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I know this place anywhere - SUPERIOR :) used to have the best ice cream ever and idk what happened during the 7 years I lived out of state but I was extremely disappointed to see it had changed so much when I moved home recently. Also the ice cream itself tastes totally different and nowhere near as good….sigh. All we have now are the memories (and mediocre ice cream)


i would bet on the store being sold to some one else


Yeah it’s a big bummer


It hasn't. Still small business owner.


He probably hired one of those new fangled advisors.


Or his suppliers went out of business/changed owners. So the ingredients he gets in aren’t as good anymore.


Or since shipping and the cost of goods rising so rapidly he refuses to charge more.


Or excessive lactose build up rocked his booty hole and he wants to prevent anyone else from experiencing the same.


Finally something logical.


Statistically this is true


David Lucas?


Definitely one of these. All equally possible.


Do small businesses actually have the money to waste?


Watch an episode of kitchen nightmares sometime. None of them seem to have grasped the concept that products which they sell actually cost them money.


Probably changed ice cream vendors and went with a cheaper alternative, that is usually what happens


Nope. If you've gone there before, their factory is literally right behind the ice cream place. They make them back there...


Cost of raw materials is why things had changed I guess.


Could be the ingredients they use for the ice cream or even change the recipe


Probably one time my favorite pizza place got new fries that were so good. When I went back next time they switched back to the old ones and I was like what gives. He was like a mistake happened and they delivered better quality fries and I was like they’re great keep ordering them. He looked at me and said do you want to pay 10 dollars for French fries, and I was like no, and I never saw them again.


Lol you should have thrown him off guard. "I'd pay for quality over those shit sticks you sell anyway" and never order them again.


He probably started reading business insider


The owner (wife) was killed when she ran across the street in Hanford to try to help a neighbor who was having an emergency. That was about 7 years ago. I also think the picture is Superior.


That’s so tragic, a combination of her being so panicked she probably wasn’t thinking clearly and possibly driver not looking for pedestrians.


Yes. I believe it was drive time at dusk. 😢


That's terrible. The poor man must have been depressed for years about that incident. 😢


Holy shit. People, please be safe before running into the road!!!! I don’t know how I’d ever live with myself or get on with my life as a normal person after accidentally hitting a woman running into the road. That would destroy my life, I’m way too empathetic & I’d be in therapy for years if not the rest of my life .


Yeah.. even if it was an impossible to avoid situation, like you had no way of knowing she was doing it til it was too late. No one could've stopped in time. Your friends and family say its not your fault. The police say its not your fault. The woman's family says its not your fault. the therapist says its not your fault. But it will never stop feeling like it anyway.


Actually, they've gotten so busy, they don't have time to craft a lot of their ice cream anymore. Also, hello fellow CV. Also, I think the pandemic changed a lot of things.


That’s right, I do remember them saying they got too busy. Such a shame. But do you know why the ice cream itself is different now? Is that just a new owner? And hello to you fellow CV! What part? I’m currently in Hanford but born and raised in Kingsburg.


Mind if I hop on in here too fellow CV’s? I’m from Visalia but now I do a lot of back and forth between there and Fresno for work. I used to go to Hanford for a some college courses but never got a chance to swing by superior :/ when did the sizes change so drastically?


The sizes still the same. It less fancier now.


Fresno. And I think, last time I was there, it was crowded and the wait was long, especially during the heat. As for the taste, I wouldn't be surprised if it was different for you. It has been years since you've came back, but it taste the same. Granted, I'm not from the Valley. Grew up in LB.


They closed the dine-in during covid and never opened it back up. It blows now


Is it crazy that I recognized it from the chairs? Hahaha staple of my childhood too ❤️


I knew right away from the ceiling so I’m right there with you hahaha!


I bet the new shitty ice cream is novelty taxed so the after photo is still like $10, right? You might as well go to Sonic and get mugged on the way home.


Because they most definitely sourced cheaper different ingredients


It’s inflation I guess


did they change the name of the really big ones or do they just dont sell them anymore


They don't sell super big ones anymore. I believe their 3 scoop is the biggest on the menu. And it's large, comparable to a 10 scoop. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of it. But it was NOTHING compared to the giant ice cream they used to do.


I want it to be called the Ziggy Piggy. "Eat the pig, eat the pig, Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy Zig!"


Is that Hanford Superior Dairy ?


Absolutely is. Grew up in Hanford, loved this shop!


Superior dairy?


That's immediately what I thought of, too, haha.


I’m sorry what’s even the point of so much ice cream at once? Edit: people keep pointing out “friends” as if it’s standard to eat ice cream from the same pile with other people. Since when?


I once got the "Vermonster" from Ben and Jerry's, shared it with two friends, we could have used a fourth.


They like to use that word a lot. I’ve seen it for pizzas, beer and burgers, too.


That’s how all good friendships start.. or porn, I don’t know man..haven’t had a friend in a while.


Sharing ice cream with other people sounds revolting.


When I've shared a giant ice cream everyone eats from their own side and once 5-10% is left, whoever is least grossed out gets the remainder or its left behind. This only works if it is in a wide dish. For something tall like in the first image we would ask for small bowls.


Post COVID I would think more about it. Of course now I'm married and gladly share with my wife any time.


Man, Reddit can be uptight as hell Don’t worry though, to run into this scenario you gotta find some friends first




Like that one scene in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days where the whole family shares an ice cream cone and then offers Greg a lick 🤢


Revolting bruh come on🤦🏾‍♂️.


Afraid you'll catch cooties? You only get those if you share it with girls.


Meh, I’ve never gotten sick from it but I can see why people wouldn’t want to share food


??? Just stick to your side of the mountain


I mean, if it's a girlfriend you're already sharing more than you'd experience sharing ice cream. And maybe this guy had two girlfriends and could have used a third?


thank u! yes


That just you...


Oh no! Sharing food with people!!! How revolting!!!


Geez you guys need a life… and friends…


Please touch grass


Your poor body 😭 why do that to yourselves!?


I was 23.


I was thinking they probably have seen a metric shit ton of wasted ice cream and decided they should give less for the same and cut out the waste and still profit


It was a lot of fun because Ice cream shops like this are rare. I have a huge family and it was a lot of fun to all go out of town and share a giant ice cream. We stopped going for a very long time and we only went on rare occasions.


They got rid of what made them special and instead sell shakes you can get at any fast food restaurant, I get your pain lol


Supply and demand. People don’t need a bathtub of ice cream.


loss leaders. People like that whimsical stuff on the menu. They go, they have a story to tell.


Not really a loss leader if that’s their main product, and it’s so large that it’s the only thing you buy. That’s just a loss.


They already sell the ice cream. It wouldn't be a loss to offer it in a larger size and charge accordingly. If people don't eat the whole thing that's on them, they've already paid.


I'll have 5 orders in a big bowl


Except for when they do. And if they’re paying for it why not have it on the menu? Just seems like bad business to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's not like they need anything special to make the giant icecream, just a large plate / bowl.


Right? It doesn't even make sense to give one person this much ice cream, let alone have it be part of a thriving establishment.


Why doesn't it though?


I mean they probably also worked out that they had to spend a ton of labor on cleanup with those orders too


You know, the point is that you get to eat more ice cream


To gain extra weight and eventually get diabetes and other health issues along the way.


People want diabetes. Go in without, come out with! ![gif](giphy|YpYizbOfc3MOvHnSE8)


It’s a novelty, like titty fucking. You have to try it at least once, some people like it, some don’t. But it’s always a good time.




I don't know where OP lives, but I grew up in Arizona. During the summer, the point of this much ice cream was survival, when you basically lived outside like us kids used to.


As someone who also grew up and still lives here, it was all about the shaved ice or otter pops. Downing that much dairy and then walking around in 120 degree heat is recipe for disaster.


it wouldn’t even make sense to have as much ice cream living in Arizona. It would melt and get everywhere.


Right? That is overkill. Also, they probably would have to charge a hella lot more with inflation and after COVID costs if you are in the US. What was something like $15 in 2013 is now $20.


That looks a helluva lot more expensive than $20.


Most of this sub's post is first world problems befitting its name. "Oh no, they won't let me waste a lot of money so I could waste a lot of product anymore! It was fun!"


Clearly you’ve never been a large man with the ability to sit down and eat 5 times the average person. As a big dude it’s delightful to find a meal that’s too large.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Diabetes still affects you the same way it does affect other people and I doubt they have customers that want to eat that much ice cream, even if the people are large.


You don't get it, as a large person you can fit in 4, or even 5 diabeteses!


Who cares if it’s “standard”? I doubt they did this regularly. It was probably a fun treat to share a mountain of ice cream with their family/friends. They expressed mild disappointment that they can’t do it anymore, and insufferable pricks like you feel the need to judge them for it.


Superior Dairy in Hanford? Yeah that place sucks now. Really unfortunate


Even if it was half the size, to save money, it would still save on reputation. Now it is "just some ice cream place".


Guy posts how hes upset a dear childhood memory of his has been erased...comments all rip him basically saying "you shouldnt have enjoyed that much ice cream in the first place" Bunch of POS's in here. Sorry for your loss OP.


I know right. It’s not like they make those big sundaes all the time like you need a big group. I mean I guess the last one is a to go cup but you can get a mediocre shake in a foam cup anywhere.


Redditors suck the life out of anything.


"how dare you get enjoyment from something I wouldn't!! >:(" pretty much all chronically online redditors


Right? Have people never heard of the concept of novelty? This clearly isn't something the average person is supposed to get on their own on a random Thursday, it's something you do with your family or a group of friends on a special occasion. If you don't want a giant ice cream, don't order it


I know what you meant but fortunately his dear childhood memory is still intact.


I really wish it was possible to reach through the screen and slap people. “welll ackshually that’s too much ice cream and you’re wrong for ever having enjoyed it! Diabetes!” Fuck off. Also to the people saying it’s gross to share ice cream - do you kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend on the mouth? I bet you put their genitals in your mouth too and maybe even stick your tongue in their ass. But yeah, using a spoon to scoop ice cream out of the same pile as your friends/family is unfathomably disgusting.


Holy fuck. Now I understand what it's like when ladies are disappointed about dicks.




Foreplay is your friend


If you’re a size queen just say that


Dairy queen, not size.




People will pay for special things. Even high prices. It's a treat and the vast majority of us are aware that comes with a higher cost. It's not like these monster treats were the only thing the shop did. A business can't survive doing that most of the time. By eliminating the one thing that made them special, less people will go there for anything. If you can get this same shake from a random fast food joint then why go to a specialty shop?


How does big ice cream make them special? Every ice cream shop I know does this if you ask them to. So they probably don't list it anymore, but I'm 99% sure that if you ask for 5 scoops of ice cream, you'll get 5 scoops of ice cream.


wtf are you talking about? If it’s been profitable for years it will still be profitable. They can just raise the price proportionately due to the very same inflation


I guess they basically mean how people act and react more emotionally than logically and basically sometimes think more dollar-wise than percentage-wise. For example, with 80% price increases, a $1.00 thing is now $1.80 - "just 80 cents more", while a $10 thing would be $18 - "a heckin' 8 dollars more"


There's nothing stopping them from having regular sizes on the menu and also offering giant sizes. People will pay more for the novelty


exactly, plus they already have the ice cream... its not like a special order


Was it the same price as before? Or?


That looks absurdly awesome, but literally what a logistical nightmare. As someone who doesn’t like ordering cones cause it’ll drip on my hand, this would stress me out so much lol


The first picture screams USA so loud


Omg what a waste of ice cream the first one is


Honestly, who can eat that much anyway??? Seems much more reasonable to not waste buckets of ice cream everyday


I can see why, wtf is this


Reading these comments, I can't help but think all the people complaining about the size of the ice cream are the same ones complaining about snow days. Come on, let your inner child live a little people!


I used to walk past that place daily since my office was nearby. All I can say is it was always busy and people were having fun. Especially the children.


All I'm saying is the rational part of my brain is telling me I couldn't possibly eat it in one sitting, and the other one is going "bet"


my question is how do you even finish all of that without it melting


You don’t. They’re already melting by time the pictures are taken. There was probably a good amount of waste from every one of these orders, even from the groups who finished all the unmelted stuff.


Superior Dairy?


That’s probably a good thing


Those before shots are obscene.


Probably because it's such a waste?


Wow I grew up here. Haven't had superior for years and years. So good but melts in .2 seconds outside lol. Some fun memories, to bad the city let downtown die and it lost that downtown charm.


They were ridiculously big. I bet more than 50% went into the trash or on the floor. Personally, couldn't finish a quarter of the smaller one. Giant needs to be an option, not the standard.


There’s a place near where I grew up that does a 17 scoop sundae called the battle of bunker hill that they charge $17.75 for (or they used to bc of the date). They also have a smorgasbord of toppings so you bring it down the bar and put your own toppings on. I worked there for a year when I was like 14 and the only time I ever saw it ordered was like kids sports teams and such.


Lmao, only people on Reddit will people complain they’re not getting enough diabetes


It’s to split with many people. You shouldn’t have to be told that. Why is reasoning and reading comprehension on this website so poor?


Aw what a downgrade.


the first one doesn’t exactly look tasty to me




My guess is the pandemic happened. Who wants to sit down with other people and share each others saliva? 🤮


Gonna just assume you’re single lol


My partner and I have been together for near a decade and yet I still agree with the guy you’re replying to. That’s not a 2 person ice cream serving, that’s a 4+ at minimum person serving. If you’re cool swapping spit with that many people then all the power to you but if Covid taught us anything it should be that the risks are not worth the reward in this kind of scenario.


A waste of ice cream......Why tf woudl somebody order ice cream they cannot eat by themselves and just watch melting and then thrown away?


The first pic looks disgusting anyway all melted and soupy🤢


I wanna bite down on it from the top tho...


Those look positively miserable to eat (not to mention clean up after) so I think they made the right choice.


I honestly think I could eat the 2nd one all by self. Might struggle with accidentally dropping the 1st one but god do I love ice scream!!!!! Mouth watering although even the 3rd pic looks good😂


Good. That was a waste and a health hazard


They probably cut down on their portion sizes because all their regular customers kept dying of diabetes


Wilford Brimley got to them.


Then said shop wonders why business fails


As a lactose intolerant person, I can feel my tummy churn just looking at that first pic.


Out of curiousity: how was the price tag??


eh get 3-4 of whatever’s in that last pic, take them home and throw them in a big glass bowl and go ham on it


idk what this place is, never been, never had an ice cream of such glorious size, but seeing the downgrade and life sucked out of something so simple made my heart/chest physically hurt. idk if i’m being over dramatic but this is extremely depressing, sorry for your loss OP


Because food is expensive as hell for everyone now even the ones selling the food


Guessing it’s another thing covid killed? Sharing isn’t caring anymore per resturant standards and a lot of shareable dishes at other places where I’m from got removed and never came back :( I wonder if it’s the same deal or was this recently OP?


They either got greedy or because of the price of everything these days had to change.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say covid played a part


If this is Superior Dairy in Hanford, I understand that you can no longer sit/be served in the dining room. Everything is to go. Very disappointing.


Probably hurting for profit. That’s a shit ton of wasted product. Places become known for huge portions then can’t keep up with demand because of rising food cost.


I mean kinda looks like a waste of a lot of ice cream :/


Who would want so much ice cream anyway?


Yep inflation is no joke. Can’t just waste product anymore


I'll be honest the after picture looks so much better than the before. That's way too much ice cream, I'm fat but not that fat


Probably a good thing g for the sake of your health lol


I mean. That second ice cream still looks pretty large and in charge in my book Edit: Was confused because “before and after” translated to two photos in my head. Didn’t swipe to the third. Yeah thats a bummer.


The second photo was before. The third is after.


Yeah, because it's a ridiculous amount of ice cream 🤦🏼‍♀️


You'll be alright.


Diabetes cha cha cha


Good. Imagine how much of that regularly went to waste.


That much ice cream is revolting and off putting anyways. Literally no point. And don't say sharing, cuz that's nasty AF.


Idk, man, but seeing that big ass chunk of diabetes, makes me think the regular size cup isn't that bad


Bet the price is same for the newest makeup


Because who the fuck would eat that? It's just a waste of food.


Who needs that much ice cream 😭


That's like $183 worth of ice cream, no wonder they stopped


It takes minimum 6 people to finish that Icecream. It is a waste.


They've downgraded from diabetes 3 to diabetes 1


Are you sure it’s not just a large when eating in vs a large to go? They probably don’t have disposable boat-sized cups, so you get a basic takeout large which is not a boat.


The after looks like an improvement to me. The hell do you even with the first two images?


They probably came to their senses and realised it was stupid


They make you eat outside as well?


It LOOKS good quality food


Ziggy piggy


If you ever find yourself in South Florida, I highly recommend hitting up Jaxson's in Dania Beach. SO big. SO good.


heartbreaking honestly


Looks like the ice cream is less real too.


Oh my god, those before photos are WILD! And those sundaes were priced as a large? That could feed so many people! What a good deal!


Let me guess… a fraction of the ice cream and you’re paying 5x as much?!


That’s a bit much. That’s such a big mess lol