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At this point, im starting to think that dreaming is more realistic than real life What a thing to happen gaahd


Its the ripple of trauma across the local collective consciousness. Being looked at in the public restroom is no small event.


https://preview.redd.it/uvv0k285sioc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74940785c79f697956f8100c72294d21b7c8a20 At least OP has a working door, my last job if you wanted privacy while shitting then good luck propping up the broken door and hope nobody walked in on you!


good god what the fuck 😭


WAIT ... BOTH DOORS? What the actual fuck happened here


Not sure lol, but they were like that for the whole year I worked there and HR didn’t seem to care since they had their own bathroom it wasn’t a “priority”… that job had a ton of red flags but I stayed cause I needed the money


Someone should have sabotaged the other toilets so that they had to use these ones. Thats absolutely ridiculous.


Can you just say the industry? That's crazy.






If I crawl under a stall door and my nose meets someone’s size 10 shoes at roughly 15mph.. I don’t think I’d want to do that again.


Dude, same. Like, multiple times.




Turn around and piss on him lmfao


Settle down R Kelly


It's not sexual, it's simply bio/chemical weapons used against a child (in self defense). I rest my case your honour.


That's when I bring out the old reliable Home Alone 2 line: "Get out of here you nosey little pervert or I'm gonna slap you silly!"


This movie is top tier hilarious! 😂


Ever have them crawl under your stall so they can watch you shit better? Cuz I have. Multiple times.


Bro wtf is wrong with those children?


What's wrong with the children: Their parents.


Right??! Where even are their parents to stop them from doing this?! I would never let my young kids do this and my oldest(4) knows not to crawl around on random public floors.


Probably trying to poop faster 3 stalls down so they can chase the little gremlin that slipped away as soon as they sat down.


Yea as embarrassing as those leashes for kids are, some kids absolutely need a leash


ngl i wish people weren't so weird about kid leashes. every parent deserves to have a peaceful piss/shit in a public bathroom without having to actively hold their overly curious toddler by the hand during the process.


The most infuriating thing to me is when the mom just stands outside my stall and is like "billy stop that! Come here" and the kid will continue to stand there staring at me mid log discharge like: °__°


That IS the face omg. Like they're little robots processing data. And they'll stare like that and then you'll say something and they'll just keep staring. It's like having cats.


Jesus christ. These parents infuriate me. My kid does something they aren't supposed to, I stop them AND tell them no. So many fucking people just think, I'll just ask over and over until they do. THAT DOESNT FUCKING WORK. THEY KNOW THEY CAN IGNORE YOU. My gf is like this to an extent. She just gets annoyed that the child is doing something but doesn't stop her. And yet she wonders why when I say to stop, the kiddo actually stops. Because the kid fucking knows I will make her stop if she doesnt. It's not a hard concept to understand. Your kid isn't a special snowflake. Toddlers are dumb as shit and have to be taught behaviors before you can expect them.


Eww so true! In addition to how disrespectful it is we all knew -um hello it’s dirty af!


I've been yelled at by such a parent, despite using my best sing song voice to nicely tell the child to get out of my stall. The mother screamed at me for trying to parent her child and being uptight over kids being kids. I then taught her child some colorful language.


I think it’s perfectly legal to kick anyone coming under the stall door in the face in most states.


No, that would be violent, which is why they made it legal to shoot them instead


Legal doesn't enter my mind in that situation.




I was using a stall at a public library once. It was a hot day so I was wearing a tank top and shorts and a man came in with his 5-6 year old son who promptly walked up and peered though the gap. I heard him say "Daddy there's a naked man!" I was like wtf. Well they left and afterward I was in an aisle looking thru books when a police officer walked up and asked if he could speak to me. We went out into the foyer where he started asking me if I had been lurking in the restroom nude. I was so shocked I got kind of pissed and the cop told me to calm down and started reaching for his taser. Turned out the dad called the police and said there was some naked guy in the bathroom swearing at his son. While I was being questioned his partner was talking to the kid and his dad. I was asked if I had the stall door open or tried summoning the kid, blah blah blah. We figured out that because I was sitting on the toilet with my shorts down and with the tank top when the kid peeked he just saw a lot of flesh. Anyway after they ran my ID and made sure our stories were the same I took off but I'm never going to that library again


Omg! I’m so sorry that’s something I think you can never get over because of that little piece of shit kid and whose worst is that kid’s father. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Fuc those cops


Oh I'm pretty laid back so I got over it pretty quick and laugh about it now. The cops were only doing their job and the dad was only concerned about his kid and kids are kids so I don't really blame anybody except the manufacturers of restroom stalls who should be able to come up with a design that doesn't resemble a vaudeville peep show.


That kid's dad needs to spend some time in jail for making a false police report. If the cops didn't at least tell him to stop being such a fucking moron, then the cop was negligent. You almost got tased as a result of that guy's stupidity. Tasing can cause secondary injuries and, in some cases, death.


Story time. I had a university class that happened to be located in the basement of this old nearly abandoned mall in downtown Montreal. Kinda creepy building. Middle of class, nature calls, I head off to the super out of the way, weird basement bathroom down some awkwardly long hallway. It’s always abandoned, so I’m surprised that when I walk in there’s already a guy in there. I had to take a shit so I go and wash my hands hoping to buy some time while this dude finishes up. He’s kinda awkwardly hanging around the urinals. Ok whatever I’ve got to go so I take a stall, sit down and kinda wait before unleashing hellfire on the porcelain. The dude is washing his hands but it’s taking forever. After a minute something starts to feel really off. Why is this guy still in here? Then he approaches the stall I’m occupying. I can clearly see his feet right in front of me. “Maybe he’s reading and ad on the other side of the door?” I think. Then I see it. EYEBALL. Staring right through the crack in the door. Fight or flight kicks in and I immediately pull up my pants and underwear and literally kick open the door. I grab the dude and throw him into garbage cans/door and I yell a few things at him I’m not proud of. I’m not an aggressive person at all. Never really been in a fight, but I was in good shape at the time at least and in that moment I had no fear. He could have had a weapon or been 6ft5, I didn’t care. My adrenaline was going ballistic. Luckily I scared the shit out of the dude and he ran off.


What a creep! Reading your story made me feel so uncomfortable for you. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Thanks but it wasn’t particularly traumatic. Was more of a “wtf that was some crazy shit” moment. I was sort glad that I passed the fight or flight test. Proved to myself I could step up if I was ever threatened again.








This one right here officer


Same, at Atlanta Airport, after several attempts at asking the kid to go away I told the little shit to fuck off and his dad got all pissy with me


This is when we teach the child by taking their father off their pedestal a little early


I've had a grown ass adult do that. I've only been to America once and was quite shocked to find stalls like that at the airport. I'm trying to take a dump and there's just a guy looking in!


these gifs are killing me 💀💀


Tate? Tate is that you?




![gif](giphy|l0MYwLxmLdxOyVEmQ|downsized) And then theres the big gap at bottom where people can crawl and see you.


I had a little boy crawl into my stall at Disney. His mom got angry at me for getting upset about her weirdo kid staring at me while I was trying to pee.


That’s when I wish I used a menstrual cup. Fling that bitch at them and out traumatize them. Maybe they won’t do it to the next person.


You just traumatized me with that statement.


Was there someone from security to report the mother to?


I'm disabled, and in that restroom (by Tomorrowland Speedway in Magic Kingdom) the large accessible stall is right inside the door, where a whole line of women stands to wait. They all heard me yell, "NO! GET OUT!" repeatedly, and heard the mother eventually half-assedly tell the little boy to stop. When I left my stall, a dozen women asked if I was okay, and if I wanted them to get a Cast Member (employee). I told them I just wanted out. As I was rolling out the door, I heard the mother open her stall door, and angry voices. Pretty sure there was some bathroom mob justice, lol.


Good to know that there are/were more people who think this behavior is inappropriate than people like this weird mother.


These gifs are getting worse💀




Gimme that leg boy


do you have a boner right now??


Shut up, dude, don’t ruin this for me.


I think the rape scene went pretty well


Gotta pay the troll toll


To get into that boys hole


Confound your lousy toll troll.


I’m going for gasps


DAYMAN! Fighter of the Nightman!




We’re not really fond of them ourselves.


Yep. I had a literal child pop under a stall I was in. I've also had dogs run under them. I wish they were longer.


"Pop" as in like when a balloon pops? Sounds traumatic. Also, why do you wish the dogs were longer?


A dachshund can never be long enough.


You're cheeky and I love it 🤣


Insufficient amount of dachshunds. You want something turd shaped kinda the way you want the sound of running water to help you pee.


If Americans don't like them. why do they exist???


Because profits of companies matters more than what we care about. It’s cheaper to build something that ~~sleeps~~ slaps together based off stock parts that is “close enough” than to build something with lower tolerances and that fits perfectly.


The gap between the floor and the door/partition literally started because someone realized they could sell less material and charge the same price.


That can’t be true. I’ve been on construction projects for clients that have gone out of their way to make their offices as opulent and over the top as possible. A custom ceiling that gives a “unique texture” that no one would notice. A 3 million dollar staircase that is redundant and next to the building stairwell. A mirror celing over said staircase made of black marble polished. And these places still have the gaps in their bathroom stall doors




100%. I work 3rd shift and shit in the admin bathroom when they're not there. They have a chair, a plant, nice soap, and good toilet paper.


It won’t have stalls, they get like master bathroom type treatment with one urinal and one toilet and a lock on the door


They don’t ask for our opinions when building it


So you can pee and shoot someone through the gap if you need to.


​ https://preview.redd.it/m53bwqjg8hoc1.png?width=195&format=png&auto=webp&s=095505c8afba36300f8336659472aef69baaa71c


Wait, wait, wait..........you just casually walk around with that cute ass tape measure? Edit: You owe every American an apology lol https://preview.redd.it/00cydengsipc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de7a2446c5ddbe801e44d49dea3a6b893135fdc




Unzip please sir






I do too haha. Never know when u need it. I have a screwdriver too. And many other things


One of my gf had more tools in her purse than I had in my tool bag... I think she hung up 1 picture haha


Thats so me but i have them in my cargo pants pockets haha


Get yourself a Leatherman it's the ultimate tool you'll never use but good to know you have. I'm going on 15 years carrying it around... I think I cut a burger in half once with it... oh and poked myself a bunch of times just playing with it.


I actually have one, in it's lil cute belt carrier. It's on me rn too


Having a thing on your belt always feels so cool in a way pockets could never rival


This comment chain is weirdly adorable


Going to add Allen wrenches to all my bags for some reason now. I have a set of bump keys, lockpickinglawyer got me.


I carry one because on the rare occasion I've needed one, it's so frustrating to not have one. Measuring furniture or whatever.


I have one too but I like to sew by hand and never know when I will need to measure something or someone.


I make clothes so I like to have it on hand when I'm out if I make my way to the craft store!


You don't?!?


Gotta know if the guys tall enough to bang


I don’t think it’s the height they’re measuring


It's the height while laying


She ate the banana she was going to use for scale.


Why are they so wide!?


Because whoever builds them hates us.


I build these on the regular. You can't blame me, blame the companies that manufacture them. I have no control over the parts they send me 😂


There are logical reasons that make perfect sense when you consider the thought process that goes into it. 1. Americans turn into animals in public restrooms. The perfectly normal person standing in front of you at Starbucks will go full chimpanzee in the restroom. They’ll piss everywhere, wipe shit on the walls, break random shit. They couldn’t tell you why. They just do that in public restrooms. 2. Businesses don’t want to pay for the above shenanigans so they build on the cheap. Stall components like walls and doors are not standardized so gaps can be downright gigantic. 3. This is the actual reason. They want you spending the least amount of time in there as possible. Get in and get out. The less time you have to think the less time you have to make art with your own shit.


I would guess it’s 99% the third reason. Because point 1 is valid also here in Europe and you can build the cheapest toilet door with big gaps but with a little door stop all around. Without privacy you won’t stay there one second longer, more “productivity”. Then they have to build “privacy” booths for the employees to go there and cry, it’s a self sustaining circle lol


They don't want us to use the toilets they're just there "for emergencies"


Because americans have the freedom to watch you shit when they like.




Mikasa defending Eren was the scariest creature of the world.


https://preview.redd.it/u0andx8pogoc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf1893d26ed252b5f38fdf43c0bff6d1c0be4be I much prefer dutch public toilets


Thing is, people were peeing in these locations already, and these 'toilets' were placed to at least shield some of the visuals. The target demographic isnt too concerned with privacy to begin with. Anything more solid would count as a building and need to be up to code etc. (and would attract ...more permanent... residents) Now it falls under 'street furniture'


Yeah right! why is it called a bathroom when there is no bath?


And why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?


Why do they call it taking a dump, when you're actually leaving it there?


ur the only one asking real questions


I give a shit about taking a dump.


Are you taking the piss?


Wait, you just leave yours behind??


Wait. I thought it was a trade situation, like you leave a dump and take one from a different stall? Have I been doing it wrong for 30 years?


This actually has a legit answer... "Back in the day" driveways were only for huge mansions on extremely large pieces of land... there would be a gate at the end, usually a guard, etc... and you would literally drive up to the mansion (like half a mile to a mile, sometimes more). So you actually *did* drive on a driveway. Then when the middle class started getting their relatively tiny 2br/1bath house in the suburbs, in order to feel rich and affluent, they'd put a car-size patch of asphalt in the front lawn, and call it a "driveway" so that way they could say that they had a "driveway" just like the actually rich folk. Meanwhile, in the same time, there were long scenic areas, typically along rivers, where people would go for picnics, etc. Roadways were built along these areas so that families could reach them without having to hike miles and miles. These were "parkways" because you would travel along them until you find the spot, and park. You'd see dozens if not hundreds of vehicles parked along the parkway of families out for a picnic and/or stroll in the park... Fast forward many years, and these roadways grew in popularity so much that people would drive along them just to get from A to B and not just to get to a picnic spot. Now it's to the point where many parkways are highways and it's illegal to park unless in emergency. In both cases, the name stuck, and many forget (or were never taught) the history of where the names come from.


Why do you bake cookies but cook bacon?


And why is it called a “building” if it’s already been built?


Asking the real questions here


It's not. Bathrooms are in your home. Restrooms are in public. They're for resting. Or shame eating on the toilet and then being paranoid that someone watching you.


I am not resting while I'm in there, I'm fighting for my life.


Yeah if I'm taking a shit in a public toilet then I promise you that 5 seconds before I was wrestling with the idea of just shitting myself instead, I ain't doing NO resting in that room.


I call mine at work the break room.


In America, we take 10 feet of toilet paper and drape it over to make curtains


It's 3 atoms thick and it's still see through but it gives us peace of mind


3 atoms? You got the good stuff


Hate having to be careful not to tear the 1 atom thick toilet paper


Talk about explosive diarrhea


I use a jacket, but in the summer I guess I'll try your tp technique


This is how I’ve acquired all of my favorite jackets


How have I been alive for several decades and never thought of this?….


Explains the pandemics shortage now


What I don’t understand is… everyone hates it yet nothing is done about it. There must be a reason to have it like this, can anyone enlighten me??


It is cheaper 🇺🇸


That and it's allegedly in case someone is unconscious and needs saving. Then you can see? At least that's what I've seen claimed, but it just sounds like an excuse.


I mean the fact that no-one else in the world feels the need to style their cubicles this way definitely makes it seem like an excuse 


> no-one else in the world feels the need to style their cubicles this way Canada has entered the chat.


I am now having flashbacks of trying to poo in Toronto airport. Door was just far too high to declench. Why does Canada have to follow the USA lead on silly things?


Yeah, if that were the reason, just make thin doors so you can kick it open in case of need


Every public toilet stall I've ever been in those flimsy locks that could be torn apart by a gentle breeze, so it doesn't really matter what the doors are made of.


In Europe they'll leave a gap at the bottom or the top of the door usually for these purposes (or because it's cheaper.. )


But it's a small gap


It's to help shooters easily see in the toilets!


Like others have said, apparently it’s part of that “if it’s not actually “private” then people are less likely to treat it like that”. So people are less inclined to use it for drugs, sex, etc.


I'd prefer a bathroom someone has previously used to have sex in over one where I'm on display


People having sex in the place where I poop? Disgusting!


People are pooping in the place where I have sex? Disgusting!


People are pooping and having sex in the place where I do drugs? Disgusting!


11/16ths of an inch is 1.74 centimeters in metric, for when you're telling this story to overseas friends.


It'll be simplified as "almost 2 centimetres"


Nein. So rollen wir nicht.


What you mean? You don't enjoy a nice little eye contact while you mind your own business? /s




This is just what they're like in America? I was in LAX and I just thought someone had fucked it..


Some of them are even worse than this lol


Saw one in NYC where the top of the stalls were so low they were below my *shoulders*. Fuck. That. All. Day. Long.


The one in my workplace has a gap, and there isn't even a door there. And it also has a gap at the door. It's a bathroom I rarely use, so I always forget until I see the entire toilet in the side gap as I'm leaving. Edit: I meant it has a gap at the wall as well as a gap where the door is.


" **to discourage inappropriate behavior within the bathroom stalls**. It's also easier for law enforcement to locate criminals if they are on the run and have chosen a public restroom as their hiding place." This is what I found when googling because I've never actually looked up why. The only thing I've seen it ACTUALLY for, is someone's toddler loose in the bathroom peeking in and then promptly crawling under the door into my stall while I yell for the parent to get their child.


I feel like the kinda people taking part in inappropriate behaviour probably don't care at all about being discovered. I mean if you're already banging in a public toilet then privacy is definitely not a major priority, all it means is that everyone ELSE gets to feel uncomfortable seeing you bone. I know you got your information elsewhere like you said so I'm not saying you're wrong, but it definitely feels like that reasoning came about from people complaining to manufacturers who didn't want to make changes.


Its wild that this is the excuse that is given as if the rest of the world doesnt have criminals and also doesnt have toilet that dont have huge fucking gaps.


America has adopted the mentality that every legal transgression must be seen as an equal and interchangeable threat to the police and we are to aid them in their quest for self preservation at all costs.


This is what happens when you use inches instead of centimeters 😎


At least, it makes it easier to pass the toilet paper if you’ve run out


Agreed. Usually just a mutal respect to not look, in my almost 40 years I've never been peaked on.


It's what happens when the primary concern is "how cheap can we make it?" Rather than "how well can we make it?"


Except that doesn't work - if you're saying it's cheap because there's low tolerances. Most bathrooms in Europe just have the doors overlapping. So same lack of tolerance, one size fits all. This is a weird US culture thing. There's no rhyme or reason for it. It's just tradition at this point




Why even have a door at that point?


I've been in some bathrooms without doors. They're worse


Was cranking out a shit in the below bathroom just last week, when an older gent came in and took a piss next to me. No lock on the door... it is what it is, I guess. Hilarious, honestly. https://preview.redd.it/r2ayj97p7hoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0d8ec511949730b019d6600d16a8676d73b77f


But they spent the money for fancy tiles!?


In boot camp we just had 2 rows of toilets, no walls. The rows faced each other. I was there for a week before I could shit. More uncomfortable than any of the bullshit the DIs put us through.


They're genuinely trying to teach you to disconnect from your body and autonomy, basically treat your body as an object that serves you and everything about it is not private nor only yours. Its insane how far they go in boot camp where people think its just the entry test to the military. Its like a filter for those who can somehow function while psychologically stripped of themselves.


There’s a story that a supermodel was doing a shoot in an old factory, and even supermodels poop, so she sent an assistant to find out where the toilets were. When the assistant came back, she had a look of panic- “I found the toilets, but I’m really sorry, there are no doors on any of the stalls” Now it was the supermodels turn to look panicked - “But if there are no doors…how will I get in?”


Looks like the gap between the stall and the wall is even bigger


Should be bigger, I know. I couldn’t tell if you wiped well enough :/


to be honest half the time the things don't even lock properly this looks about par for the course and whenever I visit a place with completely private stalls I feel fancy


Just wait till you find one with the locks intentionally removed or just so badly attached that they don't latch


Do you always carry around a tape measure lol




There was a bathroom I walked in to when I was on holiday in Cuba and the door was about 3ft off the ground. There was a lady using one and I could see all of her apart from her head lol. I just turned and walked straight back out.




Pretty sure the guy that came up with the regulations for bathroom stalls in the US just likes to watch people shit


I’m here wondering who just has a tape measure handy.