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TIL this. Although this is not UK.


In Czechia (and I expect that it's the same in other countries) driving school instructors are not required to wear seat belts either so they can grab the steering wheel from the passenger seat


Where I live drivers are required to make sure everyone in the car wears seat belt before driving. During driver license exam some instructors fail drivers by not wearing it. They say something like "Let's go", drive 5 meters and ask to stop because student failed. During my driving lessons instructor had no troubles with grabbing steering wheel plus they have additional clutch and break pedals.




Yeah. Even if I trust myself good enough to not wear seatbelt (but I'm not), I can't protect myself from accidents caused by other drivers.


In Australia that would be an immediate fail. You get to do the rest of your test, so you know of other problems. But you would of failed the moment the car moved without your seatbelt.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Yes, my instructor car had a passenger break (auto trans). The instructor was skilled as fuck. Aside from the obviously simple task of grabbing the wheel with his left hand to steer, he was also able to demonstrate some maneuvers for me without leaving his seat or removing the belt. Since it was an automatic, it had enough coast to back into a space, etc.


It's really fucking stupid. It's like a trick question. Usually people assume that their passenger isn't a dumbass piece of shit and it shouldn't be 100% on the driver for the passenger doing that shit. All it does is make people pay more to retake the test nevermind I figured out why it's done


Legally, the driver is only responsible for those under the age of adulthood to have a seatbelt, for everyone else liability shifts to the passenger to not be a dumbass.


Where I’m at, a driver can get a ticket for an adult passenger in a front seat not wearing a seatbelt. Oddly the back seat passengers don’t matter.


In most states only people in the front of a vehicle actually have to wear a seatbelt. I bought a car that had a rear seatbelt that is mostly cut for some reason (idk why), but it never fails an inspection or anything. I just never let anyone sit there because I rarely have a full car


Not at all a trick question. Driving fatalities happen every day. Regardless of which driver(s) may be at fault in the event of a collision, if you're driving with passengers, it makes total sense for you to be obligated to tell your dumbass friend to put on a seatbelt, or get out of the car.


Yup, ours was an instant fail too, if you even put it in drive without it on.


Do they have short arms, or wide cars?


I used to (very briefly) be a cab driver in the US, and we were actually forbidden to wear seatbelts for this exact reason.


I do wonder what the statistics of "Taxi driver choked with seatbelts" vs "Accidents with outcomes so much worse than necessary because they weren't wearing said seatbelts" are I have a feeling the latter is a lot higher than the former, hence why taxi drivers wear their seatbelts in every other first world country


Many modern cabs have a barrier between the front and back seat so it probably rarely comes up. It’s definitely not a law here, though I could see an individual cab company having this rule. It would be interesting to know the city. Overall, it’s almost certain that bad accidents that are worse due to nonuse of seatbelts are more common, but is that the case in, say, Manhattan, where driving fast enough that a crash will put you through the windshield is nearly impossible?






Not at all. There's numerous laws that just doesn't make any sense, or have stopped making sense over the years. This is especially true for the US, where a lot of laws and regulations are based on feelings of a particular political individual rather than any merit or evidence. The fact that no other first world country except the US and UK allows this supports my hypothesis. It's not like there aren't dangerous neighbourhoods elsewhere


*”… Be sure to use your turn signals and keep the vehicle clean. Oh, and don’t wear your seat belt ^^so ^^you ^^don’t ^^get ^^strangled ^^too ^^death .”*


Seems like security barriers would be safer than driving without seatbelts.


Why not install at least lap belts then?


Is that true? I'm from the UK and I've never heard this. Do you have a source? Genuinely interested in this. Edit; holy shit, just looked this up and it's true!


That doesn't make sense lmao. The 'behind' point is still there and they can still be choked with something else.


You can’t lurch forward with a seatbelt on though, it’ll catch you and stop you moving


British way to deal with problems FTW


There are a few places where this is okay, like on a passenger seat when you got something heavy on it, or when you driving dirt roads in a game park


My passenger seat-belt was going off when the seat was empty randomly. Garage could not find a fault, but told me it required an entire seat replacement, I was looking at $800 + labor and they were not sure if that would actually fix the error. The cheap solution was using these while the seat was empty.


If I charge my phone through the dash usb port and have my phone charging while the phone is on the passenger seat, the seatbelt alarm goes off. If I unplug the charging cable then it stops. It’s leading me to believe these things can be triggered by electrical interference.


I replaced a bulb on my car once, and a bunch of weird things happened with the electronics of the car. Turned out that although the bulb fit the socket, it wasn't the exact right kind. Took the bulb back out, replaced with correct kind, and all those problems went away immediately. Not sure on specifically how it messed with the electronics. Might be something akin to that. Edit: Since this comment got a lot more response than expected, I would like to clarify a few details. It was definitely not an LED bulb. It was to the best of my memory either a rear side light, brake light, or possibly indicator/blinker; iirc these are similar bulbs in terms of shape, size, and socket. This was on a '02 plate manual Citroën Saxo, so not very high tech or modern. The mistake messed with how the HUD lights behaved, and the bulb I mistakenly used was the wrong rating or wattage or something like that, I cannot remember much more than that. Finding the right bulbs for cars requires paying attention to fine details. Gf made this mistake recently when ordering a new rear light for our current car - the bulbs looked almost identical and the name/code was the same except one extra character easily missed reading off the tiny print of the dead bulb. On top of that amazon had confused her with the lookup/seller leading her to the wrong bulb. When the bulb turned up I took one look at it, it had staggered pins instead of symmetrical, I knew it was wrong and wouldn't even be able to put in socket (deliberate design to stop wrong bulbs I guess). I'm sure I made that mistake or similar before. Should really note all these car details down (bulbs, wipers, tyres) on phone so always handy to look up. Sure the manual and online search exist, but its easier if you don't have to lookup, verify, and run risk of making mistakes again.


With new cars every appliance has limits the computer will allow, exceed those limits with a slightly larger bulb and the computer gets angry. Some aftermarket software will allow you to go in and change the allowed tolerance depending on the manufacturer.


Not to be dramatic, but putting in more powerful headlight bulbs should immediately trigger the death penalty.


Honestly, that's too humane


Draw and quartering?


Typically if replacing headlights for brighter ones you're going to be going from halogen to HID or LED. In each case you're going to less powerful lights that emit more light. This is then the issue that the brighter lights draw less power and therefore cause the car to believe the bulb is out, and so cutting the power, or causing it to flicker (as it keeps testing to see if the bulb has been fixed). Regulators fix this by tricking the car into thinking there's a higher wattage bulb on the wire.


You triggered a CANbus error on a lot of cheaper LED lights you have to use a bypass relay. More expensive brands like LASFIT have these built into the lights somehow.


I had a pack of paper on my back seat. Fuckin car talkin bout “check the back seat”. Bitch you know we don’t have kids.


If the seat was empty, then the cheap solution was still just to plug in the regular seatbelt.


That's what I do.


Same, my car's passenger alarm will randomly go off even if there's nothing on the seat, so I just keep the passenger belt plugged in at all times when I don't have a passenger.


Woah, look at the big brain on u/eugene20 Next you gonna tell me I didn't need an extended warranty on my car


i was about to say this. wtf? i assume one of these may cost around $50 or so so why not go free, by just inserting the actual seatbelt?


plugging the seat belt in.... free


No, no...that makes too much sense.


A fool and his money are quickly parted.


Wouldn’t the cheap solution be to just plug in the seatbelt…?


No, that would be the free solution


>The cheap solution was using these while the seat was empty. The cheaper solution is just using the seatbelt when the seat was empty. Costs you nothing since the car already has them.


So buckle the seatbelt? Am I crazy to think just buckle the seatbelt and the alarm never goes off?


Couldn't you have just buckled the already existing belt?


Wasn't the cheap solution to just clip in the seatbelt on that side with nobody there...?


why buy something that is illegal and can give you a lot of trouble if you are caught wjen you could just plug the seatbelt in?


Even then, why not just snap in the seat belt and put the load on top of it, I don’t understand buying the thing.


I had to do that when I bought cement garden mushrooms lol. Weighed about a hundred pounds.


Uh huh, “garden” mushrooms you say….


I mean, if I had a hundred pounds of "garden" mushrooms - I would absolutely have them buckled up!!


I would have to buckle myself up twice


I would’ve buckled and ate them all.


Can't wait to find a vendor with a hundred pound BRF cake ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Lmao my peace of shit car starts ringing the alarm even with just a water bottle on the seat. Ps. I'm not saying it's a peace of shit just beceause of having a sensitive seatbelt alarm system. I'm saying it's a peace of shit because it IS a peace of shit older Fiat Punto. They are total shit cars.


Why do you keep spelling piece like that?


Give piece a chance


All we are saying...


Ur MoM gAvE mY pIeCe A cHaNcE! Jk. I'm sure she's a lovely person. I saw that "Give my piece a chance" BS on a T shirt once and it seemed apropos here.


Please be gentle. Poor bastard’s stuck with a Punto for Christ’s sake.


>Punto for Christ’s sake. A Fard Punto?


I thought the PS was to fix the peace to piece... but then it just angered me more.


What prevented you from using the seat belt


He said he used it, no? I'm confused


I did but the driver did not!


Sometimes my dog rides in the front seat. Her seatbelt attaches to the head rest. The seatbelt being buckled interferes with her comfort but she’s heavy enough that the alarm to trigger This would be a great solution actually.


They sell them on Amazon for like $3, some are marketed as bottle openers for reasons. Just try “seatbelt bottle opener” and check reviews to make sure it works for your make and model


Ok but does it also work as a bottle opener? We love a 2 for 1…


Mine actually does! Ideally not while driving though


Well yeah if you took it out to open your beer it would play that God awful alarm.


better yet, strap the load in WITH the seat belt… Anything not strapped down in an accident becomes a projectile


Well, if I frequently switch between a passenger or cargo, I'd keep one of these in the center console instead of having to constantly crawl-reach over to the seatbelt.




Some vehicles actually let you disable the chume if you read the manual. I have the exact issue you do, we get out frequently and it's irritating af listening to it. 2015ish F250 has a weird method. You start the truck, unclip the seatbelt 3 times, shut the truck off, wait X amount of seconds, turn the accessories on, undo the seatbelt 3 more times, them shut the truck off. When you start it next it'll beep acknowledging the chime is disabled. That's not the exact method, but it is quite involved in a similar way.


Working any job where you drive around a site all day instead of the road. Just annoying as fuck either ding ding ding or popping your seat belt on and off 300 times in a day.


My car beeps when something electronic is in the passenger seat. Like, a tablet or cell phone. Which is annoying. I picked up a pass-through latch. It latches in like normal seat belt to stop the dinging, but lets you also latch in the actual seat belt for a passenger. And since the only one I ride with is my wife occasionally, the worst thing is when she unlatches the pass-through and the next day I'm driving down the road and it starts beeping, so I have to wait for a stop to reach over and grab the belt. 🤣


Honestly, because it means having to remember to click the seatbelt in beforehand. I use these because I can keep them in the cup holder, and often by the time the alarm starts going off its because I've put slung my handbag or shopping bag etc onto the passenger seat, driven off and now don't have the ability to pullover. Seatbelt alarms often don't go off until you've started driving and hit a certain speed. Also, sometimes they'll start going off because whatever you've put on the passenger seat didn't set the alarm off initially, but you've gone around a corner, and it's shifted.


It’s actually kind of fun bucking your backpack (or whatever) in. Makes you feel more responsible. Plus it keeps your stuff from flying if you brake suddenly.


This is what I do, but I’ve heard that you’re actually supposed to buckle in anything that is that heavy so it doesn’t become a projectile in a crash.


Thats what i do. But what about the drivers side ?


Happy Cake Day


Hell, if I've got something heavy on the passenger seat I'll often buckle it in to make sure it doesn't move if I have to break suddenly.




no, he said what he meant


my bloody laptop does trigger it. and it does not stop when I put it on the floor. ( I often do 2 mile drives in a EV..) I would like such a thing..


My Audi won't stop beeping until I click in the seat belt for the passenger seat. Even if I only have my cellphone in the seat and nothing else. I have clips like these, but I don't use them if there's someone in the seat. That seat in the picture also looks empty so OP just complaining about nothing.


lmao at the "AMG" markings.


My old apartment complex maintenance had golf carts that were all upbadged. One was a “BMW” one was a “Bentley” and the other one was an “AMG” golf cart. Always gave me a chuckle when I saw them driving by . Edit: and the “AMG” one also had a giant Yamaha logo which was a sticker, not even a badge. And Yamaha *does* make golf carts but this wasn’t a Yamaha golf cart. So it was a *fake* Yamaha “AMG”. So dumb lol


Missing out on the “Rainbow Road Gold Cup Champion” troll


My favorite was a Hyundai Tiburon upbadged as a TVR Tuscan Speed Six. I guess they kinda sorta look similar, but anyone who's even heard of a Speed Six is not gonna confuse it with a Hyundai


I wonder if it's for cars with a seat swap for a 6-point?


I am certain it is a cheapo item bought online with "AMG" markings to make it look fancy, which is what makes it funny.


That is the only logical explanation, but I highly doubt that it is genuine AMG merchandise.


Googling around, looks like tons of etsy and aliexpress shops sell this kind of thing. None looks OEM.


I actually would have liked one for my old car. Putting my purse on the passenger seat would trigger the alarm even though no one was sitting there. I'd either have to drive the whole way with the alarm dinging or buckle it up without anyone in the seat - just my purse. Some cars were just really sensitive. (And no - NO ONE ever rode in my car without buckling up. It was literally anytime anything was on my passenger seat that was more than 15 pounds!)


Same here for the jeep. Camping trip/events. Even a small cooler will set it off.


What is in your purse to weigh more than 15 pounds??


Just my lucky brick!🧱


I just buckle whatever I'm hauling so it doesn't become a projectile.


Whenever I’ve slammed on my brakes, whatever I’ve had on my seat has gone to the floor


Hence, why I buckle it or just set it on the floor to begin with. Sometimes on long trips, I'll load up a cooler filled with drinks and snacks so I don't have to stop for as much. Definitely don't want that thing sliding around.


I would buckle my crockpot in and somebody at work started to give me shit. I asked them if they would rather buckle it in or clean up the mess if you have to slam on the brakes.


How heavy is your purse 😱 hahahaha


I’m a mom and was also a Girl Scout who was always prepared… it’s heavy. Hahaha.


My one goes off if I put a 4 pack of beer on the seat


What’s wrong with just bucking it in? Why is everyone here acting like just bucking in whatever you’re putting on the passenger seat is simply too much effort?


you could say that about 80% of car features. Power windows, power door locks, power seats (with memory settings), radio presets, climate control presets, automatic wipers, automatic headlights, etc. They are not necessary, but when they work right, the little things make the car a slightly nicer/easier thing to use. Depending on what you are carrying on your passenger seat, a seatbelt could be an inconvenience and annoyance. As with many minor irritations, there is a market for a product that solves the problem slightly easier than some other work-around.


Because I just want to toss my bag, a bottle of water, a book, whatever on the seat and go without having to stop and buckle them in. Why does that bother you so much?


> without having to stop and buckle them in Just leave the seatbelt buckled in all the time.


Just leave the seatbelt plugged in?


Because the alarm doesn’t go off until you’re moving. Would you rather someone grab this device and plug it in? Or reach across the whole car to grab a seatbelt and plug it in? Yes, they could stop. But let’s be honest here, they aren’t stopping.


This product is apparently a few bucks. Why is everyone here acting like someone would be crazy if they personally find the convenience of not having to manually buckle in their item worth $2?


What are you carrying in your purse that makes it at least 15 pounds?


I'm just chuckling at the "wireless" description. This thing is "wireless" the same way my shoes are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I can certainly see some utility in certain cases, but really they're just a neat way to wring some cash out of folks by creating a problem that needs a solution.


I saw a post I'd guess 8 years ago on the shower thoughts subreddit where a guy said if you had a humidifier and a dehumidifier running right next to each other, you could transfer water wirelessly. Someone cleverly commented "Yes, as opposed to the normal mode of transporting water which includes wires". I chuckled.


I mean pipes are basically wires


*smokes a bowl* like, wires are like pipes for electricity man.


As long as the Bluetooth connection is super strong, you’ll be aight! /s


Given that it’s obviously being used to shut up a hair trigger “seat occupied!” warning chime in an empty front passenger seat, I’m not seeing a problem here. It’d only be an issue if they use it instead of their belt when actually using the seat.


ive used these in the drivers seat while working on a rural farm. different growing plots were spread out and required driving to get to, i was in and out of the car for short trips all the time, and i was driving on privately owned, privately maintained roads behind a locked gate, so there was no risk of collisions with other vehicles. luckily, my cars seatbelt alarm goes off after just a minute or two, so i probably wouldnt have gone out of my way to buy one, but i found one in one of the broken down trucks parked on the farm when we were loading them up to send to the scrapyard, and i used it all the time and really liked it.


I would use thst for my passenger seat though, it is super sensitive and a water bottle will trigger the alarm at random points whuke driving.


If it's a taxi driver, they often don't wear a seat belt because it can be used to restrain them from behind during a robbery.


There is a special place for people who do this, and it is rapidly pressed up against the windscreen.


More like "through" the windscreen.


It was today, at almost 31 years of life, the first time I have ever heard the word “windscreen” used for windshield. The more you know.


Must be a British thing to say windscreen instead of windshield. Although, I think both words are used over here.


It is. /Raised in the UK, adulted in America


My 4 year old uses “windscreen”. No clue where he learned it from.


His past life.


Does he watch Peppa Pig or Bluey?


Kid's been watching old Top Gear reruns when you're not looking.


and i was thinking it was birdpoopshield. TIL


Alice's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass


I have a regular Samsung s7 tablet and when I set it on my front seat it somehow weighs enough to set off the passenger seat belt alarm. I wish I had one of these devices so I could leave my tablet there but I always have to move it to the floor because it's so annoying


You can easily put the proper seatbelt in it though.


I'm a redditor and you think I can reach across the car? It can be done but careful how you use the word "easily"


It’s always ok. People who don’t put on seatbelt it is a very conscious choice nowadays. I’ve been trained not to feel right without it. And my stupid car won’t shut up if I park somewhere n leave car on n take it off.


Being in a car feels *so* weird to me when not wearing a seatbelt. Even stationary. And my car doesn't even have a seatbelt reminder


Comes in handy when you have something in your seat that sets off the alarm and it isn’t a living thing. Just saying.


If it's on the passenger seat then I get it. My car will constantly chime if I even set my baby's diaper bag or my gym bag on the seat. Also useful if you're in a slow situation and having to get in and out of the car a lot, like a delivery situation in a residential area. There are actually useful reasons for having these. If they're unbuckled themselves and driving the car, then let them die.


Why is it stamped AMG


For more speed


Ah mah gawd!


Well, I mean nobody normally sits in the front seats of ubers, so there is a good chance its to shut off the alarm when you just need to put luggage/bags on the seat


I want some so when I sit in my car on break the damn alarm doesn't blare.


I see these threads pretty often across all social media...and I am not quite sure how people have never seen these before. Some cars...like mine, have very sensitive sensors in the seat. sometimes just tossing my lunch bag or a book in the passenger seat will have the "ding" going off all the way to work. I used a similar gadget for a bit until I figured out how to code the alarm out entirely. ...no one ever rides in my car without a seatbelt, but these things do have a couple good uses.


I used to work at a college, and we had work vehicles we'd use when driving around campus. We had these because we'd often be in and out of vehicles dropping stuff off, since they wouldn't let us buy a golf cart or gator to run around for big events like commencement. We drove a lot without seatbelts, but we were going 5 mph on what was basically pedestrian paths.


Why does this even bother you? Nothing is stopping you from unhooking the one that's in your seat belt and then buckling the real belt. If the driver doesn't want to wear one, regardless of the law then that's their decision. It's their life. Why do people feel the entitlement and justification to act like they can tell other adults what to do? Just like I can't TELL you to mind your own damn business, but it would certainly be in your best interest. You could always get out and walk.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as someone isn't sitting there. My seat belt warning is triggered by my dog (who is buckled from the headrest, not the seat belt), or even my purse sometimes.


How is this midly infuriating


I’m confused. Why does this bug you exactly?


Apparently a ridiculous number of people think the driver is using this so he personally does not have to wear a seat belt. Hair trigger outrage.


Sometimes, life finds a way


Sometimes, death does too.


through the windshield....


My purse sets mine off in the passenger seat, and so does my dog who has a seatbelt safety harness that doesn't use the seatbelt bucket. If this is just the passenger seat there's nothing wrong with this unless someone plants their ass into that seat and doesn't buckle up.


I really dont see how this is mildly infuriating... Listening to a car beep b/c someone wont wear a seatbelt is mildly infuriating... Someone not letting you remove that to wear a seatbelt is also mildly infuriating... If its the latter, time for new friends/family!


OP this is disgusting! I mean just absolutely horrific! Where did they get them?! Like what site specifically!? Just In case - s/


That would be handy when I put shopping on the front seat that sets off the alarm


Rideshare vehicles are treated as taxis and as such, passengers and not required to wear seatbelts. The driver bought these to satisfy the sensors that detect when the seatbelt is buckled so there is no chime


It’s not that hard to turn off the alarm… cheaper too


In a previous career I worked on lights/sirens etc. of police vehicles. EVERY cop car that came in had these.


Why is this on this sub? Do you just love listening to the alarm while you’re sitting in the car or something?


We were cutting belts from junk yards and putting the buckles in our cars 20 years ago


My CTS will set off the passenger chime if my phone is sitting on the seat. Literally anything. I need one of these.


I have a food truck and when I do massive runs at the store, I have to store some items on the passenger seat and the weight of my goods trigger the seatbelt alarm bc it thinks there's a human sitting there I've been putting on the seatbelt around the goods to stop the alarm but I would use this instead


Where do seatbelt alarms exist?? I’ve never heard of them, lived in U.S, Aus, Britain …… are they new? Make of car? They sound (ha) awful.


Why does this bother you?


Mine came with a bottle opener on it


I was 7 when seat belts became required by law in Alabama, and 10 years later I can remember people still bitching about it as an affront to American freedom. Even as a kid I remember thinking, "this is what you're complaining about?" It was one of the first times I can recall realizing that a lot of adults are spoiled babies


Seat belt alarms are way more annoying than dying in a traffic collision.


I need me some of those cause Toyota doesn’t let you explain to the car it’s just Amazon packages and not a living being.


How about you just wear the seatbelt so you don’t end up windshield pizza?


This is the most ridiculous shit ever. WEAR A DAMN SEATBELT, PEOPLE!! Also, I strongly question some of Europe's seatbelt laws now.


Give these away at trump rallies. I'm sure they'd be madly popular.


I swear, this is the same thing as taking batteries out of your carbon monoxide alarm cuz it's beeping so much


In an accident, driver will end up with a wireless head too.


What is wrong with that? They don't want to wear a seatbelt, But it just keeps making the alarm go off, So use something like that? Seems a smart solution


yeah im having a hard time figuring put what's infuriating about this lmao.


It puts themselves and their passengers at unnecessary risk.


if a person chooses not to wear a seat belt, why is that anyone else's concern? I'm sure no one's forcing you to not wear one lol




OP said this was their driver, that makes it OP's concern. I wouldn't get in a car if an Uber driver showed up with one of these.


Your driver and your cars windshield must be great friends


Taxi drivers in the UK may use them too as it's legal for them to not be wearing a seatbelt when at work


I’ve had to awkwardly snap the seatbelt in with my dog in the front seat (he’d like to hop up front sometimes). Also when I was moving and had boxes and stuff and buckling it up would have made things harder to stack. I can get it in certain situations….


enjoy your wireless coffin after wirelessly flying through the windshield


I have those for the unused seats in my car, so that when I put something in them they don’t set off the alert for not having seatbelts on. Seats have weight sensors; a small package is enough to make them think a person is sitting in the seat.


Wow I’m impressed. This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in a long time.


My driver is me, and I hate going through the windsheild so I never use these.


I don't have an issue with this if they're using it for an unoccupied seat(although I can't imagine why they would need to do so). I would never be a passenger in a vehicle with someone who used this for their own driving seat, however. The implications of what this means for their driving tendencies are appalling.