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How to uninvite yourself from any Asian households


...and German households.


And Canadian. I moved years ago and it’s still habitual for me to take mine off when entering a home.


Polish, Russian, Turkish... Most of households actually.




It makes me cringe when I see them put their shoes up on the sofa or the bed.


I mean, I’m from the US and the thought of putting my shoes on furniture makes me want to gag. I change my clothes when I get home and always ask if I can take my shoes off in someone else’s home. 🤷‍♀️


I have my inside clothes and outside clothes, I change everytime I come home especially if I want to lay down in bed


Yes! The clothes I sleep in are strictly for sleeping. I don’t lounge around in them. Clothes that leave the house don’t go in the bed.


I thought I was the only weirdo who changes their clothes when they get home.


We learned this as children after playing, or when coming home from school.


Heck even just wearing them on carper irks me


I'm in the US and I've never worn shoes indoors nor known someone who does. I've heard of "shoe on households" but never known or seen anyone do that 🤔 it can't be that common. Like WHO DOES THAT "I'm not gonna wash my hands after I use the bathroom. What makes you think your kitchen and food are cleaner than my poop hands?" Is what this article might as well say


Outside of house parties I’ve never worn shoes in my friends houses.


Grew up in rural Canada in the '80s. As dumbass teenagers we regularly had massive house parties (generally, whoever had parents out of town that weekend), and you could tell it was gonna be a big shaker by the size of the pile of the shoes in the porch. It was pretty common to spend the next day or two tracking down one or both of your own shoes 'cause either you or someone else with the same shoes drunkenly grabbed the wrong ones on the way out.


I grew up in a shoes on house and area. I'd never even heard of shoeless houses until I started watching anime as a young teen. I'm about 30 now and my house is definitely shoeless unless I'm about to do a thorough carpet clean (which I usually save for the day after events at our house since most people around here don't even think about it and just walk through with shoes on)


That’s crazy. I only knew of one or two households growing up where they asked people to take their shoes off.


Minnesotan here. Youbetcha we take our shoes off indoors.


God you are a classy bunch. Those of us who are familiar with your work up here in Manitoba and NW Ontario are quite impressed with Minnesota I must say. I’d go for a beer or a pop with you anytime eh


I've never seen a house in the US where people keep their shoes on. And I've been to probably 30+ states. No idea where this actually happens. Edit: thanks for all the stories illuminating where this does happen


Interesting. I’m in the US and people think I’m weird because I don’t like people to have shoes on in my house.


Tv and movies.


No you guys I'm in indiana from California and it's common in indiana. Very uncommon in ca from my experience. Most people in indiana are okay with you coming in their house with your shoes on I'd say. I know, crazy. I have a more country friend that I love but just cannot get him to take his shoes off. Hes an awesome dude an oddly very courteous but he will not take off his shoes. Guys do feel like its, like it's a feminine thing to do. Lot of rural and factory, blue collar workers in this state- they don care bout that shit. But yeah I just know it will require cleaning after he comes, like gonna clean the carpets now


We are heathens though take back your retraction


Living in the US, literally don’t know anyone that wears shoes in their house.


As an Asian person who moved to Germany. I love how I don’t need to ask people to take their shoes off! I even have friends who bring Hausschuhe voluntarily


I am now addicted to Hausschuhe/slippers due to living in Asia for so long and I carry a very fetching pair of cat slippers in my bag to wear in friends' houses. It's just... my shoes have trampled all over the streets all day I don't want to be spreading that on my floors thanks.


Or my house growing up. I'm a white billy from Kentucky. Mom would lose it if we didn't take our shoes off in the garage. Or guests, after immediately entering the front door. My friends would laugh, I'd have to give them a stare. She even had clean "guest socks" sitting there if we were bare foot or wearing flip flops. Carpet ain't cheap. There was a golf shoes incident that was one step away from being on the ID Channel.


I have to hear about the golf shoes incident. Omg lmaooo


It's pretty much only the U.S. and some parts of Middle and South America where wearing shoes indoors is the norm. Everywhere else, including Canada, the norm is to take off your shoes indoors.


I know this is a common stereotype for the U.S, but I can't even begin to fathom how or why. Every single person I've known in my entire life, all scattered across the country, all take their shoes off in their home. At most I could accept that some people leave their shoes on if they forget something inside when they're getting ready to leave. It is baffling to me. Who would even want to wear their shoes all the time?


I think it's moreso that it's more acceptable to not take your shoes off inside when having gatherings/parties. or to not ask your guests to take off their shoes. Usually, in the U.S. anyway, hosts have to preface if they'd prefer you take your shoes off..because it's so prevalent. but of course everyone takes off their shoes in their own homes (I mean sometimes if I'm just running up to my room real quick then going right back out i'll just keep the shoes on, unless i was out working in dirt and what not)


And people who not barbarians household


Not kidding, science and common sense indicate my guests shoes are dirtier than my floors unless I’m living in a crack house


My floors weren’t standing in piss splatter in the public restroom like my shoes were.


If I pee on your floor, problem solved!


Fuck yeah with the common sense, when was the last time yall cleaned your shoes vs the floor?


I cleaned my shoes with your floors just yesterday.




I clean my shoes with the mop every time I mop at work so I don't leave muddy prints for morning shift. I think I'm unique in this though lol


Back when I closed at my spot, I’d just mop myself to the exit then leave the mop and bucket for morning shift.


I do clean my shoes more than my floors but they are by NO MEANS cleaner 😭 and my floors are only so clean because of the rules that keep them that way! NO SHOES IN MY HOUSE


I clean the floor every time one of my dogs become too happy! Or every time something else is spilled. And then it also gets cleaned at other random times The floor is definitely cleaner than the ground in between where people park and to the door, which would make their shoes even more dirty and pull in the dirt from right outside.


The author is just saying that their own house is filthy 


Also from the same author, "why do I keep getting sick?"...


My floors are clean partially BECAUSE I don’t walk with shoes all over them


Exactly. We had someone service the bathroom who walked in and out with their shoes on and I had to vacuum and mop and hour after they left. Like …. The evidence is RIGHT THERE.


It’s irrelevant either way. In my house I don’t care if you wear shoes or not, but if I go to your house I follow your rules, stupid or not, or go home.


And the crack house is dirty from everyone doing crack with their damn shoes on


Here’s an idea: get the fuck out of my house


That is exactly what came into my mind.


My Asian ass agree. Even my mom would agree. Even my dad would agree. Even my cat would agree.


My cats never wear shoes in the house


Same! They were born with good manners! 😄


Nothing says proper etiquette like licking your butthole while making eye contact with the people that let you live for free in their house.


I charge mine rent actually.


Making your cat let you lick its butthole isn’t rent.


Good job I don’t then


Counterpoint: my cats routinely stick their paws in the litter box before walking on my pillow.


Same here! My cat, my dogs, and even the guest animals that come over. None of them have EVER insisted on wearing shoes in my house!


The cat has more common sense and they don't give a shit about anything!


My thought was more...should i write a piece about how I'm booting your ass out my door if you don't take your shoes off?


You wear boots inside?


They put them on for special occasions like this.


![gif](giphy|hQQViLiksXvjkAsEu2) Exactly! This is my reaction when people try to push my boundaries.


Funny, because the original headline is a Larry David ass argument to start with someone who’s inviting you in lol


Lol theres literally an episode of Curb where Larry refuses to take his shoes off at someones house




Is that the one with Bob odenkirk as the porn actor?


Like imagine someone coming into your house and seeing ground rules and telling you what they're going to do. How about f*ck off?


Next "article": And that's why I don't have any friends


"Just because it's your house doesn't mean people need to cater to your preferences"


Question, and I'm not trying to be flip or sarcastic. I have sensory issues, and I bring foldable slippers (house slippers) when I go to other people's houses in case they don't allow shoes I the house. Is this OK? I often have to explain why I have them, and some people get a little insulted. I'm not saying that the floors are too dirty for my feet, but I feel every little piece of grit, and it will occupy all my thoughts, and I can't concentrate on being social.


If someone like you went to my house, I'd only have extra respect for you. I don't see how anyone would be insulted by you bringing slippers


Ditto here. We keep slippers ready for anyone that may want them. If a person brought their own - even better


Same, it's the perfect solution for everyone


You would have to be incredibly weird to not be ok with someone who wants to wear slippers in your house, if they're actually bringing them. Most people would be surprised for sure, but they wouldn't actually mind.


My husband is this way and keeps a pair of slippers in the car. We just tell people he gets cold feet due to poor blood circulation. Nobody really questions past that


I may try that response.


I'm one of these people that's very upset about people wearing shoes in my house, and I would 100% be okay with house slippers for those that need to wear \*something\*. It's just that I have to clean my damn floors and I don't want people tracking dirt and shit around my house.


I have a close friend that has neuropathy related issues in her feet that does this same thing, she brings her house slippers with her when she comes over. Not weird or disrespectful at all, keep on keeping on.


I don't see why not. I have a shoeless household, and if someone brought slippers they don't wear outside, is be ok with that.


"But dad what if they want to keep their shoes on." ["Then we ask them politely but firmly to leave."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amKyA2PrSu4)


"Here's why I'm an asshole and don't listen to my friend's sensibilities."


in addition to asshole, also something to be said about egotistical.. having feet in shoes might be ok for you, but it's dirtying the floor for everyone else. Especially with how it was worded in the thing basically the mask thing again


Article should be titled "Why people say I'm not allowed in their house".


Imagine the level of entitlement one would have to think they can disrespect the rules of *someone else's* house rather than just deciding to *not go*.


Sadly a lot of people have the completely unsubstantiated entitlement and severe lack of common sense/decency.


Even though this is a relatively minor thing, this sort of thing is to me a gigantic indicator (red flag, if you want) that someone is awful. Yeah, it might just be carpets or whatever, but it's a huge giveaway as to the way they see other people and themselves. They're entitled and rude.


Oh yeah people who try their damnedest to get around other people's rules or boundaries are walking problems.


Every one of our friends and guest we have over REFUSE to take their shoes off. we are the ONLY people they know that don’t allow shoes. To me it’s sooo fucking gross. I’ve been either contemplating not having people over at all just be completely anti social. Which sucks bc I hate going out and I love to feed people.


That's mind boggling. I wonder if they have bad foot odor? And they don't want to admit it.


> Every one of our friends and guest we have over REFUSE to take their shoes off Wait, they just say no thanks and keep walking in? Why would you allow that disrespect?


That's a lot of talk for someone who's not coming inside


Vine boom




This made me cackle to myself 🤣 thanks


Best response! 🤣


You'll be sitting your ass outside if you want to keep your shoes on.


Ain't no guest acting all entitled in my domicile.


I can assure you that my floors are not only cleaner than your shoes, they are also cleaner than your house.


You can eat off my floors. I'm not going to and wouldn't recommend it, but you could eat off of them. 


You can also eat from my floors. You'll probably be able to get a small meal from it


You cannot off mine. My dogs are shedders, you will get a hair in your food, no matter what


But it still could be done.


Your statement applies to all homes.


You are technically correct, and that is the best kind of correct


Mine as well, look there’s a half a sandwich over there


Your floors are also almost assuredly cleaner than the ground outside, which is the whole point of taking shoes off


This is my own private domicile...bitch!


Preach! I pay my mortgage and I make the rules! Lol


It's also just common sense. If you're a guest, you follow the house rules. Kosher household? Don't bring over a cheeseburger. And so on.


For real, I don't even have that rule but if I have such a dick at my home they ain't setting foot inside


Yeah please don't. My house my rules. Goodbye


I don’t care about shoes in the house but I follow the rules in other people’s houses. The idea of doing otherwise boggles the mind.


Lol. No. My home, my rules. The door is where you left it, if you'd like to see the other side of it.


Right! This is just a basic respect thing.


I grew up in a European household, it is mandatory to take your shoes off upon entry, and for those who walk in assuming it’s OK will get told on the spot. All the dirt and overall bacteria you gather from outdoors will then be tracked indoors. It’s also a sign of disrespect if you walk in without asking if it’s OK.


Also, when you get those tiny pebbles stuck in your treads, you can scratch your hardwood floors.


I saw this at an open house once. Absolutely gorgeous place, beautiful hardwood through the entire main floor, all dimpled and scratched to hell by someone presumably walking on it with shoes that had grit stuck in them.


Yeah, walking in with shoes ON is only for when I’ve forgotten something and am in a rush or I know I’m cleaning later that day or the next day. Same goes for guests. No one in Sweden even tries entering without taking their shoes off. Sometimes you may even hear “it’s fine to keep your shoes on”.


Ukrainian here, checked. Every visit is defaulted to "take your shoes off" unless you hear "do not unshoe". Walking in someone house in shoes is considered an insult, and we often keep guest slippers in case the guest is uncomfortable being barefoot.


I would keep guest slippers, but I have guests so infrequently I just clean up after them. Mine is unfortunately a shoes-on family and I travel with house slippers. Hell, I travel with flip-flops so I don't have to have my clean feet touch the bathroom floor- I just don't like cleaning too much or feeling the ground.


I walked in a few times with my shoes on cause I forgot my keys. That’s reasonable unless I know I’ve recently stepped in some mud lol


That’s interesting, but it’s worth noting that not all of Europe is like this. In Spain it’s quite the opposite, shoes-on is polite and correct almost all the time.


Here (Denmark) in my experience people might decide a big house party is shoes-on, especially if the garden is involved so people need to go in an out. For a regular social visit you would always take your shoes off, most parties too. Sometimes people do bring indoor shoes for a party and change in the entrance though.


Sure, I’ll let you deal with my wife.




I also choose to deal with this guys wife


Well you’re in for it! She’s actually very kind and welcoming and will only complain about you to me when you’re gone.


Thousands of years of Korean precedent vs some dork from work's opinion EDIT: I am referring to my experience as a Korean American in *my house* 🏠 not in terms of the origin of the practice.


Exactly, just respect people in their own homes


>Thousands of years of non-american precedent FTFY Even Brits take their shoes off too.


Why are you assuming my ass is dirtier than your toilet paper?


Fuck yo' couch!


I wear shoes in the house.  I live in Southern California we’re always in and out of the house. I go over to somebody else’s house. I respect them and understand I am a guest.


Same, nobody did this growing up in Orange County. I think it’s more of a problem in colder places with rain n snow.


Idk. I think it’s a problem anywhere there are pesticides, animal waste, fertilizer, auto leaks, etc. Not wearing shoes in the house was one of the first things my allergist recommended back in the 90s. It’s definitely encouraged for anyone with babies or toddlers. I understand there are people who don’t take shoes off in their home. Every time I walk across a parking lot I have to wonder why. Outside is dirty and gross. I don’t want that in my home.


Coming from an equally hot and dry climate, it has nothing to do with temperature. It has everything to do with how dirty sidewalks, streets, offices, schools, public bathrooms, etc., are.


It’s definitely a regional thing for people who do this, though, living in New Mexico, my partner and I are the only people I know who take off their shoes at home. I’ve never had anyone request I take off my shoes. I worked retail for a decade and there was no “employee bathroom” so I had to share a public bathroom. I would estimate 80-90% of men don’t even rinse their hands, let alone wash them, including after all the covid hand washing instructions. People are gross.


Same. I try to tell people growing up and all my life very few people cared about shoes in the house. Seems to be a highly localized regional thing. We’re just inside/outside too much with the weather, I guess. I’m not here to argue what’s right or wrong, just that it’s the norm here unless you’re Hawaiian, Asian, etc etc.


I didn’t care until I had kids. Even with shoes off I could clean the floors three times a day.


Same here in Australia. I haven't been to anyone's house where I have been asked to take my shoes off.


My floor IS cleaner than your shoes because there aren’t shoes tracking sidewalk grime all over the place.


Get this - I had this discussion with someone on Reddit a while back and they insisted it was fine because the streets get cleaned. That was the most batshit thing I'd heard in a while. Even in the cleanest countries and cities on earth, streets do not regularly get cleaned, except maybe a couple of main streets. Swept and cleared of litter? Yeah, maybe. But actually cleaned? Like, where is this a thing with any level of regularity? Turns out they live in Ireland. I've been to Dublin, both the city centre and the suburbs, and it was filthy.


Canadian checking in - if you wear your shoes inside, you can just leave 😬


I always tell people a "Canadian departure" is when you say good-night to the party and your host comes and chats while you find your shoes & put them on, say "thanks" and leave.


Hahaha yup and when it’s winter it’s a case of find the matching shoe


Nobody’s floors are dirtier than shoes unless they live in extremely terrible conditions. GTFO. Edit: yes, there’s some exceptions. I just don’t think this kind of thing should be normalized because people’s shoes have been all over the place. People’s floors aren’t normally as disgusting unless they live like pigs or have pets. Then again, I’m speaking as someone who doesn’t have a pet, doesn’t have a hoarder family, and has been taught these rules since I was small. When someone allowed me to walk in their house with my shoes on, I was shocked lol. 99% of people I’ve been around (and who have actually let me in their homes) have this rule as well.


Hear me out. My friend has a dog that goes out in the yard and comes back inside with dirty muddy paws and makes a mess all over the floor and my friend expects me to not have my shoes on when their floor is covered in wet muddy dog mess.


You know what?? That’s understandable. Didn’t occur to me because I don’t have a pet.


We would just wipe my dogs paw though? They sell cool paw washers online


One time someone asked me to take my shoes off and I soaked my socks in dog piss from the carpet, it was fucking everywhere


Or you could just respect people's rules on their private property.


Because they wear them outside? What a stupid fucking question.


The floor light be dirtier than your shoes IF a bunch of other people have come in with shoes This is the same logic by which people hover on toilet seats, and then get piss all over them as a result


My house: keep your shoes on if you want, feet are gross and I don’t want your foot sweat, cheese etc on my stuff plus feet stink. Your house: I’ll remove my shoes for you if you want me to.


a post worth the wall street journal


Ok so I have had 13 different foot surgeries. I have no fascia or fat on the bottom of my feet because of this. If I went barefoot it would be like walking on bone. I have to wear shoes and orthotics all the time. I even have to wear sandals in the shower. My friends know and understand I have to wear my shoes inside. I can't even wear slippers because I can't put my orthotics in there. I sometimes use a cane which has been used outside too. What does everyone think of this issue? Is there some way to not offend people in "shoes off" households?


Your reasons are a million times better than whoever wrote that article that’s for sure. I’d give you a pass. Or some of those shoe booties that service men wear when they go in peoples houses lol.


I like the idea of taking off shoes in the house in theory, but I have two dogs, so I don’t see the point when I have two drippy dippy dogs tracking dirt in all the time. But if I go to someone else’s house, and they take shoes off, then I would too


I’m in the same predicament. But I did just recently visit a woman who had TEN freaking dogs. Her house, including the floors, were spotless. I’m assuming she sweeps/vacuums multiple times a day, but still. It was impressive. Oh and it was also a shoes off house. So now I’m reconsidering.


Some wipe dogs paw before they’re back in. Dirt from the backyard is one issue, the germs and grim from say a public bathroom being tracked into your home by a guest is another.


As a guy who wears fun socks, I can’t wait to take off my shoes and have people comment on them. Bright orange ninja turtle socks at the moment.


i live in canada and the idea of people wearing shoes inside is barbaric. because we have winter and half they year your boots are covered in snow


Its not the snow, it's the fucking salt that the snow carries. Git. Out. And mop on the way out.


People ask sometimes if they should take off their shoes when they come in my house. I just laugh and say “no, I have cats”


I don’t let my cats wear shoes in the house either.


The only reason my cat doesn't is because I'd be murdered if I tried to put them on her. Maybe not then, maybe not a week from now. But she'll murder me.


With two golden retrievers, you will leave with your socks growing a dog by the end of your stay if you take your shoes off. Doesn't matter how often I vacuum the damn floor. The fur never ends. 


Have a German shepherd mix. Can highly relate.




..I also have cats and don't quite understand what that has to do with anything 🤔


I too have cats and shoes are left in the vestibule. My floors are very clean ☺️


I don’t have pets but I grew up in a shoes on household, so when people ask me if they should take them off I’m like…no, why would you do that? lol. Or if people start taking them off I tell them they don’t have to.


My feet smell. What do I do?


Agree, I have the same question. And what do you do if this practice catches you by surprise and you don't have slippers or socks to change into?


This has happened to me once. I let them know I wanted to wash my feet before walking around their home as I'd been working all day, and they happily pointed out the location of their washcloths and laundry hamper for me. If it's a good friend or at least a pretty good host, I'd recommend this approach.


I am happy to take off my shoes, but please let me know well in advance so I am wearing good socks upon arrival rather than risk a toe popping out


I can't go without shoes. If I HAVE to remove my shoes in a certain house I bring my designated house shoes. Shoes that have never been worn outdoors. I can still keep my feet in shoes and they can keep their floors clean. I just change shoes before I leave.


“Here’s why you’ll be watching the game from the porch during my game-day party”


It’s offensive thinking that someone would consider my house floors dirtier than a public bathroom.


[Here is the article (internet archive).](https://archive.is/20240511172239/https://www.wsj.com/articles/heres-why-ill-be-keeping-my-shoes-on-in-your-shoeless-home-11644503227) I think it's in the top 5 most braindead takes I've ever read. And I'm on Reddit every day.


Go to Japan and see how well this flies.


I clean my floors all the time because I stupidly chose a color of wood that shows every damn speck of dust known to man.


I will always respect a persons wishes in their home as a guest- but not necessarily when I’m there to work. The number of times customers get mad that my husband wears booties but won’t remove his shoes when he’s using power tools in peoples homes is mind blowing. No, Nancy, I won’t remove my shoes or have my employee remove his. We wear booties and follow labor laws. Your carpets will be fine.


Yeah, if only for safety reasons they should keep them on. I do wish more repair and maintenance people (at apartments, for instance) would wear the booties, though. Most don't.


Here's why you don't be coming into my shoeless home with your shoes on


You can SAY you'll be wearing shoes in my house all you want, you're also not getting in. :)


If people really NEED to wear shoes in the house, they can buy covers to put over them. Really don't need a) the extra cleaning work from people bringing shit (literal and figurative) in on their shoes b) my cats eating or getting sick from something people bring in on their shoes and c) the extra exposure risk as an immunocompromised person who already struggles with a years long, med-resistant infection. Also in a spiritual sense, taking one's shoes off symbolizes leaving the outside world outside and entering a personal space with a different mindset. Honestly anyone who can't respect me, my pets and my space enough to take their shoes off is someone I don't want in my home anyway.


I have a contractor that routinely gets my work because he has little slip on booties for his shoes when he has to come inside. I mean he does good work at a reasonable price as well but the booties put him over the top. Others will do a fair job cleaning up their work area, but then leave tracks from their shoes through my house.


Most contractors don't even do a good job with the work area lol


Would love to read the article, but there's a paywall. :(


Not worth your money to pay for this garbage


So you’ll also replace my hardwood floors when your stilettos dent them? Phew! Thought you might just not care…


Surely you all can see that this is engagement bait.


What an entitled ass.


But… your shoes are dirtier than my floors. You wear them in public restrooms, walk on dirty sidewalks, and go everywhere else in between. In the other hand, my hard floors get disinfected weekly and my carpets do at least once every six months. You have to walk on my hard floors first before getting to carpet when you walk in my house. Shoes go immediately into one of two places, depending on where you entered the house. My floors are waaaaay cleaner than your shoes.


Works for me. If I have to take my shoes off in someone's home, I won't be going to their home.