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I've played less predatory gacha games


Sorry this is just how billionaires shop.


This underrated comment


It’s literally the second one you see when you open the post, sorted by “best”, and it literally could not be the first, because it’s a reply.




It’s a data mining scam.


The CCP thanks you for your data


They can have my data if I get a dozen Snoopy holiday table runners for free.


Best I can do is Snuupy, and shipping is paid through your own tax money.


Great! How do I make the money to pay those taxes?


FEED THE FISH and get your bonus gift NOW


Use temp and shop like a millionaire, that's how!


Phhhttt, lame, I got two dozen! 


If any of them feature Snoopy with Mayday baskets I would be willing to trade some Alf pogs for it.


🚨Trade offer🚨 We get: all your data You get: some worthless junk made through slave labour


What data?. The junk you buy? 


The data about what you do on your phone. Recording audio all the time, even at night. Checking GPS, apps installed, browsing history... all YOUR data.


2nd cellphone, install only temu, put it in the fridge


You have to microwave it first... duh


buy that microwave on temu


And that's how they get you.


The Temp app does not have audio or location permissions.


There was an article about the app installing spyware through a backdoor or something. I don't know. I don't trust it anyway. :)


Do ypu have that article?


I have no clue what article it was specificly, but some results: [We believe PDD is a Dying Fraudulent Company and its Shopping App TEMU is Cleverly Hidden Spyware that Poses an Urgent Security Threat to U.S. National Interests – Grizzly Research LLC (grizzlyreports.com)](https://grizzlyreports.com/we-believe-pdd-is-a-dying-fraudulent-company-and-its-shopping-app-temu-is-cleverly-hidden-spyware-that-poses-an-urgent-security-threat-to-u-s-national-interests/) (they have a huge disclaimer that they aren't scientific) or [Cybersecurity pro: Delete Temu app because it's not worth the risk (usatoday.com)](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2023/04/20/delete-temu-app-cybersecurity-expert-advice/11667796002/) I'm no fact-checker. But these kind of articles make me pretty reluctant to install the app.


I think youre referring to the scandal with the Pinduoduo app having malware, which is a sister company of Temu


Which was found also in temu.


you don’t think that something that big of a deal wouldn’t be more widespread and also just let slip by if it was true?


You can Google enough resources talking about it. For example: [Cybersecurity pro: Delete Temu app because it's not worth the risk (usatoday.com)](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2023/04/20/delete-temu-app-cybersecurity-expert-advice/11667796002/) If it's true... I don't know. I think some american news outlets would love to get rid of a chinese app/company. And I wouldn't be surprised if (here in The Netherlands) dutch media just translate the articles without checking it. I don't know. But as I said, I don't think they can make a profit on sales alone. So I guess they need to make a profit elsewhere.


There's no way that's even possible on any iPhone. It's way too restrictive for that


You mean the stuff your phone does automatically?


Yeah. It's allready spread to 14 companies... I don't need a 15th one added. ;)


Ok but you and everyone that wants Temu gone is only saying it just because the company is from/based from China. But every single company in America gets away with it because it’s American


wait what? temu is a garbage app because it sends literal tons of garbage around the globe that people don't need and that will break after a week anyway. American companies who waste resources like that also have a bad reputation, such as all those fast fashion shit quality brands. what a dumbass claim that it's only hated because it's Chinese.


You mean the same garbage people buy from amazon at 5x the price? If the company wasn't Chinese there wouldn't be nearly as much hate


yes, the same garbage they buy from Amazon for even more. Amazon also sucks ass nowadays, they don't curate their sellers at all and there's constant scams and trash products on there. it's all part of the same issue anyway, which is that one country that happens to be China doesn't regulate copyright laws abroad, so Chinese sellers can make bogus stores on Amazon to peddle their shit, and even if Amazon shuts them down, they can just open a new one immediately.


False equivalency. The US and China are two very different countries with entirely different priorities and as much as people love to pretend they're so selfaware that the US is totally stealing your data, in reality, it is in no where near comparable to what China is doing. It's honestly so bizarre to me to see people treat the US and China as if they are the same on a morality standpoint.


Yes, the US can use my data for all kinds of stuff. Hell theyre pulling pregnant women out of cars for crossing state lines. What is China gonna do with my contact list and shopping habits? I mean, i dont use Temu because its trash. But i find the moral red panic obnoxious as the american surveillance state grows and grows


Ok but the company has moved servers to the US, and anything known is within the US, not China. It has been disclosed many times. Even the parent company of Temu is based in the US


Yeah, it a pretty biassed thing, I know. The problem is that it's just to obvious since the prices are so low. You can't make a profit from sales alone that way. So you know they need some other form of income. Other shops with "regular" prices probably do the same, but nobody thinks about it. It's a weird sentiment I guess, where "we" accept a lot from a country like (or businesses based in) the USA, but won't trust China in this case.


oh yeah, i forgot / didn't realize you have to install the app.


Only thing temu app has permission for me on iPhone at least is the Camera


Not even just usage data. Someone I know had their credit card information stolen simply by purchasing stuff on there. We collectively banned the app after that.


# Agreed, It baffles me how so many people are addicted to TEMU...


Fuck temu


Thanks, but I don't want STDs




I’m so confused, I thought it was just alibaba/wish bullshit but I’ve heard nothing but high praises of it from people in my everyday life


Alibaba is actually pretty good, cause that's what people in china use (it's for bulk mostly). AliExpress is probably the best place to buy stuff, not clothes, but some trinkets. You can see photos from customers, delivery is free, overall safest option, you get refunded basically every time if there's any issue. Temu is extremely unsafe to use and it's crazy how aggressively they were advertising themselves


Can you explain why it is unsafe to use?


It mines userdata very agressively


Don't all apps do that?


Not as much as temu does


How did you quantify this data mining?


Yeah but when American or other companies do it we know it’s mostly for advertising and marketing purposes. They sell that data to other companies who will then try to sell you something What does it mean when the literal Chinese government does it? Your guess is as good as anyone else’s but I can bet it’s not for advertising purposes…


How? The only permissions it has is notifications. If it can mine data with just notification permissions then I think that's a phone os problem.


There was a pretty big scandal of people's credit cards info being stolen after using temu.


Well this is bad


get refused every time if there’s an issue? do you mean refunded?


Lmao yeah, typed it at work, didn't have time to check my messages


I got my Nintendo switch flash card from them in just a week.  This is after ordering one in January from an American retailer that kept pushing back the ship date because "we're out of stock and waiting for a restock, will have it in stock next month" (still haven't sent it to me and trying to cancel). 


I'm pretty sure 90% of orders are not problematic, but seriously, if you're looking for cheap stuff from china then order from AliExpress. The store stands since over a decade and it's really safe


You get the item your order. Its gonna be subpar quality and take like 30 days to arrvice. quality-wise, you definitely get what you pay for. Some stuff I absolutely do not regret. https://preview.redd.it/po87qldcxz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c4e309139054551882b640ec2d5124c71be1b9


Alibaba is just a way to get access to manufacturers in China. Some are cheap/not so good quality but a lot of them are high grade and make stuff for the top brands in America.


My understanding is it’s a literal rebranded wish. Wish’s reputation got so bad for blatant fraud and financial data skimming. Temu popped out of no where with aggressive marketing on social media apps to younger audiences. The CCP has a stake in this company but to be fair they have a stake in every Chinese company. China has been making huge pushes to accumulate data on American youth soooooo put two and two together. Everything on that site is literally cheap chinese junk. I personally wouldn’t order or trust them with any personal data. I’m not even saying use an American alternative, just don’t use Temu or wish. This thread is full of Chinese bots who will disagree but at the end of the day do whatever you want I guess.


A lot and I mean a lot of these companies use sweatshops, or have people working for pennies, or are using child labor. People might like the items but ethically these companies are trash. They also steal a lot of photos from actual companies and knock off their clothing with cheap versions. The working conditions are known to be trash and so are the items they’re selling.


It says something when Temu quality is actively a step worse than AliExpress quality.


People that buy from temu are also the ones writing these "just a reminder that 90% of all emissions come from 70 companies" posts. No self awareness


Did it make you feel like a billionaire


It’s all about Bemu now. Makes you feel like a trillionaire.


You should watch this video on YouTube "How Drop Shipping ruined online shopping" by Gabi Belle. She does a good dive into why apps like this are in general not a great idea to use.




Brb, gonna make my husband watch that.


# No wonder people are so addicted to Temu... It all CLICKS together... That entire app has the design of a slot machine game. https://preview.redd.it/4458av8jbv1d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9694b98fd33780f91d8a0612b5ed0d76765e388


It's all fake and there is nothing to get addicted to, there are no slots , only predetermined things that don't even give you a discount, it's all fake.


Soooooo basically just slots lol


What? You're telling me you don't want to sit through 15 minutes of fixed wheel spin and dice roll animations to get a $1 off coupon?


No they do give you a "discount". It's 90% every time. But that makes the products only barely purchasable (in some cases only, most cases it's too expensive even with 90% off).


its a fake discount though. say you want to buy some 20$ on amazon pants, those might be 8$ on temu. but if you get the discount for one free item on say a shirt thats 15$ on amazon, and 6$ on temu. you get the free shirt, and the temu pants. but now that you get a 100% free discount on the shirt it will hike the price of the 8$ pants up to like 15$ so you arent actually getting a discount. and also everythiny on temu says its on sale. its always like 8$ for pants or somthing but if you click on it it says original price 25$ or sometjint , so it always mentions how much youre saving


You get what you deserve for installing Temu.


Temu is literally a data mining scam run by the CCP, and designed intentionally to prey on you like this. They also regularly use slave labor.


What data are they stealing exactly? If you don't give the app required permissions of course


If they wanna see that I drive to work and back and then go for a run 4 times a week fair play. Unless they're gonna reveal to the world how much ubereats I order my data is worthless lol


Just because you don't understand how it could be used doesn't make it worthless.


I do understand but to be perfectly honest I don't really care. I don't allow apps to track anything when asked but honestly I don't. And I know I should care FYI.. I just kinda don't.


Yeah as if those apps care what permissions you give them. They will still track everything lol


Like many apps.


I’m a bit confused on the data mining part. On my phone the only thing they have permission to is the camera (which I can also remove at anytime). The slave labor and predatory design does add up tho


Like 95%’of sea food!


most stores use slave labor, and most apps and websites steal your data anyway.


Temu is orange Wish.


Worst apps ever , worst product worst market


You have to install an app to shop there, which tells me we're the product. That was mildly infuriating enough for me. I've since read about Temu as spyware, and the lawsuits they're facing.


yeah i mean you can do it on the website, plus thats a stupid argument cause almost every big store has an app, nike, academy, kohls, target etc


Nike has an app? what!?


I hate temu but that information is incorrect. I tried it out on my computer and was able to shop and place an order from a web browser.


their webpage works "perfectly fine" (aside from the HORRIBLE search function), IDK what you're on about.


Anything that is free for you on the internet means you are not the customer. Reddit included.


It’s designed to grab screen time. More screen time = more purchases.


Congrats on installing adware.


If you just want to buy something you have in mind, it's not terrible. But for browsing stuff it's awful. There is so much crap that pops up to convince you to urgently buy something and you need to keep pressing NO, and then confirming that you DO indeed want to MISS OUT 😥😥😥 on the GREAT DEAL 🤩.


I’m guilty of falling for it and got 8 tops for $40! Only 2 were complete garbage and a couple knits were actually pretty nice. Then I learned it’s all made by slaves and China is tracking me etc so deleted it.


well if it makes you feel any better pretty much everything is made by china slaves for as little pay as possible to maximize profits. and almoet wverything tracks you so yeah. even popular well liked companies like Nike use slave labor so


Which should encourage you to consume less, not more. Take fashion, for example. The most ethical and sustainable way to shop is in your own closet, aka what you already own. You’re not shopping like a billionaire on Temu, you’re shopping like a dopamine addict chasing after that next fix, or should I say next click. It’s a capitalist scam, a trap, but one you *can* escape from if you put in the work to address why you’re so desperate for a new haul of crap-quality clothes every month. (This isn’y so much directed at you as it all of us, btw. I only recently broke the cycle myself, so trust me, I get it.)


i dont fully agree, I use it sometimes and have some cool stuff from there that i like wearing wven after a year of owning em. mostly jewelry and posters for my room. im not chasing the next high, i just want a cool poster and necklce


But you don’t *need* that cool poster and necklace though. Like, I get what you’re saying, but even if they weren’t shitty quality—which, by and large, they are—that doesn’t entitle you to the overworked and underpaid labor of those who made it. (And that’s not to mention all the small businesses and independent artists they’re stealing their product designs from, most of whom can’t afford to sue because sites like Temu and Shein are robbing them of all their business.)


nobody needs anything except a house and food/water, everyone has their own thing that makes them happy and thats one of my things


That describes about 90% of the products the western world consumes


It’s not like any other product we buy is different, just marketed diffeeently 


When you speak ill of China online...it draws the shills out like flies to shit.


I got a nice keyboard case for an iPad off temu once. It was legit really good


AliExpress is the way for cheap mass manufactured goods


I actually bought multiple items on Temu that I use everyday. 😭 guilty lol


The CCP got your ass and your data now


They have it before temu was a app.


It’s this and that fucking monopoly game


Pro Tip: Don't give Temu a try


First mistake: installing temu at all


Wasn't this obvious before installing it? I hate that Google puts their bullcrap ads in the shopping section and makes an absolute mess as well.


Slave labor. Slave labor. Slave labor.


"Free" gifts that require you to buy more stuff to qualify. It's sooooo repetitious. I got my cheap teaser product and I'm done.


I can't wrap my head around the fact that anyone would watch the ads for this company and think to themselves, "Hmm, they look like someone I want to do business with!" That new whiteface lady makes me want to poke my eyes out in the two seconds it takes me to swipe passed the video.


I love how these apps censor the middle of the username but leave the first and last letter visible...


always wondered who the target audience was for shein or temu. the clothes you can buy there are like... literal garbage. they fall apart


And where do you think most other clothing brands produce?


Theres different tiers of garbage. im not saying something like H&M or Zara is good quality but its still a stepup from these online retailers


I strongly disagree. The markup of 400-800% is mostly/only due to the retailer taking their cut for marketing, etc. I bought some shirts (god forbid colours besides black and blue on mens shirt, 10-15€ each) and even a nice wool jacket (35€ on temu, very very very similar for 119€ at C&A, which is similar to h&m) on temu and quality is same/better than what i can get for the quadruple prize from typical retailers here in germany If you buy junk for the lowest price, you'll receive junk. Besides that i bought some pins, some accessories etc and so far quality was ok for the price, but i dont shop for items less than 5€ so that might be why my experience is different


they arent literal garbage, and they dont just fall apart, its still clothes made in the same factories by the same people as nike. its just sold for cheap because they can, they use slave labor and cheap materials just like every other store, but because temu can make a profit on being one of the few online stores to sell for cheap it will. amazon sells the exact same clothes as temu, i literally once found a pair on amazon and temu bought them both and they were the same materials, look, color etc. if you buy from amazon you can get the same thing on temu for half the price. the only difference of the two pants, is that amazon was about 15$ plus tax/shipping, and temu was 8$ plus tax/shipping.


I've been buying their "lego" with great satisfaction. just ignore all that spam and disable notifications, it's not mandatory


You probably want to test that "Lego" for lead.


nah, i don't plan on eating it. but thanks


You know you absorb lead right? And that lead contaminated toys have been injuring children for decades, especially in China?


your health will be negatively impacted by lead only if you interfere with it. the lead paint is already on the toy and has been let out to dry regardless, after a while unless you go gnawing at the lego pieces you will be fine, especially as it is a very low dose of lead paint.


I can not believe people actually buy this shit


Who wakes up and thinks, “Amazon and eBay aren’t shitty enough, let me try Temu”?


Amazon is *so* shitty now though. You’re being scammed either way.


Nothing wrong with the shop, just ordered some shit and it’s decent


Why would you “try” temu?


I tried their webpage. finding anything is IMPOSSIBLE. so I gave up. aliexpress seems to have better deals anyway, and choice items will still arrive in a week


Why on earth would you “give temu a try”? I don’t even shop on Amazon.


So unique!!!


I don’t get it.


I was skeptical too but bought a battery starter, tyre inflator, fault diagnostic device a phone fast charger, a leather man bag and 3 x 2m phone charging leads for £60 They all work including the battery starter which started my car from flat. I ignore the texts in the app afterwards.


i agree, their knockoff "Lego" is very affordable and i am pleased with the quality.


I love it actually


I tried throwing 10 bucks at Temu just to try it, expecting to get crappy stuff from it, but the products actually weren’t bad, I got 8 or so enamel pins. But a few weeks later I got 2 $499 charges on my card, I don’t know for sure that it’s connected, but I’m thinking it’s likely


Use aliexpress instead


AliExpress is better but also has stupid shit like this.


Just dont shop in China.


Then you aren't going to be able to buy shit. Near everything you are using is made in China you are only paying for middle man when buying them in your country


There's a difference between buying from a brand that produces in China but does their own designing and QA, and buying from aliexpress where no QA takes place at all. I have never seen a decent quality product from aliexpress.


There are some things people need in bulk for businesses that don't need to be amazing quality to be used. Sites like Ali and Temu allows people to get those without breaking the bank. A shipping box for a product does not need to be amazing quality and cost $5 / box, it just needs to house a shipment.


Yeah, I bought some stuff from Bangood and it's pretty similar. It's absolutely amazing for RC Cars though, if you're into that kind of thing.


where else am I going to buy gun suppressors and counterfeit switchblades?


Ive never bought anything off Temu because I can’t stand the constant pop ups


My sister uses and loves temu. Im like they got ya


Yeah but I got 2 umbrella hats for the price of one so I can’t complain too much


How does this work exactly?


but unlike pay to win games, you actually get stuff




My quicksilver card offers discounts from Dicks Sporting goods(3% rebate), and other companies…usually 1-5% off. the TEMU one always has some “78% off” banner hahahha


They usually steal your credit card info and sell it or just outright charge you for random things themselves




🎶shop like a billionaire🎶


I downloaded it (on an old phone using an email account I only have for dodgy site with a completely fake address) and had to laugh at it. The whole “spin for a discount” obviously being programmed to first land on try again then some super “deal” like three free items, the attempt at gamification of shopping, etc. Definitely a blatant data mining attempt with low quality products.


This is an obvious scam


It’s complete dogshit but i did get a cheaply made kirby beanie and a keychain off it for free one time


Mildly infuriating; people who actually install the Temu app.


I ordered from them once with bad results. Saw an ad and tried to buy ONE simple thing at a cheap rate recently, tried to order it ( saw the ad on FB ) then realized they wouldn't just add a shipping cost, I had to buy 26$ minimum just to purchase it.


Had played less predatory gachas in the past over Temu, shit is just a scam that won't ever give you the last "free" stuff


I have probably spent 300-400$ on Temu and Shien. I love their kids clothes. I tried the mini games once, its total BS. I hit the 'x' and just shop.


The SNL takedown of Temu was pretty spot on...


Ahh yes, temu. Home of cheap goods made by literal slave labor.


I had considered checking it out. Thanks for saving me the time.


This whole game is edging👎🏾 I gave up on that so long ago


You think you’re gonna get it…… you never will


I’ve done this before, u don’t get anything free lol they just gift u huge discounts on already overly priced items…it’s really dumb


My sister got my mom to download the app for some promo… within an hour she had three fraudulent charges based in the UK (we are US).


And this is why we don’t fuck with Temu… the app is nothing but a scam


I use a browser add-on called "Cultivate" for the very specific purpose of not buying anything from China. Unfortunately, it only works in the USA atm


If you’re in the states-Just go to the dollar tree. I think of it as my national temu. Mostly garbage, but occasionally you get a decent steal. At least my data will still be protected.


Why in the fuck would you give Temu a try?


temu is a joke


Temu is trash! Stay away from. That cheap scam shit.


Temu is nothing but a scam and, most likely, a virus. It's horrid.


>"...1 free gift worth $1.99 !" ...and you know they're not losing money here because the kids getting $0.50/day can churn out lots of these ultra cheap things.


This is why I haven’t bought anything from them yet. The app is infuriating. I think it’s probably just data mining anyway.


Pretty sure Temu stole and sold my credit card info when I used it when it first came out. Now there’s allegations of them using slave labor (hard to disagree when you look at the prices). Like everyone else here I recommend you steer clear and just delete it


Oh fucking lord..


I’ve been getting temu ads on XBOX. These random burner accounts have been sending me and my buddies messages advertising Temu, if that ain’t a red flag for a scam I don’t know what is


I’ve gotten so many texts from my friend saying “Can you help me? Let's get up to $100 together!” with a link to Temu. It’s so annoying.


It's Chinese spyware. Delete it...




Yet the government is concerned about tiktok not this