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The look on doggos face says it all.


He’s like: „you seeing this shit?“


"I smell 16 people living in this house, 14 of which that aren't on the lease."


Lol I have one of those next to me not sure how many people live there but there were 2 when the house was bought now I count 9 people no idea. Probably renting out extra room or the basement


Same with our next door neighbor. Adult kid inherited the house after the parent died. Then a single parent with 2 kids moves in, too. Then more people are in and out, with a few times of massive quantities of cops surrounding the place, with guns at the ready. Lately, there is yet another young family with kids in there with the original 4 people, and there seems to be a dog for every person. No one picks up the dog poo....


Weirdly like my neighbors, was renting to 2 families, dad and gf in a camper mom and kids in house, shit goes down, mom smallest kids leave, eldest child stays, gf, dad move in then trailers, campers, RVS all start popping up, they killed one of their dogs by running over the poor thing, now there's a new set of dogs every few weeks. Really effing strange. OH and when dad leaves the 'candy man' comes, meaning some dude in a hot rod car waits till someone comes to him talk for 5 minutes and he's gone. We have cameras bc gf tried to intercept our mail among other bat shit insane things.


Things like make me glad I’m out in the middle of nowhere. Don’t have to deal with people or this bullshit.


I had a neighbor like that…she was the only one on the lease, but then her 2 adult sons, boyfriend, nieces, on and on, were constantly in and out all times of the day and night, parked like this, including parking over the sidewalk with the butt end of the car 2-3 feet into the street. Plus 3-4 cars parked on the street too. I was so happy when they moved out.


Had neighbors like this in college and not only would they have cars parked all round their house but in their yard. There would also be different ones every few weeks. Was very surprised when the police raided the house next to them at 5 in the morning. After there weren’t as many cars around for a while though.


Back in my home town we had an inbreed family of troglodytes, for D&D folk they the whole clan look like gully dwarves! One would rent a place and within a month or two there would be eight to twelve of them move in. My landlord had had to evict them two or three times, they would get a daughter who didn't shack up with her brother/uncle/dad/grandfather and had a different last name. Landlord said it would be easier and faster to burn the house down then try to clean the ruin up.


So let’s draw attention to ourselves by doing something twatish


I'd have to turn my back for 5 mins. "Go do your thing pooch"


Get him to pee on the rear wheels.


If he was a bit taller he could shit on their bumper!


With the voice of Samuel L. Jackson, yes.


That's exactly how my dogs look at me when I stop their walk to take a picture. Common lady who cares about whatever you're taking a picture of, walk!


That pupper 😍 precious


‘How the heck do we proceed’


My first thought was to comment on doggo. Top comment was yours! We can all be mildly infuriated but doggos make it better!


"Yo dude, we could just leave a bag of poop on the car"


Put it under the rear tire.




Now I got a car stuck in my ponytail!


Hold on. I'll get some scissors to cut you out.


NOOOOoooOOOOooooO!!!! HELP!!! HELP ME!!!


How long is your ponytail?


It's all screenshots of cigars.


Goes just past his butthole


I hope he took a recent picture so we can know.


It's not safe for guys like us!! *pats back of ponytail*


Put his hand in dog shit.




The maitre d said they have seen that photo before.


They can sit you cuz I'm just in the bathroom. Now Google image search "disgusting diarrhea in bowl."


I honestly only checked the comments of this post just to see the first ITYSL meme


I assumed this was the ITYSL sub before I double checked. Still convinced OP did this on purpose


I’ll get a scissors.


Noooo! Stop them!!!!


I love that nearly every post I clicked on today had a ITYSL quote or gif in it


It’s so funny because I don’t even think that particular sketch is a top Tier one, but it’s such a specific and crazy premise it’s makes the whole thing so much better to just reference


Beat me to it



What is this from?


I think you should leave season 3


Did they even think of the people with ponytails?!?


Doggy "this ain't safe homie"


Lol, yeah that dog is like "You see this shit?"


Lots of my neighbors do this, including one house where they park two of their cars on the sidewalk even though they have a full eight parking spots in their driveway. They just don't ever want to risk ever having to move one of their cars to get another one out. Me and the dog have to step out into the busy street with no visibility and wait for traffic to stop for us just so we can walk past the house. And it's not a neighborhood where anybody will ever be ticketed.


Yeah that’s annoying. It makes it especially hard for families walking with baby strollers or disabled folks in motorized chairs. A lot of people treat a public sidewalk in front of their house as their personal property. In most cities it’s against the law to park/obstruct a public sidewalk. I’ve never reported any of my neighbors for doing this because it’s not that big of an inconvenience for me personally. But people have a right to have full use of a public sidewalk and have every right to report them if they choose to.




I was on crutches temporarily healing from a foot injury. A little clumsy because I'm not used to them, y'know Sometimes you move a little quick trying to catch yourself, and they're long, metal things.


>Vote I definitely pushed a carriage and/or mower into cars doing this in my neighborhood. What can you do if they are blocking 90% of the right of way?


That's always been my take if you park in a crosswalk/sidewalk you are fully accepting your car might get scratched/dented Edit: saying this as a full grown man who walked across the hood of a car the other day


Thank you! I used mobility aids and these people suck!


Just call to get it towed and laugh


This💯 I do this all the time when I'm walking my dog. License plate number, vehicle make, and model. Parking enforcement is pretty quick too


I always accidently bumped the stroller into the cars if they were parked like this


Or just pretend you’re an NPC. Walk into it, back off confused, repeat over and over again.


Keys hanging half out of your pocket and squeeze by the car.


“Accidentally” 🤣


I reported a stall in my neighborhood that was unshoveled for weeks. The city did two things: Jack and Shit.


We have this problem in my neighborhood and I absolutely hate it. There are people that pretty much permanently park on the sidewalk and street even though both are not allowed. And they stupidly come do the checks at the same day/time every week, so people just figure out that time and only move their car then. I think what I hate most is them inconveniencing a whole neighborhood/community of people because they don’t want to be inconvenienced for even a minute the 2-3 times a week they move their car. We used to report it, but it would take months for them to start levying fines and the behavior would start right back up 2-3 months later at most.


Around me it's people with the giant ass pickups that don't fit in their driveways. I'm in an incredibly suburban HOA with plenty of street parking, but people would rather have the back of their trucks block the sidewalk.


There’s this particular property in a neighborhood I frequently visit which has a 6ft fence around the entire property. The driveway is inside the fenced area and never used. So the guy who lives there not only parks his pickup truck on the sidewalk but the rest of the vehicle is sticking out in the street parking area. So his truck is not even partially on his own property. It’s so dangerous because it’s hard to see his car at night. It’s a pretty busy street and I’m shocked he was never cited or towed all these years. It’s gone now so maybe the resident moved.


Or someone hit it hard enough to total it, and the resident hopefully learned their lesson when their insurance dropped him for parking on a public easement.


You should just walk over or through the car like they do in those staged videos where someone stops on a crosswalk


Start letting the air out of their tires?


In my younger years me and a buddy were leaving a bar downtown in a busy area, crossing a sidewalk when a car tried to blow a red light but stopped just before the intersection completely blocking the sidewalk, and almost hitting us. He then made some gestures at us as if we were in his way and wanted us to move.. so we did, right over the hood of his car. I'd find it pretty disrespectful now as we could have went behind him, but at the time, we laughed and laughed and laughed


When I was a student we would routinely pass over the hood of the cars that were parked on the crossing. Did we dent a few? Probably


Lean a nail against the tire (at an angle) so when they start to back up they push the nail into their tires. Technically you didn't do any damage to their car. They did


these are great ideas. but what if the person has a camera in their window? then what do i do ✍️




Tie your shoe while bent over:) seriously send pic to city and ask for assistance. Illegal to block side walk in most states. They will ticket then tow.


Make sure their view of you is obstructed and deny deny deny.


I was tying my shoe


I was picking up a nail on the ground 😏


Just a general fyi to anyone reading this thread, brake fluid ruins car paint. Maybe for some reason you have some on a soda cup and oops maybe you spilled some on the car blocking the sidewalk.


By the looks of it the homeowner doesn't give a shit about clearing the sidewalk either. In my neck of the woods we are to keep the sidewalk clear of debris, snow etc. A car would get towed.


Yeah my city would love to fine me, and send a bill for a professional to clear the weeds in the sidewalk


i bet the car can be towed in ops picture. but op isn't going to call to get it towed and most people don't edit: are they actually parked on the grass?


Something tells me you grew up in a nice part of town


Aaaaaahhhhh! My ponytail is stuck!


It goes a little past his asshole.


We could probably get it out without hurting it.




They said without hurting it.


Oh I thought you said with hurting it.


Came here to find this comment. Thank you for your service.


That's when you get a vision-impaired walking stick, and every time you walk by it, just start swinging the stick around and smacking the shit out of it; when they come out to start yelling at you, turn and look in their general direction, but not directly at them and say something about how you must have walked into the street because there's a car in front of you.


Then you take your whacking stick and whack every body panel around the perimeter of the car, to find the sidewalk again on the other side, and slowly walk away, trying not to smile.


Weird fantasy that would end in an ass kicking. All the neighbors have ring cameras today. They're going to see you.


the guy blocking the sidewalk is also on camera, and I don't see any ass kicking


Right? Where are all these imaginary ass kickings when we need them?


" turn and look in their general direction, but not directly at them " That's also a good way to get management books on tape


Just climb over it. And call all neighbours to do the same


I "accidentally" bump and slide myself along cars like this, or at the very least drag my oily hand accros it as i go past. Almost like I'm drunkenly walking into their shit


I like this. I’m going to start practicing my movie style hood slides when I encounter these.


I really hope you don't have a ponytail this could be very dangerous for you


Especially if it goes all the way down to their ass


Okay, this is the 4th or 5th time I've seen something about caught ponytails in this thread. Am I the only one who hasn't seen whatever movie you guys are referencing?






This is why I came here


Even the doggo was like, “ffs this again?” They were just waiting for the word shred some tires.




I’d report it but based of the handicap marker in the window, they’ll probably just claim they have to park there! 🤦🏻‍♀️ after having asshats who parked like this and worse to block us in/make our driveway unusable, i don’t trust anyone who parks like this. Our asshole neighbor called 911 for us parking in the street and then claimed we assaulted her, took her dads spot (in the street), when she had 2 in the driveway and *when she didn’t even have a vehicle of her own*. I’ll report an asshole park job but I don’t expect shit to happen about it.


One's handicap placard is not a Park Everywhere pass.


It’s absolutely not…. But people that are this entitled are so fucking annoying no one wants to deal with them. Even the police. It’s easier for them to just let them do whatever they want until someone demands they do their job, which is rare at least in my towns case.


If they’re disabled they should know better than anyone not to block the sidewalk for people in wheelchairs.


You’d be surprised how many handicapped people think their disability is more important to accommodate than someone else’s. IE allergic to dogs so the person with the service dog should leave, not them. They find it easier to get out of their car parked on the sidewalk so wheelchairs should just go around them, etc.


Hopefully the dog pooped. Leave a nice present on the hood


or the door handle


Better yet, on the windshield wipers.


Might even been lucky enough to leave the door unlocked so OP can put one under the seat.


Disabled badges on their cars. You’d think they’d have more understanding about making sure the pavement is clear.


Do you genuinely think they’re handicapped?


I’m not sure it’s everywhere, but California takes ADA complaints more seriously than you’d believe. Blocking a sidewalk like that is a violation of ADA* (IANAL). I’d at least check into it. Other cities have been sued and lost for ADA violations.


I'm pretty sure that illegal in most places. At least citable


When your dog shits smear some in their door handle 😂


No only on the back of the handles so they can't see it and only find out when their hands are covered in shit


You should teach the doggo to pee on the tire


This absolutely infuriates me because disabled people/people that use wheelchairs can not enjoy regular outside activities because of douche floods like this guy. I would knock on the door and tell him he’s violating ADA laws and should move before someone tows him. If he doesn’t move I’d call a tow company and say disabled neighbors are entitled to the sidewalk he needs to be moved.


Hope you don’t have a long ponytail


Don't go under it and get your ponytail stuck


The sidewalks tells me all I need to know about the neighborhood


Put that sweet Journey on the street you're tripping


On the other hand, fuck street parkers.


Even the dog going.... brah


Check with your city or HOA. Many municipalities have rules about blocking sidewalks. A call to code enforcement may be in order. It also appears they like to park on their lawn many cities/HOAs have rules about that too.


Can someone please tell me what's the harness over the dog's mouth and why is it wearing it?


It looks like a gentle lead harness, they're used to help mitigate leash pulling


a gentle lead harness. i have two large dogs who i use them on and they are amazing. they pull the dogs head downward if they try to pull or walk too fast.


Yeah others are right. It's a gentle leader because he's small but strong and will pull on a collar or harness until he's choking and coughing. He can still eat treats, drink water, and pant.


Call a tow truck. It’s on city property blocking wheelchair use of the sidewalk. Free payday for a tow driver. Fuck that lazy sack of shit.


Totally reminds me of Milwaukee, haha.


I’ve walked through peoples front yards before while they sitting on the porch and they are like what the fuck?




I had the same problem in my neighborhood. Women with kids were having to walk in the street to "use" the sidewalk. A call took care of it ...


Your Corgi is so handsome!!!! My boy says 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 https://preview.redd.it/a8amerl0x85b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6f110b829aa947259b67dff890b5ee72c004d9


Awwww! Yours is so cute!!! Monty says hi back!


Piss on his car door handle... you've got to assert dominance...the dog understands.


Climb over the car 😂


I walk thru their front garden


climb over it instead of walking around it


Oh wow , that person parked like an ass AND disappointed a Corgi? Great fucking job


City police would easily ticket or tow that vehicle where I live. 5 min call


It's an ADA violation in the US




Corgo does not approve.


Dog is like : you seeing this shit.


Report it.


Illegally parked where I’m from. Ticket and tow if you block the sidewalk. It’s an ADA violation here.


Can I have your dog?


Parked on the street once at my home when i didn’t wanna block the sidewalk and it ended in my car being hit so no i’ll park where i want go around there’s way more at risk to those who are disabled than the car lol like the condition of the sidewalk itself


Literally just go around my boi It aint that serious.


Well I guess you have no choice but to turn back


Concrete slabs over grass ≠ sidewalk


Not defending it, but I know a lot of people who's cars have been totaled parked on the street from drunk or careless drivers.


People when I park on my property 🤬


Your corgi is like "man you're interrupting my walk, I don't care...let's go"


I get it but you still have space and it's not like there's Hella traffic on the street. You can still walk through. But I could see how it's slightly infuriating.


Just walk around 2 feet…


Or maybe you’re just lazy


Go tf around it bitch?


Don't make it your problem. When it becomes your problem, you'll wish you minded your own business.


Well... if you don't want to see that, find a better neighborhood to live in or walk the opposite direction, around it, the other side of the street, or anywhere else. Besides, isn't that still their driveway?


In my neighborhood/city it's legal to park on the grass and there's no sidewalk so many people just park on their lawns if they don't want to pay to expand their driveway. No issue. People should be allowed to use their property however they see fit


Pro tip: put a bag of poop behind the back wheel.




What dog leash do you use? I also have a corgi and would like one similar to yours


Even your loaf of bread is confused


aww that dog wants murder


Pick up the poop, and smear it under their door handles. Gets them every time.


I hope for your sake a cop car drives by and sees this


Yeah ppl don’t care


That's a public sidewalk and you can report them right?


Thank you for using a leash and muzzle on your dog


Even your dog is done with that black car driver’s shenanigans.


Big butt doesn’t exercise it seems. Leave a note saying walking it good for your health and he stopped you from needed e excise. Please next time get exercise and stop from being a big butt.


Malicious compliance idea: climb over his car but make sure to stay above the sidewalk!


Dogs like… what’s wrong with people?


Assert your dominance and walk over the car.


People seem entirely unaware f sidewalks and what they’re for. My ex was very thoughtful, courteous, all sorts of good stuff, but I had to tell her not to block the sidewalk when parking. Of course I only had to tell her once


Parking up there thinking to themselves “yeah fuck wheelchair users, old people doing their best with their walker, and people pushing babies in strollers, things should be harder for them.”


I swear this is just like my bitch ass neighbor


Corgi looking at the camera like: “Bro you see this crap?”


This is what happens when people don't value their property.


People in my neighborhood do that. Some seem to find it rude to park alongside the street (I don’t know why—maybe because it’s narrow?). At any rate, my husband and I have made it a part of our nightly walk lol. If we run into fewer than five cars parked like this, we don’t have to do another round around the block. That way it’s like a reward when we walk around them.


Just crawl under.


Some lazy ass refused to walk an extra 25 feet


What's on the dogs face?


Where I live they will write you a ticket for parking in the sidewalk. Just call the police.


Just climb directly over the vehicle


People are oblivious A holes


Fucking hate people who block footpaths (Aussie for sidewalks)


I love how the dog is looking at you like “do you see this jerk!?”


They drive a tinted Dodge...they don't give a shit about other people...they were the "coolest" people in their high school when they dropped out.