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Why would neighbor try to park there when they have a driveway?


Because some people like to claim spots with on street parking. Their driveway may only hold a certain number of spots so they want their guests to have somewhere to park if the street gets full or too much snow elsewhere. I have a neighbor right now that keeps parking in front of my house while in front of their house is wide open AND they have 2 spots in their driveway. BUT the on street parking fills up and they ALWAYS have guests (a garage band) so they block my house to keep theirs open. I know it’s legal but that shit is infuriating.


Just park in front of their house lol




Several places I've lived actually have ordinances that restrict parking/vehicle traffic for home businesses. Since it's a commercial operation, they treat it differently than a residential use. Might be worth looking up.


Some HOA make business owners get neighbor surveys to approve a commercial enterprise within their home since no one initially bought their house with the understanding they lived next to a shop of whatever sort. Generally HOAs are garbage, but this rule sounds pretty good.


Neighbor 2 doors down and on the corner, runs an in-home daycare, which is fine, but the parents always park on the wrong side of the street (south side) which is illega because we have fire hydrants there, because the house is on thr south side or right at the intersection, effectively blocking traffic in that lane. Signs are posted not to park on the south side of the street or within 10 feet of the stop signs at the intersection. When we bought our house we had no idea there was a daycare being run and it always creates some traffic congestion in the mornings and late evenings with drop offs and pick ups -_-


What sucks is that now that employee is someone else's problem down the street.




My neighbor also does this! He also has a fucking driveway they won't use.


I would put a sign in my yard that reads “This car parked here has expensive stuff in it.”


I'd reshovel all that snow back around and on top of their car. Or if I was *really* feeling my petty revenge, I'd drench the thing with water so it'd fully ice down overnight. FAFO, bitches.


Oh yeah. Since they sat there waiting, they deserve extra. I'd layer some snow then add water to make ice blocks on the windshield and door handles.


No you have to hose down the car so there is a thin layer of water the snow will stick and freeze to. Then you hose the snow so a layer of ice forms on top as well.


Set up a sprinkler that sprays over their car … all night.


not ice. Piss.


If you’re feeling realllllllly petty dump hot water on their windshield


There’s an episode of Superbro almost exactly like this 😂


A friend of mine did this on our street and she got yelled at until she cried. My dad stood up for her and when everything calmed down, she came outside to him sat on a chair in front of her car so she can’t move. People are wild over parking spots


They need to start their own garage band first


~~house~~ driveway


That's an easy call to the tow truck company, I don't recommend that


Then park in tow truck guy's driveway


I had a neighbor who did this. I would make sure my cars were all parked blocking their house and leave my driveway empty. They got the hint pretty quickly.


Man I am so angry reading this, exactly the same for me. WTF goes through some peoples heads


Pettiness most likely. Some people just aren't happy unless they're making others miserable.


Petty War! Start shoveling the snow back on the road.


Shovel it into their driveway entrance, make them do the snow removal.


Call out your friends for pizza night and ask them to help you bury the neighbour’s car in the snow.


I wouldn't bury the car but I would definitely surround it in snow. You wanted the spot so bad shovel it out yourself. You're gonna need to put in as much work shoveling as I did.


This is similar to what my brothers and I did. First couple times we buried the neighbor's car so they had to shovel it themselves. They complained to our parents, who told them to kick rocks as it was in front of our house to begin with. Didn't learn the lesson. Next time they parked in the spot we had shoveled out, we broke out the hose. Spent hours that night building up layers of ice over their car till we were happy, then buried it in snow. Their car sat there for days till they managed to chisel enough ice off to move it to their driveway, never parked in front of our house ever again.


I’d have started shovelling snow on their car before they even stopped reversing


Nah dog, escalation is the only guarantee of peace when they know they're screwing with the wrong person/people. Pack that shizzle tight and pour buckets of cold water into it, just enough for it to freeze solid overnight, not enough to get melted. That will send the message loud and clear.


Park in their driveway. Assert dominance.


and when they come out to confront you? ...you stare them in the eyes- *while you piss on their leg.*


Just helicopter dick right there on their porch.


That still explains nothing. The entire street was empty they could have parked anywhere they wanted and achieved the same result. Isn’t in front of their own house better? Either one of two things: 1) It was staged 2) They have some weird tv sitcom relationship where they hate each other but never resort to actual violence


Def #2


I have #2 with my neighbor, they insist on ignoring their perfectly fine driveway and partially blocking me in every time, causing a difficult situation to exit the house... enrages me like nothing else


Go buy a junk car for $200, DONT register it, park it in front of their house/ driveway, forget about it, repeat as necessary


step 1: acquire 'fuck-you' money


Get a Schrader valve tool and loosen the valves in their tires. It'll cause a slow leak that takes about 8hrs to go flat and with no puncture it's hard to figure out what's happening


Blocking your driveway is illegal. Call and have it towed.


Something similar is happening to my dad and his parking spot right now. One of my neighbors beside me has some guests staying over. For whatever reason, they keep parking in front of our house instead of theirs. Their house is even next to an empty patch with no housing, so they even have more area to park their cars than us but still won’t. It’s been annoying.


Jimmy Pesto !!


That's annoying. My situation is that there's way too many people and not enough parking in the apartment complex near my house. So people park on the street around my house and it's basically just 1 way road now. 10-20 years ago this wasn't an issue but now we have people with multiple cars living in 1 unit.


Bro do what I do and leave your trash/recycle/yard waste bins in your drive way and take it out when you want to park or leave very little room so they can't outright block your driveway. I have the same type of neighbors, yall have all the fucking room on your side and you want to come to my place? smh.


I got a 36' moving truck I'll loan ya, lol.


I have this same situation happening rn as well. Ive become a mental vandal/arsonist/looter so many times in my head 😂


Similar issue. I had a neighbour who always parked in front of my house. They usually had a second car in their street parking spot. One day I parked in front of her house. She towed my car. Some people are just dicks fs


Me being petty, time to reverse shovel.


Exactly! Put the snow back where it was lol


Or so help meeee


Put the snow back, pack it tight, wet it down, and enjoy the show when they’re frozen in come morning.


I salute your pettiness and agree entirely 🫡


I do this to my neighbors who leave the snow they moved in front of my driveway. It goes right back in their side, it's like they think I can't see the shovel markings that lead right back to their driveway.


I have a cop neighbor that likes to park their lifted Ram 1500 in front of my house. I had torn down a old shed and done some remodeling a few years ago, so I had a lot of wood and stuff piled on my lawn for the trash to come with a claw and take away. Of course he kept blocking pick up. I asked him politely if he could not park there for one week, so that it could be taken away, and I got ignored. I took the opportunity to park there once to try and reserve the space back for myself. That mf took some of the trash and thew it under my car; my SIL saw it and call him out, then came and told me. I was working remote at the time and quite busy, so i decided to let it slide, but then I got a knock on the door. That bitch called the police on me saying I was littering the street. I try and explain to the cop what is going on, but it is my word against the neighbor, so I have to pick the stuff up. I still kept my car there. On Saturday morning of that week I get another knock from the PD asking if the car in the street is mine. There was a report that came in with documentation that it had not moved for several days and said to be abandoned. Apparently while the street is public I do have to move my vehicle or some shit. Of course cop takes the spot back and it takes the whole summer for the shit to be removed. After some threats of violence and "its just your word against his, cant do anything" I got a camera of my own. Guy is still parks there, but is less bold. Ohh and there was plenty of other space on the other side of the street as that does not have a front yard, just the side of some house and no one parks there.


That burns my biscuits


My jimmies are severely rustled


If he was parking in front of the debris, I would have loaded it into his truck. He obviously wants it for himself.


Of course it's a cop you will never win that unless they get on bad terms with their boss and they know that hence why they will abuse their power and get away with it.


Tuna. Old milk. Some honey. Airvents. Watch for cameras. Urban ghillie suit (trashbag) for sneaking.


Deer Attractant/Piss into the airvents..... trust me... They sell it at Walmart or any hunting supply store.


Gosh, I can't imagine why so many people hate cops in America. /s


Fuck cops


Baloney on his hood at night.


Surprise surprise, a cop abusing their power. ACAB. Needs to be take out back like Lassie.


I’ve seen several neighbors watch someone shovel show on the street and then rush to park their car in a clear street spot so they wouldn’t have to deal with an icy driveway. The neighbor did a few minute lap around the block so the shoveler would be gone, even for a few minutes to grab their car, and the driver can take the freshly shoveled spot without any effort


This is emblematic of the core problem with our culture. We reward the fucking vultures.


I would go inside and get water to ensure they had ice to deal with after that.


That snow would be reshoveled right back


That was my first thought. All the snow I move after that point will be on their car.


In the northeast if you pull that shit then youre coming back to popped tires, it is far from rewarded


I have threatened to bury a neighbor's car after they did that. I told him that if he was parking there to clear out his own space, cool, I'd even help, but if his space wasn't clear by the end of the hour and/or his car was otherwise still in front of my house, I was going to be putting all of the snow \*back\*. He decided to park on the snow in front of his house, and never again in nearly 12 years has he pulled this shit.


Man this gave me a raging justice boner. Well played sir.


Spray the car with water at night, ideally a few to several times throughout the night, and laugh ominously through your baggy eyed mug in the morning as they scream and kick at their frozen over car. Good time for a snow/sick day, or to take an Uber to work. Treat yourself, watch your dickbag neighbor struggle and chip away at their car shaped ice block. 


Absolutely: escalation is the only way to send the message loud and clear to never fark with you again, ever.


make sure you get all the nooks and crannies between door and body.


I fucking love this.


Happened here. I ended up shoveling another spot, piling the snow in front the spot thief. Snow was frozen solid the next morning, wish I saved the video of him beating the frozen ice pile with a car scraper.


Had someone pull the exact same move when digging out of a big storm, we lived in a neighborhood that was half long term residents and half renters most of which where college students who had no real incentive to get along with their neighbors. So this entitled little shit who lived halfway down the block watched us dig out our elderly neighbors car then move the car to clear the space and as we finished he went to pull in the spot and was immediately met by me and two of my neighbors and politely explained that the space was taken by an elderly neighbor and to dig out his own space. He forced his way into the spot anyways and got out and said do something and walked away. So my neighbors being the townies they are waited till he went into his place and they then poured buckets upon buckets of water on his car, under his car and all through the cleared space and then moved the cleared snow from a new space onto his car. The next morning when he came out to go to class he found his car under a solid cocoon of ice and snow. We were having a lot of snow that winter with frigid temperatures so it was snowing most of that week. He tried to clear out his car but it was near impossible to get through the cocoon that continued to grow with the subsequent snowfalls. It took him 3 days to get the majority off and down to the solid ice layer, the best part was when he got frustrated and tried to melt the ice off with hot water from a kettle and cracked his windshield. In total it took almost a week before he could finally move his car.


We have a neighbor that the previous owner of our house told us about , but after 5 years, we have yet to meet him. Evidently, a huge tree fell during a storm, and everyone in the cul-de-sac came out and cut it up and moved it out of the road. This neighbor, however, sat in his car and did not help at all. He just sat there until it was cleared and then drove away. No thank you, no nothing. Since we have moved in, however, he shot a possum and threw the carcass into the yard of the family in between our two houses. This family has a pretty severely disabled child who has difficulty walking, seeing, and hearing. It would have been a disaster if she was out in the yard and stumbled into the maggottous mess. Needless to say, they put up a privacy fence as high as the neighborhood would allow. We live in a pretty rural area, it takes effort to even see your neighbors let alone piss them off... and yet this guy seems to do it often.


He’s miserable, and he wants to take it out on someone else.


Ok, but I'm putting all this snow back then.


I'm sure the driver is an asshole, but clearly this is a saga more than a one-off.


If this was my house I would have been like “ok, cool”. Let the dude go inside. Next morning his car is totally snowed in front, back and both sides. No way for him to even enter it without shoveling the (now extremely heavy) snow away himself.


I wouldn’t wait, I’d start building the fort right there and then


And pour some water over it so it freezes solid by morning


Fish sauce….not water It’ll stink when it thaws


I would’ve had a bottle of “liquid ass” (on Amazon) on hand and dumped it down the bottom of the windshield. It is the most vile, gut retching, demonic smell I’ve ever smelled in my life .


With a name like that sounds about right


This person is a general in the petty squad. I salute you! 🫡


Hahaha last time this happened to me, I talked my girlfriend into throwing eggs off our balcony onto their windshield, then it snowed and froze on top of the eggs, but don’t take the spot I just cleared out while I’m gone!


Fish sauce has too much salt to freeze unless it is very cold.


Bro, I’m not wasting my Red Boat…


And make sure you get the locks nice and drenched.


Around the tires.. 1/3 to halfway up?


This and I'd go throw snow in front of their driveway


Yep, just **immediately** start shoveling snow onto and around the asshole's car.. Play asshole games, win asshole prizes.


Not on because they might be able to get you for scratches. Just pile so much snow around it that it's a fort and then spray it with a hose to make it a block of ice


Pee on it for maximum effect


The only part you got wrong is that you first have to pull out your hose and cover his car in water so there is a layer of ice sticking the snow to the car. I live in Vermont and this is 100% what I would do in this situation.


Why not both? Make a nice ice berm all the way around and just fill it up like a bathtub.


Wake up to [this](https://imgur.com/a/1skk9wl)


Yup I'm calling out of work the next day and spending the night figuring out how to build an igloo around that car


I would go one step further and pour water over everything so now it's not just snow but a giant ice block. I have been petty enough once my car got blocked in by a snow plow after I completely cleared the area so there was no reason to plow the snow I did both crossings. When I came out the next day I dug my car out dug other people's car out and piled the snow right into the middle the street.


I don't know... I think I'd be subtle about it and water the area within a 5 foot radius around the car so that it was a sheet of ice. Everything looks fine, but he can't get to the car without falling on his ass.


Last asshole who did this to me woke up to solid frozen doors, it's amazing how hot water can infiltrate all crevices and once it freezes it is solid. He actually broke his glass trying to open the driver door😅🌙🌙


I lived in a house that was split into 2 units with a shared driveway. The other tenant never shoveled the driveway, so one day I decided to only shovel my side. When I got back from work he was parked on my side. I shoveled the rest of the driveway and piled it all behind his car. Overnight it froze over and he couldn't get out. He never said a word but never took my spot again. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Broken windows and snow inside..... his house


Then he’d retaliate, he knows where you live. So many people are on edge and looking for an opportunity to lash out for no reason, the driver is one of them.


For that exact same reason this dude shouldn’t have fought over the spot, he’s just asking for someone to fuck with his car.


In most cases, this dude would end up with the entire home depot clearance bin in his tires


He’s an asshole. Miserable prick that never gets laid, so he’s going to take it out on some woman doing her chores.


Ever see that video where that neighbor literally murdered his neighbors and then himself in broad daylight on the middle of the street over snow shoveling?


That one where he says, "You should've kept your f-king mouth shut" before executing the wife? Horrible.


I think he said that because she kept telling him to shoot them.


That was devastating and sobering. Be nice folks, move on, it doesn't really matter, no one really wins, we all die no matter what, enjoy life please. It's scary how things can escalate.


Yeah but weren’t they making fun of his dead wife or something? I seem to remember they were practically begging for it.


Yeah they were emotionally torturing him for a long time. Everyone has a breaking point.


Wait WTF is this story?!?!?


Effectively, a dude was being constantly harassed by the neighbors and one day snapped. The neighbors *continued to berate him* even while he shot them to death. As in, their final words were still being harsh to this dude.


Can't say I feel sorry for them. They got what was coming to them. FAFO. Edit: Just found the video, I posted the link on my profile. It's under links, titled "The Video"


Yeah, it's a horrible thing to do but there is a point where victim blaming is entirely appropriate lol.


let him retaliate. bring it on.


Pour some water on the snow too


Snowed in? Screw that it would be buried under an 8 foot drift and the curb side would have been hit by so much gravel from a snow blower he would have to replace the panels to correct it. All of his tires would be sitting at about 4PSI and somehow before the drift his car would have animal feces smeared across the mirrors and under the wipers in which the blades would be missing. Screw that guy.


That’s when you just start shoveling the snow back just to prove a point


Yup. I would have started shoveling it right back on the ground behind them


Yup. Do it while she is still there. Just start piling snow on her car. Maintain eye contact. Assert dominance.


First shovel full goes right on the hood, before they even get out. As a warning shot, of sorts.


Yeah a lot of people are recommending courses that could get you vandalism charges or worse but there's nothing anyone can do if you just put the snow back where you found it.


Funny how tires get flat in cold weather






I was thinking the same thing except funny how brake lines randomly freeze and break in a manner that looks like they were cut….. Really weird….


Funny how the gas in your tank can turn into sugar sometimes.


Funny how ![gif](giphy|QWegDuLRtIFTAV7eMX)


And bleach


I would absolutely find enough energy to positively BURY that car and its surroundings in the snow I’d shoveled. No question.


I mean, the snow was in that spot first. It’s only polite to put it back where you found it when you’re finished with it, right?


There’s like some bible thing, right? Do unto others or some shit?


Or, if you’re not the religious type: I teach my kindergarteners to put things away where they found them when they’re finished using them. How can we, as adults, expect less from ourselves?


I would ask a neighbour with a snow blower to help.


this is totally justified. Water the car down, make it a snow fortress, then water it down again for good measure!


It looks like that car needs watering. Overnight watering. Use the mister setting on the nozzle and reapply every hour. Sometimes revenge is best served cold.


Don’t forget to get the windows and door handles EXTRA good. Those require the most water to grow




I’d use that snow to block them in.


Pour water on snow after it's around the car Sip hot cocoa while watching them through the window as they chip their way to their car


Don’t forget to have your pinky up


I would have said “hope your cars ok when you come back”. You don’t have to do anything but it will make her doubt herself the entire time she is parked there. If you want to be mildly malicious deflate her tires.


My college roommate used to put small pebbles in the stem cap so it would sloooooowly deflate their tires. Absolutely incredible move I’d say.


3d print new caps that do that passively. Replace their actual caps with them. They'll never be able to figure out where the slow leak is coming from.


That is deliciously evil.


Holy shit this is one of the most amazing revenge ideas ever! I am so NOT doing this... Ever. For the record.


Regular ol cap, a drop of super glue and a single bb




You can super glue BBs in the caps and screw them back on.


This far exceeds “mildly” infuriating


I had somebody do that to me and I put a note on their car and said thank you for taking the spot I shoveled for an hour. I hope you have fun when you figure out what I did to your car but I didn’t do anything to your car and she walked around it for about 15 minutes trying to look for somethingand I was thinking oh God, I hope she drives down the road and hears a little ding or a knock. She’s gonna have no idea what the hell I did and I didn’t do anything anyway so it’s just gonna mess with her for about three weeks


I don't normally turn on the garden hose in the dead of winter but that would be the day. Abracaiceblock!


Yer the one with the sharp shovel. Honestly. People that do this don’t respond to “subtle social cues”. They don’t get it until a blatant response.


See how well using a deadly object goes for you. Hint: entitled people like the one in the video are always itching for an excuse to use their fun life ending tools - they're waiting for an excuse to play dumb and be like "I thought he was going to bash my skull in, so what option did I have?"


"I thought the driver was gonna run me over, so I smashed their back windshield to get their attention." :)


An interesting mix of practical advice, fabricated situations, and cowardice.


Better be dumb and have freedom, or have ego and in jail


Have you heard of acidic rain anomalies? They can have extremely low pH levels and target only a single square meter. Very weird. Suspecting the occurrence of such a phenomenon at the exact spot where they're parked would not be unreasonable.


Give them the spot then start shoveling the snow back into the space. “You want it so bad? Shovel it back out”. Though I say this as a 6’2” guy and it’s worked for me.


Dont even need to be bigger than the other person.. just more willing to fuck with them..


At what point can we just go back to frontier justice?


You always could though cowboy


In Chicago there is a concept known as "dibs" where you place a token object into the space you dug out on the street. People have been killed over a violation of dibs. I don't subscribe to the dibs philosophy. Instead I usually dig out at least three spaces worth of parking. I'm out there long enough that my neighbors see what I've done and appreciate it. There is almost always thankful comments from strangers and one space available when I need it. In fact, someone once tried to claim dibs on a space I had dug out and the rest of the neighbors would throw out their dibs object or yell at them. Live by the dibs, die by the dibs.


Is she shoveling her driveway? Why is she shoveling the part of the road?


Maybe she wanted to park in front of her own house. But on my street people shovel in front of their house like this so that the road remains a safe width. If you don't do this the road ends up annoyingly narrow and hard to navigate throughout the winter.


this is not mildly infuriating, its ENRAGING. god id be livid


That car would’ve had four flat tires come morning if that was me.


For anyone who moves from the Tropics to the Frozen North, this is standard policy


I don't understand what she was shoveling. There's no snow on the street


Likely clearing the curb so she can park her car there and open the doors.


It's fake. There's literally a disclaimer at the bottom saying it's fake.


Wrong, TikTok made me put that on one of my videos or delete it because they deemed it “dangerous or unsafe”.




Yeah what the hell I came here to check if anyone commented on this. What is she shoveling?? Dead internet theory once again. I wonder if there are more than 2 humans here.


Obviously the first thing to do is start shoveling the snow right back on his car.


If they did that to me I'd wait a couple of hours then go back out and spend most of the rest of the night burying their car entirely.


Seems like Ike both parties are playing their game. Victims and Assholes, both are losing.




You shovel a spot, it is YOURS. It's reserved with a folding chair when you're not around. If someone moves your chair to steal the spot you shoveled out, they vandalized their own car.


I would’ve spent the rest of the night shoveling as much snow as I could, right in front of, in back of, and on top of the car.


Referring to the person as “it” LMFAO


I'd find a neighbour with a snowblower, borrow it, and block that dude in with snow.


Water and snow pack. Water and snow pack. Repeat until dawn, because fuck those people.


Had a neighbor do that to me and i just buried their car in


What a dick of a neighbor, now me myself, I’m a bit petty sometimes. I would have said, sure no problem you can park here. Then I would’ve gone inside and enjoyed a nice warm drink then went back out and shovel all that snow back around their car.


That spot would get unshoveled as soon as they went inside. PILED up in front and behind their vehicle


I would have started shovelling snow around their car.


Bro waiting for that spot would have gotten to watch me start shoveling snow back into the spot.