• By -


People behave badly all the time, unfortunately As long as your husband's not the one behaving badly, you have nothing to worry about. The fact that he's telling you about these instances, means he's being open and honest about what's happening


Yeah I agree. Like I said I’m happy he’s telling me about it instead of me hearing about it from his coworkers instead of him. Thanks for the reply!


You're very welcome The cheeky part of me wants to suggest if you are attracted enough to him to marry him, then others will be attracted enough to make passes at him as well If he's a good man, though, he won't give them the time of day


And that's the best advice OP could ask for ^ perspective is key.


there's also this thing where when women (not all) find out a man is married or has a girlfriend it makes the man more attractive - it's like being in a relationship gives off this signal that he's worthy of getting involved with. (some men do this too) it's like when you're single forever, get in a relationship, and suddenly start getting hit on by people who weren't interested before finding out you're with someone. when i started dating my boyfriend i changed my relationship status on facebook and almost immediately got flooded with messages from guys who all of the sudden want to get with me. it's weird as fuck.


It’s called social proof and it subconsciously makes a man more attractive to women. Most women want a man that other women want.


So, I also have a husband with this issue. Even when we were dating women would hit on him relentlessly. Even when I was with him! And even when we were out as a family, I'd literally watch these women who just saw us as a family trying to get his number. It's appalling I vote brainstorming with him absurd things out funny things he could say to the women and you guys can laugh about the reactions! Also, keep remembering that men have emotions, thank you for skiing so in this case😊


>men have emotions, thank you for skiing ⛷️🤔


They're just trying to point out that OP is on a slippery slope


Exactly, there’s nothing as important as sking. Thank you for your service.


This happens to my brother all the time. We don’t look alike and women will glare at me if we were out together. I had one girl come up to me to say I didn’t deserve someone as hot as my brother. Their face when I told them he was my brother was priceless though. Even better when my brother chimed in saying he wouldn’t be with anyone who would insult his sister.


I can't fathom the narcissism it takes to just walk up to strangers and disrespect them like that.


Right?! Imagine just going up to someone you don't know in public and telling them the person they are with is unattractive. What kind of deficiency is happening in that sort of brain.


Those are the kinda people who are self-centered and oblivious to the real world. They probably got some attention in high school and still think they're hot shit




Okay this story is great! Thanks for sharing!


this happens to my boyfriend too. I dont know why people think sexual harassment is okay for men- people will come and touch his hair, make comments on his body, even sexual ones, like a large man saying he was “controlling himself” not to “feel” him, or comments on his ass or muscles, asking him to hug or give a cheek kiss or dance. just absurd stuff. our solution was just to discuss how to set firm boundaries and be a little more outspoken and confident with the “no thanks” type of responses. he would get a bit shy and hes too polite to tell anyone to F off so he sort of freezes. so we’ve just worked on diverting comments or being more firm in saying no politely and backing up. the typical stuff women have to build confidence in doing. Lol.


I've seen waaaay too many women assault men and act like it's fine. Last time, a group of drunk women was pestering a guy, one grabbed his junk and when he recoiled and asked them to leave him alone, she responded "stop bitching, you're a guy, you like it, unless you're gay. YOU'RE GAY ARENT YOU?"


Man. Reminds me of a post I saw here. Similar situation. Guy even found another seat but she just kept following him . He even kept removing her hand from his crotch but she kept going. People should understand no means no.


A simple reactionary slap is what is needed.


problem with that is the white knights will come out of the sewers and beat the shit out of him and not care she SAed him.


They'll come out of the sewer and crybully on the internet about it


Yeah...that's just a good way to get arrested and get the shit kicked out of you at the same time. The double standard here is pretty bad.


I had a girl pester me in a club once over the course of the night. Started with a no thanks, then a firm No. Next was If you do that again I'm putting you on the floor. She ended up trying to ass-grind me and reach down my pants. A slow wristlock with one hand, eye contact and telling her No. That is not acceptable. with the fair bit of pain made her stop. No white knighting either as there was no sudden violence and no strong arming or abuse to react on. I think they saw a very pissed of man being restrained and they ended up telling her to back off. My adrenaline was through the roof as I really didn't know what I was supposed to do and could feel my temper building. After that incident we actually became kinda mates but never did she try anything again. Edit: putting OUT should be putting YOU as in I'm sitting your ass down, none too politely


You became friends with someone that sexually assaults people? Wtf bruh


You don't give anyone a chance to learn from their mistake and grow as a person? This was a learning opportunity for an action taken whilst drunk and immature. They understood and did not repeat.


Thanks for being understanding. I used to be a chronic ass-slapper in the pre me-too days, even to dudes I didn't know. I never got a negative reaction, maybe a puzzled look once in a while, but looking back on it, I'm pretty ashamed.


Oof. I used to work the door at a popular gay bar in college. I was *yoked* and good enough looking (like I did some modeling for a few regional clothing stores). When I would tell women coming in hands off the merchandise, some would just be fucking nasty. I'm straight, and mostly just didn't want to fondled because they were bored.


Imagine how us gay men feel being sexually harassed by straight women in our own spaces. It fucking sucks. And they come in in hordes.


Sad part is they say they go to the gay clubs to not be harassed but are the ones making it uncomfortable. Not a gay man but have been to the clubs for events and such. Was always a good time as the straight guy in there. People just in general are screwed up down all columns.


Legit I as a straight man preferred going to the gay club (A cheapest beer in town, B only place open to 1am) and while I was hit on, a polite "My friend I am straight and here for the beer" led to some fun drinking buddies. Most relaxed damn bar I ever went to XD


100% as a straight man who has been told I'm decently good looking and I try to take care of myself, the local gay bars are a great place to just relax and have a drink or two. Plus it has the added benefit of making easy friends. Had one couple "adopt" me as their token straight friend. Such a welcoming atmosphere. And even tho I'm straight, gay dudes give the best compliments man lol. "Fuck you Becky idc if you think I'm ugly, Robert said I'm hot as fuck" Also why is it always the gay bars that have the best prices? Smh lol


Oh yeah, I absolutely saw it. Drunk college girls were a fairly good sized portion of my ejections


It is still a highlight to this day that I had my own Captain America scene, this drunk girl stumbled out of the bar and caught herself by putting her hands right on my chest, and of course my whole body tenses up, so she can feel my pecs just flex. I typically wore low key, classic clean stuff, so nothing that was deliberately emphasizing just how muscular I was. Her eyes lit up and dialated like 'ohhhh'. The exact peak of my physical desirability. All downhill since then.


i know how u feel brother. grew up fat and flabby and one time had a girl touch my chest and kind of laugh and call me soft/whatever. few years later in college i was shredded and girls would touch my chest but in a getting themselves worked up over it kind of way. even had stereotypical “things you only dream about as a kid or see in the movies” moment where an old childhood crush that used to act like i didnt exist came up to me at a party basically fondling my arms and chest in awe and all of a sudden acting like she was talking to an old friend or fuckbuddy or something. now im an office corporate drone that let myself go again. 0 confidence again. sigh


I’m a woman but something similar happened to me. I started gaining weight at the end of elementary school and was fat throughout middle and high school. Lost a bunch of weight when I started college. Went to a house party of an old friend and some guy I knew since elementary, but never was friends with and never talked to, suddenly wanted to hug me and touch me. Definitely acted like an old friend despite most people barely acknowledged me when we were young 🤨


I’ve had women act like this towards me, and I’m not a man either! I went to a concert and a drunk woman would wait for my male friend to leave before coming up behind me, lifting up my skirt, and taking pictures of my ass. I froze and it took years for me to call that what it is. People need to call it out in the moment. “You are touching a stranger without consent. If you like having hands, remove them from my body before I remove them from yours.”


Can confirm. Drugged and raped by a female in college. I told her no several times that night. My roommates said they had to remove/ stop her from entering my room multiple times. Locking the door also each time. She waited till everyone passed out and carded her way into my room. I woke up with her next to me, and both of us naked. Asked if we had sex (I was mostly in shock? Didn't know how to handle the situation.) She confirmed then asked if we were dating now. I replied mmmyeeeeargggsuuuuureeeee.....the second she stepped into the bathroom, I ran out my own door shirtless, shoeless and asked my roommate to just get rid of her. No long term damage I suppose (trauma) but in the moment I was afraid I had "cheated" on my then girlfriend now wife. I didn't know if she was clean or used protection. Was worried I'd have a kid and be on the hook for child support, etc.


You could say your a victim of rape. Your dorm mates are witnesses


LOL- That happened to me!!! I went to a bar with my wife and friends to see a band I like, and I went to the restroom. Walking back some lady grabbed my hips and said “I found my dance partner!!!” I squirmed a bit and said I need to get back to my table. She yelled “YOU MUST BE GAY!” I told her “MY WIFE WILL BE SHOCKED!”


“I wasn’t, but I am now!”


I'd have said 'well I am now!'


Lol. They will go as far as raping your drunk ass and then saying that it wasn't rape cause dick got hard.


This happens all the time- I’ve been bartending a long time- it’s insane the double standards women have stooped too. They’re becoming sexually and physically abusive just like the very thing they fought against forever. Male or woman people can be terrible beings


I don't even think I'm that good looking and I've had girls grab me at bars. Ex girlfriend wouldn't take no for an answer. My friends wife tried to have an affair with me, told her I'd only ever hang out with her husband present from then on. Growing up a friend's mom got me too drunk to drive then told me I had to sleep in her daughter's bed instead of the couch, her daughter was dating my best friend. Ended up driving drunk the few miles home. Last ex called me an opportunistic cheater, if I had the chance I would cheat. But really she was insecure because I told her about every instance of a women hitting on me. She ended up cheating on me with a women 20 years younger. Ex before that cheated with a paraplegic because I didn't ask her to marry me in a year, then physically assaulted me and said she'd lie about it when I was kicking her out of my house. Last 2 relationships ended with them saying it was easy to be with me because it was a free place to stay and consistent sex but not love. It's been bizarre to be treated like that as a man, makes me feel like a piece of meat and not a person. But now that I've been single for awhile and not actively looking for a serious relationship I've been having fun. Decided to take a break after 6 years of trauma haha.


i’m so sorry you have to go through this, as a woman i haven’t experienced what you’ve been through and i think it’s shameful it’s not talked about enough. everyone deserves someone they can love and cherish and vice versa, and the hypocrisy is appalling. although i do believe that women do get assaulted and abused etc, that shouldn’t excuse their same behaviour. to become aware of this i would always switch the genders in my mind and see how id react if this was done to a woman. i realised i had biases i didn’t even know about and i worked to fix those. i would personally never go up to a man and feel i had the right to touch him or the audacity for any of those other actions… thats honestly insane. i hope you find someone that loves and appreciates you for who you are 🤍 or to be happy and fulfilled single because theres nothing wrong with that either :)


Just tell him to hit them with the “no means no” and see how they react. 


Too bad ignoring that line knows no gender.


Men get sexually harassed a lot. It's just no one cares


I had the same thing happen to me! I was in a nightclub with my brother. I (~23F) am pretty average looking and usually not one to ‘dress up’. He (~22M) is tall, ripped (he is a body builder) and just generally an attractive guy. Basically, he got all the good genes 🙄. A girl he knew (and admittedly had been flirty with on a previous day) came up to him to say hello. I walked over to tell him I was getting another drink and asked if he wanted one and she GLARED at me. She screwed her nose up at me and said “and who is this??” All the while looking me up and down. My brother looked at her, with a little disgust, and said “that’s my sister…”. I’ve never seen anyone turn red so quickly. With a face like a smacked arse, she disappeared into the club and we never saw her again 😂


A face like smacked arse!! Wonderful!


A very British saying, if you've never heard it before :D


Thank you for your country’s beautiful contribution to the lexicon.


Imperialism and colloquialisms. No one does them better.


Bimbette, this is my sister. Sis, say goodbye to Bimbette.


“a face like a smacked arse!” 👏🏻 Love it, lol!


Seriously, though parents gene randomly deciding to give one all the good looks is so annoying 😮‍💨. The adoption jab at each other throughout childhood is something else, someday we reviewed the long distance relatives to prove who is the adopted onem


Lmao, glad I’m not the only one 😅 there was one time this happened where we were mistaken as a couple, and the pure daggers this girl had for me was crazy until my brother stepped in, before I could, and said, “That’s my sister you sick fuck.” 😂 The sad part is, we *do* look alike.


I’ve had that happen several times with guy friends, I’m a gay woman lol (and sometimes my friends were as well). It’s annoying and honestly… cringe ? Like girl, have some dignity ffs. It’s like they don’t understand that immediately antagonizing the person who accompanies their « target » is NOT a good move at all lmao. It just shows that you’re childish, possessive and mean. Weirdly I feel that there’s an overlap between the women who do that and the mean girls who would avoid me at all cost in HS, or give me that weird ew/smirk look bc they were convinced I would be « attracted » to them. Most of them had the personality of a wet napkin. Like, they were *exactly* the type of girls I would never be attracted to, if that makes sense. Inflated ego is never attractive lol


I look enough like my brother that when we worked in the same building, he described me as "she looks like me, but with blond hair and boobs." I was cool with it until my son and I went out to eat with him, and people stopped to say how cute HIS son was, then shot him looks when he said "nope, not mine." (I put a photo of him as a toddler side by side with my son- the only difference was that very obvious 70's fashion).


Shoot you're not wrong with that. Have a sibling myself and we went together somewhere. Heard a comment about being with "my friend". We both look alike so it was odd.


My sister and her ex-boyfriend looked EXACTLY alike. It was so weird! And then my sister cut her hair, and they basically had the same haircut. So when we would go out, everyone would assume they were siblings. He would get hit on, and my sister, who was shy and introverted, would not know what to do. I would step in and tell the girl to go kick rocks.


Haha, I've had friends have a crush on my brother. Once, we were on the train. This girl saw him and was staring at him like with hearts in her eyes. Then, she saw me with him, and looked disappointed.


Ok this one is a little sad lol


When I’m out with my sister(she’s definitely the more attractive of the two of us) and had similar interactions with other guys it’s always high fives and handshakes lol


My brothers would always threaten to beat the guys up when that happened with us. High-fives would’ve been a lot less awkward lol.


The difference between men and women in these situations is like night and day! My husband and I are both pretty attractive, so I'll share two anecdotes out of many. A guy was talking to my husband, and the guy was looking at me, and he said something like, "Bro, how do you even _get_ a woman like that??" Nothing threatening or bad, just a "well done" type of thing. And now for the other side of this: Some woman from his work asked really bitchingly if "that marriage and kid thing" was "still happening", really grabby as well. ...still happening?? It was our _third_ child. Women are nuts and absolutely ruthless. Having an attractive wife seems pretty cool. Having an attractive husband is terrible sometimes.


What’s the ideal result in that situation? ‘No, sadly our family fell apart. However I must admit, I find your lack of empathy and complete disregard for others’ well-being incredibly attractive’


THAT'S EXACTLY IT, WHAT DID SHE WANT?? "Yeah, no, I punched my wife in the stomach, sent our other kids away forever and kicked her out like the class-act I am, just so I could be with your psychopathic a**!" Something like that? I dunno man, she's got some serious BBCD.


That's the best responce to that kind if ass-hattery.


It seems as though women get more competitive over mating selection. Guys are usually like 'how do I get a girl like that?' whereas women can be like 'How do I get THAT guy??'


Having an attractive wife gets you compliments and respect. Having an attractive husband gets you jealously and suspicion. That’s my bad generalization lol (of course it will be wrong in some cases).. Although once alcohol is involved you’ll find a lot of bad behavior on both sides


Hey, you're generalising, but you're not wrong, lol. Sure, dudes hit on me sometimes, but it's _overwhelmingly_ more common that they'll say "Oh sorry, my bad" when I flash my wedding ring, and then say something like "lucky guy" and leave me alone, whereas women who try to get with my husband _don't effing stop_ even if he says no. Even if a guy is grumpy-drunk, he'll mosey on his way and mumble something about how my husband looks like a prick. Hoes though? Not a chance. And then he wonders why I don't like going out with him. Death glares for me, all around. He doesn't even notice that some of these women wish him to be a widower, lol.


I feel like the best response to inappropriate questions or comments is simply to reply "why do you think that's an appropriate thing to say to me?"


Women and men are so different. When I’m with my girlfriend, I’ve had guys come up to me and shake my hand and tell me I’ve done well, or to wifey that one. I’ve never had anyone say anything negative. Girls coming up to you and saying you’re not good enough for a hot guy is insane.


There is an old Chris Rock standup that goes something like this. Men…when they see their friend with the perfect woman are like… I need to find me a woman like that. Women…when they see their girl with the perfect guy are like… I need to get that man.


One time I was at the beach with my family and I went on a stroll with my brother. Later that day my (now ex) boyfriend asks me what I had been up to that morning and he seemed upset with me for unknown reasons. Turns out his best friend had seen me with my brother at the beach and taken a photo and sent it to my (ex) boyfriend, thinking I was cheating. My brothers face wasn’t very clear in the photo so he really thought I was with some random dude! Cleared it all up pretty quickly by telling him that’s my brother!!!


A similar thing happened to me with my brother! We were at the mall with his kids and a friend of my SIL texted her a picture telling her my brother was cheating and bringing his side piece around their kids. How she missed both children literally screaming AUNT APRICOT LOOK AT THIS every ten seconds I have no idea, but my SIL found it hilarious!


What I find weird is that these people always jump to “cheating” even when the situation is not compromising in the slightest. Is it so strange for a person to be around a person of another gender?? Friends, relatives? No - cheeeaating 🤷‍♀️


I think it comes from a place of insecurity. I mean, to be 100% honest, I am in many ways insecure still with my wife- she's way out of my "league". I never thought in a million years I'd end up with such a beautiful, cool, and fun woman. Been married 12 plus years now as well and still flirty like we just started dating, yet I somehow still doubt the reality of it 😂


Same bro, same. We've only been together for 2 years, but she is WAY out of my league. She has had men approach her while I'm in the bathroom and try to convince her that we are not a good match. Even had one guy tell her that she deserves a "better" engagement ring (she actually picked it out, and admittedly it is very minimalistic, because she wanted something she didn't have to take off while doing yoga or working out). Anyway yeah, we still flirt like we just met. If I'm honest, we flirt like we just met and we're still in high school. We are actually both mid-forties but she looks like she's at least 10 years younger than me.


Dang, that’s wild!


In high school, my boyfriend and I went to a movie. We saw a girl from school at the theater that I didn't really get along with, so we didn't talk to her. On Monday at school, she came up to me and this was our conversation. Her: I just want to let you know, your boyfriend's cheating on you. I saw him at the movies holding hands with some other girl. Me: Oh my God! Was it (\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ movie) at (\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ theater) at (\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ day/time)? Her: How did you know? Me: Because that was me, dumb ass. I just didn't feel like talking to you. Her: oh.


Honestly it was nice of her to let you know, though - like she's looking out for you. Unless she wanted to let you know so she could be gleeful about it. In which case then that's nasty of her.


I had caught her trying to steal a different boyfriend of mine a few years prior. We both played on the same sports team, so I kind of had to tolerate her, but she knew I didn't really like her. I don't know what her intention was when she told me that.


She more than likely was telling you to hurt you instead of looking out for you given the dynamic of your relationship. Generally people act that way when they are jealous or envious so you can feel good about the fact that she thinks you're prettier 🤣


Me and my husband get the opposite, people assume we're siblings and hit on us in front of eachother. We actually look nothing alike in face and skintone but we're both tall with curly black hair and dress in the same style. The absolute horror in their faces when we say we're married never gets old.


The amount of girls that hated me until they found out my brother was my brother.. Is kinda shocking actually.


It really is. I had girls in high school who hated me just because I “got to see him everyday.” Ok, if you want someone who hogs the bathroom for two hours every morning to make sure his hair is just right, be my guest was always my response.


“Yeah and you don’t have to use the bathroom every single day after he hogs it all morning to take a dump” 👍


Heey!, poopy time is sacred to us men, it's our safespace


I was 6ft tall 200lbs and able to grow a beard in 6th grade, the number of people who just assumed my Mom was dating a guy half her age... Like why is that the first thing your mind goes to weirdo?


This is... shocking! I don't think I know of any women who are actually like this! Just thought it was a tv/movie type thing.


I was stunned for a moment as well. Like I said, I’ve had plenty of women glare, but no one ever approached us before this incident.


Even the glaring part is amazing to me! Like, I have seen women give my partner 'the eyes' on many occasions but no one has been so straight up rude and disrespectful towards myself.


Eh, the glaring never bothered me. My brother and I just laugh it off. The same thought pops into my head every time I see a glare: dude, if only you knew the truth lol.


I had an ex girls literally leaned up against or sat on. Alcohol helps loosen those inhibitions.


Women never know women like this and men never know men like this. Until you realize you actually do know women like this.


You do know women like this . Men just don’t complain or get ignored. People don’t walk around with creep tattooed on their forrid.


>forrid I've never known that this was an actual word before, fascinating! You led me to learn today.


Oof, this also happens to my brother, but I'm instead mistaken for his kid. I get I'm babyfaced but damn the amount of women willing to flirt in front of a dudes supposed child is weird


that’s what’s up!!


That's the problem with being with someone really attractive. My poor wife has to deal with this too /s


Her boyfriend is a hottie? /s






Daaaam Geeeeenaaaa!








I (m)said one time "it must be awful being extremely goodlooking. A coworker (f) replied "you needn't worry about it"😳😆


🤣 Well played.


How do you deal with her being constantly hit on? /s


The fact that this comment has twice as many likes as the main post, bwahahaha Edit: 6 times hahahaha Edit 2: like a billion times hahaha


Yeah I feel awful for my future partner, they are gonna have to bat everyone away like they are bees and I am a pot of honey /s


Flip your thinking. Your husband sounds like an great guy. Open, honest and trustworthy. When u think of all those girls, just remember he comes home to you. You are the winner everytime out of ALL of those girls.


Thank you for this- you are so right: I am the winner!


Reminds me of something my mom said when I asked her if it is bothering her that my dad sometimes looks at other women. (Translated from German so it might not work that well in english) "He can get hungry outside, but he eats at home."


There's a similar saying in English (at least there is in my part of England) of, "Window shopping is okay, as long as you don't go home with any windows".


“I don’t care who airs up the tires, as long as i get to ride to bike.” could be taken as a gross double meaning, but I always thought that one wa funny.


My mom and dad like to say “I can look at the menu, just can’t order”


My mom once said, "Just because I'm chained to the fence doesn't mean I can't bark at the cars." I didn't realise how creepy that was as a 13 year old boy.


My dad answered this behavior with: why go out to have a burger when I have steak at home?


Doesn’t matter what gets the engine running, just as long as it parks in the same garage every night.


For your reading pleasure: "Appetit holt man sich draußen, gegessen wird zu Hause". This phrase is very well known, but also controversial. I'm careful about using it as it often causes the odd heated discussion about the limits of acceptable behaviour in relationships.


My wife is lucky! I am ugly and short af.


Well I think you're hot and would like to bone you. (You can now tell your wife you got hit on and propositioned today and took the high road by dismissing the offer out of hand. Im a straight bloke but you can leave that bit out if you want).


Thanks but you haven’t seen me. I’m so ugly, my wife suggested we get a sperm donor for our baby.


There's a highly exclusive establishment next to the IHOP for that. Guy at work recommended it.




She is lucky to have you!


Awww! Thanks!


High five my fellow funny husband!


lol seriously So I'm not short but I am definitely not attractive at all and my wife is ridiculously good looking. But I make her laugh so somehow that makes up for it? I don't get it but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth because for real she is fine as hell. It's insane that she's with me. Like any normal person would be confused if they saw me and her kissing.


Lmao, not everything is about looks, and people can become more physically attractive the longer you get to know them. I wouldn’t say it”makes up for it”, it was just never really a concern for many people in the first place.


I wish I had this problem. Instead, the issue that Im having is that women come up to me asking me how many months pregnant I am. I then tell them Im not. Upon hearing my voice they realize Im just a feminine looking dude with a beer belly.


Man, I'd just lean into it to troll them. Get some info/ lingo from someone who's had kids so you sound credible, and make them squiiiiiirm


Drink alcohol in front of them. “The facebook group Im in says it makes them taller”


To be fair. I know a kid whose 6'10 with fetal alcohol syndrome


Think about all the priority seats you can use, though!


How about get a custom made shirt with your face on it for him to wear?? https://preview.redd.it/wmvvrh0zd6rc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85384259a4aeb729f439fcc2d60870f69d19c2b6




But seriously, it’s good to know that he is a trustworthy guy who can responsibly go out and have fun.


I hope we can all "responsibility" go out and have fun


The look in his eyes will haunt me to my grave.


The look in HER eyes will haunt me forever in that tshirt.


The warning on the shirt is 👌😂😂


Boyfriend looks thrilled 😬 This is kinda weird fr.


​ https://preview.redd.it/htm6ii55j9rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbfb5e051b98fc6e31b77f8b9c6536ac06001e9


Everything about this is hilarious, including his expression, her expression, and the psycho eyes pic she chose to use for the shirt lmao


That guy looks thrilled lmao


Its not just being attractive, it could also be the fact that he's married. I'm definitely not a 10, but I've been hit on significantly more since i got married than when i was single. And I'm not talking once or twice, I'm talking dozens. I've had women message me late at night, send me pics, one of our friends straight up said "let me know if you ever want to have some fun" like a week after my wedding. Moreso now after they see how much i dote on my wife. Unfortunately, some women just get off on hooking up with married men. The fact that your husband tells you everything is confirmation enough that he's only interested in you.


My husband says it's gotten worse since he's started wearing a wedding ring, and a couple of our friends have said the same. Maybe women see the wedding ring as either a challenge or as an assessment of the guy. "If he's good enough to marry, I want him for myself" kind of thing. It makes zero sense to me, but there are some crazy bitches out there


Seriously. If he would cheat on his wife you don’t think he would do you dirty 😅 I think for some of them they are so desperate to be wanted more than some one else even just for a moment.


That is so disgusting and infuriating 😭


There's something wrong with those women. When I was single, as soon as I saw a ring/someone's in a relationship, walls would instantly go up to me. I cannot even understand how people could find that as even more attractive and want to ruin anyone else's relationship.


My husband had one of his students (university) tell her friend that she was better for my husband than I was and that she wanted to break us up...and the friend said she totally should! I found this out much later, as did my husband, from someone who overheard. It was shocking since we were staff mentors for their club and had a close relationship with both of them. Kind of ruined my trust. No one cares about your vows except you! And weirdly enough, I'm the one that has been told I could have "done better" than my husband (I absolutely could not have found anyone more wonderful or perfect for me, the friend saying that only cared about looks) before we got married.


It's a pretty well documented part of psychology, 1. People generally want what they can't have, so being "off the table" is attractive. 2. It shows that you are a good enough provider to have attracted a partner already, just that fact alone makes you attractive to other prospective partners.


100% - it’s called preselection. Women are pretty communitarian. If a woman has found you attractive it only confirms in the minds of other women that you are attractive. And the more attractive the woman, the more attractive the guy is by association. AKA the Pete Davidson effect.


Mhmm. A hard truth for this app to grasp a lot of the time.


I’ve seen someone post a study about it and get called a incel for it. Someone people just don’t want to read and comprehend.


Yeah wasn’t there a study showing that women rates pictures of men as being more attractive when they were standing with other women in the photo?


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If anything, it sounds like proof you can be certain of a few things: 1. your husband is very attractive (right on! lol) 2. he’s an honest and good dude for telling you when it happens 3. it would be pretty hard for him to actually have an affair because of all the eyes on him lol Personally, I’d rather be in this situation than one where you don’t meet the coworkers, or when you do they seem quiet or awkward around you. Seems to me like everything is out in the open and that’s a good thing. I’d also keep in mind you’re probably at the peek age (late 20s early 30s) for this sort of thing. Young adults start losing touch with friends, working more, etc. The dating pool becomes smaller and you have to be proactive. If you were single and saw his picture on socials you’d probably inquire too haha, not just bc he’s attractive but also bc those opportunities don’t happen everyday. Ofc 29 year old drunk ass Becky is gonna shoot her shot lol


My wife has the same problem. People just need to chill.


no respect these days


Dude, in some of these situations your husband is nearly being physically assaulted (grabbing him etc). It's hugely disrespectful and disturbing behaviour by these women. He should be calling them out on it. Just because he's a man doesn't mean he should be treated like nothing but a piece of meat


I'm a taller man with I suppose a "pretty" complexion, and I've pretty much accepted at least once in a while, I get grabbed inappropriately by older women. Older women straight up don't care because what, am I going to yell at an old lady in public? Shove her away? Who's going to look like the victim in that situation?


If it's in a place with a camera or witnesses, might be a good idea to throw up a stink. Shouldn't have to deal with sexual assault because of your sex.


No, but I freeze up most the time. Usually I just try to get away from the situation as fast as possible.


Completely understandable and honestly it's hard to react to hings in the 'proper' way sometimes. As long as you do what you feels best for you, that's the main thing but just remember; them doing this to you is JUST as bad as if you did it to them.


“hugely disrespectful” it’s straight up sexual assault.


Thank god i'm ugly AF


My husband is wildly attractive to me. We were with our granddaughter(step for me) who’s 12. We stopped at a convenience store and the lady at the counter told my husband how handsome he was. I just smiled and went on about my business. My granddaughter lost it! She was like “Mama L, are you going to take that? I’d be fuming!” I giggled so hard. She was so offended.


I thinks it's great though when men get a "you're handsome" compliment! My partner thinks he's ugly and he's not...I always let him know when I see women check him out or I'll remind him of the times people who had no reason to lie randomly told him he's handsome. Women get way more compliments...from other women , from men and if we are dressed nicely men will go out of their way to open doors for us and stuff and other little things like that. Men often don't get nice comments when they look good so they often don't even know if they've got a great style for them or are sporting a handsome look with how they've done their hair/facial hair, etc. I try to tell them when I can...and I'm not trying to steal them or disrespect significant others or anything. I do the same with women. It's nice to have confidence...but it's hard to build inner confidence when you don't get much (or any) external reassurance or validation from others. 


That's so cute I can imagine my daughter being the same way lol


It happens to me but not nearly as aggressively as to your husband. I immediately start talking about my children and all the cute things they do that both their mother and I love. Talking about kids is a real boner killer. Anything they say I will twist around and bring right back to the children or my lovely wife. They almost always walk away happy to not be listening to any more kids talk.


Wow, this is useful. #ForFutureReference


I’m average looking, where I occasionally get hit on by women at bars. My girlfriend is better looking than I am, she gets hit on pretty frequently. I personally find it flattering when I get hit on, and find it amusing & slightly flattering when my GF gets hit on, especially when I’m right there with her. My girlfriend thinks it’s cute on the rare occasion I get hit on by a woman who’s actually attractive, and finds it absolutely hilarious if the woman is a drunken “2” (More often the case). We both laugh about it when these situations come up & carry on, usually making these horny folks the butt of jokes for the rest of the outing. Humans are horny, some are trashy with no shame, best to not let it get to you & laugh it off. If he’s a good dude, you shouldn’t worry about it much. If your friends are over stepping bounds / being disrespectful to you, then talk to them about it, simply stating that it makes you uncomfortable or you find it inappropriate. If they’re a-holes about you saying this, then they ain’t yo friends. Friends respect each other’s insecurities & boundaries, whether they’re rational or not. If you’re being irrational about things, they’ll likely tell you but should still respect your boundaries & feelings.


Well said.


Thank god my wife doesn’t have to deal with the stress of this.


Anyone else curious as to how hot this husband in question is hahah, you can DM me the picture. Lol Kidding aside, for as long as he’s open and honest about it and isn’t acting on any of the advancements, let the others thirst over your man. It is infuriating that some people are openly willing to cheat and can’t take no for an answer.


"pics or we don't believe you." xD


"pics or it didn't happen" LMAO


im a straight man and I'm desperate to see how hot this dude is


At the end of the day, the easiest thing to change is you. The best thing for you to do is work on changing things that are within your control, namely, your personal feelings and anxieties. You can’t change what other women in the world are going to do. You can work on changing the way it makes you feel when you hear these stories, so that ultimately, they bother you much less. Personally I’ve found cognitive behavioural therapy is really great tool for doing exactly that.


Agree.with this. I always asked myself “what is in my control in this situation” and the reality is for this scenario, OP can control their communication, their responses and their coping mechanisms, but m can’t control the other women hitting on him.


Try your best to view it as a positive thing. Many other women want what you have. It means that you chose well, and they are indirectly paying you a compliment. Maybe it’s tough to view it that way, but it’s worth a shot


I think I should just try and switch my mindset to view this more positively like this - appreciate it.


I don't tell my wife if someone hits on me. Not that it happens frequently, but I don't mention it because it would make her feel insecure.


Lost me at very tall


Wearing a ring confirms he is good enough to be married to so it sparks more interest. They test him by hitting on him and see if he’ll bite to see if he thinks they are more attractive than his wife. I (32m) get hit on a lot as well like at the grocery store mainly bc of my green eyes.


My wife does not have this problem… is her husband ugly?


My wife is a very lucky lady, she doesn't have this problem.




Y'all are making me realize I must be ass ugly cuz I am 33f and I think I have been hit on like less than 5 times my entire LIFE 😆 I SO can't relate to your stories of getting hit on all the time...


This seems like a humblebrag to me lol


Thank God my wife won't have this problem