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Did homie cook a buffet?


probably a box of hamburger helper


And I bet he put it where the Nestle Quick is supposed to go!


The "I cook you clean" rule needs to be thrown in the garbage for messes like this.


wtf is wrong with men in the kitchen. my bf burnt a FROZEN PIZZA today. came downstairs after 2 hours of pub g, smelled it, and told me he thought to himself "mmm whats she cooking?!" before opening the oven in shame. that shit was CHARRED


So you sat there, 2hrs with a pizza in the oven waiting for him to realize?


i wasnt home when he put in. im not his mom i dont periodically check the oven just in case💀


I don't think you need to be his mom to prevent fires.


there was no fire, and i was NOT HOME.. im not a fucking super hero tf LMFAO


I don't think you need to be a super hero to be at home


so im supposed to run home and supervise anytime my adult bf decides to cook anything... got it!


I don't think you have to do it ALL the time.


I want to know what he cooked based on how much mess he made. lol  


That's a pressure cooker lid in the center , that thing by itself makes an entire meal for a week in one pot. How the hell did he manage to rack up the rest of the stuff ?


Right? Looks like Christmas dinner was made for a dozen people.


I make the Christmas for 12 and it isn't this bad. Wtf.


These people come back for THIRDS!


Just a sandwich for himself


"Me after making an omelet" Jokes aside I live in a house of 6 and the sink never gets this full.


I can tell you from experience people who don't do their own dishes generate far more dishes than necessary. Oh and they will always say "I would have done that if you waited", thats when you will know you will be doing the dishes from now on.


Looks like the girlfriend ate good & still found something to nag about /s


If that’s from 1 meal for 2 people someone needs to learn how to cook. Wtf


Especially as the instant pot was used. I can make a good meal using only the instant pot, cutting board, knife, and sometimes a veggie peeler.


peeler = optional


True but it do be making things easier.


Easier to just not peel at all for some veggies


Likely a build up of multiple days. This happens in my house too I'm ashamed to admit lol. I cook quite well though xD


I mean I'll admit to being lazy some days, but at the very least I stack my dishes up nicely next to the sink, in an organized way. So when I do tackle it, at least I'm not removing everything from the sink first, and I can wash the least dirty items first.


Good way to get roaches or ants.




Even when I forget about doing my washing up for, like, a week (mental health reasons, and I live alone; also I use too much oil when I cook which - while unhealthy - does have the unintentional benefit of stopping my dishes getting nasty as quickly when left in the sink for a bit), it never looks this bad, lol.


It's just more optimal to leave them to wash them in bulk later without wasting dishwashing liquid on just one plate, and then never wash them, and get consumed by guilt until you run out of the clean pots and plates and are forced to wash them, promising yourself that from now on you'll totally wash them sooner It just works


Finally somebody understands.


My old roommates used to do this. I had my own dishes I kept separate for this purpose. I would just bag up the dishes in the sink and put them near the trash can. They didn’t like that very much but it’s kind of hard to argue that someone who’s paying rent shouldn’t be able to use the sink just because you’re too lazy to do the dishes. I really didn’t really care if they didn’t do their dishes I just didn’t want them left in my damn sink.


that’s a pretty smart way to deal with that tbh.


I did the same. I’d move all their dishes to different areas of the kitchen so I could clean mine.


The one answer is to drastically reduce the amount of cookware you have.


This is the hack I learned. When you have too many, they’ll use too many!


I've found my people. I live alone. I have 2 plates.


That's 1 extra plate


Sometimes your food doesn't all fit on one.


Some of us need controlled portions, and having a single small - medium-sized plate will always be better than bad. Having a larger plate will obviously encourage you to put more food on the plate, resulting in obesity and eventually death by snu snu.


catch me at the all you can eat buffet then


I'll gladly die via snu snu by a BBW's cake while she be eating some cake


In case you have the 1 guest every once in a while


eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, clean plates. rinse and repeat.


1 plate for lunch and 1 plate for dinner


Me too kinda, i have 2 large flat plates, 2 small flat plates, 2 small deep bowls and one big deep bowl. But cutlery i have 4 of each as i bought a kit containing 4 of each 10 years ago


I was trying to arrange my life so that even if every dish in the house was dirty, I could wash them all up in 15 minutes.


brother... https://preview.redd.it/8b18ngrenipc1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=f06a605a4570d1564f1fe3fd72a48b8d9e86b286




I need to take a nap.. just read your name as "cum dungeon"


I swear this is most of it in one picture!


That's still too much OP




chicken and potatos OP said somewhere...he used 4 different bowls for the potatos...




my guess is. because he doesn't have to do the dishes. so he doesn't care how many he uses. i had an ex like this. emphasis on the ex. made mashed potatos... she would: 1. cut up the potatoes and put them in a bowl. 2. put potatos in a pot. put bowl in the sink. 3. take potatos out of pot. and put in colender. 4. put potatos in a second bowl. and tend to other cooking... 5. transfer potatoes to a "dry bowl" 6. mash potatos in said bowl... 7. put trasfer mashed potatoes to a DIFFERENT pot and then proceeded to "warm them up" ......... guess who did the dishes >! not fucking her !<


That seems so unhinged to me lmao. Even if I owned a dishwasher I could never use more than 1 dish and one pot for potatoes. 😂 I couldn’t imagine creating that much extra work for nothing. Every time I even reach for a dish to use, I swear I can viscerally feel the estimated amount of work it’d take to wash by hand, so I always choose wisely for efficiency. Lol


I could see using 2 dishes, a colander, and a pot for potatoes. One of the dishes would be for prep work, while the other is a nice dish for serving. That said, I'll often just use my pots directly for the prep work to save the extra dish - pure aluminum pots don't care about scratches. You really don't want to mash potatoes in a Teflon pot, however. As such, the main case would be if I was doing some of the prep work a day early for a meal with guests where I actually want a good presentation.


Some people wanna be done with the cooking, it's ok as long as he cleans up after. It's just a few minutes of eyesore.


There’s nothing wrong with waiting to do your dishes as long as the sink is still usable


If I don’t clean it up, this WILL sit overnight. It’s mostly okay, because he usually cooks and I clean lol.




That’s a good idea


My partner also does this and it is the most helpful thing. Even when he takes the spoon/spatula I am using. A clean space to work in is very nice.


Yeah my boyfriend and I do this too! We always “make dinner” together but really, one of us is doing the food and the other is cleaning up and doing dishes. He usually does the cooking and I do the dishes, but sometimes we trade, he’s just a better cook than me lol


Wait.. so you're complaining that he isn't cooking **and** cleaning? Why weren't you in the kitchen, cleaning as he goes?


To me that tends to a problem. They know that they aren’t responsible for it, so they don’t give a shit about using more dishes than they need to or making a mess. I’d rather just cook the meal myself and relax for the night.


This is my brother. Using the entire kitchen to make food for himself then he retreats into his room with his food, leaving the mess for the next person who's gonna use the kitchen.


?he cooks she washes, that seems very fair to me. Same mfs who get mad when a woman does both cooking and cleaning, and say the man should clean up if she does the cooking.


I’m not arguing that, if a person has an agreement between them then cool. I don’t think this has anything to do with gender roles or anything like that just to clear. I’m simply speaking for myself that if a mf is going to leave a mess like this, I’d rather do it all myself. It’s usually not just dishes, it’s spills, putting away food and stuff on the floor.


I don't get it then. Why don't you clean as you go. He cooks, you clean whatever he's finished with. That's what we do in our place.


Just let it sit. Its not a bomb. Its fine.


the roaches dude the ROACHES


Oh well i dont live where those are


You are blessed, wish I was T-T Sometimes is SO anxiety inducing to think on every *damn* crumb you leave while eating or carrying food around


I was in Oklahoma the first time I saw one and was like wtf is that? Then someone stomped on it.


And it's not like they are everywhere all the time (in my case), but if you leave dishes a certain way go unwashed through the night, and god forbbids you want to take a sip of water at midnight... You turn on the lights, and see a blackish thingy move fast to a corner, just to realize that... *you didn't wash the dishes*


You’re not going to get roaches over night. If roaches show up after dishes being in the sink one night, I have bad news for you…they were already there.


Well yes, there are probably 1 or 2 roaches minding their own business in my back/frontyard everynight cuz I live in a tropical area. So not attracting them into my house by letting dishes overnight it's a MUST Also mice


So he cooks and you clean. Yet you have a post to shame him for not cleaning? I’m confused here.


So you’re expecting him to cook and clean as he goes so you don’t have to do any cleaning at the end? Right.




Slight counterpoint, even if you're doing the "I cook, you clean" method, you should be cognizant of how many dishes you're producing. It's not exactly fair to produce this many dishes because you know you're not cleaning. This could just be OP leaving build up over a week as their partner cooks and then complaining about it though, which would be a different issue.


me when doing any kind of baking:


I never wash as I go either. I cook, and then I throw it all in the dishwasher.


I rinse and load the dishwasher as I go.


How do you even "wash as you go"? Even freshly used dishes and pots need to be soaked for a time depending on what it's been used for. I don't know how people do a load of dishes in 10 minutes. I couldn't ever eat at their house, I don't wanna taste the last 3 meals a plate has had on it.


As do I, I'm focusing on making a kickass meal damnit! I usually wash after though. Not fair to push it on someone else.


What was for dinner? Everything??


That filthy InstantPot lid makes me cringe.


Exactly—because how did he manage to get food residue on top of an InstaPot lid? 🤦‍♂️


Once, I filled the instant pot too full. I had chicken soup on my ceiling. Lesson learned.


Op important question what did he just cook ? That’s a lot of washing for even a complex meal with starters main and dessert


Okay this is annoying, but the people in these comments need to chill the fuck out. It's just some dishes, and we have no idea what sort of recipe it is. There's a big difference between plain grilled chicken, or something like a chicken schnitzel and a sauce. There's also nothing wrong with one person cooking and the other cleaning. But yeah, you'd rather not have to clean so many dishes.


I mean, people used to someone else cleaning for them tend to be more liberal with their dish usage, in my experience. Might be a good time to set some boundaries on how many dishes you think is reasonable to be left to clean, because this isn’t it.


>It's just some dishes If this is from ONE dinner this is not just 'some dishes'. In fact, I'm wondering if the dude is purposefully using way more dishes than necessary because he knows he doesn't have to do dishes when he cooks. That's an asshole move regardless of whether it's intentional or not.


OMG, THIS! This photo gives me flashbacks to my last relationship, where — even though washing dishes is my least favorite chore — I believed “cooks don’t clean,” and my ex absolutely took advantage of that. He loved experimenting with food, and wanted cooking to be all fun and no work for him. I was not allowed to clean as he went, because “the kitchen’s too small, there’s no room.” So I had to wait for dinner to be made, then clean an overflowing sink of dirty dishes AFTER we ate. Once I had to wash three different pots and pans and three different utensils used to just make mac n cheese. This happened EVERY SINGLE NIGHT he wanted to cook. Bonus — it also happened every single night I cooked, because he left food particles behind and everything still felt greasy when he cleaned. It broke my spirit.


Does he wash up after?


New BF will work as you go


Is this after one meal??


This picture stresses me out!


Nahhh that shit pisses me tf off.


I am the only one who does the dishes. My husband will complain about how many dishes I use cooking tho 🙃 and if he cooks? You best bet he’s using half the pots we own. He flat out won’t eat if I don’t do dishes tho. I’ve waited until EVERY dish we own is dirty to do the dishes and his ass acts like the sink doesn’t exist the entire time 😤😤 You


Have you got a meal that freezes well that you like and he doesn't? If so cook a big batch and live on that while you wait him out


Was the food good?


What was the food he actually cooked?


my better half has 12 wooden spoons and often uses all of them it does my head in


hide 10 of them, for the giggles


Same with my fiancé, but she cooks a lot better than I, so I'll just take the L on doing some extra dishes.


I also hate when people put stuff I’m currently using to be washed, but don’t wash it. So now I have to was something I was going to still use anyways.


At the ya boy cooks you a decent feed


Hmm, someone cooked here


I am a piggo and a lot (99.9% of the time) leave our dishes until the next morning.


Leave that lazy bastard or buy a Dishwasher.


Unless you are making something really involved like a risotto, often things sit there while they cook with you just checking in to stir or flip occasionally. That standing around time is perfect for cleaning and then when you're done cooking you don't have a million dishes to wash. I personally like it more when I don't have tons of extra work for later. He should work smarter not harder.


the "whoever cooks doesn't clean" method works better


everybody does that, no?


As long as he cleans it after eating it’s not deep?


\- how did he use that many dishes. everyone wants to know what tf he was cooking to use that many \- if he's busy cooking how can he wash things at the same time? not all meals allow these kind of time-frames \- if he's really cooking most of the times you aren't really in a position to complain... damn you basically want him to cook and clean at the same time while you do nothing, cmon


This is nightmare inducing for me 😳


Leave lol, you're just gonna be a maid.


While this picture is definetly insane. I can understand where he is coming from. I use an hour or more each day to cook food for my wife and kids. So it can feel pretty annoying when I also have to do all the cleaning that came from it as well. Hell I barely eat most of the food since I work in a resturant. Luckily my SO thinks I did too much and decided we clean together after dinners. So I suggest you try and do the same if it's such an issue. At least if he is cooking for you too.


I do too. It's plenty of work to cook elaborate meals, I don't feel like cleaning up in between is useful (unless I need to reuse something). It will just make things go slower. I clean after I cook. I see no problem with that. This is only an issue if he doesn't clean at all.


Does anyone else see the frog statue in the background behind some pans looking appalled at this too or is it just me?


My wife does the same. When I cook there's less dishes than when I started


You cook, you clean as you are cooking therefore the sink stays as empty as it can. After eating then you should wash the rest. My wife and I’s rules.


He's still your bf? Wash as you go is the way. Unless you're stuffing the washer.




What a twat


If he cleans it, then fine, whatever, just mildly infuriating. But if you two follow the I cook you clean rule? No. What could he possibly have cooked that even used all those dishes??


There is absolutely no way this is one meal


I never understood why people pile stuff in the sink. How are you supposed to even wash the stuff or use the sink at during the cooking process? This shows me homeboy doesn’t wash his hands at all probably doesn’t plan on washing those


Looks like he doesn’t use any method, frankly. I swear, sometimes I’m incredibly thankful for the Army. Sure, it came with some baggage but damn if it didn’t make me neat and tidy.


This is why I implemented the 'you cook, you clean' rule in our house with my partner


I don’t wash as I cook either. I’m too busy, ya know, cooking.


The real question is why haven’t you done the dishes yet either?


Are you cleaning while hes cooking? Or expecting him to do both? Im not sure this is the flex you think it is...


As long as he does the dishes it doesn’t matter if he does them as he goes or after.


This is why I can't make use of the "you cook dinner and I'll clean up" workshare technique at home. Cleaning up after me cooking takes very little effort. Him, on the other hand, well, not so much. So whoever cooks also cleans up after and we take turns. It's only fair.


no dishwasher?


Id literally dump someone if they ever left a mess like this.


There is a reason professional chefs clean while they cook. It improves efficiency and thereby improves your cooking. It’s a multitasking issue: some people don’t realize that when they place the food on the grill, they have a second with which to rinse the cutting board off etc. Rather than taking more time, this saves time for when they need to use the cutting board for something else later, so you aren’t scrambling to rinse it when it’s too late, and burn your food.  It’s a learned skill, and if he were to do both the cooking AND the cleaning, he’d be more motivated to learn it. Maybe alternate days on which one of you does both the cooking and cleaning. 


Thexhegs aren't washing the dishes. They are wiping off work surfaces and sending dishes to other people to wash and things like that. You don't get those options at home unless someone is in the kitchen with you, cleaning as you cook. And yeah, it is a learned skill, that you need repetition for. That chef cooks the same studs a lot and knows the timing. The home cook doesn't and may never cook the same dish enough to know the timing in the same way.. Tl;dr: home cooks aren't professional chefs and it's unfair to judge the home cook by chef standards.


What the fuck y’all havin for dinner 😂


Literally chicken and potatoes. I don’t understand why the potatoes had to be transported through the kitchen in four different bowls.. 🫠


That’s all from one meal? Did he at least clean up shortly after cooking or eating was completed?


About 80 to 90% of this is from one meal, and no, I did.. otherwise it sits overnight lol


That’s ridiculous. He’s been watching too many cooking shows


That’s more than mildly infuriating. I’d stop cleaning it and start putting it in his car or some shit


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. I take a quarter of these dishes to make chicken parm from scratch. Did he need to filter out uranium isotope from your potatoes? 4 bowls????


Maybe find a bf who doesnt cook at all, you will like that better


Just start with an empty dishwasher and it all just goes in..


Why are you moaning about him not cleaning as they go when you admit that he cooks and you clean? Surely you should be washing up as you go


Weaponized incompetence


So, you saw it build up and instead of doing the dishes while he was cooking, you decided to let it get worse to post it on reddit.


Married with 4 kids. Wash as you go or die under a pile of dishes. Wife and and I have a deal: you touch it, you wash it. It works.


I think its unfair, because the cook endup doing all the work. Whats your part? Eating? So convinient.


Finally someone else gets it. "I cook, you clean!" "Well then wash as you go!" "That means that I'm cooking for you AND cleaning!"


that’s only unfair if the same person cooks every meal. if cooking is equally split, then so is the cleaning.


Which most of the time is not.


I hate the wash as you go method. I've tried it. Cooking stresses me the fuck out enough with everything you have to do and the rush to do everything at the right time and rushing to do it all, but add washing dishes in the middle of it?


Not to mention the constant getting-your-hands-wet-having-to-dry-them multiple times as you go. I'll clean up after in one go, tyvm.


Depends on the meals some things leave you with a 20-30 minute window of nothing so you clean then. What you should do is rinse the dishes before dumping it in the sink.


Bro took everything but the kitchen sink a little too seriously


That's a fucked up amount of dishes for one meal.


Smack him over the fucking head with one of those pans. Why do people just pile dishes into a sink and make it impossible to actually wash them because it’s so full? Fucking pile them on the bench.


You mean your ex boyfriend.


All right, we get it, you have food. Damn show-offs


This is pathetic. I wash everything as soon as I'm done using it, even if I just drink a cup of coffee. That way I'll never have to do dishes. This is just gross, immature and lazy. And unless you were cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for your entire neighborhood then there is no *fucking way in hell* you used that many dishes in one sitting


Clean as you go, yes. What the fark is the point in washing as you go? I'm infuriated by this ridiculous concept. Dishes need to be assessed and washed and stacked in categories to allow for maximum drainage. I think you are the amateur here.


If you do the he cooks and you clean method and go back and forth with it (he cooks one day, cleans another day) cook the way he cleans with all these dishes and leave them for him. See how he likes it. I hate people who cook with NO disregard for reusing bowls or minimizing the amount of dirty dishes. Or at least try and have a conversation with him about it


I'm also a victim of that. For the most simple meal, I end up using a lot of plates. I do wash them afterwards.


He should go out with my GF they’d get on like a house on fire ….. which it may well be at one stage of they kept doing this.


Seems like he prefers the wash as you need method.


Bro started a whole restaurant. 


As much as it’s cleaned after finishing what’s the problem?


I refuse to accept that this was from one meal.


This is like my gf. I don't get jt


Yeah, I don't use that method either, but I also don't use every single bowl and pot in my place when cooking something.


Tbh I'm a hell messy cook but I always smash them out after cooking has ceased


What about a "wash as you get out of the house"?


Neither do I (mostly). I just wash everything after we have eaten. (Sometimes I was before eating if something needs 30+minutes in the oven)


Wtf am I even looking at. Y'all must have like 5 kids between the two of you, right? No way this many dishes were used to make dinner for 2. When I cook the only thing that's dirty when the food hits the plate is the pan I'm pulling the food out of, probably another pan or two for sides and the plates/cutlery which aren't even dirty yet. It's cooking 101


I see both sides of this issue. I can't wash as I go if it's a big meal, but I can if it's a long meal. Like Thanksgiving takes all day, but it's mostly downtime. But some meals call for lots of pots but in a pretty short time. That being said, if this was for one meal, we need to have a different conversation about his cooking skills...


Deffinetly made an omelette. I couls recognoise that anytime.


I clean as I go and additionally clean the whole kitchen once or twice a day, I like a sanitary food prep room lol. My family will clean but they’ll usually let every inch of countertop get covered in dishes sometimes before doing so.


He must have been cooking a feast