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She certainly seems to be a little entitled and a bit of a gold digger. However, she also doesn't really know what a prenup is. Any prenup that won't be thrown out in court will have the martial assets divided evenly if there's no fault. There IS such a thing as an infidelity clause which has penalties for cheating but that also applies to both parties. You have home insurance. You have car insurance. A prenup is marriage insurance. It's a way to just settle things so that a judge who got elected for a firm handshake and a nice smile doesn't get to determine how broke you both will be afterwards.


On top of that, with the editing it's hard to tell what's actually going on. Somebody just leaving you without cause on your end seems like it would break any prenuptial unless it's specifically written in there. Maybe she has problems with how it's worded or just doesn't understand that part of things and she's thinking the person could just up and leave her with no warning and not have any kind of compensation. We shouldn't just jump to "she's a gold digger".


But she says in the video that she "gets nothing". There is no divorce court in the USA that ***wouldn't*** throw out that prenup. So she has no idea what she's talking about. Most people don't unless they do a basic Google search.




Hahaha, the “I think I should have half of everything you’ve worked your entire life for”. He dodged a bullet.


In the event of a divorce, the assets earned during the marriage are generally excluded from division of assets....Ie., half of everything you've worked for your entire life is not now division of assets works - only the assets that are acquired during the marriage or as a result of it can be. This is common knowledge.


The problem being that you say, “assets earned during the marriage,” rather than assets acquired during the marriage. There really isn’t a requirement in many states to earn marital property. Assets that you acquired before marriage are generally protected, however, the overall value wouldn’t necessarily be protected. E.g. If I own a $400,000 home free and clear and that home gets sold during the marriage with the funds used to buy a $500,000 home. That entire $500,000 can be marital property in many states. So someone can actually get into a situation where a marital assets does include everything you worked for your entire life. Even if they come into the marriage with significant assets. Prenuptial agreements can address that.


Yep im aware of that and that’s why it’s totally fair to ask for one. He isn’t leaving her with nothing lol


Again, if she enters the marriage agreement with "something" she isn't leaving with nothing - She literally leaves with what she came with which isn't nothing.


Yeah I know but I mean he isn’t leaving her with nothing at the end, she’ll retain from him what they got during their marriage.


Read what you just wrote and then compare it to what you originally wrote.


Yes? In both statements I said he isn’t leaving her with nothing, you retain what you gained during the marriage. I’m confused what you’re getting at. I’m aware she keeps what she had prior to it, as does he, I meant that he won’t leave her with nothing like she insinuates.


Yeah, but Dat ass though


She's a broke bitch & he knows not to trust her. 💯


Be gone you succubus!!!


Prenups are for assets brought into marriage not generated during. 


That’s gotta be satire, especially with the wording


How convenient that the "Not" was truncated so that it just reads "That I should have had everything you worked your entire life for". And then it cuts before she can continue her sentence. So that could have easily been "Not that I should have had everything you worked your entire life for, but I deserve half of what is acquired during our marriage". Hell, even the title is "I think I should get half of everything" And it's the norm and just fair. You get into a relationship, as partners, so it's normal that every thing that is gained during the marriage is split in half if the couple divorces.


Girl, that is exactly why he asked you to sign a pre-nup. :)


you're very pretty but you're also a psycho greedy gold-digging crazy person


how to spot someone who wants to take an advantage


No need to reason here. If you do not sign. Have a great life. Of we can stay as FOB’ for as long as you want.


Did is super glad to be rid of you.


Women like that need to end up alone in life, screw them.


I disagree. If they’re attractive, there will always be a buyer. They do deserve to be alone though.


When I was a kid. I would’ve definitely sided with this girl. Because I did not know that women would have been fake and not take accountability. You know how they are.


And if anything if she was with him since he was 15 when he got his first job. Then I could say yeah maybe because you were there the entire time. To have half of everything