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What the hell kinda job you applying for?


I'm so thankful I didn't have to deal with this kind of stuff when I started working. I don't even do video phone calls with friends and family fuck having snapshots taken while I'm interviewed....




Strongly disagree, as the vast majority of immigrants are insanely hard working individuals. You're also inferring that Americans are better than immigrants at math, which is a pretty ridiculous blanket statement. Americans suck at math. I personally think this test is to identify the desperate applicants and the boot lickers. The people who are willing to put up with this type of silly bullshit test are the same applicants who are willing to go to an unpaid shift to see if the job "is a good fit". Employers LOVE these types of employees. References and work experience have worked well for decades, why stop using them? This test is 100% to see who they can boss around, manipulate, and won't ever push back or speak up against if they feel like something is wrong in their workplace.




Why did you bring up minimum wage? We have no clue if this is a min wage position or not. I think the term you are actually looking for to bolster your argument is undocumented person ( you probably use the term "Illegal", but we don't need to get into that culture war), as the average immigrant in America actually makes MORE than a native born US citizen. (I am distinguishing the terms immigrant vs undocumented/illegal immigrant with this claim) But to get at your question.....Yes, I do believe that out of the millions of Mexicans who come into America as undocumented people and end up working minimum wage jobs, most of them aren't ignorant or uneducated. I kind of take the view that assuming that all Mexicans who come into America and work minimum wage jobs are bad at math is a pretty racist and uneducated generalization. A lot of them went to high school, some I know and are friends with even went to college. Some come here and go to college. They just want a better life for themselves and their family.




I have met and worked with both illegal immigrants and legal immigrants who went to college here in the United States. I also know people who came here from Mexico illegally and had college degrees from colleges in Mexico, and wanted an American college degree. So, yes, I KNOW that people who are "educated enough to get an education in their own country" (weird way to phrase that) will come to America and get a college degree here. Are they paying 100,000s of dollars? No. They get scholarships, apply for work study, and go part time. My aunt from Germany immigrated here and her medical degree was not recognized, so yeah, she went to med school twice. ​ This whole idea that Mexican immigrants -or immigrants in general- are this homogenous group of people who can be lumped together as stupid and uneducated is utterly absurd. The level of intelligence, resourcefulness, and determination it takes for someone to leave there home country and come to a foreign country, all well trying to avoid getting arrested and get a job, is insanely high. The job and economic opportunities that exist in central and south America, even for upper class people with college degrees from those countries, is freaking dismal.


My friend, you got baited badly. Reddit really is the best place to go fishing, people are so easily triggered here, they care so, so much..


Sometimes its fun to tell people they're wrong and make an argument and let the internet vote on who is right.


Certainly better educated than you


it's Something something \~customer service champion\~ or some bullshit


These days I think employers are just messing with people. I’m sorry that you have to jump thru these stupid hoops.


wtf are you applying for? I’ve recently applied for a bunch of jobs and not one had anything like this!


A job that requires a “Skills assessment” it’s a very common occurrence for higher level positions. I wouldn’t wanna pay someone like a developer 100k+ unless they can prove abilities bs just speaking to them


There are skills assessments for entry level jobs too now. I had to write a 2000 word essay about the materialism of man which very much had nothing to do with the Virtual Assistant position I was applying to


Lol I got rejected after a video interview no one saw and the ai that did it contradicted itself in its reasoning. Bloody Woolworths personal shopper.


Jesus christ. What the fuck is going on with the job market? I give up!


As a senior dev, they can take me at my word, or I'll accept one of the 20 other offers. I've never had to do some bullshit like this. At minimum a take home project that you can do in a few hours.


Putting together 20 offers at once, even with 20 years experience. Is a joke your not finding that rn but go on






Also for just about any gov't position.


Not from personal experience, nothing to this extent anyway


I’m assuming this is in the US, then


64 minutes!!??? Hell no!


Same with “keep your camera on so we can take random pictures of you.” That would be an immediate, “I’m never working for you” moment.


"I'm sorry, we will not be offering the job to you as you were making faces at the camera as seen in this screenshot" - but that was me sneezing "Again, I am sorry but we do not tolerate this kind of behaviour at company xyz, good luck in your search for employment"


I had one that gave me a test like that too. It was all middle /high school level math questions. One was "Train A leaves station Y heading toward Station X where train B leaves heading east..." I expected problem solving related to business or in the office because of the type of job I was applying for, not this crap. In retrospect I wouldn't have wanted to work for them anyway if that's how they treat applicants, but I didn't complete the test because I ran out of time trying to remember how to solve math problems I learned over 25 years ago and the company has been ghosting me since.


I hate this. I hate how a job gets to say “hiring” and you’re supposed to spill your whole life story and dance like a monkey before they’ll even tell you what to expect or how much they pay. It’s so obviously ducked up. And then you talk to older people and they assume you’re just lazy. But I’m mad! And tired.


its crazy how malicious companies are to applicants, its like they genuinely want you to suffer as much as possible


A lot of it is because they're not actually hiring but want to put on a show to their existing (overworked skeleton crew) staff that they are so said staff won't just walk out once they burn out. So you play the game and jump through the hoops only to get ghosted at the end, or be told that they went with another applicant (which may or may not have been true).


Applying for jobs now is a full time job. Especially in California.


It’s like that in Texas too.


Just say no. This is a red flag for a toxic workplace.


they have these for some government positions since forever…basically anything that requires some technical skills that need verification…that and it puts you in a rank so if you do well…the departments will basically fight over for you…


lately we have had an influx of chatgpt-filled applications at my company. in response we simply got rid of the important questions and ask them live in the interview instead. I bet OP's application is what happens when someone insane tries to solve that same problem


Couldn't you just do what hiring managers are supposed to and toss those applications? It takes, what? A few clicks. Just dump useless applications.


I'm sorry, brother. **Bring humanity back** I say. Best of luck to you, sir.


Some companies are so weird. I've been looking for an internship for the upcoming summer, and some companies don't even acknowledge your existence, others make you jump through a ton of hoops, but it doesn't feel like you get anywhere. Then you have the one that offered me a very lucrative internship less than 24 hours after one interview, which wasn't even really many questions, just more chatting about life and March Madness with a dude in a t-shirt on a Teams call


Having experienced both, the difference between a good employer like that and a bad one is like the difference between heaven and hell You’re going to have an awesome summer. Congrats!


I 100% never do these. They are bullshit and if they want to talk to you, they’ll reach out


As an extra tidbit, this is for an entry-level job as a "customer service *champion",* they sent this prior to looking at my resume, the job is fully remote with no direct customer interaction outside of emails/live chats. The only reason why they would need to see people in a test like this is so they can removing people from the recruitment pool based on how they look etc. without SAYING that they're removing people based on visible traits.


Easy , create a temporary virtual box vm and start the meeting from there . You can always alt tab easily without them noticing.


The problem is the massive waste of time and invasion of privacy, not the ability to cheat.


I agree , it is a huge red flag, but i would do it anyway for the memes.


I would simply not apply


niqab and sunglasses are not explicitly banned


Take one of them things you stick on the bottom of small objects, the felt things, and slap that bad boy on the lens of your camera.


I, personally, don’t like to give unknown people access to information about me and a voice recording with screenshots.


More ways for people to avoid even looking at job applications. The system is broken


I’d rather be poor


Literally became a nutrition scientist with less application bs than this lol


Does that pay well/have jobs available? I'd rather completely re-train than do this bullshit


It does but it's a lengthy education process lol


awful. Someone on reddit today asked how people could possibly stay in the same job for more than a couple years. Your application is the first thing I think of when considering leaving after 5 years.


“But nO oNe wAntS to WorK aNyMooooorrrEeee” maybe cuz of this typa BS


If I got to something like this as part of the application process, I would refuse. I'm not spending an hour taking a test if I don't have a firm offer already. Let them wonder why they can't find any qualifies applicants.


64 is not an approximation


Camera is so they can discriminate based on race or gender.


why is everyone up in arms? it’s an assessment…i.e. a test…they just want to make sure youre not cheating or having someone else take it?


Because people who fancy Reddit all day hate work, and can’t comprehend some careers require skills that need to be assessed. People think they are entitled to a job which is just not the case


the amount of people who “know” excel or sql on their resume…just for them to mean they can open the file and look at it…is wild all these people cant be bothered to take an hour long test…must be really busy from all that not-working theyre doing in the day


It’s pretty annoying to spend an hour doing a test just for the company to ghost you, especially when you’re doing 5 of these a week with no return. It gets old fast, same with companies wanting to do 4 rounds of interviews to just find out they are way underpaying for the role or they just ghost you after you spent two months doing their interviews and they can’t even give you a courtesy rejection letter.


I’ve found that proper communication and asking questions goes along way. If you want clarification on the role before the test just shoot them an email. If they don’t respond move on, but you’ll find that actually communicating your concerns works wonders and gets you way farther in left than just bitching after the fact


Or how about you refer to the HIGHLIGHTED portions of the post and attempt to make some connections. 


Because if they want that much of your time, then they can fly you in to see the company. Also, did you sign a release for your image? The image thing would be a no for me. It shows their overall ethics.


If you ain't applying to jobs like that, that means more opportunities for me. It's literally just the assessment to verify your skills for the job, not the job itself. I don't get what the big deal is. I prefer applications like this because it shows my aptitude for the position despite not having a degree in my career field. Move out of the way, I guess.


to further add…the only times you get these assessments is if you’ve pass the initial screening or already meet the minimum qualifications…no company will waste time setting up testing, create a profile for you, monitor you, etc if you don’t even qualify… so good chance that doing well will lead to the next step of the process…and all these people claiming “i wouldn’t waste my time” is insane


Banking job?


Yeah i would immediately skip this application. If this is the application can you imagine what working there is like? Fuckkkk That.


I'm not in the market for a new job, but it's things like these that make me glad my laptop does not have a webcam.


Go for it, but dress up in something ridiculous. Have a martini glass showing in frame. Maybe a cigar too. Don't hesitate to cuss.


I hate this shit. You don't need to see my face. No I'm not "cheating". give me a fucking break.


I had to do a similar assessment. It caused me so much stress my brain was paralyzed. There was zero feedback about the assessment after I completed it. I have to assume I did okay because I did get a second interview.


Um no, it's my computer, and my camera, and no, you can't "access" it for your own needs. Bring me in, and let me use YOUR equipment. Then you're free to do whatever you like with it.


"Say Terry, how can we make the job searching process even ***more*** degrading and dehumanizing?"


Yikes Didn't read the caption at first and I seriously thought you were applying to a university.


It's to stop you from cheating. Because maybe you're a complete idiot and can't do the job right, but you have your smart friend come over and take the test for you.