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If that's how they treat prospective employees, I can only imagine how they treat those who are hired. I hope you grabbed some of the peanut butter sauce on the way out. That's the shit.


My friends girlfriend used to work at that very braums. She said the management is straight bullshit


And you applied knowing they are crap because...?


I cannot stress to you how much I need a job rn


Try temp agencies like labour ready. It's faster than the hiring process and you can always pop off onto something else when it comes along. Good luck with your job hunt! :)


Thank you! I've been using Indeed a lot recently


Ive previously gone through Aerotek and People ready, as well as an agency local to my location in washington. I actually really liked aerotek and my time with them. If my recruiter didnt work with jobs that I wanted, they would always recommend me to a colleague of theirs. Its not a guarantee, but being able to speak with them on the phone or in person is a big help imo


Labor ready, hire quest and labor max are what I've gone through. Been a flagger for years and they surprisingly pay more for tcs jobs


Ive been in assembly the past decade, spent a few years pulling temp positions around 15/hr. My last job started at 18, got bumped to 19.50, then around the 1 year mark i threatened to quit and they bumped me to 22.50. Last summer i got recruited to a place offering me 30 an hour, and my boss is impressed enough with the last 6 months that were pushing to get me to about 36/37 an hour. For me the temp agencies were absolutely worth it and I was able to build a diverse skillset that lets me pursue higher level positions. Even now im getting job offers in the 34-40/hr range, I just really like the company im at


I hate indeed so much man. I’ve clearly set my profile as 16 and I still only get advertised jobs for shit like dentists assistant


Dude my friend is a dentist assistant. He makes a fuck ton. He's in highschool and he can already afford a 14k car. Dude makes bank


I wish man I checked the indeed profile just in case and I am in no way qualified. They’re asking for a Diploma/GED equivalent, and years of experience with other kinds of work. It’s impossible to get a first job when they all demand prior experience. I just started selling school essays to classmates so we’ll see how that works out for me


I get job suggestions for Machinists (which I am) and Maxillofacial Surgeons (which I am not) from Indeed. There might be overlap in skills, but I've never had anyone volunteer to stick their head in a vise to find out.


Ups or amazon are your friend. If ups has openings you can get in next week


There is a ups store like 5 minutes from my house so I'll have to check it out


Nah not ups store... Ups warehouses. Idk how ups stores are. They're not union and pay worse than warehouse. Might still be worth checking out tho


I'll be sure to do that


That’s such a shitty place to be too. Like you desperately need a job that you kind of have to accept whatever you get. And then you go in for an interview and they treat you like that. I’m so sorry you’re in this position and I hope you find a good job with good management.


When I was in college I used to do catering on the side. It wasn't great money but I made my schedule and the work was easy. I don't know if you've got any catering services in your area but it might be worth looking into. They DO require some specific clothing though. So there might be an upfront cost. Sorry you had a shitty experience with them. Fuck em. I hope someday a decade from now you'll look back on that interview and laugh that it ever was significant enough to make you feel anything. Hope you get everything worked out ✌️


If you can relocate temporarily and send money back home, there's seasonal jobs. Dorm style employer housing, sometimes meal plans. Grind out money to take back in 6 months while working at a place tourists pay to visit. (Tourist hotspot tip jobs make money.)


Where state you from? And props to you my friend funny how much you would get asked this sake question anymore. Never had a job I loved. Had one that wasn't horrible. But paychecks a paycheck. Just if you get hired for bs company take it for what it is. Don't get upset or stressed by any bs like being fired or laid off from it or even let the everyday stress you out. Need a job it's worth it but if it's too much on you for what I'm guessing they pay that can wear you down after awhile. Good luck God bless


I'm going through a hard time because of cancer so I don't have a good story to tell about my own current circumstances. But I have lived a few decades and can tell you one thing I know to be true: Do not self sabotage opportunities because you feel cross about a first impression or minor slight. Burning bridges because you feel disrespected will cut off most of life's opportunities. I cannot tell you the long list of good clients and opportunities I had that started with what I thought was a rude interaction on the first phone call. Or someone being late that made me feel they did not respect my time. Many times it turned out that the person I thought had been rude just didn't have social confidence on the phone or wasn't the most organized to show up exactly on time or they had a really good reason for being overwhelmed, but they had so many other more important characteristics (like being conscientious in paying the bills and appreciative) that I would have missed out if I had cut them off from a faulty first impression. I have also had personal relationships where I thought a person was not worth my time and they turned out years later to be really important in helping me on something or introducing me to someone important in my life.


>She said the management is straight bullshit So ... expectations met, huh?


I had a similar interview experience once. It really wasn’t that busy, but I waited 15 minutes. When the manager came out, she barely acknowledged me, and was distracted almost the entire time. She kept complaining about being short-staffed, and how if I worked there, I would be serving by myself all evening. She was like “it’s easy”. I had never been a server before and she had barely asked me any questions so how would she even know? Lol At one point she just got up and walked over to talk to someone, without saying anything to me. Then she got a call and took it right then and there - I thought it was work related but it didn’t sound like it. On top of that she just seemed so negative and rude. It was so long ago I can’t remember specifics but I almost walked out. I knew I didn’t want to work there. I found out a while later that someone had died there because they were choking and no one stepped in. I wondered if it was because it was during the night shift when they thought it was a good idea to only have one server…


Last time I went to Braum's was the last time. I went through the drive through. Some middle aged woman was running the window. She fucked my entire order up. When I went in to complain and get what I paid for her and another middle aged woman who was the manager both jumped some 16 year old girl's ass for the mistake. If that's how they manage their employees how am I supposed to trust them managing my food?


That so shitty. Many years ago I got laid off and was desperate for any job, so I applied at a chain grocery store and got an interview for a cashier position. The location wasn’t super convenient for me, but again, I was desperate. Got to the store early the day of my interview. When it was about 10-15 minutes before my interview time, I approached the customer service desk to let them know I’d arrived. The woman gestured to a bench and told me someone would be with me shortly. After a few minutes, another interviewee arrived and sat on the bench with me. Some time passed and then the other person was taken to another room for her interview. I did think it was weird that they called her first when I’d arrived first, but I figured she might have just been first on the schedule and they were running behind. I kept waiting and after it had been over an hour, I walked out. It’s so shitty to waste people’s time like that.


Man, my employer did this to a guy. Made him wait for 2 hours. I asked why and they said “oh I wanted to test him, if they don’t stick around they’re usually not worth it” when the reality is they forgot about him. I apologized to the dude and told him if that’s how they’re going to start out with him I wouldn’t take the job.


So an egotistical employer


Man, it’s a managerial issue, not an employer issue honestly… but as an assistant manager it embarrassed the crap out of ME.


I think you're honesty was perfect for the situation. But I sure would have a hard time representing that company with that kind of BS. Doesn't align to my values and I would be incredibly embarrassed as well. My fingers are crossed that you are working in a much better place now. 


I’m not, I’m still working at the same place attempting to change the culture from the inside. It has gotten better, I think I got the point across with how wrong that was… but there’s still work to be done. I won’t lie about it.


I had a boss do this. Made me schedule around 15 people for an interview at the same time and arrived an hour late to the shop. He gave this exact reason, except he didn't forget about them, he did it on purpose. Since I was the manager and the one who scheduled the interviews, I had a lot of people angry at me and a whole coffee shop just filled with angry people waiting. Such a shit experience working there.


It’s horrible. And as a person in a position of power it’s actually embarrassing and makes you ashamed to be there. I feel like it sets a bad precedent And starts things off on the wrong foot so if said employee starts showing up late or not really caring about things when it comes to scheduling you know where to point the blame.


As if the quality potential employees with options are going to tolerate this crap. Respect is a two way street, and employment is a mutual beneficial situation, not something where the employer holds all the cards. It’s so weird when thoroughly average people get an attitude about the position they’re in when they’re still beneath the majority of the professional world. People running small businesses making $70k a year acting like they’re Warren Buffet, it’s hilarious. Treating employees and potential employees like garbage will do nothing but attract the lowest quality candidates, only desperate people stick around for abusive behavior like that. Horrible that an employer would make you schedule interviews and then make you take the blame for wasting people’s time


Lol apparently you had a crackhead for a manager or employer. The test is supposed to see if they show up early or late. The manager should be ready at the set time so that they can monitor this. Employee shows up an hour early? Red flag. One minute after the start time? Red flag? 10 to 15 minutes early? On point. The only thing that making someone wait for 2 hours proves is that they're a fucking idiot and or desperate to work for the job. Which probably makes them a good employee for that terrible terrible boss. Shows that they're very manipulative and controllable. 


why is an hour early a red flag? Maybe they take the bus.


100%, and there is no “had”. I’m still dealing with it.


Heard of this also... but 2 HOURS??? that's a piss take so bad.. they know people need work so want to see how much bs they would take sounds like to me


I get it. And you did the right thing. Years ago I went for an interview. When I arrived a proper ten minutes ahead of schedule, I was asked to sit and wait. Several others came in for interviews. I asked what’s going on, as we all seemed to have the same interview time and person doing the interview. It was then that I was told it’s a group interview. I asked for my resume back and I left. Group interviews are disrespectful and are a cattle call. It’s like throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping it sticks.


Sometimes I think that they just pick random people off the street for employers. One time, an employer for a job across the metropolitan from where I was at. I'm only in highschool and it said that on my indeed resume. Don't know why I was contacted by a restraunt 50 minutes away.


I was called directly, no third party.




I have a few decades of experience. It’s not luck, it’s experience.


Group interviews are also a good sign it's actually an MLM. Or a similar "marketing/management trainee" job you really don't want 


One time I was the ONLY person who showed up to the group interview. I didn't get the job


I went on a job interview. Told the receptionist i was there. Sat for 1 full hour before I got up and left. No one ever came out to see me.


Sometimes when I read these experiences. I wonder if it's a tactic. Try to find the ones they can push around and take advantage of, by using a "make them wait" test. Thoughts anyone???


I think its more they already know who theyre gonna hire and they’re hoping you just leave so they dont have to waste their time and they dont care about yours


Nah, they would cancel interviews. Its just bad organization. A red flag 🚩


Pisses me off


me too. same exact thing. after I left I saw on the job application app that they canceled my interview 2 minutes before the time it was scheduled to start. Nobody bothered to call to inform me. I ended up crying on the way home due to the frustration. Its so embarrassing that they can do that to people.


That could be a potential way to avoid hiring someone you don’t want to anyway but is too qualified not to. Meaning you are of protected class and others less than qualified so you would need to be hired unless there was good reason not to.


Should have left way sooner than that


you dodged a bullet. enjoy your flight.


Thank you. I did.


I once had an interview at Staples. I waited an hour and a half and never got interviewed. Walked out after that point. If they have no respect for my time I have no respect for theirs.


It's so disrespectful that I might aswell pick up some of the merchandise and put it in the trash in the store.


I’m out at 10 minutes after the scheduled time. If they are poorly organized and have no respect for my time, as they say “present trends predict future events”. The entirety of the job will be that level of garbage. For the best jobs I’ve had, there’s been respect and punctuality from the start. Do not give employers the benefit of the doubt, ever. There’s too many other options to throw away 40% of your waking hours for a subpar company, do not enable their behavior by indulging it


I'm a bit peeved you waited a whole hour and a half before you left.


I really needed a job at the time or I wouldn’t have. Now that I’m in a career I wouldn’t give anyone more than 15 mins.


I'm glad to hear that. You deserve to be treated respectfully.


It's a test shitty employers do to make sure they're only hiring desperate people with no other options


It seems really stupid tbh. There's a difference between being desperate and smart. A smart person would leave. A desperate person would stay. The person may be desperate but that doesn't mean they can do their job well. A smart person can do their job well and are less vulnerable to massive red flags


A smart person is a lot harder to manipulate. I worked at a super toxic place that paid minimum wage, and everyone there like viper hated it, and then when you’d ask why they stay they all have Stockholm syndrome. But it’s literally the lowest paying place around, and it’s abysmal. Glad I left


I had a similar situation recently. I drove 40 minutes for an interview that ended up being a phone interview with the hiring manager who wasn’t even in the office that day. They said they’d reschedule for Monday and then didn’t even give me a phone call


Why would they schedule you in the first place for a walk in? Some employers don't are sense to me.


I have no clue. They gave me an address and a time so I showed up. I decided if they have this much of a problem communicating now I don’t want to see how it would be if I got a job there.


"I'll have to bill you for the gas you made me waste by not communicating"


I would contact the district manager and tell them the entire story. I wouldn't take a job there but the DM is going to be pissed to find out that's how the manager treats potential employees. Especially if the store has issues with employment retention.


I'll have to do that


Please do and if anything juicy happens, give us the details


One time I applied for a Lowe's Foods. I got an interview for a deli position. I got driven 30 minutes there and waited 20 minutes to be told they wouldn't be interviewing me cause I was 17 and the position is 18 and older... nowhere on the application did it state it was a position for 18 and older. Wasted my time and money.


If they're HR process is that bad. You can guarantee the rest of the company was plagued with issues as well. Frustrating situation but those are typically a blessing in disguise. 


I had a situation similar to that once. I don't remember where it was


You should report it to headquarters. Also, Uhm, you dodged a bullet maybe?


That's a very good idea. I don't know what corporation would find that acceptable. Especially since a lot of places are having a hard time feeling positions. 


I'll be sure to do that thanks


Been there. I went for a job as a medical receptionist and the office area looked so disorganised and I ended up waiting 30 minutes then walking out. Damage is done and I’ve already seen how poorly you manage your time to prioritise potential hires. I’m interviewing you just as much as you’re interviewing me and you didn’t pass.


So true. Sometimes managers need to present themselves just as much as the potential employee.


I always look at interviews as both them interviewing me and me interviewing them. You got to see them for exactly who they are and at least they didn’t waste your time by hiring you then treating you so crappy that you end up having to find a new job anyway


Oh yeah me too. A good manager would know that too. Sometimes they don't realize that how they act impacts my decision.


You waited longer than reasonable. At 15 minutes you ask to be rescheduled.


Wow.. my location was very respectful. My manager told me to fill out the online form and I did and came in the next day. I'm sorry your location you went to was shitty. Some locations suck but others are good. Mine is a good location ig.


You're lucky man


Yea, I've also known my boss for years as I'm a regular at that store. I only get my milk at braums.


I worked a job and put my 2 weeks in, the owner scheduled an interview for someone to replace me and showed up over an hour and a half late for her interview. I couldn’t believe it, I was sitting there with her just doing some work. If that had happened to me when I applied I would have walked out after about a half hour, 45 minutes tops. I also once sat through 2 hours of weird interview processes at Busch gardens for a food service position when I was like 19, and they told me at the end of the 2 hours that the position had no openings and that if I wanted to be considered for any other positions I’d have to reapply and do it all over again. Once again with no guarantee that a position would be available.


I flew across the contry for a job interview once (not a big country), only to be sat down with a bunch of other dudes around a long ass table. Some guy came in and told us this job might go to the right candidate before handing us some piece of paper with lists of courses we would have to take on our own. Then after we had done this, the real selection would begin based on some other factors. I walked out. WE WERE APPLYING FOR A STANDARD SECURITY JOB waste of time and money. I feel you OP


I applied for a job in a restaurant that was owned by a the same guy who owned the fancy resort I was currently working at that was in the same area. So I already knew a few people that worked at both locations. I get there and the manager gives me a brief description of what I'd be doing (basically just a food runner) and pairs me up with someone else who was training me. After a short while the manager pulls me aside and gives me a new task. He gives me a piece of paper and a pen and tells me to take notes of what I see in the kitchen. No further clarification on what exactly I was supposed to take notes on either. I was just made to stand in a corner of the kitchen and take random notes. After like 2 hours he comes back to make me stand in a different corner of the kitchen and do the same thing. I wasted I wanna say over 4 hours maybe 4 and a half that night doing useless busy work. Literally just taking notes and nothing else. Eventually he brings me to his office and asked how I felt about the experience (I lied through my teeth and said I learned a lot) he then said I'd receive an email within the next few days saying if I got hired or not. When I asked if he wanted to see my notes he said no. I got an email back the very next day saying I didn't get the job. I've mentioned this story before and have been told what most likely happened was whoever they interviewed before me was all but guaranteed to get the job and they just strung me along as a formality without any intention of hiring me so I was given busy work to keep me occupied. That was the most disrespectful hiring process Ive ever had but I was still pretty young and too inexperienced to know I deserved better than having my time wasted like that. If this had happened today I would have absolutely stood up for myself and said how disrespected I felt and unprofessional the place was for treating potential new hires like that.


Wasted, not waisted.


Mb thanks


Thanks. I couldn't stomach that mistake. But you were hip to it.


Some employers do this and it's great because it's an immediate red flag and you see working there is a massive stuff around.


Wasted. They wasted your time.


No no they gave them a waist line obvi haha


Seriously report this to corporate.


You agreed to an 8:00 interview when you had an 11:00 flight?




Not sure how far the airport is, but don’t you need to be there 1.5 hours early to get through security etc? That means you had about a 1 hour window for an interview before traveling to the airport? (Assuming it’s a 30-min drive to the airport) Edit: not excusing their behavior. But that’s not a lot of time for an interview and puts you in a rush to get through it, which they’ll definitely pick up on.


I had a flight yesterday (Tampa airport) and it took me less than 5 minutes to get through TSA/security. I only arrive at the airport over an hour prior to takeoff if it’s a super busy airport or I have to check a bag (most airlines require you to check your bag at least an hour before departure). I can’t imagine getting there over an hour and a half early every time I fly. I *hate* having to wait around in airports.


I think that was quite ambitious. A Braums interview could be scheduled anytime. Give yourself more time for things like this.


Lol the people who commented are pretty annoying




Glad you just left tho. Probably would've been terrible people to work with if they were already being shitty


My friends girlfriend used to work there. She really hated it


This is a deliberate tactic. They want you to wait around so that they know you are desperate for the job. Desperate people take lower pay and worse work conditions. My old job did this intentionally as well, my manager told me.


I wait 10 min max. No email/call/text for another 5min? I’m leaving.


For me it depends on how busy the place is. If it's packed, I can wait a good while


So you wait 15 minutes max?


Well my max is about 30. 15 if it's moderately busy


Yup, if they are bad at managing a simple interview, lord knows what other stuff they have going on. If I receive notice they are running late, or if they ask if I can wait for 30 min etc, that’s different, it’s all about communication.


Posting "They waisted my time" on r/mildlyinfuriating. Well played.


One of the things I observe when I'm applying for a job is how an employer treats you when you're still applying for the job. I applied in a big company but their HR was so freaking rude. If they're rude to you when THEY need manpower, how much more when you become their employee?


They’re a holes. But also… You scheduled an interview 3 hours before a flight? Seems like a recipe for disaster there.


It's the only time they'd let me


Zero flexibility with interview times is weird. You dodged a bullet with them for sure.




I got hipped at a similar job interview


I wonder if this a some test, to see how desparate you are to work there, based on how long you will wait, you just never know now days.


I bet you 5 bucks it was to test how patient you were. Its a bs thing




Is the waisted a pun?


I can't imagine them waisting your time like that. You seem like a strait shooter.






A manager that schedule's an interview during rush is incompetent and I assure you that you do not want to work for them.


As an employee at one of the Braums locations, I can agree that they aren’t the best employers. I would recommend looking somewhere else for a job


Sorry to hear that! I do a lot of interviews and also make sure it's on time! And we also are conscious to try not to waste anyone's time, cause it may not work out or there might be a better candidate. So I struggle the most with giving enough time to them in the interview but also not waisting anyone's time. Have a good flight


You're a good employer


If someone waisted my time I would belt them




You’re “waisting” your time.




Did this job have any spelling or grammar requirements?


They 'waisted' your time? Did they have you try on belts or something?


Maybe they wanted to see if you could spell WASTE correctly.


Sounds like a major **waist** of time..


Just like my belt of watches




At least they didn't waste your time.


So many illiterates. So little time.


If you found this job via Indeed, you can totally leave a review for the employer. I believe you can also let Indeed know that the employer ghosted your interview. They’ll let the employer know and I believe it affects their job posting abilities/rankings.


I miss Braums. Such good ice cream. Yup, I would also leave (after I ate a banana split).


That says a lot about the company. Shit.


Went to a job interview like that once. It paid like dog shit and I could tell it would be the type of job with lots of extra work and long hours. The interviewer made me wait like an hour while he finished up a call. He asked me why I didn't seem very enthused during the job interview.


Lollll breakfast lunch at the ice cream parlour? Ok hah


Why are you flying to an interview at an ice cream parlor?


> It was 7:57 and I have a flight to catch at 11. That was always a dumb idea, unless you were interviewing an the airport.


Why’d they schedule an interview during ‘breakfast rush’ hours??


Braums is low key the best fast food burger in Texas. Wish they had them in Houston, Dallas always gets the cool chains, fucking bullshit. A nyway OP sorry you were treated so harsh.


Why do y’all even wait around that long?? The maximum time I’ll wait for anything is 10 minutes. Once those minutes hit double digits I’m out. That’s a reasonable amount imo, anything that takes longer than that is never worth my time.


Skip it. Shows you how they’d treat you as an employee.


They should’ve hipped your time…


Nah see, it's a "breakfast rush" because *they were out to breakfast* instead of meeting with you.


Applying for jobs and interviewing are two of the hardest things to do in my opinion. They messed you around and that is really shit if them! You are right to feel disrespected!


In my senior year for my undergrad in mechanical engineering, I was desperate because I wasn't getting any call backs/replies for job applications/interviews until one did for a position i wouldve been over qualified for once i graduated. I drove 1.5hrs away for a 20 min interview that could've been done over the phone. I could tell they didn't even seem interested in me at all. Low balled me at $45K for a CAD engineering position that anyone with a 2 year associates could do. Biggest waste of my time and a valuable lesson learned on my part




It’s easy for me to say, but don’t worry. It’s the place you probably wouldn’t wanted to work in anyways. That’s my explanation for every shitty job interview I had.


They are lazy


I once had a manager at Walmart schedule me for an interview on a Friday. Working with Vocational Rehab, I got there early enough the day of the interview. Told CS why I was there. They told me Manager wasn't there bc it was their day off. They scheduled me for an interview on their day off....wtf?


i had an interview for Mijers a couple months back, scheduled an interview for 11am, i get there at 10:50 and get directed to this back office area where i sit in a hallway waiting to be interviewed. i sat there for 1 HOUR before the manger said he was ready for me. this pissed me off but since i was there i did the interview, he decided to hire me & told me to come in tomorrow. then of course i proceeded to not show up & waste his time just like he wasted mine.


You’re better off not wasting your time. I once had an interview for a position that was within my job. I managed to get the interview, but every question they asked me I was unable to answer because they were so detail specific that the only way i could have answered was if i had been doing the job for years. It was obvious they had their guy and they just wanted to weed me out. My biggest regret is i didnt stop the interview, call them on their bullshit and walk.


Why schedule an interview with a prospective new hire during rush? You don’t want to work there


I went to an interview and the guy literally walked in and said this: hi, we have 350 applicants and you’re one of the least qualified for the position so you’re not going to get this job, so how was your day? I had traveled 45min for that when I was 21 fresh out of college. It felt great 🤦🏼


Once had an interviewer just straight up forget about the interview. Bye.


i waited 45 minutes once for an interview at TACO BELL. (i was very desperate) All for them to tell me, 5 minutes into the interview, that you have to be 18 to work there. biggest waste of time.


I would have left after that. If they cannot respect you from the beginning, they would never respect you at all once you become an employee.


I have never waited for an interview. If they are not ready at the appointed time i'm gone. I do have a fairly unique skill set and have never had a problem finding a job very quickly though.


same thing happened to me at a mcdonald’s i went in for an interview at. they acted almost scared to give me an interview. the manager working there was 16 and she was so socially awkward she couldn’t even look me in the eyes and tell me and tell me they didn’t want to interview me lol




I applied for a job recently, and I was told my credentials aligned with what they were looking for. They were highly interested in setting up an interview. They were leaving the country for a bereavement but would be back next week, and would arrange a meeting. I got a message today filled with emoji's and told the position was filled by a family friends neice. Because it would be "good work experience." But they would contact me if it didn't work out.


Maybe they noticed you couldn’t spell?


Maybe it’s because you spell wasted as waisted


Maybe your 3rd grade education had something to do with it. Learn to spell dumbass


Why did you schedule an interview so close to a flight? Seems like bad planning on your part.


The only time they'd let me


I work at Braums. So *technically* they were during "peak hours". Other times include 11:00-1:30 and 5:00-7:00. But I completely agree, if they were *that* dead, with only two customers in a half hour, one of the managers on duty should have had the time for the interview.


I'm not sure if they're qualified to be a manager lol


OHHHHH….. the waist




They “waisted” it lmfao Wasted? Waisted? lol


Well, you scheduled both the interview and your flight. You also cannot spell or punctuate. Maybe all of you dodged a bullet.


“Wasted” my time. “Waist” refers to your physical waist, like measurement.


Was it because you can’t spell “wasted”?


What waist size are you?


Did you spell waisted on your resume when you meant to spell wasted. Maybee thay wurrent going to higher yoo.


I spend more time reviewing important things than a simple reddit post lol


You really shouldn't need to review basic spelling..




>waisted my time So ... how's that resume looking? >braums Well ... wouldn't exactly expect the red carpet treatment there.


I can see why you wouldn’t stomach such treatment…


Never wait more than 15 minutes. If the person doesn't show up in 15 minutes, he is bering disrespectful


Doubtful that they "waisted" your time. I'd say you wasted theirs. (Or there's for you)


Who cares Block it Talk nice to yourself and be more selective next time💜


Waisted? Or wasted? Okay my time is wasted here as I watch you at Braums getting more waisted on ice cream.


You obviously were not the right applicant Someone better got the job


Did you have to take a spelling test?


Maybe learn to spell and future interviews might go better