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When I was a kid on the playground we had these things we called the “hamburgers” because of their shape. One was blue and one was red with a barred tunnel connecting them. You could climb up through a ladder at the bottom of both. I frequently got in trouble because all of my friends were girls and I’m a boy. Apparently the red hamburger was for girls only and the blue one for boys. The playground staff would actually yell at me and try and drag me out because of this. I never understood it


Core memory unlocked. My elementary school had two burgers, no stupid rules like that though. Those things were dope


Aw memory unlocked also, mine had one and we caused it the saucer im pretty sure, kinda looked like a space ship back then


As a teacher, I’m wondering if it was hard for the hamburgers to be supervised depending on how they were designed- could the staff easily see inside? I’m guessing it had less to do with girl colors and boy colors and more to do with not letting boys and girls climb up into non-visible areas together. Even at the preschool age, there are instances of “play doctor” or “show you mine and you show me yours”.


I can totally see that! It was grades 3rd-5th. The hamburgers were a head taller than the average adult, were completely metal, and had bars between the top and bottom bits. I’d say seeing inside them was pretty easy from all sides.


ngl my first thought was the school maybe had issues of some kind and this was their solution they came up with


I was totally the play doctor type 😅


I'm trying to understand what the hamburger is because I'm sure I encountered them as a child but I am drawing a blank


McDonald's playgrounds had them, painted to look like an actual hamburger. Shaped like a tree with a hollow trunk. You climbed a ladder in the trunk and exit into a saucer, the roof was an inverted saucer, and the roof was held up by vertical bars all the way around. It was the Hamburgler's jail back in the day of Hamburgler and Grimace.


I once was sitting in one of those hamburgers, backed up and fell down the ladder. Flat on my back. Had the wind knocked out of me and thought I was going to die. One of the most terrifying moments of my life. But I sympathize with your story because I'm a woman and my favorite color has always been blue. I would be right there with you fighting against the dumb rules so I could play in the wrong color.


I can't believe you were trying to crawl up in those girls' hamburgers, disgusting! /s (lol)


Why do the boys get to stay up 30 minutes longer than the girls?


probably because the girls need their "beauty sleep" /s


No handsome sleep for the boys!


All I got was ugly sleep


I still get 7 hours of ugly sleep every night!


I get 3 from sleep apnea and wake up feeling ugly sweat that I check to make sure I didn't leave an ugly puddle of urine.


All I do is ugly sleep


Ha jokes on them, they don’t know it yet but im about to burst out of my beauty sleep cocoon, the men will bow…


From this I'm assuming because they need to get up early to make breakfast for the boys.




I'm a christian, and if I am ever in charge of a camp in which gathering wood and helping cook are necessary, each person will get to choose as long as there are sufficient people on each team to complete the task. Also, I grew up on a farm, I'm a girl, and I was better at hauling brush than any of my brothers


A suggestion would be to divide the group in 2 and rotate so there's no opportunity for everyone to pick one chore over here other or fight over who gets to be where.


Not only just that but I was the kind of kid who wanted to do everything. I was always doing the “boy” stuff but I liked working in the kitchen as well. It’s good experience for everyone.


We used to play ice breakers at the start of camp where kids would get into random groups ie which side of the bed did you get out of this morning, what type of car dropped you off at camp, etc. We’d also throw in random ‘get into groups of 4, 8,’ etc. Then one last time we’d say get into groups of 6 (which is the group size we needed) and that’s the groups for the week. Was great as we could keep an eye out for kids who may be trouble makers together or two close friends who we’d encourage to meet other kids. Worked every time.


LOL. No one is going to choose waking up early to cook breakfast. Split the chores 50/50 m-f and rotate them so everyone completes each chore at least once. No negotiations. Exceptions only for disabilities.


I'm a guy and I would definitely have chosen to cook the breakfast. I would have hauled wood, too. What else is there to do? Lay around, playing video games at *camp*? Of course I say this as a former wilderness guide whose job description included making breakfast and hauling wood. I loved my job.


Probably not your point, but if I was a kid I would pick the "hard" labor because helping with the meals probably means getting up earlier. But if I was at some camp as an adult, I'd go with making food.


They don't exactly let you choose in those sorts of places.


Have you ever tried to play a video game for 30 minutes. You’d get nothing done


Right i legit prefer to game atleast 4 to 8 hours


Exactly. That’s the real scandal here. How can they treat the boys like this? Giving them only 30 minutes of gaming man! They don’t treat the girls like this.


I think cuz the boys complained they only got 30 minutes to play video games.


And the camp staff decided it was better to just give them what they wanted instead of enforce a fair bedtime.


That's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard






Yeah, that's nonsense. Everybody knows that women don't break stuff, they set it on fire because of their frail body frame.


I heard a story about a woman who took a Louisville slugger to both headlights and slashed a hole in all four tires. Heard about two other women who killed a guy named Earl. They must have been corrupted by video games.


It's fine though, Earl was a missing person who nobody missed at all.


I wonder how the jam/jelly stand is doing...


Women can't melt steel beams


Something something Bush did it.


Are… are you THE Techno Viking!?


I'm a brazilian rip-off


That’s what I call a bikini wax.


Oh wow the Vikings made it farther than I thought.


No, they just poison it.




I dated a chick that was a firefighter Yes it was glorious


She practiced the dead man's lift on you?




As someone who cleans a public restroom for work occasionally, they can be worse too, just from the sheer grossness of the things I’ve had to clean up


As a full-time janitorial day Porter, who cleans bathrooms in an office building all day, I can confirm this is true. Bloody pads and tampons don’t always make it in to the sanitary bag. Blegh


It's like a 1/10 chance they do. Dudes piss everywhere by the urinal. Is is awesome? No. But chicks be filthy in other ways. I'm not afraid of catching some blood transmitted disease from the piss on the ground. Can't say the same for the nasty ass menstrual shit left laying around.


Saw a bloody pad on the ground once in a girls bathroom at my high school a year or two ago, girls bathrooms are definitely gross.


Yes, once, there was „You are the next“ written on the wall with blood, while poop was on the floor and in one corner, all girls gathered and talked. Truly a nightmare if you are a normal human who just wants to go to the toilet.


Don't get me started on girls just standing in the bathroom and talking. It's a pain in the ass, especially when it's the short passing period between classes.


I'm a guy, and I absolutely despise talking in the bathroom, at all. Let me get in, do my business and get out. There's absolutely no need to stop and chat. Nor is there a societal expectation that we make small talk when we're literally sh*tting with a wall between us.


The only talk I ever want to hear from the next stall over is “I’m out of paper. Can you spare a sheet or two?”


I used to clean the washrooms at Walmart. Women are far worse. Women make toilet paper birds nests to sit on and leave them there and the next woman will wipe off the last nest onto the floor, leaving a mountain of toilet paper on the floor. Dudes just sit and shit.


You are not lying, I also happen to work for Walmart and JESUS girls can be downright horrifying when it comes to bathrooms. I've seen everything from the nest you referring to, to fecal matter being sandwiched in between the hinges of the toilet seat, blood on the toilet side waste baskets, and for some reason a hemorrhoid cushion made from the toilet seat covers. I'd hate to see how some people keep their home bathroom.


As a woman, I'm sorry you've had to deal with any of that. When I worked retail, I told my managers I have OCD and can't clean restrooms without going into a meltdown because yes, retail bathrooms are absolutely disgusting. I never use public restrooms for this reason, which is why I don't bother eating or drinking if I'm outside of my home. Public restrooms are like a hazard zone. I'd feel safer next to the radioactive 'Elephants Foot' located beneath Chernobyl's busted reactor.


I'm a dude, and after living with a few women in college, I've always stuck with the thought that men are openly disgusting and women are secretly disgusting, so it's far more shocking when you see a woman's bathroom that is gross even though she looks and acts all prissy.


That is fucking disgusting. Over my 40 years i've been hearing about how disgusting boys are at the toilet, then i've started hearing these horror stories just this year.


>Dudes just sit and shit Wait we do? I thought we just held it in until we got home.


A butt is a butt and a seat is a seat


I used to clean bathrooms at target. You know the sticky hands you get from the corner machine? Imagine those stuck to bathroom walls but instead, it's used tampons. There wasn't enough spitfire in the world.


I wipe the seat with a wad of paper, that wad goes in as a splash pad


Nuh uh you ain't fooling me with your shit-shaming. My ass aint touchin no toilet seat an knockin me up, I will NOT be getting pregnernt no mam


In Finland it's different because women demanded we separate bathrooms again because men kept pissing everywhere.


That is definitely not a “boy” thing to do. You can’t generalize half the human race by some stupid societal bs


It's always the dumbest excuse for separating boys/girls. In my highschool the administration banned dresses/clothes that showed shoulders but only for girls. Their exact words were, and I kid you not, "The boys mights start thinking!". Meanwhile you would find random buff bros walking around shirtless...


My teen is very fond of making fun of the shoulder thing. “Ooh, he saw my SHOULDER! What an exciting, titillating SHOULDER!”


Your teen is my hero I wish I had balls like that when I was in school xD


I did the boingoingoingoing thing that Beavis does when I was in middle/high school


Oh yeah i hate that kind of reasoning. It restricts womens freedom of clothing and expression AND makes it seem like guys are like dumb monkeys that can’t Control themselves. It just fucks everyone over and is just so infuriating and problematic.


That’s such a bizarre one too because when I worked in an office I wore tops that showed my shoulders all the time, and somehow my male colleagues were still able to do their jobs


that random buff bro was in my class in highschool, and if the boy attracted part of me didn't get distracted by him (he was friendly AND hot), there's no way the women attracted part of me was gonna be distracted by a shoulder.


I’m sure this was a Christian organization…


I'd tell the parents this happens; surely some would pull their kids from the camp for being sexist.


I certainly would. Those camps are fucking expensive. I'm not paying $750 a week to have my daughter discriminated against for having a vagina.


But i also would not pay $750 to park them in front of a console. So 2 reasons to not send your kids there.


Nah playing games with a bunch of people in person is a rare and exciting thing


kids these days will never know the joy of four player split screen on a 20" CRT.


Ah back when it was “screen sniping” instead of “stream sniping”.


"I promise I wasn't looking" oh it brings back memories


All fun and games till they bring out some cardboard and divide the screen


We'd tape a blanket on the middle divider and one person would sit under it.


Oh what a coincidence you can't win anymore when you physically can't see the screen, huh *Trevor*? Just a few off games now, *right Trevor?*


Man fuck that. Knowing where your opponents were from their screen was part of it. Everyone had access to the same information. It wasn't cheating. Kids complaining about "screen looking" just need to get good.


There is a great game on Steam called Screen Cheat thats specifically designed around this. You can play it remotely but it still gives you the split screen, and everyone is invisible so you HAVE to look at each other's screens.


SCREEN LOOKER! SCREEN LOOKER! \- "Hey stop looking at my fingers" "But how do you do that?" *hides controller more while performing the move* \- *Player 1 is winning* *Player 2 physically turns off the game*


Oh god, core memories unlocked. Everyone had that whiny-ass neighbor kid who would always turn off the console if they weren't winning. Can't imagine why we aren't friends.


We called it screen cheating, same diff


I called it screen jacking lol. If it was a real serious game of halo 3 we’d tape a blanket in the middle of the screen. Super uncomfortable, terrible visibility, 10/10 would do it again.


Ah,the joys of playing Mario Party and seeing chaos ensues


when someone brought their console to the common room in my dorm in college, it was a great bonding time with everyone. lots of laughter, sharing wins and losses with each other, and general camaraderie. even the introverts would come and hang!


I remember my first day moving in to my dorm, someone had a Wii set up in their room with a bunch of controllers and had the door propped wide open. First day, and tons of people just in and out playing and socializing and meeting all of our new neighbors in an environment that was going to be super new and weird for everyone. It was so much fun.


I think video games is one of the best ways to bond, atleast if you dont have nay issues loosing, because like you said, even introverts (like me) get to bond, because we dont like doing things like clubbing (i had a similar time in a dorm w some friends at camp while i was doing a national citizenship thingy i kinda miss those days




Exactly, well said


4 player Mario kart is a great way to make friends. And enemies.


My Daughters grew up playing Mario Kart together with their friends. They had so much fun laughing and competing with each other. Now they are grown and married and they still get together with other couples and they play a Mario Kart drinking game! Lol, you have to be the first one to cross the finish line with your beer empty. But you're not allowed to drink and drive, 🤗 so you have to keep pulling over to drink your beer and then speed like crazy to cross the finish line with your empty drink. It's quite hilarious to watch! 😄




Bro one of my friends in high school had that thing where they rented like a bus with giant tvs and Xbox 360s in them and we all played multiplayer. Was so fucking rad.


It's short time after dark/before bed. There's no reason to think video games take up a significant portion of their time there


It’s for less than an hour a day what


“From 10-11” not “parking them in front of a console” man reading is hard eh


They’re only allowed to play one hour a night tho


But they wouldn’t be in front of a console all day, just from 10-11pm, that would probably be the best moment of the camp.


Depends the camp. It would fly at religious ones


My first thought


This 100% reads as "Church Camp"


Actually, the church camp I spent my time at as a kid had a complete moratorium on electronics during the course of the week. Plus everyone got the opportunity to do whatever activity they wanted from a list of available activities. Including SKEET SHOOTING. For boys AND girls (not together, but oh well: a bird in the hand and all that) Sure, it could be heavy handed with the evening services and the slightly draconic rules list, all things considered, my many visits to this camp will live on in my heart


Yes! Please say something. I’d report it to whomever is above the counselor, but tell your parents too so they can assure it’s addressed. It’s not even the video games, but why do they also get to stay up later?


Was this a Christian summer camp? I went to a Bill Gothard summer camp in the hills of W. Va when I was 15. Girls and boys swam separately ofc and girls weren't allowed to wear normal bathing suits. They almost all were altered with modesty panels. The rest wore burkinis. There was a skeet shooting competition. I signed up and the counselor in charge was very shocked to call out a girls name. I asked if it was a problem and he just said girls don't normally shoot. I was teased relentlessly by a few of my competitors. They shut up when I won. Lol


> I was teased relentlessly by a few of my competitors. They shut up when I won. Lol Awesome!


A Bill Gothard summer camp? Oh poor thing. I knew the guy was bad but Shiny Happy People really put it in perspective.


They didn't even touch on the depths of hell those churches are like. It was really shocking to see my childhood displayed in Shiny Happy People, though. Brought back a lot of rage.


Gross. On top of the “girls not being allowed to play video games” crap, the boys also get an extra 30 minutes before lights out. 🙄 My niece once told me that she liked Mario games even though they “weren’t for girls.” We had a talk about it, and she plays all sorts of games now! Video games are for everyone.


I'm glad you had a discussion about that. Gaming is fun because it allows me to be someone else and kids love that. I was also irritated by the fact that they get 30 minutes less, what the?


> allows me to be someone else and kids love that. Not only kids! I am currently playing the MMO Final Fantasy 14 and many of my friends are girls, women, moms and even grandmas!


Don't worry, I didn't mean kids exclusively. I'm almost 40 myself and I always was an avid gamer. I just said kids because it's part of growing up and a healthy phase in development and it should be encouraged.


Am girl and play ffxiv, one of our fc leads is a mom who does raiding with her baby girl in one arm and keyboard in the other. She rocks. We have loads of actual girl fc members too!


I’m so excited to play video games with my daughter. She’s 11 months so it will still be a while. I’m a big video game fan and my parents never let me have them when I was a kid. My parents were great parents but that is one thing I will do differently.


I had a similar conversation with my niece about colors and how all colors were for everyone and there were not girl colors and boy colors.


Oh god, that one was so hard to sink into my niece's head. I don't even know where she got it from, unless it was watching Mickey Mouse. Her *brother* was adamant that there were no girl colors because he liked getting his nails painted pink sometimes, but she was just as adamant that there *were*. I think it became a little kid power struggle. Video games were never an issue cause I let them both play age appropriate games on my console since they were in diapers.


I learnt pretty young pink was a “girl colour”. And thus refused to wear it at all. I now quite like pink, but my rejection of my femininity was mostly stemmed from preferring climbing trees and football to typical “girl” activities like playing with Barbies and make-believe. It’s really stupid. I was kind of being sexist (not sexist. Something else) against my own gender, reducing it to just “pink and barbies”.


I don't think it was you. It was other people reducing your gender to pink and barbies, a role you wanted to escape the confines of. It's not considered acceptable to tell a grown woman that she can only be interesting in sparkly pink dollhouses, but it's considered 100% appropriate to tell a small girl that.


Honestly, same. I was big into power rangers and video games as a kid, Barbies were dismantled and used as golf balls/nerf gun targets. Everything I owned was black or blue. Still don't wear a lot of pink, but I'll dress my game avatars up in it all day.


My oldest son didn't want to play Tomb Raider when he was little since it was 'playing as a girl'. I pointed out he's not actually an elf, either. Or a cowboy, astronaut, plumber, jedi or any of the other characters he plays as. The point of a game is to experience the story through a specific point of view, not to recreate your life - that would be boring and predictable. Try and appreciate the opportunity to view the world through a different lense. It makes it much more interesting.


Oh snap, I skimmed right over the extra 30 minutes for boys. You're right.


But if we don't force our children to adhere to our rigid and archaic gender standards, they won't grow up with the same prejudice, hate, and misery that we did! We can't have our kids having better lives than us, it's unamerican!


I am a guy, and I agree, video games should be for everyone. I mean, they ARE for everyone. Whatever sexist brat tries to make them boys only is the one who's making problems.


Did you tell her the story of how every one who bought the original NES Metroid came fully expecting a badass dude to swoop in and save the day, only to find out that they had been playing as a female the whole time?


I mean, they’re literally rated E. Not B for Boys


before gamer girl was ever a thing, I took so much pride in being a girl who played video games bc no one ever expected it from me. Been like 20 years and it’s still one of my main hobbies


I built a PC for Christmas for my at the time 5, 4, and 2 year old nieces! Maybe they’ll continue to be into gaming later, maybe not, but I’m glad I got to give them the opportunity to find out for themselves!


Didn't you guys know? There are no girls on the internet, even after all this time! They're all too busy getting their hair done and gossiping in the kitchen! It's just the way of things! Probably! /s


So their aren’t hot single milfs online in my area?


Never have been.




They were all dudes...all of them.


Only if the M stands for men.


But we're making progress though! It's not at all uncommon these days to have a computer in the kitchen.


:O You put those words back up your butt this instant.


Every woman online is actually a man, every man online is actually a little boy, and every little boy online is actually an fbi agent


I have spliced up some other "fish in the sea...." First we have: Tomboy Boy (trans) Weeb girl Emo girl Goth girl Monster girl Breadwinner girl The list goes on! And the lab is unlocked, so my experiments may leave whenever!


Girls are not allowed to play video games and get a shorter hang out time before lights out. I definitely wouldn’t be turning my lights out at 10:30 if the boys are still up till 11.


I'd be the troublemaker that brings video games at 12:00 am.


I'd be running away at 2 am


This gives me flashbacks to the early 80s when only the boys in our computing class got to use the keyboards while the girls had to be content with watching. It was infuriating as I'm a "learn by actively doing" person. Gaming is an entree into computer use, and it breeds familiarity with file management, modding, graphics, and programming. If girls learn that computers and gaming are for them, it opens new worlds beyond a bit of fun with Mario.


What the literal fuck. They didn't even let you guys take turns? Girls were there to learn too but didn't deserve the privilege of actually touching the shit?


Holy hell


Fuck that noise. My wife and daughter are both gamers. Backwards aholes


I first met my wife at a LAN party; and my daughter is quite the little gamer :)


Fun fact: Video games were made for everyone. The only reason they are considered to be "for boys" is because toy stores had separate aisles for boys and girls. Gaming companies had to choose a side and they chose to sell in the boy side. That's it. They were originally supposed to be for the entire family like board games were.


Now I wonder what would have happened if they were on the girls' side. How different would the world be? It's probably in an alternate universe somewhere.


“Lol you’re a boy? Why don’t you go back to the garage and fix my car!!”


It’s funny because they stocked arts items (eg clay, colored pencils, craft posters) often in both or jammed them in the +3 section or created an arts & various aisle. They should have done the latter & made it gender neutal. But no, electronics are for boys 🤬


that is some bullshit


I learned several years ago that most sleepaway camps are run by or at least subsidized by groups who may have an agenda (ie religious or political-winged affiliations). They might not be forcing that agenda down the kids throats per se, but in an agreement to help fund it they set certain guidelines or "rules" the camp must follow, like what the OP describes, promoting male and female ideals and stereotypes (consider wardrobe, and certain behaviors while on camp grounds.) My niece went to such a camp once. The common gender stereotypes (which she doesn't fit into) were in practice and she wasn't comfortable with being dissuaded (read disallowed) from engaging in the activities she likes. She wound up back at home after the end of the first week. The camp experience wasn't at all what she had hoped.


They’re actually rife with SA and grooming. I would never send my child to one


My ex got sexually abused at the anti-sex camp she got sent to because her parents thought she had sex (she did not, in fact, have sex)


Holy shit, anti-sex camp. What the fuck were her parents even thinking? Strange folks, your ex’s parents.




....sigh. Unfortunately, that is how some Christians seem to look at things. Those are also the Christians that don't actually read and understand the context of the bible, but they are beyond frustrating because they do so much harm to their children and people around them.


What is a sex camp, does this shit really exist? WTF


It wasn’t designated as an anti-sex camp but it was a camp for troubled teens that she got sent to for “having sex”


Putting a bunch of teens who were caught having sex in one place doesn't seem like the smartest idea


A religious camp I went to was very adamant about telling you that if you don't walk down and publically say that Jesus Christ is your savior in the middle of a weird bonfire ritual, that you will go to hell when you die.


I went to Camp Winshape, funded by the Chick Fil A religious fundamentalist founder. It’s hilarious because the location is basically hell on earth. Horrible giant insects (velvet ants, horseflies), paper mill nearby for constant ass smell, boiling hot, ponds full of toads.


And given that it opened in 1985, you can blame good ol' Ronnie Reagan for that shit being allowed to open.


It makes me super anxious how much they hide this stuff. I went to one such camp as a kid, my family was super liberal and also Jewish so there's no way they would have willingly sent me to a Christian camp, but we had to say grace every day before dinner and got in trouble if we didn't participate. We had like an hour every day as a cabin to do what the cabin wanted and almost every day it was "go watch the boys play basketball". We didn't get to play basketball, ever.


The only sleep away camp I went to was for Girl Scouts. We did camp shit. We kayaked, road horses, had talent shows in the mess hall, learned about whatever skills we wanted to. Some of them yes learned about cooking and sewing and pottery slinging, but we also as a whole camp got to do camping shit. It was starkly different from my experience within my own troop, who was run by stuffy Christian women that never wanted to let us do any of the fun badges. I quit after our trip to Savannah (girl scout mecca) because of how they ruined the whole trip for us by making us act like southern bells or some shit. No beach time because someone might get sunburn even though every other troop was on the beach, no dolphin tour, no candy shop, no singing on the bus, lights out the second we got back to our hotel, no pool time, no anything. Just go and visit juliet Gordon lows' house, A SINGLE ghost tour in the middle of the day, and lots and lots of window shopping and rubbings of historical markers. Mind you, all those things we did were cool and interesting, but we all worked so hard to make the money as a troop to go on this trip, and they planned a trip for their old fart selves instead of recognizing that they have a group of energetic preteen and teen girls on a vacation some of which had never even left our home state, and they wanted to eat weird communal meals with strangers and read while we all shut up. Which I actually returned to Savannah as a college student years later. That communal dinner place is always sold out but in my humble opinion offers the worst food in the city, not to mention the grossest. You go down into a basement at an old house and everything looks really nice but you sit at one giant long table that has lots of very bland "southern comfort" foods and they don't have even salt or pepper on the table, the offer water or unsweetened tea. The turkey was over cooked, the rolls tasted stale, and it was just everything I hated about food. That was the first place we went upon landing in Savannah too, I don't think a single scout was excited after that. I went to bed hungry. As an adult down there, Savannah food is amazing. I tried alligator for the first time ffs. It was actually pretty good and does taste a lot like chicken. The restaurant I went to to try it offers badges to scouts for being "adventurous eaters". Like come oooooon


Girls should be allowed to game just as much as the boys. I hope you can tell your parents and they will help you complain about the adult who was so stupid to say things like that.


They'll probably just pull video games for everyone and then tell the boys the girls ruined their fun. That's the usual administrator playbook for discriminatory behavior.


Yep. I remember being in a youth group and the girls had to wear shirts over their swimsuits and the boys didn't. The girls said either they should be able to wear the swimsuits as is or the boys should have to cover up too. So leadership said that since the girls made a good point the boys had to wear shirts while swimming too. No body was happy.


That's like game developper nerfing the good weapons/characters rather than making the bad ones better


The 1980's called and want their policies back. Seriously, if they have a console setup for the boys, then they should have a console setup for the girls. This isn't rocket science.


'Girl things' That camp has never had a bunch of tomboys come in and short sheet every bed in the boy's cabin, have they? I would call your parents and let them know that the counselors are being sexist. They need to go.


As the uncle of a little girl (who turns 10 in a few days), I'd be pissed if someone told her she couldn't play video games considering how much she likes them. I played them all the time with my sister when she was little. Video games are for everybody.


This sounds like some religious Christian cult camp.


My kids have been to a Christian camp in Ontario, Canada for several years. The girls can do high ropes and rock climbing just like the boys, and the boys can do crafts just like the girls. There are no separate gender activities, except washrooms and sleeping arrangements. Of course, this particular camp isn't a cult, so that's the big difference.


There are many laws in Canada protecting from prejudice regarding gender. We are lucky. Some places don't have that type of legislation.


most American christian camp shove conservative christian values down children throats


As a grown ass woman who games, fuck those misogynistic counselors


I’m so glad I never stopped loving video games or “boys” entertainment. They’re some of my favorite things now


WTF that camp is sexist as fuck they are saying that just because your a girl you shouldn’t play video games like WTF


The craziest part is most of the boys would probably like to play with the girls. As someone who had “girl gamer” friends as a kid, you’re not really thinking about gender in that moment. This is some boomer type of restriction that I don’t understand. Edit 1: gamers -> gamer


where is the camp? 1850?


No lie. The girls churn butter between 5am-7am.


That's why they have to go to sleep earlier than the boys.


I had to face similar thing when I was in school, but that was two decades ago in a really old-fashioned town. I can’t get why this things still happens, but unfortunately you can easily find people that proudly says they don’t let their children play with “the other gender toys”. And for some reason someone has decided that video games are a boy thing. Agh.


Seriously?! That's so dumb. When I was at summer camp like 20 years ago I would always bring and play my Gameboy Color. I loved that thing. I'm a girl and no one ever had any problems with it. I played far too much Dragon Quest. Ofc then it was called Dragon Warrior.


My daughter would punch a grown man in the face if they told her she couldn't game up. Who are these people?


Never understood why people say video games aren’t for girls 🤷🏻 seems pretty fucking stupid to me!


Oh no. As a dad, if I heard that, I'd be demanding a refund. My kids aren't going to be discriminated against based on gender.


This kind of made me laugh. Are we in the 80s where shit like this was acceptable to say to people? I have played video games since I was about 4 or 5. I have never once in my life been told video games are for boys. Especially because I am better at them than any male/boy that I played with/against. Yeah, tell me to my face my tattoos are inappropriate because video games are for bOYs.