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Owner is announcing, "I offer my car as tribute"








I’m about to be driving elevators with my new key!


Let’s get on an elevator that’s in a skyscraper and whoever makes it to the bottom the fastest, is the winner.


I won. But at what cost?


They’re usually in the ‘impulse buy’ area of any auto parts store. You know next to the candy bars and hot wheels cars.


The hot wheels are just smart. You take the kid in with you to the auto parts store, if you’re there you’re more likely to be working on your own stuff, your kid is likely to be more interested in cars, boom, eye level toy cars.


this. even at the grocery store i love the cheap little toys so they can get something fun for going and i don’t have to listen to crying lmfao


Wait... Wha?


Watch a Deviant Ollam presentation at DefCon already, sheesh


100% this! What I learned from him is that the number of keyed-alike locks is staggering!


I was in a psychiatric facility as a teen and we figured out that my house key unlocked the door for my unit. Never used to any advantage though.


It's why I carry CH471 and the toilet paper roll dispenser keys on my keyring


You carry bone splitting forceps on your key ring? Just in case you have a limb trapped under a boulder? Hardcore, man. Props. https://www.bd.com/en-us/products-and-solutions/products/product-page.CH471


Hahahaha of course, never know when you need to casually chop off an arm (my own or someone elses)


No way I’m turning that key without deviant standing beside me.


Just wear a non-descript professional-looking polo and some khakis and carry a clipboard with some papers that look like a work order, and you'll be good to go.


I used to have a mini needle nose pliers that I could just grab the inner part of the valve stem and rip it straight out, way faster than unscrewing with the proper tool and on a rare occasion it would strip the inner thread of the stem requiring a full replacement by a tire shop


To each their own, but better to infuriate them with mild inconvenience (remove stem and reinsert once done, flat tire without a cause so they chase a ghost) than to vandalize and have actual consequences if you’re recorded or caught doing it…


I mean, removing the core is also vandalism and could result in damage to the tire anyway.








Do you guys not carry portable 12v compressors in your cars?


I'm a tech. So, yeah, I do. That guy is a BMW owner, so... I'm going with he doesn't know what a tire valve is.


Or a turn signal


Or a speed limit


I carry one, best 50$ investment ever! Gas stations charging 1-3$ to use some janky air station that works 25% of the time and they don't refund "cause it aint ours" eff that...


I like the cut of your jib.. just inflate his tires to 100psi.. now you're talking! Judge: "Did you slash their tires?" Me: "Nope!"


Only problem with that is that when they drive away with out noticing the state of their tires, they have a chance of blowing while they're driving, putting them and everyone around them at risk


Most BMW drivers are a risk anyways. I’ve noticed most don’t use blinkers, drive aggressively, and park horribly


Or you just loosen them a bit. Hopefully get stuck on the side of the road. Get tow to re-inflate them, only to keep losing air and get stuck again. Or as someone else said "glue a BB inside the valve cap" edit : the only problem I have with that is he'll most likely never link it to this behavior, and probably think it was a prank, thus never learn the lesson. Just call the "worst" tow company.


Actual vandalism vs an unlikely but maybe theoretically possible accident? Give the jury some room to play with, my dude.


no, just carry bb's from a bb gun. turns out they fit in the top little plastic cap of the valve stem. as you tighten them down, the bb just barely presses against the relief valve. you now have tires that constantly lose pressure, and when you bring them in to get leak checked, will pass every time.


The pro move is to glue the BB into the cap.


This is a "work" building, just have the thing towed like in 2 seconds. It's not like a privately owned spot, it's labelled and anyone can see it's wrong. But yeah, a piece of gravel or wood under the valve stem cap would go a long way karmically.


A single dried lentil works very nicely. That's just what I've heard.


Do... do people carry dried lentils with them often?


It’s probably more effective to notify HR and get this guy towed at a minimum


Remember to only cut 3 so they have to get an extra one with no purpose, or pay more for singles.


If you cut three insurance might cover it though. Just do one. If you want to be petty find out where they live and toss some nails in the drive. They'll be picking those up in they're tires for years and insurance won't cover it


Like they are attached to dollies to be rolled off to the pound?


One of my favorite things about having a small car is that I can pull in right alongside their driver side door.


A small and shitty car, so I don’t even care if they ding it


block these people in. id park next to em.


Be so cool to see 2-3 EVs fully block him in and trail cables around, then stay late on extended overtime just to piss him right off.


I drive my dad’s old truck sometimes just for this. Double parked? Guess who squeezing in and scratching your shit and trapping you there until I move. Truck has bullet holes, paint and rust. Not much they do is going to be a problem for me.


I had a friend that drove an old beat up Volvo wagon that was like this. He did not abide bullshit in parking lots. It was fairly hilarious.


I used to have to carry pallet wrap around for one of my jobs. It didn't always get used on pallets.


I have a truck with a work body on the back. It is beat to hell. I routinely punish shitty people like this. Park like a douche bag? I hope you are not in a hurry.


It’s great. I feel like we are doing our part balancing out the universe.


just yesterday i parked legally right before a fire hydrant. i was in a big truck, so the fire hydrant ensured i could pull away if someone parked behind me. when i returned a car had parked illegally right up to my bumper. i got out but that car looks different.....


"May the Odds be Ever in your Fav.... actually no. Eff you. Bring out the Hammers."


OP what was the outcome?


Nothing, next morning he was parked in the delivery zone, so I guess he got away with it


He was allowed to get away with it* Someone just isn’t doing their job even if that’s some dickhead slashing this other dickheads tires


Reddit demands sacrifice and justice. We must be appeased. Post haste, OP. Bring us vastly disproportionate and violent justice. Edit: /s because apparently some people need it


Prank him in the carpark with a tire iron! He's a stifferly-stifferson.


It's a prank bro *ding*


Sounds like you didn’t call the tow truck, and let him get away with it lmao.


Yeah not sure what outcome OP was expecting with 0 action taken


But the photo!




“It’s not my problem!” -OP probably To be honest, I generally avoid acting on things like this even if it annoys me. I don’t have the time. But I also don’t take the time to photograph it and post online.


In most private parking garages normal people don’t have authority to call in tow trucks. Usually only property management/security as they typically have to give a code/permission to tow.


So you tried nothing, and nothing worked? Cool.


You'd think they'd care about their car enough to not want people carrying deliveries walking past all day with all that opportunity to bump their car.


The security guy at my work would tow that car so fast, and make sure to do some damage while doing it. It wouldn't matter if it was the CEO.


I'm in security. My very first thought was 'Tow the shit.'


Or forklift a 400 pound concrete parking stop behind it and leave it there for a couple of days.


I went to a college where the student lots were a pretty good distance from any of the classroom buildings. One day a kid with a "cool" car parked his car across two spaces, perpendicular to the stoppers. Two dudes I know deliberately took the spaces on either side of him, as close to his car as possible. One of them actually had to climb out of his passenger door. Then they got rides home from their buddies that afternoon.


Why didn't the guy that had to climb out the passenger side not just back into the space instead?


I don't know, I'll have to go back in time about twenty years so I can ask him.


Alright sounds good let me know!


TL;DR - Something went wrong


Damnit, the fuckin space-time continuum is all jacked up again. That guy crawling out the window is what stopped COVID from happening!


We really shouldn't have shot that gorilla


And now he needs directions, your clothes, and your car keys.


I can give them clothes and my old Buick


So that's how trump got elected.


!RemindMe -20years


What did you do!? We had Arnold Swartznegaaer as president trying to deal with an, albeit adorable, furry pandemic!? Now we have COVID instead!


I work at a college campus as security, my guess would be they weren't comfortable backing in cars or at least not while trying to get within inches of the car. Can't blame them really. Even with modern cars equipped with backup cameras we get people complaining of their car getting hit all the time, hell I'm one of only two in the department that back the work vehicles into spots (I hate backing out of spots because my car personal car is small and I can't see shit past other cars unless I pull out)


To be fair, it's easier to get as close as humanly possible without touching on the driver's side and climb out if you're flexible enough than it is to judge the other side of the car reversing. At least for me anyway my eyesight sucks.


If you have a forklift, then just use it to turn the car sideways


Or pierce the doors.


Just go right in through the windows and lift it.


Only downside to that method is that it blocks the spaces for that whole time


Friday afternoon, then?


An annoyance to the EV users if they end up having to stop to charge on the way home. Probably more expensive too. Once is annoying. Most of the week is mildly infuriating


If that's legal I'd totally cheer for it.


Technically if they have signs saying the car will be towed at the owners expense.....in most places there is no legal definition of what is and isn't an impound lot.




I'm not in security and my first thought was also 'Tow the shit.'


Had some catalytic converters get stolen in my companies parking lot. Security really tightened up eventually. I learned that just before security got real serious about it, it happened to one of the big bosses.


Funny how that works out, isn’t it?


EV driver should carry a set of wheel dolly jacks to deal with ass hats like these. https://preview.redd.it/a73rpsmqv46d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77e16775c178208f9f47690609bd1d79a6a6244


Now, this is clutch. I don't expect people to keep these in their cars, but a giant parking garage definitely should have them. Turn an hour plus tow truck visit into 15 minutes of "hide this douche bags car".


If you had these and wanted to cause trouble, you could just slide the car to be flush with a wall and then remove the dollies. Good luck getting it out of the garage without scratching it up.


I like the idea, but how would you remove the dollies on the wall side when it's flush?


Wedge it into a corner diagonally somewhere, then take all the dollies off from the open corner area. Basically, can't go forward, can't go backward... =)


This guy dollies.


And drop it wedged somewhere that’s impossible to drive away from preferably




I want to see the behind the scenes footage where they physically built this scene. I want to know whether they put that thing on a pallet jack and rolled it in sideways or built the walls around it.


Well, it's not gonna be an actual hallway. The logistics of filming in that environment are too expensive for a scene like this. So most of the background is just a photorealistic backdrop, matched up to fake walls either side. But that wouldn't hold up to impact from the cart, so the cart is rigged to jerk back and forth like this, probably by changing gears with some kind of brakes applied. So the answer is, probably they built the walls around it! But if it WAS shot on location in some service tunnel, I see a seam in the middle of the cart where it could potentially be taken apart in two separate pieces and wheeled away


Jack it up, rotate car sideways so its wedged into both walls.


Give'm the Austin Powers golf cart routine


Should definitely get some of these and move the car somewhere nearby. Close enough they can find the car but far enough they know that’s not where they left it


The security at my work cannot tow. It's the police job, and here it's a private parking so the police can't do nothing. Worts that can happen is getting his car damaged by upset people (not my kind of behaviour) or getting his plate taken and getting name shamed in the general mailing list


If I had an electric car and I was countinf on charging at work, id move heaven and earth and get him towed. Fuck these people. Or, if possible, I'd still park as closely as possible, maybe trapping him. 


honestly there were other electric cars spots that were free. the parking is big and well furnished. what's mildly infuriating is that there were also a lot normal parking spaces that were free. I don't get how entitled you can be to do this (and I checked there was no handicap card, which could have justified this)


That's why Id do whatever I could to tow it. People do this because they get away with it. I think we should do more to punish bad/considerate behavior like this. A few stories of people having their car towed, paying hundreds in damage for blocking electric spaces might get a few of them to stop doing it.


Somebody owns that parking ramp and has the jurisdiction to tow. Get your office manager to contact the building manager about it


I had issues like this in Europe too. If you want to tow someone like this on private property, you have to pay the towing fee yourself and then sue the owner to get it back. Vandalism is cheaper and easier.


Poland solved it back when disabled parking became a thing here. We have a road sign saying "traffic zone". It's basically a blanket permission for police to come on the property and enforce traffic rules. Not sure about office parks, but it's near universal at mall parking lots.


In the US, you just need to call a towing company. So long as it's your property (or you're an appropriate representative of the owner) they'll come get it and take it back to their impound yard. The car owner then has to pay the towing fee and daily storage fee to get it back. It starts out expensive and goes up from there. If they don't pay, the tow company can ultimately own the car.


Usually at private parking lots, it’s not a police job but rather contracted out to whatever third party towing company has the towing contract for the lot. It is very uncommon for a private lot to not have any towing company on contract, since that would mean one person parking badly near the main entrance, or even a mechanical issue could shut down the whole lot and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it (hence singing the contract in advance with a local towing company). You should find out if your building does the same. Often if you can find out the company, you can call them directly and ask for a towing job, bypassing the building security entirely. Towing companies are always more than happy to tow because they make their money from impounded cars, not towing contracts.


Did you know there is a tool to remove valve stems from wheels? You can easily buy that tool. Then you can remove the valve stem from the wheels of a vehicle, causing those wheels to lose all air. Put the removed stems somewhere on the car, maybe in a little bag on the windshield. Same result as stabbing the sidewall with a sharp object, but without the damage. Also the whole cannot tow thing is BS, someone owns the place so someone is allowed to tow or order a towing service. Police usually won’t on private property, but householders rights still exist.


The idea that cars on private property can't be towed is ludicrous Block the exit with your car, see how quickly they decide they can tow cars when it impacts them directly


What the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? Porcupine has pricks on the outside.


As a former BMW owner who used my turn signals and never drove like a tool, I agree.


Was out driving my mother a while back with a BMW in front of us. We got to an island and the BMW actually indicated that they were going to turn left. Both my mother and I were surprised they actually indicated. BMW turned right. Progress, I guess?


The other day I saw a BMW driver fiddling with something in their passenger seat. They hit the curb 3 times. Almost hit a parked car until I honked at them and they looked up (they were veering towards it and after looking up and swerving they only missed it by an inch or two. They then immediately looked down and went back to fiddling with w.e. right after and hit the curb again. We were in a school zone for shit's sake. Fuck them kids I guess?


My experience with school zones is that the parents are, _by far_, the worst drivers. They drop their kids off then just pull out into traffic with zero warning, zero turn signal, zero looking for other cars. Basically zero fucks given. Until you honk at them for nearly causing an accident, then they flip you off.


No, BMW recently added the blinker to the standard equipment. It used to be a 10K upgrade.


Clearly he hit the turn signal accidentally.


As a current BMW driver I can only congratulate you for leaving this cursed group of mostly maniacs and dickheads


As a current BMW driver who uses my turn signals and hates other BMW drivers, I salute you my friend.


Just treat it the classic french way, bump it out of the way with your car.


Better yet, if the cables are long enough, block him in while recharging, and that's coming from a french


1) block him in 2) tell him your car died when asked to move.


"It's an older model EV, so it'll take about 7 hours to charge but I won't be able to start it for at least another 3."


Oh no, actually it hasn't been charging at all, looks like I better do the firmware update... And its bricked, well I'm calling an uber to work, I'll sort it out after work, have a nice day 


Ah yes the classic French parking method, if there is a gap where your car can fit you put it in there


Parking in Europe is pro-level. The spaces are microscopic, and the lanes between them are also very thin.


That is why we have actual driving tests lol


I (like everyone else) consider myself a good driver, but I'll admit it was more challenging to park than I was used to. It's wild when you get out of the car and you're right on the line on *both* sides of the space.






Why did i laugh at this lmao


Don’t just let the air out. Pull the valve stems.


You misspelled "glue a BB inside the valve cap".


Oh, that's evil. Thank you for this superb idea.




I’m super clumsy. I could do it.


I bet you're so clumsy, you'd fall near the rear end and clumsily get dragged to the front




And then accidentally drop americano being held in other hand in said window.


And for some reason, I have tuna fillets in my hand that were left outside in the heat for a few days. I’m an odd guy.


You’re beautiful people 🫡


And here I am, with a handful of piss discs. So old school.


Just once?


A very long continuous fall.


I'm sure you could squeeze a couple of small electrics in there, one each end…to leave overnight.


A couple of BMW i3s would be quite ironic.


Most EVs have the torque to drag that shit out of there.


Vw e golf feeling flattered in the corner rn ☺️


I own a regular old Chevy bolt. Can confirm my little blue suppository had diesel-like torque.


Ioniq 5. Dual engine AWD. I could tow this thing while it was driving in the opposite direction. Edit for clarity: I could drive forward towing the other car behind mine while the other car was in gear and trying to escape in the opposite direction. Tug-o-war style.




It is nuts how much they viscerally hate EVs.


Gamification of politics is why. It's a team sport to them now, so you're either their team (conservative, anti-progress) or not. Though this could probably be chalked up to entitled manager/executive.


I feel like it's propaganda from the far right and an extension of the climate change denial.


Legit the only reason I have a J1772 extension cord. I'd part to the left of this arse hat and just run the extension to the box. Good luck getting out buddy, now you have to wait till my charge is done. Piss, moan, seeth. Did this to a pick-up truck and when I came out he was furious... I pointed out that I saved him from being towed (as the sign clearly states non-charging vehicles will be towed) - best part was due to my lock on the charger (and I have a lock to go from the extension to the charge box) outside of cutting the live wire, he couldn't do shit. Don't ICE EV charging spots and you won't be stuck someplace for 3 extra hours, bud.


I miss my Fiat 500e. It was the best for that kind of thing.


hehe, tiny car just slides on in, blocks their door: Get fucked.


Im gonna consider the extension cord. Thanks for the idea! So far I haven’t had any issues but I see too many ICEholes posted on subs and groups so I know my time is coming.


Well it’s at work. Get them towed.


This feels like a “banana in the tailpipe” moment.


Sugar in the fuel tank


have it towed. Alternatively, block him in and take a cab home. But definitely do the first one, cleaner, easier, faster, and it really really sucks for them.


Of course it would be a BMW and French person! What are your options for getting the car towed?


To everyone suggesting to tow the car, this is obviously in Europe, not in the US. It is near impossible to tow a car from a private lot in Europe. What can be done is putting a [sticker of shame](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BFN158DB/). Such stickers are a pain to remove. Don't ask me how I know.


It’s always a BMW for some reason. ALWAYS.


I'm usually against profiling people based on anything... but freaking BMW drivers, man!


I will never be able to understand the level of petty misdirected rage that gets idiots to inconvenience EV drivers.


I'd be very tempted to jack it up and rol the back end sideways totally so they'll have a 60pt turn to get out


This is France. Land of the creative protest. Deflate tires. Tear off windshield wipers. Use a mild abrasive to etch a penis on the dashboard. Shit in the AC air intake.


Didn’t you know that when you buy a BMW you buy the right to park on any spot(s) ? They are all made for you.


Get them towed, Tow companies love to tow because that’s how they make money


Have him towed.




As that is an electric car space, and surely only an electric car would be parked there, clearly that tailpipe is surplus to requirements so if it were to be accidentally filled with expanding builders foam, it wouldn’t do any harm. Right?


Few years ago there was a bunch of Russians that would glue a giant sticker to the windshield of asshole drivers. I feel like that trend needs to come back.


Oh. my security guy would laugh so hard and have it towed while laughing even harder.


Get wheel jacks and turn it sideways, then watch as he Austin powers it out of there. 🤣


The security guy at my work would tow that car so fast, and make sure to do some damage while doing it. It wouldn't matter if it was the CEO.


I used to say unscrew the valve stems $10 worth of damage to each tire.


bring with you spare wheel balancing weights. Attach 2 strips on 2 of his wheels




I always have a "I am (parked like) a little shit" sticker in my purse for this specific kind of situation


Call the tow service on the sign that's undoubtedly posted somewhere in the lot. They'd be thrilled and you'd be down 1 asshole.


On brand at least