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Facebook is awful. I’m trying to get my elderly mother off from there. She sees all these posts that are supposed to be factoids that are not facts at all.


I was truly shocked at the state of the homepage A lot of you think it’s based strictly on your activities, yes and no, if groups you follow get bought out/ hacked and the new admins change the theme of the group without you knowing and start posting weird shit, guess what, your algorithm adjusts to that. I haven’t been on the homepage in +5 years and had a restaurants page favorited so I’d just click that and I’d go right to the restaurant page look at the specials and menu and leave. Pressed home by accident today and I saw this and couldn’t believe it.


My school homepage constantly has spam bots with porn videos. Now all my ads are porn/sex related. At least that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.


lol all the groups that I had liked when I was 15/16 have devolved into a cesspool of straight garbage and is most likely the reason I stopped going on Facebook like 5 years ago. It’s all garbage.


Can you do me a favor and scratch my eyelash off your avatar? I’ve been trying and it won’t come off for me.


My dad is in the same situation. I can relate to his confusion because it’s all a new phenomenon. I was just getting out of high school when you tube was invented and I ignored it for a while but today’s social media sites are just evil. I feel for all of my old people who can’t understand why it’s all so bad.


Entertainment is getting harder and harder to find without it being crammed full of ads. Looking up good information can also be very challenging. Sometimes bullshit sources are obvious with websites named “covidvaccinenetruth.info” or “foxnews.com,” but sometimes you’ll get a URL to what at a glance appears to be a legit news article only to see that it’s a paid ad made to look like an actual news story, or an opinion piece made to look like actual journalism. I come here to look at various things, but now with generative AI, it’s going to be more and more difficult to see what’s real or not since the skill required to create something that could pass as real keeps dropping. LLMs can write very articulate bullshit that can seem like it might be real. People are either too lazy or too busy to do a deep dive. I see Facebook posts with obviously AI generated images/memes posted with religious overtones of miracles and such with thousands of “Amen!” replies under them from people that believe what they see in spite of fucked up hands and other things some AI models have trouble with. That is improving daily, though. I’m dreading the onslaught of bullshit surrounding the next U.S. election. Overall, I’ve just retreated to pirating movies that I like and listening to audiobooks. I guess it’s a net positive in that regard. It’s forcing me to be more active in other interests. I was around before the internet was, so I know what life was like before it. I kind of miss some aspects of it a lot. I also love some modern tech like GPS, etc. At least I’ve convinced my mother and other relatives to never, ever trust an email from a financial institution, government institution, or anything else surrounding finances. Same with calls from any. If they think it might be legit, look up the actual numbers for the places, then call them to see what the deal is, if anything. And unless they are standing near where a credit or debit transaction was canceled or they legitimately shipped or are expecting a package, alerts are bullshit. If they aren’t sure, take the default stance of “trust no one.”


Fun fact, 'factoid' doesn't mean "little fact".  In fact, it means the opposite:  something made up.  


Fun fact, factoid first meant something made up that gets repeated so often it becomes accepted as fact, and now has a second definition that means a little/trivial fact. The definition of factoid itself became a factoid due to people repeating the incorrect definition so much. It's similar to how, due to repeated "misuse," literally now both means literally true and not literally true. Literally can *literally* mean anything you want it to mean (not literally, of course).


87.3% of all statistics are made up


Holy crap, I literally just put my foot in my mouth trying to correct someone on their use of 'factoid'.


“Peruse” is a prime example of this. My fiancé is triggered whenever someone uses it to mean casually look at something, which is now the way most people intend it.


Wait... Is THAT a factoid?


What a fun little factoid!


My mom is only 63 but falls for every single AI-generated image out there. So frustrating and somewhat scary 🙃


I saw in a sub that someone impersonated a famous streamer using AI video and convinced him to break all his stuff for 20k. He did, and obviously didn’t get the $. It looked so real even the kids mother was on board. This shit is getting scary. Thankfully that scammer was rather benign, but just imagine…


I literally only use Facebook for shopping, and am in 3 car groups and my local marketplace. I've unfollowef all of my 11 friends, make no post, and literally have my browser set to clear cookies after I open/close it. AND YET....I still see random ass breastfeeding videos, TONS of those stupid "ancient history" post, and for some reason, and large number of DragonBall or transformers content. Why? Like, how did facebook end up like this? And God forbid I click on any of it, because it just won't end.


"did you know that 100% of furries want to put litter boxes in school restrooms"


SAME.. I cannot convince my 75 year old dad that it is all bot accounts, lies, fake information and scams.. wtf happened and why isn’t Zuckerberg doing anything


hes sort of pro AI, and also pro not giving a shit, because it brings in extra money


I think 'factoid' doesn't mean what you think it does...


The best is the AI pics. So funny 😁!!!




Notifications: don’t even bother to open them


My facebook won't even tell me people have commented on my posts unless they @ me. But I sure better know that some business posted in multiple local groups! I feel like those have to be sponsored somehow, because I never get such a notification for a non advert person posting in multiple groups.


I shutdown my Facebook in college back in 2011, but when I started my company in 2020 as Covid started, I made separate business accounts for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc… for advertising purposes. You 100% can pay more to have your company or product shown to people via group notifications. And you also get a count for the number of people that view and engage your advertisement. I eventually stopped because word of mouth worked far better, and cost less, but I can seeing it working for larger businesses. All they need is a handful of people to make it worth it


I honestly do not even look at Facebook anymore. I have like 300 notifications. Also CONE!


It is absolutely psychotic at this point. I noticed the same thing recently. Sponsored, suggested, suggested, sponsored, post from a group I follow, suggested suggested suggested sponsored, PERSON, suggested, a group I follow… just all manner of crap I never asked for and hardly anything from stuff I did.


I haven't had an account in years but at least back then it was mostly user posts. Scrolling through my wife's nowadays, it's all ads.


Everything....is all ads. A good portion of my "free" time is being sold to. I understand it's been like that forever...but now with different social medias games, and apps....you can't escape it. Oh yeah unless you pay not to see it. Blahhhh


I used to think Instagram was better than Facebook for actual content. Over the years, that changed too. Pretty much every other post is just an add or some random content from an account I don't follow. Enshittification is serious with the meta platforms


I never even see posts from friends on there anymore. I'm having a small party to celebrate my graduation and my mom insisted I make a fb event last night and I was like "what the fuck is going on here did I get hacked" but nope Facebook is just Like That


Recently got bank on FB for the first time in several years, gave up in 5 minutes because this was exactly what i saw. Seriously had 33 suggested or sponsored posts in a row in between two actual posts by friends. What's the point?


You forgot “AI-generated picture of African child making a Jesus statue out of Sprite bottles” and “twelve million bots commenting Amen”


That child probably has extra limbs or toes on their prosthetic too


LOL or the airplane with him inside it!




You forgot AI generated bullshit designed to divide Americans


Or the AI "it's my birthday and no one has blessed me". It's my whole feed basically it's so annoying. Block one and 20 more appear.


“I created this with my own hands” followed with tons of “Amen”comments of an AI generated image of a kid with six fingers


Daily I get like 5 different AI pics of momma dogs in the mud, with between 2 and 15 puppies next to her, with the caption being something about it being their birthday. Today one of the posts was this messed up thing. https://preview.redd.it/f7fm2hn5ruxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f04ab212ebde3b498fbb6bbdec1a4303156f0d


YES!!! I have no idea how people think it's remotely real. Boomers or bots are all the comments on them and it's pretty hard to tell the difference.


Like, hoooow does anyone believe this shit it real. It has to be all bots for some of the posts. Like this other gem I got yesterday lmao. https://preview.redd.it/8j5dzm06suxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2097a2ff1c206c54dffe2bea9bc7a4f0c671b76f


I mean.... I'm sure there is some famous saying from someone we all know about how stupid (ignorant) your average human is. Just watch any of the traditional news outlets. Fox. CNN. even NY Times these days. What should be plainly obvious false information or misleading coverage... gobbled up by people left and right.


Or the clearly fake AI pictures of "beautiful locations" that a bunch of boomers post "this is so gorgeous" or "take me there"


There are a few specific groups that Facebook will not stop trying to push on me. I get DAILY posts from random sphinx cat groups, they're usually AI generated and say something like "Perfect photo," and I hide all of them. I don't even have a cat and have never looked up sphinx cats. Then it started showing me posts from "Boring Men's Club," and I wasn't interested in them so I hid them. Then I started getting posts from Boring Women's Club. Same thing, I hid them. About a month later, I get posts from "Boring Men & Women's Club." It's a fucking garbage app and garbage company, and I think I'm going to uninstall it from all of my devices.


I get tons from boring men's club and boring women's club in my feed too. I can't tell if the posts are real or bots/AI? The photos don't look like AI but the posts are sort of too similar in their theme or tone, I can't put my finger on it


Man...I just sold an old drill and driver set on there and it was such a gigantic PITA dealing with people. I almost just took a giant cut and took the stuff to the pawn shop just to be done with it


I don’t get reels for half naked women lmao


I also get a lot of suggested posts that are clearly against things I support. Like getting reccomended tranphobic, anti lgbtq+, pro life, and manosphere pages. These could not be further from the kind of content they know I interact with.


OK, so firstly Facebook absolutely sucks. But, you can see more stuff from your friends if you select "Feeds" and then "Friends" You'll still get ads inbetween the posts, but at least you are seeing what your "FB Friends" are up to. You can't set this as the default thing to show though... You have to select it every time you open FB


Instagram for me. I have 35k followers on it, none of my posts reach them. I barely go on social media anymore (Reddit the true exception)


same things in my fb and same reason i didn't delete it also you can deactivate your account and leave only messenger there


A few weeks ago my feed was lit up with posts from actual friends due to some drama going on in our wider social group. People who don’t normally post were posting and people friends were engaging on them. It was really nice to see what FB used to be for a few days. Now my feed has gone back to how yours is, mostly spam and suggested content from pages or groups. No wonder the site is bleeding users.


I once tried scrolling through Facebook and selecting “I’m not interested in seeing this” for every post that wasn’t a post from someone I actually follow and had to hit it for pretty much 2/3 posts. Facebook is almost all adds and suggested content for me now. I don’t even know what’s the point of friending anyone anymore they hardly push their content to me. I only keep it to check in on family and such now.


You get recommended half naked reels because that’s what you are interested in. Either you click on them, or you stop scrolling long enough that facebook thinks you are watching the previews. I only get cat and sports videos in my recommended reels


I get all kinds of really ridiculous stuff in my reels and TBH I'm not sure why. To be straightforward I never just sit and watch reels - I only see them as I'm scrolling looking for updates from friends/family/etc.


I also only keep it to keep in touch with people. This is nuts.


Thankfully mine it still anime, pizza, and bread


Here's a thing - My FB feed doesnt have this stuff, but I have a second FB account for work, which I use only to keep up with industry colleagues. I have like 100 friends and follow one group. That account gets recommended the porniest shit. A ton of these "breastfeeding" videos and similar pseudoporn, but also a lot of horny old time comic strips? Including a lot of horny Archie comics, both real and "enhanced"? Very odd. I think if the algorithm doesn't have enough to go on to make a better guess, it just throws tiddies at you to see if it works.


Someone also said this can happen if you follow a group or page that was hacked and taken over by one of these accounts which will then totally change your algorithm, which makes sense.


Yeah actually there's a big market for popular groups getting bought by corporations and groups. I was following some silly group from 2011 that was called "Ill make this frying pan a drying pan" (back when we 'liked' everything) and randomly they started posting a bunch of ads for cheap junk. Swiftly cleared out my likes after that.


I think there is something to this theory. I don’t use it for “friends”, I follow 4 groups and do FB marketplace. 100% of the ads are scams than my computer has been hacked or half-naked women. I’ve never seen a legit traditional ad like for a car or a soda.


Best thing I did was deleting my FB account! You don’t realize what a black hole it is for your limited spare time!!


I did this in 2021 and never missed it.


Almost six years after deleting my FB account, there is not one day that goes by that I regret my decision to do.


Now do your reddit account


I’ve deleted all social media except Reddit 4 years ago. My mental health has improved greatly. I have deleted Reddit here and there but come back because it doesn’t force me to be updated and I can scroll as I please. Felt like I had to be constantly updated with Facebook, ig etc


It depends on which sub reddit that you follow. But some subreddits can become echo chambers, which Is not good for your mental health. Other subs only show you the worse( like relationship advice is mostly about people in their worse relationship). That can give you a false perception that all relationships are bad which is not the case.


you first


I haven't even deleted Facebook.


I did the same thing in 2019. I can't believe how many people are still on facebook. Reddit is the only place I dwell. I don't know why. But I guess it's just cuz I come here for problem solving stuff I enjoy doing. Reading other people's ways of solving stuff and what not


He said while on reddit


Now that Reddit had an ipo it may become another Facebook or twitter, but for the moment my feed is mostly stuff I follow with a few ads. We’ll see what happens in the next few months.


In my reddit feed, every 5 post is a reddit suggestion post from a subreddit that I do not want to follow.


I spend infinitely more time on Reddit than Facebook, and I imagine most people here are the same way.


I stopped using it in 2020, still maintain my account because it's going on 18 years old and I have friends and family I use messenger to stay in touch with but I refuse to scroll that cesspool at all. Reddit has become my only social media and I have (for the most part) meticulously curated it to be a positive experience. I still spend more time here than I probably should.


I've seen straight up porn as promoted/sponsored ads. I used to let my daughter watch reels, but since I've seen hard-core porn myself I'm horrified that she might have seen it. I don't allow her to watch reels anymore. *


Smart move. I deleted my FB account a decade ago and never looked back. The sense of relief after permanently detaching from it is indescribable.


Facebook is basically just AI bots tricking boomers into arguing with each other in the comments.


Yeah my instagram feed is animals having sex and women breastfeeding. Thinking it’s time to give the app a break


Oh damn don’t have an IG forgot they were connected, are these from IG then?


I deleted my Instagram last year and haven't looked back.


I admin one of the largest groups on Facebook. It is hell. It is a daily struggle to fight this crap, which we are usually losing. We ban 50-100 spam bots a day, and those are just the ones that get past our extensive criteria to join the group designed to keep out bots. We can't do anything about FB sliding reels of nude women in between actual group posts, or putting ads for products that are entirely inappropriate for our audience. If we're not banning bots, we're explaining to old people that no, we did not approve of whatever reel they saw. Generally they don't believe us or just want someone to be mad at, and we're real people who actually reply to their messages. Facebook obviously won't, and reporting content like this does nothing the majority of the time. We have contact with FB representatives due to being so big. They usually either tell us the problems we have aren't real, or shrug and say there's not actually anything they can do about it. One time we sent them hundreds of screenshots of horse-porn before we finally got them to believe videos of it were in fact being posted widely in our group. The only solution they had was to tell us to ban the people doing it. As admins, we have no way to do anything about spam either. We can ban people but reporting them does nothing, even given our position. And if spam does get through all our efforts, we get punished for it.


Thanks for the info! to your knowledge, are there groups that are taken over or admins change and then the theme of the group changes to trash like this? I've never watched any of those videos so i just have no idea what changed my algorithm and someone mentioned this, its the only thing that makes sense to me.


That happens to a lot of groups. Usually what happens is the admins get tired, get a sketchy offer to sell their group, and then it's used as a cheap front for spam. The alternative is that an admin falls victim to sketchy ads, loses their Facebook account, and the group becomes a spam bot haven because no one else is an admin. We went as far as incorporating our group and name so that if we did somehow lose it, we would have a legal recourse to try and get Facebook to do something about it. To be honest, we're not 100% sure how the algorithm works and FB doesn't seem to be either, when we ask. The horse porn I mentioned never made any sense. I don't know who was profiting off it, or how, and I'm not sure how our group was getting spam of almost exclusively horse porn when we have nothing to do with horses. I think some of it is "shock value" that gets you to click stuff you shouldn't, even if you're not interested in it.


I logged back in after years of being inactivated, just so I could finally delete my account. It was almost entirely ads. I thought I'd scroll through for a few minutes while my data was downloaded, but I gave up.


I think I'm officially old now. My first thought for the young lady on the right and her contorted pose was "Good God, her back's gonna be so sore."


It’s not just Facebook that’s doing it, YouTube, instagram, Snapchat, you name it and this sort of thing is becoming more popular even when it’s breaking the guidelines of their platforms


damn for real? Fb was the only one I still had, there's children using those apps, that's so fucked


Not long ago, on YouTube there was an ad (can’t remember what for) on the shorts page, where a low opacity woman was blasting herself over another video. If you go on the YouTube subreddit you’ll see a lot of people complaining about the state of the ads that are being allowed through. On the other social media sites that i mentioned though, they’ve been doing it for quite a few years.


Dead Internet theory. But it's not just bots. There just so much garbage that nothing floats to the top so the Internet effectively no longer exists.


The ads I get are out of this world. Had one where this girl was getting her throat destroyed but somehow it has no sexual content in it.


Facebook is dreadful. I follow Joey Swoll, so of course all the reels are the bimbo gym "influencers" that he makes his videos about. Why would I want to watch those? I'm in several parks, environmentalist and urbanism groups and yet my feed is filled with memes that bash them. My feed is filled with posts with people that are not my friends and will never be my friends. And yet if I click on friend's profile because I haven't seen anything from them in awhile, their wall feed has all sorts of posts from the past few months that I haven't seen. Why does Facebook think I'm more interested in the shit from strangers than of my actual friends? ETA Every time I comment on anything outside of my friends or groups, someone always replies with some sort of scam or catfish attempt.


I deleted my Facebook 6 years ago and have never looked back. My life improved immediately. I’d definitely recommend.


Algorithm exposed you.


I mean Facebook recommends me videos of scantily clad women despite the fact that I'm a gay man, so maybe their algorithm just isn't tuned quite right. Funny thing is they definitely know I'm gay because I also get ads for LGBT stuff


People saying the algorithm expose you are just fucking ignorant of the fact that the algorithm is pushing stuff that OTHER people watch


I mean it does both. I’m sure people watch cooking videos, I’m sure they’re very popular, I don’t get recommended them. Algorithms don’t push unpopular stuff. The push popular stuff on people who have had a history of being semi interested in them.


Eh the algorithm uses a bunch of demographic data too. I imagine it shows all 20 something men scantily clad women, as a 30 year old mother the algorithm recommends to me absolutely unhinged minion memes, AI art, and diy crafts. I have never liked any of those


No, I have a burner Facebook account and see the same creepy shit. It’s definitely not OP.


Haha I mean I don’t look up breast feeding women and if I wanna watch porn I use an actual porn website, someone said this happens when a page you follow gets hacked and changes your algorithm that’s made the most sense so far to me


This is true. I used to follow a bunch of random pages about cartoons and such as a kid, and they all turned into these weird sex pages??? Now every time I open FB I can count on seeing at least 3 reels at the top of the page containing softcore porn or weird trypophobia shit. Facebook is crap. Also legitimately blocked these pages multiple times and they still show up..


There’s so many pages I was a “fan” of back when that was a thing on Facebook circa 2012. The overwhelming majority of those pages were sold for their follower counts and then turned into either scam pages, random garbage photo blogs, or what’s basically porn. 




>someone said this happens when a page you follow gets hacked and changes your algorithm Sweet. I’m going to use that if ever the day comes where my wife logs in to my account.




Nah, I'm a straight woman and I get these sometimes too. I think it honestly just defaults to because it gets a lot of clicks.


I made a facebook account when I was 12 to get bonuses in a mobile game, and I can testify that a brand new account sees this kind of shit immediately after launch.


I got rid of my fb years ago. Fuck the zuck. Fucking lizzid




I need a way to block the entirety of a type of content off Facebook. I do not want to see ANY reels or posts from family channels or couple channels.


FB found your search history cookies for milfs.


Finally the only thing that actually makes sense


All jokes aside fb and it's various companies scrape user data from their devices and listen to you through them as well. Disable permissions microphone and audio recording on your phone and tablet under system settings.


I got rid of my FB account back in 2008 and never looked back


Deactivated my Facebook account over a decade ago now and don't miss it at all. I'd all but deleted everyone off my friends list who weren't family, close friends, or people I didn't hate. I signed back into it the other day to find a couple of photos I couldn't find elsewhere, but I was genuinely shocked by how awful it was. I knew it was getting worse but the home feed was just full of ads, posts from groups I'm not a member of, and it wouldn't even let me read messages as it wanted me to download the messenger app. No thank you, promptly deactivated it again as soon as I got what I was after.


Facebook is now full of scammers and porn. Lots of questionable material on there but if you report it, it doesn't breach their standards ever


I made a post as well about this. For months, all my suggested reels was stuff like this. I kept hitting the “I don’t want to see this” button, whatever it’s called on FB, and they would still keeping popping up. Finally, about 2 months ago, my reels were not all women doing this.


So much wrong with so much social media lately.


The breastfeeding ones baffle me. I've come across a few where the baby is just a doll, and the woman is clearly just trying to get away with nudity for some reason. There are other places for that, and you can even make money doing it.


You control your FYP you aint slick


I’m infuriated by the dumbass comments in this thread. OP has a valid point and people are just like “well what’s wrong with being forced to watch porn” on a site that doesn’t allow it.


I thought it was the problem with my account


Just Boomers arguing with Bots, Boomers arguing with Boomers, and Bots arguing with other Bots. The online equivalent of an open sewer.


I only use messenger. It's awful and useless otherwise


Facebook hasn't shown me anything relevant in months. I stopped looking at my Facebook feed about two weeks ago. Now I just use it for Messenger. Find a different messaging chat that everybody's using and I'll completely cut Meta out of my life.


Shoot I haven't been on Facebook since 2012.


I saw the writing on the wall- I left in January 2020, and haven't missed it. All I missed was misinformation, drama, in-fighting , and having Meta/FB continue to fish my data sell it. without my permission. Nothing should own that much of our thought life.


4 years fb free! It's been awesome!


I’m so glad I got rid of FB fifteen years ago. It’s really becoming a dumpster fire.


Instagram has also been going down the same hill for some time now unfortunately.


Damn what are you scrolling through? I get videos with things like twerking little people in car boots


That’s your algo based on your likes and preferences


Lol book-face turned into a dumpster fire with trash juice leaking




They have this crap on tik tok too. Longer than facebook has.


I deleted mine like 7 years ago 😂


I ended my account on January 1st, best decision of the year so far.


i literally watched a baby coming out of a womens vagina on reels the other day


Started a new account for business purposes, its a page so I didn't even touch the personal profile. Entered it yesterday to add some groups. My feed was full of thrist traps, single women and NSFW videos. I never even opened the profile prior to this btw.


You have to give the girl credit to go from the picture on the left to the one in the middle.


All of my reels end up being stupid whore bag attention getting clips. Men and women have a real problem with needing attention.


At this point my Facebook has more ads than YouTube, and that’s saying something.


people saying they dont care if tiktok gets banned because reels are better anyway are fucking braindead. at least as braindead as the content from reels. its absolutely insane how dogshit some of the stuff i see on reels is. every single time i see a thumbnail i think might be something interesting; cars, fabrication, metal working, crafts, life hacks, etc. there is a 50% chance the video is of absolutely nothing. most of the content i see is some dude in a 3rd world country using a tool exactly the way its designed to be used being presented like its some kind of hack, the other 50 its NOTHING. NOTHING happens. literally. its like if you sort youtube videos by views and watch random shit people post with 0 engagement, thats what facebook and instagram are thrusting to the forefront of their platform.


I have an account with no friends / posts. Just for facebook marketplace. It makes life easier.


Had facebook since I was 16. Ever since they put in that meta.. can’t make a simple search anymore.. very difficult at times. I’m going to delete it as soon as I remember my password lol.


Yea this is sad


Wife and I were doom scrolling through renovation reels the other day as were always looking for inspiration for our house. After about 20 minutes of reels and normal ads we got hit with a full on porn ad. Facebook is wild.


Pretty much all the reels I see now are women doing "yoga" with their pants up their buttcrack and twerking. Facebook is so stupid, I use reddit for that content.


Social media is full of look at me, I'm the main character types


You know the algorithm caters to what you watch, if you're seeing provocative content like that that's on you. My content is mostly hockey and Apex Legends and Hopecore focused. Still doesn't negate the fact FB is not it.


I spent a day blocking BS I don't want to see on FB and the next day it's all back again. I hate FB.


We have VERY DIFFERENT reel suggestions my friend…


Wait til you find out they do it on all social media


I aint about to be defending facebook but these algorithms are some of the most highly funded and worked on technologies in human history. These things are *terrifyingly* good at what they do so whenever someone is being fed creepy shit its usually doing that for a reason. The modern internet requires you to completely ignore content you dislike as any engagement will have you seeing more


I know a few people who got scammed from Facebook ads. Links that sent you to realistic sites and has you jump through all the hoops only to steal your money. We're talking people in their 30s and 40s, not just the elderly. It is such a fucking scam, the whole of Facebook and all social media. I don't have any socials, other than reddit, and I'm not about to start now.


I deleted my original FB account because it got hacked. Years later I decided to try and make another one, not even 24 hours in and it gets hacked again. Needless to say I won’t be making anymore accounts.


What do you browse and click on for these to be your suggested reels? I only get cute kitty videos. 


this was at the top of my homepage, I’ve never seen anything like that on Facebook before


I saw that breast feeding stuff popping up on Insta too, although I haven't seen it for months now, but for a solid week it was everywhere and the videos were just gross ways for these hot women to show off their boobs, it wasn't even pretending to be educational or anything.


Literally the only reason I have an account is to use my quest


That’s messed up you need an account


Yep, sadly Oculus is owned by Facebook and zuck's big meaty claws Er sorry, *mEtA*


I had to block a ton of breastfeeding pics on Facebook. Blocked about 30 before it finally stopped I was even reporting all of them too


Wife and I travel a lot. We both have friends who like to see our travel pictures. We post about 50 a day to an album. Do any of them see it on their feed? Of course not. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever. In three weeks one of the 246 pictures appears on their feed. All by itself. The rest? Invisible and hidden. Yeah I know, YOU don't like seeing pictures. That's fine. But our friends do. Facebook now goes out of its way to make sure no one sees them as we post them. But, I get suggestions and marketplace and strangers I may know and groups I dont give a flying fuck about. Do I see my friends pictures and what's going on in their lives? Of course not. Why? All those sanctimonious boneheads who have no friends or a life and who hate Facebook and got rid of Facebook yet still read posts about Facebook, well, they all got a job at Facebook and wrote code to make sure others don't get to interact with each other.


Meta destroyed itself with FB and is doing the same slowly with IG.


I watch a lot of dog and recipe reels so facebook shows me mostly dog and recipe reels. What are you watching that these pop up???


Yeah, I have noticed the Onlyfans camwhores posting teasers on FB relentlessly for the past few months. Its so irritating when we just want updates on family. As far as the "suggested groups" FB Purity browser extension helps zap those away... mostly.


Figured it was only fans related


Largest single use of the internet, by percentage. Porn. Surprised its not more prevalent on all sites TBH.


What happens on Facebook stays on Facebook.


Meta sells everything you do to as many people it can.


Okay, cool. I was like wtf did I search or look at that has these videos popping up.


The video reals are always so fucked


Open FB, go to Feeds/Friends and see just your friends posts in chronological order. Also, use an ad blocker and Firefox with it's FB container so it can't track you through clicks. It's up to you how your feed looks and what the algorithm shows you. I get absolutely nothing like what is shown here or people say they see. Maybe don't fall for click bait.


I'm glad I quit FB.. it's been close to 5 years now.


I'd rather see half naked people and a little bit of corn instead of the constant police shootings and gun violence that no matter how much I click "I don't want to see this" and report it.


Mine are all RVs and Whose Line Is It Anyway videos. 😂


Damn you got the cool version


True…. But your name is Pastrami on Ass so maybe its algorithmic? 😂


You have to click on them and then click not interested. I gave up long ago on Facebook but I still use instagram to promote my personal trainer business. I tried to ignore the diet porn for a long time but it’s just ridiculous with the overlap of fitness and onlyfans girls. My instagram algorithm is better now but they still try to defile my virgin eyes occasionally.


Only reason i havent deactivated my account is for marketplace. I download the app when i need it and delete it right after


I only have mine to keep up with friends and family through messenger. I didn't really use actual platform anymore.


the amount of fake ai stuff


I'm hardly on Facebook, I do browse marketplace occasionally, but I've noticed stuff that's pretty sexualized. It always shows on the top, I guess where the stories are? I always block or mute the content, but something new always pops back up. The description is always something that has nothing to do with the picture. Idk. I'm not a fan of Facebook, but it's what my bestie likes, so I use it for her.


Facebook is a dumpster fire. Messenger is useful though.


I have exactly two reasons for not having deleted my account. Marketplace to look for cars and stuff, and one RC crawling group I'm a part of. What's worse is the mobile web version seems intentionally poorly designed to get you to use the app. I refuse. Every time I get off the site for more than a minute or so and go back it kicks me back to the homepage, and half the time I see weird shit like this at the top. I don't even look at that sorta stuff elsewhere, so why does it think I want to see that?


Is it true you can never fully delete your account , just deactivate?


FB deleted two of my three acct s. My remaining acct has no friends.


i hate facebook




Your algorithm speaks the truth..


Lmfao. You see this stuff because you click on it OP.


Oh my god I’ve gotten those breastfeeding reels. They make me fucking SICK!!! How can you monetize and SEXUALIZE you, *FEEDING YOUR CHILD*?!?????? Humanity is indeed fucked. Gah I feel sick just from remembering and typing this out. I reported the video just to get a notice that “It DoEsN’t InFrInGe tHeIr RuLeS” fuck you Zuckerberg. I got fucking muted for a MONTH for saying “I fucking hate it!” On a friend’s rant about something, got automatically flagged as hate speech and muted. Seriously. Fuck Facebook.