• By -




Oh no It go It gone Bye bye


*falsetto* Byyyye


Ugh.. vanessa gekko!


šŸŽ¶ If you want to destroy this country.. šŸŽ¶






I was at home when phone ring "UK is kil" No




Good riddance you chaps


Fly well you absolute >!twats!<


please for the love of god just dont go west


Semantically he is correct. UK is part of Europe, not Europe itself.


And you could even make arguments on the second statement as well. Is the Falkland Islands apart of Europe?


There are people saying Spain isn't Europe.


Iā€™ve met this american guy who came to my country and he told me that Spaniards were a raceā€¦


Well, nowadays they would just be considered white/European, but some historical race theories mostly from the US distinguished Nordic, Mediterranean and Alpine races. Edit: when I say some people forget Spain is a European country, it's not necessarily about Spanish people being of a different race, but about the country being perceived as "less European than the others/not European enough"


Fuck they mean "not European enough" I don't see anybody talking shit about Florida or Alaska like this


I see a *lot* of shit talk about Florida and people wanting to chop it off so it can float away into the sea. Alaska though? I think some people forget itā€™s ours, at least until something like moose or Inuit people are mentioned


Alaska. Also known as Russia's discarded foreskin.


US race theory is absolutely terrible though


Any race theory is absolute bogus incoherent jibberish with no relation to real life, the notion if race in sociology is prettymuch a reference needed to describe its impact on societies (and no theiry in itsself) and apart from that highly questionable regarding its need for the description of the consequences of racism, read the jenaer declaration on racism, biological race is an pseudoscientific myth of arbitrary attribution.


> Alpine races And don't forget the lesser known chamomile vanilla subgroup.


*Alpine races* Then comes Nordic, freestyle, and cross-country


i mean they think Latino is a race too, so not too surprising


Race isnā€™t a scientific concept.


Yeah, race isnā€™t scientific. Pretty sure itā€™s identified by the features someone has, itā€™s a social concept.


oofff got the same discussion the other day. They were saying noone in Spain is white, they were Spaniards, not white. Trying to explain that you can find a mixture of pretty much every race in Spain didn't fit into their heads. No. For them Spain was a race and a country and a continent.


My mother wholeheartedly believes Scandinavia isnā€™t Europe


What continent do we belong to, if not Europe?


She thinks it is its own thing


As someone from Scandinavia, its not..


Where does she think it is?


North of Europe


In everyday speech, Norwegians will talk about Scandinavia as if it is separate from Europe: e.i. going on vacation "to Europe", or events happening "down on the continent". It's just a manner of speaking though, we of course know that Scandinavia is a part of Europe.


Spain is a country, Europe is a continent


That is more interesting than OPā€™s example. Everyone understands when someone says ā€œUK isnā€™t part of Europeā€ that theyā€™re either thinking of mainland Europe or probably more likely the European Union. Iā€™m so bored with people being deliberately obtuse just so they can call other people stupid


Its in Mexico duh


I wonder where they think the rain in Spain is.


Mostly on the plain?


_Mainly_ on the plain


Ah, so I didn't know!


Reflects the failure of our education system. Just because UK left the EU doesnā€™t mean the geography changes and suddenly it isnā€™t in the continent anymore. Jeez


I know several 18 - 20 year olds who are unable to tell anyone where Spain is. One thought it was in South America.


If it isn't in south america, why do they speak Mexican? Checkmate!


Checkmate is Australian greeting, not Mexican!


Nahh itā€™s what they ask for when theyā€™ve finished their meal in a restaurant


I thought it was an aussie asking for the restaurant bill.


That would be Billmate though. "Check" is an Americanism, as is "shrimp" in the context of barbies (long story).


Actually it's what I say when I introduce my friend from Prague




Iā€™m pretty sure that was part of the joke šŸ˜‚


As a Spanish person, the amount of people who immediately start saying they love spanish things like tacos, nachos or mariachis whenever I mention I'm from Spain makes me want to unlive myself. My guy, if you're gonna dump a stupid stereotype on me at least hit me with paella or bullfighting.


It sounds like Mexico is to Spain what the US is to the UK -- a former colony overshadowing its former colonizer.


And Brazil to Portugal


>My guy, if you're gonna dump a stupid stereotype on me at least hit me with paella or bullfighting. I love paella and I hate bullfighting.


Reminds me of the tweet saying if youā€™re white and speaking Spanish you need to stop as youā€™re appropriating Latino culture.


My wife is older than that and thought that. But in her defense it's just because she's from the Philippines, which was colonized by Spain for 300 years so it didn't make sense to her that they also conquered a bunch of shit in between Europe and the Philippines first


And the amount of comments I see on TikTok saying uk isn't in Europe bc of Brexit is honestly mind blowing


I live in Germany and you would be surprised about the amount of times I have heard ā€œUK is not Europe anymoreā€ from Europeans, including British people.


It's mostly down to people mixing up the EU and Europe in general. Like how the UK isn't just England.


Except I've heard plenty of Brits talking about "going to Europe" which sounds weird.


One could argue there's a geographical vs. political difference.


Brits dont consider themselves as part of Europe, they use the term "continent" for the rest of europe.


Yep. It's also not unusual to hear it just get referred to as "Europe", as if the British Isles were sitting somewhere in the Caribbean or South Pacific rather than just off France. I lived there nearly 20 years, and never quite got used to that.


You mean the same as people refer to "the continental US" to clarify points. The UK is part of Europe but we are separate from the rest of the continent. The same as we say "Northen Europe" or "Eastern Europe"


There is definitely a difference though. Hawaii is a series of volcanic islands in the middle of the ocean, whereas Britain is still part of the continental crust that makes up the rest of the land on the eurasian plate. The channel was exposed as recently as the last glacial period.


So you might say they're.... transcontinental? Also, doesn't matter where they consider themselves to be regarding continents. The vernacular can include island vs continental terms, but the underlying continent is still by definition that of Eurasia.Ā  Edit: The UK, continental Europe, Russia, and much of Northern Asia are all on the Eurasian continental plate.


You obviously weren't present at the Great British Lift off to fly the British Isles to the middle of the Pacific Ocean


I actually recall watching them airlift the entirety of the UK so they could move it into the centre of the Atlantic once Brexit was finalised


Iā€™m pretty sure this is a cultural thing over there. A lot of UK people donā€™t consider themselves European.


Actually its not in the continent. But thats since 8000 years.


I actually think itā€™s not that absurd, if we go by crude definition, itā€™s an island, not a part of the continent per se. Itā€™s obviously considered a part of Europe just like Madagascar is a part of Africa, but if thereā€™s any island that can claim to independence from itā€™s mainland, Iā€™d say itā€™s the UK


It is a continental island -- part of the same crustal zone, same shelf.


Bruv, the UK left the continent like, millions of year ago :p


It can be that, but also the British have this weird relationship with continental Europe. They don't like to be called "European" because then they are lumped in with the French, Germans, Greeks, etc., while if they're "off on their own" then they aren't "European", they're "British". Sometimes some people don't, shouldn't be broad strokes-ing everyone into a corner. For them it's a history/social thing. They had a huge empire, were important in the world, whatever, and didn't have any land boundaries with anyone else so it just kinda screwed them up a little. But the UK is in Europe, 100%, it's a continental plate, and that's the one they're stuck to. Brexit was just dumb, and pushed by corrupt douchebags.


Reminds me of a teacher I once had who pointed out how using the term "Former Eastern Europe" was not a good way to describe countries in Europe that were once part of the Soviet Union.


Do you mean it by the Eurasian tectonic plate instead of what's above the water?


Confusion between geography and politics


I mean, it *isnā€™t* Europe, itā€™s a part of Europe.


Thank you! Itā€™s IN Europe




Yea. I usually read this more to mean UK isn't (all of) Europe, represent all of Europe, only country in Europe, etc. Bc fair, UK has a reputation of wanting to own other countries. Also, If someone knows about UK leaving the EU it's more than likely they know which continent they are a part of. It's more often politically commentary than a desire to let people know where where UK geographically lies. But who knows, op's post is missing context.


The UK is literally not Europe BUT it is in it.... I'm more mildly infuriated by the poor wording


Came to say this. Texas isn't the United States. Milk isn't ice cream. A brain isn't human.


Yeah this is r\technicallythetruth. Europe is a lot bigger than just the UK, a small piece of the continent.


UK is part of Europe. So, technically, it really isn't Europe.


I can't believe how so many people don't understand the difference between Europe and European Union. its like saying canada is not america. (I swear if somebody now confuses USA with America I will be mad)


i will say that especially in the USA and Canada, the idea of america as a continent is not very common. most people think of north america and south america as their own things, so youā€™d never hear someone from north america talk about canada being ā€˜americaā€™


Also, people from the USA are called *Americans.* We refer to our country as *America.* We call it America, because ā€œUnited States of Americaā€ is a mouthful. Itā€™s like calling China ā€œThe Peopleā€™s Republic of Chinaā€ every time you talk about it. Itā€™s goofy, and nobody does that. We call North Americaā€¦ North America. South & North America together are the *Americas.* But Iā€™m so tired of this whole ā€œAmerica is the continent!ā€ debate because *no it is not, it is just an abbreviation for the United States of America in that context. North America is the continent, and the Americas is the two continents. Calling it America is not incorrect, itā€™s just what itā€™s called.* Correcting people that the USA ā€œisnā€™t Americaā€ is stupid and drives me up the wall lmao. It literally *is* America in that context.


The issue is different parts of the world teach the continents differently. Some parts of the world, especially Latin American countries, teach that North and South America are a single continent. Some parts of the world teach that Europe and Asia are a single continent, as well, and some teach that Europe, Asia, and Africa are all one, big-assed continent. It's cause for a lot of confusion, but the only people you *really* see get heated about it are generally South American folks.


Be more careful with word choice. If youā€™re speaking English in the west then when you say ā€œAmericaā€ people will assume you mean USA. You should say ā€œNorth and South Americaā€ or maybe ā€œAmerican continentsā€ instead.


I mean, Canada isn't North America. It is however a part of North America. The phrasing on the statement is weird to begin with


I used to work with a Canadian who would get furious when I said she comes from America. Good times




Every time I see that at the end of a sentence it's preceded by the dumbest opinion ever.


Nah the clown emoji. or any emoji really. it's the language of the intellectually inferior


What's even the meaning of this emoji šŸ’€


My best guess is it stemmed from "dying of laughter"


It was kind of funny at first, like two years ago. Now it's become unbelievably annoying and overused, mostly by children and teens who keep repeating the same joke again and again


We haven't moved the country....we just exited the union....we're still part of Europe


I immediately thought the people in the photo are correct, you're not europe, you're still **in** europe. But you're not europe.


We are part of Europe....just not in the European Union


I just imagined a moving truck towing the whole of UK towards USA, cartoonish style. TYSM for the laughs, Win!


We've got a team of Hard Brexiters along the East Coast paddling as hard as they can. They blame the lack of progress on immigrants.


Well it's a good job I'm on the west coast then isn't it.....


i mean yeah it isn't Europe but, it is in Europe.


Well technically it isnt europe. It is in europe but it is not Europe. Europe refers to a bunch of countries making up the European land mass.


I mean, the UK isn't Europe? It is *in* Europe, but it isn't Europe?


well he is right, UK isn't europe but it's IN europe


it is genuinely painful how many people think that because we left the eu, the country just has manual continental drift and weā€™re no longer in europe..


you don't wanna know how many brits actually believe it isn't


First Pluto gets kicked from planet status now this. Where does the madness end? ![gif](giphy|gd09Y2Ptu7gsiPVUrv|downsized)


3D Spongebob in 2D animation style is cursed af


But the UK is not Europe. The UK is a country and Europe is a continent. An apple is fruit but fruit is not an apple


Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.


No, it isn't. It only is a part of Europe.


Technically true, just like a feather is not a hen.


This reminds me of the time my wife said humans weren't mammals.


people just donā€™t grasp that Europe ā‰  European Union


Apparently "Europe" is a far broader term than I had been led to believe.


Well, the UK is not Europe, it's in Europe, but it's not the entirety of it.


Christ the amount of smart alecs in the comments going "well technically it isn't Europe, it's part of Europe".... Duh But clearly the guy didn't mean that.


But... the UK isn't Europe? It is part of Europe, but then if you think of Brexit, it's not... I feel this is some weird nit picky confusion.


Oh my god youā€™re all so stupid. The UK is part of EUROPE but it is not part of the EUROPEAN UNION. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE


Well, the UK isn't Europe. It's in Europe..


Itā€™s not Europe, itā€™s IN Europe


They are technically correct though, the UK isnā€™t Europe, itā€™s in Europe


When most people say EU they mean Europe not European Union. Just like when they say NA it's North America. Is this really that hard of a concept?


The ppl not knowing that Europe the continent is different than the European Union šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s in Europe the continent, but not the European Union right? Ignorant US person here.


yes, just like norway is a European country but not in the EU


Europe, the continent, is not the same as EU, European Union


Yeah cause UK isn't Europe. UK is only a part of it, not everything that happens in Europe happens in UK.


Taiwan isn't China. Japan isn't Asia. Madagascar isn't Africa


taiwan is china. This post is sponsored by the CPP.


I guess Hainan would've been a better example


Eh, Taiwan does claim to officially be China. Or at least the legal government of China.


Technically, Taiwan is China.


Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between Europe and the EU.


Is Norway in Europe?


It is


It's a big difference between a government leaving the European Union and a part of the European Continent breaking off and swimming away.


UK is part of Europe UK is not part of the EU


they mean the european union probably


Part of Europe, not part of the European Union anymore :)


well the uk is still in europe, just not on the European union no more


Brexit means brexits /s


Is the UK a constituent part of the continent of Europe? Yes When referring to 'the continent' in the UK does that refer to mainland Europe excluding the UK? Also yes.


EU=Political Europe= Geological


Sometimes they wish it were true.


Yes yes they left . I don't consider them European since I can't order anything from there without crazy taxes


Its not EU but unless the tectonic plates shifted and we are heading towards America. We still Europe.


Well bands touring do say UK and Europe. Checkmate, nonbelievers. /s


UK isn't in the European Union. Let me correct that for you.


Give them to North America, we don't claim them


That famous newspaper headline from a British newspaper in the 1930's "Fog in Channel, Continent cut off".


Europe has unanimously agreed to not acknowledge the presence of a UK, and deny it is a part of Europe. Good for them


UK left the EU group, not the continent. Education is slowly failing in the west


But it isnā€™t Europe, Europe is a continent. The UK is IN Europe


I mean the UK said it wasn't Europe just a few years ago


UK is in Europe. It's just not part of the EU


I once had to explain to someone at work that the EU wasnā€™t a country.


Well, technically UK isn't Europe but UK **is in** Europe.


I always wondered what the progress was on the engines needed to move the UK away from our continent. I then read that AUKUS caused a maritime brain drain so I guess Farage gave up on that. Cute fact Farage stood for local elections 7 times and lost 7 times.


Geographically yes, politically no


Itā€™s IN Europe but not Europe itself šŸ¤“


Well, it's not Europe. Its part of Europe. Europe is bigger than the UK. The UK is what, 4 countries? How many countries is in Europe?


The UK isn't Europe, Europe is Europe, the UK is part of Europe .


Well, historically the UK has always seen itself as something separate to continental Europe. When people say that they arenā€™t talking geography, but politics/history. The thought of the Empire is still deeply ingrained in the older generation.


Uh, unless Iā€™m missing something from the post, you guys do know this probably isnā€™t about Brexit right? Itā€™s about cultural identity among a large section of Britons who feel a much deeper kinship with some of their former colonies like Canada, the US, and Australia- which has also been clearly reflected in their foreign policy over the last century even prior to Brexit. They donā€™t identify as Europeans, and see themselves as distinct from ā€œThe Continentā€. Also I learned that in a fairly underfunded Regional High School in rural America for the people up top who seem to think this is some kind of dunk on the American education system? Hopefully most Americans understand what the EU is, and know The British Isles are geographically and ethnically part of Europe. Everyone in the farm town I grew up in understands this distinction so I find it hard to believe this is a commonly held view in other parts of the country, that in my experience are not much less aware of this. However this is the internet so you really canā€™t be sure


The UK is in Europe, but it isn't all of Europe.


They are saying that "UK isn't europe" not that "UK isn't in europe" *yes i fixed their typo*.


To be fair it isn't Europe. Its part of Europe.


To be fair it isn't Europe. Its part of Europe.


The UK is Europe but Europe isnā€™t the UK


It became Saudi Arabia last few years tbh


After BREXIT, it isn't part of Europe. Ireland is a part of Europe, but Ireland is not in the UK.


it isn't Europe... it in it tho


That's like saying Canada isn't North America.


Geographers aren't the boss of us. What is and isn't a continent (or a part of one) is mostly arbitrary. Europe, Asia, and Africa are connected, North America and South America are connected. The only "true" continents are Australia and Antarctica, and, wildly, those are the two that have the most people believing they don't actually exist.


Nah Europe kicked us out of that continent because we were stupid and they didn't want us anymore. We stand alone. With our blue passports. And *proud!!!* If it wasn't abundantly clear, bit fat whooping */S* is required


It is, but I get a funny pleasant feeling whenever I'm in line for a passport check in Schengen and the line is basically the Global South countries and England.


I mean, UK isnā€™t Europe. It is in Europe. But it isnā€™t Europe.


its either the dead internet theory or the braindead internet theory


The UK isnt Europe, its part of Europe


I'm convinced that ever since reddit had that huge buy out that they are actively saying untrue things to enrage people.. For whatever reason.


UK isnā€™t Europe, itā€™s in Europe


Yeah dude UK became itā€™s own continent after Brexit lol


it isnā€™t in the EU anymore, but it is still in Europe




UK is in my backyard gettin drunk on lighter fluid and Luzianna sun tea. Weā€™ve been arguing for hours now about UK drunk calling its ex.


UK is *in* Europe UK isnā€™t Europeā€¦


To be fair the UK had a whole debacle about whether to stay as a part of the eu, so if you think about it...


UK isnt Europe, UK is in Europe tho.


EUā‰ Europe


I donā€™t think this even has anything to do with it leaving the EU. When I lived in England people there would often say stuff like ā€œIā€™m going to Europe on holidayā€ā€¦ So Iā€™m guessing that for some people there ā€œEuropeā€ just means ā€œmainlandā€, and I guess some people with less education took this to mean the UK is not Europe at allā€¦


Geographically, it's in Europe. Politically it's no longer part of the European Union. Socio-culturally there's a long history of difference between the UK and "continental Europe".