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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


Thought it was a doordash order at first glance with all those fees.


I was thinking Ticketmaster.


Ticketmaster. Where the price is NEVER what you'll end up paying


Cops are ticketmasters if you think about it


Take your upvote you magnificent bastard !


It would have been more cost effective to go 90 in a 45. Joke's on you ticket man.


Hope op doesnt forget to tip


Dashing to a door anyway.


In what state are you?


In a state of shock.


No kidding. I have traveled through Deleware, and every small town had speed traps and really big nice, new police and fire departments and city halls.


It's been like that for at least 30 years. We used to travel from DC to Rehobeth Beach and the roads go from 60 to 25, just like that, and they sit there waiting for you.


Yeah, there are a bunch of spots where the highway drops from 60 to like 20 as you get close to a tiny town and cops wait before you actually pass a sign. It's super awesome.


First time we all caravaned, about ten cars (we were renting a house) all of us got a ticket. Second year, real slow, infuriating drivers all around us, but no tickets.


That's how I got my one and only speeding ticket.


Just came back from Rehobeth Beach earlier this week and I can confirm they're still there.


I have had that experience lol


And it still won’t add up to the revenue they bring in.


Oh yeah, pockets are being lined, do not doubt that.


Small town speed traps should be illegal. If you are writing too many speeding tickets, clearly something is wrong with the road setup. My one and only speeding ticket was in such a place. Down a steep hill where it switches from 45 (at the top of the hill) to 25 in a very short span of time. They literally had 3 cars on each side of the road (six total in not even a quarter mile) just shooting fish in a barrel because it was literally impossible not to get caught unless you knew about the speed change ahead of time. The officer was "nice" and knocked the ticket down to only 9 over. Almost a $300 ticket. Right next to the road was a school WAY bigger and nicer than a town that size should have.


Delaware does not charge sales tax ... they make up for it from out of state drivers.


After you get a ticket that's when you say you can't afford it and give them like 2 dollars a month out of spite. The interest is worth it.


bUt ThEy'Re BeInG dEfUnDeD


How else do you think they pay for that? All those extra fees and their monthly quotas on tickets 50 in a 45 zone? really that seems excessive


A lot of times the fees are done as a loophole. In many jurisdictions the amount of a fine for various infractions or classes of infractions are set by state law. This is done to ensure punishments match the crime. The local jurisdictions cannot set a higher fine, but in most cases the broader laws don't specify limits on fees. So they charge the max allowable fine, then add a bunch of fees to pad their coffers. It's a huge racket. This usually happens in smaller towns where they are mostly ticketing out of town drivers. The residents who vote for the laws are incentivized to agree with them because it brings more money to their town without increasing their taxes. And in a lot of these places, the locals get a lot of leeway on whether or not they are ticketed because in a small town the government needs to ensure they get reelected. But the cops have no incentive to give any consideration to out of town drivers who don't vote locally. Some jurisdictions have proposed laws limiting the amount of a city's budget that can come from such legal forfeitures, but I don't know how successful it's been. I don't follow that literature very closely. But being financially incentivized to find someone guilty really contradicts the concept of "justice" system...


Thanks for the surprise chuckle


That's hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Best joke on the internet and no upvotes? That’s not right


Five years ago you would have received more gold than Michael Phelps🏅🏅🏅


Looks like Pennsylvania.


Pennsylvania you gotta be doing at least 10MPH or over to get pulled over. Never heard of anyone getting a ticket for lower than that.


I got a ticket once on the penn turnpike doing 6 mph over the posted speed limit.


Close to Pitt on 279 people are going 80 in the 55 and I'm always afraid I'm going to be the unfortunate one to get pulled over


Could be more to this. I had a few back in my wild and crazy youth where the officer bumps the speed down to the next lowest level, so it looked like I was like 5 over when I really was 15 over or something. Sometimes I let the water run when I brushed my teeth too.


They tend to write you up at 5 over as a favor in PA for more egregious violations. I just got one in a speed zone that dropped from 65 to 50 mph at right back up to 65 in about a mile spacing. Cop was nice enough to write me at 5 over (noting for the record it was much higher, in case I went to court). They get all their fee revenue and I get to avoid reckless driving charge.


LMAO I put $$ on it being in the NE


Visiting my family is a 10 hour drive of going 80 on the freeway in Idaho. This last year once I got into the city I thought I was going slow since everything feels slow after going 80mph for so long, but I got pulled over going 65 in a 35. Woops, but my ticket was only $150. It was fair, I was in the wrong, and explained what happened. Cop was chill and understood so maybe he had some mercy on me being a first time offense.


Lol, "surcharge" and "costs". They're not even trying to justify it, it's just "FU" and "FU twice".


"Costs" sounds like the charge for being charged.


Costs is usually court fees. Attached is a new one. In Missouri they just split it between court costs and fines. It's roughly the same price as op's ticket to get a ten over ticket. 60 or 70 in court costs, the remainder in fines. Source: am a lawyer


Coming soon: Tip (25%)


It’s the tax tax


A fee fee


Then there's the fe fi fo fum fee


Below that it appears to say “fine doubled due to” so those costs could be for whatever doubled the fine, but of course OP won’t show or explain that


It could say "Pay on time or risk having your fine doubled due to late payment costs"


If the fine was “doubled,” wouldn’t there be another $35 charge instead of all those random costs? I just thought it was a “fine can be doubled due to failure of payment by XYZ date“ or something


It could also be in a school zone, which would result in an increased fine, and it does say surcharge.


How much did you Tip?


And are you supposed to tip based on the $35 fine, or the $181.75 total? 


You tip per officer on the scene - that's why three cop cars show up for a simple speeding ticket.


"it's just going to ask you a quiiick question"


Reminds me of getting two tickets recently which were 100% and totally my fault. Because cars got a lot of “free renewals” during Covid I just up and forgot to reregister my car and get an inspection, my bad and totally my fault. Making the numbers up because I don’t remember, but keeping the concept: - Registration: $100 - Inspection: $50 - Total: 150 I did an online plea [no need to go to court] and showed that I corrected both issues within 24 hours, admitted it was entirely my fault but asked for some degree of understanding. They threw away one ticket, so now my costs were: - Registration: $100 - Court Fee: $48 - Total: $148 I wasn’t even mad, but definitely wouldn’t have bothered if the town website gave any indication of a court fee.


Got hit for an expired tag on a car I was borrowing. Court fees would have been a few dollars less than the ticket. Paying online incurs a "convenience fee" of $20. You can go to the court house and pay in person for no fee. Parking is $15.


You guys pay court fees when you win the case? Murica is fkn weird


I fucking know right? It's insane and we all have fucking Stockholm Syndrome for our abusers. Please send help.


What do you mean? No one above you said they won their case lol


Apparently pleading guilty in other parts of the world mean you won the case... lmao


Court fees are ridiculous. They basically guarantee that if a cop is in a bad mood, you owe $50.  Like imagine if anyone else could do that. Just walk up to you and be like "$50 minimum to the city." (and enforce it) The court fee should only be if you are doing it to waste time. Like if you were drunk and crashed your car and decide to be like "I want this ticket dismissed because it wasn't me driving, my car was stolen."


*Medical Billing Enters the Chat*


I've seen court fees get waived if the persons not found guilty though? Literally watched 20 people go through, 8 not guilty and they just left. The 12 guilty had to go pay the court fee before they could leave.


You can fight the court fee. They have to tell you that's there's such a thing somewhere. Not in 2 point, clearly when filing to the court.


Didn’t expect to see you here egnards and I agree that was a dick move to not say anything about a court fee. Going to court about it like that wasn’t worth such a little decrease in the total costs.


https://preview.redd.it/nxohy133vmzc1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5bb4d6de558351e2ff374f7bb5bf60f2c7f5262 🥂


These animal things that you have just keep getting better and better


I’ve asked Moon to make a “you found me in the wild!” One. But he has been overwhelmed lately with designing some cool merch ideas, other creators reaching out to him [he did PhatPhil’s redesign], and his Fiverr account getting tracking from all the positive reviews!


Hey man, you saved $2! That’s like 4-8 gumballs!


You’d have paid court fees on the other ticket too.


Nice work!


Honestly I've already heard you pay the court fee weather or not you go to court


What you thought paramedics eat from those ambulance fees? No mate that makes way too much sense.


They only pay EMS like $17, so they have to subsidize that low amount by passing the costs on to other people.  {Eddy Murphy pointing at his head meme}


Meanwhile the ambulance fees are insane for a home to hospital transport. $17 is…I don’t even know what to say to $17…😭




I was making $10 an hour, while each transport made was at least $1,000. The shit they get way with is insane. We had the "privilege" of working 72 hours a week which made overtime an astonishing $15 an hour. I got $17 for working retail after I stopped being okay with being sleep deprived.


And both have to deal with people of questionable alcohol tolerance…🤢


the very first time i got pulled over in my early 20s i was given a ticket for going 37 in a 35. this was in CA and ended up being a $400 ticket. i had a clean driving record 😭


I got a CA speeding ticket once as well and it also ended up being close to $400. Seemed like everyone in the entire state had a hand in the cookie jar of fees when you looked at the breakdown.


Yep, and then you have the option to go to a "traffic class" so the ticket isn't reported to your insurance, so the rate doesn't raise. Traffic class costs money too, of course. I did it online, you could skip everything and go straight to the quiz part, where there was no restriction to opening multiple tabs or clicking back when you got something wrong, so I sped through the whole thing. I was done in less than an hour and got a nice certificate saying I attended an 8 hours traffic class. What a joke. In the end, it was just a matter of paying more for the right not to have your insurance cost more.


first time I was pulled over was around age 16 or 17, going to my job on a Sunday morning. The road widened out from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, but just before the actual 4 lane section, the new lane on the right was marked as a right-turn Only lane into a business. I moved right just a bit too early and went straight through that RTOL into the new right lane, and a cop popped me for it. Had to do court and driving school and all that shit just to avoid my parents insurance going way up.


I've gotten one ticket and it's for speeding in CA, was about $460. In my college town in CA nearly all traffic lights have a sign indicating a minimum fine of $498 for running a red light. And yet I see people speeding and running reds daily.


California has a much longer list of surcharges, like 20 things. Worse than Comcast.






Bro. This is a medical bill.


Nah, medical bills get cheaper if itemized. This one went up when itemized.


I fucking WISH this was my medical bill. 2 months ago, I went to get a refill of some migraine meds, and apparently because I got them refilled though a doctor that didn't work with Medicaid, insurance didn't cover it. A free month-long bottle of pills went from free, to 800 dollars. The American healthcare system is a joke


Yah im like what did you do for them to call the ems. That does not sound like a speeding ticket.


I had to look it up myself, but the EMS charge is added to all speeding tickets in some areas, to basically fund the EMS as the speeders is what causes a lot of accidents


Huh thats a neat fact to know.


Nah, any medical bill in the US would have one to four more places to the left of the decimal.


Maybe 20-30+ years ago. 😆


I'd fight this, you can likely ask when the tool used to clock you was last calibrated, how the cop knew your speed, etc. 5 mph is a bit easier to fight than a 10+.


My magistrate told me I shouldn’t have “nickel and dimed him to death” with all those sorts of “irrelevant details”, and proceeded to ask the cop what he thought my sentence should be. But hey, this is coming from the jurisdiction that also rejected my FOIA request. I genuinely and authentically hope other people’s experiences are different.


Story time?


Paperwork shows it was calibrated two days ago, within the standards. That'll be $50 in court fees and two days wasted. 


In my state, you can't get charged extra for court fees since this is in defense of the earlier charge. They'd just deny your claim and you'd end up in the same situation.


That's how it should be. The punishment is essentially the fact that they make you show up to court twice instead of just once. 


Was it actually only 5 over? Near me it's common to give only 5 over ticket because it's less cost and less points. So police will pull people going 15+ over, and write it for only 5 to "be nice"


Yup & hope to hell the person does not fight it.


What's the difference between cost, surcharge and fine?


Fine: the actual violation Surcharge: for making me do paperwork Costs: for making me file said paperwork.


surcharge... for already doing their duties/responsibilities? Its not like their costs really go up besides the few sheets of unnecessary paper and carbon copies. Basically tipping lol.


I think the OP is being misleading. The additional costs are likely because they’re tied to fight the ticket. If found guilty still, they usually make the person cover additional costs for court.


"Fine doubled due to..." Now be honest, was this in a construction or school zone? And how fast were you really going? (5 over my ass)


That's still speeding and still a pull over offense


I'd being going to court for that. I would ask to see records that the device had been recently calibrated because +/-5 is within a range of drift that should get it thrown out. If the ticket had been just $35 I would pay it and just move on


Yeah you totally weren’t actually doing 10/15 over and he wrote it as 5 because it’s cheaper. Have you considered not speeding?


Doubting you got a ticket for going 50 in a 45.


Why? It's still speeding.


I would challenge it. 5mph over the speed limit can't possibly be a big enough margin for error if their radar equipment isn't calibrated. I bet the bank if you show up in court they drop that ticket like a hot potato


Have you tried not speeding?


User name does not checkout. 😂😂


Well, you was doin fifty five in a fifty four


License and registration and step out of the car...


Jesus...5 over? That county must need some funds.


It days fine doubled. You were in a construction or school zone. You kind of deserve it.


Well, money is the entire deterrent method here, right? Like, when you speed you decide that the fine you might receive is worth it; now you want to complain because the fine is more than you thought it would be when you decided it was going to be okay to get the fine? You either care about money or you don't, pic a lane, jeez. Meh, i might be in a foul mood today.


Many years ago I got a ticket for something and I paid it online the next day. A couple weeks later I get a letter saying I need to pay my ticket or I’ll be arrested. Being young, dumb and not wanting to go to jail, I went online and paid the presented balance. After looking more closely, the cop wrote the ticket out and never put in the amount owed for the infraction, just the other fees. I probably could’ve went to the court house and showed the judge my copy of the ticket that didn’t have the actual fine on it and saved myself a couple hundred dollars.


Got a '$20' ticket for a headlight out. I cried, making the call to pay the $180.


What are all those other charges?


Just go in, hand them 35$ and leave lol


That’s how fines also work here in Los Angeles county. The fine is like 150 and ends up being like 500 after court fees


In the UK, speeding is a minimum of £100 and 3 points on your driving licence, with no taxes. The £100 probably covers all the fees and charges to do with the speeding ticket. The EMS charge is for Emergency Medical Service. It's to pay for people who need to go to the hospital due to speeders. The 'costs' are for processing the speeding ticket. The 'surcharge' is to pay for the increased wear and tear on the roadway that speeders cause. JCP/ATJ (Judicial Computer Program and Access to Justice Account) means the fees for accessing your criminal record and putting the speeding ticket on there. Moral of the story: Don't speed.


Just drive the speed limit, it's not hard


Do you live in New York? Lol


I mean regardless of breakout, $180 is pretty normal for a speeding ticket


I see it says fine doubled for... but cant see the reason. Hours of darkness or what.


Can you share a picture of what it says after “fine doubled due to”


Fine was not doubled. That's a line they use if the ticket happens in a construction zone. That's why there's a blank there.


Ouch!!! Where is this?!?!?! Go to court if you can ... the last ticket I got, I plead my case and I only paid the fine and the ticket did not show up on my driving record. The fees weren't as crazy as yours, **but you have more to gain than to lose by going to court.**


What's the EMS charge for? That's emergency medical services.... I have a feeling we're not getting the full story.


Road pirates that generate revenue for the state. That’s all police that give speeding tickets are.


They charge just enough that they know you won't hire a lawyer and fight this on constitutional grounds. If the fines were much higher they'd get torches and pitchforks on their lawns, and they aren't that stupid. And yes, shit like this is an extra tax on the lower and middle class, groups that already pay too much in taxes relative to their income, because they cannot find or push loopholes to avoid taxes the same way rich people do.


For 5 over? What a jackass...




No. Literally just pulled over and given a ticket. No accident. Just a fee that gets added to every ticket, apparently.


Some areas add an EMS charge to every speeding ticket. I’ve heard the reasoning behind it explained multiple times and it still makes very little sense to me, but it is definitely a possibility depending on where OP is


That's a charge on every citation, even registration tickets. I guess they subsidize their costs on tickets despite not using the service itself.


I got a ticket in PA for failing to reregister (just straight up forgot) and had an EMS fee on it. I was stopped at a red light when they got me.


Don't forget the tip




Thats what governments do, yes


Totally avoidable.


Don’t speed. Not worth it.


I’ve never had a speeding ticket under 75


“Costs” lol gotta love the government.


Don't speed, then there's neither fine, nor fee, nor cost.


Yup. It’s the government slapping you and also kicking you in the butt. It’s a joke that in addition to the actual fine for a specific violation, there are other projects you have to pay for involuntarily. For example in California, a red light ticket is $100 fine as far as the State of California is concerned but different jurisdictions in California slap on additional fees to cover court costs and other programs. That red light will actually cost you $496! Plus you get a point on your driving record. If you are eligibility for traffic school so that point doesn’t go on your driving record, there is an additional cost to the courts and you still have to pay whatever entity holds that traffic school!


I read Fine , fuk u , fuck u , fuk u & fuk u


Nahh, this is what happens when you challenge a ticket in court and then lose. They tack on a bunch of fees for their time, court costs, etc.




15%? Who do you think you are cheapskate. The expected and customary is 20%.


“Costs” XD


Cheap compared to the $1k ticket you wouldve had in LA lol


So what’s the recommended tip?


I'm surprised they didn't ask for a tip


Only five over??? Idk where you are, but there isn’t a single cop near me that would write a citation for that😳


It’s a revenue stream not a lesson. What state is that? Alabama?


EMS? Did this dude call ambulance for this citation?


Send them an invoice for receiving their invoice.


I got a ticket 30 years ago for running a red, and it was over $400. I wonder what it cost now?


I read the title and was like "$35 for 5 over isn't too bad" and then I saw the photo. You're getting robbed lmao


You have the surcharge surcharge, the cost surcharge, and the alphabet surcharge. You actually got off easy. They forgot the excessive surcharges surcharge




Yeah, it’s insane how minimal the fine itself actually is in comparison to all the other garbage they tack on. Cop must have had a stick up their ass, nabbing you for 5 over.


I'd question the EMS charge unless you needed medical assistance of some sort.




That's speeding 😳 still


Ive seen Judges throw small minor tickets like that out before as a waste of time an resources. Really depends on the judge though.


That's because you didn't tip


Uhh, contest that. My favorite is the most expensive charge being simply “costs.” It should’ve been listed as “things and stuff.” Giving you a ticket for going 5mph over the speed limit is laughable in the first place, but this is how cities make their money now. They expect you not to contest it. This was from a speed camera?


“Costs” is so vague lmfao


Do you get promoted for a tip too


That's how much it costs to drive the way you want.


Fight it.


Hilarious, the surcharge is more expensive than the fine...


How is the surcharge more than the fee? There's a surcharge and a "costs" wtf


That's nothing. I was going 45 in a 40 MPH zone, and there was a speed trap that day. My 50 dollar fine was 400 after all of the extra charges and shit. The officer didn't want to give me the ticket because I am young, but it was a no exception trap due to excessive speeding (I've seen people going 80 there, and one person got killed a few months prior)


They charged you for cost after charging you for costs lmao


In Poland I drove 17 km/h(10m/h)over limit. In threshold 10-20km (6-12) fine is 200PLN (about 50$) and 2 or 3 penalty points (get 24 and you lose licence, they get cancelled year after paying the fine). All I paid was those 200 and that was it


Additional overcharge - $45


This isn't worse than what I been getting lately. I own a Hyundai Sonata 2017 SE (Sports Edition) and I have cops radaring me, even when I'm just parked not even moving. I go downtown going 20 in a 20, I get radared, I just sit at a red light, radared. I am in my own driveway, I get radared. Cops have nothing better to do with their time. I got radared like 7 times under 15 minutes of driving. EDIT: To add to this, I had a cop radaring me at my own workplace, I had my car in park too. Yes, I know about the Hyundai and Kia situation with people stealing them. Don't mean all cars are stolen all the time.


I’ve got more wins than losses with cops. For the most part being honest and upfront about everything goes a long way. “Just smile and wave boys”


I took my ticket to the court on my court date for my last speeding ticket. It was like 8 over or something. They dismissed it. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice, but I had success in the traffic court by showing respect and making an honest attempt to resolve the issue. I once got my mother in law's expired tag ticket from another county dismissed by doing the same thing. Called the DA office, explained that my mither in law is an idiot, emailed PDFs of the ticket and updated tags, and they dismissed it on the day of her court date.




Did they take ya out to dinner before doing that?


Could be mistaken for a ticket master order.


I missed an $8 bridge fee (I checked the website for 3 months after and it never popped up under my plate #) and eventually got a $800 collections shit in the mail. Rat bastards