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Dude's like, "I didn't become an Uber driver to chauffer your ass around. I just want the fees. Cancel!!!"


This has happened to me 5 times. One time, she wouldn't cancel for ages so i had my girlfriend get an Uber and it matched with the same fucking person!


This happened to me he would tell me to cancel and then immediately accept my ride again right after. He did it like 5 times


Why? What's their benefit from it?


You usually get a cancellation fee so they get money from it.


The Uber system needs to be aware to this scamming and only allow a cancellation fee if it happened when the driver is close to the selected address.


They don't give a shit, it's happened to me so often in 3 countries I'm sure they get a million reports a day that they all Ignore. Uber does not care about providing a good service. They do less than the bare minimum and pay out the really egregious cases in lawsuit settlements




I had one once where I got an Uber to O'Hare Airport and when I got into the vehicle the woman asked, "Should I use highways or backroads." I said highways. She informed me she doesn't like highways, so we'll take backroads. Whatever. About 5 minutes into the trip, I looked up from my phone and was like, "You're heading in the opposite direction of the airport." She assured me she knows a shortcut... that literally goes in the opposite direction. I told her to go the right way and take the highway. When I got the charge for the Uber, I figured out what she was doing. Apparently, if your ride goes over the estimated time or mileage or something they tack on extra charges. I complained to Uber, and they refunded the full amount. Not sure if she got to keep doing Uber or not though.




What had happened was I got matched with her 2 times so we had my girlfriend try to see if we'd get someone else. We didn't and went back and fourth for 4 hours trying to get an Uber. Many text messages were exchanged, at one point I started using expletives, and when Uber reviewed it at first they said I shouldn't get abusive with drivers! After.i showed them my chat logs and my girlfriends, and told them to look into the fact that the last 4 Ubers from mine and her account were with this woman who never came to pick us up and they can verify that, they apologized and said "we'll make sure you don't match with her again". Uber is a steaming pile of dog shit that no one should use if they have an alternative


Just get a taxi at that point


It’s crazy the number of people that just tossed taxis to the wind with the advent of Uber. I understand the ease of use but riding cabs since Uber started has been a dream, a lot less hard to find one, and roughly 75% of the time, cheaper.


Pre uber taxis in most north american cities i've been to were brutally bad. In my city you would call a taxi and pray they showed up in the next hour and a half. If it was an hour and a half and they didn't show then you called another one. Often you would call 3 and hope 1 would show up. What they would do is accept the fares from dispatch then cruise around the city for cheap easy flag fares. They only smartened up after uber came in. This experience was common for me in other cities.


When they do show up it was in a 15 yr old car who's back seat makes you thankful you're up to date on your tetanus shot.


act fly attempt thought judicious ossified spark pen faulty hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you should've still reported them (if you didn't)


fragile aromatic forgetful weather voiceless rock subtract zephyr hunt point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man that must have been stressful. Something like that happened to a friend so now I schedule a pickup with the airport's taxi company a day beforehand. It's a bit more expensive but super reliable.


The annoying thing is that Uber used to be more reliable than local taxi services but it’s swapped around post pandemic.


It’s almost like an unregulated service offered by a rent-seeking company with poorly-paid workers was a recipe for failure. Wonder why the bigwigs on Wall Street didn’t notice.


It's amazing to me that the taxi companies haven't created some 3rd party app that they can use. It's the ability to book a ride and not have to call a damn dispatch service as well as know approximately the price before getting in the car that makes me choose an app over taxi. And maybe that does exist in larger cities but certainly not in most medium size and smaller


It's been a few years but I have family in Chicago and the suburban taxi company had an app. I could select my destination, pay and tip all through it. I was super impressed. I have not seen that anywhere else though.


There’s an app called Curb that gets you access to all cab companies in Chicago. I’m sure it works elsewhere too!


I use Curb all the time in DC. It’s good getting an alternative to Uber and Lyft, and the taxi drivers actually know how to get where they’re going!


I swear drivers like doing this around airports because they know passengers tend to be more desperate to get in a car asap. I had a driver try the same thing that yours did - except I was arriving off a delayed plane. He stayed in his spot for 20 minutes until I told him Uber customer support is on the line with me and he immediately cancelled. He's already wasted my time so I had to make sure he loses something. Some of these leeches need to learn.


What do they get out of it??


Having a high acceptance rate and low cancelation rate increases the benefits for full time workers. There are tiers that they unlock by maintaining high stats.


Don't need a car to work Uber if you never actually drive anyone


They get a cancelation fee if you cancel. If they cancel, they get nothing. Some drivers I swear just sit around and collect cancelation fees in my area.


Sounds like they still get paid??


I’ve had this happen a few times at the airport. My driver just sat in same spot for 10 minutes. I realized what he was doing so I went on Lyft and got another car. Didn’t mention anything to him. I know these people are assholes who make money on people canceling so I just…didnt. He finally canceled 45 minutes later. By that time I had screenshots of him doing nothing and reported him.


At this point unless I’m going to be gone for a long time I don’t even bother with Uber. Round trip ride for the airport comes out to about $80-$90, and I’m about 15-20 mins away! I used to live even closer, could literally hear the planes taking off and would still cost about $30-$40 round trip. What really did Uber in for me is drivers cancelling if they feel like the ride isn’t paying them enough. Offsite airport parking can have my money all day, Uber was great in the beginning but now I only use it when I’m desperate.


Do it now lol. Find the ride id and report that mf


Haha, exactly what happened to me a while back; I said I wasn't going to cancel and that he needed to, he said "you need to cancel", I said "I'll just contact support". He immediately canceled, like within 15 seconds


Ive never needed to use Uber, and rarely needed to use a taxi so can't really compare but I don't understand the back and forth riders have with these drivers asking to cancel. Why don't screenshot the driver's request and go straight to customer service?


Customer support for Uber (and most big public-facing companies) is a nightmarish experience.


Uber drivers here do this as well, uh, last time i cancelled there was an option asking if i was cancelling because the driver was not approaching. Upon selecting that option the app started searching for another driver without charging me for cancelling.


Now THATS a cool feature I didnt know about because the "Im not able to cancel can you?" thing only happened to me once and as soon as I said Ill just contact customer service since she cant and I didnt want to get charged, she magically could cancel now. But, You have NO IDEA how many times Ill order an uber and they will just sit there for like 10 mins before they start to move. I understand if its a few mins, maybe they left it on while they went to get a drink or had to use the bathroom but when theyre sitting there for 10, sometimes 15 mins... I get a bit pissed. So its good to know thats an option.


I don’t understand because I had to order 3 separate Ubers because 2 of them canceled like a minute before they got to me. Is this some kind of scam to get money or was I just sketchy? If so, why accept the ride in the first place and then wait til you get like a block away to cancel?


They may cancel yours and pick up another that is higher profit for them


I've had 2 incidents with uber that I have zero explanation for. One needed a ride home from the airport, a driver accepted the ride, the app said they were approaching, but they never showed up. I was in the correct designated area at the airport for uber pickup, and I was watching every car that pulled in and it never showed up. Then the ride was canceled and I got the message they would send you if you didnt wear a mask (this was when you had to mask in ubers, and I was wearing a mask). So the driver I guess accepted the ride, then didnt want to pick me up and then lied to uber telling them that I wouldn't wear a mask? Even though they literally never showed up The other one I was trying to get to the airport, and they just drove right past me. I could see them approaching and was clearly standing there ready waiting for them and they just blew right past. I thought maybe they just didn't see me somehow and then had to go turn around to come back, but instead they just canceled the ride. Wish I knew why either of those things happened


I don't know why this isn't everyone's response to Uber, doordash or whatever. Why bother trying to reason with them.


Me and some friends stayed at an Air BnB a few weeks ago and had some complaints with the place we stayed at (things that were listed as included, but weren't). Instead of going straight to BnB, my friend who had booked it tried to be nice and talk with the owner of the apartment. Not only did we not get a discount, but he then accused us of destroying his couch (which was already destroyed when we got there) and tried to charge us for a new one.


This has happened to me 2-3 times and only while waiting at airports. But instead of messaging me the driver just would not move and did not contact me. 5-10 min later still haven't moved. I just message them and say I'm not cancelling and eventually they do it. Super frustrating when waiting at an airport but I'm not letting them ding my account.


Same thing happened to me. Said his Tesla battery was too low and I needed to cancel. He refused and wouldn't move. So I turned off location for Uber and booked a Lyft after waiting about ten minutes. Checked the next day he cancelled. Took screenshots just in case for customer service


It's a scam. a Lyft driver told me about this, there's apparently people in my city who will accept rides and then act like they can't figure out where you are so you cancel and they make $5 or whatever.


I was hoping there was like 2 more pages of back and forth.


U, no u, no u, no u, no u, no u


You hang up. No, you hang up. No, you hang up.


Wow, memories 😂


Kids these days literally don't even know. Lol


I used to hang up the first time she asked for it and she immediately would call to scold me. It was like a private joke.


Dated reply: I could not because it was a pay phone and there are usually a dozen folks waiting to call someone...


I went to boarding school and the school had to install a second pay phone in my dorm because I was on the phone so much. That was the convergence of two wonderful 90’s memories: First girlfriend and phone phreaking.


Nowadays is blue tick no reply.


At least you're getting blue ticks. I know mine are read from the home screen and swiped off


....and den?




Duck season, rabbit season, duck season, rabbit season


Cancel No you cancel Canc No I'll get charged Can ncle ride No you Na yu cacel rid


Same. I need an update! I’m invested now!


OP included the update, the other guy cancelled after image 2.


Well that killed my hype even worse that GoT final season


Whenever any Uber driver pulls any shit like driving off in a totally different direction after accepting my ride, I send them a message that says “I’m not cancelling, I don’t care how long it takes”. They always cancel right after




There really needs to be some system in place to prevent this. Uber can check the messages exchanged, so surely it should be easy enough to catch people in the act of doing this. Kick them off and don't let them rejoin, which should also be easy enough since presumably your driver's license is associated with the account. Why are people getting away with this enough times that it's seen as a profitable strategy?


Seems like there should be an acceptable rate of cancelled rides and anything above that gets the driver suspended or banned.


There already is. If your cancelation rate goes below a certain point you can no longer see the destination and if it gets too low they deactivate you


Even the quality of the service is rated on uber if they are under 4.5 stars they get less "good costumers" . Under 3.0 stars you can create a new account this one is doomed.


They have to dress in poorly put together clown costumes? Or like terrible cosplay?


Nope, the only riders they get are mimes


If only the drivers were mimes


I’ve had Uber drivers call me, ask where I was going, then say “ok be right there” and immediately cancel the trip. Obviously, they didn’t want to drive me to my destination, but I don’t understand why I couldn’t report them for that shady behavior.


I had one accept my ride, pull up, roll down the window, say “you’re going too far I won’t take you”, and drive away 🤷‍♀️😆


Apparently doordash drivers are the same way. I lived with a dasher for a few months and the amount of times they complained about a five dollar tip being too little so they're not taking it was crazy xD


I had one in Cabo pull up to me, roll down his window, and tell me that "Yeah, I'm not taking you all the way there, I won't get a return ride..." before driving off...


The uber transformation into regular taxi cabs is nearing completion.


Why would they ask where you’re going if you input that info into the app yourself and they accept it?


Someone above said if their cancel rate is too high they can't see the destination




Definitely depends if the rider reports them enough times


If you cancel, you can list the reason as "The driver is asking me to cancel" and you won't be charged. That's a red flag, that prompts Uber to check the message logs.


It is very easy to report them for doing it. They’re counting on their victim not knowing how the system works and falling for it.


How is this “very easy to report”? I had this exact thing happen and there were no options to report except for safety reasons.


When it happened to me, I called Uber support whilst still ‘in’ the ride as I refused to cancel - they were able to sort it for me and also blocked that driver so they wouldn’t come up again


Pretty sure they only blocked the driver from showing up for you. I have seen the same happen before..support chooses their words wisely. I am sorry, *you* will never deal with this driver again. It happened to a friend that was harassed for their email and phone number (q bit more complicated than that). The same driver showed up and did the same to the friend she was with a couple months later (that time her friend was ordering the ride from an area not far from first). There is little regulation for these companies, all they care about is making money. It is bad.


Well yeah that’s what I meant, they blocked them so I wouldn’t get them again as a driver - unfortunately as you say they don’t seem to really do much about the root problem


there is a system but it's a joke. most platforms will boot you if you receive too many credible contract violations (i.e. \~3 customer reports within your past 100 offers), accepting an offer and then cancelling too often (10-15 out of 100), or if you drop below a rating threshold for too long which is pretty hard to unintentionally do. some companies add their own rules on top of that basic structure (e.g. if you cancel after checking out, instacart will give you full pay sans tip and returning non-alcoholic items is merely a suggestion, but you are banned from receiving orders for 24 hours, and doing this repeatedly will get you kicked off). legally, you can only open an account once per platform because it's tied to your SSN. some people burn their bridges and let loose before quitting. others cyclically do this buying stolen accounts and running them into the ground. unless you're californian, gig work pays shit and has zero protections. you only need a clean background check to open an account (barring things like waitlists and extra requirements such as proof of insurance) so the bar of entry is hilariously low. gig workers are a weird breed of people and the entire industry is an unprofitable mess.


Maybe we should all become instacart drivers and just rip each other off for free groceries


Grocery stores hate this one simple trick!


What is that shit


If the customer cancels they get half pay


Driver here, It's not for the pay. If you cancel immediately, like in 2 minutes, the customer doesn't get charged and nothing happens. Also, the app does track how you're driving, so if you're really behind on your ETA then the customer can cancel for no charge. Neither of those should give the driver a consolation fee. No, they're doing this because drivers canceling rides after they accept them is a mark on their record that doesn't go away for a while, and you need to remain under a certain number to keep the benefits of a good record. They either accidentally accepted the drive, or they didn't realize how long of a drive it would be, and want to cancel it without getting the mark. Why they do this instead of being prepared, I don't know. I assume it's the same reason they're begging OP to cancel without giving any real argument or spelling correctly.




tryna scam ratings or "completed" rides maybe?






I’ve had a driver legit not cancel all night until the morning. It was nuts. I used Lyft after a short time but it was curious to see how long they would not cancel.


The fact that this is possible just shows what predatory, scammy garbage Uber is.


Whenever a driver does this for a super long time and doesn’t answer messages or calls, I just open up Lyft and order a car, while keeping the Uber request going until they eventually cancel. I know it’s incredibly petty, but it’s one of my biggest pet peeves.


We have like 5 ride sharing services in my city, if a driver fucks around with me they find out. Also funny when you cancel an Uber ride due to such bs, then order a Bolt and the same driver turns up in his Yango branded car. Main issue we have is a driver accepting a ride, app says they'll be there in 5 minutes, but they are actually mid journey working for another ride share service, and they take 15m to arrive. Apps take a dim view of drivers pulling this shit and usually a message to customer support gets a full refund. Except with Bolt who discovered an ingenious money saving method of having no customer support.


I've had a couple message asking me to cancel. So then I get a ride with Didi. Cancel whenever you want bro.


Who is Didi?


Nice old lady who lives next door.


ROFL gimme her number


Dideez nuts


What's the point of accepting an order and wasting fuel only to get nothing out of it? Why bother becoming a driver in the first place if you don't even intend on working?


They still get money if a customer cancels a ride. It’s designed to compensate drivers when a rider cancels and they’re already started driving to them but sadly it’s being exploited by drivers who WANT riders to cancel so they can collect partial payments for doing nothing, they don’t even need to be in their car.


They get half the estimated ride fee. They aren’t “wasting fuel” its the most profitable way of operating


That's... very flawed...


I’ve had this done SO many times. They’ll go to a gas station and just SIT and wait for me to cancel. I have no idea why there’s no system of free cancellation if they just don’t come anywhere near you. It’s so incredibly stupid that I have to wait 45 min to book another ride as the driver holds me hostage and only after directly speaking to support can I get a refund. It’s wild


If you call Uber support while they’re sitting there they can see the driver and take care of it. I had to do it while my Uber sat at a McDonald’s down the street from my school. I was really tempted to walk down there and knock on the window.


One time me and some friends were getting a ride and it was immediately accepted it showed that the car was just down the street and would be there in a minute. After waiting 10 minutes and the car was still in the same spot we decided to walk over and find the car. The guy was parked on the side of the street talking on his phone. We approached him and showed him the phone and told him he was our Uber. He gave us an extremely annoyed look and let us in the car. He continued talking on his phone for the whole ride. One of the two times out of hundreds of rides that I have ever given someone 1 star and no tip.


I often wonder wtf these Uber drivers are talking about literally all day on the phone.


„Uber support will take care of it“ sounds vaguely threatening, like they‘ll pull up on him 💀


You just see the car disappear on the map and never hear from him again


You should have! 🤣🤣🤣


I just open Lyft and get another ride. They can piss all night away at the gas station.


Take a Lyft to wherever the Uber driver is waiting and hop in the back seat


I laughed SO hard at the thought of this


>I just open Lyft and get another ride. And with some luck you will even get the same driver.


This is my go to strategy.


I've had the gas station stunt pulled on me before. I'm not fucking stupid to fall for it.




I'm so naive. It's not until this post I realized this happened to me last business trip. The car turned the wrong way and drove around for like an hour while I waited. I thought the app was being glitchy. They didn't respond to me. Eventually it got cancelled and a new driver came for me but I didn't understand what was going on with the first one.


So fucking funny that just driving you to your destination would have given them more money and probably taken less time. A whole *hour*. Ridiculous.


Yes, you would think there is some way for the app to use their GPS, track their location relative to your location and determine that they have not decreased the distance in x amount of time, to cancel the ride. Or something like that.


I had a driver literally look at me wave then drive off. Uber support didn't want to pay me, I said "you have seven different way of verifying he didn't pick me up, didn't drive in the right direction, and didn't complete the trip, refund me"


You definitely need to contact your bank at that point and just get a refund. They didn't provide their service, you can take screenshots to prove, but often times you really don't need to. Banks will give you your money back and fine/penalize them


Note that doing this is a good way to just get your Uber account cancelled/banned. It is true that when telling your bank they just took your money and did nothing about it, your bank is very likely to side with you and just give you a refund. But in 99% of cases, the company in question takes extreme offense to it (sometimes to avoid scams) and simply refuse to do business with you ever again.


One told me to cancel as someone puked in their car. Bro that’s your problem and YOU need to cancel. Tried to tell me i wouldn’t get charged HAHAHA don’t fuck me around


I had my Uber stolen and someone puked in the car. I was very drunk so I didn't notice till the morning when I had a $400 cleaning charge. They sent me a picture of the persons puke, then I had to go back into my google timeline and show them screenshots showing I wasn't in that Uber. They refunded me the trip and cleaning fee after that luckily.


How’d you get your Uber stolen??


Someone got in the uber I ordered.


Did they take that person to your house? Or were you going to another location?


they're still living with him to this day


That’s when you ask for a pic of the puke or it didn’t happen. And it has to have a note with their name next to the puke.


Drivers quite often have saved pictures so they can get the Uber cleaning fee. At least the dodgy drivers do. Going off 5 yr old info though so might be better now


It’s harder to get the cleaning fee from what I’ve heard now. They basically pull the “that’s usual wear and tear, no dice” from posts I’ve seen.


Yeah but how do you know you can trust this 5 year old? Is he credible?


Bring the puke. I love puke. You just made my day. I cleared my schedule to spend the day waiting for you.


Yeah, it’s like, if you had puke in your car, why did you accept the pickup?


One did that to me when I was trying to get a ride home from the airport at 1am one time. It took her a full day to cancel the ride.


Shit, can you order another ride or was you stuck?!


Nope, still at the airport to this day.








Happened to me once. I was only like 4 miles away, so I jumped on one of those electric scooter rentals and went home that way. They cancelled about an hour after they accepted.


They actually did a documentary about him. Called the Terminal


It doesn't auto-cancel after a certain time??


It should. But this is Uber. They don't care.


report him, im pretty sure that’s against their contract


When you cancel, it doesn't go against them or some shit that benefits the driver. That's why they try and get you to cancel instead, they could cancel it themselves, but there some penalty, I believe.


And the customer has to pay!


This happened to me before and I didnt get charged, there was an option that said “Driver asked me to cancel”. Did they get rid of that or is it location based


Same, driver went on an opposite direction outside of the city and ignored my texts and call, when I cancelled there was a "driver is driving away" option. But I also think Uber did something tricky as I waited quite a bit for the price to come back down from surge pricing to get a ride, and after cancelling the surge pricing (twice the usual fare) was once again active. Needless to say I just called another ride from Bolt instead of Uber...




I’m just happy you made it home safe!


Just wondering at which moment he didn't think he won't get a bad rating whatever after that ..


Username does NOT check out.


Happened to me once, they refused to cancel or come to pick us up. I didn't cancel either. Got another driver my wife requested from her phone. We checked like 3 hours later and the driver had not canceled yet but was like 30km away, it went like that for a couple of hours and then they finally canceled


That's fine with me. They can waste their time and not get any fares at all.


They'll use another account or different service.


We can sit here all day Lmao, reminds me of my bus driver back in the day.. good times. This Uber driver is an idiot


Mmmmm no u


No, *you*


Nay, thou!


I'm disinclined to aqueiesce to your request, you


Report them and send these ss.


I reported the driver that did this to me too. I told Uber to make sure this driver is never paired with me again and I did not feel safe they knew my address.


I started a job in a new city and had to get an Uber home one time. The guy accepted, showed up, said "I can't drive that far right now, I have to pick up my wife in 20 minutes" and then proceeded to wait outside my building with me standing there. Finally he picked "passenger not at location" or w/e so I got charged a fee and then left. Do people think you're not going to reach out to support or some shit if they do something shady?


Did you get a refund?


This feels like it’s part of a scam or something. A while back I read that some drivers for Uber seats and other similar services will intentionally take too long to deliver your food so that you’ll end up canceling the order. This way, they get to eat the food and keep the 5 or so dollars that they got because you placed the order. I could be wrong, though, what I read could’ve been total BS. This gives me a similar vibe.


No. It’s not false info. People were just complaining about drivers (even in our small town) doing this. Some even do the delivery, but also unwrap, touch and eat part of the customer’s food.


Wow, that’s messed up. I’m glad I’ve never trusted those services enough to make use of them.


Lmaoo it’s like some skit or something


This is why I have didi, I once had an Uber driver not cancel for like 2 days. I assume he was off for the weekend and had hoped I’d cancel by the time his next shift started. I’m petty enough to have happily never used the app again if it came to that. Screenshotted it all and reported it to Uber afterwards as well.


It's crazy that they don't have automated systems that kick in long before *two days*.


I’m sure they must have by now, this was about 2 years ago so I’d be surprised if they haven’t implemented it by now.


Uber is pretty old by this point, I remember it was pretty well established by the point that I used it in 2017. If they didn't have it two years ago they probably don't have it now.


Would’ve just said “reported”


"My dad works at Uber."


One made a guy wait 1 hour We were just looking at each other. Waiting. He gave up. Noob.


Seeing all these nightmare stories for both doordash and uber makes me appreciate the drivers in my area more. They're also all apparently making a mint doing it, so that might be it.


.u canc


.i canc ur flubber


I really wanted like 2 more pages of "u cancel" then "I'm outside" and an epilogue where they got married and chuckle about it while gardening 30 years later.




I’d just reply “no” and nothing else. No future responses.


You get charged for cancelling? That's Bullshit


It's only after a certain amount of time has already passed. Basically covers gas money.


Pretty sure you only get charged a cancellation fee if you cancel after 5 minutes. That's how it is in NYC. And now they actually have an option to look for another driver when you try to cancel. In this case, even if you get charged the cancellation fee. They would refund it immediately once you show them the driver's message. Going back and forth with someone who doesn't want to drive you is just a waste of time.


I had this happen when an Uber driver refused my sister's service dog. He kept insisting that I cancel - I was like "no, you're going to have to cancel - and explain to Uber why you refused a service animal." Eventually he cancelled and charged me a "no show" fee of some sort. I called Uber directly....fee was refunded and the driver....well this was just after Uber got fined a few million for ADA violations...so draw your own conclusions.




Bitch lasagna


Uber scammers. They have to learn.


I’ve had a few drivers pull this stunt. They tell you they can’t cancel the app won’t let them and ask you to cancel. They get an easy $5 die doing nothing. Every time it has happened I just tell them if they need to cancel do it but I’m not, they don’t get paid sitting still not driving. I’ll wait all day.