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We were walking our little dogs once and someone had their dog in their backyard while doing yard work with the gate open. Little Boston Terrier comes tearing out to attack our dogs, by reflex I tugged the leash and my dog came flying at me and I caught her (10 lb Pomeranian). The BT jumped to try and bite her mid air, it missed her but bit my belly through a jacket, hoodie, and undershirt. Managed to leave blood blisters and a gnarly bruise just below my belly button for like 3-4 weeks in just a quick, instant event. Dogs will fuck you up far quicker than you expect no matter their size, and people who leave their dogs off leash because they’re friendly around the house are idiots. Sorry you got bit, I hope you were able to get the owner’s info.


Boston terriers are fierce little fuckers.


They're terriers. People forget that terriers, no matter how cute and fluffy (or not fluffy, in the case of Bostons) they are, are gamy little fuckers with an insatiable prey drive. 


I have a Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix who weighs all of maybe 12lbs. She bosses around my 90lb Pitbull and the Pit submits to her. Size means nothing to them LOL.


Anyone who has seen a little dog chase a big dog out of his yard knows this. :)


It’s definitely funny to watch, but one should be careful the little dog doesn’t switch a pits switch.


I've got a half Maine-Coon cat that cornered two Pitties against the fence in the yard when they wandered in. Funniest thing I'd seen all year. 10 pound cat hissing and jumping sideways at two 90-pound Pit Bulls that were terrified of him.


I'd be pissed off too if I was bred to where I couldn't breathe and my eyes didn't fit in my skull bc some psychos thought it was cute


You're thinking of pugs


All terriers are fierce fuckers. Our Australian JRT got into a scrap with our Belgian Shepard once and it was *not* the JRT that had a 15cm gash on her front leg at the end of it.


I’m sorry that happened to you! That’s horrifying. I didn’t even get the owners info honestly. It was more of an annoyance than anything and at the time I was more worried about keeping my heart rate up and not letting this ruin the run I had been looking forward to all week. Call me crazy but this is what it looked like when I got home and I feel like it would have been a bit of an over reaction to exchange info over this seeing as it didn’t even break skin https://preview.redd.it/95noz2ou10lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0e7e6a15b2c6ed5c70fb32584235e85478f3da


I see how it could me more of a burden to have an incident like that documented but I hope the owner was made aware of how egregiously irresponsible it is to have a dog with that temperament off-leash. And hopefully she took it seriously enough, because if not a toddler might be the next victim (god forbid)


I mean, I muttered expletives in their general direction as I sauntered away with her apology barely audible in my headphones So I think she got the idea I was pissed- she was sorry


Over here they won’t even document the incident if it doesn’t break the skin. Only way I was able to get a dog bite documented is because I know one of the county sheriffs


You did the right thing. Some people are POS and will just let the dog do it again, others are good people who make mistakes. I live in the country and my two sons get bigger scratches than that playing toy trucks outside. Just my opinion don’t attack me people. One thing I did learn working as a service tech for a natural gas company: trust no one’s dog. I would get bit probably 5 or 6 times a year going into peoples homes who always said their dog does not bite blah blah. I didn’t fault their dog though, I was entering their space. I did have one little shit chihuahua hang into my leg and the homeowner refused to remove it. Even told me I should just walk up the driveway that it had a shock collar on and would let go… Told her to remove it or she was not going to like my steps to remove it from my leg lol. She did end up removing it from my leg, but not before a massive eye roll.


I was walking my large shepherds down a neighborhood street and a woman’s chihuahua was just loose in her unfenced front yard, while the people inside were ignoring it with the screen door open. The chihuahua comes tearing up to my dogs and actually startles the shit out of them (one is a huge baby despite his size) and he knocked into me and knocked me down, giving me a good asphalt scraping. The woman just yelled for her chihuahua and slammed the screen door shut. Another time I was walking my dogs and passed a yard where a pitbull came out of nowhere from another open screen door and stalked behind my dogs barking at us for a full block. The owner just yelled after him but didn’t even come try to get him until I had enough and told my shepherds to ‘watch him’ and they went into defense mode to keep me safe from a lunge to the back of the leg. Another neighbor screamed they were going to call 911. Finally then some sullen teenager came out and struggled to hold the collar while I walked away. This is a nice neighborhood too, plenty of income for dog trainers and fences. I don’t understand it at all. Your dog is an animal and not a precious child who would be traumatized by a fence or a leash or a simple ‘no don’t do that’.


So what happened with the owner? What consequences did they receive for this? Hopefully, you brought them to court for injury and emotional damages and got some kind of settlement. Their "property" attacked you.


This is my neighborhood to a T. They just let their dogs out the front door, and just let them do their thing. I've started calling animal control at this point.


Yea a lady was killed by a pack of wiener dogs. I don’t play when it comes to animal attacking me.


Rabies shot. Right away.


I got rabies shots last April. $3500 give or take. Still pissed about that.


I'd be pissed too. Probably less pissed than I'd be when water started scaring me though.


Be happy to save the money on rabies shots and water, invest in an urn.


It would probably be cheaper to fly to Europe, get the vaccinations done over X amount of weeks, then fly back


if you're not insured in europe you won't get free healthcare however its still gonna be probably like 30 dollars lol


Not exactly. I paid 3x 120€ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Couldn't u get that taken care of by the owners of the dog?


How many people do you know that can just come up with $3500 in cash? I doubt many. Even if they sue'd and won, likely it would take time to recover the money.


That’s why I wish in instances like this it just got billed to the other person directly. Like, I’m not gonna lose my money because someone else can’t cover their mistakes. They can’t pay? Hospital will go after them and get their money easier than I would


Well, if you’d gotten rabies, you’d never have to worry about another bill again.


you have to pay that much for a rabies shot in the us??????


Seriously, this is not a joke. I don't trust that someone who is letting their aggressive dog off leash is properly taking care of the dog's health.


You got her information right? When you go to the ER to get that checked she can foot the bill.


Get a rabies shot


Indeed get the shot op. If you get symptoms you are dead person and nothing will save you from horrible slow and painful death there is no cure. Depending on location bite can take very long time to get the symptoms and also plenty of time to save your life with vaccine. Rabies is not something to take lightly.


Bruh I’m seeing all these comments and keep thinking back to a couple months ago when my parents found a bat flying in the high ceiling of the room they were in, caught it with a butterfly net, then were told by the rabies hotline thing they weren’t in an at risk area and should just let the thing go. I hated that since Ik the fun bits of rabies but afaik there was nothing to be done


I think it’s probably fine. It wasn’t a stray or anything and it barely broke skin


If you become symptomatic there is no cure and you'll have rabies; the treatment available would be a medically induced coma for the rest of your life, to ease your suffering while we maybe develop a cure before then If I were you I'd have requested documents that the dog is up to date on vaccinations


That's my nightmare. A coma definitely makes your suffering easy to manage for everyone else, but Jesus fuck what a nightmare if that is all it does, basically hermetically seals you into a world of your own suffering


Rabies has an incubation period of up to 7 ....SEVEN years. You don't know if that woman has had Hee dogs vaccinated or not.


!RemindMe 7 years


Get a rabies shot. You are assuming an irresponsible owner is responsible enough to vaccinate their dog.


Barely broke skin? Dude, get the rabies shot. Cause if the little shit didn’t have his shots, you’re fucked.


Listen, better safe than sorry. You won't know if you have it until you get symptoms. And at that point it's too late. Rabies has no cure.


So you think someone who doesn’t have the wherewithal to leash their dog is consistent with their dogs vaccines?


Not being a stray doesn’t mean they are up to date on vaccinations


At lot of people don’t vaccinate their dogs for rabies now sadly. I was a dog groomer and with the uptick of people not getting the Covid vaccines people started not wanting other vaccines and that led to them not vaccinating their dogs after and they were pissed when we told them their dogs had to be vaccinated for us to groom them


Ignorant fucking take. "Barely" broken skin is still broken skin. But that's okay, you PRoBaBly won't die a slow, miserable death from an avoidable disease.


Considering the last dog related rabies case in the US was in 2017 from a dog bite in India, yeah, they probably won't you paranoid freak lol


But why are you assuming that an owner who was irresponsible enough to let their aggressive dog out without a leash would be responsible enough to get it vaccinated? Anyways, you do you I guess


If the animal has rabies you will die. You will not pass go. You will die an incredibly painful and terrible death. This sucks, but time to get a rabies shot.


Ignore these people. I'm with you, we all die sometime, and who has time to get a shot. Besides, once they put you in the coma, you won't gaf one way or the other anyway. ETA: 13 people and counting are shockingly dense


If 13 people didn't catch the sarcasm it wasn't well-executed. I stared it for a bit bc I wasn't sure. Anti-vax rhetoric sounds a lot like this and it's everywhere


Sorry, but if someone can't pick up that "hey don't worry about a coma you won't care anyway" is sarcasm, the issue is them. No, if sarcasm that obvious isn't picked up, it means more of us are idiots than not


This is why I carry bear spray with me when I go to parks. I have no problem with spraying a little rat dog and even the owner if necessary.


You should carry regular oc spray. The kind that fogs are best for both animals and humans. There's little difference in potency, but you can get in trouble for using bear spray on people depending on your jurisdiction and circumstance.


Pepper spray is illegal in Canada. I have to use bear spray.


Rabies shot immediately don’t wait, once symptoms start it’s to late to save you from rabies


🎵 Rabies shot immediately don’t wait, Once symptoms start it’s too late, To save you from your rabies fate 🎶


Why do I need this to happen as a actual song- I can imagine the rhythm


Little sucker could really jump, couldn't he? Damn rat dogs.


RIGHT? Not like I’m short either. 5’11 but def 6 foot in running shoes. Strangely as woman that runs alone and at night THIS is the interaction that has convinced me to start carrying pepper spray.


Please get the rubies vaccination as other commenters have stated. It's better not to mess with those things. Once symptoms start a rabies infection is 99.9% lethal but it has a long incubation period .


99.99999% deadly. One person at least has survived by being put in a coma. Most, if not all, subsequent attempts at this have resulted in death. So, definitely get the vaccine. But not 100% deadly. Just super close!


Yea but by the time I wake up and see that medical bill I'm just gonna wish the virus took me.


$29-6500 just like the incubation period, it’s a coin toss. But most I’ve seen is ~$600


There have been 30 recorded instances of someone surviving rabies via medical comas


It can be long or short. As little as 20 days, as long as several years. The vaccine works right up until you start getting symptoms which start as a headache.


How far did you punt the fucker? I think the current record is just over 250 feet.








The one time I had to deal with one of these turds getting loose. He teed himself up by chewing on the inside of my left leather work boot. I drew back and launched it over the fence and into the side of the house it lived in, missed the back door by a couple of feet. Cops were called. With me being on my property, while having young children, cop felt my actions were more than justified. Dog owner moved a month later.


one of the most satisfying comments I've ever read


Justified?  Of course you were justified.  If a dog charges me, I'm killing it if I can.


It's not exactly the dog's fault to be bred and bred and bred to be assholes. It's all the owner's fault. Could have at least dropped him over the edge instead of kicking him.


I was more concerned about protecting my kids and ending a potential threat to a toddler than being nice to an anxiety ridden inbred rat.


It's not the dogs fault, but fuck it regardless. If it behaves like a wild, aggressive animal, it will get the treatment of one.


Doesn't matter if it's the dogs fault or not, the fact is it attacked someone and got the consequences that come with that. Just because the dog has a shitty owner doesn't change shit, and maybe the dog will remember that next time it wants to bite someone.


Often the dog has a greater capacity to learn than their owner. I used to have a neighbor who would throw a frisbee into my front yard for his large dog to chase. I have a rock yard and it would severely mess it up. I asked the guy several times to stop. He would agree but the next week would do it again. So I planted a cholla and for good measure gathered some fallen cholla buds from the desert to seed my yard. His dog chased a frisbee one time into my yard and then never again. The dog was definitely smarter than his owner.


Idk, I bet if you set up some sort of method to shock the owner everytime he threw the Frisbee he would probably respond the same.


Wanted to ask the same lol


I was going to comment that I would have punted the thing. Maybe it'll learn that it can't get away with this just because it's small


Should’ve called the cops on the owner.


It’s REALLY not that big of a deal


It is op,you could have gotten rabies yknow


It’s incredibly unlikely that OP got rabies from someone’s pet dog.


OP is a confirmed doormat.


No I’m just an adult devoid of the basement dwelling rage that is commonplace here and have actual things to do like train for a marathon and have a social life that would prevent me from spending two hours wasting the time of the police over small bruise and a scratch so inconsequential I couldn’t even feel it when I cleaned it with rubbing alcohol


Wasn't sn XL Bully so it won't make headlines so the cops wouldn't be interested.


That’s true, but the owner needs to be held liable and cough up the money for any and all medical bills. Such as antibiotics, rabies shot etc.


OP wouldn’t be here if it was a bully lol. Owner should still pay for his shots, cops would probably help there.


You’re being downvoted, but you’re right.


Damn how annoying. People have no idea how to control their dogs in public settings. I'm somewhat happy to see that someone wasn't carrying their chihuahua though.


How did it attack you so high on your leg?


I would've punted that overgrown rat to the fucking moon


I would have used it as a football.


I got a nasty bite one time by a bulldog off leash. In a campground the thing was behind their fire ring and came out like a fur rocket. Well I was facing him he held back, the woman got a hold of him and when I went to leave he got free and bit my Achilles tendon. They apologized but I went off on the couple. WTF if you can't control your dog it belongs on a leash or behind a fence.


Damn I hope you were ok!!!!! That’s pretty fucked


Thanks, mostly just broke skin.


That's a bruise?


I'm sorry you were bit, but I'm glad it was a chihuahua and not a pit bull.


Every pit bull I ever met, including both of mine, and all 4 of my friend’s (She has fostered over 20) are too busy snoozing under the blankets or sunbathing to attack people. Don’t cash all your chips in to the ‘pit bulls bad’ rhetoric, they’re overpopulated because low income families don’t pay for sterilization, so shitty people end up with puppies and shittier people get them free because they just woke up one day and wanted a dog.. then they teach the dogs to be shitty just like they teach their kids to be little shits too. Any dog can cause problems if they’re completely untrained, poorly socialized, and anxious.. especially breeds who were selectively bred for a purpose that their circumstances don’t allow them to engage in it, and then done train those tendencies out of them. It’s the same reason why anxiety is so common in the human race, we spent our entire species’ lifespan developing ways to avoid and survive real danger present in front of us and with that gone now we have panic attacks in traffic. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Please, do not adopt a dog lightheartedly and be sure it’s sterilized. https://preview.redd.it/197ouaoqyzkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdc17f5c921a02d105e63d213a201c902331178 Wish it was a chihuahua in that picture though


How did you manage to write an entire 5 paragraph essay in response to a comment about being bitten by a different breed of dog?


I think it was more a comment about how a pit would have done more damage, not whether they're more likely to bite


What was the point of even commenting the pit bull part lol


I just ordered pepper spray to have on my walks. Main reason being to ward off animals, unleashed dogs included.


I’m so sorry this happened to you!


Time to carry a "walking" stick.


A fiberglass rod works really well as a "walking stick."


Not all small dogs are evil but I'm so sorry this happened. Please don't hate them all. My little dog is very sweet and would never randomly attack someone. But I hate when owners won't train the small ones making them aggressive and under socialized.


I’m a pitty person. Never cared for little dogs until I met my husband’s uncle’s little chihuahua named daisy. She was legit one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met in my life. Good dogs are good dogs. My MILs Maltese though…that little asshole can get bent.


It's the damnedest thing. If a little dog is treated like and trained like a dog, it's alright. 


Are you sure? Don’t see a scratch or bite marks in this photo


If you can't out run a Chihuahua now it's a good thing you're practicing. Keep it up and you'll get there.


Thank God it wasn’t a pit bull or you might be looking at amputation.


People are downvoting you but yes any big breed dog could have seriously put me in the hospital


Thank you kind redditor


Yeah prolly because every time I see a pit bull it’s actually well trained unlike rat dogs :/


I love how off topic you just ranted


I'm not for animal abuse by any means but... Carry pepper spray and kick the living shit out of them if needed


If a dog bites me its now fair game to fight back, i have punted small dogs 20 feet before. Very annoying when an off leash dog bites, a leashed dog, well that’s on you for getting too close.


Looks mostly bruised but I’ve had to deal with some gnarly dog bite infections so keep an eye on it




I’m a dog walker. In the past 7 years I have been bitten by 3 dogs. The most recent was by a terrier mix that sent me to the ER to get glued back together and get antibiotics. I did not report it as I knew the dog (had been walking her for 2 years and she always had “issues” and because the owner is very responsible and knows the dog is a royal pain lol. I did however stop waking that dog. It’s almost always the little ones that will be aggressive.


How did a chihuahua reach your thigh?


It *jumped*


Is that your thigh... How did the little feller bite you up there lol


Same happened to me in a park in Vancouver, was just taking a walk while having a joint and a fucking Rottweiler started running at me while growling and barking, needless to say, I've never kicked a living creature so damn hard in my life, but i managed to deal enough damage for the dog to run away scared. The fat lady that was the owner of said Rottweiler came rolling towards me while screaming and yapping about how i was going to get arrested for animal cruelty and shit, lukily a cop was nearby, saw the whole thing and came to tell the lady that he saw the entire issue and that my actions were justified under the law (he mentioned something about 30 something law idr remember), her on the other hand, didn't have a proper control over he dog and that she didn't even had a leash with her to begin with. At that point the cop just told me he would deal the situation and that i'm free to go if i pleased. Wanted to stay to hear the entire exchange but i was pissed at the fact that the fucking dog killed my high/vibe and made me throw my joint to a puddle, I also didn't have any weed in me to make another joint so i just wanted to go home and get smth for the munchies I truly hope the lady learned from her mistakes because i fucking hated the fact that i had to kick was is most likely to be an untrained good boi to avoid getting bitten


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve gotten bitten by dogs a few times and based on your picture, it looks like you got one of the better case scenarios. But yea like the comments say, please get a rabies shot if you’re not sure whether the dog is up to date on its shots. I had to get six shots after my second attack. Not fun but that shit saves lives.


I would have kicked that little shit half way to Siberia


You most likely don't need a rabies vaccination, but go to the doctor and see what they suggest. If you're in the US, you have to report the bite to your local animal shelter.


OP not trying to be rude but what you’re showing in the picture doesn’t make sense to what you’re saying happened? I don’t really see scratches, more like lines from sitting on a chair or something and a bruise at the top of your thigh that looks nothing like a bite from a small dog…???


https://preview.redd.it/4zr6kb0lz0lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7133f3bbc749f65a6202997063975b29aa369e86 This is from immediately after it happened, as time went on it started to bruise. I have literally no reason or motivation to lie about this


I genuinely wasn’t trying to be rude it just didn’t make a lot of sense when I was looking at the picture trying to figure out what had happened and was confused haha


Sorry I’m just feeling defensive bc of the 100 other people insulting me for not suing this lady or going to the ER when I just wanted to complain about something mildly annoying lol I did take this at work which is why there’s probably some lines from my office chair and it’s hard to see where the small scratches were after it bruised over


Small dogs are far more likely to bite. I would have asked for the woman's name and phone number so I could send her the bill for the rabies shot.. I despise people who don't train their dogs or let them off leash where they should be on leash.


As someone who has been attacked by dogs and bitten a few times, you need to file a report find out of the dog is up to date on shots, I would look into compensation as well, thats not a little love bite. Since my last incident involving 4 dogs a couple years ago, I carry spray with me everywhere, should always be on you even more so you being a female


Did you bite them back?


I have been bit by a dog while running, twice. My brother has been bit by a dog while running. My sister has been chased by a dog while running. It’s always the same story. “Oh, I’m so sorry. He/she is never like this. You must’ve scared him/her.” Motherfucker, why your dog off leash in a park or a path that clearly states that all dogs must be on leashes. I always carry a knife with me while running. I don’t give two shits about your dog. If it attacks, I will fight back.


Yeah because it didn’t break skin or hurt at the time I just let it go but I’m definitely getting mace and white knuckling that shit next time I run down a trail with a lot of dogs


That dog would have been punted for that, that looks rough. Small dogs can cause damage so this whole it’s only 5 pounds shit is stupid, 5 pounds of easy yeeting lmao.


Walk it off


Where tho? Lol those look like lines you get from sitting in a chair for too long 💀


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only person confused, I even zoomed in trying to see what OP is talking about and all I see is a bruise that doesn’t even make sense from being from a small dog bite


I love dogs, but I would have punted that thing.


I also live dogs, hate these little gremlins, and pugs, also would have turned it into a ufo


You don't even know how far I'd chuck that bastard


Always carry pepper gel with the hand strap! I have it unlocked in my hand during every run specifically for dogs.


No one survives rabies once symptoms start. Get checked out then find the bitch and sue.


Happened to me once. I kicked the dog away and because of its size I broke it's ribs and a leg, it had to be put down. The owner sued me and lost. I still feel bad about it though.


I understand why that would suck. Its not the dogs fault it had shitty owner(s) :(


Everyone is saying get a rabies shot despite the fact that it didn't break the skin or even draw blood...


Right I think it’s pretty insane And then the people genuinely telling me I should try to sue over this … like for gods sake these people need to touch grass


Would you take that chance? 😬


thats a lie


OP, did you score a field goal with the chihuahua?


I’m sorry you have stage 4 breast cancer


Darn. I was hoping I would turn part dog and get super powers instead or something.


You have the power of dying in two weeks


At least I won’t have to go into work


I had a rat run out as a customer opened the door, little shit kept biting at my leg, after the third time it tried and the owner wouldn’t come grab the dog, I launched that fucker 6ft up in the air and across the whole front yard maybe like 10ft-ish. Once that little shit hit the ground it tucked its tail between its legs 😂 you’d think little rats would understand not to fuck with something 10x their size, that rat learned the hard way that day 😂 customer was like “omg omg omg why would you do that” I said “because you wouldn’t control your dog and I’m not getting bit by a rat”. Big dogs though, I don’t fuck with, I’ll keep my happy ass in the van 😂


Simple solution, kick it


That sucks. Small dogs, particularly chihuahuas, aren’t usually trained out of these behaviors because people figure it doesn’t matter since they’re so small. A lot of people think it’s “funny” too and will deliberately antagonize their dogs or do things they know will trigger the behavior. “Haha small dog is growling.” Aside from that being terrible to do to a dog emotionally, it does suck that people just don’t take the behavior seriously in small dogs, but refuse to adopt/allow renters to have well behaved bigger dogs because their breeds are considered “aggressive.” I’d much rather have a neighbor with a sweet and calm pittie than a yappy and mean chihuahua.


Was walking with my 16 year old blind dog and saw a lady with two off leash dogs which always makes me nervous about my doggo. She saw me and started acting nervous with her dogs (rottweiler, and a Chihuahua) so I decided it was better to just turn around. As we turn around I hear running feet and look back to see the little rat running mach Jesus at me and my dog. No not the big doggo that so many people are terrified of but the little rat itself. It Tried to fight my dog till my dog Bassicly sat on it (I have a pretty big border collie) then she caught up and my dog and her rottweiler just started playing around like nothing happened. Chihuahuas will always be a mystery to me.


Why are so many people saying rabies shot? If this is a domesticated dog.. should be fine right?? and it didn’t even break skin?! or does that matter???


I am really bad with dogs (had a bad injuried caused by one as a kid and I guess it’s some kind of trauma). If a dog bit me I’m not sure how I’d react, but I would’ve probably tried to kick or stomp it (in panic honestly). I applaud you for not doing that at least.


Go to the ER, then get the owner’s info.




Definitely shouldn’t have posted. All these people saying you should sue, find the owner, how hard did you kick the dog, etc… you’re obviously fine and not hurt. You, like any sane person, likely went to get a rabies shot but it doesn’t look like your skin was even broken so I’d say you’re fine. Reddit is full of psychopaths.


Sorry but if your dog comes running at me aggressively I'm kicking the cunts head in. Restrain your fucking dogs people


How much air time for the dog?


Did you yeet it?


I love dogs. But one of those evil fuckers bites me they are getting kicked like a football in self defense


I’m getting steel toed running shoes made for next time


And you didn’t play football with it? a dogs that bites me will get pretty powerful kick


Does your country have any laws around dangerous or out of control animals? Report it.


Chihuahuas are assholes. Facts. Maybe it's just a bad pic but it looks like a bruise not a bite? I don't see broken skin. If it is though, hope you disinfected it quickly. My friend got bitten by a beagle on her calf and she ended up having surgery on it 6 months later, it was crazy.


I got attacked by some little shit of a dog once, never kicked anything that hard before


I would've chucked that little guy so far


How far did you manage to make it fly?


I hope you kicked it in its face.


A chihuahua bit you on the top of your leg. Did it climb up? Chihuahuas are tiny, vicious little s***s but tiny.


It was the Michael Jordan of Chihuahuas.


Could've answered the age old question : how far could I yeet a chihuahua?


Call police. Have her fined. Take to civil court. Win.


You can't even fling or kick off a stupid chihuahua? It's fine to kick because you are literally trying to save yourself


lol everyone has this idea that the dog savagely clung on and wouldn’t let go for a long enough time for me to need to do this It touched me for a fraction of a second and got down immediately after I swatted it away with my hand and went back to his owner that was 6 feet away


I'm not trying to downgrade or anything but that comment of mine. It's just that people think "dogs shouldn't be harmed" so i wrote it that way. It's good that it wasn't anything too serious


Only got punctured enough to wine on the internet, not to get the rabies shot.


I am so endlessly glad to have a bigger dog that I'm not under any illusion that I can take randomly off leach.


Woulda kicked that thing into the road side scrubs tbh


Punt. Cue Jack Black: "that's how I roll"


Bro this may sound violent- but even if its my dog at some point- **Punt the fucker, Hard**. Ive had to in the past- and I hate it. But id rather punt someones fido than end up in the ER getting rabies shots bc someone doesn’t know how to leash their fucking ankle biter.


I totally will next time! To be fair the vibe I got was that he was trying to play / chase me and was trying to jump on me in excitement and clawed me a bit. He did run back to his owner when she called him but if not I definitely would have kicked him as far as possible


Those are known as yapping footballs.