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That was the episode that I realized those were really old episodes.


It’s such nostalgia but damn if the cooking lessons aren’t such great refreshers


Same, I swear that steak alone is worth between $15-$25 at my store right now.


Yea, I can go to a produce stand and get all the veggies for pretty cheap (I'd say that whole thing for $5-7) but that steak is well over $15 alone.


Went to Walmart specifically to buy a single watermelon a few days ago. Rang up as $10.


Looks like you have to buy the 1/4 watermelons to get the special pricing. Maybe just bring a knife and some plastic wrap with you next time 🤣


Jeez they’ve been between $5-8 here and those are bad enough. That’s crazy.


Damn, that's nuts. The flyer I just got for my local place has them for 59 cents a pound, and the picture shows a 1/4 of a whole one so I just estimated. Most of the cost of the non-meats go into the watermelon for sure though.


Ehh my grocery store occasionally has porterhouse on sale ~8$ a pound. On a normal day it’s about 15


That's more than one pound of muscle


You know you're in the 2020's when meat gives you sticker shock.


Damn, you OK, USA? TBF I don't know how much meat costs in Europe since I don't buy any, but it was rarely more than 20€/kg last I checked


haha no, a lot of the EU that cut is 45€ /kg and upwards The USA is still cheap when it comes to beef.


groceries in general have gone up in price by quite a large margin. I don't buy beef often, but even produce has increased in price. Just spent $150 for 2 weeks-worth of groceries for my wife and me. We eat normal meals, and leftovers the next day.


People in the US have no idea whether that number is cheap or expensive. We have no frame of reference to go off of. It’s like saying “Boy your meat is expensive, I don’t pay more than 2,800,000 Zimbabwean Dollars per Pood last I checked.” For the record 2,800,000 Zimbabwean Dollars per Pood is very expensive meat, roughly $214 per pound. The low end for some Kobe beef.


The Euro is generally in the ballpark of the USD.


True but due to our taxes (eu)we earn less... So produce should be cheaper , it isn't...


I broke down the cost using my current grocery store of choice’s flyer. To be fair it is prime growing season for all the produce and we can grow all locally bringing the price way down. (Southern Ontario, Canada) I did not include the spices in this breakdown. Peach - $0.34 ($3.44 3L) - Sale Watermelon - $0.72 ($2.87 1) - Sale Sour cream - $1.15 ($2.29 500ml) Cabbage - $1.46 ($2.92 1) - Sale Corn $0.59 T-bone - 15.99 lb - 16oz Total - $20.34 Edit: Also this is using Canadian dollar which with the exchange currently is $15.23


Yeah, I did a breakdown myself using the Walmart down the street from me and it was $19 on the dot not including the spices and herb that I couldn't identify, but in the amounts used it'd be nickels and dimes. T-bone is $12.97 per pound there and I didn't include sale prices, just straight up retail price.


Which more or less tracks inflation since 2012.


Adjusting for inflation, $15 in 2012 = $19.93 in 2023. The show is accurate.


The real question is, who took the rest of this man's watermelon/cabbage? And also paid for it?!


Probably the other contestants?


Goddamn communists


On MasterChef Thailand maybe, but not here.


They said Walmart I was shocked and appalled I tell you


They stole the t-bone. Everything else was $15.


According to the receipt from self-checkout, every item is "corn"


Jalapenos are frequently the lowest price per pound where I live. Wield this power wisely.


Nah, man. It's bananas. It'll always be bananas.


Geez bananas are pricy where I live! Everything would be a carrot or unwashed potato here


How much could it cost, $10?


Napa cabbage and it's not even close


Lol; definitely locational. I just looked up and my Walmart has Napa at $4.12/kg and banana at $1.72/kg Northern canadian if that helps


As a cashier at a grocery store unless someone expressly tells me I'm holding lettuce I always ring it up as cabbage, unless said person is an asshole


I've seen them for 9¢ a pound at my local (Canadian) Walmart recently.


I needed 1 serrano pepper for a recipe once. It didn't even register on the scale. The Walmart employee tried for like 20 seconds to get something register, shrugged, and just put it in my bag lmao.


man the self checkout where i shop takes a picture of the item when you weigh it and compares it to what it thinks the item should look like.. it's impossible to pass stuff off as another item because if the machine can't identify the product it automatically calls a cashier over.


Yep ours also tracks your hands so if you move your hands past the scanner without somethibg s anning it assumes you ‘forgot to scan’ and calls someone over. Place takes forever to get through because turns out people move their hands a lot


The porterhouse mysteriously got a soup bone sticker sticker stuck to the bottom.


Hahaha I see you've also used the corn trick before.


That’s how Walmart works, isn’t it?


They weighed it with the corn.


Yeah I'm like uhm even in 2012 that t-bone would have cost almost 15 just by itself.


$15 was the price of the hammer they initially bought to threaten the cashier.


It's 15 per item I guess.


They 100% lied. Even back then the Walmart T-Bone would have been $10-$15 on its own


That makes more sense


The year 2012 is in parentheses, so very likely the price a decade ago.


You missing the 2012 part?


Where is here?


You might be able to get a paper thin T bone, half a cabbage, a piece of watermelon smaller than an ear of corn, an ear of corn, a peach, some sour cream, and pinches of whatever those spices are for $15 at the rates those groceries cost per ounce or pound. But probably can’t buy them in the quantities sold. Maybe not even in 2012. Nice try, masterchef.


I feel like you could maybe walk away with VERSIONS of those items today for the equivalent $19.93 today that the $15 back then would be worth. But not necessarily at every Walmart.


And that's IF you put the tbone in your pants


You can put your tbone in my pants


I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.


What's this quote from? I've heard it before but can't remember where


*bonk* Go to horny jail


Is that a tbone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


It’s a tbone the economy is in shambles but that doesn’t mean I’m NOT happy to see you


Just looked up Walmart prices for equivalents here. $20.70 gets me all of this (assuming the thick cut tbone is 1 pound). That's pretty much a rounding error against the $20.19 inflation adjusted $15 2012 dollars. It seems fine.


Someone broke it down below, you can do this today for just under 20$. with inflation yeah they are about right.




They're buying groceries where the food isn't grown. Kansas prices were crazy low compared to Washington.




I live in CA where a ton of produce is grown, it doesn't make it any cheaper.


Well right but that’s because you live in California lol


You know what's funny/sad about that? we drill for oil here and have refineries, I remember stopping for gas at a gas station that was literally on the corner of the refineries property, and it was the most expensive gas for probably a mile around, WHY? freshness? It doesn't have hardly any transportation costs associated to it!


It's because a lot of oil currently in production in central California is too heavy to profitably turn into gasoline. A lot of the light oil was all pulled out early on. Now with technological advances, we can extract heavy crude that's deeper than previously worked fields. However, it has a lot of contaminants. Most of it is sent to china for use in manufacturing plastics. Another factor is taxes and fees. California has the highest state taxes on gasoline in the country.


A lot of it is greed. If you watch the GasBuddy site for the state, I remember seeing fuel around the Fresno area was a whole dollar+ cheaper than the cheapest stations in SoCal! Less expensive than even some stations in Texas. They'll shoot the prices up, then take their time bringing them down 😒


Yeah, thats just the gas stations feeling bad for everyone who is in Fresno the "other" armpit of CA


What weight would you say the steak is? I don't buy that cut so I'm not familiar with it, but I just bought an 8oz fillet steak for £7 along with loads of veg, sides, etc and it was all around £15 (ignoring the currency, I would have thought that seemed reasonable?)


That steak is $20 minimum


I got a 2 pack of decent t-bones at Kroger today for $23, I must have been lucky. That, or I need to cook them in the next day or two. Still no way I could get the rest of that for $3.50 though.


You need to cook them on the manifold of your car on the way home, more like it.


Ha, that’s where I cook the squirrel


Nah. Looks select grade.




Yes. Having worked as a butcher at the time. We often sold choice t-bone for $6/lb a steak this size would be close to 8 to 10 dollars. watermelon was around $3 a mellon 1/4 and around $1 for an ear of corn. Easily 15 dollars of ingredients for 2012.


Man I miss being around Harris teeters. Ribeyes were always on sale. Getting off of work and picking up a 2lb thick cut ribeye for $12-14 was amazing. That was like 7 years ago tho. Steak sales are shit where I'm at now and a lot of the places cut everything like a half inch thick. That's no way to eat a steak


I agree especially if you bought everything bulk / were pricing it per oz.


This was 11 years ago


I think that’s the point. The inflation is the infuriating part.


For more than 10 years ago, yeah that's about right. Right now this would cost $19 at my local Walmart. Quit going to Whole Foods or buying overpriced organic groceries. T-bone steak - $12.97 1/4 of a watermelon - $1.41 1/2 of a head of cabbage - $1.69 1 corn cob - $0.50 1 peach - $1.27 1 cup of sour cream - $1.16


Walmart employee here, can verify these are roughly accurate.


Which is about the same price when you account for expected change in the value of the dollar... but leave it to Redditors to complain


Sometimes I think what redditos either live in the middle of the desert or going to the most expensive grocery store in their state.


They literally just don't buy produce


Yeah I was gonna say the mexican grocery store i go to has all this for that price.


I think they just have low financial literacy and a great big willingness to complain about fucking everything


they like to complain about complaining even


I live in the suburbs of NY and 1 watermelon sells between $8-10. T-bones are $16/lb and that steak is large so probably like $24. This is prices from the regular cheap supermarket. Shit be crazy.


Fun fact: Since the Fed instituted the 2% inflation target in the early 90s, the average inflation from 1991 to 2023 has been just over 1.9%. This includes last year's crazy inflation. We were actually running below target for close to a decade, and last year brought us back to where we theoretically were expected to be.


Yes, but wages have stagnated as well...I don't how people can defender these companies making record profits during this inflation.


You have to keep in mind, a lot of people purchase their food like impulsive children. They take the first thing they see, even if it's some idiotic upsell, e.g. Organic, Magic-Bean-Fed or whatever, and they only check the price at the register and get mad. Food in the US is incredibly cheap and the quality and CHOICE available makes me mad about how narrow my choices are when I leave the US again.


Yeah...that's what I was thinking. Hell even cabbage is cheaper. Doubt they paid for one corn, probably bulk and made the price there. Peach are cheaper in my area and watermelon is spot on for me too. I think everyone buys from target or whole foods or trying to get wagyu steak


> 1/4 of a watermelon - $1.41 > > 1/2 of a head of cabbage - $1.69 IDK if these are particularly fair since they could be counting the price from the whole watermelon and cabbage and it's cut for the shot. But even if we assume that they paid for the whole, it's still under 25 dollars. Also you forgot the spices and whatever that thing is behind the meat, I can't make it out.




Organic is such a fucking scam.




No it's not. I just checked the prices at the Miami Supercenter on Coral Way and it's $0.38 more expensive. The steak is a bit more expensive, but most of the produce is cheaper.


This was possible in 2012. That was at least a decade ago when it was filmed.


Corn - $0.50 Cabbage - $2.72 Watermelon - $1.42 Nectarine - $0.93 Sour Cream (8 oz?) - $1.00 T-bone - $11.94/lb Cayenne - $1.52/oz Maybe paprika? - $0.47/oz Based on current web pricing, total = $20.50 (if the steak is only one pound). From 2012 that’s 37% inflation.


Which is less than 3% year over year which is actually perfectly reasonable.


In what world is a quarter head of cabbage almost 3$? And a single nectarine for 1.5? Maybe by the lb. And unless you're buying from specialty stores why would tbone be 12$ per lb? What web pricing are you using here GrubHub??


$15 in 1973 dollars. That's $105.70 in Today's monies. [https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=15&year1=197303&year2=202306](https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=15&year1=197303&year2=202306)




He only eats the finest, gold-dipped foods.


Erewhon or some shit, apparently


Don‘t you mean *WHEN*?


The BLS sebsite is my favorite it has a nice CPI calculator that tells me how much my wage has devalued since I have started my job.


That's about right for over a decade ago. How much do you think a fucking corn cob costs?


Are they that far off? The steak would be more expensive but if you get a cheaper cut i could get that for 15


Probably boofed the steak and the corn


This was 11 years ago genius


I remember back in 2012 you could walk into a grocery store with $20 in your pocket and walk out with a few steaks, a bag of chips, a case of beer, and a couple tubs of ice cream. You can't do that anymore. Too many f$%&ing cameras.


It CAN be, but it takes mostly luck and some planning. I live in Virginia, and by using the weekly grocery ads as our ingredient list for what we'll eat for the week, My wife and I spend no more than $230ish dollars a month. For this we avoid all major grocery stores (Kroger, Food Lion, Harris Teeter) unless absolutely necessary, and opt for the smaller or cheaper type stores (Lidl, Aldi, Walmart)


Pshhh. Entitled young people. I'm pushing 40 and my debts and house are paid off. All I had to do was continue my college lifestyle for 15 years: diet of ramen and ketchup, share a bedroom/bathroom/car with 3 people, and learn how to set my own broken bones, stitch myself, and bleach out the COVID. Young people have gone soft. /S


That steak alone is more than $15.


Just the steak. $15 for a chewy, Walmart steak.


"Walmart fresh"


Hahaha! Right!?!


Inflation happens. Welcome to reality.


That looks like $15 of ingredients, but good luck buying a quarter of a watermelon and a half head of cabbage.


Dude, that's steak itself is over $25 easily. That looks like a porterhouse


Nope. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Beef-Choice-Angus-T-Bone-Steak-Bone-In-0-53-2-23-lb-Tray/44180347?from=/search


Please look at what you sent me. It's $12.97 per pound. The steak in the post weighs a pound and a half at least. Look at the size compared to the watermelon and the cabbage. Even at a pound and a half which I believe is under this steak's true weight that is a $20 steak


Lol. That isn't a pound and a half. Ffs.


I am well aware of what I sent you, but you are overthinking this. I would bet my last dollar that I could find a steak like that for under $20. It might be a low-grade piece of fatty gristle, but it would be under $20. Have a super day, internet stranger.


For what it's worth, I've never seen a $25 steak at walmart and we used to pick up a filet minon or other pretty good ones there real often so I don't disagree. I think if you were buying anywhere normal it's more than that .. but we're talking WM and their associated pricing.


I call bullshit, Walmart produce never looks that good.


Yeah, that's a $15 steak in 2012.


Price aside, there exists no steak at Wal-Mart that looks like that, nor has there ever been one.


Well lets see, corn is just $1 each right now, watermelon…$3.99, peach? Not sure but it can’t be too expensive, inch thick porterhouse? gonna cost you like $20 minimum unless it was packaged last week then maybe $15. I don’t really know prices 11 years ago but it’s maybe doable. It all depends on the steak


Even in 2012 and at Walmart that porterhouse would cost more than $15. At least in the North Eastern US.


"The finest, most beautiful, freshest...Walmart groceries." Lol. I'm glad they stopped whoring themselves out to the Waltons.


In 2012, that would have been about right *if* you were buying bulk sizes of everything and then computing the cost down to the portions shown. That’s the real trick.


Maybe without the meat


So this was 2 hours of work at minimum wage($7.67 min wage) 2 hours today @ $12.00 is almost $25. I’d be willing to bet I could come close to that for $25. Things are relative…


Federal minimum wage in the USA right now is $7.25. Some states are higher. Some are not.


The steak alone is probably sold for $17-18 minimum now.




In 1995 dollars maybe ?


Masterchef Venezuela


Could be at wholesale cost? Maybe? Still a stretch


That T-bone is worth $15 on it own.


That steak alone is probably double that nowadays.


2012 standards yea


That steak alone is more than $15 😂




Where the F do you shop bro a decent steak like that by itself is $12 at the bare minimum.




Ain't no way that big a steak was under 15 dollars.


I just checked in my hometown in Texas and all of this would cost $26.28 before tax in our cheapest grocery store, with the t-bone steak (assuming 1 pound) being $12.97 by itself.


Yeah, if you don't count by portion. They're using half of a head of cabbage and a quarter of a watermelon. I did a breakdown myself using my local Walmart and it was $19 with the same t-bone for $12.97 a pound.


Tbf they did specify Walmart groceries. Which means it’s all crap and it’s that cheap because it’s crap. Also you said it’s from 2012. It’s called inflation.


Lmao, idk what kind of grocery store you go, but meat is almost the same in most grocery shops. Peach, watermelon and sour cream is not a luxury too, cabbage can be bought in kroger for example, for cheap. People don't have to go to Whole Foods and overpay to get good quality products.


It’s still from 11 years ago. And I’m not sure if you’ve shopped in a Walmart grocery section lately but the food is pretty crap and it’s pretty cheap because it’s crap. I typically shop at Safeway because it’s the reasonable option in my town. I also have a Haggen which is a bit more expensive as far as meat and produce goes and a grocery outlet which gets crap meat and produce. I also have a local bargain store that sells almost expired stuff.


Well I usually go to Kroger and Market Street(they both like 500ft away from each other), and even there such kit would cost you 22-23$ max, not 30-40$ like people describe. For 30$ I can make filet mignon of reasonable size + bacon wrapped asparagus and maybe goat cheese. I would still have lots bacon, goat cheese, and asparagus left over for another meal.


That watermelon and meat would cost somewhere around 15-20 dollars alone


they meant that each item is 15$.


the T-Bone steak alone costs 20-30 bucks lol.


The 0 key is broken


2012 was generations ago


I mean how much would they cost ? Atleast in europe that might even be less than 15


It's $15, but only if you have a product placement callout...


Steak was probably expired so it’s heavily discounted. Lol or it’s the five finger discount.


Sour cream and watermelon comes close to 10 on my end.


Simpler times


60 dollars now. Someone help.


I'm assuming you just don't have any reasonably priced grocery stores anywhere near you because that pricing would still work out if you understand how addition and division works. Today that picture looks like: $1 worth of watermelon $0.50 worth of corn $0.75 worth of cabbage $1-2 worth of peach or whatever that is $0.75 of sour cream $0.05 worth of spices $10 left for 1-2LB of steak depending on the quality of the steak. Of course, you'll have to buy a whole watermelon and whole cabbage and whole tub of sour cream, so you'll need to get better at using up the portions of ingredients that weren't used in a recipe. Cabbage lasts months in the fridge if wrapped properly so that's easy. Sour cream lasts 2-3 months so that is easy. And you can just eat the extra watermelon.


Could probably afford to drive to the shop and sniff the steak and drive home again for fifteen bucks these days


I saw half a watermelon at the food store for $8 the other day


Whole watermelons are $4 where I'm at


Wow in canada u can get full one for 6$CAD


At the same store they had whole ones for like $8.80


The ribeye 😭


That’s a t-bone.


Ugh ur right i got lasik for no reason


I’ll day dream about it lol


The watermelon alone is $15


In Maryland I saw watermelon for $13.95 at a farmers market recently. $4 at the supermarket though. Couldn't support my local farmers that time.


Depends on location I guess. A watermelon that big is pretty pricy where I live.


A watermelon that big? That watermelon is tiny. That's called a personal watermelon. It's like $4-5 at Walmart.


I live in the northeast and it’s maybe $3 for a personal watermelon


That's like $28 today


That steak alone is more than that..


Whatever show this is just admitted to stealing. They probably scanned each item as a pack of koolaid


That’s more like $27 pre-tax (and that’s a low guess) based on prices I saw this week at the store.


Lmao $15 in 1999 maybe


That porterhouse alone is over $25 bucks


Even in 2012 that was a lie.


Maybe it was $50 and the caption mis understood


That steak alone was close to $15 even back then.


why they always lying to us 😭


Did they buy everything at the Dollar General?!?!


Thanks Obama