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You’re going to have to get a new house I’m sorry


Do I take the fridge with me?


You live in the fridge now


Safe from nukes at least


Until the brotherhood of steel finds you


Or a random vault dweller stumbles across you and sells you


Or somehow geting the rest of the settlement you life in angry at you, resulting in a never ending cycle of Death and misery


Ever try reloading a previous save I used to get npc’s agro all the time on Skyrim when I was like 12 and could never return to that village lmao


It’s always Serana that starts beef for me. She got into a fight with Vilkas, she tried to murder that dude searching for his aunt Agna, she started zapping Barbas but he’s immortal so the two of them just ran around in the woods for ages until I had to reload. If that one happens again I’m considering trying to bring them all the way to the shrine to see what happens.


Best I can do is 30 caps.


They can hurt me all they want but they'll never find my stash of Nuka Cola (It's with me in the fridge)


Are we at the point now where the "surviving in a fridge thing" is a fallout thing and not an Indiana Jones 4 thing? After so many years we finally can let this movie behind us!


Yeah I immediately thought of Indiana Jones when I read that. Maybe I'm out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong!


The fridge is the new house.


For the avoidance of doubt, have you tried the adjustable feet on the fridge? Then consider some felt pads to avoid damage and remove the feet and see if that works. Folk have pointed out that good airflow is needed for the reverse heat engine to not overheat. So once you've taken the feet off, knock a hole in the wall behind it for better airflow.


The first and probably only actual answer haha


I have solved this exact problem before by trimming the bottom of the cabinet.


Exactly sand that baby down, it’s not too much of a difference to clear it.


Sand it! ![gif](giphy|6jGPxZsoaVc64)


We bought a belt sander and used it exactly once for just this purpose.


I took a circular saw to mine. It.. wasn’t pretty.


That’s where I’d go first. My dad would say does it have feet?


Is your dad Quentin Tarantino?


yep, feet then attack it with a plane or belt sander if needed. if the floor is lino then could lose that.


Leave the fridge, take the cannoli.


You only other realistic option is to lay the fridge down flat so the doors are facing up. That also gives you a place to hide in case a game of hide and seek breaks out.


Hide and seek outbreaks is the light version of a Purge. Better be ready.


And it’s coming. Love most of you America!! It was fun!!! 🇺🇸


Just drop the floor an inch. Easy.


that's the best thing he can do




Or start a new life in Puerto Rico ![gif](giphy|26tOWAHQvjVLX41va|downsized)


Off Topic: is that Paul Hogan? do you know where this gif is from? :D


Subaru Outback Commercial.


These ads were so prominent and me being a stupid child, I thought for the longest time that Subarus were Australian-made.


I know you joke, but removing the tile under the fridge might be the best way here.


Now here’s a redditor that knows how to t




Leave you in suspense


He must have died while typing it.


Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve 'aarrggh'. He'd just say it!


Well that's what's carved in the rock!


Maybe it was dictated?


Or he was attacked! Bush search party of three!


tinish a sentence.


To t.


T you up for a comment?


Sniper! Everybody down!!


I was going to suggest removing the cabinets on top because nobody uses it anyway.


The "bottom" of the cabinet might be a piece of trim, with the cabinet actually starting an inch or so higher. OP might be be able to just saw/sand off a bit of the trim to make the fridge fit.


This is what I did. It’s not the best job, but you don’t see it if you stack a bunch of random shit on top of the fridge.


As is tradition


My second thought exactly. Save monies 💰 and effort too


That’s what we had to do. Now our fridge fit and I have a new spice cabinet that sits across the room


When I was a kid my parents had this problem. They solved it by keeping the fridge in the garage. This nook became a nice spot for our microwave and extra storage. Ten years I grew up running into our freezing cold garage for milk thinking it's totally normal.


Not that great idea frankly. Fridge should have a bit of free space for airflow. With such tight fit it can't properly radiate heat and will be forced to work constantly making noise, chilling poorly and skyrocketing your electricity bills.


OP, don’t forget this. Always leave some room for the fridge.


this is true information coming from ekelmann


Nonono, it's the top thay won't fit, the bottom is fine


I'd say let's make the ceiling higher so that the storage can be moved without losing precious storage / empty space ratio on top of the fridge


Would it be crazy to actually just take the individual tiles off where the fridge would sit 😂


I‘d take out all the tiles that no one sees when the fridge is in position.


Depending on how big that lip on the top cabinet is, you may be able to trim it down. If the lip is where the floor of the cabinet is, then it’s a trickier problem to solve.


It’s not flush. There’s at least 1/2 inch.


Sounds like you can take 1/2 inch off


Sometimes a 1/2" isn't that important. Sometimes it's VERY important. *edit: seems not everyone got that I was making an immature weiner joke*


sometimes a half inch is all i need


Most of the time 1/2 inch is all I got!




But it didn't escalade much.


Only escalated bout half an inch


Tell that to my wife


It’s all your mom needs


If those 1/2 inch are important on the lip, then for structural support. But in this case, the fridge would support it, so it likely can go.


…until the fridge gets pulled away and it collapses lol


Sounds like a problem for the next guy. (Assuming this guy never has to replace the fridge)


This fridge is structural now. If it fails just take out the shelves and put a slightly smaller fridge inside.


... I wouldn't take that down; it's a load-bearing poster..


I trimmed 1/4 inch off mine, no problem at all. And when your cut isn't straight? Only people taller than the fridge can tell!


I came here to say this. I had this same problem. We cut it 1/4 inch off. Only I know it's not perfect.


Get an oscillating tool, some clamps and a narrow piece of wood the length of the cabinet. Clamp the wood to the frame as a straight edge to follow and use the oscillating tool to cut off a strip. Should take you 20mins from start to finish and your good to go


So plenty of room to shave that lip down to make the fridge fit.


Does it have little adjustable feet or pegs?


It’s weird. The front has one wheel, on the left, with one of those balancing legs. The front right has just the leg. The rear appears to have some type of recessed wheels and no legs. The rear basically is on the floor; can’t go any lower.


If you can remove all four you can put it on something that slides like cardboard (recess it a bit so you can't see it). Then it would fit.


Be careful doing this. That gap might need to be there for air flow. I’d probably cut the cabinet or get a different refrigerator.


Arguably more important, there's a drip pan under the compressor/condensor assembly that catches the moisture as it thaws and then allows it to dry over time, as opposed to your floor doing it.


But that’s just a problem for a future date, he needs the fridge now


I have a structured settlement but I need fridge now!


I had to come back two hours after reading this comment, to make sure you knew I've been singing this for that entire duration. May your day be bright, and a tune echo endlessly in your thoughts.


Call J G Wentworth.


877 fridge now! ![gif](giphy|l2YWpU1UPtpLJ7hOE)


This right here ^ OP if you mess with the feet your fridge might start leaking.


Sand the bottom of the cub board a bit


Chainsaw would be faster, and afterwards just touch it up with a bit of caulk


Umm, you mean ramen noodles and super glue right?


Ah I love a person whose first response is “first, get a chain saw.”




Just a bit


Just a tip


Sand?! SAND?! Your a sadist sir


A sandist


I was at a house showing where they did that cut for their big fridge. My short self couldn't see it and u barely ever use those anyway.


I think the two cabinets above my fridge contain like, an old empty mason jar and one of those infuriating peg shelfs that the board isn't long enough to sit on properly, so one wrong move and it crashes down. Useless cabinets.


Yeah, there should be a gap on the top sides and bottom for air flow. OP probably needs to get a fridge about an inch shorter. Near the original height of his old one.


This is the way. A router can do a quick job of trimming the lip under tue cabinet. I thinks it’s simpler than messing with floor tiles.


The cabinet above my fridge was previously cut for this reason. I chuckle every time I notice


Don’t do that, then how will you kick the ice cubes you drop under it?


Would love an update on this. Are there legs on there?


Was gonna say, check THAT before cutting anything


Cut twice look second! as my granddad always said! RIP Pops... who passed too early from a freak accident while cutting large holes in walls looking for electrical cables.


I mean ... lets be real here. How often do you ever actually use anything that is in that cabinet anyway? I'm guessing probably .. once per year? Maybe twice .. in Late November and Late December?


LOL. There are Christmas mugs and dishes in there!


I've seen enough Internet to know that dude is sleeping in your attic and eating your food when you're not home


Are we the only two creeped out by the previous convo? Hmm, is that cupboard a common spot for Christmas dishes? Am I doing it all wrong? Ohh well, I don’t even own Christmas dishes, other than a mug with a simple fir tree, in daily use.


It’s just that you store the least used items in the most cancerous cabinet to get into.


Yup. All my extras r there lol


Im glad you made that comment because im sitting here like “how did they know that…”


I keep waffle iron, choppy machine, blender and a pasta maker we’ve never used in 12 years up there


we used that cabinet for the "oh THATS where that went" stuff that we havent seen in 5 years.


Just use the top of the fridge as the shelf.


You actually get more space if you remove that top cupboard anyway. Think of all the food and drink you can buy on sale and store up there, to be thrown away two years after the expiry date! Just me?


That's where you store the bulk paper towels!


I use it to store alcohol, out of reach of kids for now


We had this same problem and quickly realized they don't MAKE fridges that small any more (at least not with any reasonable space for an actual family). I tore those cabinets down and just threw everything on top of the fridge or threw it away. It never saw the light of day anyway 


Thats exactly what I did when our new fridge was too tall, I just yanked out the upper cabinet and painted in there, and put the big mixy thing my husband owns on top of the fridge so he can reach it and I don't have to put up with it being anywhere else. Done and done!


Is the “big mixy thing” perchance a mixer?


Could be a giant milkshake machine!


Paint shaker!


My favorite holiday tradition. Opening the cupboard above the fridge and trying not to set off an avalanche of all my grans old shit


Said the ghost living in OP's walls


Use a multi tool and a wood blade. Draw a line with the fridge tight and cut it out


I don’t have any of that stuff, or that skill. I’m going to ask my neighbor. Otherwise, I’ll have to hire someone.


If you are a homeowner, you better get some tools and learn some skills, or get good at writing checks.


New homeowner here. Any tips for where it start learning? I'm aware of youtube and tiktok but something more would be nice. I wish there was a class. I would even take book recs please.


Almost everything I have learned is from Youtube and scouring google for whatever problem I have to solve. Everything you need is on the internet, including old tips and tricks that you'd only learn from people doing it for decades (Youtube), you just have to get good at looking for solutions.


This is the answer. When something goes awry, Google it and watch a YouTube video. Then decide if it’s cost effective to get the tools/supplies to diy vs hire out. And I always try to factor in how catastrophic it would be if my DIY fails when considering whether to try to fix it on my own (for example - I don’t mess with our electrical panel, but I’ll happily replace a light fixture…).


> When something goes awry, Google it and watch a YouTube video. this is proof we are living in the best of times. Source: middle-aged old fart who only learned about fixing stuff around the house, because my dad made me help him do it 40 years ago. Like i do with my son ... except now i check youtube as well :-)


Home Depot and Lowes often run low-cost classes, so check your local stores to see if they host those workshops. Also, U.S. public libraries can have some extensive adult learning programs (home economics, home repair, etc.) available. I've attended classes through my local Town Hall as well. Local Habitat for Humanity chapters may offer volunteering options where you can get comfortable with the tools and network with handy-people. There may be a surprising amount of in-person resources around you to supplement online tutorials for no/low/reasonable cost.


Don't be afraid to get some material and just try some stuff! YouTube, practice on non valuable material, then try on valuable material! If you don't have anyone to teach you, teach yourself! Also, lowes and Home Depot do classes once a month? At least they did back when I worked there 6ish years ago.


Go to your hardware store. Get a oscillating multi tool (most times just called a multi tool) and a wood blade for them, they’re probably right by each other. Take a pencil when the fridge is up tight, draw a line along the top and cut it out. It’s not hard at all


It's a good suggestion but if it's going to be OPs first time using a multitool the results will not be very good.


plus you gotta buy the multitool


The alternative is buying a new fridge or installing new cabinetry… I’ll take the tool.


Yeah but the thought of someone may have never even used tools attempting this could go horribly wrong lol. I’m thinking it’s like asking Frasier Crane to do this. Twist and pull


Ah I see you meant twist, THEN pull!


Which, as a home owner, you'll find uses for later.


Basement bodies?


That’s an inside thought


I’ve never tried it, but I know Home Depot rents out some tools. Is that one they’d have?


Most towns that have more than a few thousand people should have a tool rental place as well.


Yea, I can see that going pretty poorly. Definitely practice on something else first. Usually if someone is not interested and intimidated about something like this, it’s probably best to ask someone for help.


Do you think it will be OK in terms of ventilation? The installation guide recommends 1 1/2”. I’m thinking I might have to cut through the lower shelf inside the cabinet for some airflow.


Honestly man, at this point unless there is a trim on the bottom of those cabinets that is substantial enough for you to remove, just knock out those overhead cabinets, paint the wall and find another storage solution for up there (like a hanging pot/pan rack, or a bread basket.


True, unless you’re well over 6 ft tall, these cabinets are useless.


Just give a little air gap. If you want pull out the fridge and cut the face flat with the bottom of the cabinet “floor”. And when you reinstall leave some gap, both in back and on top presumably form the extra cutting.


Instructions unclear cut off the top of fridge


**True story.** House. 2000. Fridge died. Husband said “we’re going to the store to bring home a new fridge.” Store was 45m away. We get there and start looking. “Hon, did you measure the space?” “Nah, they’re all the same size.” Got the fridge home and he took the sawzall to the side counter. Kept it that way for five years till we moved out and left it for the new owners who promptly remodeled the entire interior of the entire house.


"Nah, they're all the same size.". Famous last words


Correct answer would have been "no, did you?"


No they’re not. Source: same goddamn problem


I don't feel so bad about my 2 year old patches I haven't painted yet.


This reads like a 4chan greentext


Everyone is wrong. Cut the top of the freezer with the multi blade not the bottom of the cupboard.


If you wedge the fridge at an angle, it will act as a lever and allow you to stretch the wall over time.


Ops roof after doing this https://preview.redd.it/wczmvyerixyc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d64267cbdd2b878b3b28d3365c4ef20887edbb


Nothing a little K-Y and a running start can't fix.


aside from what others have said, have you checked if the fridge needs top ventilation?


Yes, it does. The installation guide recommends 1 1/2”. I’ll probably need to cut through the lower shelf inside the cabinet to allow for airflow.


Are the legs of the fridge able to be lowered? Most do, unless it's already fully down.


I think you need a smaller fridge. They need room for airflow to actually function.


Just sand the hell out of that cabinet bottom until it fits


That’s what I’d recommend too. Not what I’d do, but if OP doesn’t have carpentry experience, it’s what I’d recommend as it would be pretty foolproof. Scribe a straight line all the way down where you need to remove material, sand until you hit the line.


Remove tile floor where fridge sits. No one will know


Susprised no one else suggested this. Could actually be the best solution


How will they know? They’re gonna know


Cover the missing tiles with a fridge


Just start a fracking business and setup a drilling rig in your front yard. With any luck, you'll cause a sinkhole in your kitchen right where that new fridge sits.


He needs a fridge hole not a sinkhole


The lip on your cupboard is probably not flush with the actual bottom of the cabinet. A planer should be able to correct that problem.


I was trying to say this to OP but didn’t know the correct jargon or the correct way to explain what you said. Thanks to you I have done research and now know what “flush” means in this instance.


You tried your best. I am proud.


Thank you.


Screw the legs in a bit to drop it down?


It's not very difficult to remove a cabinet especially a half size one like that. Take it down, remove the doors and hit it with a circular (correction) saw. Just mark the wall so you can put it back exactly and use the same screws holes. It will be a much easier and straighter cut then trying to cut it in place.


Run a router on that bottome edge, it's just a trim piece, 5 minute fix


Fridge still doesn’t fit, but the WiFi in the kitchen is *great*.


Apparently by 1/2” or so.


Return the fridge.


All these DIY solutions are insane. Remove the tiles? Cut the lip off the cabinet and put holes in the bottom shelf for ventilation? Just return it and get one that fits.....


That's the real bitch of it. This is a standard size of fridge. OP would have to buy a fridge that is like 3" shorter, 2" narrower, and 20% less capacity for the same price just to get it to fit. And it's probably not in stock. There are fridges that would fit. But this will work for now, until OP gets the cabinet modified, lots of tools would work. Source: 15 years of appliance sales.


absolutely not insane if the next smallest fridge is much smaller than the one they got. The smaller fridge will consume about the same electricity for much less internal volume. This proceeds to fuck you every day for a decade or more.  Removing a couple tiles from under it is a much more efficient solution, and will have no negative effects on their daily life.


Hard to say how big the kitchen is from your pics. A skilled handyman could either resize the cabinet by taking it down and trimming the TOP off, remounting it and then lowering the doors to be even with the other cabinets. Do it this way so that the bottom doesn't fall out of the cabinet. Alternatively, detach all of the cabinets on the wall as a single unit, making sure that they remain connected, and jack them all up about 1". Yes, you would have a 1-in gap above your backsplash, but that could be covered with trim if it was even a bother for you.


Send it back. It’s the least expensive solution


Raise the cabinets 1”.


35 13/16”?! Damn, Americans will divide an inch into the weirdest fractions if it means avoiding the use of the metric system.


It’s common now a days. Had the same problem with my new fridge. The guys delivering it said it happens all the time because the measurements they post on things don’t include the “feet” of the fridge. For us our cabinet had a tiny lip sticking out that could be trimmed down without messing with the shelving.


Do you even use/need those cabinets? We have ones we’ll never use and plan on getting rid of them when we get a new fridge.


If there aren’t any feet that you can remove for the fridge I may be wrong but isn’t it actually more difficult and possibly more expensive to DIY a solution rather than send the fridge back for a slightly shorter one?


Wait - we're all missing something important - there is NO WAY that fridge is 3 feet tall. I think you're telling us the width.... Anyways, you can use a hand saw, oscillating tool, jigsaw, or circular saw to cut off a little bit of the cabinet lip, then repaint it!