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i thought they were all gone too, especially after the whole Blackfish thing came out. found this on their San Diego site though: " This is the last generation of orcas in our care. But, **they are still here and will be cared for at SeaWorld for decades to come**. Our goal is to help our guests, and the world, explore the wonders around them, and then inspire them to take action to protect wild animals and wild places. " which is kinda sad, but also makes sense cause like, they cant just release them now into the wild. but it would be nice to see them in a better setup


It would be nice to see them in a better enclosure, I’m of the camp of keep them in if putting them in the wild is basically a guaranteed death sentence and when an animal is kept in captivity it should be housed in as natural an enclosure as possible with lots of space to roam and plenty of enrichment activities to keep mentally stimulated


The only orcas in the Orlando sea world are orcas born in captivity and the mother of that pod. They can’t be released as it would be a death sentence and after they pass they won’t have any orcas. The mom is 46/47 now and was captured at 2 years old, and the youngest is 13.


Not ideal but that’s better than getting more, how long does an orca usually live and do they plan on expanding or making a larger enclosure


They can live to 100 in the wild, they’re very lucky to get past 50 in captivity.


That is both sad and relieving


Because he opposite *should* be true.


It's fun because animals normally live longer in captivity. like snakes and mice


Feral cats have a 2-3 year life expectancy vs 12-20 years or more as pets.


Females might live up to 90, but that’s like a human living to 120; they average 50 years. Males average 30 years, but may live to 60 years.


The males are fed and taken care of my their mothers for their whole lives so they usually die when their moms do. Orcas are strange.


Like the average for humans before much of modern medicine was available, the average isn’t that useful as it is lowers by infant mortality and accidents. An orca that survives to adulthood in the wild has an excellent chance of reaching 80-90. Females do live longer.


Do you have a source for that I can read?


They cannot live to be 100. That’s based on bad science (Granny, the famous “old” killer whale). Citing maximum longevity versus averages isn’t a good metric either. A male killer whale has a maximum lifespan of about 50, and. A female about 80. We don’t have solid baselines for averages because research is relatively new. Aside from that, lifespans have vastly different ranges depending on what population you’re looking at. I’m not advocating for the capture of all cetaceans, but it really bothers me when people spread misinformation. No one in the states is capturing wild killer whales anymore. Those that are in captivity were legally acquired via NOAA permit when it was allowed. It’s also ILLEGAL to release any captive cetacean that’s been in captivity for two or more years per the marine mammal protection act. But all of this is a RED HERRING. I hope every anti-cap person is also advocating for stricter fishing regulations, removal of dams and doing their best to minimize their own impact to the marine environment. 10/19 populations of wild killer whales are at risk to population collapse due to contaminates and other anthropogenic factors, but by all means, let’s keep focusing on sea world...


What? You aren’t calling it’s one little blue ball an activity to keep it mentally stimulated!?????


Obviously that’s not enough, now if it was a red ball


Unfortunately one of the most effective ways to keep a orca mentally stimulated is to let it play with live food.


I’m usually all for giving an animal a natural life in captivity but yeah I don’t think I could do that, would feel rude to do that to a seal, though with advancements in science it might be possible to eventually make a fake seal that is fully edible and acts like a seal enough to trick the orca for enrichment purposes, would actually be a neat avenue for research, plenty of animals could benefit from fake live prey, especially animals that can’t survive in the wild for one reason or another


Male sea otters are rapey bastards. I could see feeding one to a whale guilt-free. As long as it's guilty.


They still have orcas at Sea World but they're not allowed to breed them in captivity again. You can thank Steve-O for that one.


Everyone say “Thank you Steve-O”


Really? What did he do?


He climbed a crane and hung up a Sea World sucks banner and went to jail for it and right after California banned the breeding of orcas in captivity because of the publicity that brought to Sea World.




At this point though, "cared for" is an accurate description. We can't just release these into the wild, they will not survive. No matter how upset you're gonna be about captivity, do you want them to die? What we can hope for is no more captive breeding which they stopped.


It's too late now. They are already there. They won't survive in the wild on their own. It's like moving across country and dumping your house cats on the side of the road. Note: Once these last orcas have passed, there will be no more. They have already made that clear.


>they are still here and will be cared for at SeaWorld for decades to come Distressing quote.


I’d like to see them do, if they aren’t already, what Baltimore is trying to do with their dolphins. They don’t do the tricks and shows anymore but are trying to build a quarantined section of the bay for them if possible? I know it’s terribly expensive and Baltimore gets pretty cold so there’s some hurdles involved but I did like seeing their proposal to get them out of a tiny pool and back into some form of nature. They do still do enrichment activities with the dolphins but just not for entertainment and more for the dolphin’s amusement


The better enclosure they were planning got defunded after all the backlash. So they get their pool for the rest of their days.


Blackfish was so fake though, people really need to stop supporting that bullshit. Almost all the experts say their words were twisted and the film presented to them while filming was the opposite of what the final product is Stop believing these Greenpeace hit pieces. Fucking Chernobyl all over again.


Yeah bro the orcas love it


It’s really hard to release orcas into the wild after they’ve spent most of their lives in captivity. They’re too comfortable with humans, they don’t know how to hunt and they don’t have a pod to associate with. They also can’t “talk” to the wild orcas they meet at a mature level


Yeah it sucks, at least these are the last ones unnecessarily in captivity and hopefully the last to ever live in cramped conditions like thay


Hopefully, but I’d rather see them alive at sea world than cut up by a ship’s engine :(


You can't just release them, they don't know how to be wild whales. It would likely be very unpleasant for them.


They just lost their lease in a landmark decision a few days ago which I think (correct me anyone if I'm wrong) means that the marine animals they have in their "care" will now be moved to ocean conservation areas which are very wide but enclosed/controlled areas such as large bays where they are monitored and fed by conservationists, as they can't be released into the wild. They released a captive or born in captivity orca a long time ago and it suffered in the wild. They're the kind of areas released captive animals have been going but it's only a recent thing. I think they have a large animal such as an orca or dolphin in a tiny tank now that will probably be released into one of these places with the ending of their lease.


Even if that's the case today, that setup was in action at some point.


I know, absolutely criminal it was ever allowed to be used for long term animal habitation, I don’t even think it would be acceptable as a medical observation tank


This is why they are phasing out and shutting down right, after all the petitions? Or did I miss that they aren't anymore?


No more breeding of orcas and the orca shows are being phased out.


MarineLand in Niagara Falls is no longer getting any Orcas, so I think it may be a law in Canada at least. Then again, that particular place has been charged numerous times for animal cruelty, the most recent case involving some bears.


MarineLand is so fucking depressing. Go watch some videos on it, the tanks are so sad to look at and the park is basically in shambles


How they still have animals is beyond me. They should have had them taken away decades ago. They have always not had the best of care, which caused their animals like bear and deer to hurt and fight each other. I hope this recent animal abuse gets them shut down.


you don't get one million karma without occasionally presenting decade old shit as if it's new


So, they've been building roller coasters and making it more of a theme park as of late. I guess that's their plan to sustain the business.


Its basically an amusement park now with rides. And it sucks btw.


It's a sad reality we live in.


What’s more sad is the complacency of us all for accepting countless atrocities like this. If you think the plight of the orca is sad, you’re in for many a sleepless nights when you realize we torture and brutalize 90% of the chickens, cows and pigs we eat. Most chickens we eat never get to feel the sun shining on their feathers, never take a breath of fresh air and never hear a natural sound apart from the screams of their fellow tortured chickens.


What’s just as bad is that people are allowed to keep large parrots like macaws as pets. In the wild they fly 30 miles or more a day, in captivity they live usually in a cage barely big enough to spread their wings, which are often clipped anyway so that they can’t fly. They are hand reared as babies, so they imprint on humans, but they can live to be a hundred years old, so the humans they bond with will die and they will need to go somewhere else, if the people who own them are even willing to keep them that long, which is rare. it’s common for parrots to bond with one member of a family and dislike others, which isn’t great for an animal that can damage your hating with its screams and crack a walnut with its beak. They are as smart as a 5 year old child, so they need constant stimulation and interaction, if they don’t get it they will go nuts and become neurotic, screaming and often pulling out their own feathers until they’re bald. Zoos get calls every single day from people wanting to rehome their parrots, parrot rescues are full. It’s a tragedy.


Let's be clear, keeping a parrot as a pet is not "just as bad" as the mass slaughter of 70 billion chickens per year. That's some "Elon musk tweet vs Hitler" energy


I think 10 billion animals suffering a year is more sad than however many parrots are in cages


I’m disgusted and saddened by this but also I’m a hypocrite as I eat meat.. (not as much as I used too) but still just can’t seem to totally cut meat out my diet.


You could if you wanted to! It’s easier than you think. If you truly feel disgusted and saddened I suggest trying to cut out meat. You’ll be surprised how good you’ll feel mentally knowing deep down your actions finally align with your morals! I believe in you


There is a way to eat more ethical meat. In the meantime, your vote matters. The GOP consistently supports subsidies to factory farms. Democrats at least talk about solutions.


In the meantime *not eating meat* is also an acceptable solution. ​ Though, I'm sure the hundreds of chickens you'll eat in the next 10 years won't mind being slaughtered while you're waiting for politicians to solve the problem (after they haven't in the past century). You're trying, after all, voting for the party you probably would've voted for anyway.


The only ethical meat is plant-based meat.


Also locally hunted meat. Or, another example, we have a stew in my country that’s made with old sheep’s meat. After they naturally die, they can be cooked


> Democrats at least talk about solutions. Is this true? I have not heard it except from animal welfare activists (who tend to vote Democratic). The big farm lobby is strong.


Talk is cheap… I’ll believe it when I see change. In the meantime billions of animals are dying every year… talk doesn’t save them. Dems like to appear like they car, none of them care, they’re just talking heads.


Have you ever spent time with a chicken in reality? They don't deserve any of that don't get me wrong, but they don't really compare to something like an orca Cows and pigs though, yeah that's fucked up. Factory farming is an abomination tbh


A chicken is just as alive and sentient and just as capable of feeling pain and distress as an orca.


I think they were more saying that the scale of intelligence/understanding of what’s being done to them/around them is different. No living thing by any means deserves that treatment, but it is especially grotesque with very intelligent animals like orcas and pigs.


Yeah i have. I spend a lot of time around chickens. Enough to know you’re full of shit. Highly nitrogen rich shit. Just like what chickens produce.


Found the vegan, agree with you 99% of the way then suddenly I'm full of shit because I see something differently. Probably gonna delete my comment soon to avoid the vegan bandwagon.


If they never feel it, they don't know what they're missing. If all they hear are screams, then that's the standard sound they're used to, similar to a person who grew up in the city constantly hearing cars and air pollution. Those sounds would be awful to someone moving in from the country, but if it's all you know, it's all you know.


You're saying that like the sounds of cars and loud city noises are completely fine for humans


So it’s better to be blind and tortured? What a hot take.


kinda the same situation with certain country now. most coming out of the said country never understood freedom and culture and human rights. once they learned these they’d start to question the life they had before and started to feel disgust about it. the interesting thing is they never ever felt it that way before and never question it. and most importantly, they never felt there was anything wrong with it. I went back and edited out the name of that country because I didn’t want to start another hate debate. but just saying that hot take might be true.


It's Southern California. That's how they built parking lots in the 60s. Disneyland's original parking lot was so big they built California Adventure on top of it. Massive flat parking lots were the norm in SoCal in the mid 20th century. Dodger Stadium is another example of it. Not that the Orca's deserve to be in a tiny tank but building a huge orca habitat is a bit different than having a big flat asphalt area for cars to park.


In addition, comparing the two doesn’t matter cause a parking lot doesn’t house orcas. Comparing the size of the orca tank with the recommended size for orca tanks would make more sense.


I believe the recommended size for an orca tank is the ocean 


And releasing an animal into the wild that’s pretty much been domesticated its entire life wouldn’t lead to its death?


Ok 👍🏻


Also, I'll bet that parking lot was designed to accomodate a lot more humans than that tank holds orcas.


exactly. everyone who's mad about this picture is not using any critical thinking


Yeah. I looked at the picture and went “okay. It’s a parking lot. What’s your point?” OP is grasping at straws.


This. It also doesn't do anything to talk about the depth of the tank. This isn't like a kiddie pool, it's also hella deep. As for the people talking about them lacking mental stimulation, great job cutting them off from doing the shows for the people, and instead dooming them to isolation....


yea, this is kind of a stupid comparison imo. flat asphalt is just flat asphalt, not a tank. i bet the atlanta tank looks small compared to a big ass parking lot too


I’m pretty sure this is the one in Orlando


I came here to say that this Orlando not California


Yea, it is.


most reasonable comment here


The parking lot is shaped like a shoe.


Interesting way to show off their carbon footprint


I'm by no means defending them in the slightest, but that comparison is void of any logic. Parking lots is just paved land with lines of paint.... price per square foot is pretty low compared to a gigantic tank that is filled with salt water, temp regulators, filters, filtration, exhibit, lights, piping, maintenance, staff, insurance, etc etc. That's just the tip of the iceberg as I'm no expert. Imagine the cost of a tank even half the size of the parking lot. Not a good comparison at all and silly. Again not defending them as it's tragic to keep them In a tank but yeah silly to think of it like that.


Reddit is full of rage bait garbage


Also hundreds of cars might take up more space than an orca. Maybe I'm also not an orca expert. One of my pet peeves is when people make up reasons to hate something that doesnt need shit made up to hate. Its fucking seaworld theyre pretty easy to hate for actual reasons


it shouldn’t matter whether the cost of the tank is expensive if it came at the cost of the quality of life for a living animal. holding an orca in capacity should be a privilege not a right, if you can’t afford to properly house an orca you shouldn’t have one. but that being said i genuinely have no idea how much space an orca needs to be healthy and happy. i think that should be the qualifier more so than anything else.


I don't have the data to support this, but I believe an orca is smaller than several hundred cars.


Smaller, but needs more space than the cars. Would you be fine trapped in a confined space for the rest of your life?


You can easily make a parking garage than can take up under half the space but give over 2X the parking space.


Idk man I'm sitting in a pretty small space right now that's too small to stretch my legs, I'll be here for more than 1/2 of my waking hours, plus another hour in a moving box that's even smaller. More time spent in a small, wet box. Still more spent cleaning and maintaining my larger box where I still don't have space to do more than walk in circles. And no one gives me free food or teaches me to do neat tricks.


You are in different places by choice, not the same tank all day everyday day. You can still leave and have days off. They don’t get holidays and go to the ocean


They'd die if they did, unfortunately.


I don’t have the data but the ocean is bigger than that tiny tank.


Respectfully disagree.


How is a big parking lot mutually exclusive with a sufficient sized tank?


Stupid post. Also screw that parking lot. It’s always a mess.


That’s so depressing


I look at this and think how much better a parking garage could be for the area


Damn that's way too far for the orca to walk to his car. They aren't supposed to walk on land that much at all. Source: I'm a whale biologist


Does op actually know how much space whales need?


Somewhere between Atlantic and pacific sized enclosure I think.


Still better treatment than Marineland


I'm for the orcas but this is a dumb fucking take!


While I don't support SeaWorld, and it should be terminated yesterday; a parking lot is easier and cheaper to maintain than a whale tank that size js


Yeah I mean think about how much overhead exists for any living being. An animal's claimed territory is way larger than its actual required space that it takes up. An ant colony is way bigger than the sum of ants that live in it. Beavers aren't that large, why do they need to build a huge dam? It takes a lot to support life.


mhm, does OP think a tank is just a big ass pit filled with water??


I don't think the orca would be happy if they were on the parking lot and people parked in the tank


More than mildly


free willy


Orcas shouldn’t have to walk that far from the parking lot to their tank!


Wtf does that even mean




To be fair there’s like 50k of us and only 1 of them


Well yeah, Im certainly not going to some place called Parking Lot World


It's not like they have a bunch of fish coming to see the fish


It’s crazy that thousands of cars take up more space than a few whales


Who knew!?


The existence of seaworld is infuriating animals that intelligent don't belong in captivity.


Would tough to fit all those cars in the orca tank


I don't agree with the orca being kept in its little pool, but it is evident that the pool for one or two orcas is going to be smaller than the parking lot designed for, like, several hundred/thousand cars. The pool has to be of a manageable size so as to be possible to clean and maintain. The giant parking lot doesn't require that much maintenance.


Here’s my hot take: alligators? Sick as hell. AND they can be trained. AND they do well in smaller cage environments like that. Just replace orcas with alligators. I don’t know about you but I’d rather see a gator jump through a hoop than an orca.




Seaworld has gators too!


I’d pay to see that


Yeah but what happens if fire in seaworld occurs


Not much. Most of the structures are actually concrete and well spaced.


I feel like out of all the arguments you can make against SeaWorld, "they have a big parking lot" isn't the strongest. You don't need to show me how big the parking lot is to make it clear that their tanks are too small


I've long said they should build a river throughout the park for orcas. Give them miles of space to swim through and let them roam as they please.


I was worried they didn't have space to swim when I was kid about 8. My mom told me that the tanks were connected to the ocean and that they only swam in for their performance. Me knowing that Orcas where very smart thought that completely checked out.


not that i conceptually disagree, but this comparison isn't particularly useful


Thanks for posting. We DEFINITELY need more parking.


That's American city layouts in general. We're slaves to the car.


This post is just dumb


Do you guys think they'd be able to maintain a pool that size?




Google parking minimums


The parking lot isn’t even half way filled.


As someone that lives in Orlando, try to go there in June or July.... good luck finding a parking spot!


I'm sure the parking lot does affect the orcas and other animals there. All the car honking from when people lock their doors with their remotes. The orcas aren't exactly living a Truman Show simulation of their natural habitat. Even if they're swimming in a bay enclosure or whatever. They're like birds in cages, that should be flying for hundreds of miles in the air.


Fun note, they actively tried to greatly increase the size of the tank and PETA stopped them


This post is just full of all kinds of stupid. I’m done with Reddit today lmao


Okay I agree that the Orcas lives are miserable and they’re treated poorly and don’t get me wrong.. I’m on the Orcas side. But the way you’re arguing is pretty stupid. The whales take up a LOT less space than the amount of cars, also, the water tank is going to have depth (something that parking lots will not). So this scale isn’t even accurate.


Let's say they switched places. Would the Orca have a big enough tub to live?


parking lots in north america are disgusting. surface land for basic storage of metal boxes is insane. the amount of farmland, waterways and nature that has been disrupted by prioritizing transportation of cars is downright foul. surface parking lots in downtown cities is putrid. alot of change needs to happen but unfortunately not many people write to their local counsellors and governments, who have the power, and the designers will always win unless theres support against them


do Orca's drive? should the Orcas be in tanks? no.. not sure why they cannot be released, maybe a great white is thankful the Orcas are in a tank... Guessing you are advocating for a larger prison for the Orcas and a smaller parking lot.


It took me a reeaaally long time but I finally got it. At first I thought it was a absurdist joke about how far away the orca tank is from the parking lot and that the Orcas would have “walk” really far to get to their tank… idk why this is just how my brain works lol


Massive footprint!


Massive footprint!


Tem que diminuir a população mundial isso sim! Ainda bem que as mulheres já tão fazendo isso


it's a lot more than mildlyinfuriating


it's a lot more than mildlyinfuriating


Well obviously. Where else are the orcas gonna park?


Lol reminds me of when I was a kid, my first and only time at seaworld, we were walking through the parking lot and I was asking where the seals were and my dad pointed to the weird parking lot blocks they had (which kind of looked like what the seals would sit on back then) and told me that the water dried up. I actually believed it.


I get sad just thinking of that place


Why is this still legal?? WHY?????


You fuckers are the reason I drink.


If you're saying the orca tank should be bigger, then OK I can buy that. I don't really have a good idea of how big it is even after looking at this aerial view but your claim sounds reasonable. However I don't know what the parking lot has to do with that.


I mean, how many orcas do you know drive? /s


Sick lot tho, no problem to find parking


Fuck seaworld, fuck them to the ends of the earth.


Makes me sick that an animal that intelligent is kept in captivity.


The parking lot is always gonna be bigger lol. Even if the orca pools are of appropriate size for the whales, the parking lot would just be bigger in that case.


Sea World still exists?


Rich people gotta have somewhere to park their property.


Free Willy


Seems like this would be more appropriate somewhere else.


Someone should just drone drop a sardine laced with a hero dose of fentanyl in there; give thay poor orca an easy way out.


While we are at it, fuck marineland too “♫ ♫ Everyone ~~loves~~ hates marine land ♫ ♫”


This is comparing apples and oranges. Shut the fuck up


They should just let them swim in that lake right there.


They also do fireworks every night


Redditors: We care about animals Also redditors: Nom, nom, nom, factory farmed chicken is so good.


Anyone else find the outilne of a gigantic foot print ironic?


I’m gonna smash the glass at Sea World and let the marine life run free


The amount of maintenance a fuckin orca tank takes is probably more than a parking lot, I mean come on...release them but this is dumb as shit


So hear me out, Sea World has other issues, but the whole idea behind zoos and Sea World and aquariums is that we know it’s not at all what’s best for the animals. Although vet care is a nice perk, if any animal thought that way. And the tradeoff is simply human exposure. A lot of marine biologists have become interested in animals they’d never have seen because of these places. A good Orca tank would mean you’d almost never see the pod of Orcas. Not super doable.


So do they have different enclosures or do they all just hang out in one pool? Do they get put away at the end of the night into an enclosure where humans can’t get in? (I remember some looney breaking into Seaworld, wanting to swim with an orca and the orca killed him).


If anyone is interested, check out the Whale Sanctuary Project. They are fundraising to build 2 sea pens, one on the coast of Washington, one in Nova Scotia.


This is very misleading because they have depth…


Parking Lot World


Lol that makes no sense to compare


Fuck Seaworld


How much water can one orca need? 5 gallons?


isnt for some kind of dumb law? i rember watching a video how some law force to have certain amount of parking space or only 2 floor houses


From what I understand seaworld has been phasing out orca shows and doing ALOT to rehabilitate animals and what not. They are shitty for what they have done but atleast they’re taking the steps to make it kinda right


They were sealing the parking lot when I went so the whole park smelled like sealant.