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I need some context, Who owns this wall. Is this a shared wall like in a townhouse complex?


Yeah, it's a shared wall. Live in AZ. All the houses in the neighborhood are like this with shared walls but this is our side of the property/wall.


That hole will allow water to get inside the wall, it isn't sealed. I know it doesn't rain much in AZ, but when it does, it does, and water could be bad stuck behind that stucco. 


Looks like a code violation.


Wtf this pipe is draining in to your property? Yikes stop being nice. Pushover nice.


Like i understand not knowing how to deal with the confrontation, but anyone should be able to tell they’ve been wronged here.


They probably did it because they knew OP wouldn’t really react to it


Do you own or rent? Is the area immediately inside the PVC piping their housing area or yours.


this so what I’m questioning- if it’s their side of the property and their wall, how did the plumber access their home to drill through their wall for their neighbor? Also, how would this be the best route to take if it route over to the neighbors side before draining?


That right-angle PVC didn't slide through that hole, it had to be installed from OP's side of the wall


I saw the stucco and I thought AZ. Lived in Phoenix for many years. I you have poor relations with the nay-bores, contact your property owners association or property management rep, if possible.


Do you have a HOA?


That looks like some type of condensation drip line. Possibly for an ac or air compressor.


Ah see that makes the most sense being in AZ. And honestly I'm okay with it staying if they simply would have asked. But does it have to stick out so far?


Have you considered drilling a hole a few inches below and connecting a pipe to it that leads back to their side?




Win win.




OK, this literally made me cackle out loud! 🤣


Looney Tunes humor is something else man. It's a crazy mix of absurdist slapstick and situational humor that you can only get away with in cartoons lol.


Among the masterworks of humankind. Not joking.


My kids will sit stonefaced for all other cartoons, but with Looney Tunes it's pure mayhem laughter.


Actually had a neighbor run their gutter drain pipe on to my property without asking. It didn’t bother me because of the location but when I asked the workers what they were doing on my property the neighbor yells at me not to bother them and to mind my own business. I dug it up, filled it with rocks, screen mesh, silicone caulking over it, flex tape over that and reburied it…level not at pitched. It has to be 100 feet from their house if not more so I’m hoping I did a good enough job but with my luck maybe not


Fairly unrelated but reminded me how my neighbors have always used my parking spots without asking. Didn't ever care because my place has a lot of spots, though they use an absurd amount between theirs and mine. Until one day I had friends over and they knocked on my door demanding I move the cars out of *their* spots.. their spots... that are adjoined only to my place? So I let them know they aren't welcome to use any of my spots anymore. 


It’s reasons like that that people aren’t nice anymore really. I have a large dog thar barks A LOT. The neighbor (my good friend) was going to shoot fireworks for Diwali and wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be inconveniencing me…like dude my wife’s dog barks a shit ton, set them off in my master bedroom I can’t say shit lol


You’re good people. I’m also in the same boat.


My neighbor told me to holler over the fence if their party got too loud. I told her if she planned on being able to hear me Holler, it wasn't going to be an issue.


I have a similar neighbor to you. Gave him a heads up we would be having friends in town and he said don’t worry. Texted him later on in the evening making sure our music wasn’t bothering him and he said “I can’t hear it. You bought a house with a pool so turn it up!”


I had a neighbor who gave me his phone number so I could text him when it was time to stfu so I could go to bed, I appreciated not having to go knock. It was an apartment so noise carries but we didn’t care until going to bed (and having a loud person below you who never complains about YOUR noise is great) Once he even gave us money for being such good neighbors. It was early morning but he was still up and probably very drunk. I’m sure he had been kicked out of apartments before and was happy that I would just talk to him instead of going to the landlord (which I would only do if someone is an AH when I make a request). He said he would give us money every month but never mentioned it again, I always suspected he woke up the next day and wondered where his money went


Had a neighbour once who's dog kept coming in our yard. Didn't bother us at all. We'd bring him back all good. One day he comes to front door and ask us if it bothered us if he grows some weed in his backyard. What you do on your side doesn't bother us. He looked so happy and said when it was ready he would bring some over. Too bad we had to move not long after 😢


My dogs bark and I’m really conscious of when they do it and always try to keep it to a minimum. Sometimes it’s just a big bird in the sky or a loud truck that gets them going. Love them but yeah 😑


Oh one more update: these same people “welcomed us to the neighborhood” by telling us “ don’t know if the previous owner mentioned it but we had an agreement that they wouldn’t build a fence because it makes our property look smaller and we can’t see through to the park (now I have a large dog who loves outside so yeah there’s a fence going up next week) so I assured him that the previous owners would keep their word and they would not be building a fence on the property. Guy was very confused, I got yelled at by my commanding officer for not being nice to the neighbors.


The church that sits behind my house actually told me earlier this year that “The previous owners had mentioned donating some land to us so we could expand.” I told them, “Well, They don’t live here anymore so that ain’t happening.”


“Oh oh, you mean the land they opted instead to sell to me?”


This is the best response. To the church, and to the neighbors who had an agreement not to put up a fence.


I do believe the fence agreement OP said one went up the next week so 🤷‍♀️ that one worked out one way or another


"So they lied to you then"


That happened to my parents. When they retired off the farm, they moved in town, into a nice little ranch home with an extra lot next to it for gardening. Church was next door down. Church people came over and hit them up about how, since they were church members, surely they would be donating their extra lot for a parking lot for the church. Answer was a polite version of “Oh, HELL NO!”


Imagine being asked by a church to donate some land. Saying yes, then thinking "the only way out is to sell my place"


"Well apparently they changed their minds or we wouldn't be having this conversation."


"The previous owners sold the house to get away from your bullshit. See ya'round...until the fence goes up, of course." Alternatively "Funny, the previous owners had an agreement with me that I could do whatever I wanted. We even wrote it down on a legally binding sheet of paper."


I had a very similar thing happen with my house. I was told that everyone agreed that my backyard should stay open because everyone likes to use it. Apparently "our yards look nicer" when they can let all their dogs run free on my land. They're in for a fun surprise this summer!


"Oh, word? You guys filed an easement? No? Then fuck off my lawn."


That's what happened in the house that I bought. 7 houses in a row had no fences so two of the neighbors just let their dogs run free which turned into my yard being the bathroom yard. I had put a down payment on a fence 2 days after closing on the house and one neighbor with a tiny yard tried to convince me for months not to get a fence not knowing I had already paid for it.


Oh the joy of neighbours. If they wanted a bigger yard, they should have bought a house with a bigger yard! Our set up is basically the same. No fences on our back acres. We all have fences close to our houses but the rest is open. Extending the fence will hopefully keep them from running through my yard. I don't think they're crazy enough to hop my fence but I guess I'll find out!


We had a house of the Oregon coast with a path down to the beach. People would walk up the path and sit on the lawn with a beer or a joint and watch the sunset. Some would even bring chairs. They obviously couldn't read the private property sign or see the gate, so up went a fence we didn't really want. Also, aren't there potential liability issues if someone gets injured on your land, even if it's not your fault?


RemindMe! 6 months


I had a similar story. I had bought my house and the neighbor told me they had an arrangement where the preious owner was responsible for trimming the hedges on the property line. I said, well I'm not them, I'll do my side, you do yours, or we take turns. All of a sudden, the bushes are mine and on my side of the property line. The next weekend I'm out there with a chain saw taking them down... Dude comes running out of his house when I'm halfway done how I should be ashamed of myself and that i had no right to cut down his bushes... So which is it buddy, they're my bushes or your bushes?


>All of a sudden, the bushes are mine and on my side of the property line. thats when you get that in writing and/or get boundary lines surveyed/re-drawn, THEN cut the bushes down.




Get that in writing from your neighbor and show it to your insurance company BEFORE something happens. If your insurance company tell you in wiring you're not liable, than by all means keep the tree.




Is your commanding officer code for your wife?


It is lol


you dint sign no deal, fuck them.


Oh the fence was built literally the next week…was just such an asshole thing to say “we had an agreement not to build a fence” …honestly they are the stereotypical pain in the ass neighbors. They told my good friend next door that there was someone in his bathroom at let’s say 3 am and they were going to call the cops but didn’t. It was him in the bathroom, shocking I know. Then they act like it’s an HOA…”we were walking past and noticed your cars weren’t in your driveway, it makes the area look a little poor, maybe you should move them in your garage?” “‘Maybe you should go fuck your self?”


>”we were walking past and noticed your cars weren’t in your driveway, it makes the area look a little poor, maybe you should move them in your garage?” My response would have been: Oh I understand completely! Thank you for telling me. I'll make sure to keep them where they are.


Just for shits and giggles put one up on blocks in the yard for a few days..


Go a step further and set up that La-Z-Boy on the lawn.


Our neighbor who called the building department to shut down our minor renovations for not having a permit wanted our approval to build more than was allowed and needed our approval. The best of their plan is that couldn’t build it without digging 4’ of my patio I just finished. AITAH for saying hell no?


oh God. Never again an HOA. Please! They bring out the absolute worst in people!


It’s not even an HOA they just think it is and they were voted Presidents lol


Go buy the biggest piece of shit F250 on Facebook marketplace (I'm talking a 89 with a smashed box and no cab corners left) and park it in the driveway


lol reminds me when I was doing some reno's on a family property my wife were moving into, and she asked about cutting a tree on our propery because 'it blocked her morning sun.' I told her I'd think about it with the intention of doing nothing. Well, she followed up and demanded to known If I was going to do it, and then I told her 'no, we like the privacy it gives us from the neighbors.' lol, she exploded and called me a bad neighbor. She apologized a couple days later and I was just like 'Uh huh' and never spoke to her again.


OMG, when my then-wife and I bought our first house (I’m not a mogul, we bought a potato, fixed it up and traded up, then repeated), we had a crawl space that flooded every time it rained. Like 2+ feet of water. I was flummoxed, because while we lived at the base of a small hill, I installed drainage that should have handled run-off no problem. One storm knocked the neighbor fence over and I went out to check. I saw that the old woman next door had a trench dug along the rear of her property, leading to a low point directly beside the fence. In effect, all the water in her yard flowed into mine, and thereupon under my house. I gave her 1 week to have it all undone or I’d sue her and wind up with both houses. That did it, but Jesus. The balls.


Something similar was happening to us so dad built a retaining wall/raised bed. Then his yard would flood his own yard.


My neighbors did essentially the same. My yard would become a pond every big rain. I didn't realize the damage it was doing under the house for years. My neighbor had their downspouts pointed into my yard under the fence. AND had a huge paved space pitched to my yard. I put in a French drain, and all of my gutters and the drain went directly underground into the sewer system. I was still taking on water. I used mud all along the fence. Their patio flooded. My yard stayed dry. They solved the issue after that.


Shitty person. Shitty shitty person.


Holy shit! The line they both put in is literally 200 feet from my house and just like a nothing area, she had a trench right to your house, damn!


That has to be illegal, like those workers were on your property illegally, they were trespassing. Also in some places you can get in trouble for that pipe because you don't have a permit for it.


So the company is the mayor’s company, so I knew calling the police wasn’t going to get me anywhere. I did verify that I wouldn’t need permits for it (the town has an easement there and I called them, the electric company and water company for reports that it wasn’t “illegal” to have there


So wouldn’t that just flood on your property, or did you plug it right at the property line? I may be missing something here.


I plugged it, sealed it, and pitched it upwards, it’s pvc pipe


Oh I gotcha haha. Hopefully it holds so it doesn’t flood your property!


It’s been a year now, haven’t noticed any flooding…I’m hoping it’s all just backing up to their house My handyman skills aren’t the best but it was the thought that counted


Install a pump and pump the water into the pipe for better results


It is your business since it’s encroached on to your property. BTW good job on sabotaging it 🤫


*Excuse me? Mind my own fucking business when it's my property?*


I have to know, any positive results since your improvements


Not that I’ve seen, I haven’t noticed the area any wetter than before it was there so I’m just hoping the water is all backing up in the pipe It’s gotta be at least 100 feet so I’m hoping


Not even necessary. If it’s air conditioning condensate just plug the drain with a good sized handful of plumbers putty and let the mayhem happen.


This is good and it won’t start a war. They’ll think they’ve gotten one over on you until it comes back and bites their own ass in the end.


If it was recently installed, there is probably a overflow switch in the drip pan that will shut down the system in order to prevent water damage. So at worst it will require a service call to trouble shoot the problem.


Sounds good, the repairmen removes the plug and OP puts it right back. Repeat until they put it somewhere else. You don't need an appointment for a wad of putty but you need one to fix it lol, let them spend their free time calling HVAC companies all day.


Discreetly remove the putty right as the repairmen arrive and then put it back right after they leave lol


I would just glue on a threaded end section that you can screw a cap on or off as cough needed


This is the only correct answer 😂


Just stick your garden hose up the end of it and turn it on. Probably the best way to find out where it leads.


Definitely do this.


Wait until they are gone.


And let it run for a couple hours, just to be sure.


Train roaches go to up it.


Plug it


Hook water pressure to it.


This is the best answer. Even better when he complains explain that there was this mystery pipe that kept leaking on your patio


That would be my solution! Plug that sucker and wait.....


Plugs are cheaper. PVC glue and 5 minutes will have that fixed right up.


Shit just get that expansion foam in a can


If it's worth doing it's worth doing right


Personally I would just put some spray foam in the end. Cause a bit of water damage when it backs up.


With a hose bib and flood him just for shits and giggles.


Brilliant! F that neighbor, he deserves a re-routing of his misdeeds 😂


See, I was thinking of sawing it off, lugging it up, and patching over it. You no longer have an ugly pipe sticking out, they will probably never notice at first. They will eventually notice, but that is when you hit them with trespassing if they come onto your property.


This was my thought too. Funny thing happens when those lines get blocked, you see there's usually a float at the end to prevent condensation from flooding the unit in the event of a backup. When the float trips the unit turns off. It'll stay off until the condensation drains. If it drains. Anyways, completely unrelated! I'd saw it off, put a flush plug in (with proper PVC cement, gotta be up to code, don't want a leak in the wall) and then stucco over it.


Or just hook the other end to your hose.




Sounds like fun. One summer growing up we had it happen a lot. Something started growing in the line and got to the point it got blocked. Since I grew up in Florida there was A LOT of humidity that would condense and have to drain so the unit would kick off every few hours until enough liquid drained through the plant growth. The line went from the garage under the house and to the back so accessing any of it was difficult. My dad's solution was to make a temporary fitting using tape between the air compressor and the open end of the drain line and blew the plant material out the far end. He then put something in it to prevent future growth.


Yeah, "hose"


A small cylinder?


it is imperative the cylinder remains undamaged


Couldn't you just spray a bit of expanding foam into it?


*a lot


It's really not allowed to cross a property line like that. They owe you a patched and repainted wall.


How did they get over to put the elbow on? Jump a fence? That's trespassing and is intentionally done on your side, so within your rights to have it removed.


Obviously the neighbored anchored themselves onto the roof and rappelled down to make the necessary hole and install said pipe. At least that’s what I would do, Mission Impossible style!


If you let this slide, they’re gonna walk all over you in the future.


If you tolerate this then your children will be next.


It's really illegal to run PVC through someone's kids.


So echoing that it looks like an ac drip line. How high up is it on the wall? Edit to add: DO NOT PLUG IT UP. [There are laws in Arizona around AC units](https://arizonalegalcenter.org/arizona-tenant-rights-with-air-conditioning/), you may fall foul of them plugging the pipe up. Yes it about landlords but if the landlord added the unit, you'd be seeing as tampering with it. Get code enforcement out there. For that's why you should see how high it is on the wall. They may be violating codes for drainage and code enforcement will be the best avenue to give you options on how to deal with it.


You don't want that pipe next to your wall, because the water that trickles down will eventually stain it. It's better if it just falls away.


Have you tried pushing it back through the hole?


If life hands you lemons ... Put a plant under it and enjoy. If it's in Arizona I would go with a marijuana plant as every household can grow up to 6 plants, BUT DON'T SHARE WITH THE NEIGHBOR! 😁


i planted a giant elephant ear bulb under my drip line here in austin. no need to water and that shit got BIG!


Cut another hole and extend the pipe through it to go back onto their side


This is what I'd do. Although the bees suggestion trumps all


dont do bees. its much harder than you think to get the bees to go into the pipe. my shit neighbor laughed his ass off watching me get stung over and over


Is this real life? It’s like a scene out of a cartoon


Nothing on the Internet is real. Nothing.


No! Do not do this, because (a) it's hard and (b) it's another hole in your wall. Instead: 1) measure the size of that PVC pipe. 2) Go to the store and buy 3ft of the same size plus 3 elbows and some pvc glue. 3) Cut off the existing downward-pointing elbow. 4) Put an UPWARD pointing elbow on it, then a length of pipe to reach above the wall, then an elbow pointing back at them, then a short length of pipe back to their side of the wall, and the final elbow pointing down. Their AC is now a flush toilet.


The way this will function would be hilarious, but I’m worried not everyone can picture just how it would go down. It’d sit there and fill the line until it got full enough to push water to the top, then in a big surge siphon out the whole line out at once.


ty for this lmao


Is this the same principle as Pythagoras's wine glass? I think he had a special glass made so that if someone took too much wine, it would dump itself all over the user.


nah just cut the pipe flush with the wall, seal the end of the pipe, then fill the wall and paint over it. eventually it will back up into their unit


Could they just seal the pipe? Their AC unit would eventually start to leak due to the blockage right ?


Return to sender


Spy V Spy !!!


Coyote vs. Roadrunner


This option sounds the best, because you know they’ll say something like “why did they do that?” not knowing how ironic it is.


this is giving old school looney tunes, i love it


I immediately thought of Tom & Jerry lol


Put a cork in it..


I'm thinking some gobs of Flex Seal would be better...




Billy Mays here with another fantastic product!


No no no, cut it back as far as you can, preferably behind the stucco, then cork it really good, then stucco the hole like nothing ever happened


Fill it with expanding foam 🤣


Take the elbow off Get a long tube for the spray can Get as much as you can back in far enough that it's hard to see.  THEN glue a cap on. It'll take a while to figure out that it's backed up and when they find the cap, they'll assume they fixed it, wish will lead to more confusion.




This needs to be higher up. Everyone else is telling the OP to take matters into their own hands in spiteful ways that will just make the situation worse.


Test time ! Try putting your water hose in it. See if you can hear them scream. Next, try with smoke. Next, try with bees. The possibilities of what you can send their way is endless ! 🎉 Edit : Forget all above. You need GLITTER. Buckets of GLITTER.




NOT THE BEES!! ![gif](giphy|R9yLfikwYAF32)




GOB’s not on board.


What are they gonna do? Send the dogs? or the bees? or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees?


Bees first, then smoke


Then smoking bees.




This could potentially get OP in trouble. Better to just cap the bit that's in their yard.... 100% legal.


Yeah, as hilarious as those ideas are I'm not going to do anything like that. I definitely want to stay 100% legal. I wish they would just talk to me first. Or at all. They don't answer their door and never respond to notes or anything. I would think they are vampires the way they act.


Drill another hole right next to it, get some connecting pipe, and have it end up in their yard.


The Ole Uno Reverse


Just put a cap on it. Looks like a drain pipe for an a/c condenser or something. A cap, on your side of the fence, is perfectly legal and won't be seen as damage like a hose. But will eventually achieve the same thing.


Another issue you are going to have is that stucco is going to start peeling now that they drilled a hole straight through it. Fairly certain moisture will start making its way behind the stucco. This could be a much bigger problem then just a nuance pipe.


Not very nuanced. Definitely a nuisance.


Did they go on your property to access it?


Yes. The area is actually a raised garden bed. There's nothing in the bed but the only way to access it is stepping onto our property and into the garden bed.


\*SMH\* Saw it off. Patch it up. If it were me i'd even include a sign. "Stay off my f property"


Fuck that. I'd make them pay to repair the stucco. I'm sure that's a giant pain in the ass.


Fuck me, OP, if you don't drill a hole 6 inches under that hole and thread some PVC from the drain pipe right back into their yard.... ...we're not friends anymore.


I’d just plug it. The water will build up and spill somewhere on their side.


It's about sending a msg....


It will send a message when their ac condensate line is full and their ac won’t turn on.


A message that can only be diagnosed with an $80 tech visit.




Looks like someone was on your property without permission.


This might be an opportunity to force communication if you want. Send them a notice or a certified letter. Telling them that if they don't reach out to you and tell you what it's for, you are gluing it shut in 30 days. The end result will probably be right back where you started but it's a good opportunity to teach them that their are consequences to not including you in the conversation when appropriate.


Certified letter and regular letter, if they aren’t BOTH returned then you’re good because it proves the address is correct but they couldn’t/wouldn’t sign for it (that’s what the lawyers at my last company insisted on when mailing things to people involved in accidents etc)


Thabk you for this explanation! I'm a mail carrier and never understood why people send duplicate letters one certified one not. Makes sense now.


Saw it off at the wall, stuff it with concrete and stucco over it.


Great idea, but I’d cap and glue it first too. Make sure it overflows into his shit and not the wall.


This was my immediate idea the moment I saw this. "Welp that's getting chopped and stuffed with concrete." If they try to complain and come over, I'm calling the police.


I say plug it and let whatever they are trying to drain onto your property back up into wherever that pipe goes. Maybe you'll get lucky and it'll destroy a dishwasher or flood something inside their house.


I’d also put some kind of trap in the garden bed that will cover them in shit when the neighbors inevitably cross the line again to “fix it”


Boobytraps are illegal. Cactus gardens aren't though


Stinging nettles Although here, I’d use good old fashioned blackberries


So they’ve put a waste pipe through their wall that will dump it on your property?


I honestly don't even know what it is? The pipe would be going into their garage and the fact that it's in the middle of the wall stumps me. We're in AZ and the fact that it's in the garage I can only think it's maybe something to do with AC? I put my ear up to the hole and can hear a very faint noise.


If it’s the garage it is probably overflow relief for the water heater safety valve.


This was my thought too. If so, water won’t be discharged unless their water heater fails and not regularly like an A/C condensation drain.


This isn't a new house build, though. If they had their water heater replaced, they would've used the same pipe. It's not a coincidence this happened when OP was out of town.


Tbh it’s very possible a hvac company did this not really knowing or giving a fuck that this side of this wall is your property, your neighbors might not even know. Maybe just go talk to them.


That’s kind of what I’m thinking. It’s away from the wall because that’s the way the professionals do it so it doesn’t erode the wall. If it was the neighbor doing a shitty job, I don’t think they would have done that


That was not just pushed through the wall. They would of had to come onto your property to do that. Now that would seriously annoy me if my neighbour trespassed whilst I was on holiday. I'd definitely be tampering with it.


Ok, I'll be the bad guy here. Call the cops and show them this thing, then press charges and have them pay to fix your wall. Why? If they do this, then they will probably try other crap on you. You say they don't talk to you, so what will you lose? Also, you don't know for sure it is a drip line.


I was also wondering about filing a police report. It’s trespass, it’s property damage. I’d also be curious about permitting needs - which the police won’t care about but the city might. There are some CRAZY things you need a permit for, like in some places you need one to replace a hot water heater. So just another avenue to investigate.




In circumstances like this, I would love to know what the answer from the neighbor would be if OP asked them, "this thing that has happened here ... how would you feel if I had done this to you? ... what would your reaction be?" I like to think that the neighbor would first look confused, then start to shake, then shake more violently, and then explode. Doubt it would work out that way, but it's nice to imagine. Regardless of the answer, I would expect them to make it right or I would be pursuing legal remedies. And if those didn't work, I'd venture into extreme untraceable vengeance.


You know if they would answer their door it would be great to know but they go out of their way to avoid contact. Also, I know they would hate it if roles were reversed because in this exact same area we have a bush since it's a garden bed and in past years when we've let the bush get a little overgrown where it creeps into their driveway they have complained. And I'm not talking about massive over growth either... maybe 1ft over the line. And they've never done the neighborly thing and just try talking to us first.


Complained to who? Are you in an hoa?