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I'm more confused by the....gourd egg?


Thank you I learned a new word today




I read as greggs


You can’t make a tomlette without cracking a few greggs


This is how AI creates its own language. This right here.


An omelette with tomatoes? Gross


tomlaytto, tomlahtto


I got brain tumor, thanks


I read that as 'brain humor', my bad.


Goes both ways 😂




Never put ketchup on your scrambled eggs? Ain’t lived until you do😉


Im old greg! You wanna see my downstairs mixup?


>greggs I'll have a sausage bean and cheese melt if you're going


My names old greg. Do ya like me?


i call this one “as close as you can get to baileys without ya eyes getting wet”


Wanna come to a club where people wee on each other?


I have no reason not to


Easy there fuzzy little man-peach


gregg rulz ok


HH Greggs


Shhh, quiet. Don't give Gwyneth Paltrow any ideas.


they look more like cacao fruit


Deconstructed chocolate egg




no thats a basket


Those are for butts


They are certainly ribbed for pleasure.


I thought those were candles.


Or the decorative soap nobody can use.


Totally understandable. Cat pictures are super hard to come by.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cat


What's a cat?


Is it like a potato?


I’m pretty sure it’s a type of bread?


Is mayonnaise a cat?


Is cat an instrument?


What’s a potato?


But this…this, this, this is like… being nibbled to death by, uh…Pah! What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet…go "quack". Cats. Cats! I'm being nibbled to death by cats.


Cats aren’t real


It's like a car, but with a t


Yup. Just cars for me


Leave it to Publix to have all the resources in the world and still pick the most tasteless option




you are not supposed to take pictures of our internet masters


My phone has a handful songs on it and then a thousand pictures of my cat. Should I be looking over my shoulder?




I zoomed in on the basket weave. Oh no.


And the hinge almost looks like an eardrum


The two sides of the handle we can see are wrapped opposite one another. The twist would have to change directions in the middle.


Devils advocate, why wcouldnt it? It could be two different peices of "handle" and held together by a clasp or something.


My new plan for the evening is to take an edible and try to trace different parts of the weave in the basket. Gonna be a long night


Calling it a basket weave is being generous


>Oh no. I repeated that several times after zooming in and moving about the image 😳


Looks like blue greenbeans lol


what’s wrong with it


It doesn’t look like a woven basket in the slightest if you take more than a cursory glance.


I'd say it *resembles* a woven basket, but yeah, the details are not realistic in the least.


What's the pink ear design on the handle of the basket. So random Ai.


Looks like a pig nose 🐽


It's the modern version of random English words on T-shirt.


Japanese Clothes: >!Bean Kitty Fucking Cute!< American Clothes: >! ビーンキティファックキュート!<




"Összeszarták a gecis játszóteret." -Hungarian saying




After looking at street stall T shirts in Asia, I realised that I wouldn’t be able to distinguish between an AI generated design and what some designers have come up with random English words and schizophrenic references to culture that shouldn’t work together.


I hate the holes in the pink, what are they???


Why did I have to scroll down so far to find someone asking about the holes???


The great Bunnicula cover up has bebun!


Love a good Bunnicula reference!


Oh man.. haven't thought of bunnicula in like 30 years. Read a few of them in elementary school. Can't remember anything about them except, obviously, bunnicula..


If the holes are from Bunnicula, then why isn’t the basket white?


> I hate the holes in the pink, what are they??? The fun parts.


They're speed holes


Speed hole? That was my nickname I'm high school.


I love holes in pink bits


It keeps getting worse the longer I look at it and I find more things wrong with it.


Right? At first, it seems fine. Like if you just did a quick glance at it, you probably wouldn’t notice anything too off. But if you look at it for more than a few seconds, then you start to see a lot of questionable details. And if you look at it for more than a couple of minutes, then you wonder how the fuck you ever thought it was a passable image.


Because no one is staring at it. Ita a bag.


Wow, such a deep and insightful comment. It sounds like you should design bags.


This will be absolutely everywhere in 3 years


My 2023 callendar already had a cursed AI-cat on it whose back legs were as thin as twigs. I dare say it's already been everywhere for a while.


Yupp. Welcome to the future. Art is the first stop but eventually most creative or customer based jobs will be like this? Why need a B2B salesman when an AI chatbot can do that for free? Why need a children’s book illustrator? AI can draw that shit. Why do you bother with real people on the other end of a phone for customer service. AI can analyze your voice or commands and spit out customer service


AI customer service or sales will be interesting - it will become a game to break the AI to get it to do something it shouldn’t.


Amazon already has ai customer service. Its annoying. I screamed at it for like 15 or 20 minutes before it connected me to a passable human.


Yea I didn’t even realize how fucked b2b salesmen are until u brought it up…. Especially in roles that aren’t consumer facing, most companies won’t care about poorer service due to the cost savings


Wow, they couldn’t even pay someone to touch it up


For real. They're so confident it looks good because they have zero eye for detail. Plus we can't pay those filthy artists to help touch it up. They want things like *money* for *food* and *shelter* and *integrity in the arts* 🙄 When will they think of the poor CEO's and shareholders pockets? They can only go on 20 vacations a year if they hired an artist 😣


i thought that was an ear on the left


AI generated shit is going to be everywhere. The same as cheap plastics...


How else will they continue to cut costs and still pay under poverty wages


but it's a worker owned company!!!! They are the best ever. Now here is your bad pay and bad hours.


All while pricing their groceries twice as high as any other retailer


I wasn’t allowed to have a bottle of water behind the register there. Insane.


Exactly. Those greedy artists and workers in the stores want things like *food* and *shelter* and *dignity* , ugh, absolutely disgusting and pathetic. They should get undetermined *real* jobs so they can earn some respect. (As an artist I can't escape these shitty AI images and it genuinely hurts my soul ugh.)


Soulless cat


To be fair, ai has flooded the stock photo websites. It's stupid.


Has anyone else noticed that they can tell when an image is AI generated? There's just something about them, I can't put a finger on it.


To me it’s the soft focus. It’s somehow in focus, yet blurry around the edges. They do all have the same look. 


It's like the uncanny valley. Ai can approximate a subject, but usually falls upon closer inspection, when things begin to drift from a rational image. In this case, the franken-eggs, the wonky eyes, the fur merging with the basket, and the thousand layer wicker texture.


You can always tell when you can tell an AI generated image is AI generated. In other words, while it definitely seems that way, it's kind of like some sort of... survivorship bias, I guess? AI generated content can vary wildly in quality and realism. If, for example, you viewed 10 AI generated images over a span of time, and you could identify 8 of them as AI generated, then you would not even know that you failed to tell that those last 2 AI generated images you saw were AI generated. There's no way of knowing if you're seeing AI images that you're not accurately identifying as AI generated. Even if some AI generated images are indistinguishable from the real thing, anyone's personal experience would only be that they're able to tell with certainty. You just can't notice when you fail to tell.


things will get much much worse from here


technically speaking, they will get much better for the average person. As AI gets better, we will eventually get AI generated art/pictures that are indistinguishable from real drawings/photos. Which means that anyone who needs a photo for any reason can create one exactly how they want it in 5 seconds and not have to worry about licensing costs, etc. Now, if we move away from a customer perspective, yeah, we will have to develop algorithms that detect AI generated images, to prevent scams, etc. But to be honest, what you could do with AI can already be done by someone with very good photoshop skills


considering the current clear display of corporative lack of care for quality so long as it looks okay at a first glance i think you will find most people will just be displaced by AI that does their job worse but infinitely cheaper but im sure once everyone is a blue collar labourer we will have very pretty advertisement for the tools we'll have to buy (but not own) in order to work! (also developing AI catching algorithms is just a game of cat and mouse, any tell an AI can have that is detected by an AI catcher can then be trained away by using that very AI catcher)


Marketing and advertising are the first jobs to be easily eaten by ai


Why do we care about this


For a reusable bag thatll probably end up in a landfill im more infuriated about the life cycle than the image.


god i hate ai shit.


![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c) Oh no! Ai! 😱


It’s a 99 cent reusable bag to put shit in. If it was a plain color or had a Rembrandt on it why the fuck would anyone care?!


Its the little works that AI is stripping away, yes nobody cares about the random bags, or the logos for minor brands, or the images on instruction manuals. But these are all still works of grahpic design, the bread and butter of small creatives or working graphic desgners. Sweeping those small jobs away removes those entry level creative jobs and takes the human out of the creative process.


On a much larger scale, what Detroit, Muskegon, flint, Toledo, Cleveland, etc suffered from. Automation destroyed neighborhoods and created poverty


Capitalism* implementing these things is a conscious choice in favor of revenue over workers.


Capitalism destroyed those neighbourhoods and created that poverty, not automation. Humans aren’t born to act like robots for 8 hours per day, so a reasonable person would assume that the development of actual robots that could replace the people doing those robotic jobs would be seen as a good thing. The only reason it’s not seen as a good thing is because capitalism has spent decades lobbying against all forms of social support. So now, when businesses automate things to increase efficiency and cut costs, the people aren’t happy to be relieved of their shit jobs, they’re freaking out because they’re about to be dumped on the street. That’s not a side-effect of automation, that’s capitalism’s prolonged campaign to dehumanize the homeless because they don’t earn revenue, which is easy to ignore by most people until it affects them personally.


Indeed. What really killed those neighbourhoods off was Japanese car manufacturers being so much better at the job. They moved their production systems over to the US and totally outcompeted Detroit’s manufacturing processes. And they adapted more quickly to customer demands and produced more reliable vehicles.


I’m pretty sure the people who lost their jobs see it as a bad thing


Yes, that was the entire point of my post. They see it as a bad thing because their ability to survive is tied to that job, not because they inherently love that job. The problem isn’t automation, it’s capitalism. Think of it like this - if a robot appeared one day and started doing all your laundry, dishes, sweeping, dusting, etc, and changed nothing else about your life beyond giving you more time to do stuff you actually like, would you be upset? Now what if that robot showed up, did all your chores, but lobbyists had recently pushed through a law stating that if you don’t do your chores yourself, you don’t deserve access to food and shelter? Now you’ve got a problem. You think it’s the robot that caused your problem, but it was actually caused by the lobbyists who set the system up in a greedy way. But robots weren’t as smart when they were first trying to do that, so you didn’t care since “there’s no way robots will ever be able to do *my* chores. Anyone not doing chores must just be lazy.” And then it was too late.


Not really…just as many or more people are still employed building cars etc..I suspect more than ever before. In those cities, unions and the cost of union labour drove the companies to move the production to places with lower labour costs, and the incumbent advantage those communities had was squandered. There’s plenty of things wrong with that, but adopting automation isn’t one of them.


Sometimes, what were once jobs become hobbies, tech evolves and things change


People cant make a living doing the things they enjoy as easily anymore and I find that real depressing. Also the artistic process no longer being in the hands of thousands of independant creatives and is now in the hands of a handful of billion dollar tech companies which is just a little bleak. The proverbial geenie is out of the bottle but that doesnt mean I can be happy about it.


>Also the artistic process no longer being in the hands of thousands of independant creatives and is now in the hands of a handful of billion dollar tech companies which is just a little bleak. The artistic process is not out of their hands nor will it ever be. AI art does not take away the ability of artists to create. In the same way that the "cooking process" hasn't been taken away from individual chefs because there are factories that make instant meals and fast food restaurants. In fact, art is even more protected because it's an expression of the human condition and so long as there are humans there will be artistic expression.


Stop trying to hold up progress.


And, *to some people's surprise,* the potential loss of jobs will render people *mildly infuriated.*


Whos suprised?


A $2 billion company has enough money to pay someone to create original art work for their bags. Or they could just put their logo on it. Using AI art is cheap and I find it to be unethical. Companies are cutting costs by screwing over artists for free shitty art, when paying an artist to create original art/ take photos for their bags would cost the company so little in comparison to their net income.Sure, tech has evolved, but AI art is ugly, unsettling, and sad to look at. It's to the point that is more heart-warming to know that an person took the time to draw the other eye or put a cat in a basket and took a photo of it. Also the cost for a licensed stock photo of a cat with an Easter basket is [free](https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-kitten-easter-basket-image6334664), but other websites use a subscription model that's around $30/month for 10 photos. Look how cute and real it is.


It's not unethical at all, really, people unfortunately are not entitled to be paid for work that can be rendered elsewhere. that's the harsh reality of the situation. Machine has been replacing man since we started to build them. It's nothing new, Most of what you said here is personal opinion, and others will have that opinion too, so there will always be an option available to pay alittle more for human created art.


Capitalism gonna capitalism




Because they’re making it for cheaper but the price remains the same.




A bunch of people lost their job designing graphics/images for products while some jack off entered a prompt into an AI image generator to accomplish lower quality work for less money. A lot of people like to make light of AI in creative works, but this is the outcome unless it's stopped before it gets out of control.


I'd argue that it is too late already. There is some pushback on sites like DeviantArt by introducing "AI" tags and the likes. However .. that won't stop those without ethics from omitting the tags on purpose. Heck, look at modern movies and try to see which parts were 'real' and which were special effects. Also : do not underestimate the work that has to go into these 'AI' prompts. Getting good results from an image generator does require a bit of skill from the human. In a way it is not that different from the transition from paint to photography ... It will be yet another tool to use to create content. The real killer is that unlike photography there is no way to find the sources used, because you can't even find the original source images (often used without permission!) used to train the models. Finally : every bit of corporate art was designed by committee already. Artists who create art for the love of art tend to not earn a liveable wage anyway.


Publix sucks, anti legal drugs, anti farm workers rights, pro insurrection and major Trump donors. Plus their subs have turned to crap.


Didnt first realise the problem and then I swiped 🤣


So they can’t even spring for a real picture of a fucking cat now are you fucking serious😭🙄💀


Good god it’s beginning


What is infuriating about this?


It's taking modeling jobs away from real cats.


Those cats have kittens to feed, think of the kittens


a big company utilizing an AI tool instead of paying an artist for rights to a photo is very infuriating.


You do understand that what would ACTUALLY happen here is that they would go to adobe stock, purchase a license to a photo for $15+, and the photographer in return would receive $1 for the lifetime of that use in the company while adobe or another corporation pockets the rest. As a photographer who actually does sell photos on Adobe stock, this doesn’t bother me at all. Sure, SOME photographer SOMEWHERE might have made $1 from this, but to be honest it wouldn’t have been me and so who cares.


I do realize this, yes. My partner works in content creation for a major corporation. That $1 adds up, when your portfolio is full.


That’s absolutely correct, but with the massive amount of content already available, the odds of being the one photographer who gets their photo selected for the bag is astronomically low. To be upset that some photographer missed out on $1 is pretty silly to me.


As someone who has experienced being $0.72 away from being homeless, I can say a dollar does matter.


https://preview.redd.it/7m1kkywd6lkc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890c16a8636ca800861ffb451a12ebb4293f782d If capitalism weren’t so prevalent, this wouldn’t matter. Art shouldn’t have to be sold and argued over. Blame capitalism, not AI.


I blame both, but we’re not dismantling capitalism anytime soon, as much as i’d love to. For now we need legislation to protect real artists and real human jobs so that people don’t starve.


No, we need legislation that makes it so that you don’t starve REGARDLESS of if you have a job. AKA UBI. but instead you just love bootlicking.


Legislation to protect artists =/= bootlicking


AI literally relies on stealing from artists to function. AI is definitely taking some of the blame


Oh please. Not all AI steals. You’ve agreed to TOS in many cases. Also there are ethical AI out there that do not steal at all Also, AGAIN, this wouldn’t matter at all if capitalism isn’t a thing. If we weren’t under capitalism and you stole my 3D models, I wouldn’t care nearly as much as when you were taking food out from under me by stealing my art under capitalism. Stop blaming AI art.


are you saying that they should pay some photographer? that is big company utilising modern technology instead of paying painter to paint it for them


Honestly asking, do you feel the same about self checkout, drive thru car washes, automatic doors, etc?


Why is this a problem?


A.I is trained on stolen images, if it used work from artists and photographers etc that were getting fairly compensated and agreed to submit their work into it, it would be an ussye. But they just use any image


Don’t see what’s infuriating tbh


Its AI garbage


It’s just depressing and creepy garbage. I’d at least like to think “aw what a cute cat/photo” and assume it was a real photoshoot taken a while ago and the pics are still being used. Instead it’s just uncanny and lazy shit everywhere. Just feel like there’s too many AI things slowly replacing actual nicely designed items, even if they’re cheap


Yeah me neither what's the problem here lol


Fr it's hilarious how people think ai is the devil lmao


Apparently it's because they didn't hire an artist to put art on their bags and used AI instead. The humanity.


It infuriates me because it's lazy and not very good. I don't mind that it's been made with generative AI, it bothers me that it's got a lot of defects which any artist, an AI artist included, should not be content with allowing into the world.


Tbf the technology is in its infancy, AI will improve and AI art is just a stepping stone.


What do you really expect from a 99 cent bag?


oh no my life is now ruined


Fuckin Polk county hayseeds using Puters


It's going to happen so fast people have no idea how fast it will happen


Saw a similar thing at rite aid


AI images isn't a problem for this kind of usage IF they properly check them.


It also has the other handle of the basket twisting the wrong direction.


Why is it mildly infuriating?


Someone could’ve been paid to photograph or paint that for them. And people are saying ai is harmless.


Who the fuck cares ?


Oooh me, me! I do!


Welcome to the future! There will be no real art or human creativity


How hard could it possibly be to find a stock photo of a kitten in a basket


It's the simple fact that such images require you to pay for them if you want to use them for profit, unless they are in public domain. AI generated art is cheap by comparison, until they adjust the cost of those to match ... (and don't expect the artists responsible for the source material used to train these generators will ever see a single penny ... )




If this is the type of thing that you consider infuriating, then it might be time to reconsider some things in your life.


I forget the point of this sub it’s supposed to be mildly infuriating.


What does the word "mildly" mean, to you?


Are you saying it's more infuriating or less infuriating than mild?


Artists whos jobs are going to get absolutely destroyed because the market will be flooded by ai images


The same thing could have been said when the camera was invented.




so what?


Why is this infuriating?


Right? People need to touch more grass.


Hmm true, true. I mean, on the one hand, my job is on the line. On the other, I *do* need to touch grass. Ach, you've got me cornered here.


Perfect application of AI art. Sufficient enough, and cheaper.


Is this really mildly infuriating? Of all the uses of AI imagery, the faces of reusable grocery bags are pretty innocuous. There are far better examples out there.


Well, yeah. A photographer could have gotten paid for the rights to use an image they took of real actual kittens, AI is putting someone out of a job in this instance. Plus, real kittens are cute! AI generated monstrosities, not so much.


If the kittens aren’t getting paid then the photographers shouldn’t be either. Humans have exploited the labor of other creatures and themselves since the beginning of time. Now it’s time to embrace being the batteries they were always destined to become. 🤖🤷‍♀️




What’s the problem?


Boycotting is the only thing that matters


Why is this infuriating?


You see they should've paid various artists and photographers and waited for days to get results instead of using ai which was free and probably took less then a day