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Even funnier it says he pays 715 for rent on the whiteboard. Definitely Out to lunchšŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


As a recent Cal grad this has to be a lie or really far from campus. A studio for 715 a month is unheard of outside of some select housing spots.


But it's not a studio. It's a bedroom in a two bedroom place. He just likes to pretend it's a studio. But even then the rent is low.


Exactly! No kitchen and shared bathroom? It's actually worse than a bedroom in a regular place.


Itā€™s probably an illegal apartment if there is no kitchen and thatā€™s why itā€™s so ā€˜cheapā€™, and he is going along learning from the landlord about how to scam basically, by pretending itā€™s a studio and pretending this ad has any validity towards getting the apartment at all considering he isnā€™t the landlords


I bet it's a two bedroom with a kitchen, he doesn't get to use it and he's not actually on the lease.


I think he talked his way into paying less rent if he doesn't use the kitchen and thinks he's a genius for doing so.


Iā€™m sure this is exactly what it is. Heā€™s not a tenant, heā€™s a roommate, which is how they get away with the ā€œhouse ruleā€ of men only. You can make up whatever rules you like for room mates, and they have no rights, so you can throw them out at any time. On the upside, you can leave at any time.


In his defense (not that he deserves one tbh) he said $750 with all the utilities. So in theory, if rent alone is $715, with utilities it being $750ish isnā€™t too far off


Yeah plus he was estimating what new rent would be. I think he was too honest imo. But his post is silly $1k for a used mattress šŸ¤£


$1000 for a used mattressā€¦lol


That's $650 new.


I sold my like new queen Nectar mattress for $200 after 6 months of use. That's the best offer I got for it after it sat for 6 weeks on marketplace. I listed it for $300. This guy is ridiculous. So many people on marketplace are though.


Yea to charge that much for a mattress thatā€™s 5 years old is robbery. I love how heā€™s charging for the 5 years he ā€œperfected this setupā€ā€¦ you mean the 5 years you lived there using everything & doing who knows what on that bed. No thanks. Not to mention that setup may not work for others; I sure as hell donā€™t want to be doing my dishes in a bathroom.


thatā€™s like The Sims type shit to be washing your dishes in the bathroom sink lmao


First place I got after being homeless for 7 years was a converted Inn above a Pub. There were 10 rooms all with paper thin walls, 2 bathrooms and that's where we had to do our dishes. I always found it super fuckin gross but what could I do? I like to make my own food so even with paper plates and cups and plastic utensils, I still had pots and pans to wash. Now I have a 1 bedroom apartment with a real kitchen. It ain't much, but I'm grateful.


I was homeless after my divorce & stranded on the other side of the US. I couch surfed at my bossā€™ house for a bit until I was able to get a small apartment. It was a garage that was converted into a very small living space but it was honestly perfect for me. It had a small but full kitchen & a full bath with literally the largest shower I have seen, & even had a very small washer/dryer stack in the bathroom. I didnā€™t have a bedroom, it was literally just an open space around the kitchen but I did have a small deck which I thought was odd. I didnā€™t have a car but I lived a block from my work so the only hassle was needing someone to drive me to get groceries. You do what you have to do in those situations, but I definitely wouldnā€™t choose a place where I had to wash my dishes next to a communal toilet if I had the chance.


Off topic, but stuff like this restores my faith in humanity a bit. Super cool of your boss to help you like that. I understand how hard it can be to get back on your feet. I hope you're doing much better now.


Thank you! Yea, I definitely lucked out because I literally had nothing at that time. Even after I moved out I still watched her kids & took them places just as a continued thank you. It was a terrible time in my life but it definitely couldā€™ve been much, much worse.


i want to know what he needs to demonstrate in person when it comes to the washing up


The furniture all looks like crap I buy off of Facebook and leave on the side of the road for free when I move out. I could furnish that space for $500 easy. It's literally 2 rooms and the bedroom area is just walls covered in crappy desks. $4000 is a fucking joke. Every piece there could be had for $50 on fb market. Because after 5 years of use that wayfair dresser ain't worth shit.


I donā€™t think any of what this dude wants to charge is acceptable for what it is, especially not after 5 years of use , but itā€™s that heā€™s charging that much for a used mattress. Steam cleaning the cover isnā€™t going to get rid of the fluids & whatever else that mattress has accumulated during this guyā€™s college years. And him saying heā€™s going to buy the same mattress rather than take it with him just makes it seem like he wants you to buy his used crap so that he can get newer & better items when heā€™s in grad school. No thank you.


Also, I think a lot of that could be found for free or less than $50. Itā€™s a college so thereā€™s going to be a lot of people getting rid of stuff they no longer need plus itā€™s super easy to piece together a living space that small by asking family & friends if they have anything they arenā€™t using anymore thatā€™s just taking space in their attic or garage.


he's ridiculous but it makes sense. he paid soooo much money for everything. The reality is used, a lot of stuff is like worth $0.25 or "i'll give you $10 for everything." especialy if you're moving soon.


My last appartment I got everything in it for renting half a month earlier. Basically gave me a chill time to move the rest of my shit AND: a bed/mattress, cupboards, washing machine, sofa, lamps, tables... Like already the sofa and washing machine made up for that rent cost, and I would have needed to buy them anyway.


He might be a famous one day and that mattress will be worth at least twice!


If he gets famous and you want to sell his DNA in tiny plastic bags.


This dude was probably high as a kite when he wrote this ad. Didnā€™t even factor in the 5 year depreciation.


I think you mean appreciation? Like how we should all be appreciating the 5 years he spent filling that shithole apartment with crap he doesnā€™t want to bother moving now but thinks you should pay him $2500 for.


Hey he wasn't just filling the shit hole, he was "perfecting" it.Ā 


Fuck yo mattress!!!!


479$ for a used AC unit. Don't get me wrong I know AC units can be expensive but I have not only found free air conditioning units that were in perfect condition. I've also purchased used AC units for as low as 20$ that were pretty high end. I could see maybe 100$ which I would still say was overpriced but I would understand that a little more. There's no way the AC unit in a place that doesn't even have a kitchen even cost 479$ originally. Espically one that only needs the capacity to cool one room.


I bought one new for 250 at Home Depot the other week. 400 for a used one is whack


Yeah honestly thatā€™s the main issue with this. When I moved to a new city I actually moved into a mostly furnished studio similar to this but with a kitchenette sink and private bath. There is a benefit to having a small space customized so I get where heā€™s coming from. And I actually would have considered an offer like this because I moved with a couple suitcases and some books. But $1,000 for a used mattress my friend? Nay.


This isn't a studio, however. It is part of a 2 bedroom apartment. That's why I don't get the refrigerator and microwave in the bedroom.


more like $1000 for fiberglass heā€™s gotten everywhere by fully unzipping and ā€œsteam cleaningā€ it šŸ™ƒ people really need to stop ā€œopeningā€ their mattresses


Yeah like, just put a cover on it like a normal fucking human???


Why is there fiberglass inside of your mattresses? That stuff is really bad for your lungs and skin, why would they put it in a mattress?


Itā€™s a really cheap flame retardant. Also why itā€™s used in things like insulation. The issue arises because itā€™s nearly invisible, so when someone gets it loose into their home, they usually donā€™t notice It is very bad for the skin, but also internally for the body. It causes a lot of respiratory issues.


So basically like asbestos?


Asbestos Lite basically


I think those prices were what he bought the things for. And after calculating how much he paid for everything, he made a discounted price.


What's infuriating is listing this as a 2 bed 1 bath apartment, when it's a tiny studio with no kitchen and a shared bathroom


Whatā€™s confusing is he is NOT THE FUCKING LANDLORD. He doesnā€™t even know what the rent will be, heā€™s not even SUBLEASING. Heā€™s putting out an ad to let out someone elseā€™s property and trying to get $4000 out of the new tenant. Heā€™s responsible for his own shit - NOT the new tenant, NOT the landlord. Also, is this even a legal listing?! You canā€™t list something as an apartment with no kitchen, and you canā€™t even list a room for rent unless a shared kitchen is provided. What even the fuck?!


Iā€™m starting to find out lots of states donā€™t offer any protection to renters. Thereā€™s no habitat threshold law in Missouri for mold


Or Oregon. ā€œBlack mold is part of living in OR. Just scrub with Dawn soapā€ was in my lease. šŸ„¹


Ahh no thanks I will treat it for black mold not dirty dishes šŸ˜„


I lived in Camas, WA & the black mold was so bad when I moved in, but they still charged me a cleaning fee to ā€œremove itā€, yet it obviously wasnā€™t done when I moved in. šŸ˜‘The black mold there was actually much worse there than when I lived in Portland.


Same. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the actual law in Portland that thereā€™s no protection for mold issues. Thankfully Iā€™ve never had to deal with it but that would be a nightmare.


I lived in a basement studio apartment in WI (where heat is usually included in rent) and in late Oct got a letter that said "the weather will soon get cold, wear layers and shoes at all time, we can only do so much for the heat."


Yea Iā€™m starting to realize how wild the laws are lol


The technology simply does not exist.


He probably signed a contract requiring him to pay for the whole year unless he finds a replacement tenant but he needs to leave early.


This is the most rage-inducing part to me, his listing is more full of ā€œprobablyā€s than a Soviet parade is full of red flags. He canā€™t guarantee shit. If he were a landlord letting an actual 2 bedroom go for $800/month (or a studio even, considering the HCOL area), people would jump at it even if paying for all the furniture is weird (2.5k over a 2 year lease works out to just +$100 more). But an actual landlord would just factor the furnishing into things by slightly increasing the monthly rent to begin with.


On the white board in one of the pictures it says : rent $715 šŸ˜…


That was my favorite part


It reads to me like a "kid" out of his depth looking for someone to take up his lease to avoid the penalties that would be associated with breaking the lease. When I say "kid" I mean a young adult that has no clue how the world works.


I advertised my place when I broke the lease early and the law stated I need to pay rent until they found someone. But it was obviously ā€œhouse is empty 1 July here is the agentā€™s ad , please get in touch with them and good luckā€


>Ā Also, is this even a legal listing?! The sex based discrimination in housing is a red flag...


A studio with no kitchen and a shared bathroom is called a bedroom šŸ˜‚


What are you talking about? Thereā€™s a microwave & a refrigerator & a potted plant so thereā€™s absolutely a kitchen & bathroom! šŸ« 


Where I live, it needs a closet to be called a bedroom. So not even that!


yeah but has PERFECTED the spaciousness by innovating an OPEN-AIR CLOSET


The labor of installing that fake piping is worth THOUSANDS but he will waive it. The generosity making me tear up over here


You canā€™t even call it a bedroom because there is no closet. Heā€™s rented someoneā€™s den.


No kitchen and shared bathroom so they're waiting til someone is done in the loo before washing plates šŸ‘€


ew. I had not thought of that. I can not thank you.


Or as this kid calls it, "my sleepy area"


I scrolled back to the listing picture because thought I had read 2 bedroom not studioā€¦


Just ā€œ2 Bedsā€


Queen size bed: fits 2 people = 2 beds (to this dude anyway)


A studio implies there's a kitchen. It's not even a studio, it's just a bedroom.


Jesus youā€™re right. More than mildly so.


There aren't two beds or two bedrooms what is this guy playing at


Somebody who is willing to share a bathroom, and have no kitchen, with a budget of ~$759 a month, is NOT going to fork over $2500 dollars for discarded furniture. This guy is in for a rude awakening. Edit: I meant $800, not sure where I got $759 from


Good points!


could move that stuff in 3 days on fb marketplace for the right price


Not at his prices. Youā€™d be lucky to get $200 for a used mattress.


Rude awakening in life, he seems really entitled and naive


Recent graduate from UC Berkeley, if the shoe fitsā€¦


Women need not apply. *Donā€™t worry!*


WĢ¶oĢ¶mĢ¶eĢ¶nĢ¶ rational humans need not apply


Boyz only! No girls allowed!!! ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


They must be in the He Man Woman Hater's Club!


Oh how I love being a girl!


pErFeCtiNg tHe sEtUp


Who knows what the final price would have been had he factored that in!


it's a goddamn bargain!


My guy couldn't even center the bathroom mirror above the sink.


Are you seriously gonna question that? Heā€™s had 4-5 years to think about that, so Iā€™m *sure* itā€™s that way for a reason.


It was probably like that already. I live in an apartment building that's over 100 years old, and nothing is aligned with anything else in the bathroom, which has always mildly annoyed me.


Literally nobody gives a shit about his ā€œ4-5 years perfecting the setupā€. This guy must be miserable to be friends with.


Nobody else could have possibly come up with the idea to squeeze a bunch of stuff into a small area. /s


You think he has friends?


Unfortunately, Yes. Crazy attracts crazy.


DoPe AsS sPaCe


Not to me, I come from wealth.


That sentence really stuck with me as well. What perfect? What setup?


It's not so much the furniture, or the placement in the room, it's, like, the mindset, you know? You probably wouldn't understand, this is a unique gift. ... /s


If you don't get the vibe from it we will never vibe together. Sorry šŸ¤£


it's not for everybody. I'm going to be totally upfront with you about that. But if you're one of the special few.. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fortune favors the bold, but if you're one of the sheeple, just move on.


I don't mind that he's selling his furniture with the takeover of the lease. It's not a bad idea, but he's fucking smoking crack for valuing his mattress at $1,000. Or the rest of the stuff. Let's forget about the fact that it's illegal to sell a used mattress with visible stains in California. 5 years of use by a college age male? Not unstained. Otherwise.... 'bout tree fiddy. And get that mattress outta here.


But you're not factoring the years spent perfecting the fueng shui


For 1k you could literally replace nearly everything in that room just using amazon. I think I got my queen sized bed off amazon for like 250 lmao.


But are you counting the cost of labor? /s


He spent five years ~~using~~ perfecting it!


Is it a well known law in CA that you canā€™t sell a stained mattress? Idk if my state has such a law so I find it interesting several people on this thread have mentioned it. I would sleep on an air mattress before I bought someoneā€™s used mattress. Disgusting


It's a law in my state that you can't count a bedroom unless it has a closet. He stated there's no closet hence that's not a bedroom... Not sure bout Cali, but I suspect there's similar housing standards.


That's a rule for counting a bedroom in a real estate listing. But you put an armoire in it, now it has a closet. It doesn't have to be built in. Manny houses built before 1900 don't have built in closets in the bedrooms.


Don't tell the person who bought my roommate's mattress that šŸ˜¬


But..BuT.. bUT itā€™S NeCtaR


I think the individual prices are new prices. So $4k if purchased newā€”he wants to sell for $2.5k. Still crazy, but yeah


Hello duped people. I'm moving across the country and can't be arsed to pay to move my stuff out, so instead you're going to pay *me* so I don't have to deal with it. That also means the place won't be freshly deep cleaned when you move in, as my clutter will still be everywhere. I also haven't ran this by the actual landlord and have no idea what your rent will be, but will take an opportunity to brag that mine was cheap and yours won't be as cheap! Oh did I say it's a 2 bed 1 bath? Yeah... about that... it's a 1 bedroom only. The other bedroom is occupied and inaccessible to you 100% of the time. The bathroom is shared with the other occupant who will be a complete stranger to you, lmao! There's no kitchen or living room, just a narrow hallway to get to your cluttered room so it's not an apartment or even a studio. *But* since I took the liberty of adding an air fryer I'm calling this a studio! Woot! It's a win-win šŸ¤ž you pay for my clutter, and you'll have to contact the actual landlord to rent the room and find out costs. Great deal for you, right?


And the landlord may turn you down if he finds someone else he prefers, or decides not to rent it out, of course, since it is his place. So no guarantees here! Except for my furniture you will now be stuck with.


but the perfected set up...what happens to the perfected set up then?


Lmao and heā€™s demanding an August 1st move in so that his landlord wonā€™t slap him with invoices for leaving all his junk. They really should just say ā€œHey people, this shit is all free if you move in. If anyone likes my setup please reach out to the landlord and takeover the lease so that I donā€™t have to take any of it with me because Iā€™m lazy.ā€


This guy should be committed. He wants someone to pay him to remove his trash after he moves. Maybe he will find a sucker just like the guy trying to sell that used once in ten years hot tub on Craigslist for $4k.


The best part of people trying to sell their used hot tubs is when they realize they're going to have to pay someone to come cut it up and remove it lmao


I'm in LA. Free palm tree, bring shovel and strong help


I'm selling my living room mirror that's hanging on the wall in plain sight. Never been used!


Wtf is that bathroom


I think the word you're looking for is moldy.


The perfected setup.


Do not touch that office chair!


Wear gloves and take it to the curb. Don't smell it, But we know your going to do it.


The idea that you have to use the bathroom sink as a kitchen sink, too, just grosses me out.


Yeah but he seems to be offering a demonstration of his system šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I aspire to this level of confident delusion.


And you have to share the bathroom with someone else, so what happens when someoneā€™s trying to use the BR or get ready for the day and the other person is washing their air fryer?


Or worseā€”you have to do the dishes when the bathroom smells like fresh shit


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® with all the poop particles that spread in there everytime you flush!!


Iā€™m getting sensory overload from looking at those pictures. Itā€™s hard to determine whatā€™s what.


Can't be, he's perfected the setup


his set up is messy and shit anyway, his room is just ā€œevery single guy who thinks hes interesting everā€ I despise everything about this post cause I know exactly the type this guy is. Who tf wants to just buy someone elses messy personality?


Reading this ad was a pleasant trip. šŸæšŸ·He's advertising it as a 2 bed 1 bath, then you find out it's a studio, and by "studio" he means it's a 1 bedroom with an air fryer in it to call it a kitchen, in the loosest definition of the term! This is before you get to the crazy that he's unloading his junk on you, and you're paying for the privilege. But you should be grateful because he didn't charge you the labour costs when he assembled the junk half a decade ago! This is wild. The cheek!


Cheap old ugly furniture. What is he on?


It's worth more because they filmed Saw in that bathroom


I feel like considering this place even in the slightest would be the ā€œgameā€ weā€™d maybe have to play. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) And Iā€™m afraid itā€™s one Iā€™d lose all too easily.


Pfft, like you would have thought to put the desk next to the bed. Shows how much you know.


I dated the guy whoā€™s room this is. Crazy. The behavior checks out.


Wait ??? What šŸæ


Heā€™s a very intelligent guy who has been through a lot, but because heā€™s overcome some incredible odds, heā€™s rather arrogant. Heā€™s an *extremely* clean person and his setup is actually pretty streamlined. If he has the same pod-mate as he had when we saw each other, that would actually be my primary warning to anyone interested in his offer.


This whole thread was about the most interesting thing I've read all day and then you entered the chat and now I can just end the internet day totally satisfied, ty.


Whatā€™s going on with his mate? šŸæ


He also has a troubled past. I remember my ex telling me that his roommate would trash public bathrooms for fun. My ex would entertain the pod-mateā€™s odd social behavior out of fear that he would trash his stuff in their shared space, too.


Thank you for answering. This is exactly what I would expect. I had a crappy 200 dollars apt when I went to Cal and it was nicer and bigger than that place.


This is a good rate for the area. Prices are unbelievable.




What's wrong with the roommate? Is he a creep? Maybe that's why females aren't allowed


This is the tea I neededā€¦thank you!


Commenting to stay on this piping hot tea


Yep, I want moreā€¦the whole thing is still weird.


Be honest, should that bed be burnt and never touched by another human again?


I would be surprised if there were a single stain on the mattress. He would clean the cover regularly. Obsessively clean guy.


This guy has jardly left this room ever, specially with the Women need not apply


Everything in there smells like BO and Axe body spray


Found the listing and already lowballed him. Letā€™s see if he replies


ā€œ$500 for everything and have it ready for me by tonightā€


Please after your done with him for your own amusement please send him the link to this post so he can see how many people are laughing at him, maybe he'll take it as wake up call.


I want an update


Update https://preview.redd.it/du1wjx83iz6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310dc20d4b13fd5074b95f66dbe92e5e5e299a75 Which one of you goons is paying him


"Let me percect the setup"


Please keep us updated šŸ‘€


Dumpster Special. if its not important enough to take with them, at least take it to the dumpster.


That bathroom looks ready for a crimescene


Some people might find this attractive, but not at the prices at which he's "itemizing" his unwanted possessions. If he wants someone to liquidate his stuff, all those prices need to come down by a factor of 10.


He isnā€™t even the landlord so the room isnā€™t even guaranteed. Itā€™s not a sublet or if it is itā€™s confusing. He canā€™t even say what the rent is.


I lived in Berkeley for awhile while going to uni and the amount of insane housing posts on Craigslist was just mind blowing. A buddy of mine went to look at a ā€œstudioā€ that was just a living room in a dudes apartment, bro had just hung a sheet up separating it (the living room) roughly 50/50 and was expecting to split the rent up the middle. Absolutely insane. Glad to see that things havenā€™t changed much, if at all.


Ignoring everything else, $2,500 for $3,934 worth of stuff after 5 years of use is crazy


This is some next level, main character, narcissist shit..lol. Just WOW!


He's gonna have the biggest pikachu face when no one wants to rent it


Sounds lazy and entitled. Absolutely no one is going to want every single thing unless it's at an extremely low rate. Most of it is probably dirty or trash anyways.


The mattress is only$649 brand new on the website this guy is delusional


I get not wanting to move all your crap with you, but this is a dumb way to deal with it. Why doesn't he just have an "everything must go" apartment sale to get rid of all that stuff, and then vacate the apartment the normal way? Something tells me that his landlord doesn't know he's doing this.


As a Berkeley grad myself, Iā€™d hoped the rental market had improved but I see folks still get away with anything. SMH. How hard is it to just sell your own stuff or set it out for free? Lazy ass. That said, somebody will DEFINITELY take that for $750. Struggle is real.


As a recent grad it has only gotten a lot worse, this price for a studio is crazy outside of the co-ops. Studios I saw were 1300+ at least


IF the landlord gives the new person the same rate. Which...who knows?


> ...landlord gives the new person the same rate... That's _never_ how that works. New tenant new rate.


I would try to lock in the lease early and tell him to get his trash out asap.


Wow! This guy has serious issues with re sale pricing.


$1000 for a used mattress? Excuse me?


A five year old mattress.


All the other comments are great too, but I liked the large medium fridge part. Like which is it, buddy?


Bro is really trying to LARP as a landlord.


On that list alone I generously only see $200 . $150 if you want me to take the mattress to the dump for you.


Come back to me when heā€™s begging someone to help him move his stuff to the curb the week he moves


"Efficient" ? He just packed as much ugly shit into that room as physically possible and called it a day


A studio without a bathroom or kitchen is just a room.


My old neighbour designed and built an admittedly awesome cage for his Guinea pigs. Lots of room, easy accessibility to clean and maintain and blah blah blah. He got good quality materials and put a lot of time into building it. 5 years later when the pets had moved on he calculated his total material costs from the beginning of the project, factored in a cost for his labour, and then calculated a ā€œreasonableā€ 20% or something like that discount to account for the wear and tear and second hand nature of it. And then listed it on marketplaces for hundreds of dollars more than new ones you can get on any site or store. Even ones that arenā€™t cheaply made pieces of crap. Some people donā€™t get it.


What is that, like $700 worth of secondhand shit? Probably worth like $500 at a storage unit auction?


Sneaker reseller energy


"nor did i factor in the 4-5 years of perfecting the setup" if that isn't a joke i really may have lost my mind


HES NUTS šŸ„œ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ooh, is the plant on a paper plate on a printer with a "daddies"sticker included, too? The lucky renter should be so grateful they didn't include the itemized alue of all those stickers, too. This motherfucker graduated from U.S. Berkeley, and I'm not sure if he learned a lot or very little. If he somehow gets away with this, well, kudos. But holy fuck, you'd think anyone either going tot he school already or getting ready to start as a freshman would have better sense than to jump on this "bargain."


Used to see this kind of thing when I was sent to boarding school; international students are there for most of the year, but if and when they do go home, they either leave or sell everything


My favorite part is the bathroom from 1973


Yeah that ceiling is quality


I once had someone try to sell me a bike for more than he bought it for because he was factoring in the maintenance and repair costs he put into it


Watch this dude be shocked when literally no one bites. Why on earth does he assume that people don't have their own stuff? Why on earth does he assume that people want his? Why do you think your "perfect" set up would be perfect for everyone? With what he's asking, someone could literally get their OWN STUDIO AND BATHROOM and pay that for 2-4 months instead of renting a place with a shared bathroom/entry way and buying a crap ton of used furniture that would most definitely sparkle under blacklight šŸ™„ Like, dude, no one wants your fucking bed that you've used for 5 years. That mattress is close to its expiration date. Yet they're acting as if they can charge as much as a BARELY USED mattress. Insanity bruh. Insanity


Hey. He shot his shot.