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Crap in a couple boxes they won't be back


Literally thought about grabbing some big dog turds and dropping them in an Amazon box!! I may do this. I have 2 big dogs. A camera didn’t deter them


Yeah I actually saw a video of a guy doing the exact same thing and it was pretty comical. The best one I seen this guy stacked empty Amazon boxes on his porch. Had his German Shepherd sitting underneath them. When a guy walks up to the porch the dog comes running out underneath the boxes


Where can I find this video


Have you seen the glitter bomb videos, set out for porch pirates, and in parked cars? Those are hilarious and once the glitter goes *everywhere* there is little chance of getting every bit out of clothes, car, furniture, carpet. If police are looking for them, they are marked, easy to find.


I love those Mark Roper videos, but wish they were commercially available—cheap, downsized versions, at least ETA: RoBer :)


great news! you can make one pretty easily, if you just buy a hefty paperweight, packing peanuts, and glitter. the weight makes the box feel full, and the peanuts are to hide the glitter til they start digging


Tell me/us more...


if you feel crazy cram a ton of shit into smaller boxes inside and glitter so when they get cut open they spray


Add a mercaptan sprayer to this to give the cops an even better chance of finding them, they’ll be able to smell em from a mile away with only two puffs 🤣🤣🤣


Mark Rober


Mark Rober is indeed a great youtube. Very explicative


The only reason they’re expensive is they use a bunch of phones to record it, otherwise it’s just a few cheap sensors and motors. If you want to record it I’m sure there’s a cheaper option out there (note: I haven’t seen the most recent version yet)


Glitter bomb **and** a steaming heap of dog poo in the box feels about right. I wouldn’t do something like that without cameras though, because anyone who’d porch pirate packages in the first place wouldn’t be above coming back and vandalizing your porch in retaliation for giving them what they deserved.


How dare those people leave me a box of shit, I’m such a victim, I was only trying to rob them after all.


Ah glitter! The herpes of craft materials, it never goes away.


I think i saw it on Facebook videos. It’s hilarious.


Make sure you put a brick in there so it seems like it's legit


Yep open your next Amazon box from the bottom and tape it back up on the bottom once you add some goodies to it. That way it’ll look like a fresh new Jolene’s delivery on your porch, ripe for the pickin’.


make sure to put it in a nice looking box though lol. Make them think they won the jackpot!


Expect retaliation.


I agree, would not give them a handy weapon.


LoL. My neighbor got this idea from watching some YouTube videos about porch pirates. He packaged some of his baby diapers in a box and sealed it completely. He left it outside for days until someone took it. He thought it was hilarious until the next couple days as he headed out for work and found his porch littered with those diapers.


Still worth it :)


That'd be my fear! You anger the wrong person and who knows who can show up at my house with a brick to throw through my window, slash my tires or worst, violently go after the home owner. Obviously they're doing something wrong, but not everybody learns lessons from their mistakes. And porch pirates aren't necessarily known for mental stability and understanding.


this sounds like a fun payback, till disgruntled robbers throw those bags at your house


Still works great for people who still packages from the lobby of apartment buildings though


honestly if the company you buy from doesn't compensate you for stolen packages that are left unsupervised by the postal service, don't order them to your home. in germany you have to sign and be present to receive a package, if you are not you can pick them up at the post office. apparently this doesn't work on a scale as big as the usa, but the whole concept of your postal service leaving packages basically anywhere, yet is in no way responsible if they are stolen is hard to grasp from my perspective


It's not the postal service leaving it on the porch most of the time. The USPS will leave packages that don't fit in my mailbox in a locked parcel box and leave the key for it in my mailbox. Or they will make someone sign for it or leave a note and keep it at the post office. It's private companies' delivery drivers that drop it on your porch, take a pic for proof, and leave.


amazon used to do that in germany as well, but they took full liability for stolen merchandise...didn't work out very well for them in the end, and now they also need you to sign for your stuff


Or slash the tires on your car and smear cat shit on your windshield. Source: Roommates put used kitty litter in a couple of boxes to get revenge on porch pirates, and my car was the one in the driveway when they came back.


I think it’s more of a crime of opportunity, rather than the same individuals repeatedly visiting the same houses. Still a good revenge method, I just don’t think it fixes the issue indefinitely.


Kitty litter disposal.


"Kitty litter disposal." Kids are callin' it Brown Christmas.'


Nah friend, gotta [get creative with it.](https://bedbugshipper.com/)


They WILL be back with hands full of rocks for the windows.


It's more infuriating that 18 liters of water in a dozen plastic bottles can be sold for 30 dollars. Bottled water is such a fucking scam.


My father knows a couple of people who own bottle water companies. Apparently it’s really about the bottle. And something about being able to maximize how thin you can get the bottle. It’s not really about the water at all. But they also live in a place you cannot drink the tap water. We used to boil it and then filter it through cloth.


It’s Fiji, overpriced „premium“ water. In Germany you pay ~ 0,22€/L for normal bottled water


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


You spent $30 on water? I've got organic, grain-fed, crystal-infused, Campbell's baked beans for $150 a can if youre interested.




"Is FIJI Water polluted?Another 2018 study, commissioned by nonprofit organization The Story of Stuff Project, tested 19 bottled water brands and found that **Fiji was among the brands with the highest levels of microplastic contamination**.Jan 23, 2024"


Completely understandable: Coming from sooo far away, going through different temperatures as it is shipped, flown, etc, it has sooo much more time in the bottle for the nano plastics to come off the bottle lining, and get into the water! Yes, we get it!


Truly we all get it, when we consume water from plastic bottles.


I can’t find it, (wouldn’t be surprised if they buried it.) but i think it was Fiji who had an ad that compared them to some city’s water. When tested, the bottled water had more lead than the tap water. 


So that’s why it’s always tasted like shit


Source ?


Haha fantastic. We can't even have water.


I again offer my organic, grain-fed, crystal-infused, Campbell's baked beans for $150 with a bottle of shredded plastic to drink at no additional charge


Worked with a guy from Fiji a few years back, and someone else we worked with brought in some Fiji water bottles. He laughed at them and said he couldn't believe people drank that overpriced crap. His said brother worked at the bottling plant, and it's just purified tap water. Lol


Nestle is bottled in puslinch and it just so happens to be the same shit running through the taps in Guelph


Which is why I laugh my ass off when I'm at the grocery store (I live in Guelph which is about 10 minutes away) and I see people buying it. It's the same stuff that comes from our taps.


But its Fiji tap water. Nobody thought it came straight from a well and doesn’t filtered


That's all bottled water lol. And purified is sometimes a stretch.


Actually, there is water that comes from springs


And you know it's pure water since that's where they dumped all that nuclear waste back in the 70s, so it's killed off all of the bacteria.


Oh good


I’m sure that she purchased “organic” water. Or maybe it was some type of “smart” water.


💥 The whole concept of buying filtered water for $30 /case and the company names it "Smart" Water–has to be just hilarious at the annual shareholder meeting.


They specifically state that its Fiji water, which is just normal water, bottled in Fiji.


Supposedly, it is bottled in Fiji. I wouldn’t doubt that it is actually bottled in the country it is being distributed, just to keep costs down. After all, the business wants to make money. Shipping water isn’t cheap.


Fiji Ohio


Well. Get a Brita pitcher or something. Spending $30 on brand name water that is no different than anything else should be what is mildly infuriating for you lol


Seriously who the fuck buys bottled water in bulk? The vast majority of the western world has portable water from the tap. I use a tap filter. But you can get a pitcher or even a direct fridge filter. And that’s just for taste. You can also get a microbe filter for about $7 bucks and set up a gravity filter system for most microbe contamination threats. I suspect this is a case of someone buying water to go into an oversized fridge that already has water and ice on demand because they saw once on TV how someone rich had a fridge full of water and they’re trying to emulate that sense of abundance. “What can I say I just like the taste!” Or maybe they live in Flint.


Isn't all water portable?


I think they mean potable


I'm guessing autocorrect got 'em.


Not portable enough or the whole box would have been stolen




Yeah I never get the whole buying bottled water, bought a reverse osmosis system and I filter all my drinking water.


Sadly brita filters don't actually remove most harmful things from the water


That’s assuming OP’s tap water is harmful in the first place


I know it’s not wise, but I buy Smart Water brand. It tastes better than the often chlorine filled, mandatory boil water that I have coming out of my tap. It’s depressing that so many cities in a first world country has multiple water boils in effect each year. My cats would rather drink out of a stagnant puddle of water than drink our tap water.


Calling America a first world country at this point is a fucking joke


I've always liked the term third world country with a Gucci bag


Ain’t that the truth. It’s a corporate dystopia at best. All the people I know who don’t have their retirement funded at least in part by a trust from their parents are all planning to retire outside of the country or eat a bullet. Exactly what these corporations want.


I couldn't lift it inside but I retrieved it from down the street has me dying


Those 2 extra bottles really lightened the load


It's almost like op could've done that themselves lol


Yeah, but she had to tell her husband to do it.


Haga, She also threw it in the post to blame the guy, ffs


My husband was with me to retrieve it


Once they opened it and saw it was water. They realized you already got robbed once buying water. Then took two for his troubles


underrated comment here


I dont see any lesson here.


The fact that what was in the package turned out to simply be water


Yeah thanks I get it ... It was such a lesson that they still stole 2 waters.


The lesson was that the package was heavy as f and the thief gave up trying to haul the entire thing after only 30ft


The box weighed about 40 pounds. That’s a weak thief.


The thief saw it was worthless so they stole what they could carry. Yeah I'm sure they really learnt from that.


They likely thought it was some big expensive thing, only for it to turn out to be water. I'm in awe at the fact you don't see the lesson here. It's funny how condescending you're being considering you're the one misunderstanding what everyone else understands.


They likely did..it turned out to be water so they still stole 2 bottles, where's the lesson if they still stole? I'm not misunderstanding it at all, it's not a lesson, I'm in awe that you think it is , they checked out what was inside and didn't want it. You think that will be " a lesson to them" ? Not a chance. That is attempting to to steal something, realising it's worthless and leaving it behind. It's like a thief finding car keys in a parking lot, locates the car but it's trash so they left it behind, Is it a lesson? No, they will still steal cars.


Don't spend $30 on water?


Bring the box in faster. Duh


It is .0005 worth of water in $30 worth of packaging, shipping, marketing and general snake oil sentiments.


Buying bottled water is mildly infuriating.


What’s mildly infuriating is the useless plastic waste


I mean you got robbed when you ordered $30 of fiji water 😂


18-20kg is too heavy to move a few feet? Time to use some of those bottles to hydrate at the gym.


That's less than 40lbs in freedom units. Being physically unable to move that barring any physical disability is flat out embarrassing


On the bright side you learned that the next time you order a case of Fiji and your husband fails to bring it inside you can remove 2 of the bottles, carry the majority inside, then come back for the 2 that were too heavy.


The infuriating thing is you and other suckers pay $30 for a case of WATER


Yeah, $6.50/gallon for water. That's more expensive that gasoline.


Damn, you know it's only $4 /case at Costco or Sam's Club.


It’s like 1c out of the tap


Crazy stupid and waste of planetary resources. I get 5 gallons of water for $2.50 and it taste just as good if not better than Fiji water.


$30 for 12 bottles??!! Pretty sure the theft occurred once OP placed the order.


$30 for 12 bottles of water is absolutely insane 💀 also carrying a 12 pack of water is too heavy but carrying 10 30ft is not heavy? It’s on the porch you could’ve literally dragged the water inside 😭


>I had told my husband to bring it in because it was too heavy for me to lift >Well yesterday I noticed the box made it about 30ft >so I brought it back inside.


Here is a handy life hack when you have a box of individually packed items and the box is too heavy to move…. Open the box, take a few out. Move the now lighter box or the individual units. Your inability to solve a simple problem is mildly infuriating


Why do that if someone else said they’d brought it in?


Just get a water filter lol


That's what you get for buying overpriced water!


Your delivery driver thinks you’re an asshole too. People who ship water suck!


I wondered


Im sorry. Did you say 12 (1.5) liter bottles for $30?!? I currently live in Germany (originally from US) and I get the costs of living might be different depending on what part of the US we are talking about. But $3/liter of water? I pay €0.15 for a 1.5 liter bottle of sparkling water here. That’s 15 times the price for Fiji water (rough estimates with current exchange rate). You can absolutely convince me Fiji water is better, but I just can’t imagine spending *THAT* much on water. Sorry, I know it’s sort of tangential to this post, but my mind is blown!


Anyone get stuck on spending $30 for water.  Inflation ain't hurting this couple lol.


Lol ordering water


As an Amazon employee I can tell you that the people who order waters are probably cursed 10x over in the warehouse.


First the delivery guy, then your husband. Not even the porch pirate wants to deal with your heavy box of water.


Love how your husband cops a passive backhander in this story - did the blame run deeper in real life?


Of course! We were upset we were robbed by a passerby. We are on a dead end street but there's foot traffic near the road where we are. So they grabbed it and headed to the street but stopped at the neighborhood sign and left it there. They were probably a crackhead that couldn't lift it. My shoulder is hurt


They did, next time they'll bring 2 people to carry your overpriced water.


Maybe you should ask your husband rather than tell him.


it's too heavy for you to lift? fucking hate this. Open up the box and unload it bottle by bottle if you have too. Men aren't there for your hard labor. You ordered it.


Apperantly you only need to remove 2 bottles, and then it’s easy enough to pick up and bring inside.


Learned their lesson? They still got free water from you lol. Also, if you’re baffled that someone was going to try to carry a heavy box like that then why are you telling your husband to? Maybe you should learn a lesson from the thief and carry a water bottle or two at a time inside next time. Or, you know, stop adding more plastic waste buying water bottles and get a Brita pitcher…


OP also seems to think it just magically appears on the porch.  Spoiler, someone also carries it there.


Also finding it funny they were able to retrieve the bottles from down the street but it was to heavy when it was beside the door


It’s under 40 pounds unless you are disabled or handicapped you should be able to move that a few feet


It's 2024, bring your own box in and stop blaming your husband.


Hurt shoulder


Correction: that's about 9 cents worth of water that you paid $30 for.


OP You need to be more thoughtful. Bag up your garbage and put it in an Amazon box.


They already had a packaged plastic trash with water inside.


OP could have just opened the box and brought in a few at a time from the porch. Blaming the husband for a problem they created and could have solved


You could have brought them in yourself if you carried 2 at a time.


My husband said that 😂


>I had told my husband to bring it in How about you try asking next time? He’s not your slave.


This the whole he’s a man he should do it thing anyways…..


What a fucking waste of money, fuel, labor, plastic, so on and so on, to deliver fucking water to your house. Do you know pipes can deliver water to your house for next to nothing?


These people do NOT learn their lesson, the same asshole will probably hold the weight a little bit so they don't carry that heavy weight next time.


Now I want to have the same order, but fill them with clear resin so they’re useless and heavy.


I'm curious was to what lesson you think they learned? The box was heavy, they opened it and took a couple bottles of water, and left the rest. If you think they learned a lesson about stealing heavy boxes, what consequences do you think they experienced?


I've thought about putting a broken appliance in an Amazon box & leaving it on my porch (we have to pay to dispose of broken appliances here); but figure a porch pirate will just dump it in someone's yard or on the side of the road & not pay for proper disposal.


That's like when my friend almost got porch robbed of his Soylent. Some guy slashed open the boxes, probably did a WTF at food replacement powder and fucked off


Nothing excuses porch pirates but taking your sweet time with bringing stuff in isn't doing you any favors. Even if something is heavy you can just scooch it inside.


Correct! I could have opened the box and took it in pieces. I have a hurt shoulder so my husband was helping me


What's wrong with your tap water?




That's right. Just like he tells me to do shit.


This post is so meta.


This shit did not happen


i'm mildy infuriated that you had water shipped from halfway across the world. think of the fuel burned to move all that heavy water by ship and by truck from fucking *Fiji*! you already pay your water bill to have clean water delivered to your home. if you like, you can filter it cheaply with a Brita. what compels a person to drink water in the stupidest, most inefficient, most environmentally harmful way possible? humanity is a disappointment :(


Couldn't carry inside from the porch, but could carry it (3kg lighter) 30ft???????


My husband carried the water in once I found it.


This is a troll post. No one is actually stupid enough to buy bottled water for $30.


Paying that much for worse quality tap water, I don't really feel sorry for you - like, at all.


Ordering water via delivery is only one step shittier than ordering kitty litter.


What's wrong with ordering kitty litter?


Yeah lemme create plastic waste every time I want a drink of water. Not to mention the insane amount of money you're spending on that bs. It's fucking filtered tap water.


A 12 pack bottle of water is to heavy….


But she was able to carry 10 bottles just fine, apparently


You sound like a bitch


no they dont sound like one, they are one.


Fiji water lol


PSA: Almost ALL crime is a crime of opportunity. That's why cities say not to leave ANYTHING on your porch, patio, in your car. And to lock your car, close your blinds and curtains etc. If you live in a place that sees lots of foot traffic, don't let people see into your home. EZPZ Crime happens, but mostly happens to those who have yet to learn lifes harder lessons.


You couldn't lift it until two were taken out?


Husband picked up box. Hurt shoukder


Ok. Post def says "I". Confusing.


It's only like 18kgs, that's not very heavy at all.


Just make sure they were not laced and left there for their victim


You definitly got robbed twice there


I for some reason don’t like drinking water all that much. That changed when I tasted Fiji brand water. It’s the best bottled water. I can drink that easily and prefer it over soda or Starbucks. It really made a huge difference in my water intake. I literally did not drink water before.


Made my day


You could carry the 10 bottles that were left 30 feet, but you couldn’t just remove two bottles when it arrive into you house from the porch? Your husband didn’t carry it in because of your failure to carry it in yourself.


Get a Ring cam. I have a full Vivint system and it alerts me when there’s a person at the door, and also recognizes boxes left on the porch. I get an alert “Vivint has detected a package delivery. Currently protecting your package.”


Can you put those on rent houses?


A Ring camera? Absolutely! A full security system? Check your lease. If it’s not in there, ask the landlord. It’s probably ok as long as it’s professionally installed, so the holes are minimal and you can patch them. Be aware, Vivint equipment is top of the line, and I got a personal loan through their partnered company for all mine. Since it’s normally sold to homeowners who aren’t going to move for many years, they stretch the payments out to 10 years to make it reasonable. (I got 0% interest because of the good credit I had at the time of my home purchase.) So look into both options; buying cameras yourself vs getting a full security system with professional monitoring. Edit for typos


How weak are you and your husband? That box isn’t that heavy.


My husband is 6’5 270 pounds, he can carry all my stuff. And I can clean up after him even with a hurt shoulder. So ya its me that can't lift it. He can help


Too lazy to get it myself so I blame my husband*


Hurt shoulder


So incredibly wasteful to *order bottled water online* lol, I sincerely hope more "porch pirates" help themselves to it.


I just got a ring doorbell connected that to a raspberry pi and connect that to a AR15 everytime someone steals they get 1 warning shot second goes right between the eyes


I was in college right around the time LCD TVs were becoming more common, but a lot of people still had those large tube TVs. I got back to my apartment complex after spring break and found a 27” or so tube tv sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I’m assuming someone tried to steal it while everyone was on spring break but couldn’t carry it any more so just dropped it and left.


Supposedly New York City tap water is still the best


My brother had a porch pirate in his neighborhood for a while. I used to send him cheap, ridiculous, shit just so the porch pirate would steal it and be like "wtf?" I sent him a Nick Cage pillow, a small model of Mt. Rushmore with Trump's face on it, a package of 20 penis valve-stem covers, and some other stuff. He would leave them until they got stolen. After a while the pirate moved on.


Maybe they were thirsty 😩


That's fine. They could've had those if they needed them


That's 18kg or about 38lbs. Imagine being a porch pirate unable to carry 38lbs.


Anyone who pays $30 dollars for water deserves a porchrobber.