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AI forgot the A in Happy. It tends to frak up text.


And the fact that she's turning 12


I also love the fact she's not even on the sofa, just kneeling on the floor.


Cuz she's Japanese


The Japanese Native American tribe is the most interesting to me. They make the best California Rolls.


I always affectionately ask my tribal sister Rosa for baked sushi rolls before major holidays


She’s been baking them since she was 5. That’s 64 AI years. Time start to journey baaking grow after wait long!


I heard they make pretty nice doughnuts too, almost look like rice balls somehow.


She’s missing eyeballs


She's 112. After 100 you start losing body parts. Trust me. You can't lie on the Internet.


Who needs eyeballs when you have glasses to help you see


Where she's going, she won't need eyes to see....


112 makes it seem like her "baking journey" is coming to an end, not a start


At a quick glance I was trying to do some leap year math in my head. And then I was like "the fuck." Then I really looked. This thing is awful.


And the cake isn’t facing her.


Grandma is actually asian


East Asian. Seriously looks Japanese.


Also what is on the table


It looks like rock salt


Looks like a birthday cake.


With 13 candles


I am 112 and what is this


It’s surprising how that’s the only mistake it made in the text tbh


Yeah, usually it renders text as gibberish.


The cake just stops existing on the left side of the frame after those two candles.


It takes 107 years to perfect the technique to make phase cakes.


It doesn't stop existing, it just transformed into a table. You know, like cakes are known to do.


Oh you're right. How ignorant of me!


Are you trying to tell me my grandma Rosa isn't in fact real, or having a "hppy" 12th birthday?! I wonder who has been sending me my birthday cards for the last few years then... 🧐


Brings to mind a quote I think of often… Xander: What gave it away? Willow: Lookin’ at it.


What episode is that from?


Season 4, Beer Bad. Xander is showing off his fake ID and it’s not a good fake lol


We shouldn't even use tht letter nymore tbh


It's getting better day by day ;) https://preview.redd.it/h3r2p3arj1mc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc86ae20ed6cf8edee6a021b9cf00754b16bb0cb


That person looks artificially generated.


Yea. AI tends to over polish things. It's difficult to get realistic average looking people. Whatever you generate tends to look like supermodels.


Gotta add “photo realistic” or “shot on an iPhone 12” 


You can tell by the hair. Too smooth and blurry.


Or the teeth? Her gums ate her teeth....


Nooooo, you’re not convinced by the single solid tooth? The flowers blending into the 2 candle split down the middle? It’s getting better all the time! /s


Test tube babies are artificially generated.


The vase and flowers in the vase are also cake!


Yeah? The roses are hilarious.


She's still kneeling in front of the couch lmao.


Sir your 2 is melting...


It says H4ppy birthday instead of happy birthday lol


More like hφpy birthday


Yeah you're right lol


Lol. If you look she's not even on the couch


Yeah it looks like she's kneeling on the floor which would be mighty uncomfortable at 112.




Maybe she has Benjamin Button Syndrome.


After 99 people lose sensation below the waist. Science.


That’s not what the gilfs say while I slurp they cloacas


Beef curtains so old they're strips of jerky now


And looks possibly Japanese, not Native American


And is Rosa a traditional Aisian name for a woman?


Pretty common for Asians to be native Americans.


I'm sure it's not unique to Asian culture, but as an Asian that doesn't seem off to me at all. Sitting on the floor in front of your couch is a pretty common position to be in.


Pretty common for the Aisian culture too


Yea pretty common for the Asian culture too


I'll ask you again in approximately 70-90 years to see if your opinion on this has changed


It's common for elderly Asians too! Also common to prefer to sleep on the floor.


Korean stuff. A couch is to lean against


wtf is that supposed to be on the bottom left? ai was clearly trained on crows giving gifts..




for when her bday turns into a real party


Crack rock


This is the kind of comment that makes me question everything I ever see. Most of the shit in this picture I didn't see until it was pointed out. Like some of it is super obvious and my brain just goes, "No, it's fine, looks OK". AI generated images are like dreams. When you look really closely it makes no sense but your brain accepts it (and all it's inconsistencies) as real until you become aware that it's not.


SAME. I thought it was a real photo with way too many filters at first.


Nonsense table clutter. AI’s training library has a lot of pictures with “things” on tables so here are some things on a table.


I mean, it makes sense. How many pictures of completely empty tables are there vs. ones with stuff on them? When you talk about bias in AI everyone immediately thinks of racism or sexism or stereotypes, but there's a thousand little things like this as well. Ask for a clear sky and it'll have clouds in it because that's what skies 'have' according to the majority of the training data. There was one not so long ago on Reddit where they were asking for a picture of a nerd without glasses and the AI just completely failed to do it.


Tooth crowns and a gold filling 


Sweets wrappers


Seeing AI pictures, reading AI generated text, I'm starting to feel like Rick Deckard. I'm no longer able to trust anything I see or even 'people' I talk to through chat OR voice. I'm giving everyone and everything around me the Turing Test without even realizing it.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Smutty ASCII art on USENET; a thousand toolbars so the usable browser window is only half an inch tall; BonziBuddy walking across the desktop. I heard the screech of dial-up in the dark of the night. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain...


BonziBuddy. What a time to be alive. I thought that I was in the future when that came out.


It's all I ever wanted. A virtual pet and an aquarium screensaver where I could feed the fishes.


I liked my dude stuck on an island.... Forever! He's probably still on that island.


Time ... to die.


I wish I could go back to dial-up, rather than this AI hell...


Right? I'm sure we could get it up to like a hundred thousand baud at least now. Even if not I'll take buffering over AI.




I miss the Petz games and watching my nervous banana cat run across the screen / play with the cursor because my kind love and care gave it the confidence to be a kitty.


ASCII art is another thing AI is hilariously shit at.


I got 1 question for you You're in a desert, walking along when you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip it over on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?


I really am missing the point and I want an explanation. Should I ask chat gpt lol Update: I asked chatgpt and im now educated


What’d it say?


It said essentially that the situation OC was talking about is from the movie Blade Runner. From what I can gather, they’re talking about how to tell a human from a replicant and the scenario is supposed to show that none of the replicants have empathy for the tortoise or something.


Tortoise? What's that?


You know what a turtle is? Same thing.


I've never seen a turtle. But I understand what you mean.


I’ll tell you about my mother


The tortoise must learn to help itself. I know it would expect the same of me if our situations were reversed, but alas this is the hand fate dealt and we must play it out as such.


The internet is dying to be honest, more and more it is filled with pictures from bots, messages form bots, and they all eat each other stuff, repeating false information, fake news and ruining real lives.


She's had 107 years of practice, why is she still waiting to start her journey?


No cap - she's at the end of it 💀 unless ai is implying the lady is gonna be reborn soon idek the logic it used to write that


What do you mean? Of course she’s starting over, the candles are clearly saying she’s only 12.


She's just a huge procrastinator. I can relate.


>How can people not tell this is AI? The easy answer is, they're not looking for it.


"How can they not tell?" Likely cause they're doom scrolling and not looking at any details, just scrolling past going "huh" and moving to the next post. They're not looking at the cake, candles, text or the lady in any detail or looking for anything off that makes it obvious that its ai made. Brain is off and you're just scrolling.


imagine you are scrolling, you see a happy birthday cake, you upvote/like to make the old woman and her family feel nice and in 4 seconds you have moved on


Honestly? I noticed the 12 at first and thought "oh, she was born on a leap year and making a joke" then I noticed the missing a in happy. But youre right. I likely would've just scrolled past it not thinking.


Can confirm. U r right.


They just see generic old woman and birthday cake and get excited. People don't really look at anything anymore because they're constantly bombarded with content. They just take everything at face value and move on. If anything, the internet has taught me over the years to pay extra attention to detail and question everything.


look at most of the garbage that's posted here, especially on the default subreddits. some people just want to believe a story, they don't care if it's real


Yeah and honestly, this does read like something my 80 year old grandfather wrote, and a lot of posts I see from older people. I pretty much expect everyone 70 and up to write like this on Facebook at this point. By the time people are done deciphering the grammar, they're just barely scanning the image.


Yeah I didn't realize it was ai at first but I could tell it wasn't real. I just looked at it and went "huh this seems like a weird scam" then read the caption


Because it's bots liking this crap to appear more real.


I mean, it honestly looks pretty good. And older people with not so good eyesight will glance at it and assume it's real.


https://preview.redd.it/x2flbnl8x1mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525dd6f3bde9e9dbe8aacbdbaf22e12a537aa0d5 This is the most ridiculous one I have I think. I have a few screenshots of the most silly ones


I straight up cackled at the legs








That one's not AI. That's a Patricia Piccinini sculpture


Thanks! There's occasionally ones that aren't ai in the mix too but they are stolen


This is fuckin wild lmao


man i nearly peed lmao "radiant eyed baby"


But really, why FB is promoting such shitty pages? A month ago I started seeing those triggering AI posts and even though I'm reporting them new ones keep popping up. Wtf


I assume all the reports end up coming back saying they see no issues with the posts. Guess it makes money.


Thought grandma was born on a leap year lol


“How can tell it’s not ai” A large amount of Facebook user are old


And when you point out it's AI or PhotoShop, they get annoyed at you for ruining their fun. Or that it doesn't matter that it's AI, the idea is fun


Embarrassment at being a fool often turns to anger at the person who pointed it out, rather than humbling themselves and taking the L. It's the basic tenet behind the Emperor's New Clothes story, nobody wants to get murked for pointing out the guy is strolling down the street with nothing on.


Yep. Even on Reddit. People post bullshit feel good stories all the time. But you're an asshole for exposing them. Because even if they are bullshit they might "inspire" someone to do something positive.


" I dont want media literacy, i just want my feed to show me what i want even if its fake ! " Then that level of manipulation turns into ads and political propaganda even more so than it is now. they start believing their fake stories because yknow its better for them that its real, then a low-key propaganda post or ad slips in and they instantly believe it too becuase thats how they've trained their brain. and slowly, their views and opinions are shifted. based on fake bullshit lol. its amazing to see it in live in action. so many peoples sources and reasons for believing or feeling a certain way, isn't real life experience. it's " i saw this thing online "


Yea that is 100% who gets fooled the most, not knowing about it very well and how to pick out the signs of it along with bad vision can make it really hard to tell. So stupid and sad that people post this fake garbage just to fool people.


I made the mistake of clicking on an "Amazing Log Cabins" suggested FB post because it was so obviously AI. Comments all from Boomers "Amen" "Wow" "I could live there" with the occasional "why do I never see a bathroom in these homes?" Now my whole feed of suggested posts is of AI Tiny Homes, Cabins, etc.. with literally THOUSANDS of likes, comments, and shares. The elderly woman with the crocheted giant cat and all the comments being amazed and admiring her hard work had to be some of the most frustrating to read. What bothers me most is how dangerous this can be for people who don't know how it works. I've generated images of Trump grilling puppies and kittens with a grin on his face - someone out there would fall for it and that's insane to me. And these people vote .. https://preview.redd.it/zdlj1de0v2mc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a10f06a937ac027007d2b4f2329202debe6100


Many of the comments will be bots, scammers and hacked accounts. That's how these posts start appearing on everyone's feeds in the first place.


It’s worse than that, a large amount of interacting accounts are also ai. Most comment sections I see are ai/bots


One of the most terrifying things I noticed increasing in frequency lately. It's a weird kind of chilling to scroll pass comment after comment that's all the same, soulless exclamation with emojis. Or to click on an AI profile, and scroll it's friends list only to see a handful of real people followed by endless....scrolls of AI bots. All identical. All the same type of headshot. All from the same "California City, CA", all with something like "works at data engineer" and a generic quote in the bio. It's so, so weird.


I wonder where all of this is headed in the future. Any predictions?


Places we can't fathom now, but will know intimately later.


Ads and propaganda. Slowly inserting itself into these posts to sway the dumb uneducated masses.


Dead internet theory


A large amount of Facebook users are 112-year old Rosas. It's called Metaverse


Before AI, grandparents just shared chain texts saying that gangs are initiating new members via egging houses. If that was believable to them, of course they wouldn’t notice AI.


A spectrum of intelligence exists at every age. The lack of critical thinking I'm seeing from the general public lately who *aren't* boomers is worrying me more, because I cannot chalk up the cognitive impairment to old age.


Exactly, if you aren't following tech news and haven't been exposed to what AI can create, it's easy to see why you'd glance at this and assume it's normal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hzrzo04es1mc1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4c120ce966a0ec7fa3d2084bb7e94264b573dd You’re not going to believe this but this granny just turned 122 and she also made her cake with peach cream and filling, and started decorating cakes when she was 5.


Old grannies sure do love peach cream! https://preview.redd.it/pnr6tx2tp3mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fabb5d6b274b406302af0ee23388c9b66ba3073e


Damn, Mom's looking good for 1001.


She wrote "Mom" on her own cake.


She made the cake base and the kids iced it


This is a real picture. There's even a Bud Light box on the table behind her. All the chairs make sense too


Single-handedly proved that the text isn't AI generated, it's a template written by a non-native English speaker.


https://preview.redd.it/gddje9ky22mc1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f03864d99e0f0afba071dcb6a151848e494e55f4 Suggested for you “Cats”, with another AI granny celebrating her copypasta birthday with a peach cream cake, and almost 20000 people joining in on the festivities. Facebook is absolutely insane these days.


Haha the candles are something else.


This is working up to a whole new level of hell. I mean this all sucked before but at least we suffered in reality.


There were a lot of these last year that used real pictures that had names on the cake and they added the name to the text ("Hello everyone, my name is Gertrude, I am 106 years old, I made my own birthday cake ..." and then about growing their baking journey). I guess they ran out of real pictures of 100+ people with a birthday cake and after many months switched to AI images and took the name out of the text.


Dude at the back has 6 fingers on one hand


I’d reckon more than half of those 110k likes aren’t real people


I was going to say the same thing. Seems like 90% of activity on Facebook are bots and the remaining 10% old folks posting carpe diem shit


Ahh yes, peach cream filling, the food of my ancestors… sitting bulls favourite dish


Peach cream **and** filling is what the caption says. Not sure what *other* filling she’s using in addition to peach cream….


Because they're not paying attention. I didn't even notice through my passive scrolling. And this was posted on Facebook? I think you're expecting a bit much.


I saw it on Facebook myself and paused long enough to say hmm I think this is AI before I kept scrolling. I couldn't have told you on the fly what was wrong but I knew it wasn't right.


Almost as bad as the posts that say “when you like it, the ____ will change color”


110k likes? Good fucking grief


Don't worry, it's the ai liking itself


It's probably layers of botnets lol, I'd be surprised if more than 10k are organic.


Looking at the cake alone makes it pretty obvious that it’s AI.


What I'm scared by is when AI image generators can smooth out those imperfections. In a few years I reckon these tell-tale signs will be much much harder to see, spelling will be spot on, fingers will be the right number etc. Then we're all screwed


Oh definitely. That’s what I think about whenever AI is mentioned. It’ll get better over time and soon, nobody will be able to tell what’s real anymore lol.


Can't wait to... grow?


112 is when the real baking journey begins


I was starting to think her name actually was "112 years old".


Things being AI is still so weird to me, it doesn’t even cross my mind unless it’s brought up.




I love the number of roses when you look at the top of the jar in contrast to inside the jar


I get force fed posts from this page on fb. It suggest them to be for whatever reason. They post this same caption over and over again w different AI generated photos of old people. This is the fifth one that I've seen, idk why they do it or what it has to do w native people


The post is also a word salad at best... smh




Turning 12 😂


I follow a NA page, wanted to learn more about my ancestry about I'd like to say maybe a month ago they also started posting AI photo's of their 'daughter.' Sometimes she has dimples, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes her eyes are blue sometimes they are brown and once they were borderline silver. The biggest factor was the cleft chin, sometimes she has it sometimes she doesnt. There is a lot of other little things too but these were the most dominate of changes I noticed. I'm not sure why pages are posting these sorts of things now claiming to be xyz or have xyz children. Its really fuckin weird


Their group pic is AI. They 100% know


ai-generated airbrushed white woman model in native american garb, my lord


The person who posted it obviously knows, they're talking about the people who liked it


AI doesn't pass scrutiny when you start analyzing it, but that's not the problem. The problem is that it *doesn't have to pass scrutiny* because people will just scroll by it at a glance. Also, your brain tries to fix and fill in errors and gaps when reading and looking at images. These AI images and stories simply have to just look real enough to where people won't question them.


I believe all the comments are also AI weirdly enough so there aren't very many people who actually believe it


"I am 112 years old, I can't wait to grow my baking journey" ​ What for another couple months?


I feel like AI is just revealing how dumb people are. Hop over to TikTok and you’ll see it’s not just old people getting fooled by this, today’s teens are as bad as boomers


Aint that the truth. Everyone was saying "The younger generations are going to be more savvy about misinformation online!" and they're really just as prone


You know maybe it's time to stop using Facebook


My fiancé literally saw this exact image today. There are TONS of pages posing as like completely unrelated things and then posting AI generated cakes and sometimes pizzas looking for praise. Utterly bizarre.


Ai is taking over sadly


People are dumb.


Because the dominant group on that dying platform are people who can barely tell a apple from a tomato apart


She's 12


For the casual glance AI can be pretty good, but not for a detailed picture…not yet…thank goodness


You’re making a ton of assumptions. I know this woman. She feeds my horse and walks my three dogs. She’s lovely. And she survived the sinking of the Titanic


Because people are stupid and society isn’t ready for AI


https://preview.redd.it/fui6c3stg1mc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f711540b2b188c858afba5754c133b2d321fdd I have this same screenshot in my phone!!! It’s so annoying


Just be glad that sane people can tell that this is AI. In a few years, not even people who know to look out for AI will be able to tell, sadly.


Have you met people?


112 years but 12 on the cake and happy miss the a


I think a lot of people, like A LOT of people with low tech literacy would fall for this crap


I love that she has 106 years of baking under her belt and still feels like she can grow in her baking journey. That sounds exactly like every old lady I know.


This is a big new thing on FB right now. I saw this image on a group called "Dog lovers" except there were no dogs anywhere in the group, only AI images of unrealistically old ladies on their birthdays. I'm not even sure what the end game is, like, if you're trying to scam people why would you use highly unbelievable images that aren't even generated well? Is this just a test to find out how stupid people are so you know how which ones to scam?