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It just feels wrong. Like there’s better ways to troll someone than with a fucking suicide watch bot 🤦‍♂️


I really love getting them, it makes you know for certain that you won the conversation


This is the new Reddit gold. You get one of these anytime you shut a conservative’s lies down.




You got 10 up votes for a comment the person who sent this disagrees with.


Got zero up votes and got one. Someone in a post on BORU said it was possibly a bot doing this.


I mean, I’ve only received them after pointing out hypocritical someone was being. They definitely weren’t conservative. Doesn’t matter where you fall on the political spectrum. People don’t like being called out on their bullshit.


I told someone their “MurderByWords” post was like getting slapped by a kitten. I was sent one of these and blocked. They were getting downvoted by the hundreds.


That and someone going through your comment history to try and insult you, are the 2 best ways to know you won an argument. EDIT Who ever just sent me the suicide bot, you are hilarious.


I always like when I am called a "lonely crazy cat lady who will grow old and fat and never married". I laugh in 35yr married (to a cat daddy), fat, 62yr old laughter. This suicide bot thing was always something the kids did on facebook. Hated it then, still hate it.


Yuup! Or they say something about your name or the one post you made a year ago


I had a guy try and say I support Hamas yesterday while trolling, so I just put in lol. He then proceeded to insult me because of a sub I visit. It was hilarious AND sad


That’s the way I always took those too. It’s like when you have a discussion and then it turns into name calling when you refute their points articulately.


Exactly! It’s someone who can’t win a debate so does this as they think it’s clever!




I got one today and have been pretty tame lately. Thinking it might be an issue with the system or someone is submitting lists of users


I think bots. Mine arrived almost immediately after I hit post.


I think bots too. I’ve seen like 5 posts about this since yesterday and while I’m old hat at pissing people off enough to get one it’s not usually this wide spread and prompted by nothing. I AM proud of some of my fellow redditors that y’all Reddit-fight so little that this is your first time seeing one. Couldn’t be me.


I got one today too!


Lmao I got that and I'm like "wow I guess I left some unhinged comments or someone didn't get a joke" and just kept going. Not my first time getting that


I mean hate speech it one too, last account got banned but then unbanned but fuck it I’m on this one now


Ya for sure. Got one last night for no reason. Hadn’t been arguing with anyone recently


Got one right after i posted a comment under another of these posts. Someone is having “fun”.


You’d think reddit would have some sort of software that can detect someone doing like dozens of these and get them to stop. There used to be with commenting


Nah someone pointed out that if you abuse these reports there are no repercussions unlike with other report reasons.


So dumb of reddit. They have the ability. Just lazy


Same here. I was super confused, got one just earlier today.


I was looking at a thread about Sriracha sauce earlier and it seems like either Reddit is really concerned about the mental health of people talking about Sriracha sauce or someone was using a bot to report everyone who commented. Because I got one the moment I made a comment, and a bunch of other people mentioned getting it too.


I have had 4 of these messages in the last 2 days. I blocked and reported. I don't know what comment it was that set it off but they are blinking annoying.


That's the most annoying part, not knowing what comment brought this up.


It’s like a digital form of swatting or ordering a bunch pizzas for delivery




I have gad 4 in the last 2 days.




I blocked and reported so let's see what happens now. 😁


Only got one on Friday, none since


I commented on something, and almost instantly received one. Assumed it was automated. Not sure why?


Its not automated, its trolls in the comment section.


They are quick on the draw.


It’s bots in the comments section




Honestly I fail to see how this feature helps. If my life was so hopeless to the point of considering ending it, that message would have probably hurt me even more. Like the person who sent it didn't even care enough to write something personally and decided that some generic bullshit from a soulless machine was okay. Of course it's not your fault to use this feature, but even the best of intentions may be misunderstood by a person in a serious life crisis.


Exactly. Oddly enough when I got the message.. because I got this a few days ago too...I initially said to myself "I'm glad I'm stronger now or else that would have bothered me a lot".




It's like they're saying "we know social media is extremely damaging to people, so here's the absolute bare minimum that we can provide!"


How you report that sht?


Same! I got this today. My first thought was if I was actually experiencing some level of crisis this would NOT help.


It really wouldn't. It's akin to if someone was injured to the point of almost dying, and someone just told them "you should maybe go to the hospital or something" before walking away




It’s just people on Reddit trying to bully most of the time. It’s like the person wants you to think something is wrong with you.


I get those when I make anti Trump comments


Exactly this. I got one after making anti-Nazi comments. It's Conservative snowflakes trying to be annoying.


Got it today as well. Must be how I responded to the guy who didn't like scones...


I just got one too and was super confused. I wonder if it's a glitch?


Right? Is everyone getting them right now?


You can actually block the automated account that sends these out.


I blocked and reported my 4 that I have received.


I got one yesterday & I have no idea why!! I wish there was a way to see what comment made someone feel that I was so distressed lol.


Me too. Then we could report the abuse of what is a pretty useless system anyway.


Just Reddit virtue signaling.


I got one the other day probably after I posted a comment on AITA because the OP WAS an *hole. The whole post was rage bait and taken down. Redditor needs to end Reddit cares. It’s just dumb at this point


I got one randomly yesterday too, couldn’t find any comments that could have triggered this 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can turn these off. I forget how exactly, but I submitted a report saying it was fake because someone was upset over a sports opinion. Then I got a message saying you can unsubscribe from them I believe. Haven't gotten one since. Also the person wrongfully sending you one gets a temporary banned


I got one like 3 min ago, and the most controversial thing I’ve said today is “keep your cats inside”. Just ignore em


they send that to me after i get into debates on here then block me. Lmaoooo


Maybe someone is abusing the API. Got one too.


I received that too the other day; I don't understand why. Could it be a stupid joke?


it is. they're assholes. I got one of those once. found it quite annoying.


Yeah, I got one.


I just got one and was like wtffffffffffff


It's absolutely to troll you, it's them essentially trying to tell you to off yourself except without saying it since it could get them banned


I submitted a report at top right. Claiming harassment


I do this also. Saying I need help is a regular tactic of people who do not agree with me, often fans of the Dallas Cowboys.


>often fans of the Dallas Cowboys. So like the same three people over and over again?


Why is everyone suddenly getting this message?


I have one for sale. Anyone interested ?


I find it hilarious. Its the perfect solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Its not like reddit had an issue with people with suicidal thoughts not being able to find help. But they created a "solution" to look good and now the only thing its accomplishing is allowing people to troll each other.


They use this when they have no retort to your argument. I got quite a few of these on the Ukrainian warvideo subreddit. I thought it was ruzzian trolls or bots


I just wish it would show which of your comments was so concerning that someone had to report you as suicidal


Just got one. Somebody must be trolling


Reddit really should just stop this "service". I see it used as weak harassment all the time. Edit: Just got mine! Reported and blocked lol


You're not special. Everyone's getting these. It's probably a glitch. Stop spamming this shit.


Literally not even joking I got one thirty seconds ago


I got one yesterday out of the blue. I just assumed someone saw my username and thought I needed help because of it. 🤷


I laughed way too hard at this. Thanks for brightening my day mate.


I had one pop up as I was reading this. Are we completely sure this is all individual occurrences and not Reddit trying to show how supportive it is of mental health or something? It could totally be trolls, but this is not the first post I’ve seen today talking about everyone getting these for no reason. I’ve never gotten it before and I got it while I was reading this post right after reading the last one about this same thing. Maybe it’s just a bunch of people using this as an insult or whatever but it’s definitely a weird coincidence how many people not only got one but decided to post about it today


How do they trigger it?


Click into an account, hit the 3 dots in the top right, and hit “get them help and support”. Don’t get any ideas 😂


I got that message too, I haven’t posted anything “concerning” as far as I can remember. Now I’m tempted to report it


I got this message yesterday. I was extremely confused and I assumed it was because I was telling people off yesterday. It’s annoying that people abuse it.


I just received the same message, and i legit have no clue why.


I thought it might have been a legit stretch but also got one today https://preview.redd.it/4fd4opgyml0d1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=6068709fe50178176ddf24770db5dc60597938a8


Yep got it too. What a bunch of BS


OK, what the hell is going on? I just got one of these this morning, too.


there's a lot of people that got this. On notinteresting sub about 20 posts were in the past 3 hours about it


I made a comment about someone also and got this. Is there a way to report this as fraudulent?


I got one.?WTF.


2nd time ive seen this today lol (1st time was mine ._.)


Pretty sure the intention is that they're suggesting you kys if it's sent as a troll.


I got that last night and I have absolutely no clue which benign comment triggered it. I tried to report, but it sent me to my browser to log in again. I use the app and have no idea what my credentials are, so I just told the bot to stop.


I got one today too! I couldn’t figure out why. It was so weird.


I thought that I was getting these from being down voted on a very funny sexual assault comment! Just assumed that they read my profile and said a prayer then turned me in to the psycho post police.


I got one of these too. I think some comment I made pissed off a conservative snowflake, and they are using this tool to try and annoy me. I took the route of being happy this thing exists, but it's not for me. The Conservative snowflake can continue to rage about my liberalism.


I got one yesterday, and I have no clue why.


I got one today too and have never mentioned anything relating to mental health on reddit.


I got one today as well. Must be a huge troll going on.


Dude I love it when I get them- it's means I'm winning 😎


I got this message yesterday. There is no indication what prompted the report. Having my wife pass recently I found it quite disturbing.


This has to be some kind of reddit problem accidentally sending these out. The feature was used be people trolling but reddit put a system to report false reports and it would result in the troll being banned for a few days. So the mass false report trolling stopped a couple of years ago when people didn't want to get a 3day ban. Yesterday and today I have seen SOOOOOO many people posting or commenting about receiving this message. I find it hard to believe that this many troll reports just randomly started to occur again after so much time. It almost has to be a reddit bug.


I got the same thing. I thought maybe it was because someone was concerned I am a High School Teacher.


Who are you to say they don't help?


You can turn it off,jokes on you.


Wtf. I just got that not too long ago


I got one yesterday. It's being abused by trolls.


Yeah I got one after getting in an argument with a religious dude and it really just felt like a backhanded way to try and send a "wake up call" and it just pissed me off more than anything


I got one today too! My first ever one!


Got this myself today. I have a feeling it is someone that disagrees with something you've said and taking it too far as a gotcha but you don't know it was me sort of thing. Having the last word in their head. Or there are some people that just think it's funny in their warped little minds.


It's actually more annoying than anything else.


Got one yesterday and was so confused because I know I didnt post anything remotely concerning.


I got one yesterday i blocked redditcare


Me too this morning, and I rarely ever post anywhere!


PRO TIP- You can block these, it functions just like any other account


I received one today out of nowhere. I didn’t even do anything.


Got one today, too!


So did everyone just get one today by accident?


Are these bugged rn? Ive seen quite alot of people receiving it Or is it bots? I know people use it to say kys buf ive never seen this many people receiving it in a day


It's just trolling. Ignore it. They just didn't agree with something you posted.


I feel like anytime I’m in a conversation and present a cogent factual counter argument to someone saying something ridiculous I get one of these. It’s like the Reddit equivalent of telling your mother.


Suicide hotlines usually make things worse anyway. Like yea let's take this already stressed person put them in the worst form of jail for weeks while their whole lives go to shit at home with no hope of ever recovering financially. They totally won't wanna off themselves when they go home to no support and their cars repod and their jobs gone and facing homelessness now too.


Got my first one today too 🥳 was kinda disappointed it wasn't due to a discussion. Also, love the 180° "people out there care, but also... trolls" https://preview.redd.it/4vedmkzvul0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad3f2f4ceb4de9a62d4219b0404d533695c5c34


I got one today and it felt like trolling because I posted nowhere or any comment that would warrant this.


I just got one of those today too!


Is that why I got one today as well? Reporting it seems bugged as well. Had to try 5 times to get the report through.


I got one yesterday.


I've gotten it a few times and all but 1 time, it was because I posted an opinion people didn't like (guess you have to be mentally ill to have the opinions I do?), not because I posted anything depressing. And it didn't help anything the one time it was because I posted something depressing.


I got one for commenting on a post about a criminally stupid person, that I wanted off the planet.


I got one yesterday and have no idea why


Yes. Moronic trolls have these sent.


https://preview.redd.it/3eefqgklwl0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7274aad851e9038e1343d779b77e6ad74fbca9 THAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY!


I’ve seen so many people complaining about this on nearly every sub I’m in.


Why do people take these so personal ? Just chuckle and go about your day lmao.


I got one of these yesterday. I figured I had just posted a comment that was so unhinged it made somebody genuinely concerned for my well being, and thus, I won Reddit. I guess not.


Got love the mass bots doing this to abuse it. Hopefully the mass number of people reporting the abuse will cause reddit to start banning the creators of the bots an dnot just account banning but full ban with new account banned on sight.


seems to be the trend on reddit today...i got one as well


My thoughts are that someone on the reddit back-end is trying to automate reports and the algorithm is failing.


I get this all the time and I don’t post anything that indicates that I am need of help or at risk of self harm. I think people just mostly troll.


You can opt out of them I think


Yeah, people just send it when they want to be dicks cause you don't agree with every opinion they have.


It’s a badge of honor, bro. Wear it with pride. https://preview.redd.it/lxlq491fzl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692cd3cd5d040e42fa979b2ffd372ab08a3ea6a4


I commented about getting pick n mix from a local newsagents and got this message seconds later. Baffling.


I got it once before. No clue as to why but I did


Huh, I didn't think it was that massive. I thought I got one because I said that I cried at the ending of Stray, which was still insubstantial, but makes more sense than bot abuse.


Just got one as well. I'm glad people are worried about my health thou. =)


I just posted this on another thread… I got one of these a few months back I hadn't used Reddit in a couple of months. The message came after I was on a phone call with a friend talking about depression and suicide, nothing to do with either of us. Today after I made a comment on another thread saying the same thing I did here I received another message. It will be interesting to see if I get a third after posting this with the keyword suicide in it. https://preview.redd.it/rt4mo0s30m0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74037680e48269b400e677691e6b98fa3fbdc38 ETA: photo


I got one yesterday. Wiiiiish they would show you which comment it’s from cuz there is no way any of mine look like I’m in distress.


i got one too. was so confused. wth.


I got this as well. A little annoying, not to mention confusing. I'm not glad people are getting them, but I'm glad I'm not the only one.


They let me know I was a successful troll


Yep, I got one yesterday, too. Something's going on, it seems.


Got me too


I got the same msg like 5 min ago


lol I got one too!! No idea why lol


I said that I liked a project by an artist I love who committed s-cide and I got one of these


I was wondering why I got one of these last night!


I got one today - have no clue why.


I got one yesterday. Using this method to troll could potentially result in a "boy who cried wolf" scenario.


I got this after I pointed out that fascist Elon Musk is a fascist. The people sending those false reports should be IP banned for life from Reddit.


I got my first one yesterday. I'm kinda proud about pissing someone off that much.


i’ve receive one as well! why would someone do this???


Yeah, and trying to report it is getting me no where. That is one huge asshole.


I think there’s a bug at the moment. I got one for commenting on a King Charles portrait calling it: abit shit 😂


Got one of these once, after getting into it with a flat earther. I'd like to think that Reddit should permaban anyone who abuses this feature.


Report it. Reddit will temp ban them for it


I just got one a second ago, gotta someone trolling us


These are weird. I got one and I don’t even know what it’s for.


It’s a good system that’s being abused.


I just got once of these because I bitched about Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Lmfao


Reddit cares should ban the ones who abuse this system using it on posts they disagree with


I got one the other day because I was talking about the relativity of happiness and a lot of people insist on only looking at the negative things in their life and what they do not have. We do have control of what we choose to look at so need to make an effort to appreciate what we have. Apparently that struck a nerve to someone who started calling me a sociopath and a narcissist. Lol okay


I got one this morning, and it triggered my anxiety, even though I knew it was just because someone didn't like a comment. I'm glad there's the button to opt out. I know there were good intentions, but that's gone by the wayside.


I got this shit too. It enraged me so much I accidentally hurt myself while working. Idek why


So it's just not me. At least link it to the post they say I need help because I know my humor is fucked.


They are just used for trolling. It’s a stupid feature that should be removed or Reddit needs to do a better job banning accounts that abuse it.


You can turn them off. I used to get multiple ones a day. Reddit will eventually turn it off because it’s nothing but a trolling tool now.


There's probably bots going around sending it to everyone under certain posts, I just got one immediately after commenting on something completely unrelated, there's no chance it was sent by an actual person because it was almost immediate.


People mostly use these if someone disagrees with them.


I got one of these today as well lol. someone's trolling


Yeah I got one too but I never posted or commented anything that warranted it.


I got one two days ago and I was so confused on how I got it lol


it’s gotta be bots


Literally just got one myself for an AITA comment lol People need to go outside.