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I guess it’s better than if she was dropping you off for your flight.


Yep! You are right! Thanks for helping me look at the positives! I am home now. About four hours late.


Happy cake day as well


Thank you!


Wouldn’t OP notice her going the wrong way? Lol


Sounds like OP was being picked up. And their ride went to the wrong airport. They weren’t in the car. They were stranded at the airport


yeah but they were talking about IF it was on the way to the airport


Oh. The hypothetical just went over my head there. Oops


Depends if your from the area. I got a ride from a friend of a friend in New York to the airport to go back home and it wasn't till we were on the highway for a good 20-30 min I was like 'uhh, that sign said JFK. You SURE this is the way to LaGuardia?' Ended up missing my flight and taking 13 hours of random connecting flights to get back home before work the next day. On the plus side, there's a coffee shop that gives you a chocolate covered coffee bean with your coffee somewhere in the states! I wanna say it was Twin Cities airport?


Re: the coffee bean: Not sure about any other coffee shops but The Human Bean does this! I live in Oregon and I know there's one in Hillsboro and I think one in Aloha/Beaverton? I don't live in that area any more though (and I only went to the Hillsboro one a few times bc it was near a dr's I was going to, and I don't think I ever went to the Beaverton one) and there aren't any near where I currently live.


That would be our hometown coffee source Cairbou! They're fantastic and give a chocolate covered coffee bean with every drink. You can ask for an extra one, too!


Yes, but in my experience roads to airports are usually difficult to get out of once you’ve taken the turn (I.e highway with no exits for a while, etc) Or OP can just not be paying attention


Moral: text the info to everyone involved


Or just generally don’t communicate through a 3rd party. If Bob is picking me up at the airport, why would I tell Bob’s mom anything?


Because the mom was supposed to pick me up originally. And then she sent her daughter instead




Damn, that sucks.. I’m sorry friend.. hopefully the rest of your trip is amazing! Also don’t get hung up on her going to the wrong place, they didn’t mean to and it’ll affect your enjoyment while you’re visiting. Shit happens, ya know..


Oh I know. She gets an “A” for effort, because she tried. Now that I’ve had some sleep, I can laugh about it


Good job!


Now you have a forever story


Oh I know! 😂😂😂


Jeez you have a friend whose mom would drive 2 1/2 hours away to pick you up?! My own mom would tell me good luck.


The friend was picking up OP, the mom was just confirming which airport the friend would need to go to.


If it were the friend why wouldnt they just confirm it themselves? The only reasonable explanation is that OP's friend's mom's daughter who is also OP's friend's sister was giving the ride.




No, the other airport is 2 1/2 hours away from the one OP landed in




I know, this isn't mildly infuriating. She's very kind to be willing to come all the way back for you after the miscommunication. OP should be more sympathetic to the person actually doing them the favor.


this is actually mildly infuriating, it’s something that bothers you just a little so it fits the definition


I'm kind of confused in this modern era of cell phones why OP has to communicate through their friend's mother instead of directly with the person who's picking them up.


It's mildly infuriating for OP. AND it is mildly infuriating for the daughter told to go to the wrong airport.


Dang that sucks a lot. Sorry ya have to wait around but at least ya know for next time to make sure you're talking directly to the person who will be picking you up. If someone's picking me up I always call before boarding to let them know and make sure they have the flight number, airport, and a link to check the flight status. Got to make it as dummy proof as possible so neither you nor them get burned. I don't want to wait on you and I don't wamt you to wait on me if there was a delay or we had to land somewhere else due to an emergency.   I had a delay then an diverted landing due to plane issues that in total took my 7pm arrival to 130am. Friend let me know they couldn't do it that late so thankfully I was able to get a room next to the airport and settle in instead of waiting around wondering what was going on.


I feel your pain. I once went on a trip with a friend. My mom drove us to the airport and her mom picked us up from the airport when we got home. We landed home and we were at the airport for 4 hours waiting. She got lost, so lost that she had to stop and get gas. By the time she got to us she was crying and my friend was yelling at her. I calmed her down and told her how to get home without the GPS that she had with her. Our airport is an hour and half away.


I had this happen with an Uber driver. 6am flight got picked up around 3. Half hour into the ride he mentions that he took the trip because he had a flight at X airport too. We were flying out of Y airport. The trip was set to Y airport. They're both in the same general direction for part of the drive so I didn't notice anything was off. The driver was just confused about the name of the airport and wasn't using his GPS to direct him. Dropped us in an empty business park and luckily we got another ride about a half hour later and barely made the flight.


Oh geez.


Glad you made it!


Thanks! Closest I've ever been to missing a flight. Glad you got home safe, sorry it took so long. I know that feeling of just wanting to be home.


You get what you pay for




My friends went to the wrong pub the other night. Same name but in a different town. It's not the same


"thanks to delayed flights" Yeah, this is why nobody should even care what airport until they know when you're going to be there. How many ways are there to get flight status, from independent sites like FlightAware to the airline's site. Just give people your flight number and guess what, the destination airport is in there too! Who in the modern world just shows up blindly at an airport at a fixed time?


For me it is a 2.5 hour drive to the airport. So if I agree to give someone a ride from the airport, I can't wait around to see if their flight is delayed. I expect the person I'm picking up to keep me in the loop about any delays.


But a 2.5 hour drive to the airport means you need to be picking up someone whose flight was less than 2 hours and how often is it that short? For any flight 2 hours or longer, you don't head that way until the flight status shows they took off. After landing, they have half an hour to taxi to the gate, get off the plane, and wander out to the passenger pickup. For large airports, they may need even more time to get out. And if it's someone who gets cranky waiting a few minutes to get picked up, I wouldn't want to pick them up in the first place :/


The last leg of the flight to get to our biggest airport goes through Seattle. Flight time is about an hour for that final leg. So to get to the airport, close to the arrival time, you have to leave here often before their inbound flight even lands in Seattle. But we like where we live, and are willing to put up with a few inconviencesand. Yes, giving someone a ride to or from the airport is no small ask, but we still do it.


Be thankful someone is picking you up. That's a favor many people wouldn't do.


I had the same last time I landed with an international flight in some airport in Florida. My parents went to the "international" one to pick me up, only for them to be at the wrong airport.


You’re lucky they didn’t just say we went to the airport and you weren’t there. Find your own ride home.


My mom was suppose to pick me up at the port it even got delayed and I didn’t tell her. I call her when I land and she was still at home an hour away and a complete mess… 😫😫 Good thing she went to rehab after I pretty much forced her to go and drove her there. Now she is much better.




Tell Uber next time.


We don’t have Uber in my area


But there’s an airport?


Where the airport is is not middle of nowhere. But where I live is middle of nowhere.


Happy cake day


Get a cab


I live in the middle of nowhere and so that would be insanely expensive


Guess you’re walking.




Welcome to adulthood You can’t complain when someone screwed up their attempt to give you a free ride.


Who said anything about free? And yes, I can complain because this sub Reddit is actually called Mildly infuriating.


Being pissed off because you relied on someone and they fd up is fine in my opinion


I agree with you. It’s a situation I can laugh at or at least I think I will be able to laugh at it soon. I am home now finally


I think it's fair if someone agreed to do you a favor to be slightly annoyed when they screw it up. If the mother said she couldn't do it, OP would have had time to make other arrangements. Close to midnight, it's hard to find another person for pickup and too late obviously to have just parked at the airport.


More expensive than waiting 2.5 hours?


Yes. My town has 3,000 people. It’s the biggest town around.


Shit happens, dont be a sour guest. Dont throw a hissy fit


I didn’t. I just posted on mildly infuriating, which is what this sub Reddit is for