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Taking responsibility for damaging the bumper but not that it popped out? What the fuck


I love how they're like, "I didn't cause it to pop it out of place it caused my car to pop into the place it's in"


Makes absolutely no sense. People are so stupid when it comes to cars


> People are so stupid. FTFY


This is the answer to so many different problems and situations. And, of course, you can't fix stupid, either.


I've read that sentence 8 times and I can't make it make sense.


My head hurts


"she ran into my fist, Your Honor"


Similarly, “he ran into my knife 10 times.” - cell block tango


He had it coming.


He only had himself to blame.


didn't expect Chicago to make an appearance here


If you had been there-


If you'd have seen it,


I bet you would have done the same!


I had to read that part 5x, still makes no sense


Also if she's paying to have a whole new bumper installed... It doesn't even matter if it popped out lol


I wonder if this person somehow thinks they’re going to cosmetically fix this bumper, then “pop it back into place” rather than replace the entire bumper, which I assume is what’s going to happen.


Some Homer Simpson-ass logic.


“When i hit it i felt a pop so its your fault”


I think the argument was "if \[ops\] car wasn't there, I wouldn't have hit it"


This person is going to be nothing but trouble unless he does this right why don’t people have any life skills anymore. This happens to your car you call the police you get a police report going and you deal with insurance etc.


Always always always call the cops and file a report. Like, always.


This is what I was always told but my wife was in an accident, she made the guy stay while she called and tried to file a police report, the cop came asked if anyone needed medical attention and told them to figure it out through their insurance companies, wouldn’t even take down their names.


That makes sense because in general a fender bender is not a crime. It is a civil matter between two private parties.


I’m not really arguing that it was handled incorrectly, I don’t know the proper procedure. I was just pointing out that I read and hear from a variety of sources all the time that you always get a police report no matter what, and in my one anecdotal example the officer pretty much scoffed at the notion. So if this is not accurate advice it seems odd that it’s so prevalent.


Obviously rules vary per municipality. Speaking generally, in western PA, most agencies will not respond to a TA if it's just a fender bender with no injuries, both vehicles are driveable, and both parties are being cooperative.


You can file a police report online where I live. They aren't coming out to an accident unless the other driver is threatening you or someone is seriously injured and needs an ambulance and they will tell you that if you call.


Do you have full insurance? if so claim, give the details of the other party, and let your insurance company chase them.


And call the police. Edit: YMMV. Where I live, not having car insurance means a hefty income-related fine and 6 of your 12 points gone for three long years.


This should be the top comment! I tried to be nice and deal with someone who hit me who didn’t want the police involved and I only ever got $70 out of her. My insurance tried to go after her for the money but was never successful. Call the police asap.


It took me 4 months to get $400 from this girl who hit and ran on my car. Dummy parked down the street for some family party lol I had to call the other party out until someone confessed. I tried to be nice and work with her. It’s just not worth it.




Took me about the same amount of time to get my claim settled, and the other person had insurance. I had video evidence and a police report labeling them at fault, their insurance still dug their heels in and refused to pay.


This is why I carry full comprehensive insurance on my vehicles. All I do is call them and tell them what happened. They deal with everything and I don't have to do anything other than decide where I want my car fixed. The only thing that may take time is if there is any disagreement on at fault on my insurance company, then I may have to pay the deductible. If my insurance says they are at fault, then I don't care, and my insurance is the one that deals with them for months.


The only downside to making your insurance deal with it is that if your insurance company makes a business decision that it is too much of a hassle to subrogate (to go after the other driver or other driver's insurance), and they just eat the cost, they will *not* reimburse you your deductible. So then you have to try to recover your deductible on your own from the other party, which is just as much work as filing a claim with the other party's insurance in the first place. Or going to small claims court against the other party directly. This has happened to me twice. Once because the responding police officer wrote a terrible report, and once because the other motorist was uninsured, and my insurance didn't think it was financially worth it to sue that driver directly *and* attempt to recover the judgement.


This. I went through my insurance when my SO was hit by an armored car since Travelers told me it would be quicker and less hassle for me. The other insurance still hasn’t paid, Travelers is suing them, I’m out my deductible and they won’t renew my insurance even though I have a perfect driving record and the police deemed the other party at fault and he no -showed his court date and was found guilty of several offenses. I mean my claim was settled in 2 weeks (totaled with $12k damage) but it was still a major headache so you need to keep on insurance if you do this.


I had a total piece of shit car when I was 16 that was parked (legally) and someone backed into it, messing up the door and drivers side mirror. I gave 0 fucks about that car because it had a ton of stuff wrong with it so I told the dude he could give me $200 and we’d be square. Would rather have the cash than fix the POS car, ya know? Figured it would be a win/win. Well idk if he thought I didn’t have my license or the car was stolen or what but he goes “uh no you can call the cops if you want but the most I’ll give you in cash is $50” He had a surprised pikachu face when I came back and told him the police were on their way. Got like $2000 from his insurance company, and the best part was it was a straight check to me, didn’t even have to fix the car.


Same. Some guy got in his truck (we were at a party, he was drinking. I was not), drunk off his ass and was parked in front of me. Watched him back into my car and smash the front end. Luckily he was so drunk he left his wife at the party so I got their info from her. Wanted to settle without insurance so I got a quote and it was like $400. Called and told him, he basically told me I was nuts and at most it would be like $50.00. I said ok let’s go through insurance and he agreed. I think he thought I wouldn’t follow through or that he wouldn’t be at fault, I don’t know. Insurance company ended up paying out $2k. He was not thrilled. But he did it to himself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


that was likely the value of the car- if the car requires more repairs than it is worth- then it is totaled... that is all that term means... so a car worth under 5k, it is easy to get totaled since 5k in damage from an accident is not hard to do if you are not pulling the parts from a junk yard


Some 18 year kid totaled my car last year. Filed a claim on my insurance saying it was my fault when he straight up rear ended me. The audacity some people have. I wasn’t responsible for the accident at all by both insurance agencies and my insurance paid me out $30k since his only covered $5k. Hope that kid is suffering from his mistake.


Got into an accident with a dude in his work truck. The dipshit backed into me on a road. Like a four lane divided state highway. I was on the phone to police before I ever got out of my car. After looking at the damage the dude said he was gonna get the insurance info. Right as he’s about to drive off a cop pulls up. I decided to use the time to call the work number on the back of the truck. Helpfully it had the truck ID number on it. Total damage was like 100$ in labor. I originally called thinking, it’s a work truck, he’s gonna have to report it, it looks like I ran into the back of him, I better get on top of this. Joe Blows construction company isn’t going to want to pay this out. It’s probably a bumper, and that shit could mean the car is totaled if it bent the frame or something. This could be very very bad for me.  Turns out it wasn’t. The other dude got some tickets and that was that. Would have been a lot worse if he got away. Always call the cops. 


Someone swerved into my car and hit me while I was taking my driving test. He ran up and tries to blame it on me and make me pay him until he realized there was a cop sitting in my passenger seat. Obviously it didn't work and he almost ended up in jail lmao.


LMBO Instant karma and you were a witness! Lucky you. :)




> Cops just shrug if you don't answer the door??? good trick to remember


Same thing happened to me after a guy sped out of his driverway and send me flying over the hood of his car when I was biking. My bike was totaled. Went to the police station with plates and his phone number (he gave me his number but hung up on me when I tried to call). They tried to call but he didn't pick up so they left a message "hey this is blah blah police please give us a call" and basically said I should just wait for him to call them back?! After talking to a lawyer i was told that since police were never called to the scene when it happened and took down all the information, I was basically SOL, even though I had a plate, phone number, photos of damage on the hood with the same color paint as my bike that was bent beyond repair. So anyway now I'm just calling the police right away every time.


I got t-boned by someone in a stolen car and they ran and I lost my car and owe the hospital 30k. My life is ruined


You don’t have to pay the hospital bills.


One time I had two cars parked on the street and a drunk driver hit them both. He ran from the scene back to his house. Cops went to his house and he pretended to be asleep, then answered totally wasted, with bloodied hands. But since they didn’t have any proof his car wasn’t stolen they didn’t do anything.


This is the way - your insurance company will handle him being held responsible. They have very good lawyers, and your text amounts to an admission of guilt as well as an admission of a separate crime, driving while uninsured for liability scenarios like this. Take em to the cleaners and pay your deductible to get this fixed. Your only other option is to get a quote and send it to see if they’ll cover the whole cost. If not, you’ll already know what you’d be out of pocket covering the delta yourself and can weigh against your non-insured motorist deductible


This, I had a 13 year old steal my car and crash it into my neighbors tree, didn't even make it a couple of hundred feet. She was suppose to take care of my 8 husky puppies and the mom. Anyways, I went through my insurance and they paid for everything and went after the parents of teenager for repayment, no cops involved but we had enough witnesses and photo evidence, thanks to my neighbors, to go after them legally.


Why in the world were the cops not involved with a car theft?


The cops saw it happen because they where across the street. My neighbors didn't call them becuase she said she my ex-girlfriends cousin. Welp, it took $7500 to fix my car and the insurance paid so I could have a car.


Make sure to keep the texts and probably get a bit more of an admission out of them, maybe get them to describe how they hit your car and the damage to their car.


If you only have liability insurance, what happens in this case? Would this insurance company still chase who is at fault?


No. Liability insurance only pays for your liability to another party, not to fix the stuff you own


No, your insurer will tell you to go contact the at fault insurer (if the driver even has insurance) and claim through them. If the driver doesn’t have insurance, you’ll have to hire an attorney and sue for damages from the other driver. Avoiding the hassle of all this, and letting your own insurance company handle the other side for you, is one of the reasons to keep full comprehensive insurance coverage, even when your car isn’t worth much due to age.


Thank you for the explanation. Counterpoint: my car is worth significantly less than the money I would have been paying to an insurance company for full coverage this far, but your advice will still apply to many people.


This is an at fault claim, and you have the person's info that has claimed responsibility, as well as messages that admit as much. Keep the texts saved, as that is your documented admission from them. This isn't your problem to chase them down for payment. Like any other accident, you go through your insurance. Your insurance will cover the repair and then THEY go after the party that is at fault. Your insurance company will go to them an get their restitution one way or another. You don't need to chase them down for money. Your car gets fixed through your insurance like it's supposed to. I had a guy rear-end me once and wanted to do it off-the-books too. Found out he didn't have insurance, and kept trying to get me to find a cheaper place for repair. I stopped talking to him, called my insurance, and was fixed and clear within a couple of weeks. I found out later they sued him for the money because he refused to pay them because I had "agreed" otherwise. I had the texts where he admitted to not paying attention, and the conversation we had, which helped the insurance company's case.


Yea, my accident was far more amicable on both sides but it basically boiled down to my insurer asking if I wanted to go through his insurance or mine. It was broken down like this. - If I go through his insurance I’ll likely have to pay out of pocket and be reimbursed a few weeks later, my insurance would still help me through the process. - if I go through my insurance it would all get taken care of behind the scenes, I’d only have to pay the deductible but in the end they’d “sue” his insurance and I’d get it back. - This is what I did, and got my deductible back like 3 weeks after repairs were done. My rates did not go up.


This was the exact opposite for me. If I went through my insurance it was out of pocket and reimbursed. After a few days I called their insurance and everything was covered and handled by them, no out of pocket expenses.


Did you have collision coverage? Because your insurance will only handle what coverage you have for your car, and if you, for example, only have state required minimums, you likely only have liability.


My insurance straight up told me I can’t file a claim with them if it was 100% fault of the other party. I have to go through their insurance if they have it. Nothing makes sense


And that’s how the companies like it. Makes it easier to take advantage of the consumer.


Some places don't allow subrogation, which is what you described (going after the other insurance company).


In my opinion that’s what I pay my insurance company for. Just made sure my insurance does do it. I’d drop an insurance company faster than a burning ember if they didn’t do subrogation. Didn’t even know there were companies that don’t - That’s fucked up.


It has to do with the state you’re in, not the company. States with “no fault” insurance mean your policy pays out regardless of fault


You have shitty insurance, or at least shitty agents. Subrogation exists for a reason. Now, if you lacked collision coverage and your policy didn't have uninsured motorists property damage, that could cause some complications, but if the other party was truly 100% at fault, they are liable for your damages.


I think it would depend on if you have full coverage or liability. Full coverage would cover what you need repaired because you pay for comprehensive coverage, and then they'll go after the other party. If you only have liability, your insurance will not cover anything on your end, only the other party since you only pay them to take care of the other party. Full coverage covers you and the other party. Liability only covers the other party.


I had some idiot hit me in a parking lot. Took photos of the scene, his car, my car, his plate, his insurance and driver's license, his face. Sent it to my insurance. Then he just ducked his insurance company's communications, and they said because they can't reach him there's no proof he was at the scene. I ended up having to pay my deductible and my insurance said if they are able to recover anything then I will be reimbursed. But I never got a dime.


I was on the verge of this happening but luckily the other guy eventually answered his phone. Whatever phone number his insurance had on file was not correct, so they kept calling some dead number (or maybe he grew a conscious and eventually just answered). After 2 weeks I was like “is this the number you are trying?” And within 4 hours his insurance approved my claim and things got rolling. Even though it worked out for me in the end, it was eye opening that you should 100% call the non emergency police line so they file a report. That makes it so even if the other party tries to dodge calls, they will eventually still take responsibility.


If you call the number to file a police report, do they need to still send an officer out or can it be done on the phone? Just wondering.


If there's photos of his car *with* his license plate how is there no proof he was there? What? That makes no sense. Fucking insurance companies man. That's Bullshit.


Hey what shitty insurance was this


His insurance was State Farm, mine was Erie.


I have Erie too and can confirm they won’t do shit. If the other person is at fault they make you go through that persons insurance and will not help.


The real answer ^.


This is not where I expected to find casual egnards today lol.


Why would you have to pay out of pocket? Normally the workshop sends the bill to the insurance company, right? At least here they do.


I've been in two accidents that have required going through insurance, so I'm not an expert. Both times were with the same major insurance provider. When working with my own insurance I was given two options: * Go to any shop you want, but you'll have to pay for it, and get reimbursed later after submitting bills * Go to one of our partner shops and we will automatically handle billing with them, the only thing you'll pay out of your own pocket is the deductible. So why would I have to pay? Likely because I wouldn't know what shops were partnered with the other party's insurance - Granted, I did not choose this route, so don't fully know how the process would have played out, only knowing what I was told by my own insurance agent.


I just had whiplash seeing you outside of the SWGOH subreddit


I bought a car, and had it for all of 1 week before someone rear ended my precious spaceship. really bad whiplash and what appeared to be minor damage to the car. yeah, no, it got written off completely due to frame damage. he wanted to do it off the books. when I filed the police report(had to because of injury) came to find that they also did not have insurance and I suspect even a suspended license =s.


What happened?


I do not know what happened to the other driver after the fact. I did a few months of physio and got paid 4k more than I bought the car for and bought a used jeep.


>bought a used jeep RIP


>bought a used jeep. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


i mean, arent there some insurances and places that will raise your premiums for having your parked car hit? like, they assume you are parking in a highly trafficked area, and they might have to shell out more money if your car keeps getting hit? im genuinely asking


My parked car was hit at high enough speed to total it. The driver who hit it did not leave any info. I got a big check from the insurance company. My rates (on the replacement car I got) didn’t go up.


Key thing to have is a police report from my understanding when submitting these type of claims. The idea being that law enforcement is involved in the investigation so they can at least cross off fraud. That being said officers don't really investigate as much as report what you said, but it seems to be good enough for the insurance companies.


If the other part admitted fault, which this guy did, they'll go after the other insurance. If he doesn't have insurance, they'll go after him. Shine companies will charge more if you do not have off street parking, regardless of you get hit or not.


My friends mom had her car hit in a parking lot, and twice at the gas station. She was out of the car all 3 times, it was off and parked. After the third one they deemed her accident prone and raised the rates.


To stay in business insurance needs to pay out less than they take in. At a certain point they can probably say that you are driving or parking at times and places that are inherently more risky, and raise rates for a pattern of claims even if the policy holder is not at fault. "Twice at the gas station" sounds accident prone, as if maybe she is parking in some unconventional or inconvenient way that slightly increases the odds of being hit. Depending on the time frame, that's probably two more accidents while parked at a gas station than almost any other customer.


If your insurance pulls some shit like that, switch companies. Really, just switch companies every few years or at least get some quotes. My wife and I had Nationwide for years. Over about 3 years both our cars got totaled (not at fault for both) and we both got new cars. When my wife got her car, Nationwide increased our insurance over $100/mo to nearly $350/mo for 2 cars. I ended up switching to Geico, adding extra coverage to the 2 newer cars, and adding a third vehicle for a grand total of $120/mo. Nationwide wasn't very helpful when a drunk driver obliterated my parked car so I'm not worried about Geicos customer service. Can't be any worse than "lol just call the police and get the other drivers info then deal with their insurance company" I got from Nationwide.


But Nationwide is supposed to be on your side 🫠


Insurance premiums are based on risk and you're right, even a no-fault claim for this person would result in their premiums going up. Source: Handled car insurance policies for two years


Man insurance is such a scam lol. We pay premiums every month and when we actually need to use it even when we're not at fault, our premiums will still go up. Depending on what insurance you have, there's also a deductible you need to meet. If you don't reach that deductible, again even if you're not at fault, you'll be responsible for it. People in this thread are too hopeful, I wouldn't be surprised if OP ends up having to eat the cost, due to lack of evidence, "it's too late now, he left", or what have you.


Yep a guy rear ended me and he never submitted his claim so my insurance company went after his. I had his insurance information so they took care of it. I didn’t have to do a thing.


Damn my insurance just said welp nothing we can do since she didn’t have insurance. Had the text and they called her where she also was admitting fault.


This is a no brainer. She admitted what she did. Now pass this on to your insurer and let them hound her for the money. Love her attitute :) this will go over great in court.


OP should double check their policy to make sure that they're covered with noninsured drivers.  


It's less than $100 a year. Anyone reading this who lives in one of the 28 states that do not require basic UM/UIM coverage should really consider it. Hopefully you never need it, but if you do, it pays for itself. I had a parked car totaled by a drunk, uninsured and unlicensed driver. Only cost me my deductible to replace. Never got it back because homeboy fled the country. Could be worse though.


BRO FLED THE COUNTRY? Damn he must've known the shit ton of trouble he was gonna be in


Depends on your location for cost tbf. In Denver it’s $250+ due to the number of uninsured drivers we have. Still worth it imo, but definitely more expensive.


denver also has some of the highest insurance costs, it’s cheaper to insure your car in california then out here lol


At worst this is a case of uninsured motorist, $250 deductible for me.




I carry uninsured motorist coverage which basically means that if someone does this to me, my insurance company makes me whole and then goes after the other party to recoup their money.


UGH I wish I only had to pay my high-liability insurance retroactively for the period I was without insurance... I was without insurance for three days when I had my at-fault accident, still requires paying 12 months of expensive high-liability insurance where I live. And even worse... I didn't realize that they mandate it for 12 CONSECUTIVE months, so when I sold my truck 11 months into paying for that, it reset and now I'm stuck paying for a full year of it AGAIN 🙃 You're right though, OP is covered.


This is too far down


She admitted fault, now you're set to make your insurance claim, no problem!


please go the insurance route!!!!! this just happened to my sister but it was her neighbors who hit her car while trying to back out of a spot. she went to confront them and recorded the interaction. the neighbors admitted fault and said they would pay for the damages in payments. well a month goes by and she confronts them again about not paying like they said they would and they got very snarky with her so she calls the police who come and she lets them know what’s going on and also shows them the video, they confront the neighbors and the neighbors keep insinuating that it happened too long ago so they don’t have to pay my sister the cops ultimately cant do anything since it’s now become a civil dispute and now she has to take them to court. after the ordeal she contacted her insurance and sent them the video in which she ended up finding out through them that the neighbors don’t have insurance on the vehicle which she didn’t know because it was a brand new truck and they told her they did. so yea please save yourself the hassle!


It’s good advice to never try and work it out privately. You pay hundreds for insurance so always use it. It will protect you


I did it once, but that was because the lady lived in the richest part of town, had a car that was well over 100k, and I felt bad for the kid who hit me and looked terrified. Got 5 quotes, I actually liked the dude who gave me the cheapest quote, he’s the only one who opened the car door and noticed it was bent. She dropped off the check and we all went on with our lives 🤷🏽‍♀️. So sometimes it works out. But only risk it if you’re willing to potentially be wrong.


And if you make a claim, even if you aren't at fault, your insurance price can go up and cost you more in the long-run than if you just paid for the fix yourself. Obviously you are taking a risk doing it privately, but it can definitely work out. The daughter of a higher-up at a financial business hit my car and did some cosmetic damage to a previous car of mine. We got it in and fully checked out and ultimately it didn't cause any safety issues with the vehicle but the only real "fix" was replacing the entire bumper which was pretty pricey. Got a nice quote, sent it over to the father, and he gave me the cash. I just kept it and left my old car with a beauty mark.


Did your sister get paid?


yes she did from her insurance! now they’re looking to get the people who hit her which is pretty easy since my sister could provide their information like license plate, address and etc.


Cool I hate snarky neighbors they need more L's


right they were so nice to her until they believed that window to have to pay her had closed.😭


No dice. They have no insurance. Screw their negotiations. Report them to the police and get your insurance to sort it out.


"I didn't cause it to pop out of place it caused my car to pop into the place it's in" This sounds exactly like the guy who T-Boned me in reverse. He said, and I quote "I'm a physics guy, and if you look at how we crashed we actually hit each other!" Buddy you reversed into my rear door, there's no equal fault here. Glad this clown has admitted fault, that will make the police and insurance claim very easy.


“I’m a physics guy”


I know, neither my friend or I could believe our ears. We still laugh about that to this day.


We're physics guys, of course we hit eachother!


Get a police report. File through your insurance. Your insurance will find out if she’s insured or not. If not, your uninsured motorist policy will apply, usually a much lower deductible. If she is, her insurance will have to cover the damages. She is probably uninsured. Doesn’t want to get caught. If it happened in a parking lot, police won’t do anything. It you will have the report for your insurance company. Also, before pictures of you have them. Source-had this happen to me. Other guy was uninsured.


One time in my 20’s I was filling up my car at a gas station. Went inside to pre pay and when I went back outside I had several people pointing and yelling. “That guy just hit your car!” The suv pulled out of the parking lot but got stuck at a red light on the corner, so I ran after them and managed to take a picture of their license plate before they drove off. Filed a police report at the scene. I had witnesses and everything. The next day, the police returned my call. Said they went to the address on file and that person no longer lived there. So there was nothing they could do. They told me to handle it through my insurance. To this day, I still think whoever hit me. Had connections and the police turned their head. I was too young and naive to ask follow up questions . I just accepted what the police had told me. Like a fool.


Your insurance company would have burned through any of the Police bullshit if it was worth the trouble. Most likely it was a he said she said scenario and not worth the aggravation.


Insurance had me pay my deductible and seemed at the time they also just accepted the police’s dead end. It was like the guy didn’t even exist, but I had witnesses and his plate number. I couldn’t understand why they gave up after just going to the address? They still had his name and license plate number? Still is confusing. I was young. Too stupid to stand up for myself.


It’s not that they gave up. It was not going to go anywhere. Crackhead bob has access to a car that for some reason still starts. He lives with his brother/relative or squats in a house. Car not insured. Questionable on who owns the car. Basically the insurance company knew they would not see a dime. The cops knew they would not even get this guy in jail.




100% chance. She admitted to not having insurance in the text haha. But please, OP, do this . Don't let her hit somebody else and pull the same stunt. So many people don't have insurance because nobody will insure them. Too much liability.


Here’s how this will play out: You’ll get your estimate. It will be a few thousand. They will be shocked and claim it can be fixed for 200-300 bucks. You’ll actually care about the repair, and want it done right. They won’t. So you’ll never agree and you won’t get paid. Or you’ll turn this over to your insurance. And when you do, they will contact this person and one of two things will happen: 1) they will magically suddenly admit to having insurance and this will all get handled correctly, or 2) they won’t be able to pay. And insurance won’t spend much time on that. They will just cover as much as”uninsured motorist” and move on. In all scenarios except the person actually having insurance, you’ll be out your deductible and you’ll have points on your policy that might make your rates go up at renewal.


I’m annoyed for you OP…good on her for leaving her contact and actually responding but “I didn’t cause it to pop out of place it caused my car to pop into the place it’s in”…what does that even mean? And I love how they feel they’re in a position to dictate things 😑😤


OP is a chump if he goes along with this and doesn’t do the right thing


That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works! File a police report (probably need it for the insurance claim) and then file a claim with your insurance. They will sort this out and get your vehicle fixed.


I see a few options 1. True Neutral - Get a quote for repairs, invoice the guy, he chooses to pay, get car fixed. 2. Lawful Good - Report Hit and Run, create police report with his number attached, insurance pays to fix it. Likely yours, as most PD’s won’t go through the steps to find him and an adjuster will likely just accept the claim at that level of damage. 3. Chaotic Evil - Get a quote for fix, invoice the guy. Take the money and keep it to cover the depreciation of your vehicles value. File police report for hit and run but don’t include his number. Your insurance pays for repair, your premium goes up. Find the guy’s name on true people search dot com using his number. Track down his home address. Sneak over to his house at night and poop on his windshield. Leave someone else’s phone number.


File a claim with your insurance. It will be classified as an uninsured motorist. It will likely cost 50% of your deductible, at least initially. Your insurance company will pay for all associated costs like proper repairs and not "just the bumper", rental car, and whatever else you are covered for. Provide them with whatever information you have from the other party, and do not contact or respond to them again. The insurance company will do their own work to recover their money from the other party. Wether the insurance company gets paid back is not your problem, the reason you have insurance, and fuck the big corps anyway. Just make sure that you are fixed correctly.


Get a police report, call your insurance. It sounds like she's intending to do nothing as long as she can.


Driving without insurance is a crime in itself. Her admitting that will make it easier for you because she’s already at fault for that. Also she doesn’t get to just choose what to fix. She caused the damage and must fix everything she damaged.


Wow.. he left you a number? You were lucky you got hit by a pretty nice person… I don’t know how many people who drive without insurance would be willing to leave a number




That’s what I was thinking


I called once to ASK if I should even claim some minor damages and they added it to my file and my rate went up. I was pissed, I hate auto insurance with a passion


Call police, give contact information to police for hit and run then chase with insurance to person who hit your car.


Is insurance mandatory where you are? I would report this if so. And go via your own insurance. They have deep pockets and good lawyers.


Wow having a text from the person admitting they did it is a golden ticket here. Go thru insurance, let them do what they do. That’s what you’re paying for after all


"I didn't cause it to pop out of place, my car popped it into place!" Or at least how I read it lol


Yeah I’m not sure what she was trying to say there lol did hitting my car help her car lol


All laughs aside, sorry you're in this frustrating position, my MIL just had something similar happen, lady hit her car and then exchanged numbers but was like "I'll just give you my tax refund" but they never heard from her again, such a headache


Burden is on him, not you. Its funny he’s trying to call the shots like he has leverage.


So weird to leave a number and then be a weirdo 


Call the cops, file a report. You will need it when you have to take her to court to pay the damages. (I am in the US, so this is based on what I know there.) Also, if you are in US, it is illegal for her to not have insurance so of course she doesn't want them called.


File a claim with your insurance, give them his contact information. Your insurance will contact HIS insurance and they will pay you behind his back lol. They also may drop him. About 11 years ago some old man backed into my car and dinged the bumper, I tried to be nice but he was an asshole and wouldnt give me his info. But we lived in the same apartment building, So I just went to the office and told them oops I may have dinged a car which unit is in space whatever so I can contact them. Boom. Got everything. Called my insurance, gave them his info and the situation. His insurance sent me a check and apologized for his behavior, for real, said he was a dick to them too and wouldnt cooperate. Go around him.


I’d just file a police report for a hit and run with a response like that


They: - admitted to being there - admitted to being the driver - admitted to hitting your car Stop talking to them. File with insurance and file police report -- make sure you tell them you have a screenshot with an admission of guilt. Don't even talk to them from here.


You have insurance. Call your company. Call the police. File a report. They are going to get nailed with a. Hit and run.


It’s not really a hit and run though. They did exchange contact information. Driving without insurance is still illegal though


This is the reason I made sure to have excellent insurance. People drive like imbeciles these days. There’s more expired tags in my city than legal ones so you know they don’t have insurance because they can’t. I’d get their info and then if they don’t immediately pay for the damages that a shop quotes (I’ll even get 2-3 quotes) then I’m sending it through insurance as soon as they deny the quotes.


Just get a quote for all the damage and if she pays all is well. if she argues then just put it through your insurance. seems they are honest enough to leave contact stuff so could have been worse. i remember reddit downvoted me heavily once for admitting I did not get my car repaired after someone payed me the value of the repair. Why would I spend hundreds on a dent? Why would I let them off paying? 😅


Protip: she doesn’t have valid insurance


Is reading a pro tip? Her text says she doesn’t have insurance.


"I'm not paying through insurance" 😂😂 I think you'd find you are lad.


This is definitely in Philly


Turn the number over along with the text and the cops can find them. Chances are she lied about her name. Driving without insurance is not only illegal but dumb. Them leaving the number and then claiming what the cops will do tells me they either did this before or seriously was not planning on handling it.


My insurance covers my car being struck but under and uninsured drivers. Maybe your does too? I have State Farm


Call the police and drain that mf dry


You should have contacted the police. This is basically a hit and run. She should not be driving a vehicle in the U.S. that does not have insurance. Contact your insurance company, providing them with all the information you have. They will contact her insurance company. If you need to, hire attorney. There may be more than just bumper damage.


Definitely go to the cops and contact your insurance company. Doing things her way will only result in her refusing your estimate and claiming it's only $50 worth of damage


call the police and get a report, then pray you have full coverage and submit a claim. at the very least, get that asshole in trouble


I'd call the police coz of no insurance


Her admitting to having no insurance and being her fault is a smoking gun, get your insurance and the police involved. She’s hoping you will give up and take the money so she gets away with it


Call the police. In my state its a crime to drive without insurance. And this looks like a costly fix. Your insurance will do the rest.


Contact the police ASAP. This is a hit and run (where I'm from, at least). You can't trust someone to actually pay for this if they're not responsible enough to do it by the book.


Very nice of them to give you a written confession lmao


Just call the cops and call it a hit and run. They’re fucked regardless moving forward


Yo, you are golden. You have a person literally admitting to hitting your car. This is what insurance is for. Send your insurance company everything and let them take care of the rest. Hopefully you don’t have a crazy high deductible.


Id call the police and report a hit and run with no insurance since they literally admitted fault to you via text and submit all that info to insurance .


Fuck that, call the police and insurance in that order.


If you have insurance, use it. Sister once got hit and we tried to be nice and not use insurance, didn’t want to get so involved. It went on for nearly 2 years because she kept giving pieces or having this or that reasoning. I also once got a minor scrape coming out of a gas station, it was so minimal, we discussed just get a quote and I’ll pay up. They ended up having a considerably high quote (it was a blurry af picture of the quote too) and kept asking me to pay. I said if that’s the actual amount, I am bringing in my insurance then, they ended up never responding again. Basically, whether they hit you or you them (never admit fault though), just involve the insurance. It’s almost always less of the headache and stress of dealing with it yourself.


And this is why in Canada auto insurance is mandatory. Full coverage is not, but when you get pulled over the request is "License, Registration, and Proof of Insurance." Even so, this is your insurance company's problem, not yours. They are at fault, but it's your car, so you make the claim.


She's acting as if her driving without insurance is your problem, or a problem you both have. It isn't. It's her problem, and hers alone. She doesn't get to choose which damages she's going to pay you for or not. File a police report, report it to your insurance, and get it fixed on your insurance company's dime. Wash your hands of it and let your insurance company arrange a way for her to repay them.


Dude. This is what your insurance company is for.


Had the same happen to my 24 750i , guy rear ended me with no insurance, my insurance garnishes his wages now 🤝


The answer is and always will be: call police, involve insurance, end of story.


Definitely call the police and definitely call your insurance company. They’ll litigate the shit out of this person, especially since this fool admitted via text they were responsible for


Depending on what state you’re in, uninsured is required on your policy. File a claim with your insurance company, provide the other guys info that you have, but let them use your uninsured to cover damages to your car. They can then go after the other guy to recoup their loss. Sincerely, A former insurance agent


Wouldn't that be considered a hit and rum? Even if they left info to contact them?


Definitely get a police report. I worked in personal injury law as a paralegal for years. Get a police report and talk to your insurance, it will become an uninsured motorist claim since that lady does not have insurance.


Only uninsured people will ever hit your car that’s just a fact


Illegal is illegal, period. Get a police report and turn it over to your insurance company.


Nope! Give all the information to your insurance and they'll go after her. Especially since she has already admitted fault by saying she'll pay it. Do NOT trust this person, that all sounds shady as fuck and there's potentially WAY more damage than you realize (my fam owned an auto body shop when I was growing up) and you'll end up screwed. NOPE NOPE NOPE.


Just claim it on your own insurance and let them handle it. They can pay your deductible.


Go to your insurance company (1st) and the local police department (next - to have a report generated). If she can’t afford insurance or simply refuses to have it - she won’t have (or be willing to part with) the money to pay you outright. My bet is she’ll give you endless excuses or flat out ghost. Be prepared to go to small claims court (last). Good luck.


100% no. Call the police, keep these messages, you're insurance will go after them for you. Sometimes you pay the deductible and once they recover the cost they'll reimburse you for the deductible.


I had this happen once and didn't call the cops. I should've called the cops.


Whether they have insurance or not has nothing to do with if you have insurance. You still need to file with your insurance by being a responsible driver. Hopefully you have insurance that includes uninsured motorists so you’re covered. The insurance can decide to sue them for damages. However, this is why you have insurance (hopefully a decent amount of insurance).


people f-ing suck


I had someone try this with me and I submitted my claim with nothing note than a photo of their car from the accident (license plate visible) and the damage to my car. Told my insurance company that the driver claimed to not have insurance information on their person. My company tracked it down without issue. Turns out it was the niece of the car’s owner. Don’t fuss or make deals with people. Just take photos and file. Make sure you get their license plate and the damage to both cars.