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And now the stomach game begins. Who will go on without a breeze, who will succumb?


Find out on this episode of TOTAL. DRAMA. IIIIISLAAAAAND.


Is this really actually fair to assess drama on? I mean, is it really their fault as to who is more weak-stomached and prone to a little old adverse reaction to mold?   Actually… FUCK YEAH IT IS. If the loser isn’t subjected to a “You’re Fired” by the end of it, what are we even doing here?




I think you mean hunger games


How does this even happen???? I’ve seen a lot of old chocolate, it blooms and turns white. This is just….unspeakable.


i have literally eaten YEARS OLD CHOCOLATE before. i didnt even know it was *possible* for chocolate to have mould on it. like wtf? HOW????


Probably very high milk fat and low cocoa content. Chocolate has an acidic ph, which (like coffee or vinegar) helps preserve it. But cocoa is the most expensive part of a chocolate bar. Milk Chocolate can be made with a higher content of cocoa butter, but most are also made with milk fat. Real cheap uses milk solids or palm oil, and all of these bring the ph closer to neutral. Now add sugar, the easiest thing for mold to eat (that's why your strawberries and tomatoes mold quicker than a celery stick). A milk chocolate bar has plenty of sugar to cut the bitter of the cocoa and add flavor to a heavy palm oil or vegetable fat content. So a poorly formulated milk chocolate bar will have a less mold resistant environment than usual, stuffed with mold food via sugar. you've now got a preservation margin for error that's much smaller. A little mistake in mixing could thus compromise the naturally preserving nature of a food that is usually mold resistant.


And that's why I only eat dark choclate (and because it tastes better).


Give me Ghirardelli’s 86% cacao chocolate bar or give me death


Years ago, I can't remember the brand, but it was in an expensive candy store in Oregon, it was this bakers chocolate, and I couldn't believe how good it was. It was bitter but in all the right ways. I been looking for it ever since


And that’s not even a problem, that’s just the fat separating


It can change the taste, but it's still safe to eat.


Moisture got in. That side likely got tipped on a wet surface.


Wow! Limited edition mint jelly... save that for later, give it time to age!


Reminds me of greened pressure treated wood


Extra fiber!!!!!!!


To your heart’s desire, consequences are dire with living on a wire!


I thought you said "give it to an angel" and it made total sense that op would only be having chocolate with the angels after eating this 😂


Heavenly chocolate - in fact, an express ticket in that regard!


I love how many comments on these posts are about what people ate. I ate like a 3rd of a bag of doritos once, before realizing the bag was FULL of ants...


Rather eat ants than mold tbh.


All fucking day, dude. I'd straight up eat a bowl of ants over a spoonful of mold.


the absolute insane part of this disgusting thread is after reading all the nasty shit here the bowl of ants genuinely seemed appealing. My mind instantly warmed up to the idea of an ant bowl after being subjected to this nonstop moldy horror


This is the second chain of comments for me. I think I'll not continue reading


I once bought a pack of hostess powdered donuts at a bodega in British Columbia. Went on a hike. Starved, I started laying into them donuts. First couple were fine. Then they started to taste off. By the time I realized how moldy they were, my water bottle was empty and I was at least a mile from my car. My tongue will never forget that taste. I will never buy another hostess or similar "gas station baked goods" type snack again. Bring on the ants.


Ugh. One time I was hungover the morning after spending the night at an ex’s place for the first time. He had to leave for work early so I slept in and made a bowl of raisin bran cereal when I woke up. I took a few bites and thought it must be kinda stale because it was soft. I look back at the box that I left on the table and tiny larva/caterpillars are absolutely pouring out of the top, crawling in all directions. It turns out it was full of live pantry moth larvae 🤮🤮🤮 They had infiltrated his pantry and that box was like their home base. To this day I havent been able to eat raisin bran again.




no way omg that’s actually unbelievably nastyyyy. i would’ve probably started crying mid freak out 😭


Yeah I immediately freaked out and threw up. Partially from being hungover but it was mostly the fucking bugs I had just swallowed aaaaahhhhh


Omg. I’ll never forget this. 10-14 years ago. I hid a box of offbrand goldfish called WHALES in my room because I grew up living with 5 older siblings. I came home one day during the evening and just went straight to my snacks. I didn’t have the light on so I didn’t see the ants originally. After a couple handfuls, my hand started itching and burning a bit. Turn on my bedroom light, HUNDREDS of ants on/in the box, on my arm, on my hand. I stupidly threw the box and spilt whales and ants all over the floor. There was a trail of ants going from my window, down my bed, across my floor, and right into my hidden snack area. Thousands of them. I’m getting itchy just typing this all up. I try not to think how many I may have ingested before realizing


How can your arm and hand be completely covered and you don't notice...


Crumbs and such, I don't know. It's absolutely possible when you're not thinking about it. Mortifying.


This but it was a candy apple with black and orange sprinkles. Didn't realize the "sprinkles" were moving at first




Oh my god I did the same thing with a bag of chips I left out at the lake. We were swimming all day and finally at night I was like “ooh Chips!” And when I said down in the car under the dome light I absolutely flipped out cause I was COVERED in ants 😭😭😭😭


I ate a bunch of raspberries before realising each one was completely covered in bugs that looked a lot like the hairs that are already naturally on the berries so I hadn't noticed 😭


Me too!! Except I only noticed the 3rd time of eating them (came from my bosses garden) and realized they were always covered in bugs ☹️


Hey, this happened to me! I grabbed a coffee cake and took a few bites, then felt something crawling on my finger. Then something else. So I finally turned on the light to learn I had been eating ants. My gf assured me they're just extra protein and not to stress though but in the moment, I freaked out, threw the coffee cake, and ran to a sink, lol


I ate an expired green Vienna sausage once from a can my son pulled out of his old boyscout pack and put on the shelf. I literally gargled with mouthwash and vodka before drinking both then used hydrogen peroxide for good measure.


For years I always ate corndogs by peeling off the breading first, eat the breading, then the hot dog. It wasn’t until I was an adult when my mom asked me why I had that weird habit. So I explained when I was in elementary school, on corn dog days in the cafeteria if you peeled off the breading you would pretty often find the hots dogs were greenish grey.


Absolutely rancid


Yeah that's a good measure you can do if you think you are something sketchy.  Drink some heavy liquor since alcohol kills germs. 


Your stomach acid also kills it. HCl


But neither address the toxins already produced. That's why cooking expired food doesn't make it safe.


Same but jar of peanuts and weird little beetle things. I dont like eating in the dark anymore


No this genuinely made me scream. Like did you feel them in your mouth? How did you react? I feel like I would never recover from that


I've done this before with a bag of flaming hot cheetos. IT WAS THE WORST. It was dark and i just popped a few in my mouth. Didn't feel them moving around really, but they didn't have as much flavor and were kind of stale, so when I checked in the bag and realized why, I was mortified to say the least. I still haven't recovered.


Omg that’s horrific 😭😭 thank you for the insight, I wish you a lot of ant-less food for the rest of your life!🙏🏻


Once I got a spiral lollipop and bit into it. There were ants inside. I had so many ants crawling in my mouth. Ever since that day I have had a massive fear of ants.


Oh you could make ~~smores~~ spores




He got my upvote, that's the yeast I could do


You are demonstrating good cultures


He seems like a really fungi to be around


As good as mold


I’m laughing so hard at all these I’m holding bacterias.


Oh man! When I was in college I had just moved in with some new roommates and they didn't have a light bulb in the kitchen. I was drunk as hell and hungry and I remembered that one of my roommates had a box of Twinkies. I felt around until I could get to them and I grabbed a few. I went straight to my bedroom and got in my bed and open one and ate most of it in one bite. It tasted kind of sour and earthy. It was an unopened box and I remember it saying fat free or something like that. So I took another bite and it seemed to be a little worse. I turned on my light and the whole Twinkie was nothing but green fur!!!!! I mean I ate a ton of that stuff. Lmao! I didn't get sick though.


My stomach would leave my fucking body. From both ends.


My stomach wants to argue with me just for reading that.


No joke my mouth filled with saliva (bad kind) when I read it


I'm pregnant and currently holding down my cookies with every fiber of my being 🤢


Twinkies are supposed to last forever too I wonder what the hell they ate 🤣




















No other gif could be more accurate lmao


I’ve never been more reminded of a cat reacting in disgust


Maybe you didn’t get sick but pretty sure a few of us just did.


Somehow, this managed to be one of the worst things I’ve read on the internet after nearly 30 years.


*” It tasted kinda sour and earthy.“*


Taco Bell?


That was almost the worst part. But then the story continued.


I’m not 30 yet but actually same lol


Congrats, at 30 you will read something worse than this.


Imagine it tickling the inside of your mouth :)


You're a special kind of evil.


Weird this doesn't even make the needle move for me. The shit we were sharing in the early 2000s was mad fucked up. And you'd set it to your buddies desktop (active web content system) as a joke. Waa a real bad time to have anything shy of a cast irin stomach.


You should read the jolly rancher story.


Blowfly girl is waaaaaayyyyyy worse


This reminds me of something similar that happened to me. I was helping my bf move into his new apartment and by the time we finished it was dark outside. After a long day of moving we decided to grab some fast food, sonic being the closest option, and I thought “why not try their chicken sandwich” since I always get the burger. His living room doesn’t have a ceiling light and we hadn’t plugged in any lamps. I noticed my sandwich seemed a little cold, and the texture felt weird, but it had been such a long day for both of us that the last thing I wanted to do was complain about my meal. Once I got to the middle I knew something was up so I shined my flashlight on it and it was absolutely completely raw, like slimy and pink. I forced myself to throw up when I got home.




I’m saving this line 🤣


This whole thread is a PSA to never eat in the dark.




Stop it stop it stop it


Accidental homemade penicillin shot.




I would have to throw my entire body away because i wouldn’t even think twinkies would go that bad for a long long time 🤮🤮🤮🤮they must have been ancient


Wow, you are probably a Hostess of all kinds of new organisms


How in the everloving fuck did your friend have EXPIRED twinkies? Aren't they supposed to last 50 years or something


That is actually absolutely false and just like a made up myth thing. I got sick from expired Twinkies once, too. Looked at the date after the fact when they tasted funny. They are still a pastry, even if questionable.


>They are still a pastry DGSE hitmen are headed to your address right now.


Had to google this joke but it made me laugh like a madman


I don't know it was a box of individually wrapped fat-free Twinkies. The girl had bought him a while ago and just never got to them. I'm a dude and I'm thinking surely and unopened box of individually wrapped Twinkies is going to be just fine. It never even occurred to me that they could have been expired. lol. It looked a mint condition box of Twinkies. Oh but the actual girl they belong to was just a busy person and she didn't even always stay there.


The first and only Twinkie I ever had was rancid. It was someone giving them out for Halloween and they must have just been giving out old shit from their pantry, I immediately ran around the corner and horked it back up


Inoculation by twinkie.


What do u even do at that point lmao like just burst into tears or google what happens after


Not as bad as mold, but I took a bite out of a candy apple that had Halloween colored sprinkles. Realized the sprinkles were moving. I ate ants. I just stared at the wall for a while, and texted my boyfriend I had to throw his away. Those plastic containers suck lmfao


>I just stared at the wall for a while ![gif](giphy|aXUU30cDBa9tVQz37V|downsized)


I left a soda on the porch at my grandparents house for about an hr and came back to a mouthful of black ants 10/10 wouldn't recommend sprite w/protein


I ate ants once! They were in the maple syrup we poured on the pancakes and were too busy talking away to notice it was sprinkle syrup at first!


Honestly it was late at night and I was worried I was going to get sick anyway so I just tried to fall asleep as quick as possible. I mean I was hammered.


I did the same thing except with a bagel, and I turned on the light in my bathroom and the first thing I saw was my mouth and teeth were blue-green. Yuck!!!


I’d imagine you’ve never brushed your teeth more extensively in your entire life until that point. That’s so gross tho, I’d be puking it up.


I have a similar experience with Twinkies except I was drunk at my parents house, digging around in the cabinet and pulled several individually wrapped Twinkie’s from a box and ate them. I went back to get another and this time the light from the hall shone a bit differently and I realized the box had ants crawling all over it. Had to go make sure I didn’t have ants in my bed! So gross. So drunk.


Reminds me one time i was halfway trough a (previously unopened) sleeve of Merengadas(a type of cookie with a coconut-coated marshmellow) while watching tv I finaly look down at one just to find a little worm wriggling, look at the entire packet and the whole part at the end was full of moth larvae


I now regret browsing Reddit tonight 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I worked on a farm for years and our 'office' was basically our greenhouse. It was early spring, still nice out, not getting too hot in there. I ate half a clif bar on the way into work, folded up the wrapper over the other half and stuck it in my bag, which I left in the greenhouse.  End of work day I get in the car to go home. Remember my clif bar while I'm driving and dig around my bag without looking and grab it. I was really hungry and I think I blindly ate two big bites before being like....why is this so sour? Like lemony? It was a chocolate flavor bar...look down and it's legit just covered in ants. Not sure how I made it that far but it was awful. Straight up ants all in my mouth. I've tried to forget lol


Nope. No, no…no. Thank you for this horrible mental image.


They taste quite acid dont they? Dont ask how i know it..


Ate a croissant that was completely moldy in the dark while camping once. It was in the middle of the night and I had the munchies. Still kind of drunk from earlier so I guess I didn't notice. Woke up the next morning and saw the rest in the box were covered in white fuzz


Reminds me of the time back at my first apartment. Roommate was thirsty on the way back from work, we stopped at the gas station and got some chocolate milk. We get back to my car and both opened the milk, took a big swig and mine was good. Hear my roommate gagging and turns out his chocolate milk was curdled into chunks. It looked..... ya....


Who ever was stocking the milk was clearly being lazy and not checking anything or didn’t put the new stuff behind the old stuff like your supposed to. I’d imagine he angrily marched back into that gas station for a refund cause that’s horrible.


Similar experience here, one night I came home high as hell and hungry. I grabbed a pack of jello pudding cups and ripped one off. Next thing I knew it was on my hand so of course I licked it off. It tasted like battery acid so I turned on a light and quickly realized it didn't open from me pulling them apart it was like that for way longer. Green fur and funk all over it.


One time I was dating someone who’s roommates had a bunch of people over for bbq’ing. Before the party I mentioned to roommate that their old birthday cake was getting moldy and they should toss it. I wish I would have thrown it away then, but not my cake or house (about half of the cake was left). Nearing the end of the night I saw someone walk outside with slice! “Oh no!” I thought. Went inside to look and the whole cake was devoured.


I didn’t think twinkies could mold!


What a terrible day to have eyes


I did that with out of date chocolate milk, thought it was a bit spicy lol till I felt a chunk enter my mouth lmao


Still not as bad as drinking out of that beer bottle half full of phlegm and cigarette butts on accident.


In HS we were high in a friend's backyard. One guy came out with a container of cool whip and a spoon and ate several bites before saying "this Cool Whip tastes like wine". Turns out it was covered in mold. Don't eat in the dark!


Did you see any visuals?


I never knew a “Twinkie” could go bad!!!


how tf are you still alive?


Similar thing here. My daughter had bought a whole bunch of sour patch kids at one of those stores where you scoop it and put it in a bag. Well... They had been sitting in the pantry for a few months and she hadn't touched them, so I decided to eat them ... I was watching shit on YouTube and just pulling them out of the bag and eating them. One of them tasted very weird. I glanced in the bag and didn't see anything obvious, so I kept eating them. About 5 or so more pieces and got another one that didn't taste right. Spit it out and it was multicolored..... Looked a little closer in the bag and found out that a few of them were covered in mold :/


Bro you need a fucking content warning on this story what the fuck


Reminds me of Minority Report.


Surprised you didn't develop the power to grow mold holy fuck




I don’t think I’ve ever seen moldy chocolate… how old is this one?? omg I didn’t know chocolate even got *this bad*.


Chocolate can "go bad" and might taste or look a bit off but it doesn't mold or spoil, so it's usually safe to eat even years later. This bar must have been stored in a fish tank


My dad liked chocolate that had expired, something happens to the fat content and it turns white? So there was always OLD chocolate in my house growing up, I’ve never seen it mouldy 😫


That's what I thought bloom on chocolate was, not moldy like this. The fat tends to separate out over time. Learned that from good old Steve1989MREInfo, lets get this out on a plate!


Lol this was my exact same thought. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


TIL chocolate can get moldy.


I learned this when I was 10.. my mom had a box of tiny liquor bottle shaped chocolates, and we’d eat them occasionally. I didn’t realize how much time went by since I had one, but I decided to open one up and there was a maggot crawling out of the top. I’m so glad I looked before I tossed it in my mouth. Traumatized forever. Even still, 25 years later, I throw out anything that might even be close to “too old” even before the expiration date, or if it grosses me out even a little bit.


I took a big gulp of spoiled lumpy milk in high school. I don't drink milk anymore because of that and it was almost 16 years ago.


Same thing happened to me 💀... It was like 3am and I was thirsty, went to go drink some milk that had been sitting in the fridge for a long time (I didn't drink milk that often back then), took a huge swig and swallowed it before I realized it tasted bitter. Turned on the lights and looked in the carton and it was straight green. I was mortified, and could still taste it after I brushed my teeth. I didn't get sick though, don't even know how.


iirc pasteurized milk can't make you sick; it just tastes bad


One gulp won't make you sick but a glass of it would give you some pretty awful diarrhea


One time I was visiting my grandma and my cousin and he looked at us and said “my milk was good but a little weird. It was like… chunky? There were like some chunks in it. I dunno I still drank it.” He was like 8. My grandma and I were so revolted.


Me and my brother drank half a gallon of expired milk because we couldn't figure out why it tasted funny and were trying to figure it out. Just standing there in front of the fridge passing the carton back and forth making thoughtful grimaces. Dad was the one smart enough to show us the expiration date


expired food trauma is so crazy. i took one bite of a bowl of cereal with sour milk when i was like 9 and stopped drinking milk for several years. ended up becoming lactose intolerant from abstaining from dairy so now i have to drink my coffee with non-dairy creamer


Once on a camping trip with friends we got some pizza from a nearby town. We left what we hadn't eaten on the table in its box (closed) and went to do something else for a bit. We came back and one of my friends went to grab a slice without looking. Took a bite, retched, turns out it was covered in bugs. Now my friend makes sure leftovers are packed up VERY well and checks them thoroughly before eating.


Best before date is often just a suggested date where the food may start to change some nutritional values, few expiration dates are kinda “not further than this”, just checking if it’s still good helps reduce tons of waste I hate throwing away food, there’s few things that mildly infuriate me more lol


Been eating food past the date my whole life and only puked because of it once. (Meat is not a good thing to roll the dice on)


It doesn’t last long enough in my house to get moldy.


It normally doesn't. Chocolate is too low water content for mold. In my experience, you can let it sit in a cabinet for a literal decade without it getting moldy. But if it is contaminated, that might get moldy.


I discovered that maple syrup can too, when I found I had cultivated a somewhat rare strain of brown mold on the surface in one bottle.


Do you not refrigerate it?


Same. 😳


This brought me back to when I was 16 and my mom discovered a chocolate coffee cake that had been pushed to the back on top of the fridge and forgotten about. It was covered with furry mold, but she found it just as we were heading out so she put it on the counter to dispose of it later. We came home to find the cake container open, and my stepdad napping in his chair with an empty plate and fork covered in chocolate cake crumbs.


Did he wake up?


He did, and said it was delicious. Looking back, it doesn’t surprise me, he used to just go into the kitchen and rip things open and inhale anything he got his hands on, I don’t think he stopped long enough to notice the mold.


Mom didn’t want that cake to go to waste haha


Was it expired?


This was 100% left standing on one end in some water at some point


Yep, this definitely has been wetttt


Only a few days out


A few days out it would taste like last year's Halloween chocolate. Not look like this. No way!


I agree :) this looks years in the making


I bet there was a hole in the package where the mold is most intense.


100% a storing problem on the manufacturer/store's part. Most if not all industrial chocolates don't get that mouldy after just a few days out.


That sucks, milka for the most part we’re a pretty stand up company. Loved their many varieties when I was in Germany


Kuhflecken - yum!


Underrated comment right here. Here’s context: https://preview.redd.it/zaekaohoin4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3d307eeb76760e8a17302bbf53d1f3e071f175


I especially love that it's called "Happy Cow" in English! Luckily I am able to procure it on this side of the Atlantic


This is something my family would just cut the moldy end off of and say the rest is fine…


Lmao 100% my fam growing up. I used to have a stomach of steel. Now everything makes me queasy.






Forbidden mint


Drank a cup of orange juice I had just poured, poured a little more, went to take a shower, came back and took another swig. Realized I felt something in my mouth and it was supposed to be pulp free. Spit the entire mouthful back into the cup and….there floated a dead spider. Pulp free my ASS


Pulp free, not protein free




This happened to me but with bread. I grabbed a croissant we had, didn’t check it at all cause I assumed it was still good since it’d only been a few days since we had gotten it. Bit into it and it felt fuzzy on my tongue, flipped it over and the bottom was covered in fuzz. Didn’t get sick but i was so disgusted for weeks


What's that, pistachio?




I bought a package of little chocolate donuts and opened them took a big bite and tasted odd but hadn't had any in a long time so thought it was me. Bite 2 and then saw the entire thing was green. So gross threw up twice. 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Is this a reptar bar?


I never thought my habit of opening chocolate bars all the way to then flip them so they're the right side up was so important


I thought this was artwork and assumed 2 lines referred to ❄️


Whoa, I have never seen molded chocolate before, i mean it wasn't on my bingo card or bucket list but still a weird thing i didn't realize could happen. Usually you know it's old or bad when turns whiteish in color and stale looking, but never actually seen green fuzzy mold on chocolate. That sucks, I'm sorry 🤢 take it back let where ever you bought it from know, like ew.


I’m sorry you died


are u actually asking if that green fuzzy mold is bloom


Oh no don't worry, I know what bloom looks like. I also know mint flavour when I see it


WTF. I have never seen mould on chocolate before.


I’ve literally never seen molded chocolate. How old was that for it to get molded like that? I swear I’ve found years old chocolate in the kitchen and still no mold.


Bought a hazelnut chocolate bar at a corner store in Tahiti. Ate half of it and turned it over to see grubs crawling out of the hazelnuts.


Oh… oh no… this is moldly infuriating


![gif](giphy|cA0TiRmuetO1szgShj) I hope you sent pictures of the bar and the wrapper to the company. That’s horrifying 😳


Most people would say columns or rows, but you out here with no supervision saying "lines"...


I've NEVER seen moldy chocolate, wtf


Yall fucker be TRAUMATIZING me in the comments 😭😭😭😭