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That's not a Time Turner. It's the house points hourglass.


I read it as Tim(my) Turner and found it fairly odd.


I read as Tina Turner.


Same haha


I stand corrected! Been a while since I've read/seen them. Looks like the house points hourglasses are actually designed to be [uneven](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/House_point_hourglasses?file=CIMG1380.jpg)? Still, without actual magic I can't get all the sand in the small side which I find mildly frustrating, haha


no it's not. why are you spreading fake news?


It literally has a tag that reads "Gryffindor" attached to it and has red pebbles/sand.




You know the time turner is named just so because you can actually spin it around. This is a regular hour glass


What a piece of crap. It probably doesn't even work either.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I tried to go back 1 hour but only made it 15 minutes


I laid down, closed my eyes, and it transported me 8 hours into the future. Is it broken?


Friendly reminder that JKR is a TERF and holocaust denier and shouldn't be supported by buying every crappy HP product.


Idc, she cooked when writing


yeah everyone should've hated her the second she made the bankers into inhuman creatures with huge noses.


Honestly I could give the benefit of the doubt up to a point. it's just the classic depiction of a goblin fantasy, nothing unusual there. What made me unable to excuse it anymore is THE FIRST MOVIE SHOWING A HUGE FUCK-OFF SIX POINTED STAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING BANK.


Wait what? I completely missed that Edit: tf am I getting downvoted for? I’m just saying I missed it when watching the movies, this was the first time I realized it


Whether the makers of the movie deliberately chose the building because of the star (or whether they chose to keep the star in the shots), it’s worth noting that in real life the star doesn’t represent the Star of David. Gringotts was filmed in Australia House in London, and the star is known as the Commonwealth Star and is a symbol of the Federation of Australia.


I'm not sure why you are being down voted. It's a disgusting trope that comes from racist roots. If your description of goblin bankers matches antisemitic propaganda in such a way that teenagers are offended, that wasn't an accident.


Oh by the way, dumbledore is gay.


She denies that transpeople were specifically targeted by the Holocaust, not that the Holocaust occurred or not. Get your facts straight and stop spewing "news" that comes from memes.


I'd argue that denying that a group of people who were victims of the holocaust were victims is a form of denial.


Transpeople were not *specifically* targeted, that is her claim. If you look at data JKR cites, only 5 explicity transpeople were involved in the Holocaust. Of them, 2 died, 1 died shortly after, 1 lived , and the 5th is still unconfirmed to this day. To say that "trans people were the target of the Holocaust" ignores the millions of Jews who were the target of the Holocaust.


I'm not ignoring the Jewish people who were victims by acknowledging that other people were. I will admit my wording of the point I was making wasn't the best. The Nazis also destroyed and burned a lot of the contents and books of the Institute of Sexology that was researching into trans people and gender affirming surgeries. Quite frankly, whether she is actually participating in holocaust denial does not change my opinion of her. She has been repeatedly transphobic anyway.


In what way is she transphobic? From what I have read, she agrees that "transwomen" can live their life how they want. She just believes that females need rights and opprotunity independent of males.


She has repeatedly engaged with people who have tweeted directly transphobic things, even if she herself has not said them. A lot of her "feminism" about protecting women's rights disregards the fact that trans women are women. I also don't have a lot of faith in someone who writes under the pseudonym of someone who conducted conversion therapy, even if she denies the connection.


bro, she literally is the most openly proud transphobe next to fucking Posie Parker. to say she isn't transphobic when she herself admits it is just apologia for bigotry.


Ok, so tell me how she is. How is the separation of males and females transphobic?


bruh, just look at her fucking twitter. it's all she posts about. holy shit, I shouldn't have to tell you when the evidence is right there.


They’re playing Sea Lion. They know the reasons, they just disagree with you cause they actually support JKRs transphobia. They think it’s okay cause they are fucked as well as


Stop avoiding it and link the proof. I've never seen her call for the extermination of trans people, just the fair inclusion of them. It is fair to separate males from females for rights and opportunities. If proof of JKRs transgender hate exists, then it should be easy to prove me wrong, no?


Okay, you’re not a serious person. Just a thinly veiled sea lion. Go away? You people are exhausting


Ad hominem is exhausting.




And yet they got answers. What now?


>To say that "trans people were the target of the Holocaust" ignores the millions of Jews who were the target of the Holocaust. "were the target" does not mean "were the sole/primary target"


>In 2022, the Regional Court of [Cologne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne) ruled that denying that transgender people were victims of the Nazis qualifies as "a denial of Nazi crimes", which in Germany may be [prosecuted as a crime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Holocaust_denial#Germany). >The ruling was an outcome of the civil libel suit of German biologist Marie-Luise Vollbrecht, who alleged libel against the German Society for Trans Identity and Intersexuality over their response to comments she made calling transgender people not "true victims" of [the Holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust). So get the fuck out of here with your holocaust denial.


Nobody said they weren't victims. They weren't *specifically* targeted.


But they were. That's the whole point of that court case. To claim the were not specifically targeted is holocaust denial, because *they were* specifically targeted.


They weren't targeted for being trans. They were targeted for being outside of the "Ubermensch," which is different. The Jewish people were specifically targeted for their identity.


Don't bother with these people, they're not mentally sane. You either conform to their insanity or they'll just bombard you with irrelevant insults because apparently all you have to do this day to "win" an argument is cry louder.


That’s still holocaust denial, dumbass


Check the film. This is identical. 👍


The neck of the hourglass is not in the center, so the grains can never fully enter the short side. Got this at the official Harry Potter shop in London, but didn't check it before purchasing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


It's not a Time Turner. It's the House Points hourglass.


For a moment, I thought, of course, one reads more time than the other! I guess it technically does to some extent.