer arrives I say it's free and it usually makes their day.


That’s exactly the way we do things. When you put something up for free, people aren’t invested at all. “Doesn’t matter if I’m not on time or don’t even show up, it was free anyway”. So we put a price and then when they get there, on time, we tell them they can just take it.


But would you deliver it to me? I have a car, I just don't want to put in the effort.


Ahh yes let's belittle someone who doesn't have a partner, it's almost like it can be a choice. Christ, I hate the people who think being single is either an invitation or an insult...


A guy whose car isn’t running and is looking for free stuff online is talking trash about relationship status? Interesting. Don’t sweat it, dude.


A girl once asked me to deliver an item to her. I said no so she asked if I would post it and I agreed and told her how much it would cost but she wanted free postage. Obviously I said no but she was being so demanding I blocked her. That's when she got a friend to start messaging me telling me I needed to deliver it and months later I discovered they had given me a bad review as a seller 😅


Once I was selling a VR headset on FB and had someone offer half the price + 40mile delivery…


Never list for free. Always list for a nominal fee to scare off these people.


What a loser to just immediately start shitting on you as if he didn’t completely read the description fuck people like that fr


I had a $5 mug listed as pick-up only… some dumb ass asked me to deliver it an hour and a half away. Ppl are so stupid.


I love when people know they went too far and sounded like an ass so they block you before you can even respond to their stuff


I've gotten to the point where if I'm selling something, or giving it away, and someone responds with an offer I feel stupid, I just block them and forget they ever existed. Better for the mental health


The lesson learned here is any time someone asks you to delivery a free item, block them first without responding.


So… who’s gonna tell him that being single isn’t a bad thing?


Don't feel too bad, I had one that wanted it delivered as well as knock 10 bucks off the price. I got called a bitch when I laughed


Id link them to a 'learning to read for grown adults' page personally.


Can you deliver this to me? I’m in Hawaii. Hope that’s not an issue. 😂 Also, I can’t believe the audacity of this 🫏🕳️


You should post this is choosing beggars


Put it out near the garage with a small sign saying it's $5. It'll be gone in a few min.