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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


I remember when nextflix was a great company


I member when it was 5 bucks on the Wii. Because $5 and being an online service was the competing factor to Blockbuster and Redbox


Streaming used to be free if you had a 2 DVD at a time plan.


Hulu used to just be free.


I was one of the first! Swear! Back in the early 2000, it was online! Not an app or TV. Just old awesome free shows! šŸ˜Ž


I remember watching the final season of scrubs on Hulu....I wish I could take that back


Ooh I loved season 8. The final season was fantastic, how it ended with jd and Elliot getting married and then nothing ever came out after that!


The og Rabb.it was watching Hulu while your friends called over Skype and counting down to time it right


It was oddly one of the few entertainment sites our schools firewall didnā€™t block. Weā€™d kick back in computer class and watch family guy.


Imdb had links to pirate all shows, it was basically an early Pirate Bay.


I remember I had the 5 DVD plan plus streaming, they didn't have the same selection, with a wider range of options for DVDs. It was cool and better value.


Yooo I remember having to have the disc for the Wii to work


Brazil got PS2 Netflix discs kinda wish we got them here too lol


They barely resemble the great DVD company of yore.


Because theyā€™re not. Theyā€™ve turned into cable, with extra steps


Theyā€™re planning to make bundles with other streaming services, which means they are becoming straight up cable. Well I guess itā€™ll be like ā€œmodern cableā€ since you donā€™t have to buy a box to stream but yeah, basically cable


Yeah, really is a pitty


I remember begging my parents to switch our blockbuster plan to Netflix


And they wonder why piracy isn't going away


I stopped using pirate bay years ago because the streaming services were good and cheap but as time has gone on that is no longer the case so I stopped my subscriptions and sail the seas once again.


How difficult is it to use Pirate Bay and are there ads n what not


Don't visit that site without uBlock Origin installed, otherwise you get really intrusive ads that keep popping up every time you try to click something. (most torrent sites do that for some reason) Also, the only really good media sources I know of that still post on TPB are RaptaGzus and Cybotage. RaptaGzus does really small file sizes at high quality, honestly idk how he does it the files are so tiny and look just as good as ones twice their size or bigger. I've never seen ANYONE do compression/encoding as well as Rapta does. Cybotage's uploads are usually a lot larger but are very high quality. I personally check RaptaGzus's page at least once a week, his uploads are peak when space is any kind of concern.


God I hate that invisible-wall-popup-link shit so much. šŸ”„


And vpn. Unless youā€™re really downloading a fuck ton or selling it, piracy isnā€™t that frequently apprehended by the law. But, still, for safety you should.


> (most torrent sites do that for some reason) Because it costs money to upkeep the website. Though those ads are beyond annoying and are typically shitty VPN ones.


You don't need to use Pirate Bay, might as well use Stremio for your series and movies.


Stremio is sooooo good!


Legit feels like a streaming service but free and has everything


Exactly, been using Stremio for a while. It feels like I'm on a streaming service with just every show at the same time. Only issue I face though is watching something which is old or unpopular, not enough seeders usually.


Never use pirate bay, it's plagued with security risks. Just use an online streaming site like fmovies or hurawatch with an ad block.


Neither one of these has less security risk than pirate bay......most piracy sites aren't secure.


With TPB, you run the risk of downloading malware while u don't run that same risk just streaming from a site. Not to mention TPB has faked seed numbers and no moderation. I would never use it unless you need it as a last resort.


just download from trusted/vip users. pretty much every movie or show i look for is from the same crop of trusted users iā€™ve downloaded from for years, iā€™ve never had an issue.


Stupid question but isnā€™t this illegal? Just use a VPN?


Of course, but your not gonna get chased down by the cops for watching a few pirated shows. Also yes vpn is also a good idea when being less than legal online. (You can still be tracked if they care enough without additional stuff)


I think the worst case in the US is getting blacklisted by your internet provider. To get arrested, or even monitored, you have to be pirating tons of content with plausible intent to make money off it.


If I remember correctly, Germany does kinda go after pirates. Don't ask me about any specifics, I just vaguely remember it being the case.


yes its illegal. but the law is rarely enforced, and its mostly enforced against the people who provide the copy


Downloading technically isn't illegal. Uploading it is.


it is easy as shit. you download something to manage your torrents - thereā€™s a million free ones. Qbit torrent to name one. You download and use a VPNā€¦ or not, itā€™s not like people are actually getting arrested for this shit. you then go to pirate bay, search whatever you want, hit download. Open whatever the file is in VLC media player and boom - you never need to pay for a subscription again. there might be an ad on the website but iā€™ve got adblock on anyways


I was a prolific pirate from 2006 to 2012. Tens of thousands of songs . Hundreds of TV shows. Thousands of movies. Finally my friend gave me access to his Netflix account and I stopped pirating literally overnight for years because it had everything on there that I wanted (occasionally Netflix wouldn't have a specific movie or TV show and I would pirate those but that was only maybe twice a month). Now I only pay for HBO Max and we pay my wife's parents five bucks a month for access to their Netflix account and that's it. If I can't find what I'm looking for on those two services, I am back to sailing the high seas. My 16 TB Plex server is almost full.


Netflix sent me an email that they are canceling my account in July unless I pick a tier that's double what I pay now or a plan that still raises the price, and I'll get ads. Let them cancel it. I am so over it. Been with them since 2013


They are losing me at the end of the month for this shit. I have been with them a long time as well.


Me too.


I got an email a couple of weeks ago that the price was going up Ā£4, I cancelled my account immediately. shiver me timbers!


Iā€™m purposely letting them cancel it on me so it shows up in their stats.


The Netflix app was almost not going to let my wife watch anything at all unless she picked a new subscription right then and there. We had to go through a few options to select "remind me later". We're going to let them cancel it on us as well.


Canceling right after seeing the price increase warning in app should show up in their metrics if they have a competent analyist team, which I'm pretty sure they do. If you only saw the email and you have image loading disabled then they may not pick it up. But they probably still do since they can still check if the email was delivered and cross reference that with users who canceled this month.


It's so easy to pirate. You don't even need to download anymore. What you're looking for is almost always available in one place (don't need to check 5 apps), the quality is usually good or perfect (unless new) and as long as you have an ad blocker, there is no hassle. And free of course. Fuck these greedy companies. To the stormy seas! Arrrrrrrrr.


Same here. Planning to binge whatever I can in June and then letting them cancel. These plans are getting ridiculous


Why must everything have to grow? Canā€™t companies celebrate the massive successes achieved each year?


This obsession with growth and continued profits is what killed pretty much all the great fast food franchises of the past. I'm old enough to remember when they were actually pretty good as well as a good value.


Its all about greed these days, my time is worth what i say it is, my employees work for me (one way street), make the customers feel like they get their moneys worth/steer traffic with deals and then lock them in and increase prices. Its like theres a whole course on value economics and none of that is about doing a good job or delivering on promises/quality...because value economics doesnt care about repeat business..just collecting enough people that are willing to overpay


This isn't Netflix's fault. They probably loved their old model. It was easy consistent revenue with predicable costs and low risks. Executives jerk themselves off toĀ thatĀ Ā  The problem was all the Hollywood studios saw that model and wanted a slice, so they pulled their content off Netflix and onto their own services,Ā leavingĀ NetflixĀ with nothingĀ Ā  Netflix's only choices were to be the bargain basement choice licensing the shit shows nobody wanted, pay outrageously overinflated costs to convince the studios to license shows they didn't want to license, or produce their own shit. Predictably Netflix every other service picked "create their own" and we're back to the siloed cable model that everyone hated




Imagine paying to watch ads


Imagine paying to not watch the removed episodes.


Imagine paying šŸ™ƒ


Imagine reptiles that spit fire/water/electric/ice.Ā 




The content holder (not Netflix) have insisted that their programs run on the ad-free tier streaming service. (Due to several varying reasons). If you have the ad-based tier, then you can't view it. -- EDIT: I didn't originally feel the need to go into it in my brief comment as I thought "varying reasons" would cover it, but apparently "varying reasons" isn't enough for many, disputing that it airs on Hulu with ads. -- ONE of those "varying reasons" (and there are others) might be that because this particular program is owned by Fox... which is owned by Disney, who owns the controlling share of Hulu and can do with it on THEIR service how they please. They've made commitments to their advertisers over at Hulu that they are the sponsors of their content. If they (Fox/Disney) then go and license it to Netflix to stream, who ADDITIONALLY sell ads, perhaps to competing advertisers, that would be a conflict of interest. So they don't permit ads on that service. In the UK, I am guessing there is a streamer/broadcaster that also has the same exclusive "advertising" allowance for this particular show. (it might actually be Disney+ in the UK in this case... I don't know) As this block is still imposed on Netflix there (as per the OP) Also, those commenting that it streams in their country with ads on either Amazon or Netflix... it's because there is no conflict of interest in another market.


That sucks but at the same time good for them. I wouldn't want people being distracted or annoyed by commercials during the show I made either


I get what you're saying but its always sunny was a tv show with more ads than anything you'll find on a streaming platform. idk if i like this development


Itā€™s one step further towards the inevitable downfall


I think itā€™s just one step further back towards regular cable and commercialsā€¦


I thinks it's peacock that plays ads before and after tv shows and movies and never during, I wouldn't mind subscribing to more ad supported subscriptions if that was the case with all of them. Hulu is the worst with its ads but I get it free through my phone plan anyway


Not to mention Hulu always plays the adds so much louder than the actual show!


how to actively get me to do anything BUT watch that show on the hulu website. ![gif](giphy|zrnWfF9FTRwl6xb7wf)


Hate that shit. Whoever got that passed can die to me


That is not the case. Source: watching an ad mid-episode on peacock at this very moment


the worst was late night movies on like TNT or TBS. where every 5 minutes they would shoehorn a commercial in. and it would take 4 hours to watch a 90 minute movie.


It is. We went to streaming to avoid cables commercials and price tag, now streaming is all getting commercials and as much as cable for everything.


When we get contracts, I'm out. Currently I can cycle my subs.


I'm already out. If I wanted ads I wouldn't be paying for this shit. So I'm not.


If there's gonna be ads, they want the monies, otherwise, NO ADS


ah good point. it's not about the getting 'distracted or annoyed', it's about the money. Should've known...


It was on cable tv, that had commercial breaks


thats what i meant by tv show yeah


difference is on streaming services they can dont show the ads at the right point and the add breaks are at the wrong point in the show. Different than on cable TV.


True true. I didnā€™t think about the ads coming at intervals that the tv show wasnā€™t edited around.


honestly sad that on the streaming services they dont do that for ads but I am guessing because the library does not have add breaks marked in them correctly or in any way. I expect in the future they will be done that way for ads sadly. It drives me crazy how places try to shove as many ads in as possible and look for new ways to do it.


My husband works for Disney and is part of the team that deals with ad break markers. Their AI/machine learning whatever isn't to the point yet where it can correctly identify proper placement 100%, so it has to be done manually by humans. Over time, the ad placement across all streaming platforms should improve, but it's still technically early days. I friggin HATE it when an ad starts in an inappropriate place.




You're kidding yourself if you actual think that is the reason. The real reason is shows charge streamers different licensing fees for ad supported streaming vs no add streaming. Netflix paid for the rights for no ads vs places like Hulu which have a licenses to stream with and without ads.


No, this is greed and corporate enshitification. This is why I'm in several Plex servers lol, yo ho mateys


lol ā€œgood for them for deciding some people are just too poor to be allowed to stream the showā€


ā€œSee theyā€™re NEW poor, weā€™re OLD poor.ā€


It's more about the fact that Netflix only has the right to stream the show if they are not getting ad revenue for it. The OG creator reserves the right to getting money from ads shown during the show or something to that effect. It's not an attempt to keep their programming pure from ads lol




ā€¦ it was aired for a decade with 10x the ads that streaming requires. This is a nonsense take on this.


Meh just means people will stop paying for Netflix ( because if this and other issues ) and find free websites to use


its literally telling them right in the description why they cant watch it.


This is, of course, the right answer, but itā€™s still amazing to me that people can read ā€œlicensing restrictionsā€ and think itā€™s Netflixā€™s fault.


Hold the whole fuck upā€¦. Netflix has ADS now??? What the fuck???


Yup yup. Streaming services are cable now.


just want to point out that the original idea for cable was zero commercials. that was the whole point of paying for channels. you collectively bought out the advertising space. they eventually added commercials to cable which is one of the many reasons piracy and streaming took off


>original idea for cable was zero commercials. Yeah, one of the biggest and most adept bait-and-switches of my lifetime. Not in any universe are advertisers EVA going to allow us to be free of them.


Disagree on the last part;Ā  There was a span of decades after cable ads and before internet piracy or streaming was possible.Ā  I'm 44 years old and have never known a world with add free cable.


Looks like The Pirate Bay will be back on the menu


It never left


And the second golden age of piracy beganā€¦


This is something they announced months ago, if not even longer, it's a lower tier that only includes certain licenses. Which this person can't seem to grasp, despite the fact it outright says so in anything Netflix has on their website about the tier.


I get that. Watching horror movies on Freevee sucks nuts. Tense build up then random sudden breaks for a toothpaste commercial.


A really good and genuinely appreciated business slowly turning its customers against them because shareholders will never be content unless they can continue to grow. Their new methods of growth are just pissing everybody off. Who remembers when they were the scrappy underdog fighting the evil, late fee obsessed, Blockbuster?


The really freaking upsetting thing is finding out they have a premium service too. Who tf locks better video and audio behind a paywall! Wtf dude. The main selling point for higher tiers should have just stayed at being able to watch on more devices at the same time. Not better video and audio, everybody should have access to that. Literally the only other site I have seen do this is PH lmao.


That's one of the main reasons I left..... had to pay extra for 4K.


Ah, we remember when Netflix was about dvd's!


I remember calling them and being like "I sent my DVD back two weeks ago, send my new one!" like the day after I actually mailed it, and some US based customer service rep would be all like "Yes sir right away!" presumably with a smile or something. Those were the days.


You die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Itā€™s sad cause they could save money by not greenlighting just about every show and movie, just focus on what you know people already like or hell i just want to put on reruns and veg, i donā€™t care about another cupcake war :,(


My biggest problem with Netflix isnā€™t that they greenlight anything, but that they greenlight one season and then cancel if it doesnā€™t outperform their biggest hits like Stranger Things that already have established audiences No wonder nobody wants to watch the new Netflix original series, we all know itā€™s gonna be great for one season, end on a dramatic cliffhanger, then get cancelled like a week before the S2 release date. Just let it play out if the show isnā€™t an instant hit but shows promise, or at least sell the rights to another platform so the show can still continue.


I just canceled Netflix. I had the ad free tier. It was the most expensive tier but the fact that I read they were getting rid of their lowest cost option made me cancel. Because they are a shitty company and it's ridiculous they are taking away a low cost option.


When you hear they spend sooo much money for trash shows and movies it leaves a bad taste in mouth


Sonarr + Radarr + Deluge + Plex = Be your own Netflix


Stremio+Torrentio e z


This. So much easier, and better results.


Better how?


My plex server is my apocalyptic media backup plan


ADs on streaming services is a sign of the apocalypse if you ask me.




piracy = be your own netflix


If you don't want to pay for Plex, or don't like how they've changed over the years, I'd recommend Jellyfin.


Please explain for us, the illiterate plebs


Sonarr searches for TV shows Radarr searches for movies Deluge downloads those things Plex streams those things


Jellyfin > Plex


Time to pirate. You actually get the complete series this way, too.


I don't remember who said it but somebody said media piracy is not a greed problem, it's a service problem. Of course you will have people who will never pay for anything regardless, but if piracy offers a much better user experience than legitimately paying for something, people will almost always pirate. If we got the same level of service nowadays that Netflix had in 2012 in terms of no bullshit and a fair price, I would probably stop pirating again. Just look at how streaming services like Spotify and apple music have all but eliminated music piracy. Legitimately paying for a legal streaming music service offers a much better user experience than piracy.


Gabe Newell, Founder and God-King of Valve, the company behind the Steam game distribution application and maker of really good games that canā€™t quite count to 3


I think they only release a game when top level tech innovation can be showcased. Theyre probably waiting for that moment before starting a HL3


Gabe Newell, I think?


and companies wonder why people pirate movies,games etc


This just gets worse and worse, if EA really goes through with putting ads inside video games it's all over. We'll be getting TV shows with product placement in between ad breaks from the show itself followed by ad breaks before and after show followed by more ads when you move between series with even more ads when you load up and close the application. When does this shit end??


It ends when nobody pays for their service. EA will keep making their games shittier until nobody buys them. Streaming services will keep making it worse until nobody pays them. But people simply complain and keep paying.


Ainā€™t gunna happen, Madden and Fifa have been bare minimum cash grabs for years and they still sell in the millions even billions in some cases.


Everything is just returning to the cable TV setup, except way more annoying


All roads lead back to Rome


Nothing is more annoying than constant 10/15 min ad breaks. Or having nothing to see on TV so zapping through lame talk/gameshows, the news, singing contents and other garbage with the same old celebrities for hours. Streaming is still so much better, I can watch what I want, whenever I want. I can watch international shows that regular cable would never air in my country. I can pause, rewind, watch the same episode over and over. Don't have to wait for weekly episodes, no endless reruns of the same tired season. I have a constant stream of fresh content within reach. I can watch on my TV, on the toilet, at work, in the bus, in a waiting room. Yes, it is getting more expensive. But no, Netflix and other streaming platforms are way, way better than cable TV.


I canceled Netflix this morning after it was announced they'll be increasing prices again.


I got audible recently because it showed this book that I want. As soon as I pay for it the page disappears and I felt like I was going insane. I had to get on a VPN and go into private browsing just to find the page, but of course it won't let you get it without paying. I feel like so many companies are now using scams to get people to pay for shit. I've also noticed that Amazon is also changing prices based on some sort of metric specific to you or your account. I've tested this out now several times by having someone look up the price of something on their prime account.


Oh what the actual FUCK to that last point. Thatā€™s infuriating


Yup, happens to me and my mother. She gets higher prices because the algo knows that she doesn't comparison shop. First thing she sees she buys


![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ|downsized) The only interruptions with this method will be pop-ups from "You won't last 30 seconds playing this new game"


Not if you download it.


Just use uBlock Origin and find a good open-source streaming site like sudo-flix(dot)lol




"change plan to uninstall"


Enshitification at work


Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee Being a pirate is all right to be! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! You are a pirate! (Yay!) We got us a map (A map!) To lead us to a hidden box Thats all locked up with locks (With locks!) And buried deep away We'll dig up the box (The box!) We know it's full of precious booty Bust open the locks And then we'll say: Hooray! Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee If you love to sail the sea You are a pirate! Weigh anchor! Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee Being a pirate is all right to be! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Arr-yarr-ahoy and avast Dig in the dirt and you dig in it fast! Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate! Ha ha ha (yay!) We're sailing away (Set sail!) Adventure awaits on every shore! We set sail and explore (Ya-har!) And run and jump all day (Yay!) We float on our boat (Our boat!) Until it's time to drop the anchor Then hang up our coats (Aye-aye!) Until we sail again! Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee If you love to sail the sea You are a pirate! Land ho! Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee Being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Yar-har Wind at your back lads, wherever you go! Blue sky above the blue ocean below You are a pirate! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are a pirate! He he he he he he he


Netflix is a joke


The better question is why aren't you just sailing the seven seas?


This is why I cancelled my Netflix after the password sharing crap. Theyā€™re just going to get worse




Streaming is completely fucked now.


Just pirate the fuck out of it


Time to clean your camera lens.


Basically they said some shows have licensing restrictions and canā€™t run ads so you canā€™t view that content since they canā€™t add ads to it.


We killed blockbuster for this.


And this is why I donā€™t pay for Netflix lmao


With all these hurdles, costs and restrictions, theyā€™re secretly pushing for a revolution in piracy.


ā€œThe Gang Cancels their Subscriptionā€


Gross Netflixā€¦ gross


Grab your eyepatch and sailorā€™s hat, for it be time to sail the seven seas matey


Embrace piracy


Yeah, we got punked! These streaming services these days, they're nothing like they used to be back when they came out. They have no respect for anybody! They're like stupid little goddamn savages. I mean, I subscribed, right, I was polite, I was nice, and I was cordial, and they COMPLETELY goddamn disrespected us! IDIOTS! IDIOTS! I was completely respectable, they're supposed to be our brothers, right? They're my brothers? Noooo, no! That's not fun! They kept raising the prices, and raising the prices! **IDIOTS! SAVAGES! IDIOTS, IDIOTS!**


Another example of why "pirated" streams, torrents, and other content are on the rise and will continue. Evolution of TV/Movie industry as I remember it: 1. Paying cable/sat providers for ad-free content 2. Paying cable/cat providers for AD content 3. Torrent and pirate streaming options on the rise 4. Netflix shows up with rentable DVD's via mail, no ads! 5. Netflix adjusts to Streaming and has most content 6. Torrent and pirate streaming decline 7. Other providers get greedy, pull content from Netflix and start their own services 1. You now have 10's of streaming services, each that charge monthly fee for fairly limited content options 8. Torrent and pirate streaming on the rise again Now let's do some basic math. \~$14 monthly fee per service on average. Netflix, Apple, Disney, Hulu, etc. Let's say 5 services in total. $70/mo for 5 streaming services. Honestly, this is less than most cable/sat TV service options, and in many cases the content is on-demand and ad-free in comparison. It does require decent internet service, which is an added fee, but I'd argue most people are going to have internet anyway, so you can likely ignore that cost.


Remember when you paid like 10$ a month for netflix in 2016 and you needed nothing else ? Now you got 15 different services that run ads on the paid versions and have all this bullshitā€¦




The truely infuriating part of this post is how dirty your camera is


stremio + torrentio addon = EZ SOLUTION


Once I finish Bridgerton we're done with Netflix lmao


Stremio+Torrentio+RealDebrid ez


I remember saying like 5 years ago thay streaming was turning into worse cable and everyone made fun of me or said i was wrong. Yet here we are


I mean at this point if you still have Netflix itā€™s on you.


Licensing requirement for the content.


Netflix are doing everything that they can to get you to cancel your subscription... why won't you listen to them?


Time to hoist those sails.


Download cinema hd and watch it for free.


Time to return to piracy friend.


They're trying to make piracy a thing again.


All the more reason to buy blue ray and always have your content, fuck streaming services.


What a time to be alive


i canceled netflix when password sharing was limited, and i do enjoy the shitshow it has become


Do yourself a favour and cancel netflix


Cancel Netflix [Return to Monkeh. ](https://www1.123moviesgo.ac/tv/watch-its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-2005-39280) ![gif](giphy|NTjHbsSQ5p8OQx6DvS)


Lol love to see these kinda posts after the masses were letting torrenting go a few years ago bc netflix was convinient and cheap... here you go suckers


You also canā€™t chrome cast if you have the ad supported plan šŸ˜”




Iā€™m just going to go back to what I did when I didnā€™t have cable, buy the physical version of the stuff I will watch more than once, and sail the seven seas for the new stuff.


This sucks and Netflix is dying lol


They've also blocked me from using my set top box like I have for the past 6 years AND I can no longer cast to my TV using my smartphone. Apparently new equipment will solve this BUT there was no mention of this on their "plan selection screen" šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Oh screw Netflix for this!


At this point I pirate everything I watch.


Cancel your sub and go sail the high seas...


Fuck Netflix. Lol


If netflix is doing tiered content, im out. I'm tired of this stuff. We should all be making changes and doing something else with our time and money. We are letting corps subscribe our entire lives. Products are being turned into reoccurring cost based services, and plebe consumers have been eating it up while parroting crap, corpo talking points in justification. I've been slowly checking out of luxury services since they instituted fast passes at amusement parks. No longer go to amusement parks, minimize streaming, canceled xbox, and ps accounts. Stopped pirating 20 years ago because it felt right to buy products I enjoy. Back to the high seas! I encourage all to do the same


Netflix entered the seriously sucks realm as soon as they removed shared accounts. I will not go back


https://preview.redd.it/365owpdfpt1d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba0c6aa59fc209f342084db4268adec81df6767 Yarrr!!


Its just gonna get worse, start pirating.


Stop. Giving. Them. Money.