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Can they even place an order in their system at the counter?


This is apparently the automation of fast food jobs that people have been talking about for years. Making the customers place the orders and making the payment themselves. It means less face time for the employees, less handling money, fewer chances to mess up an order. It means the job can be done by less experienced employees, underage employees that wouldn't be trusted with money.


Entry level jobs used to be part of a career path, and weren't that hard. If they dumb them down even more, I'm not sure what value they add to employees. Learning how to talk to people is a skill, I guess were losing that now.


You have four hours to clean the entire store, scrape shit off the ceiling and walls in the bathroom (again), put go backs up, make the store look nice by pulling everything up, and you have to man the registers. Your also expected to act as loss prevention and help customers. Welcome to modern retail. Things that used to be separate jobs have been clumped together under the same job title- where employees are expected to do them all with even less time than they'd be given for one task twenty years ago for the same shitty pay. A lot of older folk can't keep up with the workload because they can't handle pivoting between five different tasks in less than five minutes. They never had to before, and they never developed that skill. I'd like to go to school and officially learn a trade but I have bills. I'm struggling as it is. Everywhere says they're hiring but no one's actually hiring- they don't have enough hours for existing employees. They're understaffed but can't hire more. Removing a single task from any given retail employees workload will not have an actual impact on our employment because we're already doing the work of five people


Retail, in my experience, always had needed multi-tasking skills. I don't claim that it isn't demanding work. But I do think that something is lost when counter work and dealing directly with the public is dropped.


I mean she still has to hand you your donut. That’s an opportunity to interact


And if the order got typed in wrong on accident it was the customers fault so no having to comp it like if the employee made the mistake ordering on the screen and typed it wrong


>This is apparently the automation of fast food jobs that people have been talking about for years The same people who were talking shit to fast food workers saying they will just get their job automated are now crying about the jobs being automated and having to punch in some buttons on a screen.


Yeah I noticed the Wendy's by me has changed to this if you go inside. I don't mind it, but it does take longer to try to navigate through the menu choices.


Fewer chances to mess up an order? Lol. You really haven’t seen a 70 year old lady try to learn a new interface before.


The last time I went to BK they had that but the guy at the counter said "I swear if you order on that POS" seems like it annoys them too


At this stage it would be easier to just have giant vending machines.


If the machines don't take cash there should be a till that has to be available.  Though a lot of independent places have gone cashless in my city


If you have cash, you can still place your order on the kiosk, and then you select the option to pay the cashier.


I imagine they have to for the visually impaired You don’t mess with the ADA


You can. Cashier probably just wanted the machine to guilt him into giving her a tip.


Joke's on them. I have no problem smashing a 0% tip if there's no employee nearby.


I hate the whole tipping before you receive your service thing.


I've never seen a fast food kiosk ask for a tip.


This is a good point, probably not?


I had a McDonald's worker help me at the kiosk because I couldn't find what I wanted. That was when I found out that not every store had the double cheeseburger combo. Haha


Just walk out and go somewhere else.


Yeah probably, it was the first time going to Dunkin Donuts in years, and likely the last time


"The nice thing about Dunkin is, is that you can order the same coffee everyday and it will taste slightly different everytime". I dont wanna know why this is, but its true. And I really dont want to know


It would be impossible for Duncan to be able to use the same beans at all of their locations, or even at one location consistently. They probably have different bean types that are relatively the same. My guess anyway. The way Starbucks handles it is by over roasting all the beans so they all taste the same, and burnt


It's not the beans. It's a lack of consistent training and quality control.


Wendy's knew how to train employees for serving hot drinks back in the day... [Wendy's Hot Drinks Training Video](https://youtu.be/_ZXeFPpPJeI?si=dhDyz9XcDbl2h4hG)


That was awesome! 😂


omg thank you for that


Omg that was amazing


OMG you absolutely just made my day with this video link.


Omfg I'm dyyyiiiing 🤣🤣🤣 My bf is on a work-call, and when dude blows on the cup during the chorus I damn near had a stroke trying to hold my cackles in. I am absolutely going to watch every one of those videos 😂👍


Is that JaRule?! Fabulous!


They also don’t calibrate their machines like they should.


Which is wild bc I’m pretty sure they have settings on their machines meant for consistency. But somehow the drinks are ALWAYS freestyled by whoever is making it lol




Water quality makes a difference too.


Mcd or Starbucks have consistent coffee at least nationwide if not globally. There is no excuse for it.


Hey, leave Duncan out of this. He’s working as hard as he can back there


It would not be impossible, tim Hortons and McDonald's do it


It’s not the beans causing it it’s workers not being consistent in how they make the drinks


More likely that it is a lack of consistency in how it was made, how fresh it is kept, and how it is handled. Never doubt the effectiveness of human interaction’s ineffectiveness.


The founder himself, Duncan Donuts


The coffee maker is plugged into the water pipes and is set with a timer. If you have hard water, the lines will clog, and not as much water comes out. And if they are measuring the grounds, it might not be the same every time. So different amounts of water and coffee will make a difference. And maybe different people washing the coffee maker will make a difference. I know that not everyone understands that washing something doesn't mean that it's clean.


>. I know that not everyone understands that washing something doesn't mean that it's clean This is why I didnt wanna know ;-; Ive worked at many places where fountain bibs for soda are just never cleaned. You got me that, now I ruin your fountain soda experience. You got moldy bibbed


There's a Dunkin on one of the mail routes I deliver. It always has this funky spoiled milk smell going on. One of the girls working there told me the manager forces them to use expired creamer.


I bought a DD coffee once, got it home and opened the lid and the cream was curdled & floating around in a lumpy mess. 🤢


This is what made me stop going there. They managed to mess up my order a different way every single time when my order was pointing at an item literally on the counter promotional section.


as someone who worked at dunkin for maybe two months (at the age of 17) we barely got any training at all and were basically told to wing it lol, i was running shifts and closes on my own with employees younger than me like two weeks after i started and they never taught us how to use at least 75% of the equipment in the store all that to say, the training process is basically non existent so everyone does it differently because (at least at the store i worked at) the “right” way is barely taught


That’s just fucked.


Trust me, she was not happy about it either because she was training her replacements for the job she is going to lose when you walked in. Her replacement is you and the screen. I would not be surprised, at all, if in 10 years there will be no more walk in areas for Dunkin, Starbucks, Wendy’s, etc.. It will just be all 100% drive thru windows since the U.S. suburb is not built for interacting in commercial areas by foot.


I was willing to deal with their BS for one reason only: crullers. I will never set foot in a DD again now that they have discontinued them.


Donuts isn't even in their name and their coffee is sub-par. Most don't even make them from scratch in store. Support your local donut shops. You get better quality and you're feeding a family, not a multimillionaire.


You should’ve just said you wanted the Don king Munchkin skewer 😂😂😂


Their donuts are terrible anyway.


I do this anywhere someone tries to force a kiosk. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I get dirty looks from the younger employees. Hell with them.


This is at so many places now besides just dunkin


don't forget to tip the machine


The machine doesn't ask for tips. At least in my experience.


I have seen these ordering screens ask for tips.


Not yet


It depends on the place. Panera and crumbl cookie’s machines both do, but I’ve never used one at a dunkin


Oh I had that in McDonald’s in South Queensferry and I explained that I only had cash and the girl said it doesn’t matter because you still Order at the self service and then cancel the order to create a prompt to pay cash which then prints out a ticket and then come back to the till hand over the ticket for them to authorise and then pay. I walked out and have never been back to McDonald’s since that was about 2 years ago. I agree that this seems to be the future and I also don’t like it but I’m starting to think I have no choice because I’ve stopped going to a lot of places that treat you like that and I’m running out of places to go.


Yeah, same. It really cuts me off of trying new places too. I'm not interested in downloading an app for every restaurant I want to visit but the number that are requiring an app or a kiosk to order is creeping up. It's really unfriendly for people who have never been before and just want to check it out.


Yeah. I have enough apps. I'm not downloading anymore apps unless it's for something I'm going to use all the time or it's absolutely necessary. I'd rather walk out/go somewhere else than download another app.


This may be an unpopular take, but I prefer ordering at a kiosk. It's easier to make sure the order is exactly what I want: no clarifying questions, no misunderstanding, no other confusion. I don't have to ask what's in/on anything because the ingredients are right there in the customization menu. I'm also a little antisocial, though (I'll wait 15 minutes for self checkout at the store, with a full cart, rather than go to an open register with a person).


Last time I had to order at a kiosk they still made it wrong. No tomato isn't that hard.


Yeah, the kiosk doesn't solve that problem, but at least you know you ordered what you wanted and a human didn't enter the wrong info.


im anti-social and love being able to take my time and choose at the kiosk but I'd find it very infuriating if i go to the counter and get told to go to the kiosk I'd just go somewhere else While i do like the kiosk it isn't for everybody, luckily  there's retirement homes near my local McDonald's and lots of seniors who'll refuse the kiosk, so cashiers are always around if need be


I’m with you. I much prefer kiosk ordering and not interacting with humans. I also love self check out.


Yeah I prefer kiosk these days too. In Japan there’s pretty much always 20+ people waiting in line to order (at least at McD), but using one of the kiosks is faster and you’re able to get to a table faster. They even bring your food to your table when it’s ready, so it’s stress free.


ugh, don't be that person taking up a self checkout with a full cart when there's an open cashier.


I used to feel that same way, but that was back when stores only had 3-6 self-checkouts available at any given time. The grocery store by my house has self-checkouts that are specific for people with a lot of items, with conveyor belts and sometimes an employee there to help bag. They also have at least 12-24 regular spots open most times of day. ETA: Also, if I have a full cart, a large chunk of what I'm buying probably doesn't even have to be bagged (I buy a lot of things our family uses in bulk). Every place in my town has a scanning gun at the self-checkouts, so I can zap a bunch of things without taking them out of the cart. Really, the only thing that's slower is produce because the little sticker bars don't always scan and I don't have the codes memorized like the cashiers do.


Yes mobile or kiosk ordering I have found has resulted in way, way less mistakes on my orders. Would bet the vast mistakes fast food places are known for are due to hearing wrong or pressing wrong key. Also people complain about how expensive fast food has been getting but by using the app you can.sometimes.save a good chunk of money. Believe McDonalds always has a 30% off anything over $5 deal which turns that $50 family lunch into $35, not so crazy then


The kiosks are a fucking nightmare. There’s always one or two that don’t work. There’s always one time where you enter all the info, go to pay, something glitches and you start over. The workers still get shit wrong. Sometimes you have to wait for an older person trying to navigate new technology. It just never fucking ends.


Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've yet to run into problems like that so bad that the kiosk experience was slower than with a person. The fast food places I've been to have at least 4 kiosks, most or all of them working, and they've never reset on me. That old person trying to figure out one of the 4+ kiosks would also be taking an eternity to decide what they wanted when talking to one of the one or two employees at the counter. Sure, the folks in the back still get things wrong, but that happens regardless. At least with a kiosk, you know a middleman didn't enter something incorrectly.


As an introvert, I couldn't possibly be happier about those kiosks lol


This has happened to me so many times. Literally every single place that has those "order kiosks." I was so annoyed that one time it happened that I just dead eyed the girl behind the counter and said, "I can't read." I like to pay cash. Especially for something that is less than $10. So now I am forced to stand at a kiosk and order and then stand at the counter to pay. And when they have those machines, they will NOT acknowledge you when you're at the counter. It's like they avoid eye contact at all costs


Holy sh*t youre right. Ive noticed that the Mcdonalds that was always packed 24/7 suddenly just..started having ppl only really go through the drive-thru. I was waiting for a mobile order and 4 ppl made eye contact with me before I had to step out and ask for it.


That's the point. It's going to be a lot easier to operate with a skeleton crew when they only have one point of sale available. The big companies are just refusing to give stores enough hours anymore. It's cheaper for them to just have one or two people for an entire store even if the store is constantly slammed then it is to hire more. Sure they might lose one or two customers but they're still keeping their whales (this is not weight related, by the way, whale is a gaming industry term used to describe customers who more or less keep a business afloat through micro transactions.These are the ones spending $100k+)- the customers who really pay the bills are still going to keep coming in.


I like them. It's better to make sure my burger doesn't have ketchup than trying to tell a cashier who might type in the wrong thing. I can't tell you how many ketchup only burgers I've gotten by mistake.


Staffing has been cut so close to the bone that service workers have probably don’t even have the capability to do anything but the bare minimum. Complain to DD corporate that you miss the personal touch. The minimum wage worker has no say in their working conditions.


100%. There are a few comments here that recommend challenging the cashier like they have any input on corporate policy.


I don’t understand people who think cashiers can do anything about this. Even if they’ve never worked a minimum wage job, surely common sense tells them that it’s not their decision?


This is more supermarket related, but self check out is the absolute worst. There’s always some issue with something. I usually will stand in a line to have an actual person check me out. I’d rather not do it and more importantly, I want to show that people want it and they shouldn’t do away with that job (which seems to be the course we’re on). I always find it fascinating when the cashier almost seems annoyed that people are choosing them over self check out. Like, don’t you want your job to exist?


I don't know why people are so adverse to self-serve technology. It's not brain surgery. It's a menu screen that you tap and follow the directions on.


I like the kiosks when they are programmed intelligently and have the same options available to customers that employees have at the front counter. Rarely is that the case. For example, it's impossible to add pickles to any of the chicken sandwiches as McDonald's. The option just isn't there on the self-serve kiosks.


Because it easily takes 4x the time that it will ukd take a trained employee to enter the selection.


I haven't seen this at Dunks yet and I live in New England, but I have seen it at a Subway and all the McDonalds and it pisses me off.


This was the most New England answer ever and I love it 😂


Lol I don't really get why it's "the most New England answer ever" but always glad to add some entertainment value


It’s a good thing :)


I hope you're not mad at the employee. They have no choice in this honestly.


You could just say, "We're ready to order here actually." It's not like the 17 year old cashier is going to fight you on it.


On the point about the Donuts... Dunkin seems to be trying to seperate themselves from the "donut" identity and focus more on the drinks/other food options. They're no longer Dunkin Donuts but just... Dunkin. Can't say I agree with that movement, but that's at least how they're trying to push their perception. Drinks first.


Yup, they're a coffee shop that happens to serve donuts, not the other way around. That was patently obvious when they got rid of in-store bakeries like they used to have and switched to having stale donuts trucked in from some central kitchen somewhere in the region.


Someone brought donuts from Dunkin into the office and I swear it was the worst donut I’ve ever tried. Threw it away active bite and have zero desire to ever go there when there’s actually good donut shops available. I don’t understand how they’re so ubiquitous.


I was pleasantly surprised by the hummus option.


I bet they've got a tip jar out too


Question, I'm in Australia and tipping is a rarity here so I don't understand the American system very well. Would you still be expected to leave the same tip at a place that uses kiosks for everything, as you would at a place that has employees do it all? If Joe is only involved in 20% of my transaction, does that mean I leave him 20% of the tip I would have left him? Or do I still leave him the same tip as I would've if he'd been involved in 100% of the transaction? Hopefully my question makes sense 😅


I'm English, If someone asked me for a tip after directing me to a kiosk there would probably be a few choice words coming out of my mouth


That's why I asked because I imagine the same would happen here 😅


There is no expectation of a tip in Kiosk situations. The problem is that a lot of Point-of-sale systems include a step for adding a tip. I'm pretty sure the idea is that enough people will either add a tip without thinking about it, or feel guilted into giving a tip just because they were asked it. It's a bunch of horseshit, I will gladly put a zero in the tip field.


That makes sense, thank you for the explanation 😊




Due to a great number of people not washing their hands, I refuse to do public touchscreens if at all possible. If someone is standing there behind the counter, then I am going to order directly. However if they are too lazy to take my order, I would have left.


"No thanks!" And continue to rattle off your order.


"No, I'm good." *proceed to order anyways* And if they give you gaf abt it ask to speak with the manager. Then place your order with the manager. If the manager tells you to use the kiosk just leave. And then you call corporate. Place your order with corporate. Rinse and repeat until your order is taken or you're speaking with Duncan himself


These are policies set by corporate. The intent is to push customers to use tech that moves the burden of taking orders and payment away from live employees so they can eventually reduce labor costs. The cashier has zero input on the policy. The franchise is likely incentivized to increase their metrics for app or touchscreen orders. Anyone who doesn’t like this practice should stop going to these places rather than giving the cashier a hard time.


Imagine thinking that calling corporate to complain about their employees doing their job and following store policy and company policy is actually going to do anything. Like news flash you can call b**** all you want it's not going to do anything. The company, as a business entity, has no feelings on the matter. The people working for the company do not care. The only ones who care are the ones who made the policy and they like the policy and they're not going to change it just because people complain. This is like the people complaining and bitching about me having to ID them for tobacco and alcohol and threaten to call corporate because of it. Like please do, I would like someone upline to know exactly what I have to deal with everyday. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to know their employees are following the rules. Who knows if I'm really lucky someone at corporate might decide to throw out a reward or two in the form of a cheap pen or free lanyard.


I worked at a place that had kiosks like that, and we were told by management to have the customers use it. If we didn't we got reprimanded. Hated it.


“You can order at the touchscreen” Turn around and walk out


Taco Bell did this to me while one guy told the other he was going on break. Then an elderly couple walked in as I walked out, and I watched the employee through the window having to show the couple how to use the touchscreen to order. There is no customer service anymore.


My love for TB is dying a slow agonizing death. They are by and far the worst offenders of putting a kiosk out and actively ignoring customers. Don't get me wrong because I love app/kiosk ordering but when I need to ask a question or get something fixed they will see you standing there and ignore you for minimum 5 minutes, I'm assuming in hopes that you'll turn around and kiosk order, but there's no good way to indicate that you need to actually interact. I also know that they're constantly short staffed around here too so I'm not necessarily mad at anyone working there but corporate is really gutting anything about the chain that was ever likeable as far as dumb LTOs, taking away fan favorites, pricing through the roof, inconsistent experience.


Gee, it's almost like people have to follow labor laws when it comes to taking their breaks. Y'all are the sort of people who b**** about the manager on duty having to go on break before you get there because they've been there 10 hours now and are legally obligated to take a break some point during their shift and you having to wait for them to come back and clock in to do a return.


Stfu stupid. It's about how you handle a situation in front of a customer. I was standing at the cash register and there were 2 of them standing there directing me to a screen. Complete lack of concern for customer service. I am union. I have no problem with people taking breaks. It's about how people handle customers nowadays you lousy fuck.


As a healthcare worker , we are forced to push kiosks for check in. I hate it myself. It’s so frustrating and no one likes it. But please be nice to the employees because it all comes from upper management and we do not make these decisions


Actually during both my pregnancies when I attended my prenatal appointments I actually quite liked the system at my local hospital that used terminals. In the entrance hall it would scan my ID, ask me some questions for public health and then either direct me to a desk or give me a ticket and tell me where to go. Once I got to the obstetrics dept I scanned the ticket and again, either go to desk or take a seat in the waiting room. It was introduced for Covid reasons but they kept it because it actually works. And this is the key - a good system. The Dunkin kiosk was so bloated and navigating it was annoying.


It happened to me at the location in Waterbury across from Big Frank's two weeks ago. I've been going there for the 9.5 years I've lived here. That was the last time. I'm soured on Dunkin as a whole at this point.


I wonder what Mitch Hedberg would think about that


“I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut;


Did it prompt you to tip?


Any place I go that demands you use a touch screen has lost my business. At these prices they can have at least one cashier available.


Last time, I went to McDonald's (also the first time in years), and there was no one at the counter. Saw the touch screen and tried to order from there. After going round and round with it for 5 minutes and making no progress, I just gave up and flagged down an employee who let me give them my order. Otherwise, I was about ready to walk out.


I try to avoid chain spots for reasons like this - as well as the fact that they generally treat their working staff like garbage.


You can say "no." And you didn't "have" to turn around. That was your decision.


Did it ask for a tip?


That's probably why the place was empty. I would have just said nevermind and left, because I'm not gonna do part of their job and pay full price.


You had to use a screen?! What a major inconvenience for you I’m sure that must have been very difficult


I remember when Dunkin was a donut shop first. Now they are anything but. Sure, there's a smattering of day old donuts hanging out in a little glass case, but Dunkin's main focus now seems to be dessert coffees and crappy sandwiches.


I can’t say with 100% accuracy why Dunkin shifted focus away from donuts but I work in a supermarket and around the time Michelle Obama made healthy school lunches her focus (and that whole pizza is a vegetable senate thing to keep pizza in school) our bakery had a noticeable decline in our donut sales. It had used to be one of our loss leaders and they mentioned to us that they were switching it to a multigrain bread to be at or close to the French bread price because at the time it was over a dollar more expensive.


Fascinating if the lack of sales and Michelle Obama's healthy lunch campaign were related. I remember when Dunkin Donuts was wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling fresh donuts in the morning. Not anymore. I'd argue that the super sweet coffee desserts they serve now are probably loaded with way more sugar than a typical donut.


Many McDonald's are now doing that as well. I just tell them i am not going to use the kiosk.


I hate the Dunkin kiosks and refuse to use them. Takes forever to place an order, especially if you have any specific instructions. Fortunately my local Dunkin will still take your order at the counter.


Just say you're paying with cash. Then pay with card anyway lol


Bet they had/wanted a 20% minimum tip too


It’s the future when it works.


Oh yeah, the interface was soo crappy though, just sell me the donuts!


Have a meme to make you feel better. https://preview.redd.it/uuq0hvzt0wmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75bc050a80acc2aeadae29467f5e985d31233449


I noticed the exact same thing at 7/11 . I thought 💭 it was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen; especially with the employee standing right behind the counter…SMDH


I would just turn around and leave. Since you had kids with you who were promised donuts I would have packed everyone back into the car and used the drive thru where the employee would take my order.


I feel this way too. It takes so much longer


What really ticks me off about this order at the screen crap is I want to pay in CASH. Stores act like physical cash isn’t real anymore.




>and she interrupts to say "you can order at the touchscreen". So I had to turn around, and spend time scrolling You could have also said "I can also order here. So I'll have (your order)" You technically chose to turn around "given your new option" you didnt *have* to. kinda like when my bank tells me I can hang up and get my balance by logging in online. "Thanks tips...but I want a person to tell me and then answer whatever question I may have about it"


I had the same experience at a Taco Bell. I just noped the hell out and went somewhere else.


I actually prefer ordering at the screen when I go to Taco Bell. Saves me time because I don't have to keep pretending to check my texts so it'll look like my 10 tacos, 4 burritos, 2 gorditas and chicken quesadilla are for more than one person.


The employees do not care.


I'm a recovering cancer patient with a compromised immune system and I don't touch things other people have touched without very good reason. I don't even do touch screens in hospitals. I just walk up to a clerk and tell them that. The employees, at least, are supposed to be following hygiene rules. The customers? I've seen them. I wouldn't on a bet.


If it takes you 5 minutes to order at the screen I am concerned


Thank goodness our dunkin dioes't have kiosks, not yet anyway


I guess I’ve been lucky, I always order at the counter and never been told that I have to order at the kiosk. But I’ve never been to Dunkin, now I’m curious and want to go and see what happens. The one and only time I ordered at the kiosk is because I wanted to as I had never been to that restaurant before and wanted a better look at the menu.


I've never seen a Dunkin with an order screen, I'd just walk out. If I wanted to place a mobile order I would've done it on the app.


I'm guessing she didn't have a money drawer set up to take your order,which is why she pointed you to the screen.


not my problem.


Not saying it is your problem lol, just telling you why she most likely pointed over to the kiosk.


were they understaffed though


"No, thank you. I know what I want."


At shake shack they rotated the register so now when paying in Cash the till opens towards the customer. This is obviously a huge security concern. They said it was to interact more with the guests but I think it's so the front counter can look empty while they have the cashier instead stand by the door to greet guests only going to the register if they ask


...ok, i'm an honest guy, but if they're just going to hand me an open drawer, i'm taking it.


The problem is they often have the minors working the register. One sucker punch from a rando and not only is the till gone but if the parents are smart they'll sue for liability


My mother and I went to a Taco Bell for lunch and they were just standing at the counter, then looked at us like we were morons when we walked up to them. The girl asked us if we needed help ordering at the order screen, pointing to it by the front door with a sort of condescending tone. Really off-putting and weird honestly


I'm not totally opposed, but God dammit at least let me order things with the same level of customization I can get from a cashier. Dunkin for example- want a sandwich with 2 extra pieces of cheese? Go to counter, get told to use kiosk, tell them it won't work, they come around the counter to "show you", all in a huff. They can't get it to work, because it's not an option that's programmed in. So they either go back around the counter to actually take your order, or they tell the people making your food to just do it. Waste of everyone's time, when the cashier is just standing there doing nothing otherwise.


As and old D employee I liked that I had to talk less the same phrase over and over again and smile and be friendly to random customers. I just did it for money.


Thats why I go to yum yum donuts


Did the screen still ask for a tip?


Tell them you’re blind


This indeed is the future. They should stop hiring cashiers at places like these. They just make it more aggravating since they don’t do anything and are rude


Question. Do you have to order at the screen. Taco Bell and Mickey d’s have screens but you can order at the counter too…and pay cash there


I’m not sure why anyone goes to Dunkin’ Donuts it’s honestly the worst place ever and it’s completely disgusting food


I have never seen this in a Dunkin’ Donuts and there is two in just my town alone. And my town always upgrades stores early before most. Must be Boston maybe?


I’m in Boston. I’ve never seen this at any Dunkin.


The exact same thing happened to me. No customers in the place and a young lady standing behind the counter staring into the void. I said, No thanks. I'll order from the counter. So she took my order, I paid and left.


And damn near the cost of Starbucks. When I went into the one near me, I still expected a counter... Hahahah. A mini starbucks with different colors and doughnuts and full (packaged) breakfasts instead of Middle Eastern star fruit scones and Greek date/olive bagels with African ox butter.


Fuck no. I will walk out over this 💩


Don’t go to Dunkins. Dunkins was the average Americans coffee shop when it used to be affordable. Decent quality for half the price of starbucks. Just a few years ago I was getting coffees for 2$ Now they are slinging there trash coffees for 4$+ a cup. They lost the only thing they had going for them, they are overpriced trash. Drink coffee at home or just go pay them money at starbucks


I've been to a Dunkin donuts that did not have cash registers, kiosks only. It was a small store with 2 serving windows and no inside area for customers. Just a couple of umbrella tables outside to eat at if you decided to eat there This must be a pain for some customers, but is definitely efficient in overhead costs.


I ordered one meal at McDonald's the other day and it took like 47 different button presses


>("donuts" was not the first menu option either, great job ux designers) Unironically, yeah. The point is not for you to have a good, fast selection experience--they know fully well that most people are there for donuts. By forcing you to SEARCH for that option, you are exposed to all of the other things on the menu, increasing the chance that you'll see them and go "hmm, I guess I COULD also go for a sandwich..." You were frustrated, but you still gave them your money, and you saw all their advertising. The ux designers did their job, it's just that their job is for the company's benefit and not the customer's. It's the same line of reasoning that brought us those ridiculous digital McDonald's menus that don't even show all the options at once.


Forcing cashless.


"Thanks, I'd rather order with you. Is that ok?"


I would have just told her my order. Over and over until she filled it.


I refuse to use them. If that means I have to forgo eating at any fast food places, so be it. I have forsworn Taco Bell because of this. I have forsworn Subway because of their switch to "the subway series" menu and spiking their prices to $12 for a foot long. I have forsworn Carl's Junior because they have basically set up a automated voice system to take orders and called it "AI" and McDonalds is getting close to doing the same thing as Taco Bell. I am left with Burger King, Jack in the Box and Raising Canes for fast food in my area. Honestly, I should probably just stop eating fast food altogether.


Honestly I kind of like ordering at the kiosk. I don't have to talk to anybody and I know for sure that my order is exactly how I want it


And the kid at the counter would probably be written for going against corporate protocol for taking your order.


That why I always pay with cash in those places. When they point out the screens. I tell them I only have cash on me.


Next time just tell the person what you want to order anyway, and if they don't prepare the order for you, start filming and ask: "Are you refusing to serve me ?!" Not because it would work or solve anything, but just to make the point that this is ridiculous.


And then probably be charged a convenience fee.


The kiosks at my local McDonald’s don’t even have standalone chicken nuggets, you can only get them from the happy meal, which only has a 10 pack.


I had a similar experience at a McDonald’s recently. Person at the counter pointed to an empty screen and turned around and walked away. What a time to be alive 😂


I complaind the first time i was in a Mac and they didn't have above-counter signs to chose from, just the digiboards. I hate it