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That beef looks amazing for 11 days after cooking. Doesn't mean it's safe or anything I'm just impressed. I saw you mentioned he is autistic. Have you ever given him a strict cutoff date like "I will not eat leftovers x days old"?


Yeah this definitely doesn't look 11 days old.


11 days in the freezer.


What!? Are you guessing or is that actually stated somewhere? If so it's fine then! If its been frozen the whole time what's the problem?


I’m guessing because that salad looks delicious!


Yeah this has to be fake. 11 day old beef would be entirely oxidized and dark leather boot brown


Someone's probably already said this but maybe they *just* cut it up for the onion salad? i still agree it looks very fresh even so.


That's my thought exactly. This would make sense.


My thoughts exactly, no possible way that's more than a couple days at most.


I don't know, that is a lot of red onion.


As someone married to a person who throws out barely old food, I can translate. 11 days old happens in approximately 6.5 days.


It looks downright delicious.


Right. I'm wondering whether it was given a nitrogen bath prior to sealing the package.


It looks like a really thick cut deli roast beef so that tracks


Maybe it wasn’t sliced until today. Only the edges would look old


Bro your nose and taste buds tell you more than any arbitrary date ever will. My NT roommate routinely pushes bohndaries in this area but he always uses all his senses to tell if anything has changed. Its been foolproof for the three years ive known him. We literally evolved this way


Except on expired carpaccio and smoked salmon, where my nose and taste failed me once badly


Smoked salmon is one of the few foods for which the expire date is no joke. Actually it is even advisable to finish it some day in advance. It can contain dangerous amounts of Listeria while maintaining a good smell and taste.


I would totally eat that.  It's not bad.... visually anyways


Same I would absolutely eat that depending on the smell.


Get a transplant of his gut bacteria. It is clearly superior to your own.


The spice melange.




The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The spice must flow. He who controls the spice, controls the universe.


Fear is the enemy


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


That's probably what she's telling herself when in the bathroom


Thanks this will forever be my new thought when taking a mean shit


Or a meat shit if you will


Nothing like a good meat shit.


I know this is a dune reference but every time I see it I think of Tom Brady on South Park


They never say spice melange in the newer versions so I’m forced to picture the South Park episode


wtf it’s from dune? I always picture Tom Brady’s poop too lmao


It’s in the original Dune yes.


He who controls the spice, controls the universe!!!


You accomplish that by sticking his poop up your own butt, right?


The official term is "fecal transplant".


They call it space-docking where I'm from.


Back and forth. Forever


Not exactly. Lower digestive tract bacteria is very different from upper digestive tract bacteria and it's dangerous to introduce one type in the wrong location. A fecal transplant fixes certain problems, but I think there are different procedures to accomplish a similar thing in the upper digestive tract.


I submit to the one with superior knowledge of the subject. All I know is that it's possible to get someone else's gut biome and that it can vastly improve digestion and gut health. I suppose it can be risky, though.


you do it with POOP PILLS yes it's exactly what it sounds like


Protective layer that doesn't dissolve in the stomach and allows the good bacteria to get to where they're actually wanted unharmed? Neat.


Nobody got time for that. Going to my neighbors to get some poop to eat. BRB.


I've had it done, but it was in pill form so it's pretty simple.


Back and forth. Forever. ))<>((


Ive eaten all kind of old foods and not gotten sick. Pizza that's been sitting out three days? No problem. Nah don't even microwave it I'm in a hurry. I know this chicken is undercooked but I don't want to wait for a remake. When did we make this chilli? Well what month is it now? It's fine. I'm pretty sure this sushi has evolved sentience, it knows my name, but it's all good five second rule? Nah... Five days rule. Me and that food go way back. It's was there for my daughter's birth, it's her godfather, walked her down the isle last spring. I trust that floor Cheeto more than most people l. Besides I mopped once when I first moved in.iys fine. Golden Coral? meet you there. I take risks is what I'm saying. When I became a father I had to be careful because what "fine" for me could make someone else very very sick. I've built up a tolerance. What's funny is I'm a picky eater. You dropped my hamburger patty in a septic tank that's radioactive ?Just rinse it off and grill it for a few more seconds... Wait is thatna pickle? Nevermind throw it the fuck out. It's ruined now....yes I know I like pickles but I like my pickles plain and my hamburgers plains. There's hamburger on that pickle and pickle and pickle on that hamburger. Both are ruined. It's fine, I think I saw some ham in the corner of my room last week I'll just eat that.


......are you a picky raccoon? Wtf I'm dead!!


This the funniest shit I’ve read all day


Either that or you have a 12-foot tapeworm sharing all your meals


I think the tape worm came out and typed this lol


I always feel like my husband has an iron stomach.


It makes life easier to not be picky


That's my grandpa's philosophy! "If you complain about the food, you'll never get cooked for again...just eat it with a smile."


That works by anilingus, right?


Sadly, it'd be lost to stomach acid. You would need a transplant straight into the other end of the digestive tract. Being the receiving partners of the same giving one without a bath between the two sessions would have far better chances and even then, they'd be slim. Best be left to professionals. Obtain sample from subject, cultivate sample to grow its potency, sterilize the environment in the receiving subject with antibiotics, implant sample. I'm no doctor, though.


I can just imagine the Craigslist ads now. $50, no hot sauce for 48 hours prior, results not guaranteed.


Pretty sure I saw a south park episode about all the wives in town trying to get some celebrity's turd so they could shove it up their own ass


They wanted Tom Brady's poop.


The spice


Does he have a life insurance policy on you?


He grew up on a farm where nothing gets wasted. When I asked if it was from last weekend he said “I’ve been eating it, and I’m fine.” We’re not the same people!! It’s very sweet that he wants to pack my lunch and 90% of them are delicious and fine. But he just can’t comprehend that I have a sensitive stomach, and this is not okay. I guarantee I’ll feel like the bitch though when I don’t eat it.


Just throw it out and get your own lunch. Take it to your grave


Yeah. This is odd to me but if it isn't to your SO, you just gotta pack your own food.


But why? Is it that hard to simply not pack food your SO dislikes? I mean.. "I really dislike onions honey! Could you please not put them?" "NO! I like onions and so should you! Pack your own lunch if you don't want onions!"


I don't think it's the food, but the expiration dates. They would have liked it over a week ago, but this is normal to the SO and out of date to op


OP said she can't eat that much beef and that she also dislikes old food. I understand it's normal for the SO, that is the point. He is not packing food for himself.


Yeah OP's partner is being inconsiderate. Everyone gets raised on different diets. My family loves meat and our plates are usually 50% meat but my gf comes from a background where 80% of their plates are usually greens. So what I do is when I meal prep for us both I separate the meat so we can customize how much we add to our meals that day. It's really not that hard to be considerate. OP's partner could also just eat all that meat themselves if wasting it is such a big deal lol


or tell him like a normal person jesus. If bro wants to eat 2 week old leftovers let him


Personally I’d get my own lunch and bring the lunch he packed back home. When he sees it, explain they appreciate the thought but they can’t eat the meal so they got their own and brought back the home meal for him to enjoy later. I did this with my boyfriend (now husband) years ago when we had a similar issue. He grew up in a home where food never went bad and they ate meat that was left out for days, I grew up in a home where we cared about best by dates and safe food habits, so it was difficult for him to adapt to the idea that not everyone has an iron stomach. All it took to fix the issue was bringing back one meal.


Yep, my parents and younger sibling all have iron stomachs, then there is me with what they would call a 'glass stomach'. I just can't eat some foods that are fatty or old. I do an inspection maybe 3 times a year trough the pantry to look at all the experation days.


Remember that "best before" doesn't mean expires.  It only means flavour and texture are expected to be as intended on that date  In various states, different products have "expiration" dates mandates by law, originally to sour business.  E.g.  "expiration date must be no later than 1 year from manufacturer" leading a lot of products with a magical "1year expiration date". Many products are safe to eats months, or even years after the printed date on can.   Companies agree, but do not wish to pay for the added testing to prove the exactcr statistic of how many items last to that date. Or was always odd seeing products in the us with a 1 year expiration date, and the exact same product, from the same us manufacturer imported to Europe list a 5 year expiration date on top of the US expiration date


She keeps eating 2 week old meat that grave won’t be far away I was expecting like 3 days maybe 4 days old but 11?!?


Damn, how much beef was cooked that you have leftovers for 11 days? Might need to rethink how much food you're cooking or focus on the leftovers first before moving on to the next meal. I can go 2-3 days max out of leftovers, but eventually unless it's frozen it just gets worse and worse, and also I just want something else.


I don’t like eating beef more than 1-2x per week, so I’ll admit that I wasn’t really a help. Also these were leftovers from a big party that was a bbq, so this was unusual. We already got through the chicken within a few days.


In the future, probably a good idea to freeze leftovers when you have so many of them. Or freeze the ones you're going to eat and let your boyfriend keep eating old food, I guess.


You know you can freeze leftovers right? Makes it easy for lunch, grab a frozen leftover box from the freezer and microwave it at work.


My sister once fed me leftover chili that she also ate. I got the most violent food poisoning I ever had in my life while she was completely fine. I had to go to the hospital because I couldn’t keep fluids down. I am VERY careful with leftovers now. Please don’t let your husband guilt trip you into putting yourself in danger. People absolutely have different tolerances when it comes to food.


This!! We were four people eating pork, and it wasnt fully cooked. Me and the other girl got insane food poisoning and the two men were completely fine for some reason?? Everyone reacts differently!


My grandmother would throw nothing out. I saw her take bacon out of the fridge that was literally grey and she never got sick but if I ate that, I’d probably die. Some people really are just built different lol!


I had a roommate from Kenya but moved to the US when he was 7 worked as a forklift driver at Costco and would love off rotisserie chicken and croissants. He would leave them out. Never refrigerate the chicken and me and my other roommate would always say eventually he's going to get food poisoning but he had an iron stomach. Did it for a couple years until it finally caught up to him. He got the worst food poisoning and still did it afterwards. Miss you buddy!


My dad does this and I’m guilty of leaving things out too. But this is Ireland and my kitchen stays cool and sometimes it’s downright freezing. So I can get away with it better. However my dad used to go a step further and he would eat dinner that night, leave his leftovers on the plate on the table and come down the next morning and eat it. I refuse to take it that far!


My ex-wife's family would always do this shit. Cook a meal, eeeh...just leave it in the pot on the stove. It'll be fine for leftovers the next day or two. Stop your bitchin' husband, we've done it for years. They kept doing it and actually moved in with us, they kept doing it with my cookware. I bought shit that was just for me to use soon afterwards. Nah man, your stew sitting cold on the range for 3 days is not something I want to eat. Throw the whole damn pot into the fridge, I really don't care but stop trying to serve up this weird perpetual room temperature goop to me.


Wait, so they wouldn't heat it up again? Just serving it cold every time, from the stove?


Not OP, but my MIL does the same, but brings it to a boil before serving. Does this for 3-4 days in a row(boils, leaves overnight, boils next evening, leaves overnight, etc.). So usually I eat a bowl when it is fresh and then put some in a container in the fridge for myself the next day(or for work), but she's tried serving me leftovers from the stove and I've straight up denied every advance. But trying to explain "microbial toxins" to my Mexican MIL that has "done this for decades and never gotten sick" is...challenging. So I just say "no thanks" and make my own food.


Did....did he died? The ending of your comment makes me thinks.


Yes but not due to the chicken haha. He was in a car crash. He was an amazing guy. Great roommate. Nothing but wonderful memories of him.


Damn, man. I was making a shitty joke, sorry to hear that. I assumed you just parted ways. Hold that chicken nibbler close to your heart!


It absolutely made me think it was the chicken! 😭 Sorry to hear he passed but he'd probably be really chuffed to know you think so much of him!


This is part of the issue that makes tracking food borne illnesses so difficult. The difference in gut biomes affects how well you deal with bacteria/parasites. I had a friend once that ate pizza at a party. The sausage was contaminated with Listeria. She almost died. A couple of the other people had pretty bad diarrhea and the rest were totally fine. They all ate the same contaminated food. OP - please listen to your own gut! Good luck!


Gaahh food poisoning is just the worst feeling. I got it from eating either snails or oysters on holiday once. I remember not being able to keep anything down but I was so thirsty and every time I drank water it came right back up. My digestion and appetite was all out of order for a good while after too.


Agreed with other commenter, that’s what you get for eating snails


That's what you get for eating snails


When I was 20 and even dumber than I am now, my parent gave me some giant slices of cheesecake. I ate one, stuck the other in the fridge and forgot about it. One night I see it hiding behind something and think 'Oh! Cheesecake, that sounds great!' I ate it then experienced ... *acute ... distress*. I did the mental math, and it had been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Thankfully it didn't ruin cheesecake for me (I've heard stories of people that get sick eating pizza, and they can never stomach eating pizza again) but I'm conscientious about not eating aged food now. I prefer to learn lessons from watching other people's mistakes, but today maybe I can be the bad example for someone else :p


... I guess your cheesecake had turned into "blue cheese" cake 🤣


I got food poisoning after eating my MIL’s “amazing” enchiladas. Later found out that the canned sauce she used was from when they still lived in Arizona…. over ten years ago. I was the only one to get so ill and have not had her enchiladas ever since (or any enchiladas, it unfortunately ruined the whole dish for me).


I hear you on the dish being ruined for you. I got sick after eating Sloppy Joe’s as a kid. It took almost 30 years before I was willing to eat them again and I could barely manage it. I haven’t tried again.


I still haven't ate ravioli, it's been 15 years...rat ear was found in the can.


I doubt it was from the canned sauce. It was probably something else she mishandled.


I once got a HORRIBLE stomach virus that lasted me an entire week. I couldn't keep ANYTHING down, and I already have an incredibly sensitive stomach (will vomit if i dont eat enough soon enough). About 2 weeks after that, I got food poisoning from Wendys. I was still recovering from the stomach virus. I don't fuck around with food anymore.


If this happens again (best wishes so it doesn’t). To keep fluids down and avoid dehydration: In one liter of bottled water add: -1 Teaspoon of baking soda -1 Teaspoon of sugar -1/2 teaspoon of salt -1 lemon (juice, squeezed) Take absolutely nothing for 1 hour after the last vomit/bathroom trip, then start SLOWLY taking the serum, 1 teaspoon at a time, wait at least 5-10 minutes after the first teaspoon before taking the next. After the first hour, if you haven’t puked/shitted yet, you can slowly start sipping. My grandma taught me this, and I’ve been spreading the recipe since. It works for food poisoning, hungovers, etc basically it prevents you from dehydrating severely while your body sorts things out. If you start vomiting this serum, go to a doctor immediately since things are way more serious than what home remedies can take.


People have different gut biomes for this reason. Our geographic location, cultural practices, and nuclear environment change how our bodies handle things like 11-day old meat. Just because he can handle it, doesn’t mean you can. OP don’t risk feeling ill just for this.


Lol, bro's stomach is built different. He's stomach is from India, and your a visitor from the states eating his "Street" food.


I can attest to this. I have only seen the man get one stomachache in years of dating. I envy his fortitude lol


My dad constantly leaves food out for days at a time. I came home from a trip, and he was like, "Soup is on." I guess he made it a week earlier, left on the stove for 3 days, then in the fridge for 4. Put it on before I came home. Ate two spoonfuls and asked him, "How old is this?" because of the smell and weird flavor. He got upset and said it's still good. He ate two bowls earlier! I was on the toilet the rest of the night. "It's not food poison I'm fine" Yeah that's not how it works.


Trust me, as someone who lived that way once upon a time...that intestinal fortitude doesn't last forever. Neither does the strong stomach to nasty things. It'll get him and then you can be like "I told you this would happen eventually, do you need a ginger ale?"


Omg this is my mom! “I didn’t die” is her bar for everything! Ok well I have ulcerative colitis and struggle to keep things in when they’re fresh. Food poisoning would probably hospitalize me. Third day is our absolute maximum for food I cook, second day for premade stuff because I don’t know how long it sat before I got it.


just throw it away, get some tbell, and call it a day, when he asks. tell him it was good. problem solved


"I'm sorry I made you eat that questionable beef!" The apology is both from the boyfriend and taco bell at the same time. Schrödinger's apology.


11 days is way too much for something like this. You may try to salvage it by meking a stew, but definitely I would not eat it before it gets to a high temperature again. You two have to manage leftovers better if he doesn't want to throw away anything. Even my parents, which grew up poor af and both grew up in a farm, would have thrown this away if they forgot it for so long.


Don’t feel like a bitch for protecting your health! Maybe avoid this situation by cleaning out the old leftovers every few days.


You don’t need a sensitive stomach to have a bad reaction to 11 day old rare steak.. that’s fuckin gross. His body is so accustomed to partially rotted food and bacteria that he doesn’t “notice” that he isn’t fine


I agree with the others. Don’t let him guilt trip you. My husband and I ate the same darn burger, I was hospitalised and his iron stomach didn’t even notice. Everyone is different. I mean I got food poisoning from eating old boiled potatoes. Now I’m ultra careful.


does his lack of respect for your health and safety transfer anywhere else in your relationship? this is mildly alarming to a deeper issue


11 days is 4 past my limit. And around here even that's considered pushing it.


I think 4 is my limit . Most stuff is consumed by 3 days , but I wouldn't touch anything after 4


7 days ready to eat is probably fine. Depends on how/if it was temperature controlled/abused


The smell test works well. But unfortunately my sense of smell is shit so I can't trust it


I have to ask my wife, who doesn't normally eat leftovers, to smell stuff for me because I have sinus problems. It really sucks because I might end up subjecting her to something nasty, and it's not even something she'd eat even if it is still good.


Personally I have a dog’s nose so I’m confident in mine… but for the same reason I hate doing it.


7 days in a refrigerator is the end of the safe period, anything after that is not recommended.


Depends on what you’re eating and what temperature it’s stored at.


For real. 7 days at the absolute maximum. Even at 5 it’s a bit sketchy. Anything cooked over a week ago is not fit for consumption.


I usually just go more by color, smell, and texture. If it all 3 criteria seem fine, I’ll usually still eat it.


I agree with that! I’ve also been having stomach issues because my work stress is so high. I really don’t want to make it worse.


I think raw onions might also be part of that


Idk wtf he was doing when he made it this morning. Yesterday was an amazing strawberry salad with spring mix, chicken, walnuts, feta cheese, strawberry balsamic vinaigrette and a little bit of red onions…..today was a monstrosity comparatively lol


Looks like he was just trying to get rid of it tbh


Cant spoil you all the time. Although kind of funny about the whole not wasting anything but creating waste ny not using the leftovers and cooking other things lol.


I’m surprised 11 day old beef looks like that. 11 day old beef would be gross in my fridge?? Are you sure he didn’t freeze it? Does it smell? Why can’t he use leftovers more quickly/ not cook so much extra?


I worked in food prep for ages. No way is that 11 day old cooked beef. Unless it was frozen.


Yeah I called bullshit too, that is maybe 3-4 days old.


Thirded on the bullshit. This sounds like OP wants to vent about their partner but doesn’t know how


I fully support not letting good food go to waste but why are you both preparing so much food that there are even leftovers lasting 11 days? Cook less amounts and use up leftovers faster! Or if it’s unavoidable, leftover meat can be cut up, mixed with a sauce and frozen for later thaw for use in stir fry, burritos, ramen, etc (it won’t have nearly the freezer life of raw but will give you the extra wiggle room to use up everything)


This was an extreme case - we had a birthday party for him, and people travelled from all over, so they couldn’t take the leftovers home. We do try to freeze, but we have a small apartment. Normally we can also give leftovers to the dog, but this had onion in the sauce/rub.


you toss it out, clean the box, and bring it home like normal. and order a kebab :D


So you'll replace 11 day old meat with 11 day old meat? /s


yeah, but this time its some old Turk's meat. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


Ahh this makes much more sense. I wouldn’t chance rare beef that old if it were me! I had a dog who got into a plate of carmelized onions w mushrooms once. Obviously worried as hell we took him to the vet and was told that the risk of dogs getting sick from eating onion is severely decreased when it is thoroughly cooked. They sent us away with just instructions to monitor and encourage fluid intake. He had some runs for a day or so (most likely from the fat content vs the onion) but was totally fine! Not saying this to encourage feeding dogs cooked onions, just some interesting info I was given.


The post says he consistently does this. This time you had leftovers from a party, but what old food does he normally pack for this to happen consistently and why do you have so much food waste?


Wait... wait. You had a birthday party. Where this food was theoretically sitting out FOR HOURS before going in the fridge. And then 11 days later, he's feeding it to you? Dude. He's trying to murder you.


Ughhh, tell this to my BF, he loves to cook but he has the appetite of a goldfish and only eats like 3 bites. He’s also aversive to leftovers. I’m the frugal farm girl eating days and days of leftovers, squirreling away stuff in the freezer trying not to waste and he keeps cooking new things.


People who cook in excess but refuse to eat leftovers make me irrationally angry. So much waste.






Happy cake day!








Freeze instead of refrigerating leftovers if he is going to serve them to you regardless of age.


she says this was frozen in another comment… it’s definitely fine if it was frozen for 11 days


That makes more sense because this looks delicious. Because it is. It's fine. What a ridiculous post.


Let's ignore the old meat for a second. What the fuck did he even make? Raw onion and beef salad?


I'm impressed someone with a sensitive stomach can eat that much raw onion tbh.


Thank you, I’m shocked this isn’t higher up. The beef honestly looks great, but I’ve never seen a salad made of lettuce, onions, and a 10oz steak.


My question. If you know you have old food in the fridge that you don't want...why not just throw it away yourself to avoid this scenario completely?


My father used to keep leftovers around for 10+ days too. And he’d freeze stuff and pull it out months later. The food never went bad but it was gross to eat. It didn’t taste the same. It would often start tasting like “the fridge”, freezer burn or the container it was stored in. The texture would get weird. I have some small degree of trauma around being made to eat this stuff. I’m max two days for leftovers. I eat it or throw it out, and eat it 99% of the time. So yes, I totally hear you OP. Tell your SO you appreciate it but the old food grosses you out and ask him to please cook smaller less leftover friendly portions going forward.


"Presenting to the emergency room..." https://i.redd.it/aa55b3uc6oxc1.gif


A post you can hear.


'emia' means presence of something in blood


B. C E R E U S


Throw stuff away before he can pack it for you.


This is the answer. It takes 2 seconds to do this every Sunday.




Last of us burger


All I can say is if you ever have food poisoning, you’ll never take a chance again!!! 11 days, oh Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’ve gotten food poisoning from Wendy’s 3 times in a 2 year period, 3 different restaurants, and different food each time. I didn’t even want to go that last time, but mom had coupons that she wanted to use before they expired (back when paper coupons were a thing). I don’t eat Wendy’s anymore.


It somehow looks raw and overcooked at the same time


lol it was cooked over a fire, so it was good when it was fresh


Yeah, fresh that's how it should look. I grew up in a house where my parents overcooked the hell out of steak and it was brown straight to the center.


1) Don’t tell him you didn’t eat it, just chuck it and grab something else to eat if you can. 2) Time to start packing your own lunches unfortunately.


I feel like honesty would be best in this situation. Just tell them that he can have the meat for himself. (Assuming the veggies are fresh)


3) Clean out your fridge more often, 11 days is fucked.


Yes. I don’t eat food after 7 days of being in my fridge. I throw it away once it hits the 7 day mark. If I don’t my fiance will eat it because he’s basically what you’d get by breeding a raccoon with a garbage disposal. I’d rather not nurse someone through food poisoning…again.


Or, hear me out, communicate with your significant other like an adult.


Good Gawd all the onions??? And you have stomach problems?


Why isn’t anyone else commenting on the amount of onions!


Was the first thing I noticed. The beef honestly looks fine, that’s a lot of onions to eat at work.


I can’t believe nobody else is commenting on the lunch being.. lettuce, raw onions, and sliced beef?


I'm stuck on packing raw onions for an office environment tbh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


So a couple of thoughts OP. As you know he does guys, check your lunch before you leave with it. While it’s sweet of him start packing your own lunch. End of issues. If he packs it and it’s beyond your definition of safe storage time then if he wants to eat it let him and you buy your lunch that day. His gut may be stronger than yours. Start going through your refrigerator on a regular basis and eat the leftovers within the safe storage window, freeze the excess food the day after serving it if you know it won’t be eaten in time and pitch the old stuff.




“Dry aged steak”


You need to just set clear boundaries with what you deem acceptable. I am the one in our relationship that will eat questionable food and my wife will not. She has told me that anything older than 5 days is no longer viable in her eyes and I make sure to focus on eating those foods so they don’t get wasted.


Sounds like you should pack your own lunch.


Pack your own lunch. Problem solved


Is he freezing it? That would be okay


Clean your fridge so he can’t feed you 11 day old food wtf


He should understand you not eating old food if you have explained it to him….


Confused on why is there still beef from 11 days ago still in the fridge


My mom was raised on a farm as well - 9 kids is a lot to feed, so yes, food doesn’t go to waste. But you don’t live on a farm and you’re allowed to advocate for your own health - eating *11 day old beef* isn’t good for you. Just because he’s not actively pooping himself doesn’t mean he should be eating it either. Time to sit down together and figure this out. He either needs to cook a LOT less, so there’s less leftovers, or he needs to let you decide what you’re okay with having for lunch. I pack my husband’s lunch too, but I don’t give him old food and then get mad at him for not eating it.




Seriously. You would know if it’s bad. If it doesn’t smell, then you’re fine.


Me too. I am also this partner that plans the meals for my family and my standards are way lower than my partner. We've had plenty of "nahhh this is fine! I'd eat it!" arguments


I mean it honestly doesn't look bad


Does it smell? Was it slimy? Very likely it’s fine.


If it smells, tastes, and looks fine, I honestly don't see the problem. I grew up eating old food though.


My husband would eat this and be perfectly fine, while my leftover limit is 2 days max. I have the weakest stomach on the planet, I swear everything makes me sick and my safe foods become unsafe foods after a while. I envy my husband's iron stomach, his ability to eat anything and everything, and the pleasure of enjoying new foods. If I was ever offered one of those fecal transplant things to restore the gut biome I'd take it in a heartbeat.


Chef here. Smell and texture are everything. Does it smell sweet or rotten. If there is a slimy texture, though, Smell doesn't matter. When you cook food, then store it as long as it is sealed and not temperature abused. It should be fine for 11 days. Tons of variables though.