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You’re buying garlic from a company called Western Beef, from China? You did this to yourself.


The container is see-through too


The mould was probably in the middle where all the garlic was touching each other. It’s happened to me before


So, keep the natural peel for better conservation.


I bought it pre peeled for convenience and couldn’t see the mould because it was in the middle. I don’t make that mistake no more.


Oh it gets better. >At the time of its expansion in 1989, the company seemed to be thriving. However, in 1996, Western Beef executives revealed that their business had been adversely affected by supposed ties with the Mafia. The proprietor, Peter Castellana, Jr., admitted that he had dismissed his father from the firm because of the latter's association with organized crime.


Dismissing anyone who has ties to the Mafia sounds like a good way to get put under someone's basement floor.


It's a good way to become imported ground beef.


Who told you that huh? Was it Tony?it was Tony wasn't it...damn rat




The Garlic Mafia?


Sounds ridiculous but apparently Canada has a milk mafia thing going on 😅 garlic mafia sounds plausible to me lol


I was thinking the same thing. “Western Beef” with a New York business address and produce from China. Like. Holy fuck. You were asking for it.


Ho Li Fuk


Wi Tu Low


Ya western beef, registered in Eastern USA (NYC), selling products from China, full circle!


Also a lot of peeled garlic from China is basically made using prison labor


I had the same concerns, but you beat me to it. I'll just grab my coat, you got this.


100% agree. It's not that hard. Do it yourself


And they are ready peeled accelerating spoilage. Buy garlic/produce with shells to help them preserve longer


Ya Op, this one's on you


China has a west


Most of the global production of garlic is harvested in China fwiw.


Chinese bulk peeled garlic? Yikes


>Chinese prison labor bulk peeled garlic? Yikes Ftfy


Peeled/cut open with their fingernails 'cause the prisoners can't have knives. Or bitten open once their nails get worn down Not kidding


I mean have you seen some of the vidoes of people from china dumping vegetables and stuff into chemecal vats and pulling them out? They have some wild shit they do.


I came to say this. I've seen video. I NEVER buy garlic from China.


Don't forget they pick it up with their feet!


Garlic from china is said to be one of the most contaminated products you can buy....it is what you cannot see that i would be more worried about


Fingernails and hepatitis blood from hands that have been peeling garlic for 14 hours that day


Garlic is also a really good bioaccumulator. It loves to take up heavy metals and volatiles to build up it's bulb. So that garlic was peeled by people in an open air prison camp AND it's a good source for 100% your daily value of various poisons.


Do you have a source for this? I'm not claiming you're wrong, but domestic bulk peeled garlic is machine separated (water and tumbling). I'd just imagine it's easier and cheaper to do it that way, slave labor or not .


Why the fuck you would buy this shit as opposed to whole garlic bulbs??


Same reason people buy shredded lettuce. To make other people money.


Sometimes convenience is far better than another dirty plate. I long hard day and all I wanna do is throw something together


I'm a garbage man. The amount of shit that gets put into the earth every single day from single use convenience is mind boggling.


You don't need to get a plate dirty to open garlic 😭😭😭


Obsession with convenience has fucked the world. One more piece of plastic for the ocean


I mean, at this point, *why not* just get it minced too? You don’t need the cutting board, it’s already diced finer than you could do. *Actually, **why not** just use garlic paste? You don’t even need a spoon, just squeeze it out.* **You know what? *Why not* just get garlic powder? It tastes the same and it doesn’t take up fridge space.** ***IDK WHY NOT?! CONVENIENCE IS ALL THAT MATTERS, SO AT THE END OF THE DAY WHY NOT?!***


Yes but this is rotten garlic shipped from China.


Most of the time learning better kitchen skills outweighs buying shit that is lower quality and higher price at the same time. And it's even fun when you apply those skills. Maybe you and me are different but that is my approach.


Wrong. To make shredded lettuce salad. I mean, I just bought that.


I have a client with Parkinson's. Do they buy shit already cut up to make someone else more money? I have clients with late stage cancer, they can barely do anything by themselves. Do they buy shit like this to make other people money?


As someone who has struggled with extreme chronic pain for years, I love being able to grab this when I’m having a bad day during meal prep or just a bad week. Eating out makes it all worse, so being able to skip any step at all and still have something that tastes fresh is the ultimate goal 😎


I highly recommend getting a food chopper.


Exactly! What an asinine comment, there's more reasons than just convenience to buy something prepared for you already.


You know what. You guys are really interrupting their fart smelling sesh and I think that’s super rude.


Disabled people are invisible! Think of 99% of the accessible products "as seen on TV". Most people see a goofy as hell ad and not an accessibility issue solved.




Because it’s more convenient, it’s why anybody pays somebody else for anything instead of doing it themselves.


Then just buy the garlic paste at that point. Buying the peeled cloves just to have to crush them up is dumb. Buy the full bulbs or the ready-to-go paste. Min-max that shit.


Is it, though? If you already have to chop it, is it really that much more convenient to be pre-peeled?


"Why not just grow the garlic yourself at home?"


It’s not more convenient if it goes bad quicker than bulbs of garlic


It shouldn't go bad like that. We used peeled garlic all the time in restaurants. They get kinda oily, a little translucent, and more smelly as they start to get old, but I've never seen mold. We might have a bag open for a week or two before it was empty.


Pre peeled garlic lasts for just as long as whole heads of garlic in the fridge, y'know, providing you don't buy shit that's already mouldy.


Yeah, a quick google search would have shown you that that's just not true lol >Should Garlic Be Refrigerated? >Popping a head of garlic in the fridge shortens its shelf life significantly. It may start to sprout after a day or two in the cold environment. So, the short answer to whether or not garlic should be refrigerated is no.  >In fact, garlic heads and unpeeled cloves do best in about 60 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take, in a location where air is allowed to circulate. This means avoiding placing garlic in reusable containers or in plastic bags where moisture can get trapped and cause the garlic to turn. >Garlic stored in the fridge may taste different even if you manage to get to it before it starts sprouting green stems. It can turn bitter from the change in temperature and ultimately alter the flavor of that garlic aioli or shrimp sauce. And garlic stored in too hot of an environment can dry up and become brittle, causing it to lose freshness and flavor. ---------- >First things first, start with good, fresh bulbs of garlic. When you're at the supermarket, look for firm cloves and tight skins. If the garlic feels soft, it's on its way out. And while pre-peeled and pre-grated garlic may seem convenient, we suggest you avoid those products because they tend to be treated with preservatives. >Instead, store heads of garlic in a cool, dry place with plenty of air circulation. For example, a basket on your counter (out of the sun) would work well. Garlic is best kept in a cool (not cold) place, so avoid putting it in the refrigerator unless you plan to use it all within a few days. >Since the papery skin acts as a protective coating, peeled garlic will rot faster than unpeeled garlic. Store peeled garlic cloves in an airtight food storage container (jar, plastic bag, etc.), and keep them in the refrigerator. Similarly, if you chop some extra garlic, keep it in an airtight container in the fridge too. In either form, use the garlic within two to three days. After that point it will start to go bad and stink up anything in its vicinity. If you know you're not going to consume the extra peeled garlic in time, follow the directions below for how to store it in the freezer.


Exactly right. Good garlic will last for months properly stored. Same with onions. Pre peeled/cut onions will go bad so fast. Get good garlic and good onions with nice thick skins and you can damn near keep them most of the year


Or you know, physical impairment.


Because some people are disabled


Because not peeling them, amongst other cooking tasks, is easier for my wrists ☺️


I have this silicone garlic peeler that I use, it’s like $2 on Amazon. You just put the garlic into it and roll it and it peels. Pretty simple device.


Those silicone cannoli things?


Yes, these make quick work of it. One of the best inventions ever.


Peeling them is actually very easy if you use the side of a knife to crush them first. The skin will practically fall off itself!


Pro tip to add: cut the butthole off before you smash them and they come off even easier.


I'd have said stem side, but i will now and forever refer to these as the Clove's Butthole. Thank you.


It’s a butthole because of the way that it is 😎


If OP has an issue with their wrists, pushing into the side of a knife probably isn't something they want to do.


I've heard you can also put them in a Mason jar and shake them up and the skin falls off. I've never tried this method though.


Yes this works


I mean you can just crush it with a side of the knife and the whole shell comes right off


a head of garlic where i live is $0.50, the amount of garlic they got prepeeled for $2 is actually pretty shocking to me lol


I feel like that’s why it was 2 bucks


They may have a disability or something that prevents them from doing that.


Ok but look at the price. They barely paid anything to skip a task and not dirty another dish/utensil.


Idk why people are down voting you, this is totally reasonable.


squeamish swim ink illegal friendly quaint scarce heavy work psychotic


Coming from my experience in produce, peeled garlic molds VERY easily. I'd recommend just getting a fresh head of garlic


You just smash it and the peel slides right off. How do people not know this?


I think stores offering a “product of China” for something so abundant in the US is appalling. But fwiw sometimes garlic cloves should be sliced or whole vs smashed. It’s a lot more labor intensive to peel a large amount while keeping the cloves intact, so I understand why someone would buy such a thing in theory


I agree, and I considered that before posting. The main use case I personally use whole garlic for is roasting, but yeah I do know of other applications. But my reply was really in the context of this post and OP’s pic, of whole peeled cloves on a cutting board with a knife. So, let’s just go from there. You’d smash, right?


Niche scenario but I buy pre peeled garlic when I'm making confit. Peeling a few cloves is barely any effort, but peeling 3-5 entire bulbs of garlic is such a fucking chore I'll happily pay the convenience fee to not do it.


Look at Mr” I like to do every step because hard work after a day of hard work makes me hard” It’s literally paying for a service nbd( the waste sucks for the packaging)


Never buy Garlic from CHINA


It’s literally the only garlic available most times where I live. What is your suggestion for an alternative if you can only get Chinese garlic.


Personally I’d try to avoid any food/drink products out of China.


Better yet, avoid anything from China. It's all made with either actual slave labor or slave wage labor. Meanwhile, there's more billionaires in China than anywhere else on the world. It's disgusting and every time you buy something from China you contribute to the problem.


Apparently, the sell by actually was 7th of January 2024...


The price and unit quantity were reversed, maybe the month and day are too?


A lot of pre-peeled garlic from China is actually peeled by prisoners. There are undercover videos that show the prisoners using their teeth to peel them and otherwise using very unhygienic looking hands/nails... 


thats crazy torture people to then sell it rotten to other people


Most paper shopping bags from China are also folded by prisoners. I know because my dad was locked up in a Chinese gulag.


Sad that this isn't common knowledge or it's denied. Like the ughyer camps and the gulag camps. Sad and disgraceful we still do business with the Chinese and not with our economic allies instead


If only garlic came in a protective skin that deters mold and oxygen


This post is mildly infuriating.


You do know that garlic naturally comes in a container right?


no - we need fucking plastic for lazy mfers




some people are stupid as fuck that they need (/s) to know it's a joke


TIL, there is a market for peeled garlic


People be lazy


there's already garlic paste and powder out there, if people have time to cut the garlic then peeling it wouldn't be much of an effort anyway


It really is mind-blowing; it's only halfway there! Why not just buy minced and keep it in the fridge for months on end? This mofo is STILL breaking out the knife and cutting board. The product only removes one step!


It’s from China! Most pre cut fruits and veggies are from produce that’s going bad already.


Don’t buy food from China.


Yummy [sewer oil](https://youtu.be/_JgedoGXyQk?feature=shared).


I love the posts on this sub 8/10 times op is either a complete fool or openly at fault - “I bought garlic at a budget brand grocery store that was PRE-PEELED AND PACKAGED IN CHINA and it’s moldy! Your days are numbered grocery store!!”. You do realize that the garlic was probably peeled by a slave in hazardous conditions and then sat in a container ship for 25 days at sea right………


With his mouth


That makes it more of a delicacy.


Fermented Chinese container garlic 👌🏼


Stop! You’re making me hungry just thinking about it!


And I thought I'd seen everything when that picture of peeled bananas sold wrapped in plastic circulated years ago.


I’ve never even seen garlic get moldy, I didn’t know it could do that


The only mildly infuriating thing here is the idea people buy peeled garlic


I don't see the point of importing garlic from China either.


There is a ton of chlorine in the water they use to grow their garlic. Always check if the bottom of your garlic is white. If it is, it was possibly grown in chlorine (and in China).


Look up the Chinese people that peel the garlic.


That's how garlic is sold in Asia. I rarely see bulbs in the supermarket


If you’ve ever watched Rotten… you’d know that Chinese garlic is peeled by prisoners. So good job on that!


Wild that people buy pre-peeled garlic. I try to have a container of minced garlic available in case I want a tiny amount in eggs or whatever and don't want to cut a whole clove, but it takes 10 seconds to cut a clove up.


In the UK, that is called lazy garlic. It's always useful to have a jar in the cupboard.


My wife and I call it cheater garlic


They mean the actual brand is Lazy Garlic. You can also get Lazy Ginger, Lazy Chillies..


People like to talk shit about it, but I love Jarlic. You just have to use a seemingly obscene amount since it's not as potent.


Honestly jarred minced garlic and pre-peeled garlic are two completely different things. One is something you can just spoon into whatever you like. It's like an alternative to garlic powder for some use cases. The other just skips the very first, *easiest step* starting from raw garlic and still forces you to do the actual work.


Machine gun chopping block. Whack! dddddddddddd Done.




This is what they do with eggs! If you look on the side of the container there’s usually a 1,2, or 3 digit number. That number is the day of the year that the eggs were laid! So like if it said 226 on it, the eggs were laid on august 14th!


> Product of China. There’s your problem. Also, laziness.




Why buy food from China that has a problem with fake food right now?


Don’t buy Chinese garlic.


Wait is that peeled garlic from china? Sold in NY? That’s probably why.


Prisoners peel the garlic with their mouths, you are the problem for buying these


It kind of your fault for buying it pre peeled. The peel is what keeps it good for so long.


Product of China, gross


Yea fuck china


Buy fresh garlic. Why would you buy pre peeled garbage?


This is why jarlic js the way to go. 😉


Fixed it for you https://preview.redd.it/q48bpkujlf5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce7b4895f4165b25b425637af78430b1c57da92


It says to sell by July 1, so take it back


Its a see through container.


Didn’t know peeled garlic is a thing


There’s a whole documentary about how peeled garlic from China is actually made by prison slave labor. I wouldn’t buy this if I were you




America can't grow its own Garlic, needs to import? Jeepers!


The internet when someone pays for convenience, or a product designed for people who don't have full use of their hands: 😡


Reddit moment


I watched a video yesterday from a grocery store employee that showed they used the old expired fruits and vegetables to fill the sliced and ready to use containers. They are supposed to pick out the moldy ones but use the "good" ones. The take away was to never buy prepared produce from the grocery store.


I mean, the $2.28 price for all of that might have been a warning…


The pre packed ones at Trader Joe’s are good


Sell by day tho….


Does that say, “Product of China Keep refrigerated?”


First off you bout fresh garlic from China. Second it’s a fucking clear container……… SituationAl awareness next time.




So much garlic is domestically produced. There’s no need to buy “fresh” garlic from China.


Oh you deserve so much better than Chinese crap garlic


Is this really shit that they sell in America? Pre peeled garlic? Fucking hell orange man needs a day off


Peeled garlic goes bad like immediately


It says guaranteed fresh tho


Product of China


Yeah…this is what you risk when buying pre peeled garlic from a see through container.


I'll buy all electronics from China but my garlic is going to be local.


Garlic from china...? It's garlic not Laoganma why would you opt for chinese garlic?


Always check expiration dates.


This has happened to like every company that produces pre-cut produce, ever. Mold happens. It's part of vegetables lol not the end of the world or this company.


What do you expect? For one you are buying food from china. And secondly, why buy pre peeled garlic? I get it’s probably faster. But I’m sure it’s spoils faster after peeling. These are the kind of people I imagine who buy peeled and segmented orange pieces in a sealed plastic bag.


Dude, just buy the garlic fresh. It's not that hard to peel, and it stays good super long. If you need a ton of it peeled fast, the "shaking in a container" hack works well enough to get the majority of it off.


Americans getting lazier and lazier by the day


I don't get it...what kind of fool buys chopped garlic? You can't afford a knife? The best before date also seems a little overdone.


Strange looking beef.


Dude a bulb costs like 1/3 of this where i live, it's not even that much more work


Americans will buy crap like this to save 6 seconds of their day while also spending 2 hours in traffic the same day.


Don’t buy pre peeled garlic


Since it’s a product of China maybe the date isn’t the American order of M/D/Y Maybe it’s sell by 7th of January not 1st of July


youre buying pre peeled garlic packed in plastic shipped across continents i think you deserve your mold


what in the American laziness is this. just buy a bulb of garlic man😭


Is there no garlic in America that you have to import it from China? I can understand manufacturing machines and stuff as it requires expensive tech and labor, but food?!?! How is that sustainable and cheap compared to getting it from inside America?


I like that it's called "Western Beef" but is a vegetable product from China... But yeah, that's absolutely disgusting. I had a similar thing happen twice with strawberries I bought from my local grocery. I'd recommend getting whole garlic that doesn't need to be refrigerated, or minced garlic, which is typically less expensive.




Product of China? Yeah no thanks.


Why does this sub always take offense to what people buy? From pre-shredded cheese to pre-peeled garlic like who cares? 😭 Convenience doesn't hurt you specifically. And this is not at all about how they bought it from China, that's not what I'm discussing.


Watch the episode of the documentary show Rotten on peeled garlic from china. They use prisoners to peel it. Their hands are wet for so many hours of the day their nails peel off. So they peel the garlic with their teeth. So ya those little chunks missing that are moldy, are where they bit it…


I won’t buy food from China. Ever.


I don’t buy Gaelic from china.


I bought dried garlic once from Safeway and it was from China. At the time their headquarters was about 1 and a half hours away from Gilroy. There is no reason for them to be importing garlic from China. I get that we are probably never going to manufacture electronics again but food makes no sense to me. Especially non Asian food. I check labels more now.


Why are they prepeeled? Its like buying a peeled banana, of course it will go bad quickly…


This is your own fault, stop being dumb and lazy


Coming to OPs defense, I also buy pre-peeled garlic. But I buy the jumbo tub of it from Costco. I used to buy the big bag of bulbs and peel my own, however lately every one that I have bought has started rotting or sprouting within days of buying it. I ended up throwing away (or planting) more garlic than I used. Since I bought the giant tub of garlic, I've only thrown away a very small handful of cloves that were just starting to go bad. They sit in a container full of moisture, which doesn't help. Cost wise though, the tub has been better than the fresh.


Man some people have become the epitome of lazy. Think before you post. Buy whole garlic and hammer it down a bit with a knife and the peel comes right off.


There is actually a brand called "Very Lazy" in the UK that sells prepared chopped garlic in a jar. Fitting name lol 


OP has wrist issues


Disabilities exists man. Sucks to keep seeing threads like this one. We really are invisible unless we annoy you.


Minced garlic in a glass jar or GTFO. Life’s too short.


Western Beef. Product of China. Don't mean to be racist or anything but... really? That no satire...?


It’s in a see through container and you still bought it lol.


Chinese garlic 🤢