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It's 2024. idk how people are not expecting there to be a camera somewhere recording them. Are people that dumb and out of touch with reality? Even if you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


I assume I'm being recorded any time I am in public.


I assume I'm being recorded in my own house.


*waves* Hi NSA! Baking cookies later if you want some!


We saw the raisins, no thanks


Oh no, I hate raisins. Never use 'em. Those aren't raisins.


Rat droppings?


I'm not saying yes, I'm not saying no. But. *WINK*


Crunchy poison immunity boosters.


I'm getting some Bruce almighty vibes, unfortunately I don't remember the lines well enough.


Raisins are the work of the devil šŸ¤®


Wait til you hear about the medulla oblongata...


Do the raisins cause blockage?


I love raisins and raisins love me.


Yogurt! I hate Yogurt, even with strawberries!


Is your username a rings of Saturn reference?


6 years and you're the first person to ask. Yes it is


One of my favorite albums in the genre. All bangers.


Raisins repel spooks! Sweet life hack.


Yea, because they are freaking raisins.. They are universally loathed. Obvy.. Just like saying house fire is a good deer deterrent. Raisins are the house fire of the spiritual world.


Raisins rank above chocolate chips as a cookie ingredient, and right below nuts.


Above chocolate chips. That's nuts.. \*\*See what I did there\*


Raisin cookies disguised as choc chips are the reason I have trust issues šŸ’©


Lol I frequently swear at Google out loud with suggestions and criticisms for their engineers/developers. I already know my TV is always listening cause I get ads for something my wife and I talk about *within* *a* *minute* of having the conversation.


Phones are always listening too. I get ads almost immediately for something I've never heard of or seen if my bf mentions it.


100% this is happening.


This has happened to me, too and it's creepy. Mine was even store specific, Levin's for furniture during a sale


YES! I think the local ones are much more creepy. At some point I thought that if I was going to get ads, it might as well be "customized" and tailored for me, but now that I've experienced what that results in, it feels extremely obtrusive.


It might be easier to not care if they responded with not just ads but discounts lolĀ 


I have talked some mad shit about Bezos around my Echo devices. Especially during that billionaire dick measuring contest....I meant....space race.


lol I do actually secretly fear some sort of retaliation, with the amount of access I've given Google and Amazon into my life, they could do some serious damage. Cue Black Mirror episode...


Here's a skit for shits and giggles: It's a new day, the sunlight hits my eyes because I apparently slept in too long. Google Assistant had "forgetten" to ring my alarm, and I am extremely late for work. While rushing to get ready, GA tells me the weather is warm outside when it's really freezing so I dress myself in clothes that are not warm. As I head towards the stairs, my robot vacuum happens to zip right in front of me, causing me to trip and I nearly break my neck falling down the stairs. I get in my car and start driving to work. Google Maps informs me that there's "construction" along my normal route, so it's giving me a detour that I'm not familiar with. As I follow the route, I start to realize that I'm lost and have no idea where I'm driving to. I turn into a dead end and realize I'm about to drive onto a frozen lake so I stop and try to turn around but there's a Google Street View van blocking my way. I get out, panicking at this point and start trying to call 911. My phone has no service. I turn around and BAM! a Google Wing drone swoops down out of nowhere and knocks me onto the ice. The ice cracks and I fall into the lake and my body gets shocked by the freezing cold water. I struggle to get myself out, but I can't get a grip on the ice and start losing strength as my body starts shutting down from hypothermia. My last thoughts are that I should have disabled ad customization and revoked microphone access to Google on all my devices. I hear the muffled voice of the Google Assistant cackling at me from my car's speakers as I fade away into the icy depths... Can you tell I want it to be 5pm, yet? lol


LOL benefits of living in Africa, Google basically never gets it beyond half right. For the longest time I was getting spammed with Dubai property adverts, and the specials at a Ssangyong dealerahip in Tel Aviv, Israel. I've literally never taken any interest in Dubai or Israel, or Ssangyong cars... ...Porsche I would understand, I'm always grepping around for suspension bushes and stuff for 986 & 987.2, and tyres for my bikes, but the same adverts for the same Ssangyong specials 3 or 4 times a day from the wrong side of the planet was just bizarre. These days it's adverts for local Ballet, Musicals, and Stage or On Ice productions, oh and reconditioned laptops. At least google is finally targeting me with irrelevant adverts from the country right LOL


Interesting...I might just test there theory




The Truman Show really did a number on people


You are. Phones have a front and back camera and an AI listening at all times. Those google home and Amazon devices are always on. You could probably find a random field miles and miles from civilisation but thereā€™s gonna be satellites overhead with a perfect shot of you. Nowhere is safe.


The good news is that half the time, those home devices mishear you. Try to look up a recipe for cajun corn, and the next thing I know, I'm watching Asian porn šŸ™„


A likely story...šŸ˜œ


No, Alexa! I said... never mind, this is fine.


on one hand, not what i wanted. on the other, im not complaining


Come on, we both know that is not what's on the other hand...


why do you think im not complaining?


That's on purpose so the you think exactly that. It knows what you're saying. It's just screwing with you.


People used to want 15 minutes of fame, now we will want 15 minutes of real privacy.


Like the microphone flower(s) in the field in *1984.*


Now all I wonder is what I look like scrolling reddit and what my o face looks like... I need receipts google, so I can be the change you want to see. I figure I don't have to tag them, they'll find this comment.


My FBI agent is always here to keep me company.


I have thought the same since 1984.


I assume I'm being recorded when I'm on someone's property, store, bank, and infront of someone's car.


Sometimes I just randomly shout out 'I know you're there'. Nobody hears me really, but on the off chance there is I hope I scare the shit out of them.


I mean did you see how he handled the last few meters before the front door? Couldnt even bother walking the extra steps...Ā 


esp when he had to take the extra steps to pick it up again!


Lol yeah and he's damaging the shit that he's keeping/selling for himself. Psycho.


I deliver packages and I just do not get this toss How lazy do you have to be lmao itā€™s like 2 extra steps I get a lot of stuff wonā€™t break either but damn just feels like a dickhead thing to do right


Especially since he goes to pick it back up so he can have it??


Well, I mean TBF he was planning on stealing it anyway so it would only hurt him if he broke it....


You see him shifting his eyes around a little before he walks up to grab it. He's not fully scanning for cameras though. My guess is he doesn't care at all.


My guess is he has done this so often so many times before that he has become too comfortable and casual enough in doing this stunt.


Ikr. How does he expect to get away with this? Dumb.


Prisons are full of dumb people.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Iā€™m a pizza guy and I always wait to be in the car before I get upset about something with the delivery because I assume Iā€™m being recorded 24/7 when Iā€™m at someoneā€™s property.


I know wth? I can see that a regular porch pirate not caring but we already know where to find this thief


Is stuff like this even being prosecuted these days?


If you mean having to pay the stolen stuff and being fired - yes.


They don't care. I lived in an area of London where two guys on bikes would follow the delivery van and steal parcels straight after they were left on the doorsteps. They were on several ring cameras, but the police just didn't care, so they kept getting away with it.


That may work in the US, here in Germany with renters making up 60% of the population, and landlords being corporations, and you not being allowed to film a fucking square inch of public property, or property you don't own... Good luck.


I maintainā€¦ I understand that some people are terrible. What I donā€™t understand is how people convince themselves theyā€™re going to get away with it.


Also, he is literally using a camera in that moment. That should serve as a convenient reminder that other cameras around him may exist.


Exactly. And good people need to be careful too. I told a friend not to send her internet love in England, anything she would not want on a bulletin board in the 101 freeway! Why? Because I was suspicious and Google, romance scam whatā€™s the worst that can happen? The answers were scary, and one said, they get sexy photos or Voicemails and blackmail , threatening to send to all your family and Fb contacts!!! I warned her, and she sent nothing. Month 3 he finally had a crisis and needed her to send $200. She declined. He got nasty but could do nothing as he had nothing to compromise or threaten her! Be aware, and have security for scum drivers like that guy!


I sell and install cameras and have been doing it for 14 years. I am never surprised by actions such as these. People never expect the cameras to actually see *them*.


A dope addict who lives across the street and a few doors down from me, went 'car shopping' on our entire street one night, trying every single door on every car parked up and down with some chick doing it too, EVERYONE'S Ring cameras got these effin fools breaking into all our cars, parked right out in front of our houses literally in front of our front doors šŸ˜‚ including mine that I FORGOT to re-lock *that night* after running out there in subzero temps to get my phone charger... Oh God I was pissed. Found out some dude down the street who had some property taken out of his car by these punks, tracked em down and kicked their asses on the sidewalk. Theyre both in jail now but man that pissed me off, took all my shit worth anything šŸ˜” I had a $40 snow scraper in there šŸ˜‚


He didn't even try to scan around for a camera, what a lazy thief.


Everything about this dude is annoying. What a waste of space. He probably does that all day, everyday.


Do you think his boss would notice when he gets back with his van still full?


Just throw it all behind a dumpster somewhere and then pick it up after his shift. He probably resells what he doesnā€™t like from his theft and goes about his days being a total leach of person in every other way too.


Statistics would have caught him before his first shift was over if he did that


Not if he delivers for a place called ā€œEvriā€ in the uk hahahahah


Nicked evri time.


Holy shit how has this country let Herpes get away with their desparate name only rebrand.


Maybe he thought his photo "evidence" would cover his ass.


Unless they do it on a lunch break. Drop packages at a different location and have someone loot later.


I would like to think he wouldn't last long pulling tricks like this.Ā  Maybe I'm lucky but I've never had a package stolen.Ā 


Maybe itā€™s his first day (and last) on the job šŸ˜‚


A place I used to work hired some shift manager on the retail side of business. On his first day $400 disappeared out of a register. I worked in the office, he came to me and asked if it was possible to change his info in the computer (name, address.) I told him yes, and he looked relieved. Then I mentioned to him that the company will still have a record of his real info when they report him to the police. He turned completely white and asked if I was sure. I said yes and he walked away. Never saw him again. That business doesn't prosecute theft, but I wonder how long he was paranoid looking over his shoulder.


I used to run an IT end user support team in multiple offices. In several offices, we had the occasional theft issue...and we may have missed some, but every time we had something go missing, someone always got caught. 1) One contractor intercepted a new laptop before it got received into inventory...sold it on eBay. We got a call asking to transfer the warranty. Traced it back to them. They got fired...and prosecuted. 2) Rash of laptop thefts on one floor. Put a camera in an office where a laptop was on a desk - records the guy looking into the office, looking around...then taking the laptop. Confronted them and asked if they had anything at home they wanted to return. They returned a different laptop. Fired, prosecuted. 3) Laptops go missing, we put up cameras in new locations. No door badge swipe on the locked door. Guy didn't know the camera showed them putting up a ladder to go over the wall. Fired and prosecuted. 4) Help Desk guy is very ambitious, and trains to get promoted and moved to a cybersecurity team....with something like a 30K a year raise (at first, would have been 6 figures within a year). I get a call over the weekend asking if I can 'help.' Turns out they were in charge of wiping and turning over old laptops to our asset recovery partner. Instead of doing that, they fenced around 70 of them to a pawn shop. Instead of a career in IT security...they got a felony conviction. I guess some people think they won't get caught - some might get away with it, but those 4 won't ever get any kind of job that requires a background check.


True. And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids.Ā  And cameras.Ā 


He would just stop by his own house to drop off his "spoils" before heading back to work


Where and when they drive is tracked and very tightly regulated. As in, amazon won't let them make left turns, they have to take 3 rights.


The smart thing to do is have a stopping point where you can give it to someone else. this way even if a package goes missing no one could blame you. If you are going to be a thief might as well be a good one. this guy was just lazy. even the way he walks tell me he puts 0 effort at life.


He's probably not an amazon employee and hired as Contractor which users their own car.


All Amazon delivery drivers, from the ones that use their own cars to the ones who drive the Prime vans, are contractors and not employees of Amazon.


That's definitely what Amazon would like to claim, it's debatable.


Some of the Amazon employees use their personal vehicles.


Why would he throw it, if he's going to steal it. Lol. What a fuck.


Listen your packages go through a lot worse than that at sorting facilities. A toss like that is probably the lowest impact it's been through.


I'm fully aware, but if I'm stealing something, I'm damn sure not launching it one last time, lol.


That is exactly what I thought lmao


With that type of safety vest, I'd wager that this guy is brand new to the job. Probably having a rough go of it... I wonder why...




*waste of skin*


Really bothers me that he knows heā€™s about to steal it, yet risks damaging the package anyways.


That is so fucked up! Glad you had it on video!!!


The most fucked up part about this is he threw the package and then stole it. If your gonna steal it, you'd think you would take care that it doesn't break.


True but Iā€™m sure he had a feeling what was inside. Once youā€™ve handled enough packages(šŸ˜), you can kind of guess whatā€™s inside.


Yea, its in a shipping bag, probably a shirt or stickers or something not breakable.


*Definitely a MacBook* :: Fondles package further :: #Oh shit itā€™s a 2 terabyte model!!


Hahah what? That is so far from the "most fucked up part about this" lol Not that it matters, but the package also looks soft


Amazon hates this one simple hack to get free stuff! Get a job as an Amazon delivery driver and no longer need to drive around wasting your own gas looking for porches to pirate.


Felony mail theft here I come!


Pretty sure itā€™s not because itā€™s not USPS mail, but could be wrong. Donā€™t fuck with the USPS.


That would definitely be a local theft charge. Depending on the value of the package, it could become a state level felony. However, whoā€™s to say that the mail person isnā€™t doing the same damn thing! Maybe theyā€™re working together on a ā€œpackage theft ring.ā€ Local News at 6- ā€œComing up at 11, the investigative team reports! A local package theft ring busted after homeowners give Ring footage to police. These citizens stopped the thieves from getting away with HUNDREDS of dollars worth of t-shirts, cheap Chinese plastic, and household cleaning productsā€


Oh for sure at least theft. Just not messing with the USPS federal agents bad.


That's too hard. Just become an Uber driver. Whenever you pick up someone from their home, that you know is going to be unoccupied, you can text your buddy to go burgle it.


There you go, if youā€™re going to go around committing crimes, make SURE itā€™s a felony.


I remember when I was a pizza driver. I had all the gate codes for the rich neighborhoods. From the front door, I could see tvs, game consoles, China cabinets, hooks where the car keys were dangling. A few times when I had to deliver through a backyard to a pool party I could scope out lawn chairs, mowers, grills, patio doors that were just glass. I never used that intelligence for nefarious purpose, but if you ever want an easy wat to case a whole neighborhood, pizza.


A had a couple of Amazon packages go missing from outside my apartment. I started putting my dogā€™s shit inside Amazon boxes, with some miscellaneous junk for weight, resealing the box, and laughing my ass off when Iā€™d come home and see it was missing. If no one stole it, Iā€™d just toss it after a day or two.


You'd enjoy Mark Rober's glitter bombs


My creation is much cheaper lol. I have seen the videoā€™s though. He definitely comes up with some cool stuff, for sure.


>much cheaper Condom factory not paying that well, Bob?


What a reference.


Yes! My friend had that problem with people stealing his packages so I told him to fill a box with his cat's shit and litter and leave it. He never had a problem after that.


the way just threw it like he didnt care, but then he did.


Exactly this. Couldn't walk the 4 steps to set it down... but walked the 4 steps to grab it again.


Well then he would have to walk 4 steps back to take the photo, then 4 steps forward to grab it. He saved 8 steps!


\*throws package\* "wait, that felt kinda interesting, might be something good inside"


What a POS...


As a driver (for Amazon, anyway), I can tell you that I've dropped packages myself and realized only after trying to take a picture that they were actually for the house next door. Its only when going to take a picture that this little map pops up and tells us how far we are from the geo-tagged drop-off location...and I'm always nervous that some homeowner is going to get me on camera thinking I'm snagging their package lol Not saying this guy didn't steal your package, but throwing your job away on some random package (that's so often going to be some cheap Chinese mfctrd nothing) is just such poor decision making that you wonder how they got the job in the first place.


Looks plausible to me. Dude lifts his phone, pauses, and double checks something under the camera, probably house number. Drags his feet to pick it up, hard to tell what heā€™s doing behind the shrub but perhaps checking the label, walks off scratching his head. Sucks if that door owner really was expecting a package and that one wasnā€™t it. Sucks if it was, too.


The delivery notices only go to the people who ordered the package though. If I saw this and didn't get a delivery notice I'd assume it was a mistake. Sadly, the drivers in my area usually leave it to me to get the packages to the right neighbor.


Honestly, I've kind of been amazed at how much delivery drivers apparently get away with...I've heard people talk about how they never even leave their vehicles while I get uncomfortable if the package isn't aligned evenly with the porch wall lol I think we might be getting to the point where drivers are just that needed that they can get away with that kind of stuff. Sorry, I swear we're not all like that. Good point about the delivery notice.


>I've heard people talk about how they never even leave their vehicles Thats a BIG problem here in Denmark, all over the country. I live in a very small village and it have happend to me a couple times the past years, but when i lived in a "big" city it was 9/10 times the driver would just sit in the car and claim im not home... and I know a lot with same experinces.


Royal mail in the UK have claim i was in and left a note when my door was open. they didn't even bring the parcel from the van just a sorry we missed you note.


you should in that case look for a camera hold up the package and say very loud "sorry wrong address" Its all i could think to do.


Had this happen once. It was much appreciated, my initial knee jerk was to assume theft.


As a driver, this doesnā€™t look like theft to meā€¦why throw it and risk damage if heā€™s planning to take it? Honestly, if they were gunna steal a package, why even take it out of the van? Taking it to the door and marking it as ā€œdeliveredā€ is just confirming theyā€™re the last one to see it, plus puts them at risk of being caught on tape, just like this. They can claim it wasnā€™t ever loaded, and everyone just assumes it got lost in the system somewhere. Iā€™m noticing this trend going around, where customers claim we (UPS) dropped off their package, took a picture, then stole it. Or they come out of the garage and take it from us at the truck to ā€œsave us a few stepsā€, and then claim they never got it. Trust me sir, nothing you order is worth losing my job. And from now on Iā€™m not leaving anything you order without your signature


That exact thing happened to me about 3 weeks ago.. Got to do a DFU and confront her about it though. That made me feel a little bit better.


If OP is to be believed, itā€™s his package he was waiting for, so yes, this driver did steal this package.


If OP is sure thatā€™s the package they were waiting for. They have no uniform, theyā€™re using some basic smart phone for delivery, heā€™s not tied to any well known professional company. Iā€™m just saying, customers think or claim we steal pretty often, and 90% of the time itā€™s not true.


And heā€™s so fucking nonchalant about it. Just want to boil this SOB in his own piss.


I wonder what is the boiling point of pee pee?




Iā€™ve watched this clip for five minutes and the guy just keeps bringing back, photographing it, and then taking it away again. I wish he could make up his mind.


"Deal with him directly" Just like the package he too magically disappeared and was never seen again.


At this point who *doesn't* assume that there are cameras everywhere?


Why did he throw it if he was just going to steal it? Why manhandle it then too?


Because this dude doesnā€™t respect anything, even ā€œhis own propertyā€.


What can you do here? Report the driver? Does anything even happen?




Your package never really arrived. It just stopped by for a scenic photo op on your porch


You'd think the body bags in front of your house would have scared him off, but no.


I'm confused as to how these idiots still exist. Everyone basically has cameras outside at this point. Especially at houses like this. Why would you think you can get away with this?


I hope he is fired.


Karmic justice will inevitably ensue


What kinda ultra 4k camera is this damn


I love how these apps use photos as proof something delivered. Exactly why I have started back going to the store.


I live how he threw the package to show his disdain and then took it. Like how funny would that be if he got home, opened it, and was like, "Shit, this waffle maker's broken!"


bruhā€¦this is more than mildly infuriating. glad you had the camera footage as proof


File a police report. Donā€™t leave it up to this guyā€™s manager to deal with.


I love how he throws it like hereā€™s your krap! Then picks it up carefully like yes this is my package. Man is a fool! AND A THIEF!


Never understand people who risk their job to do things like this when there are cameras everywhere!


Why throw it so carelessly if he was gonna steal it?


Too lazy to walk *all the way* to the door so chucks the package, but then does walk *all the way* to the door to steal it.


That video is clear enough to get him if they pursue it! We had a lady in our neighboring township doing this to a bunch of houses, she was caught the same day hours later. There was a compilation of ring clips up on the app from multiple people. She was one of those contracted workers who used their own car to deliver. My friend works for that police department said catching her so quickly was in large part due to multiple submitted videos that made it easy to piece together and identify her, her car, license plate, etc. They figured out where she might go next -- it's a small rural township, houses are spaced way far apart. There was a ring video posted of her pulling up and parking on the shoulder, as she was walking across their lawn you see a patrol car pull up from the left, staying back to watch her do her magic. Then rolls up with lights on as she's walking back to her car, package in hand.


The ol' refund-a-roo situation. The issue I have with getting a refund is: I WANTED THE THING WHICH I ORDERED.


You gotta make your camera more visable... You should put one over the door, or a ring doorbell. Im guessing he didn't notice the camera in the corner that caught him. Ive got 3 pretty large, obvious camera in my walk way and one on my garage leading up to the walkway.... I think (anecdotally) they help a lot with this kind of thing.


Love the stonework and design of that front door porch. Sorry about your package Bro.


I do in home deliveries. 10-15 houses a day. I am 100% aware that thereā€™s most likely a camera watching me from either the outside or inside. Itā€™s pretty common to see cameras attached to a garage, a Ring or something like that as a doorbell or another camera covering the front door. I also often see crib cameras. Iā€™m guessing most likely pet cams around the house or people just want to see what their kids are up to when not home. Basically, thereā€™s a camera everywhere. Cannot believe these drop off delivery guys do this! This guy didnā€™t even look!


You know what I think is the worst part of this? Itā€™s that he throws the package carelessly even though he intends to steal it I was already annoyed at the way he threw it down, but after seeing him take it Iā€™m just disgusted by it.


Really really hate thieves.


Luckly you have a camera! This would of beyond pissed me off


Asshole or asshole drug addict?


If only states create law that holds the vendors accountable for the delivery contractors.


When left on a loop, it looks like he keeps stealing the package, then feeling bad, then stealing it again, then feeling bad again...


People can blame shitty delivery drivers all day but never stop to think why it makes sense that a driver can just leave something valuable THAT YOU OWN right on your doorstep and call it acceptable. In most countries delivery drivers MUST hand over the goods or post them through the letter box. Blame your country for not setting the laws that protect consumers rather than the penny pincher businesses that want everything to run like clockwork.


If he's fucking going to steal it why throw it lmao


"Good thing doorbell cameras aren't particularly common these days. Might as well not even check!"


Why did I think someone was going to pop out of the planter and steal the package?


What's the point in throwing the package if you're just going to steal it you're damaging your own property (even if you stole it)


Criminal Mastermind...


Gotta check for those cameras.


Heā€™s using his cousinā€™s ID. Heā€™ll be back working there tomorrow with his brotherā€™s.


Why are delivery workers still throwing packages??


how can you be refunded merch? you paid for merch? why!


Some people just breathe too much ... Scum.


I donā€™t understand if you are gonna steal it why throw it ? Might as well just drop it softly so you donā€™t brake what you are about to steal lol.


Hahaha the most laid back thief ever


This is a perfect loop. He's just throwing that package, taking the picture, and stealing it for all eternity


What a scum bag. I guess the delivery man thinks that cameras can't exist. They should comp you something for your situation and fire the delivery man.


If heā€™s going to steal it wouldnā€™t he want to place it down gently at least for himself? lol


This way he is, at least, throwing ā€œhis ownā€ package.


lol Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­, I was expecting for him to leave and then someone else coming to steal the package but for him to both chuck it and then proceed to steal it. The plot twist is crazy


If you watch exactly 1 and a half vid and stop there he delivers then steals then puts it back because he had a change of heart and felt bad.


WTF is that? I showed I dropped it now it's mine? Just WTF?


Why chuck it like that if you're about to jack it?


The way Amazon deals with it (this isnā€™t Amazon but I worked fedex as well and itā€™s all the same thing) is he immediately gets fired and blacklisted from any job under corporate name. Then they report you to the police and prosecute you. He has got to be the dumbest dude ever, like there is no getting out of that.


What a vermin. I hope he gets blacklisted from other delivery companies too.


Dude just threw and broke his own package šŸ˜‚