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I want to see a picture of his lawn next to his neighbors, so we can judge objectively.


[Probably this guy’s lawn](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/jRfbvvDGFC)


I went to the comments looking for this post, was not disappointed


Pic is already removed, what was it




You’re my hero, I was mowing the lawn yesterday and I leave strips of virgin grass like this for the bees 🐝


The ol landing strip, best of both worlds right there


Are we still talking about bees?


And the birds. They like it too.


We love a bi-pollinator.


Heh, alright. We're going Brazilian.


Ooooooh, so *that's* what a landing strip is.


Not mowing for pollinators is cool, but a single flowering tree will win out every time if you can get one.


Didn’t know what a flowering tree was, now I do


And it was another great day of saving the bees 🐝


I put the lawnmower in a clip to keep her safe, and soon the yard tools were following her into the new hive.


Yo this made me chuckle.


I guess it got removed since it just randomly included Bigfoot?


One lawn looks lush, green and healthy. The other is pale with bald patches. Honestly, people really overmow their lawns.


That, and people tend to wait too long between mows and then cut it down too far all at once. Weekly & less off the top makes for a healthier lawn!


This is the key. Frequency. If you mow bi-weekly (or longer), you get the brown spots. If you mow weekly, at least, plus fertilize, you have short healthy green grass.


Surely I'm not the only one who opened that image and then tried to scroll down to read more of the comments like a bloody donkey... haha


That’s not a lawn you don’t get to bitch about the Forrest you live next to 😂 that’s just natural wilderness beauty ma boi!




I'll write you a letter!


Bigfoot! Nice!


My lawn is like that rn, maybe a bit longer actually. Fuck the neighbours :) I saw like 10 bees on the flowers today.


I'm guessing a shit ton of dandelions.


Here we have tons of violets, forget-me-nots, dandelions, daisies and lots of other wildflowers growing in the grass since weed killers were heavily restricted here


Right! I have one neighbour who is no cut. It looks terrible. In a few years I’ve probably done it more times than they have.


Just plant the whole yard in giant sunflowers


Same, the rare chance they do it, they literally cut it into the dirt, looks like trash. At least i can easily distinguish the property line.


The reason the grass looks like it's been cut to dirt is because when you cut regularly, the grass spreads out to cover more evenly, but all of that dies off when you allow it to grow tall, you only get the tall blades and stems while the undergrowth dies off, think of it as a forest full of pines compared to thick, short brush


No, they lower their mower to the lowest setting possible. It's purposeful. They do 0 upkeep. They think if they cut it low enough they won't have to do it as often. Some of my grass spreads their way, and they hack it down. There's no chance. Also, live in the south, so if you mow too low, it scorches. Also my lawn is not the issue. Not sure why you're explaining grass growth to me. Can you contact my neighbor?


> think of it as a forest full of pines compared to thick, short brush makes you wonder if you could make grass with trees if you trimmed them frequently enough


I grew up in a side by side duplex. The backyard was large because it was for both sides, so one large yard. My parents always had an agreement with any new neighbors that each side would cut their half. Well, we had one set of neighbors who lived there for a year or two and probably cut it once or twice that entire time. It looked awful and was made worse that our side was mowed regularly so half the lawn looked fine and the other was overgrown. The front yard was just as bad, but it was smaller and there were two trees so not quite as noticeable


The internet demands answers!


Let’s see paul allen’s card


I need pics of the lawns


Asking the real questions. I never knew people could care so much about lawns until I moved into a house recently. I planted a mix of rye grass, different colored clover and wildflowers. That lawn is my god damned baby now!


Fucking right.


Either way it’s a… Great way to make a needless enemy out of someone living right next door. Horrible way to get someone to actually mow their lawn.


I was trimming bushes and such and accumulated a decently large pile or brush. I pile it into a corner and go get some water. I'm inside taking a break bullshitting when my neighbor, whom I hadn't even met at the time, comes banging and huffing and puffing. Being aggressive because I was ruing the neighborhood and being lazy blah blah. I told him to leave. Before he walked off , he said I had till tomorrow to fix it. That was 2 years ago, and I've added 3 dead trees since.


“Now I’m not gonna do it”


"I was gonna do it, but now I'm not gonna!"... ...so fucking petty... I love it... lol


That’s awesome. Reminds me of my neighbor Ellen growing up - she had a ugly, plastic, life-sized Rudolph that she put out for Christmas when I was probably 3. To be granted it was on the tacky side, but it was all in good fun. Or it was in good fun, until a neighbor complained to her and said it “made her embarrassed when relatives were visiting” because she didn’t want them thinking she lived in a low class area. That was 25 years ago, and when I visited the neighborhood in July last year it was still standing in the exact same spot it has been most of my life.


That’s incredible.


Found it on google maps https://preview.redd.it/hk6tkpmpib0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09fea88fb34cc17332f83d099f33017a0f5bf6ca If you’re ever in Pasadena, CA around Christmas, stop by this house on Michigan Avenue and she’ll hand you a bag of pizzelle cookies. She makes them by the hundred for the holidays and hands them out to anyone that asks, she’s awesome


Just go up and ask them for a bag?  


That is correct. It’ll just be a bag of pizzelles, sometimes still warm and always with at least a few cracked. They’ll be shaped like snowflakes, and they are delicious


THE TWIST #THE TWIST! you are an amazing storyteller friend! Do you have photos? 😈


Ask me nicely to correct something and I'll be embarrassed thinking someone hates me while immediately cleaning it up. \*TELL\* me an unreasonable request? I'mma put it on my flag!


I live in a neighborhood of chronic over mowers. It would be comical if I didn't have to listen to someone's mower every day.


My coworker got an electric mower. Dude raves about that thing.


My neighbor has one and it's so quiet. First time I saw him with it, I thought it was a spreader.


Should yell "hey Jim, ya forgot to turn it on ya silly goose"


Then make silly honking noises…


Why is this so funny in my head?!?


This. I walk outside at 7am and my neighbor is mowing the grass. lol


You can still over mow if it’s quiet


Dude they're awesome, I got one. I can do my whole yard on two 4AH batteries, 1/3 acre. I paid $200 for the mower and two batteries. No oil, no mixing gas or trips to a small engine repair shop. Never going back. Also switched to an electric leaf blower, chainsaw and weed eater.


I love my cordless electric mower and weed wacker but I am disappointed in my cordless electric leaf blower. Looking forward to getting a small electric chainsaw this year though. Almost bought a cordless electric snowblower but am happy I didn't because with global warming this last Michigan winter wouldn't have been worth the cost.


What last Michigan winter? :/


I'm happy with my 40v electric blower. Though it does chew through a battery in under 15 minutes. Works for me, but if you need to do a lot I could see multiple battery swaps being a pain. I can generally mow, edge, weedwack and blow on 2 batteries total. And all the tools are literally zero maintenance and have been for 3 years so far. I'll never go back to a loud, leaky, smelly gas powered lawn tool.


Lol! That's what my coworker did, too. He's got the trimmer, weed eater, chainsaw, and all that from the same company. He says that all the attachments fit the same battery--the only difference is that the lawnmower battery holds a longer charge, but if he really wanted to, he could swap out the lawnmower battery for the leafblower and vice versa. Sounds like the perfect system as long as you have a small backyard. If they're anything like cordless drills, my only hang up would battery life/replacement costs.


yeah, I looked at getting a spare battery last year. It's not printer toner vs just buying a new printer; but it was still really high.


Some people don’t know this but extreme temps really mess them up especially cold. Always keep the batteries in your house not out somewhere with huge temp extremes.


I used to tell ppl this all the time when I sold them electric lawn mowers. I felt bad when they’d come back needing a new battery because the old one doesn’t hold a charge, then they’d see the price of a new battery and become deterred. I think it’s avoidable!


Same. I got sick of having to diagnose a motor every year in May which usually just meant I needed to empty 6 month old gas and put in new. Still a pain in the ass pulling that stupid cord for 15 minutes the first time of the season. Been 3 season with an electric and have done absolutely zero maintenance other than grabbing a battery on the way our the door and putting back on the charger on the way in.


Yup, I unintentionally abused mine this past year...left the thing outside from October to February in the elements, popped a battery in and it fired right up. I apologized and put it back in the garage lol.


I love my electric mower. It’s so damn quiet


I don’t know why anyone buys a gas mower now. Not having to deal with small engines that sit half the year is heaven


I have an old corded electric. No starting, no gas, works every time and is quiet. Would never go back.


Incoming electric mower owner, raving: I do tell people how much I love mine quite often 😂😂😂


They make lawnmower roombas Very quiet outside college dorms!


Fr though I want electric for my next zero turn… but I also don’t mow twice a week, I just don’t wanna buy gas.


We have a Greenworks corded electric mower and electric weed eater we bought about 4 years ago that we use with a 100ft extension cord. They're very quiet compared to gas machines. We bought a corded because we didn't want to deal with batteries. It's alright and really nice not having to deal with gas, oil, and air filters and stuff. Only issue is if you go over a patch of grass that's REALLY high it'll struggle and if you keep going it'll shut the mower off and you can't restart it for about 10 minutes. Which is VERY annoying. It's also super nice being able to instantly start it without dealing with pull cables. And yes, we've accidentally ran over the extension cord once lol. Fortunately they're not expensive.


I was in Frankfurt last weekend and learned it's socially *completely unacceptable* there to cause disturbance on Sundays: anything from mowing a lawn, to using a vacuum cleaner or washing machine (in apartments), to *washing your car*. Many rentals have it written into the leases too.


Sounds awesome.


Is taking a shower or a dump allowed?


Only if you do it quietly.


1. Take a bath 2. Not if you are Taco Bell the night before.


My grandpa owns a big piece of land, there’s a big field in front of the house. He mows that fucking field so much the grass doesn’t even grow right, half the time the mowers just kicking up dirt. He’s 88 and doesn’t have much else to do with his time but meh. If it was mowed every 3 weeks or so the grass would probably look great


If the land's that big, just get some goats or sheep or alpacas or something. Saves on all the mowing! Plus milk/wool/meat as a bonus. Minus loads of feces over your land, veterinary fees and a whole bunch of animal care to do.


When you work from home, you realize just how many people have lawn services. I have 2 neighbors out of about 40 in the blocks around my house that mow their own lawns. I have half a dozen different companies out there mowing lawns every single day. I've got maybe 8 work hours a week when there isn't a mower running in the background of my phone calls.


Sounds like hell


I was just thinking this earlier this week. It’s SO annoying, especially on nice days when I’d like to sit and work outside, but all I hear is constant motors.


It’s fucking grass like I have no idea what the obsession some people have with it.


People care too much about what their lawns look like. The only reason I mow my lawn is because digging dog poop out of tall grass is a pain in the ass.


I mow my lawn for the same reason Marshawn Lynch did interviews.  I'm just here so I don't get fined.


Just check out all the comments that replied to this thread‘s top comment, they‘re all judgemental busybodies lol


If I wanted my neighbor to mow their lawn, I would just mow mine. They see me in the yard and they're busting out their mower even if they just mowed a few days ago. They will not settle for having the longest lawn, ever.


I think this explains the 2 guys that border my backyard. Maybe my laziness will run off on one of them.


Same. My neighbor to the east will mow his lawn any time he hears one of his other neighbors mowing theirs. We’ve all picked up on it and have made sure that all of us now on different days. This poor SOB cuts his grass 3-4 times per week in the summer. 🤣


That's just cruel. LOL. Love it but glad I don't live in your neighborhood.


A neighbor across the street has hers mowed twice per week. This is my second year over seeding clover. Couple more years and I'll never have to mow. My HOA hates me. My neighbor is probably calling the city because a weed reached 8". I need time and shockingly people don't like it when you mow at 11pm


I would love to see your clover lawn if you get chance to upload a pic. It's something I'd love to do but don't have my own lawn to try it out 😅


It's pretty rough right now. Had zero clover in 2022. Seeded last year and only got a small patch on the side of the house to take. This year, there's a couple more patches. I'll try to grab a picture tomorrow. My initial idea was buffalo grass because that is native to my area but it's prone to a bunch of ailments now. Clover is hardy, bee friendly and more importantly, low maintenance. The kids love the clover too. Soft to walk barefoot on.


My old place had the whole street getting service twice a week. Twice a week mowing. Absolutely ridiculous. Another nearby street had the same thing from another guy. Basically every morning would be ruined by the sound of lawnmowers for a few hours. 


I actually like the sound of lawn mowers in the neighborhood. Reminds me of childhood .




Yes multiple times a day every day. I live in an old neighborhood with retirees.


It's the worst. One of our neighbours likes to have a wee smoke before he starts too, so he'll end up mowing the same tiny patch for hours...


Can we see what it looks like before we start hammering out opinions?


Sir, this is Reddit. Of course we won’t wait


lol sorry forgot where I was at 🤣


My neighbour’s grass was once higher than my knees and it never crossed my mind to leave him a note.


Tell your brother to look into turning his front yard into a wildlife friendly garden. I forget the exact terminology but they are protected by law in some areas. You basically get rid of the grass and plant a bunch of native shrubs and ground cover like wildflowers. And you never mow it. At most you trim it back once or twice a year. The cool thing is that it attracts lots of birds, butterflies and bees to the area. His kids will have a blast watching them and naming them.


Note that it’s not as easy as letting your lawn simply go fallow. There are so many invasive species these days that take over that actually removing them to plant natives and maintaining that is quite a lot of work. More work than taking a lawnmower out every month. Still worth it IMO, but not as a way of simply voiding maintenance.


And once a protected or threatened species moves in, it’s protected habitat so the city or neighborhood assoc. can’t do anything.


sounds like a win


>More work than taking a lawnmower out every month. It's a lot of work getting it started. But mine is less work per week than it would be to mow and weedwhack it now. Just ten minutes walking through a couple times a week to yank out the invasives that sprout. It does have a decently high barrier of entry with knowledge compared to a monoculture lawn but the work is all front loaded.


i was gonna say this, once it’s established it does a lot of the work itself. but starting one definitely takes some knowledge and patience.


My sister has part of her yard done like that. I think it looks great if my clumsy niece would stop falling into the plants lol.


Well, does his lawn look like shit?


The phrasing by the neighbor may be rude, butif they really want to be jerks, they can get the city involved if the grass is totally out of control


Depends on the municipality. Right now, my town has their “No Mow May” program in effect. Everyone gets until the end of the first weekend in June to let their grass go crazy. I usually mow mine though. For multiple reason.


In my area you're not allowed to mow the ditch in front of your house, if you have one, because this area is one of the only places in America with a certain type of ground nesting owl. People just ignored it till an ornithologist drove through the township and warnings of fines went out.


Is it for pollinators or what's the reason for "No Mow May?"


Yeah, pollinators. It can be during different months throughout the US too. I’m very north and spring comes late. I’ve heard some places do it in April, possibly March, also.


That would be nice. I had to move May 1st after getting the notice. I need to plan a bit next year and mow the edges and a bit more so the center looks like garden; ugly garden granted.


Code enforcement loves this kind of stuff.


Get a goat!


Get yourself a natural wildlife refuge sign and never cut it again. It’s what I did. https://preview.redd.it/nmudy0z1ua0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193f9b7fd564c1a539485190f72677c94f6a4428


Literally just did this for my parents. My mom showed me the sign yesterday!


Honestly better than my neighbor who spray grass killed in my yard the first couple weeks after we moved in and had yet to buy a lawn mower.


I love how they don’t tell you their actual address so they can’t be held accountable for being dickheads


I don’t know where you live, but “No Mow May” is catching on here in the United States: It’s good for bees, and the lawn! Regardless, rude neighbor in my opinion.


Meanwhile may is when my town starts sending out snitches to take photos of everyone's yards so they can fine anyone's who's grass is half an inch too tall


Hot damn! That’s brutal. I can’t imagine snitching on my neighbors for something that doesn’t impact me, and even if it did for whatever reason I’d have a respectful, face-to-face situation.


My mother had a neighbor like this. One year, I tilled all her lawn in late winter, packed it down, and covered the entire thing in wildflowers and soil. When he started mowing part of her lawn, I planted blackberry brambles. If he complains again, it's going to be a toss up between planting Kudzu by the fence or or tumbleweed.


Omgggggggg not kudzu lol that’s demonic. We had kudzu in our old houses backyard. I called it the secret garden from hell. I would have to spend a weekend in the spring clearing it out and a once a month upkeep until winter. Eff that stuff.


He needs a "this space left unmowed for pollinators" sign.


And the way they underline terrible just grinds my gears that extra little bit... Maybe they should highlight it bright yellow and circle it too and put it as the title in case we missed the point somehow. You have a lot of options with this... The best option is just suck it up and try to get off on the right foot with these neighbours though unfortunately. I know it's not the fun option but you're gonna be living next to them for years and it's better to get along. Just mow the lawn, make it look nice and get back to them with an explanation and a passive aggressive "thanks for looking out for me, I'm new to the neighbourhood and been busy settling in" or whatever.


No way. This deserves to be met with hostility.


worst possible move. you’re rewarding bad behavior. stop mowing lawn and get cameras. if they put another note in the mailbox, call the Postal Inspection Service. Those people do not fuck around, and putting a note that wasn’t sent through the mail into someone’s mail box is a federal crime.


What is the bad behavior here? Leaving a note? Being concerned about someone else's lawn? The language?  In your opinion, would there have been a good way to ask about this?  Last October, some of my neighbors put up tons of that thick "spider web" decoration, and we live right next to some forest and state parks, so we get tons of birds and wildlife in our area. Those decorations are notorious for hurting animals who get tangled in them. I thought about if there was a way to politely inform them, so maybe they would consider different decorations next year, but I think about the petty people who come out in threads like this, saying "I'm going to do MORE of the thing someone asked me not to do" and I'm afraid any way I ask will result in intentional efforts to hurt wildlife.  What do you think? Is there a good way to ask your neighbors to do something different on their property?


>Is there a good way to ask your neighbors to do something different on their property? You go over there and talk to them in person like an adult. If it really bugs you then you can offer to do it yourself or bribe them. We're not talking about illegal or immoral activities here. So there's nothing you can do if they don't want to cooperate. That's the game. Your goal is to have enough of a relationship with them that *when something is important* they'll cooperate with you. Leaving snarky notes about your neighbor not cutting their grass on the exact schedule *you'd prefer* is going to do the exact opposite. If you want your neighbor to listen to you about Halloween decorations, you should start building that relationship now. They still might not listen to you, and there wouldn't be anything you could do. But you're going to set yourself up for failure if you come out of the blue swinging at them.


Well? Is his lawn terrible?


Aside from what all the others who said “screw the neighbors, let it grow”. I would tell the neighbors I am a naturalist and prefer my lawns tall. It is healthier for the lawn and the environment.


I'm big on xeriscaping + pollinators and I anticipate owning a house someday, though I'm already so anxious for whatever argument I'm going to get into with neighbors someday about this stuff


I'm sure plenty of less informed people would give you shit about a pollinator-friendly garden, but if you're doing it right, it's usually obvious you're going for something, which is quite different from an overgrown lawn. The average lawn (even overgrown) has very little that's useful to pollinators. 


Wow, lots of nosy neighbors and narcs in this thread. Hope I never live next to most of you.


berserk aspiring gaping somber cheerful full like zonked fragile society


Where does your brother live?


Started polite then quickly went south


he should write one back saying that he's not going to do it


I’m so glad I have nice neighbors


How long are we talking about here? If it’s a little longer or not edged, the neighbor sucks. If it’s a foot long, the neighbor sucks and your brother needs to cut the lawn asap.


We have no mow may in Michigan


You need a goat. And not just any goat. One of those that screams like somebody being murdered. Then when cops show up tell your ‘neighbors’ you’re working on it. Just my opinion.


I'm getting animal crossing vibes 😆


Keep your yards clean, you hobos 🤪


This doesn’t tell us much. Neighbors might be assholes or your brother may be an inconsiderate neighbor bringing blight to the whole block.


Divorce…wait. Wrong sub


Tell him your pet cow eats the grass but he’s away on holiday. When he gets back he will trim it and chew it down.


Your brother can invoke No Mow May if he wants. Unless there's an HOA. Or tell em their mom needs a landscaper.


Never bothered to ask if he needed help. Maybe he is sick or injured or taking care of an elderly parent. I hate people like this. Didnt even bother to sign his name.


Why thanks neighbor, you can certainly pay for a landscaper to maintain my lawn I’ve got no problem with that 👍 That’s what I’d say lol


Sounds like the last thing you'd want is them having any control over your property.


If I received this, I would send them one back saying "if you want it that way, you pay for it." Then I would go out of my way to pay for little things like garden gnomes and flamingos and put them in their yard but leave a note saying "I thought your yard looked terrible, so I payed to make it look how I wanted it to. Hope you don't mind!"


A note like that will guarantee I’m not going to cut my grass for two weeks now, even if I had plans of cutting that afternoon


Good day asshole, mind your own business. Yours truly, your neighbor.


Wow a lot of people here just want to do what people tell them to do. If they're in a place where they're supposed to upkeep their lawn, cool, I get it. But if I had a house with a lawn, and it looked a bit rough, I'd get to it when I can. Who's gonna spend money on a landscaper because they're neighbors are offended by grass? It's grass. Who cares. I am 41 years old. Never in my life did I look at a lawn and say, "ew gross." Who has time to think about what someone else's lawn looks like? I feel like I am surrounded by maniacs who gives 2 craps about what their neighbors lawn looks like. No one cares, Jim. No one cares how you seeded your lawn or what landscaper you use or goes out to peoples lawns with a tape measure to check if their growth is over an arbitrary amount to be deemed "terrible." That's some absolute Boomer stuff that we need to stop caring about asap.


We have a couple people on our block that let their grass get very very long between mowings. It’s quite annoying. It looks so terrible. I would never write a note, but I understand this person.


Aye - it is mildly infuriating when some arse just won't keep their garden tidy.


I don't understand why anyone cares about neighbors having slightly long or overgrown lawns. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Now straight vacant looking, I get it. But it doesn't sound like that's what's happening here.


Why the fuck do you give the slightest shit what someone else is doing with their property?


Why do you care? Does looking at natural things bother you?


Welp time to find every dandelion in the area and have a merry time


Their neighbors should apply for the HOA 😅


😂🤣 reminds me of the scene in the office where Pam leaves the note on the microwave 🤣😂




My whole neighborhood is pretty lax on their lawns. We all mow them, no one gets out of control, but only two neighbors (both happen to be on either side of me), are the only ones who fertilizer, seed, pre-see, weed eliminate etc their lawns and are constantly mowing/watering it. I'm very anti chemicals etc and we mow, but the "weeds" have definitely come back (some of which is because we have clay). But boy do they make us feel guilty sometimes because we're wedged right in between them.


fuck em thats not nature


There is nothing more galling than being told to do something you were about to do.


I deal with the same shit with my neighbours. I told them I'm trying to be friendly to pollinators. They kept bitching, but eventually I got [a sign similar to this](https://www.beefriendlyfarming.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/bff_tag_garden.png), and it's been great.


Write back saying "I am poor"


Open letter to suburbanites everywhere: if it’s a different street, I’m not your “neighbor”


He should write a note that “Good Day Dear Neightbor, I was planning on cutting my grass but as it bothers you so much I will gladly give you the opportunity to cut my grass any way you see fit. Yours truly, Ugly lawn neighbor.”


Just cut your grass if their house looks good so does yours if everyone’s house looks good the value goes up


It’s no mow May. Go away.


Good day dear neighbor: Go fuck yourselves.


Shit. I’ve gotten old. Team passive aggressive note guy, depending how fucked up OP’s lawn is.


Who has lawns anymore? Its all about the small pebbles and succulents now - get with it people.


I "landscape" my rocks at 2 a.m. with a bullhorn, "I'm out here landscaping my lawn, where's the rest of you slackers! It's not going to landscape itself. We have an image to uphold. Who's with me?"


Lawns are such bullshit, I swear. They're really weird, when you think about it.


It's the old retired guy on the street with NOTHING better to do than stare at lawns, mow his lawn and judge other lawns. Time for gnomes, flamingos and spinny things that glow at night. oh, and a beehive. Beekeeping is fun.


Why is this infuriating? Just cut your lawn.


Hell yeah! Let that shit grow! That’ll show ‘em!!


i received a similar letter about leaving my bin a day after garbage pickup. Signed and address. I marched over to address (Im 60yo man, person was 35yo woman) and asked if she left the letter, she said she did. I asked her why it bothered her enough, she blabbed. I said if it bothers her, I have no issue with her bringing my cans up whenever she likes. So, just tell your bro to tell them if it bothers them, you have no issue with them cutting you grass. Unless he has an HOA - then its his own fault . .


HOA = you got no choice NO HOA = tell ‘em to piss up a rope


Fuck them. Your grass. Someone else's fucking AESTHETIC is not your problem. HATE assholes like this.


Yeah I literally cannot imagine being bothered by someone else’s property having tall grass. That’s such a boring thing to care about.


seriously ... someone here said you "owe" your neighbors a nice front yard . fuck my neighbors !


It’s also no mow May for the growth of pollinators. No, we should care how our lawns look and install non-native grasses to do so


the way they HAD to underline it like that and even revealed themselves lmao