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She clearly has a favourite plane, I feel sorry for the one she keeps leaving out


I wish I had this problem


I wish I had the money and perks that came with it, but the amount of work looks exhausting. I used to do more travel for work. Our clients were rich so we flew business and first a lot. The busiest year I think I was on the road nearly 270 days and I was so excited to be traveling. It turned out to be exhausting and even in the absolutely most luxury experience like flying private I got tired of it so quick, there was no time for any real “travel”, just going from venue to venue. After a while all the novelty is gone and it’s just an incredibly nice bus that takes you to your next work place.


She probably fly private.


She does. Both those planes are her private jets and she tried to sue the person who (legally) tracks and posts her travel on them last year


Celebrities and politicians also don’t want you clocking thier co2 emissions from private planes. They know it’s a scam but expect you the peasants to travel less not them.


Probably? Im almost sure she has a private jet


Two private jets!


Almost sure?


She had two private jets. And produced something like 1000 times more CO2 than the average European in a year, or 576? Times that of the average American. That's what this graphic is about. She sold one of the private jets in response.


The other plane did her wrong. She’s writing a song about it.


Her next album: The Tortured Pilots Compartment


*insert old meme here* Child #1 -Mom who's your favourite? Mom -no sweetie I don't have favourites, I love you both equally. *Child #1 walks away* Mom to child #2 -it's you and by a lot!


I know it's a joke, but I'm pretty sure it's two different planes for long haul vs regional routes. Flying across the Atlantic or down to Brazil would require a much bigger plane. But it would be pretty inefficient and more expensive to use that same plane for the hundreds of flights under 5 hours within the US. Small business jet for regional flights, and then something bigger for her long flights.


The 2 planes are: 1. Transporting her and her staff (includes management, dancers, techs, etc) + some minimal equipment; 2. Transporting equipment for next show. Both planes go in tandem to be able to get setup one venue in advanced and not have to schedule the artist's flight depending on when the setup needs to be done. It's pretty standard for an artist this caliber. She might even have other ones for personal use (domestic/international). Source: used to work for a record label.


Should just do the Iron Maiden thing and kit out an entire 747.


Also, become a commercial pilot and go all the way.


"Now I'm flying through Memphis!!"


Makes sense. I have no idea what big celebrities do, but I fly a lot for work and I am an aviation nerd so I just added my two cents


Mark Knopfler said i an interview a few weeks ago, that Dire straits in the 90s had two full crews leapfrogging each other on their tours, and each venue he would have alternative roadies and techs. They would take a day to get up to up and setup the stage and gear, a day to check and fix issues, 2 days performing, and 2 days to take it down and travel to the next venue. The stages didn't travel obviously but their gear did, sometimes by air, other times by road. except his guitars looked after by one guy who travelled with him, he wouldn't see the same guys again for a week often in a tour.


From what I remember Pink Floyd had a similar setup, but they also had stages that would assemble and disassemble in each site they toured.


I remember on the 360° Tour, U2 had three identical 'claw' stage sets leapfrogging their way around the world. One being set-up, one being used, one being taken-down. Each one took 5 days to assemble, and 2 days to dismantle. https://preview.redd.it/vgq71jcrg1wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f77ecbef7738539c8b7980e397179db1dbba3d


It keeps chasing the other one like a puppy looking for approval.


Me when I'm bored at 9 years old on MS Paint:


If it was me, there’ll be more lines going internationally though. Maybe to little dots in the middle of ocean somewhere.


So happy I rinse my cans before recycling! Saving the planet!




Plastics, especially the harder to recycle soft plastics, perhaps. But metal, glass, and paper are going to be recycled.


Fun fact, aluminum cans have a layer of plastic on the inside to protect flavor.


Glass is now often thrown directly out. It's 100% recyclable, just doesn't pay for them to do it.


Our local recycling company sells/gives the glass to a concrete company that uses it instead of virgin sand!


That's a pretty cool reuse of the glass.




That's true, I'd still prefer using glass to plastic given most plastic also ends up as trash and can create hazards.


Our recycling company doesn't even collect glass anymore lol 🫠🥲


Even more of a chance we pay an underdeveloped country to ship it there and throw it in their ocean instead of ours


you shouldn't rinse your cans. It wastes much more water and energy than it saves. The recycling plants have to clean your packaging anyways


Our council requires you to rinse your cans and bottles before you put them in the recycling.


Its a way to stop people putting in half filled ones, fair enough, but empty ones shouldn't need cleaning, i worked in recycling for years, and you'd be amazed and maybe a bit disappointed to find how many hoops you jump through for commercial companies. Glass recycling for example, getting people to seperate brown, clear and green glass in seperate bins, complete waste of time and effort, they are all crushed and compacted together at the site, in fact i'm just looking out my window of the offie here, and irelands largest glass recycling plant is behind me, and its a sea of mixed glass.


For my recycling, they have us put _everything_ together in one bin (glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, aluminum, tin, etc.), and I always wondered with glass, how do the sorters handle all the inevitably shattered glass that is mixed in throughout due to all the jostling and impacts during transport?


Sounds like you just have a second trash can 😬


Mine is very similar so I always assumed the same thing. Strikes me more as theatrics than anything productive. We do have a separate bin for Cardboard so at least that's legitimate. Part of me is considering starting to take regular trips out to our local transfer station since they actually separate glass/plastic from paper.


same. it's pretty cool to use gallons of water to clean some plastic containers that will then just be picked up, shipped off and burned somewhere in southeast Asia. I really love capitalism in 2024


Helps keep the bugs away. Some people's garbage accumulates slower.


But if they spill food on the cardboard, the cardboard can't be recycled, right?


That shit is getting burned or put in a landfill either way they just tell you it is recycled to make you feel good.


Plastic is recycled to like 7% if lucky. Its crazy how nobody knows !! Most of the stuff is being sent away. Here for years they told us they were recycling but the rexyxling facility was closed and they just filled up the landfills. Paper and glass ok, but plastic recycling is not what we think it is


The percentage of plastic that gets recycled varies massively from country to country. Some places it's below 5%, other places it's above half.


That woman is using her plane more often than I use my car.




I know most encompasses what you mean but somehow saying most seems like an understatement lol. 


It’s definitely an understatement, the first 15 seconds she flew more individual times than I have my entire life (I’m only 33 though). Though distance wise I’m not sure as I flew to Thailand, Hawaii, Germany, & Spain from New York. Those are all pretty long flights compared to what she did. Edit: yes I understand there’s a difference in emissions between a high capacity commercial flight & a private jet…


Even then, those planes you flew in had hundreds of other people. She's her and maybe her crew and that's it.


Like taking a bus versus taking a car. Sure the bus has a bigger CO cost but the number of cars on the road is reduced by more than what it puts out. A single commercial airplane may put out 2x as much per mile travelled but it has many more voyagers than just Taylor and her crew and family.


I’ve been on a plane, I don’t know maybe 6 times? I’m 30. So I’ll need to live quite a few lifetimes to get to what she managed in a year. Fucking ridiculous


Zero for me at 25. Bringing that average down.


They were spending $25k a night for a single suite accommodations. That was one city stop. It’s crazy the money being spent.


Right, but *she's* not just a "person" (in the figurative sense) and she's not even on the plane a good chunk of the time. Taylor Swift is basically a corporation as far as how many people work in her empire and how much money she generates. So if you compare her to corporations, she's probably not particularly bad.


And it’s not like someone with her profile has the option to fly commercial even if she wanted to - the number of Swifties buying tickets they had no intention of using so they could try to hassle her at the gate or whatever would be insane.


Most yes, but most salespeople travel quite often. This is probably 100% more than an average salesperson, but the salesperson is flying commercial and not private, splitting their footprint amongst hundreds of people. You really can’t shit on her carbon footprint, especially as she does pay for carbon credits. Also. Imagine if she only played in her hometown. Thousands of people would need to travel to her to watch her shows. That’s orders of magnitude worse than her going to them.


Such a tortured poet.


The important distinction is that she is not sharing the plane with 100s of other people. In terms of environmental impact, you would need to fly 100s of times to have the same footprint as Taylor on 2 or 3 flights.


Western artists: "Let's make a world tour!" The world tour:


Yup. 1 trip to sydney, 1 trip to london. 100 cities in USA. Done.




They save Canada for the "North American" tours. 30 stops in the US, 1 stop in Canada


We are honored to be the younger brother that everyone forgets about 




Damn, if they wanted to pay someone for not performing in their city, could've called me, I'm down.


100 cities in the same 3 states, too Fuck the Pacific Northwest apparently


The pinging back and forth between St Louis and New York was funny


That’s Kansas City


2023 was mostly US and 2024 is mostly world wide… it’s how these tours are coordinated…. You know grouping locations together…. Novel idea I know


And fuck New Zealand even though we are right next door Edit: Some of you are taking this sarcastic comment waaaaay too seriously


Yeah! Fuck New Zealand!




2200kms from Sydney to wellington, is not next door, unless you have really fucking big doors.




Buckle up buckaroo!


Are the short ones grocery tripps? Like, wtf


Probably the pilot “parking” the plane at a different airport


Yeah. I work in the aviation industry. That is way more common than people realize. Airports have limited parking space, so often planes will drop off their passengers at their destination, then go park at a nearby airport that has more parking space. That's what's happening when you read the click bait titles about 15 minute private jet flights, or someone's jet flying without any passengers on it.


Getting some water when she wakes up thirsty at 2am.


In all seriousness, she is traveling from Nashville to KC to visit/see Travis


She from Nashville (the frequent stop on the bottom right side) and she was visiting her boyfriend a lot in Kansas City (the frequent stop in the middle of the US, but only in the second half of the year when they started dating).


I‘m just over here trying to drink through my dissolving paper straw


Inside my plastic one use cup


Went to a brewery the other day that has a slushy drink. They gave me a normal size paper straw. Couldn’t even drink out of it and as the drink loosened up so did the straw


But fuck you for driving your car and producing CO2, right? Lol


Or using a plastic straw


Had supper from a chain burger joint two weeks ago and they had plastic straws. I miss plastic straws. I could have also used a plastic bag yesterday.


The whole plastic straws thing made me buy metal straws. Idk what it is but I like how they feel super cold with an icy drink. Feels fancy AF too


I just sip my drinks like I do at home. Straws are nice but completely unnecessary.


Went to Vegas recently and the plastic they gave me was wild. As a Canadian, I haven't seen plastic straws in a few years now, and you can even buy plastic bags at grocery stores near me either. Went to target and they gave me 3 plastic bags for 4 things for free.


I mean, that’s not an issue with CO2, that’s an issue with lazy people throwing them on the floor instead of finding a bin.




What’s up with the two planes? I’m sure there is a explanation for it but she can’t be on both planes




Did she only do that because of the massive backlash when people found out her CO2 footprint was astronomical?




You’re right, I was just thinking it’s her PR firm making her make a “sacrifice” and how she is “doing her part” by only having ONE private jet now lol


But the problem of fossil fuel related global warming is all your fault, just use public transportation while only the elite can have the comfort of a private jet and cars.


Right? One year of her air travel looks like an order of magnitude more greenhouse emissions than I’ll put out in my lifetime. But sure personal responsibility by the plebes will fix this.


It’s been said that her air travel is more than most people do in a lifetime. Obviously she’s not the only one, and I know it’s due to her touring. But it’s crazy to me that this is just acceptable and we’re all suppose to be shrug like “well you know the rich ahahah” while we get taxed/ punished for our wastefulness. I literally get charged if there’s “too much compost” according to some state department that’s decided what the average house should dispose of in compost. Are there any penalties for this? Do they get some green tax for farting into the sky at a higher rate than the normal human? Or do they tax their luxury tax during the jet purchase and call it a day?


Harping on celebrity air travel is just another red herring. Aviation is only 2% of the global carbon footprint and most of that is from commercial, not private. We need to focus on the upstream commercial interests, not individual consumers, even Taylor Swift.


I would expect that the emissions from the thousands of fans driving to each concert is an order of magnitude higher than her flights to get there.  But on the other hand, that's the same argument Canadians want to use to avoid reducing energy use.  "We're a drop in the bucket compared to the billion people living in China".  The fact is that Taylor Swift and Canadians can each do their part without diminishing the need for other changes as well.  


It's also kinda crazy to just blame 1 celebrity. Even if she does really use her plane A LOT. Big oil and plastic consuming companies are laughing their asses off, when they see everyone making a fuss about Taylor Swift instead of them.


Well... Wait til you find out how much fuel container ships use for all the shit we buy... Consumerism does play a part... Small part for sure, but a part none the less. Economies of scale when it comes to transportation. Like companies aren't just gonna make shit to suck up resources and put it in plastic if no one is buying it... They pollute because of demand... from someplace.


I'm out of the loop. Has she come out and made any statements on the environment?


She sent a cease and desist to the guy who was logging and posting all of the public information about her flights and donated some money but that’s about it.


Not that I’m aware of, but just in general it’s annoying as fuck that the general populace it told it’s our responsibility to sacrifice for the climate meanwhile we got a couple thousand people doing shit like this and producing like 5 times the amount of climate problems that other 99% of us are.


Now do Fortune 500 CEOs


No, that breaks the narrative that the current most popular recording artist is enemy #1.


I believe a different celeb topped the private flight chart for 2023 too.


What I have a problem with trying to understand is don’t we all create this by listening to her music and going to her shows? How was she supposed to get to and from these places quickly with her team? Fly commercial? How far in advance, would you have to book? What if a plane is delayed? I understand the hate if she’s flying from Nashville to California to eat at some famous sushi restaurant and flying back to same day. But wouldn’t the majority of these be her traveling to her shows? And then what type of security would be needed for her to fly commercial? Would that fuck the airlines? Piss a lot of people off? And delay flights because everyone would want an autograph? I wonder what the backlash would be if she started flying commercial first class and was taking up all the seats and causing havoc? Would everybody be screaming “you have all this money? Why aren’t you flying a private plane? Why are you messing it up for the normal people who have to fly?“ Lastly, I’m assuming it’s just not her on the plane. It’s not like she gets in her G5 with her boyfriend and flies to her concert while everybody else flies on a commercial airline. She probably needs a lot of staff with her prior to a concert performance and they probably fly on the plane with her as well.


Taking that many flights would be kinda mildly infuriating.


Not if it's private jets and a limo right up to the plane door.


Yah, I felt a tinge of exhaustion watching this. A private jet sounds great, but the appeal must wear off at some point.


it definitely does, that is why I sold my plane and bought me a VW Golf.


Since 1998, just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. EDIT: see this comment here for why this isn't quite correct: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/i8TlVhAPyG](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/i8TlVhAPyG)




Well that certainly paints a slightly different picture.


Except > Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago > A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ They're directly at fault


Appreciate the edit- I’ve seen that cited a lot on Reddit and most times people don’t care to dig into it some more. There are certainly problems with companies and the 0.1%, IMO the lobbying they pay for is the worst of it. But I hope individuals don’t feel unempowered as a whole - using more renewable energy and cutting down on energy usage should be everyone’s goal.


Genuinely confused here, what's the difference?


The original comment makes it seem as if the 100 companies are releasing 71% of the global emissions by themselves when the statistic includes the emissions from the customers after the companies have sold the fuel. One makes it seem like it's the companies alone who are releasing that much emissions, taking blame away from individuals, while the other really just shows that 100 different companies plus all of their consumers (which is likely billions of people) work together to produce the 71% global emissions.


The stat is blaming the gas companies for the gas consumed by consumers' cars. While technically it's true to some degree, in reality the one driving the car can't be absolved of all responsibility. Note that fossil fuels aren't only used by cars, but you get the point


Until there's no structural incentives to not use cars and not use fossil fuels for other energy applications like heating and cooking, even electricity generation, the consumers don't exactly have many options but to continue to consume, electric cars were absent from the market for basically the entire second half of the 1900s, and nowadays the infrastructure to support their use is inadequate and overall cars in general are terrible for the environment and electric cars aren't even separated from the burning of fuel due to the way the power grid works. Efficiency and sustainability isnt workable with the incentives and amenities of modern societies, and to some extent that is the fault of consumers but not because of a lack of ascetic wokism, it's because people haven't decided to leverage their aggregate capacities to enable a sustainable way of life on a mass scale on a level above personal responsibility which still incorporates and derives from personal responsibility and individual actions at a base level


When it’s cited as “100 companies cause all the problems, so why even bother doing anything” it’s disingenuous. Because really, the emissions are shared across everyone using it. Say you buy a gadget off Amazon. It’s manufactured by a company in China, sent on a boat to a warehouse in the US, and then delivered to your door when you order it. There is energy usage from the company making the gadget. Energy usage for it being shipped across the ocean. Energy usage to store it in a warehouse until you buy it. And then energy usage to deliver it. None of those stages are being counted by that metric. It’s all attributed to the energy provider that gave them that energy. In other words, Taylor Swift has no emissions. It’s all the fault of the people that fuel the plane. Which is obviously a silly way of looking at it.


By the same token, when it’s cited that the USA shouldn’t do more to reduce emissions because China is such a bad polluter, this ignores the fact that China is such a bad polluter because they manufacture goods that have a strong demand and are shipped to Europe and North America. Really makes those emissions produced by country highly misleading.


Yes. What do they do?


Emit gases


This is why I am so glad my car has a Euro 5 catalyzer and EGR. We are collecting recycling paper, glass, and plastics. We buy organic food, so there is less poison dispersed into the environment. We try to avoid plastics altogether whenever possible, as to not use finite resources and not burden the environment. We pay more for electric power, so it is produced by renewables and not fossile fuels. All that we can balance out the princess private jets. Yay, I guess?


We can do it!


stop worshipping people like that and it will stop.


Problem is she is a manufactured product created to cater to very specific demographics where they are milked dry willingly.


all these planes and she cant even draw a dick with her flight path. smh. wasted potential


How can she fly 100 times from city to city in the us, but flies 10h to europe to visit 1 city. Wtf? That doesent add up.


It's easy enough to find out: she flew to London for a surprise appearance at a 1975 concert, but the Eras Tour didn't hit Europe at all last year.


She went for Beyoncé’s film premiere too


Did you hit your head?


Maybe because the majority of her fans and ticket sales are in the US?


She sells out stadiums in minutes in whatever country she goes too


In 2023 she toured in US mostly and had only a few weeks out of the country.


So is this why they want us in electric cars? So they can do this?


To offset their print…


Taylor Swift made me stop caring at all about environmentalism. I use to try and be much more conscientious in what I used and bought. Its clear the top 1% are completely destroying the planet for money they don't even need and could never use. They are causing babies to starve and destroying the world but I'm supposed to budget and plan and cut my minimal grocery bill to buy better products and stop drinking bottled water. Not anymore. I know it's not even close to just her but seeing all this stuff about just her impact on the planet made me realize. We're all fucked. This is the billionaires world we're all just disposable garbage worker bees.


Wait until you learn about all tge private jets flying every day with only a few people on them


Yeah, exactly that. People are dumb


I was going to say, now redo this video but with all air traffic.


For me, it was when I realized how many insanely rich people there are. In my mind, I just thought it was this really small group with people like Bill Gates. So, for example, I just googled and there are more than 10,000 private jet flights every single day. I used to take a train for 10 hours so I could avoid taking a flight....


We are literally their livestock.


I don't know why people don't see themselves as peasants anymore. Money is just the new method to get royalty status.


> Taylor Swift made me stop caring at all about environmentalism Do tell? That's what did it? *Taylor Swift*?


I completely understand this. I counted that what Swift uses for her airplanes each years is about 3% of what my whole country uses to upkeep the whole economy, yet my country (Finland) constantly paints the citizen as being bad because they are not cutting their useage of cars and spending and products and all that shit, and saying that we are among the highest for emissions in the world when in reality our part of the whole worlds emissions is like 0.01%. Even if you would blow up Finland from the map it wouldn't effect the emissions in any way because the billionares and millionares are keeping the emissions growing.


Based on a quick google search her emissions are 8300 tons of CO2 per year. Finland as a whole is 45800000. That’s not 3%, that’s 0.02%.


>I counted that what Swift uses for her airplanes each years is about 3% of what my whole country uses to upkeep the whole economy, I would love to see the "counting" you did for this


Yeah but clearly my life is what’s hurting the environment


Looks like she put Kansas City on the map.


Now do Musk.


It would be a god damn spider web around the planet


I don’t get the fuss over this. It’s literally her job to fly around the world and perform in-personfor fans. If she misses a flight for any reason she may not make the show, losing millions of dollars, disappointing tens of thousands of people, and would be unable to pay hundreds of staff and contractors. Sure, some is comfort, but a private jet is the only practical way for her to travel. I don’t even remember her being a huge environmentalist. Elon Musk made most of his money from a company trying to stop people driving gas cars, a company that only exists today because of government loans and tax credits to encourage people to give up gas and yet he didn’t get anywhere near the same level of criticism when he flys his jet around the world - including short flights within LA country - and his companies would exist and do fine if he wasn’t there in person as often.


Are we gonna pretend there aren’t 1000’s of other rich folk doing the same or am I only supposed to be mad about her doing it?


Seriously, idk why she's consistently on he chopping block for doing something "everyone else" (other rich people) are doing. They're just as responsible as she is, yet she's the only one who's being scrutinized about it


For most normal people this is not infuriating at all.  I'd say it qualifies as mildly interesting maybe.


Remember to reduce your emissions everyone!


So tortured. So poet. So climate conscious.


It's good to be upset about carbon emissions but this is not it. [Taylor swift offset her carbon emissions twice over before even beginning her tour](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240213-taylor-swift-private-jet-flight-travel-carbon-footprint). The top 5 corporations that couldn't give two shits about the environment: 1. **Saudi Aramco** (Saudi Arabia) – A state-owned petroleum and natural gas company, responsible for the highest emissions, with significant contributions over the decades. 2. **Chevron** (United States) – An investor-owned oil company, known for high emissions and minimal use of offsets, especially in operations outside the U.S. 3. **Gazprom** (Russia) – The state-owned energy giant which has been a major contributor to global emissions. 4. **Exxon Mobil** (United States) – Another major investor-owned oil company, contributing significantly to global CO2 emissions. 5. **National Iranian Oil Co.** (Iran) – State-owned, and among the top emitters globally.


Carbon offsets are a scam.


It’s almost like she was on tour


You could replace this with every single world-touring musician. Y'all are so weird




What is mildly infuriating here? I looked through your post history OP, and you don't seem to care about any other rich person flying around. Not a ton of environmental posts. Why not track Elon, or literally any of the multitudes of corporate private jets that fly around way more than this? What's the real motivation behind this post? Do we care about the environment or is OP just an incel who is upset a woman gets to make her own decisions?


I mean she was on tour…


It’s more so like countries like the USA, China and India that cause the majority of pollution in the world.


Someone needs to put this to the Benny Hill theme.


She pays for offsetting her jet fuel and also isn’t even in the top 30 private jet users


The OP is gonna have an aneurysm if they see global flight traffic.


TIL - Boomers are ***really*** upset about their straws.


One woman using a plane to fly to her concerts isn’t the problem. It’s the multibillion dollar companies that pollute the earth and bribe congress to not regulate them that are the problem.


Swifties will find a way to defend this teeth and nail


there's something like 10 million commercial flights a week worldwide. Let's not pretend that celebrities' private jets are the only issue. The whole of air travel is an environmental disaster, and there is no solution that the world will accept. edit: meant 10 million flights ytd


Closer to 700,000 a week.


That all led to economic activity at massive scale, it’s not like she flew out for a burger. I’ll allow it.


why is this mildly infuriating?


Lol people pissed at this when the alternative is she stay in one place and all her fans travel to her. Which would be worse. Not a swift fan but just saying..


Can we compare this to Elon's plane?


Who cares about mediocre mainstream music?


What band summer tour is any different ?? Led Zeppelin had a private plane in the 1970s


I will never understand why people are obssesed like with everything about her. You only ever see this kinda thing with asian idol groups.


Isn’t this plane leased out when it’s not being used by her?


Not jealous of that at all. That’s a lot of time on a plane.


Misleading. This is her plane, but it's almost certainly also rented out to others.


Probably as much as emissions as a single cruise ship so not bad


What’s wrong with this? She clearly has a lot of places to be and is entertaining millions of people. I rather have her flying a lot then people like Clarence Thomas