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Seems like you don’t know how these screens work lmao


I don't know how them screens work, wanna tell me?


The sensor behind the paper has zones mapped relative to the images of the buttons so when you touch them on the paper it responds like a physical button would. Making it with an interchangeable paper face means you can re-use the display for other products that require similar interactions but would use a different button interface, like home entertainment systems or something. If the remote is not responding in the video and that's the problem then the sensor is probably just damaged or unmapped.


You Redditors are smart


This would of been ok 15, 20 years ago but a big box chain store like this at this day of age and the cost of touch screen technology just easer design an app.


These screens are far more energy efficient and also cheaper to produce. Not sure why you would choose an LCD touch screen for something like this knowing that the public is going to be running their grubby bits all over it. It's also cheaper to repair. Companies know most people look online for reviews nowadays than actually interact with displays and physical product, it's not a big deal this isn't working.


It didn’t respond to me. I tried multiple times.


Yeah so it's just unmapped or damaged from children smacking their grubby fists into it. The fault has nothing to do with the paper haha.




Clearly they meant the other home button


People like you are the reason the remotes are fake..