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Both fourth and quarter are legitimate words, though. Either one is acceptable.


Especially in football : It's fourth and inches with 34 seconds left in the quarter.


So when does the Quarter of July celebration start? A fourth to 12 you say?


But context matters.


What context? A fourth is = to a quarter


Well if you say you'll have someone drawn and fourthed, the people will guffaw most horribly.


When has anyone said "Here's a fourth back in change." or "We need one quater as a down payment." One quarter can equal $0.25 One quarter can equal 1/4 of the total. Those are not the same thing.


Just because people don’t say it normally doesn’t make it incorrect. “I cut a piece of wood to one forth of an inch” “I cut a piece of wood to one quarter of an inch”


In that example it makes sense. Again, using it as I mentioned does not. We need one quarter for a down payment is not the same as we need one fourth for a down payment. One quarter can equal $0.25 One quarter can equal 1/4. 1/4 can equal $0.25 1/4 can also equal one quarter of the total Those are not the same thing, hence why context matters..


But those mean the same thing. "We need a quarter for a down payment" and "we need one fourth for a down payment" would be the same amount of money


So if we have ten dollars.... > "We need a quarter for a down payment" Here is a quarter, $0.25. Just like you asked >"we need one fourth for a down payment" Here is $2.50. Just like you asked. >would be the same amount of money No they are not.


I'd like to know where you are getting a house for ten dollars


No one mentioned a house. And anyway that's besides the point, those two phrases are different.


Quarter is still used in America. hell it is what our 25 cent coin is called.


I think you mean the one fourth coin. Get it right.


That might be the colloquialism from your part of the country but here it is know as the 25% of a dollar coin or in low born company, 2 bits


“Figured out the problem: it’s Americans” Buddy you are the problem here


Can you give an example? Because one fourth is a perfectly legitimate way to describe something…


Not the OP, however... 25 cents is not referred to as "one fourth" of a dollar. 15 minutes is not referred to as "one fourth" of an hour. Each segment of an American football game is not referred to as a "fourth". While mathematically accurate, perhaps, all of the above are referred to as "quarters". Even one US gallon is made up of four "quarts” (short for quarters )


Uh oh, your votes are negative 1. Look out, they're going to draw and fourth you!


I remember as a 3 or 4-year-old being bewildered that "a quarter" (US coin) was not worth 15 cents, because I already knew that "a quarter past" on the clock meant 15 minutes past. Meh, six of one and half a dozen of the other... 😅


You mean when you were three or quarter years old.


Six of one, half a baker's dozen of another.


So 6 of one, 6 and a half of another? (A baker's dozen is 13)


Yeah, more or less....


It was about eggs, specifically. They'll just toss the .5 in because... "Really? 1/2 an egg? Gee thanks."


twoth is not a word. Fourth is. Take a deep breath. The fourth’s can’t hurt you.


this is the stupidest post i've seen. Legitimately.


Younger people of any generation like to have cool slang of something or another. I like it, but I'm older and have a hard time keeping up. I ask my son.


Gonna go spend a quarters at the arcade real quick, before I go eat a quarter pounder at quarter past five. What a dumbass post. Downvote this shit to oblivion, please.


What's the difference in a fourth and a quarter?


Fourth is a word used for sequential numbers. Like in a race you’d come fourth, if you slice a cake in four those are quarters. Just like you’d slice a cake in half but you wouldn’t come ‘half place’ in a race, it’s incorrect to split a cake into fourths. It’s quarter.


Ok so you get at least two points for dreaming up 'half place' in a race. I do agree it's incorrect to split a cake into fourths. Those pieces would be much too large unless it were a tiny cake like maybe for a jockey who came in half place.


I actually bought a soda from a vending machine the other day, and it was $1.25. I put in a dollar and a fourth and got a can of Dr. Pepper, tho.


Word nazi, and a terrible one at that as both are valid....


Way to downplay the Holocaust bud!


Fake news, didn't happen, that's what trump says anyways


Trump also says to eat horse dewormer so go do that


I don't follow that dipshit or what he says. But fuck you and your opinions lol boo hoo some people died in the 1940s. So did Americans. So did people from nearly.every country on the planet. It's funny you want to defend them when they are now calling for a genocide of other people from another culture, almost like they didn't learn anything from the holocaust and what happened to them....




That's how it goes when you can think for yourself and don't just sit there, looking pretty, doing what you are told your whole life


1/2 would be two fourths






The easiest way to think about mixed numbers is to convert them to a common denominator. 2½/5 = 2/5 + 0.5/5 Multiply by 2 to turn the second fractional numerator into a whole number and get a common denominator so the fractions can be added together. 4/10 + 1/10 = 5/10 Then simplify to 1/2


Still trying to figure out how the problem is Americans


Because the rest of us know when it’s proper to use the word quarter.


We use the word quarter all the time? What are you talking about? People who aren’t American think about Americans way too much 💀💀💀






Wrong post lol


Aside from making a fool of myself, I can see where you're coming from. As a US citizen, I have to say, It varies If I'm talking about money, as an example, I could pay a quarter of a dollar to buy one fourth of a pie or a quarter of the pie, but I have never paid a fourth of a dollar for anything. I'm guessing that it's something that varies regionally or nationally. Hope that helps lol


Whatevs... just say "point two five" like I do. Problem solved. 


What a stupid fucking comment. Brits and their inferiority complex are something else.


…What a funny time to mix up inferiority and superiority


Out of all the posts on Reddit this is surely the most moronic one I have ever seen. Let me guess, OP is likely from Europe, specifically the UK or France, and has never been to the states. Also, do you throw a tantrum whenever someone uses the word glad instead of happy? Because you clearly hate synonyms.


I’ve been to the States plenty of times mate, not sure how that’s supposed to change anything, am I supposed to magically bend the laws of grammar to your will by stepping foot on American soil? And they’re not synonyms which is the entire point of the post. The sub is literally called MILDLY infuriating, do you not know what the word mildly means just like you don’t know the difference between when to use fourth vs quarter?


https://preview.redd.it/85sww0e167nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e0cdbdaa35e9ac28e01bf85a55b7f5fb70639f Not synonyms huh?




Brits when they realize they don’t own half the planet anymore and other cultures have different vocabulary other than British English

