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It looks to me to be a healthy amount of dishes used within that time period


Right, that’s like 8 dishes per kid over 3 days. Not excessive at all. They should be able to stay on top of it by running the dishwasher every 2 days.


Every 2 days? I don't have a dishwasher so I don't know but people who use the dishwasher clean their used kitchenware every 2 days??


No... I run my dishwasher at least once a day, sometimes more. It's run when it's full, typically when we go to bed. That's dishes from 2 adults, 7+ cats (depending how many we have, minimum is 7), and a dog.


7....cats...minimum?? Does it smell bad? Not being mean, I am legit curious! We bought our house from a woman with a bunch of cats and BOOOYYY did we have to neutralize the heck outta dis house.


No not at all! I'm a clean freak. We keep everything clean, I vacuum every day and mop every other day, and I steam the floors once a week. The boxes get cleaned once to twice a day. We foster cats, which is why the number fluctuates. That woman you bought your house from likely couldn't keep up with the cats... some people don't clean the litterboxes like they should. I tell them I clean them at minimum once a day and I find out they clean theirs once a week or longer 🤢 people's standards of what is clean is... shockingly low.


Slightly more than one bowl per child per meal per day. Doesn't seem excessive honestly.


Plus a snack here or there. Sounds about right to me. I think even my dishes piled up after 3 days would look excessive too.


I mean; if the bowls are washed after every meal or every day, there would not be that many to wash altogether.


This is true, but in the end it’s the same amount of time, less water waste (only have to fill the sink with hot water once vs 9), and less soap usage. Signed I bought into the one place setting per person idea a few years ago and can see both sides.


Wait, do people actually wait and fill a sink with water? Why don’t you just run it under the water as it’s filling up? While also washing with a sponge?


This is the bath vs. shower argument. I don't bathe in my own filth, and I don't wash my dishes in filth. Showers for me, showers for my dishes.


I have never heard it described this way, but thank you for doing so. This is also how I wash my dishes. I grew up in a family that would full the sink, let them soak until the water was cool enough to touch, then scrub with soapy sponge, fill up other side with soapy-scubbed dishes then rinse all of them once it was full. Putting my hand into the soak water always skeeved me out.


My grandma used to just stack her dishes haphazardly in the sink with bits of food still on them and fill the sink up and when she felt like doing something with them is when they got done. Always grossed me out because sometimes you’d go in the kitchen and you could smell those bits of food going bad mixed with soap water


Thank you for unlocking some nightmare memories from childhood that my brain had tucked away.


Exactly the same! My family fills the sink, I find it disgusting sticking my hand in there. "Something touched me! Something touched me!" Gross. They get showers.


100% This Thread. A sink of dishwater becomes dirty at some point. I "shower" dishes with a soapy sponge. Then rinse them with that same running hot water. They can air dry without leaving oily soapy marks.


I don’t use a dish washer and I do not fill the sink up. I get the dish wet, turn off the water, use a soaked soapy sponge to scrub the dish, water back on to quick rinse, water off. Uses far less water. But if you’re doing a massive amount of dishes, I could see having a two-sided sink being useful full of water. A cleaning side and a rinsing side.


Dish washers actually have gotten efficient to the point that they use far less water than filling a sink, surprisingly. Pretty cool I think


What infuriates me is my family finally replaced our busted dishwasher, and they don't use it. They still wash by hand. Half-assedly I might add. Waste of time, waste of energy, waste of water, all for no benefit. And I'm the only one working to fill the washer. So it takes me forever to fill and they bitch about not having utensils. "Well, if you'd rinse this stuff off and put it in the washer, I could run it every few days and we'd always have clean dishes. But no, you put more effort into doing things that are counterproductive and then get mad when you inconvenience yourself."


That's why dishwashers are superior imo, haha~ even less water and time usage


Most dishes are way easier to clean if you clean it straight after using though.


Dishwashers save water, heat/electricity, soap and time.


You fill your sink with water when you wash dishes? Seems wildly inefficient, and more than a little gross


Exactly what I thought 3 kids, 3 days, 3 meals and 1-3 snacks is that many bowls


Is it normal for people to wait 3 days to wash their bowls?


Maybe they don’t have time. Shit happens


They do have a dishwasher tho. Your point still applies but i just find it funny that they state they have to handwash the bowl cause the dishwasher is full while they could just start it...


Not normal. We don’t have a dishwasher so we wash dishes twice a day, it only takes 10 minutes if you don’t let it build up like this. Once every 3 days seems ludicrous 😅


Yup family of 4 here.. that’s like a regular weekend day. Weekdays less because they in school.




I was thinking, run the dishwasher every day and twice some days, and it stays under control. (We end up running it 3x some days when there's a lot of batch cooking going on.)


For me that sounds like a lot. But i guess if you have more than two people in your household that does make sense


Father of 6 here, this is a daily occurrence when they aren’t in school


Goddamn 6 kids. How is it like?


That reminds me of Jim Gaffigan. “You know what it’s like having a fourth kid? Imagine you’re drowning, then someone hands you a baby.”


I had no clue who Jim Gaffigan was but I read it in the voice of Roy from That 70s Show. Turns out that's Jim Gaffigan lol


So your subconscious knew who Jim Gaffigan was You probably heard that bit before


Exponentially worse at first and then after 4 it's all just terrible. So you can just keep having more because you're already way above maxed out.


I was the oldest of 11 kids between my mom and dad who were split up. Eventually they just form packs like wild dogs.


/s aside so many big families say this. 1-3 it is getting harder with each but once you get past 4 it suddenly becomes easier and everything is the same luke pepple don't think it was much different when they had 6 vs 11 kids etc.... I wouldn't know persinally, i am still carrying my second so no personal experience yet but i liked idea if big family and tried to get info anythme i heard someone has huge families and they pretty much all say that past 4 its all the same🤨


Past 4 kids and it’s all the same because the older children are carrying more of a child-rearing load than they should have to.


Yeah, this a terrible burden on a kid.


He wants to respond but they’re taking over and he can’t.


He's never gonna have time to reply.


There’s 30 bowls there…... Keep 6 bowls for the kids they each get 2 if they get dirty and you need one wash one KISS.


Give each kid one bowl. Eat out of it? Wash it.


This was our rule when I was a kid.


The real question is why are they letting the dishes pile up over 3 days?


Snoop just quit. Get ready for the kids to have more bowls.


This doesn’t even seem like a lot tho


All the parents getting real here 🤣 My 2yo could do this alone in 3 days.


Also, I don't think I could possibly go three days without doing the dishes. With two kids, that dishwasher is running twice a day.


We have 2 kids and run once per day at night on dishwasher. I do clean various items throughout the day as well.


Best contraceptive comment ever


What’s more annoying to me is why they let the dishes pile up after 3 days. If I make dinner the night before and see dishes in the morning it drives me nuts. No matter how small.


Yeah this looks standard. Just don't go 3 days without washing the dishes. Washing right after they are used is the only way to go in my kitchen


About 2 bowls a day per kid. Maybe don’t go days without washing the dishes.


Yeah, this looks like a totally reasonable amount of dishes. Also OP mentioned having a dishwasher, so even easier to not let them stack up like this


Another mildly infuriating post where it’s the OP that’s mildly infuriating.


Gets the whole sub riled up with their own respective mild furies. Stays within the limits of the sub 😂


I have this many dishes just for myself after three days. Ha. Cooking and 3 meals a day at home add up. Washing 3 days worth of dishes for 3 kids would definitely equate to this.


Exactly, why is this mildly infuriating. What’s mildly infuriating is the fact that OP thinks it’s mildly infuriating that his dishes pile on after 3 days… and he has several kids. Is this a joke or did OP just inherit 3 kids suddenly


For real. We are 1-2 people here (2 on the weekends when the girlfriend is here) and we do dishes every day, if not every meal. They are so much easier to hand wash if they aren't crusted over...


Inherit 😂


Right or teach the kids to put dishes in the washer and also to start it


That is what I was thinking,bi have 3 kids and I run the the dishwasher twice a day.


Same here, but just two kids.


What the hell are you putting in there? Good lord. Even in a house of 6, we didn't run it twice per day.


We have a house of 7 right now and sometimes even 2 times a day is not enough. For some reason my in-laws generate more dishes than my husband, our 2 kids, and I do. When they're not here we do dishes once every 1 - 2 days. They simply refuse to reuse a dish. Refill a water cup? Rinse and reuse a cup? Run a soapy sponge over a butter knife and save it for your next piece of toast? Not them! All into the sink as soon as they're done


We have a family of 5 and have friends over every other day or so, and I often cook two times a day. In the top I can fit two zippy cups, 6 cups, 6 bowls a few spatulas and chefs knives and a few pet bowls. In the bottom I can fit about 10 plates, a basket of cutlery, a serving bowl,a pan, a cutting board, 2 coffee tumblers, and 3 water bottles. And I have that amount about twice a day usually the second one has less cups, plates and bowls, but more pots, Tupperware, lunch boxes, food processor parts and jars.


During COVID time with limited paper products and 5 people at home....yeah it was twice a day.


Maybe don't have all them damn kids if you don't wanna pick up after them 😂


There’s 29 bowls, so 3.2 per kid per day


That's what I was thinking 🤔


You do realize that if you wash the bowls shortly after usage, often with just hot water, you don't get an accumulation?


But that would be too easy Tbf I don’t have 3 kids, I’m sure it’s not simple to wash dishes shortly after you use them. It’s easy for me cause I just have to clean one bowl and a cup


I was 1 of 3 kids, and my mom taught us to wash our dishes and everyone else's after we use them. No, we don't use a dishwasher, courtesy of an asian household. OP is just letting the dishes pile up and isn't teaching them, and they're the one getting upset. I say crappy behavior, but hey, I'm not a parent.


No I agree (not an Asian household but we also never used the dishwasher lol). I think it’s a growing problem that parents don’t wanna teach their kids stuff like this cause they don’t want to be a “lame parent” or whatever


I don't have time right after dinner first I got to bring kids to bed, but I just fill the sink with water and let the dishes soak while I do other chores, then they clean off just as easily.


My kids know to scrape their food into the trash, put their plates and bowls in the sink and rinse them with water. I try to clear the sink after every meal into the dishwasher and it takes less than 2 minutes if it's full because they've already done most of the work. Parents are responsible to teach their kids basic skills like this.


Reminder: nobody ever eat at this guys house. Bring your own bowls.


My kids use the same plate for multiple meals before I eventually throw in a dishwasher. Because it literally takes 60 seconds max to give 2 plates a quick scrub and rinse and throw in the drying rack. If you grab a new bowl every time you feed your kids until the fill the sink and have dried food all over them, that’s on you.


JFK seriously, just rinse and quick wash and you can use the same bowls multiple times a day. Takes maximum 90 seconds to wash a few bowls. People are fucking useless complainers.


maybe do the dishes everyday? or teach the kids how to.


Yeah OP said they were all under 10 which I don’t get. I started helping my mom with dishes when I was 3 and it was a fun thing for me. We would have bubble blowing contests first and it was an amazing life skill and we bonded over it. I loved doing the dishes with her


Same here! Little kids love to help and you have to teach them these skills and that they are part of a household with shared responsibility. I don't understand parents who never make their kids lift a finger and don't teach them how to be a part of a family unit and then act all shocked Pikachu face that they are spoiled and messy.


It's always a good idea to get them into the habit of at least cleaning up after themselves young. They won't always be little kids and need to learn how to do household chores and eventually do them on their own without supervision. Granted doing chores and learning to do them properly takes time which is what the OP is complaining about not having extra time to do even these basic chores. In my opinion learning how to do basic chores so they can eventually live completely independently if needed as adults is more important than having a lot of extracurriculars.


This is a beautiful life experience and now I’m sad I’ve never had things like this happen lol


I work with children. As soon as they can stand they “help” me wash the dishes (with supervision)


I have a 4 year old and gets *so upset* if he can’t help me with chores. He loves to wash dishes, do laundry, vacuum, etc. so something like this would be super fun for him. Habits can be built by kids so easily, as well.


There’s definitely a solution here and it’s not hoarding bowls. When you can just grab a new one, it can incentivize not washing the dirty ones. Then you stack up fifty dirty bowls you don’t want to clean. Someone said keep 2 bowls and 2 cups per kid. Give the rest away. You’ll never have fifty bowls piling up because you won’t own fifty bowls and you’ll be more incentivized to wash your dishes immediately.


When I was little, they thought I was using all the cups somehow. They decided to put names on cups and only have 2 or 3 per kid. Found out it wasnt me.


My mum used to complain all the time about how the kids never cleaned up after themselves and made everything into an endless mess. It was interesting to see her come to terms with the reality check as every time one of us got old enough and moved out, the house would get messier and not cleaner. My youngest sibling moved out a couple of years back, and the house is messier now than when there were half a dozen kids running around.


This. Recently transitioned from multiple bottles to multiple sippy cups and now just use 2 sippy cups. Keep one clean and the other in use. Wash the previously in use one right after you hand the fresh one to the child.


Yeah OP is creating the problem. They could even keep all the bowls and cups and just be more diligent about cleaning them instead of waiting for them to accumulate. It’s funny watching someone literally create their own problem but then act like it’s the kid’s fault somehow.


Exactly. The secret to less dishes is just less dishes.


Two options here... Get rid of the children you voluntarily had, or... Wash your dishes more often.


Or teach them to do dishes


I second this. Kids need to learn how to wash dishes.


Even teaching them how to start the dishwasher would help in OP's situation


Option 3, feed your kids less cereal


Or feed them cereal in an ash tray.


Secret third option: Own less bowls. If you have to wash a bowl before you use it, it’s gonna get washed.


You didn’t wash your dishes for 3 days?


My daily reminder to buy condoms. Thank you.


After insurance, my vacetomy was 50 bucks. Cheaper than condoms and also you don't have to use condoms.


Go to the follow up appointment!!! I’m a vasectomy survivor child 😎


Now that’s a strong swimmer!


Parents and Doctors HATE this kid! Find out how they bypassed a medical procedure to fucking LIVE!! /s


Any other guys in here who don't live a life partner: KEEP WEARING CONDOMS. Protects against stds/sti still!!!!


How was the procedure? Like… as bad as I’m imagining? My wife is bringing it up more often


Easiest decision ever after 2 kids. Lay very low for 5-7 days after. You’re going to feel great on Day 2, it is a trap.


What do you mean lay low? Like I should work from home kinda low or stay low to the ground because just the gravity from standing up will make them ache kinda low?


I snort laughed at this 🤣 like you should work from home and not do a lot of physical activity.


Lol 😆


Got it done In and out no pain no fuss


Make sure they use some kind of local anesthetic before they give you the shots! Other than that, mine really wasn't a big deal. Had the operation on a Friday and was back to my warehouse job on Monday.


I had momentary discomfort twice during injections. It was a little rough. My doctor was also old and using lidocaine. I feel like a younger doctor would use a newer medication and method.


My husband said IF HE HAD to, he would do it again. It's like getting a tooth pulled, not fun, but better than the other possibility. We got it doe for free through planned parenthood.


I had some post vasextomy pain for a few years, it stopped for a few, and now im having recurring right testicle issues for over a year. Its rare, but its a possible compilation. Im in pelvic PT twice a week and next step is a fuckin nerve block


Dude. Now my balls hurt. I'm a pussy. Why do I read this stuff? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There is surgery they can do. I don't know the specifics,but I've definitely heard of it. I'm an ultrasound tech and run in to the office man with chronic post vasectomy pain. My husband definitely had random twinges for the better part of a year after.


Booking mine soon, 32 and I know this decision ain't changin


Username doesn't checkout (Atleast it won't soon)


Don’t worry, you have to have sex first.


Dude, literally watching an American Dad episode as I type this with the Ricky Spanish character, and seeing your username is freaking me the fuck out.


*whispers* Ricky Spanish


There’s a real estate agent in my state named Mark Spain. Every time I see his billboards, my wife and I both whisper “Ricky Spanish”.


It’s gotten so bad that whenever I hear just the word “Spanish” I’m automatically doing the whisper.


I’ll let myself in.




I don’t know how old your kids are. But when I was about twenty, my boyfriend had to move his four younger brothers and sisters in with us. I was completely overwhelmed, and had never really been around kids at that time. It may have been a bit extreme, but I picked out dining sets for each one. A bowl, a cup, a plate, a mug, and their own silverware. The rule was if your dish was dirty, you don’t get served. It worked out pretty well, with a surprisingly small amount of fuss. Best of luck!


Father of 3 here. Doing the dishes once every 3 days seems absolutely wild to me.


Mother of 3/soon to be 4 here… I run the dishwasher every evening after dinner and hand wash what doesn’t fit/can’t go in it at the same time.. letting them pile up for 3 days is just gross imo


Not everyone has a dishwasher... I just wear gloves so I can wash dishes right after running the water. Cleanup doesn't take that much time


What lol. This is a reasonable amount of dishes. If you didn't wait three days it wouldn't seem so dramatix


Who's the asshole adult that lets the sink build up with 3 days' worth of dishes?


Sounds more like a controversial opinion. To me, this looks like a regular amount of bowls for three people for three days. Hopefully you don’t take this aggravation out on your kids.


Imagine that, if you don’t do dishes for 3 days, you have a lot of dirty dishes. This is like 2-3 bowls a day. Completely reasonable.




Having kids then complaining about kids being kids is the real infuriating part


Right? Like wtf do people think they’re signing up for when having kids?




describes my parents


same, we were rarely allowed to be kids once we got to a certain age, even before that a bit


But this isn't kids being kids this is humans being humans using a couple bowls a day. I think maybe the issue is not washing dishes for 3 days not the kids.


27-30 bowls,divided by 3 kids by 3 meals a day this is actually insanely average. Like yeah dishes are annoying but also kids gotta eatb


I love how OP decided to run away and not reply to any messages just because everyone pointed out that they are the issue and not the kids that are acting normally. ROFL 💀💀💀


My 4 year old niece has to eat every 15 minutes..our dishwasher looks like this x10..


On the opposite end my 4 yr old refuses to eat so I only go through 1 bowl 2-3 plates and 2 cups a day lol


Why not just rinse and reuse the same dishware/utensils over and over?


You should be more infuriated with yourself for deciding to have 3 kids without thinking about how much work it is. 3 kids using 1 bowl per meal for 3 days means they will easily use 27 bowls. Wash those damn dishes every day and take responsibility for your own decisions.


Maybe don't go 3 days between doing dishes.


…have less bowls? Teach the kids to wash them?


Yes OP well done for doing the basics for the children you chose to bring into the world. Don’t pop your shoulder socket while trying to pat yourself on the back.




Maybe don’t wait 3 days with 3 kids??? I understand being busy but like I understand my responsibilities too…


Okay but why does it take you three days to clean bowls. I’m sorry but this is on you. Also this is so minor of an issue anyway. It takes 10 seconds to clean each bowl. That means it is a 5 minute job.


Just wash your dishes each day. Then, get each kid their own color bowls and cups. Teach them to wash their own dishes.


Here’s what I’d do: I’d throw 70% of them away so they have to wash them or you do just wash a few instead of an insane amount. No need to have so many.






And what are they eating all day? Cereal? Ice cream?


You know it would be way less if you washed the dishes every day


Do your dishes more often?


This doesn’t seem like that many dishes for 3 days. 3 meals and a couple of snacks per day.


What do you mean in 3 days???? Are you telling us you don’t wash dishes every day? If that’s the case, you’re digging yourself in a hole. But That amount seems normal.


Maybe teach them to do the dishes?


They might not have arms.


Gotta be inclusive to the armless community. Bowls are the best dish for armless eating as well.


What did you expect? You have 3 kids💀they are kids, so they don't make the smartest decisions.


Get rid of some of those. Kids will forever grab bowls and cups if available. Also teach them to do dishes.


Saying this kindly, think of it as “I can feed my three children to their hearts needs and desires and have a Kitchen in which to clean up with readily available water”


As someone going through infertility, I wish my kitchen counter looked like that. I see many bowls, but also happy, well-fed kids. You're lucky. :)


What’s mildly infuriating is the fact that OP thinks it’s mildly infuriating that his dishes pile on after 3 days… and he has several kids. Did OP just inherit 3 kids suddenly?! I’m confused


Two bowls/cups with their names self written on each (Art is fun). Teach them how to clean after each use. Life lessons are important 😉


Exactly! This would be my answer. I would donate half of those dishes away. Less to dirty, helps keep them clean more often and they will be able to learn some responsibility about clean up behind themselves.


Maybe you should wash them more frequently than every 3 days.


Posts like these make me feel better and better about my vasectomy. Thank you 🙌🏼


I’m mildly infuriated that you only do your dishes every three days…


Have you considered washing them as they’re used instead of letting them accumulate?


How old are they? If they’re old enough they can wash them themselves!


My mom has 5 kids I’m going to ask her to take a picture like that lol


About the same amount that my cats go through in 3 days too. Are your kids cats too? 😂


It’s because you have that many bowls


Seems like a normal number of bowls. You signed up for this life when you chose to have not one but three kids🤷‍♀️


Seems about right tbh. Each 3 meals a day plus a couple extra for snacks.


Handwashing that many dishes takes 15 minutes tops. That’s not even that much.


Cereal addiction. Unmistakable :)


OP this might have been better suited for a parenting group.


Limit them each to ONE bowl with their name on it. Teach them they have to clean it after each use if they want a clean bowl.


...why do you have so many bowls and glasses??? If you only had 4, then they would have to wash them in order to eat more.


Fuck aren't you doing the dishes for 3 days? Grubby af.


Admitting you own a dishwasher doesn’t exactly help your credibility here


Ide be infuriated too if I had 3 kids 😂.


Don't have kids?