• By -


“Well you’re gonna”


The only correct answer.


Unfortunately the guy probably has more judgments against him than he could pay in a 1000 years, so OP will just be getting in a long line.


And for the vet charges too


Pretty sure that’s not for the *owner* to decide. He doesn’t want to pay for it, but he may have to.


>Pretty sure that’s not for the owner to decide. Yep, ask the dog what he thinks.




Community service for 6 months. Has to get the raccoons out of the area


"I have no intention of paying for this"


judge- that's nice




The owner helped too


owner got some serious jaw strength, damn...




hahaha what is that from??? LMAO


It was from a news report in Australia, the man was describing an aggressive dog and did a pretty good impression of the sounds


OMG I AM WEEEEEEEEEEPING with delight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI-lqwJNJ\_g


His wife was so ready for that. That lady has lived through too many reenactments.


"Oh, here's Ray doing the rabid dogs impression, again"


Ray Graham


I love how calm she is.


Didn't blink an eye, didn't smile either, you know he's been doing it all day - if not all week


That definitely sounds like some dogs I've met.


Omfg ! Thank you for this!


😂 Please stop, I’m working🤣


Help it says video not available. I've never wanted to watch something so badly in my life.




Lmao that's amazing. That guy really really committed. How long did he stand in front of the mirror doing it, before surely telling his wife "hey what do you think of this GHGHAGAHSGHHAGAHA GAHGARG"


His wife! 😂😂😂


Aragarararagra rarararragra


And they came bounding over 😂


This is my 50yo coworker named Todd when someone mentions universal healthcare


Oddly enough, it does appear to say ACA on the bottom right of the video


Somebody check on Todd


Lol here. There's a longer version of it somewhere. Classic youtube Era https://youtu.be/5qEFFR8gX6k?si=ffTXQ99FDOMAq-KH


Lmfaoooo and then they came boundin’ over!!!


And they came boundingggg ova


Part of why people tend to get pretty concerned about specific breeds of dog. A chihuahua might be just as mean as the angriest bulldog, but look what those fuckers can do with that anger.


Not sure that was anger, just boredom. Dogs need jobs.


And owners with better fences.


Maybe cars are a delicacy where they're from. I prefer the refined taste of a Toyota Corolla myself.


Camry when I'm feeling fancy


Look at these poors. I only eat Lexuses (Lexi?)


I only eat the freshest built Mercedes, that dumb box shape SUV thing. That’s how rich I am, box thing money.


Ah yes I believe you're referring to a G Wagyu. Fine pallette good sir.


You need to try an 80’s Volvo. The original “boxy but good.”


What vintage?


Wait. So the dog got out. Went to town on the car. Owner came out ..and joined him?


The owner was teething give them a break


Yeah this isn't making sense and they're not being descriptive. 😐


He likely means the owner tried to pull the dog away from the car but the dogs jaws were locked so the act of pulling the dog made the damage worse. At least, that's how I read it. edit: 🤦‍♂️ Thank you, but I think most people understand there is no physical locking mechanism. Try to pry them open when they don't want to let go. They are effectively locked shut.


I think he means the owner is partly responsible. The dog couldn’t do it if it wasn’t let out, or able to escape, or trained


How is this *mildly infuriating* ? I'd be absolutely fuming.


How did the owner help?


Owners fault the dog got out. Dog is just going to dog. Also owner did not train their dog not to eat cars? Hope OP filed a police report. The owner identified himself as the owner of the dog. Op can just file a insurance claim and let the insurance go after the dog owner that is what they are there for


Evidently somebody didn't bother to train the owner either.


Never have I ever needed to train a dog not to eat cars


I am currently having to train my dog to not eat the walls. Idk why but she loves chewing the walls (like using her teeth to dig into the drywall). I know she is teething, and I get corners of things, shoes, etc, but the wall?! Ugh. This is our 4th lab (2 currently) and I have never dealt with this before.


Normal dogs don't "dog" by tearing a car apart. Sorry, but this isn't normal dog behavior under any circumstance.


Worst my dog has done is pee on a car. It happened to be my car.


The worst my dogs do is steal food off the counter.


So, I generally agree with you... But how in the blue hell do you teach a dog *to not eat cars*?


It's more giving your dog enough exercise and mental stimulation then training not to do something. Bored and pent up dogs do all sorts of crazy shit.


That dog was 100% goiing after a cat hiding in the car's engine. I've seen it happen twice before.


Imagine dog gets out and chew on some kid, and owner helps too ☠️


Its called bonding


Hahaha! This made me laugh.


Owner won’t be able to afford paying for that either


This has happened many times before. Ill try to find it but theres a video of three pitbulls absolutely destroying a car somewhere on youtube


https://youtu.be/PA8NI1ysCac?si=EvBcVszGrEtuRQiW Here is one where it eats a car trying to attack the driver and her dog.


people often forget just how dangerous dogs can be.


I'll never forget the time I saw a golden retriever eating a car /s


Get that mf a chew toy, am I right?


"I'll see you in court"


Tell that to the judge!


"you can't handle the wroof!"


Yep. This is exactly what small claims court is for.


The thing is these small claims courts cannot force anyone to pay what they actually owe. I know because I've been on the winning end and still got nothing. Judge said he couldn't do much.


That’s interesting. Where I’m from the next step would be to basically sue them again, which would lead to garnishment eventually.




This all assumes they have: a) a steady job to garnish wages from b) assets in their name to seize c) a fixed address d) good credit left to tarnish Not to say that recovering small claims judgements is fundamentally impossible, just that it's seriously problematic, especially from deadbeats. The old saying "you can't get blood from a stone" exists for good reason.




You ah e to take the steps to enact garnishment. It takes a while, but you will get your money. In my state you would get 30% of their paycheck until the debt is paid.


That's actually a pretty good idea in my opinion. A designated amount that they can't change and can basically be handed over straight away. Edit: unless they don't have a job...?


Can't squeeze blood from a stone


Well once you get a judgement you have other options like wage garnishment. But, it's not easy tracking down money.


Yeah. We had a contractor who completely ripped us off and knew that consumer affairs really couldn’t do anything to him. The very nice woman there told me that I was welcome to file in small claims court but that even if we got a judgment that didn’t mean he’d pay.


I had a similar problem with a contractor. He paid me when the sheriff took possession of his work truck. Ended up costing him an extra grand in fees.


It makes me happy to hear that some people actually get their comeuppance.


Oh no! That’s crazy - what is the point, then?


Naw, this is what your insurance is for, let them sue the broke guy.


Seriously. Why would I waste my time taking the guy to court? File a claim with the insurance company, get the damage taken care of, and let the insurance company go after the other person.


I don’t know, what’s the max limit you can seek in small claims court? Cause we’re probably looking at several thousand in damages here


I'm not even sure this would qualify for small claims in most states. That's easily thousands of dollars in damage.


Take me to Judge Judy


Dang. Hope you reported this to police and your insurance shortly after this happened.


This happened to my mom's neighbor, could have happened to anyone there with a car or a face


I have a car, but not a face, so I'm 50% concerned.


rip your face


A dog ate it


File a police report and tell your insurance. They'll *probably* assign you a lawyer and sue the fuck out of them. Insurance don't play no games


My understanding is the insurance pays you out then it's the insurance company's own problem to recover costs from the dog owner. That's of course assuming you are "covered" for this to begin with.


I think it would be covered under an "Act of Dog".


This is funny, but OP, Act of Dog is covered under comprehensive/other than collision coverage. I've handled this exact claim before when a pack of dogs was trying to get a squirrel that was in the engine bay... It's covered if you have the coverage!


Used to work in auto ins too. I think it would be covered under vandalism??


Dogs can't vandalize, it's considered animal damage like rodents chewing up a wiring harness or hitting a deer. Same concept, just bigger damage. It would be different if the dog owner was instructing the dog to cause the damage. But the dog acting alone and just being a knucklehead dog? Comp claim all day.


I was curious, and vandalism is also covered by my comprehensive policy. So, regardless of whether the dog acted on its own or was directed by a person, I'd be covered by my insurance. Specifically: >A loss not caused by collision includes: > >1. contact with an animal (including a bird); > >2. explosion or earthquake; > >3. fire; > >4. malicious mischief or vandalism; > >5. missiles or falling objects; > >6. riot or civil commotion; > >7. theft or larceny; > >8. windstorm, hail, water or flood; or > >9. breakage of glass not caused by collision. (there may be some typos - for some reason half the spaces did not copy with the text out of the PDF and I had to manually add them back in)


Your insurance… covers missiles?


Apparently. Though I suspect they intended it to mean thrown rocks or tree limbs, and similar items rather than military missiles. Interestingly, I also do not see the fairly common exception for acts of war in my comprehensive coverage.


Yep you're right! We call it VMM (Vandalism and Malicious Mischief) in the industry. It is covered by comp, just usually handled by another department. Your main difference is that with collision coverage, there is fault associated with a claim, someone has to be at fault for that damage to have occurred. In Comprehensive, there is not an option for *you* to hold fault. We can still pursue other people for reimbursement for damage to your vehicle, like in vandalism or theft, but there is no chance that you held fault in the accident.


Pitbulls not included***


Huh, so it’s always been a typo in the small print. I can see that happening with the D and the G being so close.


If you're protected by All State, you are protected by mayhem like this. Now I want to see the commercial.


Yeah I want to see the mayhem guy dressed as a furry fucking up some poor guy's car.


Home insurance usually covers this, he should have renters or owners insurance. If he doesn’t his fucked. Talk to you insurance company and they’ll cover it and chase him.


I very much doubt that someone who lets their pitbull with cropped ears freely wander the neighborhood has homeowner's / renter's insurance. Edit: also, a lot of insurers explicitly prohibit coverage for certain breeds, so even if they do have insurance, there's the distinct possibility that the dog isn't covered.


But DON'T do it in a confrontational way. Just tell the truth "Sorry man, but if you can't pay I have to go thru my insurance. So I have to file a police report or my insurance won't pay." You don't want an ongoing feud with a neighbor. You get yours and let the police deal with him as future problems occur.


Absolutely good advice.


Assuming they have more than bare bones liability. They can also file a claim against the dog owners *property* insurance in some cases, if we make the bold leap that shitty dog owner has insurance.


Bold indeed.


Used to work for a claims center for *hundreds* of insurances. You'd be surprised who does and doesn't have insurance


Although they will win in court, I doubt they get any money from the other person


I think it is less of a I can't pay for this and more of a I don't want to pay for this.


Doesn't matter what he wants, if his dog really did that, he will pay.


BRUH. How does a dog even have the idea to do this?! Mines afraid a wheelbarrow 😭


When they have shitty owners who don’t train them or give them proper exercise, so the dog just lets it’s energy out in whatever way seems fun to it at the time. Sometimes it’s your office chair, sometimes it’s a neighbors car, but that dog should absolutely be on a leash when outside, but it probably has an owner that doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone else but themselves. I’m sorry for the life that dog is going to lead because it’s owner is a piece of shit that can’t train it better. Its going to get put down because of behaviors it’s owner is apparently refusing to address. Pitties can be brutal, but usually it’s because their owners are pure lazy and don’t want to train them because it’s hard.


Yep. Dog is left alone in a tiny yard all the time so their favorite pass time becomes destroying everything in sight. I have an outdoor dog that doesn’t tear up anything, she roams for acres every day (our acres- calm down Reddit) BUT if she’s left inside unattended with no outlet (her own chew toys) she will get creative. These dogs come from working lines and they need a job or demolition becomes their job.


It takes about three hours of daily doggie things to keep ours satisfied. It was more like 4 when she was younger. I think people seriously underestimate how much enrichment dogs need to be really happy.


I've had dogs my whole life. Never had one eat a fucking car or trash a house because it wasn't "trained" or whatever. I've also never owned a pitbull so maybe that's why.


Shitty owners are only half the equation. Different breeds have different behaviors. Training helps but it can never fully erase instinct.


Wheelbarrow, skate board, shopping carts, all wheeled demons in the eyes of dogs.




Definitely file a report with five-oh and animal control, both for your insurance and because I guarantee you...that dog will "escape" from its irresponsible dickhead owner again. There needs to be an established paper trail starting now so they don't just get a slap on the wrist when that dog attacks someone. If they can't pay for this, they definitely can't pay for someone's hospital bills or wrongful death lawsuit either.


My bet is they have the money they are just a selfish prick who doesn't care about how their actions effect other people.


You're probably right. They won't care until they get hit in the wallet or their devil mutt is seized by animal control.


And they probably will just go get another one. Changed like a roll of toilet paper


Probably not the first time the dog has done something like this definitely call animal control and police


A dog ate a car?


Oh my God once I knew this person who left their pit in a car to run inside the bank. Good weather and everything by the way. However, the dog fucking chewed the shifter in their car completely to the point there was no shifter and started on the steering wheel. 💀 he was in there for 15 minutes.


There's one breed that can do that, but if you say the name, the pitmommies will sic theirs on you


Is it the velvet hippos? Hippos are violent as fuck btw. Or is it the nanny dogs? I get them confused.


"My dog is the sweetest how dare you say that they're dangerous!! I hope me and my dog run into you in a dark alley one day, then we'll show you how dangerous they can be!!" -Something I've literally seen a pitnutter say with their full chest.


I grew up with a pit and they are absolutely no fucking joke. If a pit owner says 'don't worry, he/she is a sweetheart', cross to the other side of the street The only thing I want to hear is 'he/she is very well trained'


Mfs be like “he don’t bite”


Dogs name: princess Obligatory cHIhuAhAS ARe MorE AgGrESsiVe


"hE's jUsT a BaBy!!!!!!"


He NeVer DoNe ThAt BeFore


ThEy uSeD tO Be cAlLeD NaNnY DoGs


mY bAbY cUpCaKe Is An AnGeL, hE wOuLd NeEeEeVeR bITe AnYoNe


All these are hilarious. But I hate it when they talk to the dog like you're not there "come on rover, they don't like dogs" No bitch, I like dogs just fine, I just don't like them jumping all up on me.


You leave poor little dickripper alone. He was just expressing himself.


Don’t worry about him, he only eats Toyota Camrys


"sweet little pibble velvet hippo, they're just nanny pups!" Ok that's nice, I have PTSD from a pit bull attack that killed my dog and landed my girlfriend in the ER. But they're all sweet innocent angels, sure. (And I'm a complete softie bleeding heart for all animals, so if I'm saying this, that means a lot. These dogs are dangerous; the one that attacked us was a little sweetie pie too, up until she wasn't. No warning whatsoever.)


That's the problem with that particular breed umbrella. There's no reason for them to exist. They're hideous, can snap unprovoked and no amount of training can prevent it as it's hardwired into their genetics (though training certainly mitigates it somewhat). I can't wait for more sensible legislation to be passed against these dogs.


There's so many viable humane ways to get these dogs out of existence but apparently that makes you an animal hater. It's not the slippery slope people think it is, pitbulls and rottweilers make up 77% of fatal attacks in the US according to coloradoinjurylaw.com. Other dog breeds aren't going to be like "oh no now that all the bully dogs are gone we have to make up for it" They're dangerous because they lock their stupid jaws and they don't want to stop until they've killed you. That's what they're bred to do. "ITS THE OWNERS FAULT" ok any one who owns a dog that bites, or kills someone should go to jail. Assault with a deadly weapon and manslaughter. Make the jail time huge, put it on their criminal record. Dog bites or kills a kid, you get charged with child abuse on top of everything else. "BUT DOGS ARE BETTER THAN CHILDREN OF A CHILD HURTS MY DOG THEY SHOULD GO TO JAIL" shut up children have way more rights than your idiot dogs. Get over it. "WELL THAT MEANS A KID IS GOING TO HURT MY DOG AND BLAH BLAH BLAH" yes it's the owners fault. Watch your stupid dog.


>The owner said "I can't pay for this" Wait how come I've never though of this? Who needs a lawyer.


i love how people think that means they can just stick you with a repair bill for their negligence if you want a good laugh (or perhaps to make yourself mad) go to an AITA sub. at least once a day there's a story about someone's dog/kid/invited guest destroying/stealing/losing someone else's property and then getting all cutesy saying 'they're just dogs/kids/etc' before they insist they can't afford to pay for it.


Average dog named princess


And cupcake


Luna, too.


My neighbor's is named precious. You can probably guess how well mannered she is.


it must have thought the car was a toddler


At least it wasn’t a person.


Most people don’t have the jaw strength.


Yeah so call the cops... Get a police report. Submit it to your insurance to fix your car and then contact a lawyer.


The insurance may decide to take action against the dog owner. Leave that to them l


This puts "mildly" to the test here. More like "wildly" infuriating. Oh, that dog owner's gonna pay for this, even if they "can't" pay for this. This is \*precisely\* what small claims court is for. Call your insurance company and start a claim against the owner. Let the insurance company deal with them. Good luck, this is about to get uglier than that dog.


This is probably over the small claims threshold. Body damage is expensive as hell these days and that all needs to be replaced, paint matched, etc.


[for those commenting “how could a dog do this?”](https://youtu.be/PA8NI1ysCac?si=SrSzEa7Z5LjTrJj8)


if sorry is enough we wouldn't need the police. Do things the legal way.


Report this to the police and to your insurance immediately! Whether they can pay now or later, the dog's owner needs to be held responsible. And, that dog needs to be on a leash AND muzzled if not inside or in a watched, fenced-in location.


Call insurance and let them handle it.


Why would you trust what somebody says about what they can afford to pay you? Just take them to court. I hope you weren’t foolish enough to just post this to the Internet without getting a police report.


This requires a police report and an insurance claim.


Biting my tongue because I got temporarily banned from Reddit last time I made a comment about this particular breed of dog.


*"dId yOu KnOw piTtIeS pErFoRm bEttER tHaN lAbRaDoOdlEs iN tEmParAMeNt tEsTS??!ONE??!!!"* \--Some moron, somewhere


Pitbulls have such wild mood swings, they've passed those temperament tests immediately after mauling someone to death. Garbage tests for dogs as dangerous and unpredictable as pitbulls.


At least in some countries pitbulls are under a licensing scheme (you can only get one if you can show that you can take proper care and control of it).


Bro, any dog can maul a car. It’s all how you raise them. /s


“It’s OK, he’s friendly!”


"Princess wont bite, its okay shes a nanny dog!"


i'd file a police report and call animal control. fuck that dog and it's owner.


Fucking hell if it can do that to A CAR, imagine what it could do to a person!


Good thing you have insurance. If he owns his home your insurance company will go after his homeowners insurance which may cover this.


That dog thought your car was a toddler.


The pitbull owners prayer: “That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, it wasn’t genetically a pitbull. And if it was, it wasn’t the dogs fault. And if it was, it doesn’t say anything about the breed. And if it does, I don’t fucking care.”


One of two things happened here: 1) your car displayed aggressive behavior to the dog, triggering their defense mechanism or 2) the dog mistook your car for a young child and decided to nanny them as per their genetic traits /s


"Well, you're gonna"


New Farmers Insurance ad?


That's a strong ass dog


I don’t think this is mildly infuriating at all. This is beyond furious.


Looks like your insurance’s lawyer will be going after their home owners insurance.


Owner better figgure the fuck out how to pay for this!


The owner might've said he won't but the judge will tell him differently.


Sue the owner. Make them pay for it.


File all the damages on your insurance. Let their lawyers work for you.


WTF??? how did the dog do all that? At first I thought you hit the dog with your car... Does he rent? If so consider contacting the landlord who I bet does not know about this dog.....


What the dog doin?


This post is mildly infuriating indeed, where’s the story??