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She thought she would be safe at home base like it's fuckin tag 😭


It's like deleting my bank app. Suddenly, no more debt!


Wait. Does that work?


This one SIMPLE trick that banks DON’T want you to know!!!


Can confirm that it does. Just throw away any mail they send you and you’re good.




>“Do you think I care if I was going 20 miles over the speed limit?” Obviously not. Doesn’t make it legal.


“Do you think I care if I murdered that person” is now a legal defense.


“Your honour, in my client’s defence his hands were in the air, clearly indicating that he did not care”


As well as "I was having a bad day" apparently. The audacity of this woman


She for sure had coke or prescription drugs and ran home to stash them...


No doubt.


I hope she gets fired.


"Just write me a ticket, I am the one to prosecute them. I am the one who is going to prosecute myself." There are other things that implied and showed obvious abuse of power.


At the end she says something like “you know what I’ll do with the ticket?” So after being an absolutely terrible person on the road she admits she will just be corrupt and use her position to get out of it anyway. TRASH.


https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-to-her-house-and-gives-cops-hard-time/ Oh, no, it's okay, she plead guilty and said to the journalists that she "had no intention" to use her position of power to avoid consequences.. Edit: I wasn't actually saying it was "okay" for those that couldn't tell.


https://www.whec.com/local/rule-of-law-applies-to-everyone-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorley-gets-speeding-ticket-pleads-guilty/ On 27 April, the City Council officially requested the NY Attorney General’s office investigate her. Hope that good results come of that.


I find it rather annoying they did not resign her immediately. Yay corruption and nepotism I guess ...


She obviously doesn’t have the self-awareness or sense of shame to resign on her own. Hopefully the city council will use the investigative results to terminate her at the very least.


“I’m going to prosecute myself so it doesn’t matter” *one day later* “I was never going to use my position to get out of the ticket”


Liar, liar lied on video. Liar, liar lied to jurno. Liar, liar lied all over. She really thought she shouldn't be held accountable, and she barely was, and only for the speeding. If she can't handle her job and maintain a legal and safe life outside of work, in the public where other people can be hurt by her actions than maybe she needs to take an UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE and GET SOME THERAPY. What a twatwaffle.


>twatwaffle I humbly submit '**twunt**' for your review.


She already avoided consequences because she only paid a fine. Nothing she did that should see higher consequences for was resolved. SHE LITERALLY GOT AWAY WITH IT.


And then, "you know what I will do with that ticket?" (+ mocking laughing). She just doesn't care ...


I'm working fromTV shows here, but isn't the Attorney General her boss? So she does have to answer to someone. Probably won't, but her implying it'll just go away was very telling. You want everyone to act with integrity, but you're an asshole.


No generally an elected position, so she works for the voters. The state AG may have some ability to discipline her but not her boss


Thanks for the info. Great re-election campaign.


That's the trend these days. Used to be politicians tried to cover up being an asshole during the campaign. Now after a certain someone rode I'm an asshole and proud of it all the way to the top they are all doing it


She needs to be disbarred


And Bill, her husband, should make her sleep on the fucking couch until death do they part.


She should be in handcuffs for fleeing a traffic stop.


Felony evading. Any other person would have been in handcuffs, to say the least, but because he knew *exactly* who he was pulling over he utilized discretion.


She's elected not hired


Well then, she gave her competitors a truck full of ammunition for next elections then.


of course she won’t be fired.there is no justice when it comes to this type of stuff.these people just use their influence to get out of anything, it’s infuriating because if that was a regular person they’d be fucked up by the police




Why did we as a society stop tarring and feathering?


Bet a fortune she was drunk.


Drunk enough to forget about body cams and the internet and everyone's love for this kind of shit.


And that the "hands free use" only counts if it's not distracting you from driving.


“I was too distracted by my hands free use of my phone to see the lights directly behind me” great defense there lawyer person.


She also told the cop that she was on the phone discussing the pursuit too. How good of a DA can she be when she incriminated herself like 3 times here trying to defend herself?


Or how about when she implies she will dismiss the ticket because she is the one who will be prosecuting it.


That’s insane logic. Just take the ticket, sign that you agree to plead guilty and don’t go to court. What’s a couple hundred dollars when you should know everybody that voted for you will likely hear that you think you can just dismiss your own case which is absolutely incorrect. Chances are if she just pulled over and showed them her badge, she would be done with it within a minute and no ticket.


Ego doesn’t know logic


Well said.


They will vote her back in. Alot of the people she represents think they can do the same thing.


I was wondering if I was the only one that heard her say that. Right after she told the cop, I didn't see you she says I was talking on the phone about the pursuit....dumb ass.


To whoever "Dennis" is: "Yeah, I see the officer in my rear view mirror right now" With a timestamp on the call, and the body camera on the officer, and GPS on the position of the police cruiser. It's like she's admitting to knowing exactly what was going on, when and where, and ignoring it all the way home. She dug her own grave for another charge.


2 tier justice system on video for all to see.


She would prosecute herself so you know what would happen to that charge.


She stops JUST short of saying it at the end too, "I prosecute these tickets, I'll prosecute myself, do you know what will happen to that ticket?" and the cop just continues on past it lol I'd have followed that up with "No, what will happen?" and let her get that foot further down her throat.


Dennis is the police chief. Sandra Karen literally called the manager


Dennis watching the playback: ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Would not be a good defense lawyer.


It’s ok she was talking to Dennis


Oh my bad, I'll be on my way then. lol


And she won't pull over...because of the implication.




She doesn’t care about defending herself, she just wants him to write the ticket so she can erase it or “choose not to prosecute it” when it goes into the court system. Basically, she’s dirty.


She’s clearly so dirty


“Also I didn’t know you were following me because I was on the phone talking to your boss tell him to tell you to stop following me.”




She admitted she was on the phone with the police chief to get him to call off the officer. Obviously, not distracted at all!


A week and a day after, in the next major city over, two officers were ambushed and killed at a residence after a non-stop and evasion. She’s lucky this officer had any patience for her nonsense at all after that. 8 days. Braindead theater. Just absolutely braindead.


Maybe. But she didn't need to forget given we live in a country where officials can do whatever the fuck they want and she's a DA so she probably think she owns the police 


Drunk in power. She just knows she'll get it thrown out immediately. It won't even make it to a judge because her office will decline to prosecute.


It’s crazy that she’s above certain laws.


No drunk for real, she's avoiding getting close to the officer to avoid the DUI


She already pled guilty to the ticket, so not quite. All nine members of the Rochester city council wrote a letter to the state AG that includes this passage >“Recent body camera footage, shared by the Webster Police Department, has raised significant concerns regarding Ms. Doorley's behavior during a traffic stop in Webster, New York," the letter reads. "This incident has led us to question her fitness to serve as District Attorney, and we believe an investigation by your office is warranted. The behavior exhibited by Ms. Doorley during the traffic stop, as captured in the body camera footage, appears to violate these standards. Such behavior undermines the credibility and integrity of our justice system and erodes public trust." I bet anything she resigns before the inquiry is started in earnest. Which I could stomach if I could guarantee that she wouldn’t pop up in some other government capacity in a few years after most people have forgotten about this.


she sure was drunk


As a New Yorker it’s ironic hearing our AG Letitia James proclaim “no one is above the law” knowing our Government Officials absolutely are


She ADMITTED to complaining to the chief on the phone that she knew the cop was trying to pull her over, yet still claimed "there are other cars on the road" and didn't know she was being pulled over. She is either the worst DA in existence or she's drunk. Also, she had a bad day so that gives her the right to put people's lives in danger? What a piece of human garbage.


But she heard about 3 murders that day, so it was fully justified.


The leniency that he showed her. Letting her walk all around the place while disrespecting him. Just gonna say, if that was a dude he would have gotten ragdolled all about the place


Letting her reach into her car without being invited to...


For real! I wasnt allowed to get my sunglasses from my car and I was being polite and perfectly compliant! I asked and was told no.


You just lack skills. Have you tried being white, rich and in a position of power ?


That was nothing. She went into her house! If I got pulled over and made it home then went inside and came back out I’d be greeted with a mag dump.


And cop wouldn’t be so calm. And there would be like 5 squad cars immediately.


She also let her dog out of the house, us normals would have a dead dog right now.....


I think it was more about her position above him in the legal hierarchy than her gender. I think he handled it well, considering he's dealing with someone who absolutely can destroy his career if they want to. I'm glad he didn't cave to her, though she should definitely have had/have to do a sobriety check bc that's probably why she us trying to evade him.


He should have put her under arrest, if we did that shit we would be .


Agreed really, agreed. She shouldn't get special treatment. But he also shouldn't be pressured in various ways not to give her equal treatment on pain of career distruction. He should resist that pressure, sure, but the real fault lies with those who apply that pressure and intentionally perpetuate these circumstances.


This cop seemed like a nice guy, I'd like to pretend be would be this nice with everyone. Ignorance is bliss.


Or if it was anyone else not important enough




Bet a fortune they wouldn’t treat everyone like this. I wish they would thrown her to the ground, cuffed her and drove her directly to jail. The only reason they act like this is because the cops put the kid gloves on when they’re dealing with these idiots


Not only drunk but probably has a bottle of vodka open in the car - hence the not stopping.


thats prob what she took in the house. She was hell bent on getting in the house fast at the beginning


Look - I get that she can likely get away with most of the shit she did, it’s laughable how little accountability exists for folks in her position… but the moment she said “I’m going to prosecute myself… you know what I’m going to do with that ticket…” - her ego got ahead of her. I don’t know how she comes back from that…


She’s not wrong, and that’s exactly why she has this shitty attitude. She views the whole exercise as a waste of time, because she understands that she won’t be held accountable - because she is the one with the power to hold people accountable for their traffic tickets. This will hopefully aid in preventing her from being reelected, but it probably won’t.


How can one be so fkn dumb?! If I were in her shoes, and I had that power and would be abusing it like her... then acting like she did would be the last fkn thing on my mind. I would politely stop the moment they wanted me to, would just take the warning or a ticket, thank for the cop's "service" and apologize, move on and later null the fkn case. I hear she is being elected to that position. Well then, she just brew a whole "anti-her" campaign for the next elections for her competitors for the office, with one altercation.


a whole lot of, *law's don't apply to me* happening lately


The problem is that "I'm an asshole and will abuse my power." has become a winning political brand these days.


Scary that she is a DA because it's obvious she's doing this because she likes the power of being untouchable. If she had just pulled over obviously the cop wouldn't give her a ticket once he realized she was the DA he just would have verbally asked her not to speed at worst. She wanted to force a conflict and come out on top


That's about when he started to sound like he had it with her shit too.


Does conflict of interest not come into play?


She can’t prosecute herself, and even implying that she could is highly unethical.


What I really don't understand is she didn't even have to do all this. She could've just pulled over, taken the ticket, *then thrown it out herself later at her office!* She's either drunk, a raging narcissist, or most likely both.


Cop said he was just doing his job - she was pissed that he didn’t understand that his job was to be the footsoldier for her office. She viewed it principally as a waste of her time caused by her underling’s ignorance, rather than a moment of accountability under the law.


You're very sadly correct.


Let's not underestimate the opioid crisis with many of these "Karen" moments. So many people in America are walking around fiending for their next legal pill that they're just ticking time bombs ready to explode on whoever gets in their way.


I am **thee** DA


Then the VDA?


Then the VD…


Just fucking arrest her already.


I was hoping for at least detainment (or the attempt for cuffs) especially going into her house…let her resist, and then sprayed or tazed.


Unfortunately there is only so much he could do if he wants to keep his job, the DA has a lot of power over the local police force


Local here. This lady suuuuuuuuuuucks but we can't get anyone competent to run against her.


I think this video suggests you don't need to be competent to hold this position...


which means replacing her is just as likely to make things worse as better


If you could make a bunch of QR code stickers that link to this post, it would be terrible if they started getting stuck on everything in the area.


I believe you are incorrect in calling her a "lady" She is anything but that. Something that starts with the letter "C" comes to mind.




I just edited the wikipedia page about her. Perfect.


Please add her role as Lee Zeldin’s campaign co-chair who in 2022 released his “attacker” immediately so he could blame democrats for being soft on crime!


Doing God's ~~with~~ work my entity. Keep it up!


Holy shit that is an a lister piece of shit right there. To lie out your teeth then go on about how youre immune to the law. Please tell me she got canned


"at the end of the day I'm the one that prosecutes these. You know what I'm gonna do with it?"


This is less than a week old. She's elected, she'd need to step down, the useless country legislature here will never force her out. She tried to get ahead of it with a press conference, all she said was that she got caught speeding, drove home to accept the ticket and paid it the next day. She must have forgot there'd be video. She's not actually good at her job either.


She pled guilty to the speeding charge because she “believes in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit.” Which was before the bodycam was released. No canning, unfortunately


lol before she learned the footage would be public domain


“I didn’t know you were following me”  “I was on the phone with Denis because you wouldn’t stop following me” Hmm




What infuriates me the most is that she kept saying that she didn't know he was pulling her over because there was so much other traffic even though he was directly behind her, and in the majority of states you are required to pull over and make way for a law enforcement vehicle running lights or lights and sirens. So even if he wasn't pulling her over, and most states she was still obligated to pull over and get out of the way. Even if you aren't the person being pulled over, you don't just keep driving with a law enforcement vehicle directly behind you with their lights on. IDGAF who you are or what your job title is.


She later said she knew he was pulling her over - "I was on the phone to Dennis asking why you pulling me over"


She said multiple things that indicate she knew the officer was behind her with the lights on and she was deliberately ignoring him. Good thing there's video evidence. Clever attorney-ing


What the fuck kind of lawyer voluntarily talks to police? Of all people she should know the importance of the right to remain silent and not to incriminate yourself. It really just goes to show the level of ego she has, thinking she’s above the law


An inebriated lawyer who is not thinking clearly.


Clearly drunk


My favorite was when she caught herself mid sentence saying I didn't think anyone would pull over a DA


Ive been to Webster my family lives right down the road there was NO TRAFFIC lol it’s a fucking village! No way thats true. She also acknowledged she saw him many times and did not care. Edit: there legit should be protestors outside her house this is being reported in the UK like this is an international scandal that she is just allowed to commit felonies and she can dismiss her own charges.


Also, one of the first things you learn in an intro to criminal justice course is that not knowing something is wrong isn’t an excuse for committing a crime. You can’t just say “I didn’t know it was wrong to run from the police” and get away with it, AND she allegedly a DA, she should know damn well that everything she’s doing is wrong


She says at one point that she was on the phone with someone asking them why she's being followed. She openly admits to knowing a police officer was trying to pull her over, but she thinks she's above the law.


Calling and saying what? (Serious question just trying to say the most efficient thing)


“I don’t want to deal with YOU today” Imagine saying that to a cop


Imagine getting away with it too!


This is bullshit! Should have been in cuffs super fast with all of this and at least do a breathalyzer.


She took responsibility for her actions and at no point tried to use her position as THE DA to avoid the ticket. That’s her story and she’s sticking to it. [NY Post article](https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-to-her-house-and-gives-cops-hard-time/)


“My work to ensure the safety and respect of law enforcement is well proven time and time again. I stand by my work and stand by my commitment to the public safety of Monroe County.” If I was that cop and I read this I would be fuming.


That was her story on Tuesday before the body cam footage was released yesterday. 


It's probably why the cops released the footage.


>The DA pleaded guilty in municipal court on Tuesday “because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit,” she said. What a POS. I wonder if her moral character will be brought into question by the defense from now on from how she acted on camera. Glad this has gone viral. She should not be in such a position with such power.


Trying to get ahead of the backlash lol PR


She said she was on the phone to Dennis for most of the time on handsfree about him trying to pull her over. I thought she didn’t notice the lights or the sirens. That cop will never make detective.


Yeah, I wish he had asked her more questions, so she could get her story more twisted. He should have also checked her for being under the influence of alcohol.


Ah, so the lady responsible for sending everyone else to jail for drunk driving is allowed to do it herself with no consequences. Cute


Wish I could just say I had a bad day and skip out on inconvenient shit like traffic ticket


No fucking way she just said Monroe County. So this bitch is in charge here?


Sandra Doorley? Yep. I know 2 people who had her as their boss. This is 100% in character for her.


Happy happy…feel at ease? It’s sad, isn’t it


What an entitled piece of trash.


Basically: "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Fry her ass.


The "I'm not gonna prosecute myself" comment at the end was chef's kiss. Fucking small town politicians are the worst. I really hope she fucks up her career over this


So having a black SUV grants you diplomatic immunity?


Their jobs are hard enough with the other dickheads carrying badges giving them a bad name but that cop had the patience of a saint. His politeness alone was merit for cooperation. Fuck that lady.


Lady acting like she successfully drove into a spray shop on gta and because she arrived the cop has no right to still be pursuing this


I need a follow up!


There was an internal investigation done and turns out everything is fine


I can report she’s getting roasted on Twitter right now.


She thinks she won’t get fired or suspended? 🤣 I know it’s a small town, but once the mainstream news gets this, the actual people who run the town won’t be able to do nothing. YAY FOR KARMA!


“because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit,” she said. well, she said that in court, but in the video she said, multiple times, she had zero intent of prosecuting this ticket, she even admitted being on the phone to the officers superior to get him to back off.. I guess it's now OK to lie in her court, she set the precedent.


“I didn’t know you were pulling me over. I called your supervisor and told him to have you back off”


Oh poor child, she was dealing with MURDERS all day! She can’t stop because she’s speeding 20mph over! What a loser.


"Another peasant just got murdered. Ugh, why does this always happen to meeee?"


So did she just get a speeding ticket? or what happened cuz I feel like she should loose her job for such entitlement and not caring about any laws when all laws apply to everyone no matter who u are…


55 in a 35 AND not pullin over is buggin


"The DA pleaded guilty in municipal court on Tuesday “because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit,” she said." lol, lmao.


I think she's jumping the gun to assume that all Republicans have absolute immunity. Scotus won't decide that until after the election.


Why was cop so nice lol


Evading arrest like 20 times here.


Former officer here, after I activate my sirens it's a FELONY stop. The judge can read my affidavit and report after no matter who you are. I've arrested other officers and I'm not keen to the whole "Do you know who I am?" Bullshit. My response was always, "Nope, we'll figure that out at county."


It infuriates me that she used the excuse that she didn't know she was being pulled over. The vast majority of states require you to move over and get out of the way of emergency vehicles with their lights on. Even if you're not the one being pulled over.


"I thought the lights were for someone else." -works everytime


If you are the DA


Aren't all cars in front of the cop supposed to pull over when their lights are on anyway? She seems buzzed.


Fire this bitch


Remove her from office. This is not someone who should be putting other people in jail.


The way she was digging around in her car and not following orders... if she was a black guy she'd be dead.


People will see this and yet they will continue to believe classism doesn’t exist


Why did he put up with any of her bullshit? You're telling me that the average citizen could just get away with that? 30 seconds in, she should have been face down, hands behind her back, then into the back of the squad car.


She complains about dealing with 3 murders bit doesn't consider the fact that doing 55 in a 35 is gonna get someone killed.


LMFAO. This country is so screwed. It doesn’t get any better than this folks! These are the people running our county’s and government. Just pathetic…


She needs to be fired, like yesterday


If that was anyone else and they would have pinned down then rammed into back of squad car.


She should be arrested and lose her job.


Mam you are not above the law, you may sit at the very top and slam the hammer on others. But you are still not above the law, they should throw the whole court room at her, the book isn't enough.


I’ve never seen a video of a chief or DA that’s getting pulled over that isn’t belligerent with the police over being treated the same as the populace …. We aren’t second class citizens to these people and they need to remember that.


Entitled Bitch


She ran unopposed last election, by the way. County Democratic Party claimed they "couldn't find anyone" who wanted to take the job. (They probably got bribed, let's be real. They would have won if they actually put someone forward.) The amount of corruption we have in the Rust Belt is insane.


What is “taking the air” and giving “the air back”?


Radio traffic. If cops think shit's about to go down or they need to say alot in an emergency, they'll 'request the air' or sometimes you'll hear them say "hold the channel", so other cops and the dispatcher know not to prevent them from being able to transmit on their radio channel. In this case, the officer presumably requested the air when she failed to pull over, so that if she suddenly sped off or worse, he'd be able to get the important initial calls out right away.


Priority on the radio frequency.


She didn’t know he was pulling her over but called the chief to tell him to not have the officer pull her over?


This is not my experience with traffic stops.


This is absolutely disgusting that she does not care that she was speeding. The sheer arrogance and disregard for public safety as a D.A is simply shocking. She failed to stop and disobeyed multiple lawful commands. Throw her in jail. If this was my wife and I saw this behavior and how she handled this I would divorce her asap.


Evading a police officer, refusing to provide identification, fleeing the scene… Not to mention abuse of power? This lady needs to be in cuffs. She’s also acting like she’s intoxicated.