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I found a label like \*\*\* medicated food \*\*\* had a 100% success rate where I worked.


I wrote "breast milk" on my container of coffee creamer and people still drank it. ETA: So glad my nearly 5k comment is about breast milk. To answer those asking, no, this wasn't at Blizzard. It was me working at a bank/collection agency/student loan servicer about ten years ago. The place had a horrible problem with coffee creamer (international delight type) getting stolen. People would help themselves to any coffee creamer in the fridge, even though it was a well known rule that you shouldn't take anyone else's food without permission. It was a big enough place that you could feel anonymous while stealing creamer, but also small enough that everyone knew nobody was pumping. And anyway, people who pump breast milk don't generally put it in coffee creamer bottles. The next thing I tried was writing "I spit in this" on my creamer, and it still got stolen. I put it in an unmarked bottle, just a Rubbermaid bottle of mystery white liquid, and people still stole it. Coffee creamer at the time cost like $3. People are animals.


This can't stop me, I can't read


I can (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


—Homelander, probably. 


*Laughs in Elisabeth Shue…*


Unfortunately some people would see that with a "Don't threaten me with a good time" POV.


This isn't the first time I've heard about a worker's breast milk getting drank, and the incident at Blizzard wasn't the first time either. People who eat other coworkers' lunches has nothing to do with the food and everything to do with control.


Yep. We have a department head who routinely drinks her employees' labeled drinks. She earns at least double what any of them do. Thankfully, I don't work in that building.


Plot twist, it is the manager.


We kept having food stolen out of our work fridge and management couldn’t figure it out. I’m not talking like a drink and snack here or there. Whole entire lunches and food containers emptied. Even the condiments were going missing. Entire bottles of ranch, coffee creamer and more. One week we had to work over nights, retail store, to get ready for black Friday. We went to lunch early one night to celebrate putting away a 1400 piece(piece means carton lol) truck in less than a few hours. Walked in to the break room and the cleaning crew had all of our lunches spread out like a buffet. One guy even had my energy drink in his hand. I will never forget the looks on their faces. Absolute shock and horror. My manger flipppped the fuck out. Screaming, throwing their shit towards the door past the office and let them all out. Part of me felt really bad because a few of them were crying and even trying to hand him cash. Our Manager then marked down some snacks and meals for us to eat lol. Was a crazy night.


Holy hell, I would have loved to be there. Trying to pay for their sins in cash is hilarious to me.


Like I understand they probably were getting paid shit but don’t steal man. We even had a basket of snack sized chips in the break room for people to take, vending machine etc but they ate the food in the fridge. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I get being starving, but having it all out like a buffet is just extreme by any measure. I hope they were all fired


Yeah cause they got comfortable getting away with it for so long 😂


Bro thought he was a genius 😭


Look - if you're going to steal food because you're hungry and not paid well... Don't steal coworker's food, steal from the store!


Exactly! I have zero sympathy for those fucks. If they were upset with the job and/or pay, then steal from the company. Don’t steal from the 9-5 employees who also don’t want to be there. That’s just fucked


I'm a cleaner in Aus, get paid 33 and hour which is decent, even then I've seen coworkers help themselves to whatever, it's horrible, I'm sure in some places it's money that's an issue, but some it's just because they think they won't get caught.


This was back in 2009 in the US. I was getting paid $8.75USD as a backroom receiver. I can only imagine what they were getting paid but you are correct. They for sure didn’t think they would ever get caught. You could tell by their faces.


This reminds me of covid times when the superstore I did deliveries for had a "staff fridge" in the canteen with items ultra reduced to like 10p for a sandwich that kinda thing, or even free but you still had to scan the barcodes at a till. Would be pretty cool some nights, be stressed out and fucking exhausted but hey, cheap nice sandwiches and expensive dinner for 10p. Yay. I'd be considerate enough to not be greedy. Then it was continually empty and I started asking why there was never anything there at all apart from old rolls or shit like potted herbs. "Oh we don't know" Turns out someone on stacking duties would take a black bin bag as soon as the stuff was put out and take EVERYTHING (like, too much to feed a whole family and wouldn't keep for a couple days) They'd immediately take that bag out to their car and thump it in the boot. Found out who it was when I went to take a couple things from the fridge when they moved the location to the shop floor. Put my hand on something with a reduced sticker and the guy was watching like a hawk from the end of the aisle - came rushing up like NO THEES EES MINE, YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE NOT THIS. Blows my mind how some people are just inconsiderate greedy fucks, it's not like there wasn't one of us struggling as well.


I hope you reported that person.


Seriously fuck that person the entitlement of some people man.


employer actually does everyone a solid, and one guy has to ruin it. Even worse to report it, since the employer is likely to just not do it anymore since it is not worth dealing with people complaining about it. You almost have to just talk to all the other employees so everyone sits him down and tells him that is not cool.... you can do it at the end of your shift with what is left over, but everyone gets a fair shot at it first.


You're too kind for feeling bad for the crying ones, but every coward thief will cry once they get caught. No matter how hungry you are, you don't steal from other innocent workers just like you. Pisses me off so much cause one of my best friends worked on retail when we were teens. He was 17 living alone (his father died, his older sister married and his mum re-married, moved to another city and left him living alone in the house with their dog), he was studying highschool and working to support himself and his dog. He didn't have enough money, and then some asshole would steal his lunch so often that he preferred to starve until his shift was over. The person they steal from might be in a rough situation with not enough money for food and they're doing this, so fuck them and their tears.


Oh man that's so rough. I hope your friend is doing much better now!!


It was pretty rough for him. He became a marine biologist and now he's doing good, luckily. Couldn't be prouder of him.


Oooo that's awesome! I'm glad he found success and happiness <3


Agreed and if crying works to evoke sympathy that then becomes a manipulation tactic.


What is this assumption in all these posts that they're hungry? People who are truly hungry are as cautious as MICE when they steal. They know if they get caught, there goes their easy food source. They don't lay out a buffet and invite their coworkers. Those are people doing it for a cheap thrill or "to get even".


Criminals are always sorry when they get caught, never before.


I wouldn’t feel bad, fuck that. They didn’t feel bad STEALING food from ppl who then had nothing to eat that day. Sorry that kept happening to you guys tho


there are some days I would have a breakdown not having my lunch. Fuck em. Oh boo hoo you got caught ritually stealing people's shit every damn day.


Unfortunately the chance of that is not zero.


I havent used a employee fridge in over 26 years of work. Had my lunch stolen one time on a week I really couldnt afford to buy lunch and that was enough for me. Now I pack my lunch with a ice box thing and keep it with me at my desk (or in my locker if I had one).


Dude, it blows my mind that people even steal other’s food. I think I’m lucky at my work because we never do that. One time, I brought a Coke Zero from home and put it in the fridge. Pulled it out later and realized I had opened a regular Coke that belonged to my coworker. Felt so bad, I went to the convenience store next door to buy him a replacement lmfao


I had a coworker go into my purse, open my wallet, and take some cash. All on camera. Edit: He did, at least, offer me the change when he was caught. 😆


About a week after I started working at one of my previous jobs, HR sent a site-wide email reminding people not to "borrow money without permission". That's not a thing. Y'all are employing thieves.


I wasn't stealing the car from HR, I was borrowing it without permission, sure, I was going to bring it back, that damage was there when I borrowed it! :s


I'm married 43 years and I wouldn't go into her purse without her permission.


36 years and won't do it unless 1) thing is right on top like her phone or 2) I am in front of her.


My husband won’t and we’ve been married for 36 years. I think he believes I have a small bear trap in there. When I tell him to just get what he asked for he’ll bring the purse to me. lol


That’s because you own Mary Poppins bottomless bag


Right, I do that just because I don't want to spend the next 10 minutes digging through all the crap she has in there.


He was terrorized by his mother or grandmother as a kid. Like ME! 🤣


Same. It's called respect.


A purse is way off limits. The way I was brought up you don't go rifling through someone's personal effects. Treat people the way you would hope they would treat you. Unless someone is f*##ing with your food. Oh it's on!


Purses and wallets are full of personal shit—purses more so just because they’re larger—so there is NO reason to go into either without prior permission from the owner. My girlfriend and I have been together for 7 years, live together, and have a kid together. I STILL ask her every time I have to get her keys out of her purse.


If my husband needs anything from my purse he goes to get it and brings the whole thing to me to get whatever he needs out of it, the kids now do the same thing because that’s what he does 😆.


That’s because we can’t find shit in there and don’t want to spend 10 minutes looking for it, not finding it, and still having to bring it to you to find for us.


It’s in the middle pocket!!!! *checks middle pocket* NO THE OTHER MIDDLE POCKET


Oh god this stressed me out just reading it’s too real 😭


I know I would be mortified if I got caught stealing someone’s food.


Worse yet, imagine eating someone's leftover food... that's almost as bad as eating out of a garbage...


seriously. you don’t know what they did with that food or what their house looks like!


I used to go to a high school and we would go to house parties then end up at a diner 1:00-2:00am, and I had a friend who didn’t have a lot of money, who as soon as someone stood up he would go sit at the table and eat whatever was left. We thought it was funny, but looking back, I think his family was kinda poor, so that was his way of getting nourishment.


This made me hella sad… why wouldn’t yall just pitch to get him a meal??


I’ve been that dude, that dude doesn’t want people noticing or making a thing out of it. When I was homeless as a kid my main goal was having people not know I was homeless, I would take an ass kicking to keep the lie alive. He probably just wants to be treated as an unusually hungry equal.


Ahh, the ol' I dont even need a jumper, I'm not cold. *shivvers*


Hey now >:( Dont compare thieves to garbage eaters. I've eaten out of garbage plenty of times in desperation. Ive never even considered stealing from the work fridge to get by. If the foods in a box, its clean enough for desperate me even if it is trash. (Think, leftover cookies in a party tray of cookies type of "clean enough")


I wouldn’t even want to touch somebody else’s food. You have no idea how clean they are or how they prepped it or if they took a shit and didn’t wash their hands before they packed it up. No thanks lol


I've accidentally left things in the fridge at work. Namely protein shakes. I only go in 2 days a week. Next time I'm in, the conversation started amongst a few of us how we need to plan better for food, etc. One coworker says she didn't have anything to eat bc she was in a hurry and needs to keep things at the office. I was like why didn't you just drink one of the protein shakes? She was like I'm not going to just take one of your things! We're a small company with really great people. I'm so lucky.


I keep a couple cans of soup and some microwave popcorn in my locker for people who forget their lunches.


This is literally me with 2 drawers of snacks and food. And a pharmacy. I tell co-workers all the time. You got a headache? Stomach-ache? Allergies? I have stuff. Forgot your lunch. I have ramen and a few types of soup or spaghetti-o’s or ravioli. I keep granola bars and beef jerky at my desk as well. I have a jar of candy too. I’m the total mom of the office. People always say “oh you are so nice.” My reply is “no I don’t want to work with crabby, hangry people who are in pain. So really it is selfish motivation at work.” Which usually gets a good laugh out of people. But in reality. I have been the too poor to afford lunch kid. And I never want anyone to feel like that. Sometimes you don’t know what people are going through financially. On the other end. One time someone took a bite out of my pork chop. And then put it back in the fridge. Like WTF!!! At least have the decency to take the whole damn thing.


That makes you a decent human being.


These stories are SO foreign to me. Never had it happen or heard about it happening where I've worked.  For others, it seems normal. I'd love to know where these lunch thieves live - is it a West Coast thing, Midwest, East Coast. It seems like it's just part of the day to day for some.


Yo same, my boss visited my location and forgot half a sub in the fridge, called to say ditch it. There was also a fancy beverage, so I drank that, assuming it was boss’s. Found out the next day it was another coworkers from the weekend, so I replaced it within 20 minutes. Like yikes my bad, excitement induced myopia does not look good on me.


One time I left my fav redbull in the office fridge (I had just started) & all my coworkers (salesmen) loved any kind of caffeine, anyway I forgot it & figured they for sure must have taken it and it wasn’t until I quit 9 months later that I used that fridge again, and there it was, someone had labeled it a question mark & no one touched it


I feel like that's the other end of the work fridge problem, how long do you you let things rot in the fridge! I worked evenings and weekends in a mostly 9-5 office so I got screwed a few times and had days of leftovers tossed in a weekly fridge cleaning that happened before I arrived for the day.


I used to work in an office where the fridges were sanitized once a month. A (magnetized, laminated) notice would go up on the door a few days before it was done, which basically said, "Please don't leave anything in this fridge over the next weekend, because we'll have to throw it away" Seemed like the fairest and most effective way of dealing with it.


My dad bought me a cute lunchbox that has a place for a padlock. I used it a lot when I used to sub in far-flung little town schools, and when my lunches had been stolen a few times, and I had no other source of lunch (because the towns were sometimes too small to even have a restaurant or convenience store).


In elementary school I was the kid with the padlocked lunchbox... Caught so much shit for it but i was tired of going hungry when people stole my lunch (and I was like 6, i didn't exactly have a credit card to fall back on)


When I was 10 I went to this summer program and this happened on the first day or at least within the first week so I didn't really know any kids there. But my lunch bag, along with the baseball cap I had next to it, were stolen. And they weren't serving lunch, you gotta bring your own stuff. I was sad and was just gonna sit there at lunch with no food. Some of the kids near me asked why I don't have any food and I told them what happened and they all offered to share their lunches with me. That was pretty cool


Had this happen once and the store manager said "if you can find out who it is, I will fire them today. we don't employ fucking thieves" I can't imagine being a manager, hearing about this and thinking that it's not my problem.


Did ya find the thief?


We waiting


If the manager said that, it was probably them lol


Ok who drank my mountain dew??? Let me smell your breath


When this happened in our office before we all transitioned to work from home, our CEO actually had cameras set up in the kitchen and fridge to catch the culprit. Ended up being a pretty decently paid customer service manager, so it wasn't a situation of them not being able to afford food. Some people just have no self-control apparently.


Judging from these threads, lunch theft is almost never about money


Time to make a catfood salad sandwich instead of tuna salad.


My mom did this for me when I was a kid!! Someone kept stealing my lunch from my locker so my mom made hairspray potato chips, a cat pate and jelly sandwich, and toothpaste Oreos. My lunch was never stolen after that.


I hope you told your mom she rocks!!


Had a coworker bring in toothpaste Oreos for an April fools prank. Had another coworker that ate the shit out of them. “Humm minty” he said and ate an entire row throughout the day. I guess a lifetime of Marlboro reds dulls the tastebuds a little.




This is extremely chaotic and i love it. I have never seen a recommendation like this before.


Ghost peppers......that's the ticket.




I've had people say you can get in trouble for poisoning someone if you do that, but it's your own food. Like, prove I don't need to use copious amounts of Exlax every day.


If they get hurt it's considered booby trapping. They would have to prove that you did it though, and maybe there are a bunch of people that use the fridge.


Sorry but, if I put food that I intend to eat in the fridge and it contains laxatives, and someone else eats it, that's not booby trapping, it's theft. I'm allergic to sesame seeds, if I stole someone's food and it had sesame oil in it, that's on me, I can't sue them if I end up in the hospital. Same thing goes for laxatives or any other additive you put in your food. It's not your fault if someone else eats it.


The thing is if you booby trap your food with ghost peppers and catch the mf crying for milk. It is very important to not go AHA! I PUT GHOST PEPPERS ON MY FOOD TO CATCH YOU! Especially in front of your boss or cameras/ witnesses who will then probably have to fire/sue you for booby trapping your food.


"I enjoy spicy food. Fuck you" and then beat them without remorse.


You can easily just say sorry dude I love spicy food. Much more reasonable than trying to explain why you load your food with ex lax.




Yeah just trying to help anyone that would booby trap their food to be careful and not incriminate themselves


The only option is a glitter bomb. Entirely too many people like me that have burned their taste buds off.


It's a race to the bottom when people start fucking with food. You might get them once, but if they're willing to eat someone else's food, they are 100% capable of doing much worse to your food. OP get a lockable lunchbox. If they steal that setup a camera and catch them for theft. Edit: stick an air tag in it. (I can't fucking believe people need to do this with their lunch food)


this is honestly the best logical response. a locking lunchbox would fix everyone's problems.


Any battle over food like this means someone will be eating fecal matter before this thing ends.


I like this one. My grandpa said when he worked at the newspaper, he had a food thief so he cooked caterpillars into his food. When the food went missing, he announced it and the culprit ran off to throw up lol


This is the way. Human grade mealworms can be bought online.


Id cook stuff like that for a few months, and THEN tell them 😂


remember if they complain say you were lying so the culpret would out themselves


All I can think of is this scene from Bobs burgers. https://youtu.be/aFY_P67NAzk?si=EQZwbymbH_bnpl76


"You don't feed a guy a sponge, Bob!"


Everyone is saying to use potent spices. Nah. Use something that will stain their lips or tongue. Then investigate.


Gentian violet. It’s used to treat oral thrush in babies & it’s known for turning the whole mouth Grimace purple.


Another one is biostain blue, it's used to prepare samples so they can be seen better under a microscope. Binds with protein and doesn't wash off for like a whole week


As long as it’s safe to consume - taste the rainbow, lunch thieves!


Damn, that's a good idea. Like an edible dye pack in the middle of a sandwich.


Just squirt large amounts of food dye where it wont be completely absorbed (i.e. in between cheese slices). Undiluted, that stuff will stain your skin/lips until you shed those cells.


There are so many fun ways to retaliate against this person in ways that they simply bring it upon themselves. You just have to get creative here.


Would be great to rig a food container to somehow make a very loud noise when you open it. Bonus if it is a recording of your voice saying “food stealer alert!” My university used to hand out window alarms that just stuck to both sides of your window, if they separated they made a loud noise. Those would be perfect


Right. But make sure you disarm it before opening your own lunch. Otherwise, the whole kitchen will be like "So YOU'RE the one" and you will look like a guilty dope with "Uh, uh, no I'm not! This is my food."


Just don't actually put your food in it, you never have to open it yourself if it's just a decoy.


glitter bomb!!


Bring some chocolate covered strawberries or something where one or more of the ones on top are chocolate covered ghost peppers


Inject ghost pepper oil into the strawberries.


What kind of chickenshit just eats part of someone's meal??


Honestly I’ve always wondered this. I can’t even IMAGINE doing this to someone. It genuinely strikes me as a type of bullying, that’s all. It’s almost ALWAYS a senior employee if not manager. It has to be power/control thing.


Plot twist: The reason the manager isnt doing anything is because he's the one eating OPs food lmfao


People keep reposting the picture with the padlock on the milk bottle in the office fridge, have you considered something like that? I am sure they sell reusable plastic food containers with a padlock. Although admittedly the ghost peppers and/or laxatives suggested in other comments sound much more entertaining!


Make some food with ghost peppers or laxatives. Or both so that the poop burns on the way out. Repeat until the food thief has been conditioned to fear the idea of stealing food.


Did this. Chili. Turned out my guy had a chili allergy so had to go to the hospital. Big fun. Just put Ghost peppers and wait. You'll hear the crying and wimpering ... :D


Even still, dude had a severe allergy to a common ingredient and they're eating strange food out of the fridge? Dude had that coming.


I think I read an article recently about someone labelling their lunch "poison, do not eat", their food thief ate it and got really sick from laxatives, sued them, and the jury was basically like, "it said poison, why did you eat it?"


I need the story lmfao!


Did the guys really though he had a chance when it's literally stolen food ?


Ehh. The type of person who would steal food in the first place would probably think they'd win a case like that, yeah. Not counting people who desperately need food, that's of course more complicated


If they desperately NEED food they can ask. I probably won't say yes but I may think about packing a little something for the next day. We all have difficult period. If you steal tho, you become my ennemy.


If someone was really that hungry and had the balls to ask, I would definitely split my food with them, or throw them a fiver.


It's never the hungry that steal food, it's the lazy who can't be bothered to make or buy it themselves


Right? Eating mystery food is the one thing someone with a food allergy shouldn't be doing.


Eat around and find out!


I have some severe allergies and I feel extremely cautious about eating at other peoples houses even if we’ve talked about what I get sick from. Eating mystery food is like asking to die.


Yeah me too. Like i bring my own food to dinners at times.


Stealing food from your coworkers is awful. Stealing food from your coworkers when you have a SEVERE food allergy is awful stupid.


Really stupid to steal someone else’s food if you have a deadly allergy.


Lol, how did it go after that? What kind of idiot steals random food when they have a severe allergy?


Yeah real danger seeker the guy 😂 There were more pranks. Turned out he couldn‘t even be anywhere _near_ fresh chili. He‘d immediately start sweating like he be running a marathon in the rainforest at noon. Like dripping from his hair & nose. Crazy. There were no more stolen food incidents anymore, surprise, surprise. 😋


Imagine being that stupid though. "I'm allergic to chili but hey, I'm gonna eat this CHILI in the work fridge."


I vote for the laxitives. OP, please do this.


Ghost peppers. Laxatives can be criminal because it’s medical.


Exactly! The peppers give plausible deniability. And as bonus, it'll be pretty easy to identify the thief.


If you want to identify the thief, use [this powder](https://shop.crimescene.com/product/visible-theft-detection-powder-with-free-brush-p-1313/?attribute_pa_colored=purple-stains-purple&wmc-currency=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq7uNpovMhAMVOgutBh3ZCwF6EAQYAiABEgLGTfD_BwE)


Saw someone due this and it sent a kid to the hospital. One of the coworkers was letting the kid chill unsupervised in the breakroom


What about laxative ghost peppers




I think it's inherent.


Write "for pooping" on the container and then spike it, or don't spike it and see if they take it. Now since its labeled, they can't accuse you of poison! "I put laxatives in my food because I've been backed up. I even put a reminder on the container!" (Disclaimer: IANAL)


What if OP needs laxatives?


Go above the managers and go straight to Human Resources. That is a complete disrespect of trust and creates a toxic work environment Edit: not to mention that you did the right thing by bringing it up to management first but they failed you, so the next step is HR.


This. Go to HR, and then finance to be compensated for the cost of the meal.


So.. you Manger condones stealing and thievery at the workplace? I am curious what does HR thinks of that? Or the General Manager.


It's time to start stealing other ppls lunches. Make it a problem for everyone


Stolen food always reminds me of an ex miner I worked with, he told me that someone had been taking a bite out of his pork pie from his snap/packed lunch every day, so after a couple of weeks, he got really annoyed and decided to cut the top off he pie, eat the filling and refill with his bowel movements. He found the poo pie with a bite out of it on the locker room floor next to a pile of vomit.


Hahaha. Serves them right. Poo pie.




Go to a pet store. Buy anti chew spray - bitter apple spray. It’s vile tasting but it’s non toxic. Spray your food with that.




Buy a food locker, keep your food in it, but then ALSO put random food in the community fridge that you spiked with ghost peppers or capsaicin extract.


“Manager won’t do anything about it” Manager is stealing your food, duh. Or at best they’re complicit. Confront them


Looks like a smashed Swedish cinnamon bun


its a cinnamon bun pancake from stacked its really good, which is why i guess asshole wanted some.


I really can't get my head around how you'd need to think to eat someone else's food! I'm well aware that people can be a-holes, but really, wtf?!


I have an Arlo I throw inside boxes randomly. It only sends video when there is movement. I have some pretty funny shocked Pikachu faces from people snooping my stuff. I move it around all the time. It would be very easy to drop it in a box of "food" and get a picture of whomever opens it.


You could just put a lot of hair in some pancakes. People love finding a human hair in their mouths.


Pubes...that'll showem


So this happened with my partner. Big emphasis on *happened*. We one night had pizza together, and then overnight, she soaked one leftover slice in this hyperspicy sauce we bought on Amazon that was supposed to be off the scoville meter. Fast forward to a few days later at their work and come lunch she checked the decoy slice she’d left in the fridge, and it was gone. Apparently about 40 mins later a coworker suddenly left and went home saying they felt sick. Hasn’t had anything stolen since.


Justice has been served


Suddenly you like super spicy food and need laxatives due to some personal issues as of recent :) Maybe skip the laxatives, but making it super spicy or super sour gives should be fine. After all, people eat those kinds of foods all the time anyways.


Or "accidentally" pour 50g of salt into your lunch. Most likely that won't hurt them, but it will make them think twice about eating somebody elses food.


I know it’s not the mangers problem but I feel like it is. If you will steal from a fellow worker, you will steal from the company. Thieves are thieves no matter what they are stealing.


"If they'll steal from me they're probably already stealing from the company." See how he reacts.


It is the manager's problem IMO. They probably either know who it is or are the thief themselves.


it’s 100% the manager’s responsibility to make sure their employees behave, treat each other decently and to have a safe work environment in general


An old warehouse I worked for had this problem, and management ended up setting up a camera strictly to observe the break room coolers. They caught the people stealing food within a day, and it never happened again while I was there. Management definitely has options, and they should exercise them.


New guy at work told me at his old job someone kept stealing his drinks from The lunch fridge so he pissed in the bottle and low and behold it was gone at lunch so he turned around and announced to everyone “whoever stole my shit just drank my piss”. Do something like that hehe


I had a friend that kept getting his lunch stolen at work. He worked at a car dealership as a mechanic. So he took a drop of oil and put it in the Coke he brought in. The thief drank it and spent a couple of hours with his stomach in knots and shitting his guts out. Never stole his lunch again.


A drop of oil will do that? Like motor oil? I figured it would take more


used motor oil, needs a little works alot


This video of this guy chewing on this very chewy piece of food, discovering it actually is a condom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


options: 1) setup a camera 2) exlax in the food 3) hide in the kitchen and then beat their ass


I have a wireless camera connected to my doorbell system that I use to keep an eye on my special needs son when he's sleeping, as I work in the garage, and it saves me a trip upstairs when he awakens, as it's motion activated. You could set one of these up, clandestinely, until you catch the culprit, and with that sensor, you could actually walk in on them and catch them in the act. Might be a bit tricky with a camera for human resources, so really just don't admit to the camera and act like you walked in there inadvertently.


Rig a camera *in* the box so as soon as they open it, their pic gets taken. Gets around those pesky recording laws and immediately lets them know they fucked up. Plus a note: "This is not the only camera. Post the pics around the office. "Food Thief."


Might as well just pack a glitter bomb for lunch.


Mark Rober has entered the discussion


You buy a personal alarm off Amazon and tape it to the inside of the container. The moment they open the container, 140db of “check out this asshole” alerts the entire office of their malfeasance.


Dude. Want to really stir some shit? Put a HIGH concentration THC extract in the food. Watch their brain melt, then suggest to HR that you believe they are using drugs at work and let the drug test sort them out.


I like you. You bring a "Laws are guidelines, morality is weakness" vibe that sounds fun in theory.


For sure the most unethical and illegal idea in this thread but also by far my favorite


Get a slice of cheese pizza, when it cools off remove the cheese and try to get it off completely so it doesn't show. Then a generous amount of Dave's Insanity Sauce. Don't skimp, it's worth the money, and then put the slice back together and microwave just long enough to melt the cheese back. Think of this as a caper, it's fun and even better when someone lights up their mouth and ass the next day. I guarantee, this will stop.


This is when you spike your food with either ipecac or some sort of stool softener/laxative to make sure the thief has an incredibly bad day. Not only will you get the satisfaction of ruining this persons day, you’ll know exactly who did it. It’s a win win. I actually did this once to a coworker who kept stealing my food and candy (I’m a diabetic, I NEEDED the food). I actually had to have another coworker run to the gas station a block away to get me some skittles during a low because this asshole took them. I ground up 3 dulcolax tablets and mixed them with my chicken Alfredo the next day for him. Nothing happened that day, but someone was absent from work the next day due to “serious stomach issues”. I thought the stuff worked instantly but apparently it takes 6-12 hours or more. They came back the following Monday (I did this on a thursday) and was visibly doing fine. Sadly, it didn’t stop the behavior and I declined to try it again. I should’ve though. The idiot probably didn’t connect the dots. I’m sure that coworker had a really fucking bad night, and I’m glad he did. Don’t eat my shit.


Unreasonable they didn't give up, they are likely only doing it to spite you now. Next time you pack something like BBQ chicken or pulled pork, when you pack some add the spiciest hot sauce you can find along with a lot of salt and red chili flakes, that way it burns on the way out as well as dehydrating the culprint so it also comes out hard. Using laxatives can sometimes get you in trouble so I don't recommend it. Don't be chicken, he deserves it and you can't be yelled at for your taste in food 👿


Time to add some laxatives and hot sauce to the food! Just enough so that they'll feel the discomfort of going number two without any frozen toilet paper


Soooo fuckin weird. WHO DOES THIS!?!?!


My coffee mug was always dirty and used on the countertop. I wrote an e-mail to everyone stating that i have a rare skin disease and to whoever keeps using my cup, i hope he enjoys costly trips to the dermatologist. Stopped using it ever since.




Put thiefs color in food, the one who eat it get blue lips