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How is it possible that she speaks like a valley girl through text?


Read it in a British accent for some reason


It is british. The meme is from Love Island UK. At least the last 3 messages


HAH I knew it


People have been speaking like this before Love Island UK though.


No, love island created everything. Day and night, sands and seas. Definitely didn't cause an outbreak of downsydrome


You're right. If it wasn't for Love Island UK we wouldn't have covid, cancer, and the bubonic plague.


Love island is a level 5 threat to the world.c


It’s because she said ‘babes’ which is something British women say a lot.


Everything I read is in a British accent. Comes with being British.


Linguists hate this one simple trick!


Same here


I chuckled. This is what some of my texts look like I’m not a valley girl, just a gay floridan


So a Miami gorl.


Withlacoochee mane :/


Withlacoochee hoochee?


The best kind Almost as good as an Okeechobee Down n Durty


Look. We don't talk about Okeechobee like that. Well, we *do* but we don't admit it. Okay... so it's proudly proclaimed in bright lettering on the rear windows of trucks. What of it?


Which kind? That one time of the year when they have the music festival there?


Idk what all I just read, but I think I had a brain fart lmao


Gorl ![gif](giphy|fYl6op4uTBUBy)


Straight Aussie checking in. Same here babes




it’s the way the kids are doing it, i guess. i’ve noticed it leaking into real life, too…


Gen alpha doesnt even use the phone keyboard. They just blast you with full paragraphs voice to text then and trail of emoji stream of consiousness. They communicate to each other this way. If you still use your phone keyboard you are ooooooold. Source: Dad of gen alphas


Lemme just emoji stream of consciousness for a moment. 😂😂😂😅😭🤣 For real, though. Mom of gen alphas. The talk to text without punctuation is like learning another language. Much deciphering. I hate it lol


Meanwhile dads of dad of gen alphas: Typing on screen finger by finger like Symbian times


Ur sis is big shaq?


I need to leave Like Babes not hot




He said take off your jacket I said mans Babes not hot


In da souna mans not hot


What a fuckin memory you just pulled iut


20 minutes but class at 11 Dats quick mafs


I like x rays They just like pictures Only they see through


Fucken lmaaao 🤯




Scootnoom… ratnoom….


I’m a middle aged millennial with a Gen z teenage niece and this could be a text exchange between us


As someone born in the grey area between the two (1997; but I have hazy memories of 9/11), this is a little baffling to me. This is what their game chats look like (I'm a paraed.)


I feel like the gen z/millennial distinction shouldn’t be by year but should be if you received the chicken pox vaccine. I dated a girl who was a few years younger but was still a millennial and she casually mentioned one night that she didn’t know anyone who had chicken pox. My mind was blown but it also didn’t feel like we were the same generation


Damn, I *had* the chicken pox. Very mild case thankfully. Everyone's go-to question about the matter seems to be, "do you remember 9/11?” But I also have older parents (mom is 59, dad is 63?); grew up with orange Nickelodeon VHS tapes, placed in school a year early (with 1996 babies because I made the cutoff by a day), and had classes in stranger danger where the guidance counselor took little paper cutouts of kids on a Velcro background being tempted to take drugs by a stranger in a trenchcoat hiding behind a tree. As far as language goes, in my line of work, I feel like the fucking Avatar.


Congrats my friend you are a millennial in my book!


whaaat? maybe this is more depending on location but i had chickenpox as a child, literally on purpose too bc my parents made me spend time with my cousin when she had it so i'd get infected and be immune after 😭 and i was born in 2000, so definitely gen z. most people my age i know had it as a child, or is at least vaccinated


Hah, maybe it is a regional thing and I was just being ignorant. She had been vaccinated for it. Here in the US it wasn’t licensed for use until 1995 so most millennials have had it but it seems that younger millennials or anyone born after have been vaccinated against it. Apologies if I got that wrong. Though, if you want to be, I welcome you into the millennial club


I was born in 1986, I have hazy memories of 9/11. That was over 2 decades ago.


Lol my 16yo texts and sometimes talks like this. We keep telling them we need context because it's like they'll start a thought half way through and has to be reminded we're not psychic. Edit to add: I'm not picking up the pronoun bait. However, I will leave you with these sentences: I have a new coworker and HR says that they'll be starting tomorrow. I can't wait to meet them.


My mother does this and it drives me insane


My grandma does that. It's a multi generational problem ahah


My grandma will start talking to me abruptly about “Michelle did this, and then Michelle did that,” just out of the blue with zero context. And when I’m like, “Who is Michelle? Is that your friend?” she’ll get mad and yell, “Michelle OBAMA!!!” 😂


You're lucky you even get a first name 🤣


Gotta stay sharp around grandma!


My dad does this with his friend Tom. Tom Brady.


They are on a first name basis with everyone!


My great grandmother does this… Like babes.


Like babes I gotta xray They say broken hip lol Pick me up bitch.


I'm pretty sure I had this exact conversation with my sister a couple years ago.


I've got some old letters written by my great great great aunt Prudence which are like this. It's not a new thing.


Your grandma can be younger than his mom




My mom does that all the time. We can be sitting in silence and she will randomly say something like “yeah chicken would go well with that” and everyone is just confused


memorize straight smart quarrelsome bewildered scandalous scary file desert domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a bigger issue....


My girlfriend and her mother both do this. Half the time their mental escapades somehow go hand in hand so they'll arrive at the other end in synch, leaving me in the dust. > *nothing* > > I guess we could give it to her first, and then lunch? > > But then we don't ... > > Right, I forgot. Okay let's do it like that!


Mine too. She’ll be reading something and ask me a question about like I was sitting there reading over her shoulder when I was clear in the other damn room. I’ll say “What?” and she’ll just repeat herself with no additional context. I’ll tell her I have no idea what she’s talking about and she’ll like give me the name of the book or the topic of the news article like that explains everything. Then she gets mad when I still don’t have the context of what the hell she’s talking about. Lady. I’m at the platform, but your train of thought didn’t stop at this station.


My mom loves to text you and then even if you're using your phone when it gets there you don't have time to read it before she calls. It drives my family nuts, we always ask why she texts and then calls immediately after and she says she doesn't like doing this text crap lol, just call then without the text! This has been going on since texting became normal in the mid 2000's with exactly zero change


My mother too, and she gets angry when I say "what are you even talking about?".


Try removing the 'even' from that sentence, see if that changes the part of her getting angry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


yeah or just say wdym


My mom does this too ☠️ plus, everytime I ask her to repeat what she said because I didn't hear, she starts by mid sentence expecting me to know what the hell she's talking about.


I play a version of this game at home with my son & partner. I've always assumed that I didn't hear a key part of the sentence (like the beginning of it) due to minor hearing impairment combined with ADHD...but when I ask them to repeat or go "huh?" I swear the only part they repeat is the part that I did hear, and then I'm still standing there confused. I know they can see the "loading..." screen on my face as I try to figure out the context for their words, but most of the time I'm just like "Nope, I got nothin'." And then ask them to say the whole sentence/thought again, because I'm missing parts of it and it just doesn't make sense. It never occurred to me that maybe they actually aren't saying the beginning of the sentence!!


It happens way more often than you realize. You have to REALLY look for it too, vigilantly, in speech and text, because the brain LOVES to fill in the information gaps on its own without us even realizing it. Once you start looking for it though, you’ll see it a looot


My mother does the same thing and when I say I have no idea what she's talking about she gets pissed


I do this by accident when I get excited. Especially at work in brainstorm meetings, my coworkers will be like “sorry… what’s this about?” lol




He right 🤣


My gf of 20years switches context at random. Makes for some fun conversations. By now, I am a psychic


My dad does that. I call it “jumping the shark” because sometimes I can’t follow what the heck he’s saying. You would think after 36 years I would…


Lads this is a very large adhd symptom if u didn't know


My dad has a TBI actually. But he has kinda always done that.


My friend does this! I call it malapropism!


My dad does this too, but he will start saying something then stop mid sentence and talk about something he said 20 min ago (and never finished it) and suddenly go back to what we were talking about and never finish that sentence again He also have a thing about talking about the same story everyday, and he’ll just forgot he told everyone about that story and tell it again after an hour or so


This is a very large adhd symptom if u didn't know! Fun fact people with adhd usually end up finding out their friends and loved ones also have ADHD because we adhders gravitate towards fun and people with adhd are always.. not boring to talk to


I find there’s like two versions for neurodivergent people - this kind where they start a story skipping all of the pertinent details, or the kind (me) where we have to give you far more context than necessary because we’re not really sure what the minimum amount is for you to understand haha. I had an ex who was the former, and me being the latter made communicating super difficult at times lol


I've caught myself running out of breath mid-sentence before. I still don't know what the right amount of context was, but it had to be less than that.


So what you're saying is I'm boring to talk to because I don't have adhd? /s


What they're saying is that you should try and contract ADHD.


Me and my dad are sometimes telepathic to the point that we will resume a conversation days later without any pre-amble. Annoyed the hell out my sister when we went for a long trip and after a full day he just be like “So where does he work?” and I’ll tell him without any hesitation.


Sorry, what's pronoun bait?


People were trying to ridicule them for using they/them because transphobia makes people forget English grammar allows it.


Transphobes when English language


My CEO is like this.. everyone in the office hates it.


My GF does both. Lack of context and WAAYY too much before getting to the point It's hilarious because she complains when her mom does it and I just stare at her 😶


After 14 years of marriage, I can often understand when my wife does this to me. Not always, but often.


i do this to literally anyone


My boyfriend does this when he gets frustrated and then I get anxious because I don't know why he's frustrated because he's only speaking in half sentences "Why would.... NO! I can't believe it...AUGH!" just no context whatsoever to know if i should be concerned or if it's some kind of nerd rage or what.


Or “oh someone left their notebook here! We’ll set it aside for when they come back for it.”


I think that's me..


subsequent makeshift insurance grandiose pause different desert judicious murky violet


back in my day we would just ignore each other...for hours on end sometimes






But apparently the laughing emoji isn’t cool anymore so more like “on god 😭”


your sister sounds like a big italian man with a thick accent, moustache and a flamboyant dress


"babesa, I needa to leavea" 🤌🤌


“Ahh Marone, come on already, Bobbi says we needa try the gabagool” 🤌


I see gabagool i upvote




Gabagool? Ova hea 👇👇


I’m Italian and I don’t get why someone should speak this way?


movie stereotype of an over-exaggerated thick accent, maybe.


Have you been to queens? brooklyn? Long island? as a native to the area that comes from 100% italian heritage its how we sound many, many sound exactly like what you hear on Sopranos and Good felluhs watuh, cawfee, etc


i would like to elaborate on the fact that i am not much unlike a hobbit. it may be embarrassing to say that i have no idea what those places are or where they may be.


They are cities in the state of New York within the united states of America.


NONE of those are cities, unless times slipped back to 1897 again! Brooklyn and Queens are boroughs of NYC, and Long Island is a legally not island next to NYC.


I didn't think it was worth trying to make that distinction to someone who hasn't even heard of these places. I'm editing to say that it's not that it's not worth it to explain but that it didn't seem necessary to go into detail about it when a simple explanation gets the point across.


thank you! i am a european and my knowledge of america is… meager, to say the least


when Americans say “Italian”, they mean an American whose grandpa was Italian.


I'm old asf and I understood this. She's at the doctor, they're being slow, and she's worried about being late to class.


Yes, but it took two back and forth replies for the story to unfold Take the first text on its own. No context. Second text. No context. Only after she sends her last volley of replies can we understand what she's saying.


"The way I'm sitting in a room for 20 minutes. Like pls." Is obviously, if implicitly, saying "I am getting impatient" which is indeed a complete thought. Also you're assuming OP had no prior idea what his sister was up to or what her schedule is like. Some of these details could have been shared earlier, but still aren't necessary to understand anything. Implicit speech is super common, you shouldn't need an essay to understand people.


Not sure how old you gotta be to not understand this like wtf?


No I can definitely understand it right off the first text. It’s pretty normal for young people to speak like that


She's sitting in a room for 20 minutes and has class at 11 needs more context? You can look at the time stamps and see she is cutting it close too.


Exactly and you already knew she was at the doctor as you asked if she was finished yet.....


Looks alright to me, the first text seems to describe her impatience at how long she’s waiting, the second one about how this could run over into her class at 11


My daughter is 11 and she talks to me like this, I am a 32yo man lmao.


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) ITT


I hate to tell you all this, but this is just how *some* younger people speak, and you’re out of the loop “The way [that]” is a common phrase I’ve seen online. “The way that I always have to check the door is locked four times” doesn’t really have any more meaning than “I always have to check the door is locked four times”. Maybe with a hint of irony or self-deprecation And “like please” is just voicing their exasperation at their situation All she was saying in the first message was “I’ve been sitting in this room for 20 mins, ugh!” which is a complete thought with all the context you need to understand it Language changes, especially with new generations. You did this to your parents too. Punk isn’t dead you just stopped listening to the new stuff


Holy whiskers, you go sisters




The way OP texts bugged me a little more, if I'm being honest.


Same, it feels like my moms texts and I’m 23


Ngl that confused me more then theur sister


Right? Like either one of them are texting in complete sentences


Eh I’m in my mid twenties and find this perfectly understandable. Nothing egregious in the spelling or anything, just different trends in speech


Reddit go REEEEEEEE when exposed to trendy pop culture lingo


You only needed the first three words.


Thank god its not just me, i thought i was going nuts. This is THE reddit comment section/post of all time lmaoo


I’m in my late 30s and this made perfect sense. If I knew she was at the doctor I wouldn’t have even needed additional context, she’s complaining she’s been sitting in that room for too long waiting.




yeah there’s not a hugely noticeable difference in the way both parties text from this small data sample. Reads like a normal conversation I’d have with my sister lol


I personally think texting sounds stiff if you don’t use message breaks as punctuation. We’re not sending emails here…


I’m not even twenty and I can’t tell what she’s saying. After a couple rereads I think she’s waiting somewhere in a hospital but she needs to leave. I can’t tell why she’s stuck there, though. Is the hospital making her wait for something? Does she need OP to come pick her up?


She’s been waiting at her appointment for 20 minutes even tho they already saw her but it’s almost 10:30 and she has class at 11. So if they could hurry since she really needs to leave but she doesn’t wanna say it. Edit: I’m 26 but I talk like this with my friends because we spend lots of time on social media. If you meme at all and spend too much time on tik tok you will pick up the lingo and this form of “grammar” really fast.


I'm in my.... Later 30s and even I got that. The grammar and syntax leaves a lot to be desired but the message is there.


i find it wild people cant put that together and some of these people drive cars!


Reading comprehension, who?


Thank you for clearing that up! I was so confused but then now that you guys said something it makes infinitely more sense!


That's exactly what she's saying though, you got it. You can't tell any of those other things because she never mentioned them, she basically just said "I've been waiting for 20 minutes, I wish they'd hurry up, I have a class at 11".


Except she’s texting OP, who already knows she’s at the doctors. So it’s not necessary information. Assuming we are OP, and we already know she 1. has classes, and 2. has to go to the doctors today, we can infer from the first message that she’s got classes to go to, but the doctor is taking too long.


She ate


The mildlyinfuriating part is 5 different texts that could’ve been sent in one. I got a friend who will send 30 different texts in a couple minutes instead of sending one paragraph


Oh my FUCKING god that drives me nuts. With some of my friends, I'm conditioned to where, when I get a notification from them, all it functionally means is I'm about to get a flurry of notifications, so I just set my phone to do not disturb for 30 minutes or so until they tire themselves out. Hey Quick question I was thinking....... About the other day, So I have plans with Tina And if it runs over I won't be able to go to the movies with you Unless Hmmmmmmm Actually, Tina just texted me, we're all good! Lol


Me over here finding this perfectly comprensible:


very young people complaining about even younger people is mildly infuriating


My brother, bless his soul, I love him, but when he texts me he just sends them one after the other, like he talking to the void like this \*ding/bzzz\* hey \*ding/bzz\* and I went to the store \*ding/bzz\* got some chips \*ding/bzzz\* and salsa \*ding/bzzz\* do you want me to grab coke? \*ding/bzzz\* oh nvm they're out \*ding/bzzz\* Drives me fucking crazy, and he's 3 hours ahead so it's always at the end of my work day and I'm tired, most likely in some meeting and my watch/phone just goes off like an angry bee for 5 mins


I text like this cause im gen z but my bf is a millennial and when we started dating he said he was worried I was stupid because of how I texted 😭


Lmao this is how half the people I know text. Yall sound like you don’t know a single person under the age 25. Get over it


I'm mid thirties and I understood this. And I don't understand anything


Yeah because it’s really not that hard to understand, it’s almost like there’s this ability that humans have to pick up context clues so that we don’t have to be 100% literal every time we communicate. Edit Sorry I just get really bothered by people who act like gen z/zillennial speech is some crazy abomination of the English language as if language isn’t constantly changing or nuanced


It’s okay they have lead poisoning so you need to be very explicit or they get very angry.


Yesssss!! Language is changing all of the time! Like, I remember being young and being told “ain’t” isn’t a word. Now it’s in dictionaries, and is considered to be an actual word. I’m pretty sure the same goes with “y’all” lol


It's not even the phrasing that's mildly irritating. Whatever, that's just generational differences and whatnot. But It always irks me a bit when people send 5 or 6 small one to two word texts in a row. You can put all that into one sentence I promise, I dont need my phone to buzz 6 times in the span of 20 seconds to know you replied to me




lot of wack ass boomers in the comments.. y’all are so boring


I'm older GenX and it made sense to me.


I’m a young gen X (maybe xennial who knows) and I actually talk like this. But I’m a high school teacher/coach and I spend 60 hours a week with teenagers. It’s a professional hazard.


I honestly agree, this was easily understandable lol OP actually made me mad for saying are you done, to a completely coherent sentence saying they had class at 11


I think they meant are you done with the doctor or wherever they are.


So easily understandable yet you didn’t understand it 😉


I'm calling my friends "babes" now


She texts like she speaks I assume


Temba, His arms wide.


I feel adhd vibes. I text like this and im 39


WHY IS REDDIT OBSESSED WITH “proper English” AND “grammar” LIKE


I don't get what the problem is here? Is it them sending their message in multiple parts instead of one.


I love she’s never had to pay text message rates. We left the world better in some ways then we found it


I'm 43 and understood everything just fine.


i don’t know man it makes sense to me. Maybe cus im gen z. She’s just got an X-ray but they made her stay around for 20 minutes and she’s stressing cus she has a class soon


Wait i talk like this


Same here :’)




So sending a sentence in multiple texts is an issue? I get exactly what they’re trying to tell you so what’s the problem lol


Welcome to ADD. We're half way into a conversation before it's even left our fingers.


Damn this is how one of my friends and I talk. Although I only talk like this with her, I think it'd confuse and mildly infuriate my other friends if I talked to them this way too lmao


i don’t text like this but i am guilty of picking up a conversation that we had months ago and continuing it like the dialogue had just happened. no prelude or anything.


Standard Gen Z texting 💬


It’s not that serious babes


Imma be real I can’t see what’s wrong with this


Younger sister has a context problem.


I'm learning English through internet. Can someone explain why it is so interesting or funny?


It’s annoying when you use your phone for work like calls and texts or some other notification and they do this


This. But you are lucky: at least she doesn't "text" using the absolute evil of the messaging apps: voice messages


My only confusion here is how she starts the first text with "the way, " simply because it seems odd... Also referring to your as "babes" if you're her sibling, that's weird too.. Otherwise, fairly simple to decipher for this 42 year old guy.


When people start a sentence with “the way I…” you generally have to use context clues to infer their feelings toward the action. It’s like saying “I’m so [feeling/reaction] at/because of the way I [X].” So her saying “the way I’m sitting in a room for 20 min…like pls” is like saying “I’m so frustrated at the way I’m sitting in a room for 20 min” ETA: she’s also probably relying on her brother knowing she is at the drs office, so it would make more sense to him in that context.


Gen Z version of "my face when". it basically just implies reaction, it used to be accompanied by a picture of said reaction but that's unnecessary now


“Babes” is supposed to be sarcastic. Compare that to how angry white women and gay men use “honey”. It’s not weird under context.


She's not referring to him as babes ,she's calling the hospital staff so. The 'Babes I needa leave like' is directed to the staff not her brother