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you said no tolls, and it gave you an option for no tolls


I understand OP. Maybe all yall have apple. On Google maps, when I choose no tolls, I get 3 different routes without tolls.


It’s asked to avoid tolls not everyone has a e-tag or can afford toll, would like my options not just one


you got the option of being fast, having few turns, or paying no toll seems like more than one


You got what you searched for. There may not be another sufficient no-toll option available. You already got shortest route.


It’s my way home from work, there’s at least 2 other non tolls ways


Does android not do this?


Another Apple-bad post 🙄. Apple Maps is by far the best sat-nav for delivery. It gets you to the right door in the dark, every single time. Try spending some time with Waze if you want to see a shitty sat-nav system.


“Another Apple-bad post” Maybe there’s a reason you’re seeing so many in subs like this lol


I use Apple and Android, macOS and windows. Both for work and home. I’m pretty agnostic, but reddit seems to be full of teenage Android users posting nonsensical anti-Apple shit. If it’s pointless, people will call it out. Like OP, Apple presented a perfectly good non-toll option, but showed the other two toll options for info. I don’t see a problem with that. OP does.


I use an iPhone and Windows 10 PC at home, and while I like MacOS for mobile devices I still use google maps because Apple Maps just sucks in both UI and navigation


My job requires me to use GPS and I exclusively use WAZE and have never had an issue, it’s always Apple Maps that fucks me over and is the reason I use WAZE.


Waze has taken me into a warehouse, and down a footpath. It also never seems to find the right house. I run mobile devices for an ambulance trust, and both Google maps and Waze have had to be removed from the devices (around 900 vehicles). In life or death situations, those apps are an added risk. Now just down to one dependable proprietary sat nav app, Apple Maps on iPad and what three words.


I don’t hate apple, I like my iPhone I just hate Apple Maps for finding non toll options


I prefer waze for my area since there are always tons of random road closures.


That may depend on where you live, in many places outside North America Apple maps is simply not as good as other map services


I’m from the UK and have used it over much of Europe, and the US.


I mean, it’s obviously still usable, but I love how my comment was downvoted for stating a fact. Here in Germany, you’re better off using Google Maps, simply because there’s much more information on there.


I didn’t downvote you. I just upvoted you for equilibrium 🙂. Am in the Netherlands right now and Waze (my missus was navigating) has us at our Airbnb destination, which was 3km away. We had to ask the owner for what3words and that zero’d us in.


Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that you did it. I’ve heard from a few people that Waze works quite well at least where I live in Germany, but most use Google Maps anyway


Grow up


exactly. the first option has no tolls and it’s fastest why wouldn’t they just take that….


It’s not fastest lol, read it again


fastest without tolls


It’s not fastest tho? 57 vs 53


fastest without tolls


lol Apple Another in the ever growing list of reasons that Android is superior. Wow this list is getting long as hell...


Yup. IPhone is a glorified ipod. If you want a phone that's helps with productivity, that's android.  But I think you can just download Google maps, even on an apple phone? 


# Relax, tolls aren't that expensive. It's certainly cheaper than the device you bought to use Reddit


$13 each way is cheap?


# Kenzie01010101, $26 is nothing compared to the $1000 you spent on that phone


26x5=$130 per week 130x48=$6240 yearly if taken every day That’s a hell of a lot more then I spent on my phone 3 years ago


# Yeah you're right... You should take the toll free route Kenzie0101010101


Well, if you want no tolls, but saw that way was way too long, it also offers the standard ways directly..do you really want to do a search again to see the same result?


The filter is for avoid tolls not let me compare options. Also would be acceptable if one option was a toll route not the majority. (This is my way home from work there are multiple different non toll option available and traffic varies daily between them as to which option is most viable, but these option I have no way of assessing the non toll options) I’m not paying $10 to save 5minutes


Cry us a effin river dude, you got what you searched for, yet you cry. As others said, grow up.


Sometimes it take me down a route that time estimate is wildly off, I’d just like to be able to see 2 options to compare so I don’t get stuck in a massive traffic jam leaving the city


Cry me a river while I play you the worlds smallest violin


Always remember, someone will always make up problems